Thieves of the Wood s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

The future will vindicate me, you'll see.
[Coffijn, French.]
We have a new game for you.
Happy hunting.
Tincke didn't betray Jan, Meyvis.
Not Tincke.
His girlfriend.
Is it coincidence she's gone? [Baru.]
I have longed for you since the day I saw you.
- Will you help me, darling? - Of course.
You're just worried about your road.
Same conditions as with Iron Simon? If it was good enough for him, it's good enough for Cross-Eyes.
Still no tickles in the belly? [Nicolaï.]
I know mother has put great pressure on your slender shoulders.
We must keep trying.
- [De Kezel.]
Embo? - Yes.
My name is Boudewijn De Kezel.
It's about your son, Emiel.
He was my corps commander.
"If you read this letter, it means Jan de Lichte has murdered me to save innocent third parties.
" - [pilgrim.]
That's not for sale.
- What is it? Two drops of Christ's blood from the spear wound in his side.
Name your price.
- [sound of a knife.]
- [gasps.]
Drown in your own conceit, Pycke.
His father taught him everything.
He knows how to kill people.
He knows how to torture them to within a hair's breadth of death.
He knows the difference between a man who is dead, an man who is alive and one unable to choose, Suspended in a twilight state.
[title music.]
- The Poulterer saved your life? - That butcher? I owe him my life.
He knows how much stretch there is in a rope, and in my neck.
[laboured breathing.]
He looked after me for months.
Without knowing if I'd ever wake up.
It's easy if they think you're dead.
But to be alive and believed to be dead that's tough.
Take it slow.
And the following weeks I hid myself.
I took my time.
He told me how ashamed he always felt.
And how hard it was to have to hang Urkens and his friends.
Sometimes he would wake up screaming.
From regret.
He begged for forgiveness.
I saw how tough things were for you.
I watched you.
And I waited for the right moment to come back.
You're a miracle, Jan de Lichte.
Better even, a saint who appears before us.
I'm no saint.
Definitely not a saint.
Only Marieke knew I was still alive.
She was the only one I could trust.
It's sad.
It's still sad.
Yet I am glad that he did the right thing.
And that Jan helped him do it.
It was an act of mercy.
- Is this what you want? - Thanks, Tarara.
- Where's Meyvis? - With Djouffe, I guess.
I came back because we're going to change a few things.
Like I said, I looked on these past months, from a distance.
Things became very clear.
Injustice is growing.
The rich get richer and we outlaws endure our fate.
It's time to do something about it.
Great speech.
When do we get started? [Jan.]
You and Tincke.
The three of us.
- And Meyvis? - We can't wait for him.
Where's that party tonight? Among those who have most exploited us.
[ominous music.]
[Anne-Marie wailing.]
[the doctor whispers.]
Enjoy your meal.
What is it? I strongly suspect that it is indeed true.
Jan de Lichte is alive.
We saw him die with our own eyes, Baru.
- The executioner.
- What about him? He recently went missing.
I went to his home.
It looks like he's gone.
Then there's the testimony of the altar boy, who got a glimpse of the three false priests.
- It all points in the same direction.
- Absurd, Baru.
He has 15 years of loyal service and his father before him.
Four generations of hangmen.
Come on.
It's the only logical explanation.
He must have manipulated the noose so that Jan survived.
- It's not an exact science, but - So, hypothetically Say Jan de Lichte is back, risen from the dead What could that mean for us? He made a promise before he Dean Pycke was slaughtered before our eyes.
Who will be the next victim? Number two? You or me? - If he keeps his promise, I'm afraid - Jan de Lichte is dead to me.
Until proved otherwise.
Pycke had plenty enemies ready to stab him in the back.
But just to be sure, send in more bodyguards.
A couple of bodyguards for me, a couple for you.
Very well.
When are you getting betrothed? Anne-Marie, right? It has been postponed.
Due to Dean Pycke's unfortunate death, it's been put off until after the funeral.
Stanislas must first be ordained dean.
Where did you say you first saw her? Isn't she Isn't she your niece? In a manner of speaking.
[ominous music.]
- Is there a problem? - No, no.
I just wondered if I hadn't bumped into her somewhere or other.
But no.
Thank you, Baru.
Don't you worry.
If he's alive, he'll do nothing.
And if he does, I'll string him up myself.
Better still, I'll put him on the wheel.
That's barbarous.
Good day.
What do you put up there? You can fool him any day of the week, he'll fall for anything.
I'm a woman, I know all the tricks.
What do you use? Pig bladder? A piece of wood, a pressed lemon? I don't know what you mean, Mrs.
van Gelderhode.
Don't look so innocent, as if butter wouldn't melt in your mouth.
No men in our lineage has trouble reproducing.
The doctor says there's nothing wrong with you.
So what do you put up there? He found traces.
Here we are.
Get your wife under control.
I want a grandson.
Get undressed.
- You must obey me.
- No.
[screams in pain.]
I'm sorry, Jean-Philippe, but I have to know.
Is it true, what people are saying? About Jan de Lichte? I have no concrete proof yet.
So it is true.
Are you afraid? We'll have to be a little careful.
Do you think he knows I betrayed him? You're safe here.
You must not be afraid.
As long as you don't leave the city I doubt there's much he can do.
Handing over Jan was very brave of you.
You did really well.
- I don't know if it did much good.
- It brought us together.
That means more to me than all the rest.
I want to love you, Anne-Marie.
- I've waited so long for you.
- Not before the wedding, Jean.
I know.
I want no impropriety.
[ominous music.]
[glass shatters in the distance.]
The safe.
Hm, hm.
The safe.
[muffled screams.]
Come on.
May the Lord Jesus receive you.
He came not to summon the righteous, only the sinners.
Place your trust in Him.
Father, I am troubled with passionate urges.
I fear they're getting worse.
Have you forced yourself on the object of your urges? No, not yet.
But I dream about it.
Every morning, before I wake.
And the dreams are getting meaner.
I feel guilty.
Is the object of your lust your fiancée? Anne-Marie? Yes, Father.
Are you sure your betrothed is not deliberately arousing your lust? Perhaps she enjoys it.
I beg your pardon? There are rumours about her.
Some of our more lustful men would recognize her.
I didn't come here for this.
I acknowledge my own guilt and ask for forgiveness.
God, our merciful Father.
[Stanislas mutters a prayer.]
- Amen.
- [Baru.]
God grants you absolution and peace and forgives you all your sins.
- Amen.
- [Stanislas.]
Do you know more about [Stanislas clears his throat.]
We're doing what we can.
I don't need your charity, traitor.
[the coin clinks.]
Listen, brat, I want to make it right with Jan.
You betrayed him and now you're shitting your pants.
Lousy whore.
You can't make things right.
I live with the bailiff now.
I move in higher circles.
that's worth something.
I want to pay my debt.
Tell him that.
[excited chatter, cheers.]
Come, to The Hunger.
Come on.
This This is what you're owed for your work on the road.
Every one of you will get their share.
In the city, they thought they could break us, - that they could hang me.
- [laughter.]
I'm here today to say they're fooling themselves.
We haven't shown them what we're capable of.
I think we need to steps things up.
If we work together, nobody can stop us.
Not Cross-Eyes, not the Spaniard.
Pycke can't, because he's already six feet under.
[laughter and cheers.]
- Mayor Coffijn - [audience boos.]
I promise, Mayor Coffijn will be next.
[laughter and cheers.]
Van Gelderhode can pay better, or dig his own canal.
Or grave.
Friends, we need more of this.
So these next few nights we'll do more raids.
- [cheers.]
- It'll be quite a show.
This is Bernard, mascot of our gang.
He's not the prettiest hound, but he's the symbol of our power and our sure victory.
So, I say: kiss him.
[laughter and cheers.]
[everyone falls silent.]
It's real gold.
Real gold.
See how shiny it is.
We're rich.
- All poor men rich.
- [cheers.]
- All poor men rich.
- Yes.
All poor men rich.
It goes without saying, Benoît, the city will compensate for your loss.
It could have been worse.
We could have died.
Forgive me When I tell you to come, I mean immediately.
Last night's events forced me to first speak with City Watch and alert them [Benoît.]
Last night's "events"? My house was attacked by outlaws who should be kept outside the walls by your Watchmen.
My family was beaten, humiliated and robbed.
Let there be no doubt, Baru.
I hold you, and you alone, responsible for this.
Again, Benoît, we understand your indignation.
You must admit they've been very bold this time.
Inside the city walls.
That's a first.
I await an explanation.
I'm listening.
After night bell, they must have hidden inside the city walls.
The three Watchmen were mercilessly attacked, just after their last round.
One died.
The other two are not yet able to talk.
The brutality and cowardice of this deed are, unfortunately, not only the confirmation that Jan de Lichte is alive, but that he is, moreover, way more dangerous than we suspected.
[ominous music.]
Do what you must, Baru.
Protect us and the inhabitants of our city against that bastard.
Heighten vigilance, cancel all leave.
Check everyone at the gate.
That's already done, Mayor.
If I may, why wait for them? We could raid their camp, burn it down, smoke them out.
Not enough manpower.
Perhaps that's what they want.
It would leave the city unarmed and unprotected.
Give this to Simon's company.
Perhaps they can help us.
Go now.
All will be well.
Let the lady through.
Mister Mayor.
- Mrs.
Baru? - Not yet, sir.
- You're still free? - As a deer in the park.
Mayor Coffijn, what a beautiful horse you have.
You may call me Jean-Joseph.
Nice name.
Masculine, yet sensitive.
I prefer it to Jean-Philippe.
That's a bit of a mouthful.
I know.
Poor Baru.
What does a woman like you see in him? I've never seen such a stuffed shirt.
You don't have to tell me.
- But he means well.
- Good intentions don't earn respect.
People are like sheep, they need a strong hand.
Like this one, the hand of a leader.
I like anything that is hard and strong.
I've kept my ears open to find out about you.
And what I have heard makes my ears burn.
What do people say about me? You are the scandal of this city.
People think that poor Baru is going to marry a whore.
And here was I, thinking I'm a lady.
I would not dare say such a thing without first having seen proof.
I cannot prove much to you here, sir.
I can have you picked up tonight, in a coach.
You'll be dropped off behind my castle, so no one will see you.
Is that good enough? [murmur.]
What a coincidence that you walk in right now.
We were just looking for you.
- Van Gelderhode? - Impressive what you did in the city.
But stupid.
If you go there for money, you know they have enough to hunt you down.
Van Gelderhode doesn't pay you this much.
You leave us alone and we'll do the same.
That's it.
And if you keep your word, you'll get the same in two months.
It's real.
And stay away from the camp.
If you need the outlaws, you pay them.
You're asking for a lot.
- I pay a lot too.
- And the Velvet Monkey? [Jan.]
It's yours.
- Tincke is too sick.
- Come on, let's go.
So you can carry on fucking the place up.
Peace be with you.
Van Roy.]
Anne-Marie, this is improper.
Dinner's ready and Mr.
Baru could be home any moment.
I'm not hungry.
I forbid it.
- Go away.
- [groans.]
Let me make a suggestion.
Workers, outlaws, friends, people of flesh and blood, let us share out the gold.
Everyone equal, everyone the same amount.
And everyone gets a chance to earn their own money, [cheers.]
build their own house, work their own land.
Or do fucking nothing.
We build our own village, no bosses or lords.
Jan de Lichte said so.
Free gin for all in The Hunger.
[man cheers.]
[excited chatter.]
- Nicolaï.
- Where's Héloïse? It's like talking to a brick wall.
They get more sassy by the day.
They call me old cow or old fool.
I know no one is asking my opinion, and I'll understand if you resent what I say, but I feel that Anne-Marie is not the right wife for you.
She is bad-willed, sir.
She undermines your reputation all over the city.
I hear tales about her that make my hair stand on end.
Even Magda, who always defends you, cannot condone this.
Magda knows about this? It's a scandal.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but I feel compelled to tell you.
My authority is insufficient.
I obliged Anne-Marie to stay in tonight, but it didn't work.
I ran after her and saw her get into a coach.
Where she was going, I do not know.
- What coach? - Mr.
Baru, I give you my notice.
I wouldn't be surprised if Héloïse helped in the robbery, or knew about it.
Nicolaï, her leaving hurts me as much as it does you.
Believe me, I supported your marriage I swear, I will personally drag her out of the woods and see to it that her life is over for good.
Even a slave or a prisoner knows more freedom than she will ever feel again.
You'll never see her again.
She will sob at my feet, begging for forgiveness, which I shall refuse her with a hard hand.
I'll get back my wife, but you have lost your daughter for good.
[door opening.]
[door closing.]
I will succeed where Pycke [shot.]
Ho, ho.
You live up to your reputation.
I must admit I had almost convinced myself that you would not step out of that coach.
You not only underestimate me, but yourself too, sir.
Come inside.
The fire is stoked and the sweetest wine awaits you.
Good evening.
[Coffijn groans in pain.]
[Coffijn startles.]
You're the second.
I'll pay whatever you ask.
I want to live.
I want to live.
Let me live.
Let me live.
- You will burn in hell.
- Let me live.
[Coffijn falls silent.]
That cannot be your true nature.
Doing this to a child? [Baru.]
Everything is different now.
They're out to get me.
I have lost all confidence in you.
Do as you will, it won't stop me.
If anything happens to me, she dies.
I want your baby, Jan.
You lose.
Jan wins.
What has he done with her? [man.]
If De Lichte dies, it will all be ours.
You wondered who would be next.
I'm next.

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