The Way Home (2023) s03e04 Episode Script

I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song

ELLIOT : Previously,
on The Way Home.
There are holes, and someone's
poking at them.
Yes, I will move in with you!
I just don't see how you can
abandon your daughter right now.
And what about Jacob?
JACOB : You know
nothing of how evil
Cyrus Goodwin really was.
- Oh my God.
- What makes you such an expert?
- Because I lived it!
- Do you have feelings
- for Colton?
- I have loved him
- since forever.
- ALICE: He wrote this
to Evelyn,
but she never read it.
So they both knew
about the pond.
- Not a disco fan?
- It's not music.
I mean, unless you're
tone-deaf or something.
Perfect timing.
KAT: Are you implying
that Casey's from the future?
- You think I'm reaching.
- 65 thought they died,
65 still alive
What about a year? 1965?
Could this have something
to do with what Fern
was talking about?
Alright, there we go.
Snug as a bug.
- You sure we're safe, Dad?
- Hmm?
Nothing out there
is gonna get us?
No way, kiddo.
Sleeping out here
under the stars
is just pure magic.
You'll see.
Nothing can hurt you
out here, Jakey.
I promise. Okay?
- I love you.
- Love you, too.
Your family's gone.
You left them with me.
That's the kind of alarm clock
I could get used to.
Wait, wait, wait.
What's happening?
- Come back!
- Gotta get up.
You agreed to have breakfast
at your mom's,
and I gotta finish
setting up my classroom.
How did summer go by so fast?
These last few days together
haven't been enough.
Do you think maybe we can just
skip past the part
where we go back to real life
and get boring?
Just stay here?
We could,
but we'd get pretty hungry.
Plus, you and me? Boring?
- Okay.
- Wait, wait, wait.
What do I
How, how about I make breakfast?
I thought you wanted me to stay.
Alright, fine. Just let
the record show that I oppose.
Uh hey, maybe before we go,
we could pick up some of these
clothes we lost track of?
Is that a sexy way
of asking me to unpack?
Did it work?
- Good morning.
- Hi, Del.
Well, look who's
come up for air.
Well, I was forced
to take a breath.
I sure do love it when
my girlfriend and her mom
about my love life.
You haven't checked
the mail in a while.
- I've been busy.
- Well, you could stop
disapproving of my life choices.
That might free up
some time for you.
How was your night, honey?
It was fine.
Hey. Come here, you.
I need a whiff
of the good stuff.
- Come here.
- Mom, you're so weird.
- Oh, hey.
- You better be careful.
This weirdo was gonna take
you back to school shopping today.
- Wait, really?
- Not so weird anymore, huh?
Mmm, I'm torn between
shopping and the truth.
- Okay, I gotta run.
Thanks for the coffee, Del.
I'll see you tonight?
Yeah, of course. Oh.
See you tonight.
Oh yeah, just a minute.
It's Lewis Goodwin.
He wants to speak to you.
Fine. Goodbye.
Well, what did he want?
Uh, he He wants to meet.
To discuss some kind
of important matter.
Wants me to come to Lingermore.
Oh, are you sure that's
a good idea after everything?
No. But I'm going to go, Kat.
So how's it been with me
not being around so much?
- You doing okay?
- Yeah, fine, honestly.
Hasn't really been
that different. Like at all.
Oh. Okay. That's good.
I mean, you've missed me like
a little bit though, right?
Sure. But you're just
across the field.
- What's wrong?
- Are we actually
going shopping? I thought
that was code for the pond.
What? No!
I mean, come on.
We can actually do things
together that don't involve
time travel, right?
Right. I just figured you
spent the last few days like me,
obsessing over that flyer?
Fine, yes. I cannot
stop thinking about it.
So forget shopping!
A jump in the pond is way
more on brand for us anyway.
Are you sure you're ready
to do that? I mean,
- after Rick and everything?
- Yeah.
It's not gonna let me go
until I face it.
And it's better if I face it
with you.
- Alright, you ready?
- Ready.
- One
- Three.
Uh, sorry, that's me.
Just a sec.
You know, you're making me
regret replacing your phone
- after you got pushed in.
- It's Noah.
Hi. Yeah, I'm still up for it.
I know. Me too.
Okay, I have to get going,
'cause my mom and I are bonding.
Um, but yeah. Okay.
See you tonight.
So where is he taking you?
You seemed very excited.
I mean,
the way you were smiling,
I wish I could've taken
a picture.
Mom, can we please just jump?
Of course.
Okay. Are you ready?
[TOGETHER]: Two Three.
You are gonna love
your great-great-grandmother.
I mean, she's a little
left of center but still,
she's very
- Who's that?
- It's Evelyn.
Mom, I should go check on her.
We don't know how long it's been
since Rick died
and the memorial.
She was really hurting.
Well, what about us
taking this trip together?
- Bonding, remember?
- I know, I'm sorry.
But we can divide and conquer?
You find out what Fern
knows about 1965,
and I'll learn more
about the hidden messages.
Okay. Alright.
I'll see you at home.
"I know about your family.
Soon, they all will."
Tell them, Delly.
- Tell Kat and Jake.
- I can't.
- Why?
- They've already been through
so much.
I don't want them
to have to carry that fear.
What if I can't protect
our kids, Cole?
I'm leaving.
To go to Lingermore.
I'm coming with you.
She looked down to Lancelot
Out flew the web
and floated wide
Her mirror cracked
from side to side
The curse has come upon me,
cried The Lady of Shalott.
- Enjoying the performance?
- Uh, I didn't want
- to interrupt.
- No, not at all, Alice.
I have been trying
to conjure you up for weeks.
Where have you been?
Dig the costume?
Have you ever read
The Lady of Shalott?
It's a bleeding heart on a page.
A fair maiden is trapped
in a tower
in love with a knight,
and she can only watch him
through a mirror. She's cursed.
Are you okay?
Why would I not be okay
when there's poetry like this
in the world?
You should come back with me.
It's criminal that you haven't
been to Lingermore.
My old castle full of secrets.
And Colton's coming today.
He'd love to see you.
Yeah, I'm in.
- Were you in the pond?
- Yes. I mean, uh
You don't have
to explain anything.
I know what you know.
The pond is a very
special place.
- You feel it too, right?
- Yeah. I do.
Come on.
Well, look what the cat
dragged in. Another Kat.
I was just dropping off
some old magazines
I found digging through
the junk stores.
Fern loves 'em, especially
the ones from the 20s.
I didn't know you were close
with the Landrys.
Oh, yeah. Fern and I
go way back.
She was one of the first people
to welcome me to town back in '65.
Even got me that
job at the town council, too.
You were here? In 1965?
So you must know
everything about that time.
Mm-hmm. Question is,
what don't I know?
EVELYN: Home sweet home.
Kind of spooky, right?
Yeah. This place
is definitely full of ghosts.
No sense in wasting time.
Let's see what
this is all about.
Ms. Landry. Jacob.
Glad you could make it.
Welcome to Lingermore.
EVELYN: Mom and dad
wanted to preserve it.
Keep the original
feel of the place.
This is my favourite
part of the tour. These murals.
Wow. How have I never
seen these before?
Or something like these,
I mean. It's beautiful.
I know. It's so far out.
This was probably painted
like 100 years ago.
Who is that?
The woman in white?
I wish I knew.
Maybe a ghost,
maybe the town's
infamous white witch? But look
The children
aren't scared of her.
I don't think
she's haunting them.
She's protecting them.
This is the reason
I brought you here.
- Please, try it.
- It's not poisoned, is it?
Of course not.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
It's good.
It's fine, I guess.
Would you believe it's
from New Brunswick?
And mine will be even better.
I have a business proposition
for you, Jacob.
Because you have quite
a reputation around here,
elevating your family's produce
with your
- new age farming techniques.
- It's hardly new,
I'm just doing what
our family's been doing
- for generations.
- I'd like to hire you.
As a consultant.
Apply your knowledge
to my vineyards. I mean,
your husband and my mother
I know were good friends once.
I'd like that again
with a new generation.
It certainly didn't seem
like that at the book launch.
I was out of line.
I apologize.
I'm confused.
Last year you rescinded
on buying our land,
so you don't want our land.
But you want my son?
[ECHOING] I'm a businessman.
I want to set the past aside
and work for our future.
DEL: That doesn't answer my question.
Isn't it great?
I found it up in the attic.
It's Cyrus Goodwin himself.
My family's founding father.
Yes. I know.
Sorry. Um, what?
I was asking if we had a deal.
Apparently, our founding
father did all his deals
in here. I feel it. Can you?
A sense that this room is where
important things happened.
WOMAN: Stop it!
She spends every day
by that pool alone.
But better her out there
than in here
interfering with my life.
[Waterloo by ABBA]
Waterloo ♪
I was defeated
you won the war ♪
Waterloo ♪
Promise to love you
Forevermore ♪
Can I help you?
Sorry, I was just
looking for Evelyn.
Come on, Landry. Carpe diem.
Actually, you can help me.
We got off on
the wrong foot at The Cove.
You mean the night you told me
I had horrible taste in music?
- Yeah, about that. Um
- Hey, have you heard
- these guys? ABBA?
- Yeah, sure.
- But Delilah, look
- They just won Eurovision.
You know, this song.
I just can't stop
listening to it.
I think they really
got something.
What do you think of them,
Look, I've been an idiot.
I want to make it up to you.
Let me show you around.
Give you a tour of all
of Port Haven.
What do you think?
Well, I think
that you didn't answer
my question.
Are you gonna answer mine?
Evelyn! Oh, hey, Alice.
Guess what? I've got a date
with Delilah Watson!
- Yeah, we heard.
- So I can't hang today,
- but you understand, right?
- Of course, yeah.
- It's copacetic.
- Alright. You're the best!
- Want to do something else?
- Yeah.
We should do what
Colton's doing.
What he said he'd do after Rick.
- Live big, take risks.
- What do you mean?
I mean, we should spy
on that date. Let's go.
PAST JACOB: Let go of me!
Let go of me right now,
I demand you!
Did you really think
the British were coming for you?
No, no.
Your fate will be much worse.
Welcome to Lingermore.
- Are you alright?
- I can't be here.
I can't do this.
Not with that man.
Not that family.
Just please, take
a deep breath. I understand.
- You don't understand.
- Then help me.
Ah, there you are.
If you need time
to think about it
Well, it is a lot to think about
and I, I appreciate it.
We will get back to you.
Thank you.
Here it is.
- What are those?
- Recordings.
Town council meetings
I had to transcribe.
You looking
for something specific?
Yes. Um, it was a meeting.
Well, it was a vote, actually.
September 1965?
It was about filling
in Landry Pond.
Right. Why would you
care about that?
Oh, well, I saw it.
The pond, I mean.
And I just cannot understand
why people would want
to ruin such a special spot.
- Right on.
- I can tell that history's alive
for you like it is for me.
Yeah. You could
definitely say that.
Ah, found it.
September 1965.
Ready to go back in time?
Oh, I was born ready.
MAN 1: We have to fill in
that pond.
MAN 2: Why do you think
this meeting was called
- in the first place?
- WOMAN: Fill in the pond!
MAN 1: That pond isn't safe.
Those kids almost drowned.
- Kids almost drowned? Who?
- Shh, just listen.
FERN: Calm down.
This is all ridiculous.
- That's Fern.
- You Goodwins need
to stand down. The pond
is important to my family.
And more than that,
it's on my property.
I can do what I want!
WOMAN 2: Our daughter
could've died!
something to say.
- Is that Evelyn Goodwin?
- Yeah.
She couldn't have been more
than seven or eight.
EVELYN: The pond is special.
It's magic.
And you've got it all wrong,
because I was saved by
YOUNG BOY: Evelyn, stop!
EVELYN: Why? It's fine, Cole.
- That's
- Colton Landry.
FERN: My grandson Colton,
he saved Evelyn.
Things turned out fine.
There should be no vote.
Wait. Wait, wait, can you play that back?
I think I heard something.
EVELYN [FAINTLY]: You saw it.
Um, a little louder?
EVELYN: You saw it too, Cole.
I know you did.
What does that mean?
A boat? Oh, no.
I'm not really a boat person.
They make me nervous.
You'll be fine.
You just don't know
how fun it is 'cause
- Oh!
- You've never been
on a boat with me.
It was supposed to be me
on that boat.
It was always supposed to be me.
Why didn't I tell Colton
how I felt?
I was going to,
that night at Coyle's.
Yeah. I remember.
But with Rick, it just
It didn't feel right
to mix it all together.
It seemed too soon, somehow.
And now, now it's too late.
And it all just hurts so much.
I'm sorry, Evelyn.
But I know
things are going to work out
how they're supposed to.
You think that they won't last?
I think that Colton
would be lucky to date you.
Why don't I stay here with you
'til they get back?
Thanks, Alice.
It's nice to have
someone on my side.
Yeah. That's me. On your side.
Hey. Okay. I have news.
You and Alice
didn't go shopping.
I love your attention
to detail. But no, we went back.
And guess what?
Dad saved Evelyn
from drowning in the pond
when they were kids.
But he didn't get sucked under,
so I mean that makes me think
that maybe,
what if time travel
doesn't work for him?
- Uh-uh?
- Why are you doing that?
Your shoes are leaving marks
on the floor. [CLEARS THROAT]
You're more worried about the floor
than my huge
time travel news?
I'm worried about the floor
and interested
in your huge time travel news.
I contain multitudes.
- I'm gonna go find Alice.
- What? I'm sorry. I
Look, come on, I I
don't care about the floor.
I mean, it's 100-year-old oak.
- Oh, hey. Is Alice here?
- No, I don't know where she is.
She must still be
back there, then.
Back there. You know,
it might be easier
to keep track
of your daughter if you lived
- under the same roof.
- I really don't need that
right now.
I'm already feeling bad enough.
Well, it's not gonna be fun
to pick on you
if you don't defend yourself.
What's the matter?
- I don't know.
- Yes, you do.
And I think it's Alice.
It's just
Since moving in with Elliot,
I've been worried
that Alice is having
a hard time without me.
But she's totally fine.
And I know it's probably silly,
but it hurts, you know?
I just wanna keep her close.
It's not easy being a parent.
Even to adults.
On the one hand,
you want to shelter them,
and the other, you want to
give them their freedom
so they can grow.
Look, honey,
I owe you an apology.
I overreacted to you
moving in with Elliot.
That was me wanting to hold on
to you a little longer.
Truth is, I know that
you two have been ready
for this next step
for quite a while.
Thank you.
And I hope you're right.
What do you mean?
Maybe I was a little
too impulsive.
Shocker, yes. I know. I just
I love living with Elliot,
but what if reality
messes it up?
What if we end up down
the same road
that Brady and I were on?
I mean, just living
as glorified roommates.
I don't want that
for Elliot and I.
Oh, Katherine.
Trust your love with Elliot.
I know from experience,
there is so much beauty
in real life.
It's the small moments
in relationships
that matter the most.
The little gestures.
Not the grand ones.
That's where the love is.
How long does
a dumb boat ride take?
Oh, there they are.
Why didn't you listen?
- Delilah, I'm sorry.
- I told you
- I didn't like boats.
- I thought it would be
calmer out there, okay?
I thought you'd like it!
You have no idea what I like.
You don't know me at all,
so stop pretending like you do.
I'm not pretending!
You're right.
I don't know you, but I want to.
I can't believe I threw up.
I'm so embarrassed.
It's fine. Look, I'm fine.
My shoes are fine.
What can I do to help?
You can't.
Goodbye, Colton.
It didn't work. It's over!
My my ♪
At Waterloo ♪
Napoleon did surrender ♪
Oh yeah ♪
And I have met my destiny ♪
In quite a similar way ♪
The history book
on the shelf ♪
Is always repeating itself ♪
Waterloo ♪
I was defeated
you won the war ♪
Waterloo ♪
Promise to love you
for evermore ♪
Ba-duh, ba-duh,
ba-duh Waterloo ♪
Couldn't escape
if I wanted to ♪
Waterloo ♪
Knowing my fate
is to be with you ♪
- Woah-oh-oh ♪♪
- Okay. Okay, stop. I get it.
was that really
all you thought you had to do
to save this date?
A Landry never gives up hope.
- No Cole, I can't. My breath.
- I don't care, Delly.
I don't care about
anything else.
Why am I here?
Oh, I I'm here for you.
- What?
- Uh, I said I'm here for you.
Come on. Let's go.
Who did that to your back?
- What are you
- Please. Tell me.
It was Cyrus.
He, uh
He didn't just imprison me.
He tortured me.
I would've died, but Kat
she saved my life.
Her and Susanna
nursed me back to health.
That's how I got these scars.
That's what I'm still
dealing with.
Jacob, I'm so sorry.
I know you want me
to stand on my own,
but I am struggling.
The scars might've happened
200 years ago, but for me,
it's only been nine months.
The nightmares, the way
you behaved at Lingermore.
Not wanting to work for Lewis.
I should have known.
I'm broken, Mom.
I don't know if I'll ever heal.
You're not broken, Jacob.
And you will heal.
And I'll be here
to help you, okay?
Alice! Hey!
- Wait!
- Hi! Colton,
- uh, sorry, I was just
- Thanks.
For spending time
with Evelyn today.
Rick's death, it's been
hard on Evelyn and all of us.
Glad she has you.
No problem.
What are you doing here, anyway?
- Were you going for another swim?
- Uh, I really love it.
Evelyn told me that
the pond is special.
And I guess I believe her.
Do you think that's ridiculous?
Okay, I want to tell you
My grandma Fern,
she used to fill my head
with these stories as a kid
about how the pond was magic.
Even told me it could
take someone back in time.
I never took her seriously,
But the day of Rick's funeral,
I jumped in.
Just to see. I thought
if I could go back in time,
I could save him.
But obviously, it didn't work
and I was stupid to believe.
I just thought that if there was
ever a time to hope for magic,
it was that day.
I don't blame you
for wanting to believe.
Sorry, that was a lot
to unload on a stranger.
But I feel like I can trust you.
Like somehow I've known you
longer than I have.
I feel the same way.
Well, I gotta run.
I've got plans with Delilah.
I'm taking her
to a movie at The Roxy.
Wow. Two dates in one day.
It was really special.
Well, good to see you, Alice.
Enjoy the magic.
Do you remember these?
Those are notes
I used to write you.
- Mama mail.
- Right.
That's right. I remember.
You used to slide them
underneath my door
to let me know
that you were there
and that you loved me.
I saved every one of 'em.
After you went missing,
I kept thinking
how much fuller
this box could've been.
How much more Mama Mail
I could've received.
Even after you came back,
all I could think about
was what I'd lost.
I want to focus on
what I do have.
And what I have
is a half-full box of Mama Mail,
and you.
about this job
with Lewis Goodwin.
Ah, Mom.
Look, I'm only
gonna say it once,
just hear me out.
You can take it or leave it.
You would be
good at this job, Jacob.
And you would love it.
It's what you love to do.
And you could do it out there.
Rather than in here.
You are not broken, Jacob.
The scars may be proof
that you suffered,
but they're also proof
that you made it through.
I know that look, but I
think you're gonna like
where I just came from.
And where would that be?
From your first date
with Colton on the boat.
- You saw that?
- Yeah. I was watching
with Evelyn.
It was so romantic, Grandma.
I don't remember
her being there.
But then again, I don't remember
you being there, either.
Well, I was,
and it just goes to show
that sometimes the pond
can be a gift,
'cause I got to see
the exact moment
that you two fell in love.
You know, when he serenaded you
on the docks in front
of everyone?
- Yes, of course.
Hey, you're back. Finally.
Hi, Mom. I was gonna call you,
but I'm kinda late
for plans with Noah.
Oh. Okay. Yeah, no worries.
Maybe we can catch up
while I get ready?
- Bond a bit?
- Yes, I would love to.
You know the moment Alice saw
is not the moment
we fell in love, right?
I know.
- Del, are you okay?
- Let me help.
- Colton, please. I'm fine.
- No, you're not!
Hey, hey, hey. Here, here, here.
These are pressure points
here, see?
When you squeeze it,
it makes you less nauseous.
Makes things a bit more steady.
Is it working?
Yes. It is.
Thank you for steadying me.
Colton, I think I'm gonna
That was the moment we knew.
The small one,
not the grand one.
I'll never forget.
Me neither.
That's a memory just for us.
Do you have a table preference?
Yeah, I don't know.
Trying to be a gentleman here,
you know. Not screw up the whole
official first date thing.
Glad we're doing
this first date thing.
Not playing dumb games
or anything. You know,
if you like someone,
you should just tell them.
So are you saying you like me?
- You okay?
- Yeah, I think I just got a
a mosquito bite,
and it's kinda driving me nuts.
- Can I see it?
- Yeah?
It's supposed to help
stop the itch.
Is it working?
Yeah. It is.
Have you noticed egg shells
have been thinner lately?
- No.
- It's because of avian flu.
Farmers have been losing
so many chickens,
they keep their older hens
producing longer, so
Thin shells.
Kind of cool, right?
Okay. Elliot,
I think maybe we should talk.
[Closing Time by Semisonic]
- Ah?
- Okay, you remember?
- Are you kidding me? Of course.
- You remember this.
- I love this song.
- Closing time ♪
Oh my God.
Let you out into the world ♪
Closing time ♪
Turn all of the lights on ♪
Over every boy
and every girl ♪
Closing time ♪
You don't have to go home ♪
But you can't stay here ♪
I know who I want
to take me home ♪
- Oh my God, the floors.
- Leave it.
- What?
- I don't care about the mess.
I don't care about
anything else.
I guess real life
isn't so bad, after all.
If this is real life,
we should do it more often.
Wait, wait. Elliot, why
Why do you have this?
I found it at the pond
after Alice got pushed.
I guess I just forgot about it
but it's hers, right?
No, this is my dad's from 1999.
That doesn't make sense.
How is it here, in 2025?
I mean, can he time travel
to the future?
Do you think he's trying
to get to us?
- Do you think he's here?
- No, traveling to the future's
- not possible.
- I I gotta go see Mom.
I'm glad we did this.
And honestly, I'm still shocked
that you know how to tap dance.
I was not expecting that.
I'm a basket woven with mystery.
- Noah?
- Max.
Hey. Uh
Alice, this is my best customer,
Max Goodwin.
He just moved to town
with his dad.
- So you're Lewis' son?
- Guilty.
So that means
you're Casey's brother.
I've been trying to reach them,
do you know how to get in touch?
Uh who's Casey?
Your sibling?
Or at least,
that's what they told me.
Sorry, sounds like
someone was lying.
KAT: Okay, if you factor in
what Evelyn said on that tape
as a kid about the pond
being special,
and Dad knowing about it,
plus the hidden messages
where Dad clearly admits
that he knows the pond is magic,
and then now his sweater
shows up in 2025.
I mean, all the signs,
they point to Dad
knowing about the pond.
I mean, are you sure
that he never mentioned anything
- about time travel?
- No! Never.
I mean, Mom. Please.
Just try and think.
I said no, Katherine.
If Katherine's right,
and you knew,
why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you protect our son?
"It's time to let go
of what was lost
and take hold
of what's to come."
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