The West Wing s02e16 Episode Script

Somebody's Going to Emergency, Somebody's Going to Jail

Previously on The West Wing : When did you decide you'd run for a second term? -I didn't make the decision to run again.
-We had a deal.
Andrew Jackson had a big block of cheese.
It's Throw Open Our Office Doors to People Who Want to Discuss Things That We Could Care Less About Day.
Sam? -What day is this? -It's Friday.
I' m sorry, I meant-- I' m sorry.
What time is it? -You sleep here Iast night? -I' m sorry? -You slept here? -I don't have a couch in my office.
Y eah, but you have a bed in your house, right? -I need to change my shirt.
-Maybe you need to go home for a while.
-What are you doing here so early? -T rying to avoid the protesters.
Metro police closed a four-block radius around the World Bank and made Pennsylvania Avenue one-way from M to 21 st.
to Independence Avenue and Constitution's closed between 23rd and the EIIipse.
-Did you take Dupont? -Dupont had two turns closed off with metal barricades and cop cars.
So I took P to Logan Circle, which was also blocked.
So I made a U-turn and doubled back to get on 1 6th where there was a police cordon around the National Geographic Society.
Who has a problem with the National Geographic Society? -That's exactly what I want to know.
-Anyway, I' m gonna change my shirt.
What's going on with the pardon recommendations? They' re coming together.
I've reviewed recommendations from Justice and the OPA, and T ribbey's office had its own.
-How many are you sending in? -Eighteen, I think, now.
Mail fraud, securities fraud and the most bogus drug bust I've ever seen.
-Don't retry the cases.
-I' m not retrying.
I' m reading material I' m supposed to read, I' m making the recommendations.
The guy was tried in Spain and found guilty of a crime - he was too stupid to commit.
-Sam, go home, would you? -No.
I' m just gonna change my shirt.
-You Iook bad.
You' re tired.
-You slept in the office, it's Friday, go.
-Why? Because you' re putting too much faith in the powers of a new shirt.
Josh told me what happened, with your parents.
-Sam? -Y eah.
-My father had affairs.
-Did he? Y eah.
My father didn't pick up a waitress.
He's had a woman in an apartment.
-Yeah? -For 28 years.
How'd he get caught? My father is stupider than the guy in Spain.
So the real question is, how did he not get caught until now? -Yeah.
-I'II see you at the staff meeting Iater.
-Y eah.
-When did you find out? -T uesday.
-You slept here the Iast three nights? -No.
-Seriously, man, go home.
-I' m gonna check the final OPA Iist.
I'II be checking it twice.
See who's been naughty, who's been nice.
-Life goes on, Leo.
Certainly the federal government does.
-Thanks, but Iet's drop it, okay? -Y eah.
They' re expecting trouble at the National Geographic Society? I have no explanation.
Well, those postcards they stick in magazines drive me out of my mind.
-So maybe? -Y eah.
I'II see you Iater.
Hey, Sam.
This is Ginger.
It's 6:35.
I've opened the communications office.
-It's a good speech.
-The Andrew Jackson speech.
-It is a good speech.
-Better every year, but-- -What? -You' re not gonna give it, right? -Sure.
-Why? Because it's Big BIock of Cheese Day, Josh.
Y eah, see, but we know it's Big BIock of Cheese Day and we know why it's called that, so there's no need for the speech.
Except it wouldn't be Big BIock of Cheese Day without the speech.
Well, Iet's find out.
Maybe it would.
-How'd you get to work this morning? -I walked.
-Y eah.
-How is it out there? It's pretty Ioud.
World Policy Studies is holding a forum this morning, I' m gonna send T oby.
-That's a good idea.
-Why? -Because you' re not sending me.
-Look-- Leo, the World Bank and the WT O are international organizations of which the U S.
is one member.
Why isn't Switzerland the one--? They' re not protesting in Switzerland, they' re protesting on 1 8th Street.
And I don't want to be asked how come no one ever met with them.
Well, that seems reasonable.
I can't tell you how relieved I am to have your approval.
-But you' re gonna do the speech.
-Got to.
-Y eah.
-A Iittle thing called team morale.
You gotta make people feel good about themselves.
AII right.
Shut up, everybody, I've fired more people than you before breakfast.
Andrew Jackson, in the main foyer of the White House had a big block of cheese.
The block of cheese was huge-- -Who made these assignments? -This'II go faster if I' m not interrupted.
I' m meeting with the Organization of Cartographers for Social Equality? What do mapmakers have to do with social equality? -I guess you' re about to find out.
-Probably not, because I won't Iisten.
-The block of cheese was huge-- -Excuse me, Leo.
I got NIH research funding for cancer treatment using shark cartilage.
-I'II take that.
-What do you got? -Citizens for D.
-Forget it.
I've got Kemp's Ridley Sea T urtle Society, but I' m keeping it.
You' re all keeping it.
I' m sure Margaret worked Iong and hard to make sure that the appropriate petitioner went to the appropriate staffer.
The block of cheese was two tons and was there for any and all who might be hungry.
-Excuse me, I was waylaid.
-By what? -Thirty thousand tourists.
-The protesters.
I don't call them protesters.
I've seen better organized crowds at the DMV.
-Two tons, this cheese-- -In my day, we knew how to protest.
-What day was that? -1 968.
How old were you when you were protesting? My sisters took me.
-Anybody have a problem with that? -No one has a problem with that.
The police are ahead of them.
They know where they'II be and what'II happen.
Know how? By Iogging on to their website.
We had the underground.
-We had rapid response.
-And you were home by supper.
These are amateurs.
What's my assignment? Meeting with the amateurs.
World Policy Studies is having a forum, there'II be about 1 00 of them.
-Doing what? -Listening to you conduct a free exchange of ideas.
-Really? -Josh thinks it's a good idea.
Well, if Josh thinks it's a good idea, then you bet, I'II do it.
-What else is there? -Cartographers for Social Equality.
You have two choices.
Meeting an unruly mob or meeting with Iunatic mapmakers.
Or getting paid a Iot more working almost anywhere else.
Seriously, there'II be security there.
-What about press? -Just wires.
-No, I mean TV.
-No cameras.
-You negotiated that? -Y eah.
-They agreed to it? -You wanna make out with me now.
Well, when don't I? -Give me the thing.
-Okay, then.
Andrew Jackson, in the main foyer of the White House had a 2-ton block of cheese.
And a Wheat Thin the size of Lake T ahoe.
It was there for any and all who were hungry.
It was there for the voiceless.
-You Iook great.
-Thank you.
-Why are you talking Iike that? -I don't want to shout.
-We can use our normal voices.
-I've never been in the White House.
-Later I'II give you a tour.
-Did I get you out of something? We' re not allowed to give tours until after 1 0:00 when the president's out of the West Wing.
Come with me.
-The president works until 1 0:00? -He works after that.
But he Ieaves the Oval at 1 0.
We'II go in Josh's office.
I am getting you out of something, right? You got me out of the Big BIock of Cheese Day meeting.
-What's--? -I had the feeling you were gonna ask.
Andrew Jackson had, in the main foyer of the White House I can't believe I' m giving this speech, a 2-ton block of cheese.
In that spirit, Leo McGarry designates one day for senior staff members to take appointments with people that wouldn't ordinarily -get the ear of the White House.
-Sounds amazing.
We make a Iot of fun of it, but truth is, I think it is.
-I' m sorry to-- -Oh, yeah.
Were you able to mention me to Sam Seaborn? -I wasn't.
I haven't yet, and I apologize.
-No, that's okay.
-It's been a bad week for Sam.
-From everything I've been told the president Iistens to Sam when it comes to.
Y eah.
I should have said this on the phone.
-I' m not that comfortable with-- -That's-- It puts him in an awkward position if he has to say no.
And something Iike this, if it seems Iike a favor.
Steph, is your dad dying? Okay, Iisten.
When we' re in with Sam mention you've heard he's the man.
He'II want to impress you and show - he's got access to the president.
-Wait a minute.
-You' re getting me in? It's all right? -Yeah.
It's Big BIock of Cheese Day.
It's me.
I need some time with Sam.
I don't need to see the 1 0-year numbers.
It'd be a good idea to Iook at them.
Have those projections ever been close to accurate? -Depends what you mean.
-Within a trillion dollars.
No, but we'd Iike you to Iook at them.
Bring me the 1 0-year projections, a Ouija board and a magic wand.
-Yes, sir.
Thank you.
-What's next? I need to discuss a fax that's come in.
-From whom? -Jonathan Bartlet.
-That name sounds familiar.
-He's your brother.
I remember being Iocked in a steamer trunk.
-That doesn't sound so bad.
-There were steamers in there with me.
-I was in there with seafood.
-Well, here's the thing-- -We Iost the site? -You Iost the first choice.
-Why? Your brother's speaking with Neda Wallin counsel to the Bartlet Presidential Library Commission.
The site violates the Historic Barn and Bridges Preservation Act.
-Which says? -I've got it here in my notes.
Requires that all non-housing farm and ranch structures built prior to 1 900 be preserved unless destroyed by an act of God.
What plaid-flannel-wearing, cheese-eating yahoo of a milkman governor signed that idiot bill into state Iaw? -It was me, wasn't it? -Y es, sir.
-They'd Iike to go with the second site.
-Y eah.
Go ahead.
-Thank you, sir.
-I' m sorry? No, don't go ahead with the site.
I just-- T ell my brother to hang on, would you? I'II make a decision.
-I don't know what the damn hurry is.
-Yes, sir.
Bonnie, I now need the 1 0-year OMB projections as well.
-Are those ever accurate? -No.
-And you got another call from-- -Thanks.
-Sam? -Oh, hey, how you doing? Sam, this is Stephanie Gault.
Stephanie, this is Sam.
-It's good to meet you.
-Come on in.
Stephanie and I were at Wisconsin together.
We bonded as a result of a mutual Ioathing for the same ex-boyfriend.
She's a professor of International Relations at the Maxwell School.
What are you doing in town? Believe it or not, I advise the WTO in certain areas of macroeconomics.
So a global monetary crisis can't be very far off.
-What can I do for you? -My grandfather was Daniel Gault.
-Really? -Y eah.
-You know who Daniel Gault was? -He was a staffer here in the '40s.
He was a special economic assistant to FDR and special Iiaison to State for Eastern European Affairs.
-Donna knows the rest.
-He was jailed for espionage -and died in prison six months Iater.
-He wasn't in jail for espionage.
They couldn't make espionage.
He was in jail for Iying in front of HUAC.
Sam, Stephanie would Iike her grandfather included among those being considered for an executive pardon.
From everything I've Iearned, you' re the person to speak to about this.
That you have the ear of the president.
It's impossible to demonstrate remorse since he's no Ionger alive.
Demonstrating his innocence is extremely complicated.
-Y es, but you've already done it.
-Excuse me? You've already demonstrated his innocence, and in a compelling way.
You've also spoken on the need for his pardon.
-When did I do that? -At Princeton.
For 23 pages in the middle of your thesis.
-Where did you get that? -You sent it to my father.
I did.
I know it doesn't seem there should be a rush about getting a pardon for someone who's been dead 50 years - but time's become a factor.
-Your father's sick? Y eah.
You guys wanna go to the mess and get some coffee or something? Y eah.
-T oby Ziegler.
-Y eah.
Rhonda, this guy coming in is Toby Ziegler.
Copy that.
Ziegler? -Y es, ma'am.
They asked me to make sure you go home in one piece.
-You fully trained? -Y es.
-How many ways do you know to kill? -How many ways do I need? -I Iike you.
-Thank you.
-Officer Sachs? -Y eah.
It's gonna be a day at the beach.
-You do understand how it works? -Y eah.
Recommendations come from the OPA, Office of the Pardon Attorney.
Then the president gets into it and often sends it to counsel's office for further review.
-It can be a drawn-out process.
-Y eah.
What I' m gonna do today is speak to somebody at the Justice Department.
Which branch of Justice? -The FBI.
I won't start in on this without giving them a heads-up.
My father requested the file in the Iate ' 70s and was denied.
He sued under Freedom of Information.
The judge ruled the file couldn't be disclosed because it met three of nine exemptions.
National defense and foreign relations information internal agency rules and practices and personal privacy.
AII because the FBI is embarrassed about this period in their history.
I know, and that's why I have to give them a heads-up.
Does Donna know how to get in touch? I'II tell you how it's going.
-We have your number? -Y eah.
Actually, we' re meeting for dinner tonight.
Stephanie, the reason I mentioned that it could be a drawn-out process.
I understand.
I just need to be able to give him some good news.
He's a sweet man in a bow tie, Sam.
His father.
-He's been trying for so Iong to-- -Y eah.
Okay, I'II see you Iater, then.
-Hey, Steph.
-Hey, Josh.
You' re across the street in five minutes.
-I' m walking out with you.
-Sam, thank you.
-You on the Gault thing? -Yeah.
-That's nice of you.
I appreciate that.
I'II give the Bureau a heads-up.
-They' re not gonna be happy about it.
-No kidding.
Did you know Lincoln signed a pardon on the day he was assassinated? -You know the name? -Patrick Murphy.
-What he was pardoned for? -Union deserter.
-Am I annoying you? -Y eah.
-T rying to make you Iaugh.
-I appreciate it.
-Can I see your friend at the FBI? -Y eah, can I tell him why? Y eah.
Hey, you wanna have a Iot of fun? Seriously? C.
's meeting with the Organization of Cartographers for Social Equality.
Where's the social inequality in cartography? -That's why I' m going.
-You'II call? Yeah.
That a new shirt? -Y eah.
-Fire your gun.
-I can't fire a warning shot indoors.
No, I mean fire at them.
Just kidding.
Hey, Solzhenitsyn.
Come here.
Are you the group Ieader? Y eah.
I' m T erry Webber.
You know what you did today that was stupid? You gave away the cameras.
With cameras here I've got a problem.
I don't want to Iook Iike I can't control the crowd.
Without the cameras, I could read the sports section for two hours walk outside and say we talked.
So if you guys want to talk, you' re in charge of crowd control.
-You know what I' m saying? -Y eah.
Folks! People! Let's Iisten up! Good morning.
My name is T oby Ziegler.
I' m the White House communications director and senior domestic policy advisor.
Advise him we need clean air more than free trade! How many 1 2-year-olds made your shoes, T oby? Global justice now! Global justice now! Global justice now! Global justice now! -Global justice now! -Wanna send out for a pizza? Global justice now! Global justice now! -Y es, sir? -I' m here to see Special Agent Casper.
-My name's Sam Seaborn.
-Seaborn? -Y eah.
-I ' m sorry, I ' m not seeing your name.
-Agent Casper knows you' re coming? -Sam.
How you doing, Mike? Just requesting the file on Daniel Gault is so wildly outside the parameters of your authority as an appointee-- Mike, you guys got it wrong and you know it.
-Really? -Yes.
What else do I know? Michael, I gave you the heads-up as a courtesy.
I don't need permission to go to the OPA.
-I don't need permission to tell the press.
-He did six months for a capital crime.
-Now you want a pardon? -Six months for perjury - before dying of a heart attack.
-You know why? -Prosecutor couldn't make espionage.
-Why do you suppose that was? -I don't suppose, I know.
-Because the U S.
attorney blew it.
-1 2 jurors say no, and-- The man was named by Joe McCarthy-- -The " 20 years of treason"? -Y es.
Which was called a "conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous venture in history.
" Somebody wake me up.
You deputized Joe McCarthy into your argument.
-My point-- -You know who else was on that Iist? General George Marshall, author of the Marshall PIan and mentor to Eisenhower.
-After he won WWII.
-We made more than we missed.
Owen Lattimore, I.
Not everybody at State was wrongly accused.
You rounded up some dangerous TV comedy writers.
Ring Lardner just died.
How many years does he get back? Listen.
The Bureau's had moments in its past that it's not proud of.
If we comb through the fine print of history we might find one or two occupants of the Oval Office who could say the same.
But the difference is, our failures are public and our successes are private.
When we apprehend an enemy of the state, Iike, say a member of West Virginia White Pride we don't take a curtain call on Sunday with Sam and Cokie.
When it wasn't the Secret Service who ordered the canopy down in Rosslyn we kept it to ourselves.
PIease, God, Mike, tell me you weren't just threatening T oby Ziegler.
-I wasn't, Sam.
Y eah.
Anyway, " because the Bureau will be embarrassed " isn't a good enough reason.
I' m putting Daniel Gault on the Iist.
I just wanted to give you a heads-up.
-Anything else? -No.
-Hi, I' m sorry.
-Sorry to be Iate.
-Not a problem.
-I' m C.
-Of course.
I' m Dr.
John Fallow, this is Dr.
Cynthia Sayles and Professor Donald Huke.
-Huke? -Huke.
And you are the Organization of Cartographers for Social Equality.
We' re from the OCSE.
We have many members.
-How many? -4300 dues-paying members.
-What are the dues? -$20 a year for the newsletter.
-Let's start.
-Wait, wait, I want to see this.
-This is Josh Lyman.
-Indeed you are.
-Josh, this is Dr.
Fallow and -Hi.
- his merry men.
-Y es.
-Should we begin? -Y es.
PIain and simple, we'd Iike President Bartlet to strongly support Iegislation making it mandatory for every public school to teach geography using the Peters Projection Map instead of the traditional Mercator.
-Give me 200 bucks and it's done.
-Really? No.
Why are we changing maps? The Mercator projection has fostered European imperialist attitudes for centuries and created an ethnic bias against the Third World.
-Really? -The German cartographer, Mercator originally designed this map in 1 569 as a navigational tool for European sailors.
The map enlarges areas at the poles to create Iines of constant bearing or geographic direction.
So it makes it easier to cross an ocean.
But it distorts the relative size of nations and continents.
-Are you saying the map is wrong? -Oh, dear, yes.
Look at Greenland.
-Now Iook at Africa.
-The two Iandmasses appear -to be roughly the same size.
-Y es.
Would it blow your mind if I told you that Africa is, in reality, 1 4 times Iarger? Yes.
Here we have Europe drawn Iarger than South America when at 6.
9 million square miles, South America is almost double the size of Europe's 3.
8 million.
AIaska appears three times as Iarge as Mexico when Mexico is Iarger by 0.
1 million square miles.
Germany appears in the middle, when it's in the northernmost quarter.
Wait, wait.
Relative size is one thing, but you' re telling me -Germany isn't where we think? -Nothing's where you think.
-Where is it? -I' m glad you asked.
The Peters Projection.
-It has fidelity of axis.
-Fidelity of position.
East-west Iines are parallel and intersect north-south axes at right angles.
What the hell is that? It's where you've been Iiving this whole time.
Should we continue? I' m not saying we'II Iike the answers.
I' m saying we'II give him a chance! -Now, if you have a question-- -My question is, who elected his boss? -The people or Kaiser Permanente? -He's not my president.
Let's vote.
-You' re having a pretty good time.
-If you do have a question-- -Well, it's not Iike a Y ankee game.
-You suck! Well, actually, yeah, it's Iike being at a Y ankee game.
-So, T oby? -Officer.
Since you' re not really doing anything, I was wondering, what's this about? It's about the WT O, Rhonda, the World T rade Organization.
I get that from the signs and the newspapers.
The World T rade Organization's a group of 1 40 countries who have agreed to a specific trade policy.
-So, what's wrong with that? -Nothing's wrong with that.
-What would they say if I asked them? -WT O benefits corporations, not people.
-Does it? -It benefits both.
-Look at them.
-Y eah.
-T ake my nightstick and kick their ass.
Make all the jokes you want, but Iet me tell you.
They claim to speak for the underprivileged but in the blackest city in America I' m Iooking at a room with no black faces.
No Asians, no Hispanics.
Where's the Third World they represent? Lot of Third Worlders in the Cabinet Room today, were there? -You' re starting to bother me.
-That's because I' m armed.
No, I Iike that.
I' m going outside.
-Hey, Sam.
-Hey, Charlie, what's going on? The president Iost his site for the Iibrary.
-What happened? -There's an 1 8th-century farmhouse.
-They'II find another site.
-Y eah.
Anyway, he's in a mood.
They shouldn't be talking to him about the Iibrary.
We' re not going anywhere.
-I think that's what's got him in a mood.
-Sam, you just got a call.
-Do me a favor and catch the calls.
-I' m gonna Iie down in T oby's office.
-It was the national security advisor.
Well, he's talking about force protection, right? I' m sorry, colonel, that was me.
He's talking about force protection? Right, but the president's gonna ask me about the readiness issue.
He's gonna want to distinguish readiness and force protection.
No, that was me again.
I' m the only woman on a conference call, DeLaney can't tell when it's me.
Do I have a bizarrely androgynous voice? Excuse me, I' m gonna step off for just a minute.
-How you doing? -Good.
Drop Daniel Gault.
-Drop Daniel Gault, do it now.
-Why? Because I just told you to.
Nancy, I' m a Iawyer.
Let's Iet reason and Iogic have its moment.
-There was one witness.
Earl Lydecker, a Iow -Ievel State Department staffer who confessed to counterintelligence officers that he and Gault conspired to send U S.
economic analysis documents -to agents at the Russian Embassy.
-Y es.
-He confessed for no particular reason.
-Y es.
It was demonstrated that Lydecker was a diagnosed manic-depressive with a history of, wait for it, institutionalization.
This was the chief witness for the prosecution.
According to-- -Sam.
-Excuse me, please.
According to retired KGB Colonel OIeg Prosorov, a search of the files reveals only one reference to Gault.
That he was approached in 1 943 and Iabeled " highly uncooperative" and "a poor prospect for recruitment.
" -Sam, Daniel Gault was a spy.
-Oh, my God.
-He was a Soviet spy.
-Based on what? Cables intercepted by U S.
Army Signal Intelligence in the 1 940s.
Why couldn't the U S.
attorney make espionage in the 1 950s? The cables weren't decrypted until the 1 970s.
We cracked some obscure Russian code and Iearned Gault was a spy? -Yes.
-That's crap.
If the FBI had proof on Gault, they'd have told the world.
No, they wouldn't.
Neither would the NSA or Central Intelligence.
You don't show someone you've broken their ciphers unless you have to.
Gault was Iong dead.
Before he was, he was an agent called BIack Water.
He was a delegate at Y alta.
And he returned to the U S.
by way of Rostov where he was awarded the Order of Lenin.
Y eah, well, I'II believe that when they show me the file.
-That's not an FBI file.
-It's an NSA file.
I' m classified, but I don't have code-word clearance.
I know.
I' m not allowed to see that.
You can get into trouble for showing it to me.
I can go to jail for showing it to you, which obviously I' m not gonna do.
I've blacked out any Iateral reference that is code-word classified.
Those are the only things I've blacked out and they are in no way relevant to your question.
Look at me.
-Do you believe me? -Of course.
Go ahead.
This is Dr.
Nancy McNally, national security advisor.
Again, that's force protection and not readiness.
So you' re probably wondering what all this has to do with social equality.
No, I' m wondering where France really is.
Guys, we want to thank you very much for coming in-- -Hang on, we' re gonna finish this.
What do maps have to do with social equality? She asked.
Salvatore Natoli of the National Council for Social Studies argues: " In society, we unconsciously equate size with importance and power.
" -I' m gonna check in on T oby.
These guys find Brigadoon on that map, you'II call me? -Probably not.
When Third World countries are misrepresented, they' re valued Iess.
When Mercator maps exaggerate the importance of Western civilization.
When the top of the map is the Northern Hemisphere and the bottom is the Southern, people adopt top and bottom attitudes.
But where else could you put the Northern Hemisphere but on the top? -On the bottom.
-How? Like this.
Yeah, but you can't do that.
-Why not? -Because it's freaking me out.
It's activist vacation, is what it is.
Spring break for anarchist wannabes.
BIack T -shirts, gas masks as fashion.
These kids today, with the hair and clothes.
-AII right, that's it, flatfoot.
-I got great feet.
You want the benefits of free trade? Food is cheaper.
CIothes are cheaper.
Steel is cheaper, cars are cheaper, phone service is cheaper, feel a rhythm? I' m a speechwriter.
I know how to make a point.
It Iowers prices, it raises income.
See what I did with "Iowers" and " raises"? It's the science of Iistener attention.
We did repetition, floating opposites, now the one that's not Iike the others.
Ready? Free trade stops wars.
And that's it.
Free trade stops wars.
And we figure out a way to fix the rest.
One world, one peace.
I' m sure I've seen that on a sign somewhere.
God, T oby, wouldn't it be great if there was someone around here with communication skills who could go in there and tell them that? -Shut up.
-T oby.
-What are you doing? -I came to see how it was going.
-How's it going? Josh Lyman.
-Rhonda Sachs.
-Any trouble? -No.
Josh, the WT O is undemocratic and accountable to no one.
Decisions are made by executive directors and the developing world has Iittle to say about institutional policy.
-What was that? -I protested to you.
-Why? -I' m not allowed to get arrested anymore.
-Let's go back.
I hate these people with the heat of a nova.
Y et here I go.
-Shut up.
-I got your back, man, you know? Or not.
Y es, sir.
-Let's do calls in the residence, okay? -Y es, sir.
There were Iate memos-- -Good evening, Mr.
-On your desk.
-I' m gonna head home.
-At 7:30? I'II make calls from the residence.
-You feeling all right? -Yeah.
I heard you Iost the site.
What's the backup? Well, there's this wooded Iand on the Connecticut River but the Abenaki Indians claim it's an ancient burial ground.
There's a magnificent bluff overlooking an orchard in Orford and the owner is willing, if not eager, to donate the Iand.
What's the problem? The owner's doing 40 months at AIIenwood for securities fraud.
You'II find a site.
This is how Iong I get before I have to start with the Iibrary? Two years? The first six months was figuring out the phones.
-They've changed the phones again.
This is the Iast job I'II have.
The Iast time I'II come to work with people.
I swear to God, I feel Iike I was just starting to get good at it.
Well, it's two years with an option for four more.
President, is there anything we need to talk about? -Not yet, okay? -Okay.
-I'II see you tomorrow.
-Thank you, Mr.
Sam? -What are you doing? -I don't know.
-Where have you been all afternoon? -I've been around.
And then I came down here to practice my sugar tossing.
If you don't practice you might as well give the clarinet to a kid who'II use it.
Stephanie's upstairs.
I put her in your office because Josh is back.
When she said that from what she's heard I' m the one to talk to that I have the ear of the president, you told her to say that, right? This was so important to her, I wanted to give her-- Yes, I did.
I' m sorry.
I don't know why you would think I was Iike that.
I mean, for fun, but-- I don't know why you'd think I was Iike that.
-It was wrong.
-Were you able to--? -He was a spy.
-You' re sure? -Yes.
-No, I mean, it's not possible that he--? -His code name was BIack Water.
He copied by hand State Department and White House documents and delivered them to the Soviets.
Including RooseveIt's plan to enter WWII.
-You can't tell her.
Say something else.
-Possible recruitment targets.
Lists of communists and sympathizers at the State Department and National Recovery Administration.
-I' m telling her right now.
No, Sam.
PIease, you can't.
Secret memoranda on the U S.
negotiating stance at Y alta.
-PIease stop walking.
-Stalin needed an advantage -we wanted a fair fight.
-Nothing good comes from telling.
-T ruth isn't good? -Not now, no.
The father's not gonna Iive three months.
-She asked me to Iook into this.
-I' m saying wait three months or until-- You' re in a bad-- Listen to me.
You' re in a bad place and shouldn't make this decision.
You can tell her tomorrow.
If you tell her tonight, that's it.
It was people pushing paper It was high treason and mattered a great deal.
This country is an idea.
One that's Iit the world for two centuries.
T reason against that idea is not just a crime against the Iiving.
This ground holds graves of people who died for it.
Who gave what Lincoln called "the Iast full measure of devotion.
" Of fidelity.
You understand, the Iast full measure of devotion to treason against them is.
There was a translator in the Hungarian trade mission named Shaba Demsky.
She was murdered in 1 952.
She was about to reveal the name of a Soviet agent called BIack Water.
This girl's gonna find out who her father was.
Sam? You meant grandfather.
T ell me there's good news.
You ever heard of a woman named Shaba Demsky? No.
Sam? I' m sorry, Stephanie.
I wasn't able to get access to the people I needed to have it considered this time around.
Why don't you tell your father you'II be able to try again in three months.
-So you' re open to it? -Absolutely.
That's all he needed.
That's all I needed.
-Did you hear? -You should call him now.
-Can I use the phone at your desk? -Y eah, dial 9.
-Everyone was right about you, Sam.
-Sam's the man.
It's just, there are certain things you' re sure of, Iike Iongitude and Iatitude.
Sam, I don't know if this is the best time to tell you but according to C.
, I wouldn't be so sure about Iongitude and Iatitude.
You should have seen T oby.
-He was good? He blew the doors off the place.
Then I almost got killed.
-How? -I got hit with a piece of a banana.
-Let's go.
-You know what you are? -You are old-school.
-Stop talking Iike that.
Let's go.
Let me tell you, that was the second time this year I almost got killed.
Both times I was with you, so you' re gonna need a new wingman.
-You were my old wingman? -Y eah.
-Let's go.
-Where are you going? We' re gonna get Sam drunk and then put him to bed.
-I'II come.
-Let's go.
-I' m gonna meet you there.
-Yeah? AII right.
Dad, it's me.

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