This Country (2017) s02e02 Episode Script

Threatening Letters

There you go.
That's a steal, that - 50 quid.
Yeah, I just
Have you got the computer bit as well?
What do you mean? It's all in here.
This is the monitor, so
that's literally just the screen,
and nothing else.
Cos, normally, there's a thing that comes
with both of these. It's the computer -
and that's the expensive bit,
that's the main thing.
Yeah. That's that. That's what that is.
Yeah OK.
Kurtan is not a natural negotiator,
because he can't give a straight answer.
That's why I go with him,
because I'm not afraid
to grab the bull by the horns,
and put the turkey on the table.
- Nothing.
Are you looking at my collection
of Compare
Yeah, cos you've seen the adverts,
ain't you?
Yeah? Cos he's the main one,
and he's a laugh.
Right? But he's not the main one,
but he's a laugh, in his own way.
And I think that's why
they get on so well,
cos they're both such a laugh -
but I just need the Baby Oleg now,
and then the set's complete.
Yeah, yeah.
You don't know anyone selling a Baby Oleg,
do you?
- I don't
- Don't, sorry.
know of anyone.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, def Absolutely.
Definitely, definitely.
Yeah, I just It's
The thing is, it's just not really
what I'm looking for at the moment.
I I could still take it off
your ha-hands
for a small fee -
sort of, fiver or something.
Higher than that, maybe, a little bit.
I mean, what do you
50 would be better.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- 50 quid!
- I know.
It ain't worth 50p. You didn't help
either. Could have said something.
- I did!
- Well, you know it's not
Did I not? I was about to.
It's obvious there's no computer bit with
this. 50 quid! You know it's not worth
Da! Da, Da!
All right, Da?
- All right.
- Kurtan.
- I've got a job, if you fancy it.
- Er
- Well, I haven't got any work on.
Bit of labouring, heavy lifting and that.
- I ain't got any work on.
- I dunno.
- Cash in hand.
- Yeah, all right, then. Yeah, go on.
- Yeah.
- I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven.
- Yeah, nice one.
- Yeah, I I haven't got any work on.
- Good, then.
- Yeah.
- All right, see you, Da.
- Cheers, Mart. All right.
- See you.
It would've been nice to work
with my dad and the lads,
but, if I'm honest,
it's probably best I keep my head
down at the moment, anyway.
Basically, somebody's been
sending me threatening letters,
and I don't know who's doing it -
and I am concerned,
because my peripheral vision is poor,
so, if somebody attacks me
from the sides
or snipes at me from
an upstairs window, I am fucked -
but my hearing is excellent, see?
So I just need to spend a few days inside
honing my sonar, and I'll be fine then.
Mum, can I come in?
Well, do you think you can go to the shop?
Cos we're out of loo roll.
I can't.
What if I get attacked or something?
I ain't worried about
the physical nature of the job.
I've done my fair share of physical stuff.
The only thing I'm worried about
is fucking spending
the whole day with fucking Martin.
A few rules. No moaning, no complaining,
no negative Nancies.
If you don't like the work,
the circus is in town
- and they're always looking for clowns.
- Right.
- 30 minutes for lunch.
- Right.
Any longer than that gets taken
out your wage packet.
And every Tuesday's cake Tuesday,
where you bring in a cake that
you've baked for us all to share.
Whoever has the least delicious cake
has to buy the rounds in at the Keepers.
Right, OK.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that's fine.
Sorry, Martin, just one more thing, mate.
- Your mug is your own responsibility
- Right.
and if I find your dirty mug
sitting in the van,
I'll have absolutely no hesitation
in smashing it in the road. Capeesh?
Yeah. Understood.
There you go.
Just pop those
next to the cement mixer.
Jesus Christ.
Kurtan's just going to drown
like a pig in the sea.
You know, it's all well
and good him doing this job,
but if they start taking the piss
out of his nan or his birthmark,
his soul is just going to crumble to dust.
Christ, you watch the Swindon game
last night?
Course I did.
What a joke. Some of them are not fit
to wear the shirt, I say.
Ker said to me, she goes,
"You know that Luke Norris?"
She goes, "He gets paid
two grand to play football."
I said to her, "He doesn't get paid
two grand to play football.
"He gets paid two grand
to fall on his arse the whole game."
Sorry, Kursty,
- Yeah.
Martin don't like it when
other people make jokes on the site.
He's the only one who is allowed
to make the jokes on site.
Right. OK.
So, that's that.
And on top of the joke,
never, ever joke about
Swindon Football Club, ever.
- Especially Luke Norris.
- Right.
Cos Martin used to play darts
with his dad,
- and he basically sees Luke like a son.
- OK.
So if you ever think of any
other jokes, come to me, tell me,
and I'll pass them on to Martin,
and let you know if he finds them
funny or not, all right?
Yeah. That's fine. Cheers, Dan.
A hard hat may protect you
from a falling brick,
but it will not protect you from banter.
You don't need a hard hat,
you need a hard heart.
Do you want a cup of tea, Kurst?
I'd bloody love one.
Cheers, Dan, mate.
Where's your mug, then?
Shit. I left it in the van.
Sweep that up, Kurst.
Sort it out, Kursty.
Got another letter today,
and I think it's the worst of the lot.
I'm no closer to finding out who it is
It's pretty scary,
cos they're coming through my door,
which means they probably
know where I live.
Yeah, just thought I'd let you know,
I've got the Baby Oleg now
from a smoke-free home
and a pet-free home,
so, the set's complete, if you want
to come round and have a look at 'em,
cos I remember you saying
how much you liked the set, didn't you?
Yeah, cheers, Mand.
- Yeah.
What's the matter with your face?
Have you gone off Compare
No, I ain't gone off, I just
I should hope not -
I've come all the way over here,
cos you said about the Baby Oleg,
and I thought you was interested.
Yeah, no, I am.
I am really interested in Oleg.
Right. What's the matter, then?
"Dear Kerry,
I cannot stop fantasising about you.
"My latest was the best.
"I'm cleaning out my shed
when you come in and tell me
"you want to sand down a chair leg,
"so you use my mouth as a vice
and tell me I cannot breathe.
"I breathe involuntarily to stay alive,
"and you punch me in the lungs
and tell me how pathetic I am."
The sick, sick bastard.
It's just
I don't know what to do, Mand.
It's all right, I'll help you.
We'll find him, yeah?
And we're going to fuck him up.
- You'll be safe with me, Ker.
- Cheers, Mand.
That's all right, that's what I do.
Dear! God
No, no
God. God.
No, no
No, that's bad.
out it goes.
That's it.
Down there, that's it.
Just like that.
Right. Next load.
- Just a quick question, Kursty.
- Yes.
Are you going to do it
like that every time?
- I-I shouldn't think so, no.
- Right.
Look at this.
I never leave the house
without a pair of these.
"Why?" you ask. Well, this is why.
That's really good.
See that? Pure martial arts.
- Yah! Like that.
- Yeah.
Do a defence, or you can
do a punching
"Yeah, whatever,
all right, mate, yeah"
Yah! Like that. Don't worry,
I've got me range. I've got me range.
Now, what am I going to do now?
- I don't know.
We don't know, we don't know.
It's a punch! Whaa!
And I can get quite close to you.
I ain't struggling. No.
I made a few mistakes, yeah,
but it's my first day
See you tomorrow.
and the relentless windups
don't help, either -
cos Martin and Dan,
they had me looking for tartan paint
for about 40 minutes today.
I should've known, after the tartan paint,
that he was having me on,
cos I spent another 20 minutes
looking for striped paint.
It took me half an hour
to work out that it's the same joke.
For fuck's sake!
I can't present that tomorrow.
They'll annihilate me.
That is sunken as hell.
You may as well just
stuff your face with it, Ker.
Nah, you're all right.
Look, if you want the ganache,
you'll have to frost it yourself.
The mix is in the bowl
but I ain't doing it for you, all right?
Nah, I'm just not hungry.
- Nothing.
You're off your food,
and that worries me greatly.
"Dear Kerry, I often see you
around the village.
"I have been having
intense fantasies about you
"that I feel I must share with you.
"My dream is that you come over
to mine in your Swindon shirt.
"You come in to fix my washing machine,
and you are all sweaty
"cos you have been playing football
in the park.
"You smell of BO
"but I don't mind.
"You are so strong,
your hands are like spanners.
"You lift me above your head
"and throw me
to the other side of the room
"and smash me against the wall.
"We arm-wrestle, and when you beat me,
you tell me how pathetic I am.
"I give you my belt to whip me with,
"and my trousers fall down,
"and you laugh at my genitals."
Threatening, innit?
Yeah. That's
They want to beat me up, don't they?
- Yeah
- I wouldn't say
It's sort of
They They want you
to beat them up
but I don't think
they're beating you up.
That's all right, then.
No. No, because
Because they're getting,
like, a a thing out of it.
Like Well
A sexual thing.
This really is not
a good situation for me.
A physical threat is something
that I can deal with,
but a sexual thing
is not my area of expertise.
Right, get your cakes out,
you pair of fannies.
- Victoria sponge, mate. Classic.
Ho, ho! Lovely.
Dan, that's not bad at all.
Especially after
your Battenberg disaster.
Cheers, Mart.
Right, Kurst, what's your offering today?
There she is, in all her glory.
Lemon drizzle.
What's this?
Is that shop
Sorry. Look, I
I did try and bake one myself, I did,
but I just can't do it. I can't bake.
- No baker gets it right the first time.
- Nah.
That is the beauty of baking.
It's trial and error.
Do you think Dan could have produced
that exquisite Victoria sponge
without fucking up his Battenberg? No.
No way. I mean, even the great Mr Kipling
would admit to fucking up
his first couple of Bakewells, right?
Yeah, I suppose he would.
You need to get
some more confidence, Kurst.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, do you know what? I think I think
I'll give it a bloody good go next time.
I really will,
and I can't thank you enough. You know?
- That's the right attitude.
But remember,
you've got to do the forfeit.
- Yeah.
Well, you brought in a shop-bought,
so you got to do a forfeit, mate.
That's the rules.
What forfeit?
Slap that drink out that woman's hand.
Yeah, go on, Kursty,
that'll redeem you.
No, that's Slugs, I know him.
Yeah, but so what?
It's just, I He's had
a really hard time of it, he's had cancer.
Grow a pair, Kurst.
He ain't going to do it, Martin.
He's a fanny, ain't he?
No, I ain't a fanny. I just
All right, Kurtan?
All right, Slugs, mate?
All right, mate, how's it going?
It's not good.
Just really low, mate.
Just found out Kayleigh's been sending
messages to other guys on Facebook.
Sexual, mostly.
God. So sorry to hear that, mate.
She said she doesn't know what she wants.
I'm going over there now to see
if I can work things out.
Well, it will
It will work itself out, mate.
It's It always Yeah.
I hope so.
Just really fucked in the head, mate.
- I don't know what to do.
- Yeah.
That was good.
Nice one, Kurtan. Nice one, mate.
It's all right, it's all right.
It's all right.
Well, Mandy very kindly offered
to spend some time
at my house for protection and that.
She reckons it could be quite serious,
and it could be very dangerous.
- Yeah.
Yeah, the reason I've offered
to protect Kerry
is cos I used to be in exactly
the same situation before,
cos I was a stalker
for about three or four years, and
It It got really bad at one point,
cos they were starring
in Jack And The Beanstalk
at the Everyman Theatre
I broke into their dressing room
and just
and I stole all their shoes and that.
Police got involved.
I thought you were stalked on.
No, I was the stalker.
Yeah, cos the more I loved them,
the more they rejected me,
the more they rejected me,
the more I wanted to kill 'em, see?
That's just love, I suppose.
Cheers, John.
Shut up!
Fuckin' hell! Jesus.
What did Sandra say
Fucking hell, there we go.
You lied to me, Mick.
I couldn't tell you any sooner,
because you wasn't here.
I asked you.
I asked you if you'd told me everything.
You kissed her twice, Mick.
I know.
You not going to go home, do you think?
- No.
I can't I can't protect you
from me house, can I?
I'd be all right tonight.
I'd be absolutely fine tonight.
You say that.
You know that night's
the most dangerous time, right?
Night-time was when I did all my business.
Who was it that you did stalk?
I could I'm not allowed
to say who it actually is,
but I can tell you that it was
a member of S Club 7 -
- but I can't tell you which one.
Was it Bradley?
- No.
- No.
- Jon's the other one.
- No.
- No.
- Rachel Stevens.
- No.
Hannah Spearritt?
Yeah, go on, my son.
Wahey, there we go. There we go.
Fucking shots!
- No!
- Yeah, let's do shots, come on!
I don't know, mate.
Come on, John. Get the shots out!
Dan, you'll have a shot!
I don't know. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.
Come on!
- Maybe
- Do a shot!
He's doing it now, isn't he?
Come on, you big bald fanny, do a shot!
Come on. I don't mind getting them in.
Honestly. You'll do one.
- Absolutely, mate, yeah.
- Let's do it now.
- Cheers, John, mate.
- Yeah. See you, John.
All right, see you
See you tomorrow, lads.
Yeah, yeah.
Rack 'em up, then, John.
Fuckin' hell.
Quickly, mate!
Fuck, what a night tonight.
Pint to pint with Martin Mucklowe.
Absolutely battered last night.
Can't wait for a debrief
with the lads as well.
Cor! Last night was a random one,
wasn't it?!
Checked my phone this morning.
Only texted my ex about six times
last night!
One of One of them was a video
of me crying for about ten minutes.
What a numpty.
Can't even remember getting home either.
So, you're not fit for work, then?
Well We were all drinking last night.
- No.
I can metabolise a pint in five minutes.
Dan in seven.
You, on the other hand, were taking
the piss out of me and my site,
- See ya.
Yeah. See ya.
I don't work with clowns,
I only work with kings.
What, y
What have I done?
I haven't done anything wrong.
- Well
Is this about me calling you
a big bald fanny last night?
Cos the atmosphere
just totally changed after that.
Yeah, well, to be fair, mate,
it was bang out of order, wasn't it?
My I knew it was. That
Do you know how sad that is?
That is so, actually, sad.
That makes me sad for you,
that you can't take a joke.
That was just a joke,
and you're sacking me for making a joke.
That is
What am I going to do for work?
- Go to joke school.
Well, if I need to go to joke school,
you need to go back
to shagging school, then, mate.
- Yeah.
I overheard your Sandra
in the post office,
saying, yeah,
you might have a big knob,
but you don't know
what the bloody hell to do with it.
- Right, that's it, get off the site now.
- I'm going, mate. I am going.
All the gear, no idea.
I will not miss
working for Martin Mucklowe.
He is a disturbed individual.
Did you hear him say he got
tossed off by his mother
She's 86.
I'd rather shag Kerry's mum
and to think he's done 'em both
Someone's here!
Are you all right?
- You was lucky.
- Yeah.
Are you all right?
Yeah. How was work?
I got sacked.
I really can't be arsed
explaining about it now.
- Happy families.
Can I play?
Yeah, I've pretty much
won this round, anyway.
What's the rules, again?
Mandy makes up the rules each
- I don't make 'em up.
- No.
- That's what they are.
- Yeah.
Two goes for the eldest
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Which is Mandy.
Two cards - one, one, two.
One, one, two.
One, one, two.
One, one, two.
One, one, two
- Ooh, it's another letter!
This is it! Right!
Get back, get back.
Here he is.
Sit down!
I'm not I was just
All right! Christ!
I was just coming by to give Kurtan
the recipe for my Victoria sponge,
because I know how much he likes it.
- That's not That's just I mean
"Dear Kerry, today I fantasised
"that you were dressed
as Miss Trunchbull from Matilda,
"and you were trying out
some new boxing gloves,
"and you didn't have a punchbag,
"so I let you try them out on my balls."
Fuck's sake!
This some sort of wank-fest for you,
is it?
Objectifying some poor girl
for your own pleasure?
It ain't like that, right?
I wank over her as a compliment.
Right? I don't mean nothing by it.
It's a compliment, is it?
Kerry, how does it feel to have
some dirty pervert wanking over you?
Well Like, the strength stuff's
all right.
I think that's quite good.
It's just the other stuff I really,
really, really, really don't like it.
All right, well, you know,
I can respect that, and
I think I just got a bit carried away
with the whole thing.
I wouldn't do it if I knew
you didn't like it, you know?
Yeah. Cos, I mean, like the stuff
about me being strong and that,
I don't mind
- That's the bit I don't mind.
- No
So, that's quite good.
Yeah, it's all right. There's no harm
in it, strength stuff?
- Yeah.
I didn't mind the strength stuff.
- No.
Well Yeah, I I'm with you on that.
Yeah, me, too.
All right, then. Well What if I was
to write another letter, right?
Bear with me.
Kerry's working in the garage, right?
Strongest girl in the whole garage, right?
She doesn't even need a jack to lift the
car up, she does everything by her hands.
- That is strong.
One day, Land Rover comes in -
massive, right? Really heavy.
And you end up actually
lifting it so high,
you lift the whole thing above your head,
you're that strong. How's that?
That That's the end of the story?
- Well, then, yeah.
- That's good.
- Yeah.
- That's great.
- I think that's good, that's fine.
- That's really good, that.
Yeah. It's good It's a good story
about strength
and there is nothing sexual,
and I'm happy with that, if you are.
- I'm happy.
- Cos now I know.
Cos I wouldn't write anything sexual
about you.
Jesus, I don't want you
coming round, beating me up.
Yeah, we would beat you up.
- We would beat you up.
- Well, mainly Mandy,
- I know you're not really
- No, I would beat you up, as well.
- I am a fighter. That's what I live for.
- Yeah, I've been in fights.
I was in a fight with Darren Macy
at the bus bus shelter.
I grabbed him by the hood
and just smashed his face into a wall.
So, if you ever send me a letter again,
I will absolutely batter you, mate!
- Ker, Ker, Ker!
You've given him a stonk-on.
- My God.
- Christ.
- All right, let's get out of here.
- All right!
- Come on, you.
- Christ, I'm going. All right!
Get out, you dirty, dirty, dirty,
disgusting bastard!
All right, Christ!
Well, that was fucking weird.
Are you all right?
I think so.
Do you want to play happy families?
- Yeah.
I'm so relieved
all that is just finished with.
It's not even him, it was her.
I just thought she was never gonna leave.
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