Three Rivers s01e03 Episode Script

Good Intentions

You're going to wake the whole neighborhood.
Okay, how do I look? I can't believe you actually think it matters.
You're getting home at 7:00 in the am God, I never do this, and I didn't even call.
Maybe this is a sign that 20-year-old Karen Gupta finally needs to get her own damn place.
I know, I know.
Just, please, let them be asleep.
Good luck.
Bye, girl.
Mom? Mom? Mommy.
Mom! Daddy.
Dad! Wake up, Dad! Touch engage! Yeah! All right, all right, all right, all right.
Hey! Break it up.
Hey, if Andy can't take the hits, then he shouldn't come out here.
You know what, Mick? It's all right.
I'll pretend that knee in the back was an accident.
Next time, I won't.
Why wait for next time, huh? Mick! Mick! You know what, bro? Come here! Blackberry's going crazy.
Big Shot.
Shut up, Mick.
You may work across the river now, but I know where you came from.
Guys, I got to go.
I'm so sorry.
I'll see you next weekend, all right? Don't worry about it.
Well, it looks like Scott Becker will be showing up any minute.
Maybe I just want to look nice.
Is that a crime? No, not at all.
Can't wait for you to stop putting these on me every week.
I know it's been eight months, but you have to keep believing that you'll get a heart.
Well was I right or was I right? I was right.
Good morning, Mr.
Did you pass your drug test? With flying colors, Nurse Acosta.
- For real? - Kid's on the level.
What can I say? Six months clean.
List me and kiss me.
Please take him far away.
Oh, hey, I forgot.
Um can you take this to Brenda? I made her a playlist.
Where did you get that? Some of my boys.
Same boys I busted trying to bring weed in here for you? - Doc - If this committee finally lists you and I get you a new heart, I don't want to watch you fall off the wagon the minute you walk out of here.
Seriously? All this 'cause I made Brenda a playlist.
It's not about a playlist.
Just just don't break the rules, okay? Besides, I never took you for a playlist kind of guy.
Yeah, Brenda likes this crap.
Spoken like a true romantic.
Give it.
Has anyone ever told you you are one stellar human being? Don't push it.
Don't push it.
That's personal.
I can't hear you.
No, it should read, "The defendant illegally evicted tenants and denied basic amenities.
" Well, he knocked down an exterior wall, ripped out all but two toilets in the entire building and stopped garbage collection.
The place is rent-controlled.
He's trying to force them out to get higher paying tenants.
Yeah, I'm deposing the city inspector at 10:00.
All right, call me in the car if you need me.
Yo! Three Rivers 1x03 Good Intentions sync, corrections BP's 90/55.
Pulse 110 and thready.
Miss Ramirez, can you hear me? Stay with me.
Reed? This your drive-by? Collateral.
Lydia Ramirez, legal aid lawyer for the Hill District.
The other drive-by victim died en route to the hospital.
Where was she hit? Epigastrium.
Borderline hypotension, pulse is up.
FAST exam confirms free fluid intra-abdominally.
The third liter's up.
I say we skip the CT.
We absolutely skip the CT.
- You got it? - Got it.
Lydia! I'm Dr.
You got a lot of bleeding in your belly, and I need to go in to fix it.
You're a woman.
Does that make you feel better? How long Surgery's minimum will I be in the hospital? That depends on the extent of your injuries.
Two, three days? I need to know.
I I have responsibilities.
If we're lucky, less than a week.
Are we going to be lucky? I will do my best.
I'm gonna take that as a yes.
Let's get her upstairs and prepped for surgery.
Unstable abdominal GSW.
Could you hand me the Sanders chart, please? Uh Your hand's on it.
Did you just donate your foot to your mouth? UNOS, the FBI, Dr.
I have no problem talking to them.
But with Alicia - How do you do it? - Oh.
Why am I asking you? You're a doctor.
Girls love that.
Well, girls can love assistant transplant coordinators, too.
Just not the ones who stare at them and don't speak.
Maybe maybe I should talk to her about medicine.
I just learned how to use a sternal saw.
Tell her.
You guys will have beautiful children.
That guy just almost knocked her down.
That's Dr.
Guy never makes eye contact.
How does he deal with his patients? By only treating the ones who aren't awake.
He's a surgeon.
He's running procurements today, because the only thing better than an unconscious patient is a deceased one.
Let's make this quick.
I have a patient rolling into O.
- even as we speak.
- Why, you'll be happy to hear that we only have one candidate today.
Scott Becker.
Has it been six months already? Yes.
His drug test came back clean.
X-ray still shows cardiomegaly and CHF.
His echo indicates chamber dilation and regional wall abnormality.
And his cardiac angio showed unobstructed coronaries, all of which says this kid needs and deserves to be listed.
Okay, let's look at what's not up there.
Binge alcoholism at 13, cocaine use at 15.
His parents disowned him, moved to Atlanta.
First evidence of toxic effect on his heart: an MI at 17.
That's a heart attack at 17 from cocaine use.
He's met UNOS guidelines for listing.
I don't think we should penalize him for doing what we've asked.
What about aftercare? His parents have agreed to take him back on the condition that he stays clean.
Are you sure he can stay clean? I'm pretty sure he can.
Spoken like a man with confidence.
Look, he has made huge mistakes we know that but he's also shown a willingness to change.
This kid deserves a second chance.
I'm afraid your parents suffered carbon monoxide poisoning.
What? How? Could be the furnace.
Fire inspector is at your house trying to determine the cause.
When I came home, they were in these weird clothes.
This type of poisoning can cause confusion and disorientation.
When will they wake up? Your mother is comatose and in need of mechanical ventilatory support.
We're going to treat her with hyperbaric oxygen.
What about my dad? I'm afraid he's brain dead.
Am, am I supposed to Do I have to pull the plug? No, no, no.
We're keeping him on a ventilator because he's a registered organ donor.
Someone will be in to speak with you about that soon.
I'm I'm very sorry, Miss Gupta.
Bruce, telephone, please.
Bruce, telephone, please.
I thought you were in a meeting.
And I thought you were in your room.
I'm sorry, Dr.
You took your IVs out? You know how dangerous that is? Guys, when Dr.
Foster hears about this, she's going to kick both your asses and then mine.
Well, I hope she knows I'm an expert in ka-ra-tay.
I'll come by at dinner.
Okay, what part of "out"? I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
Oh, he's so smooth.
Bruce, telephone, please.
Bruce, telephone, please.
Give me your hand.
Pam's a lot gentler.
Did you understand a word I said this morning? Yeah, and I haven't snorted any lines between then and now.
You said nothing about the ladies.
I shouldn't have to.
Man, why am I busting my ass for you if you don't care? How am I not caring? Look, Doctor, man, why don't you write a list of everything that I can't do, so I don't accidentally change my socks when I'm not supposed to? That's a great idea.
You know what I'm gonna call it? I'm gonna call it Scott's List.
Oh, and by the way Doctor-man just got you accepted for transplant.
You did it? You got me listed? It wasn't easy and I'm starting to regret it, but I got you accepted.
"No ladies.
" Go away.
You took your IV out? You need this drip He was nervous about the committee meeting.
I was I was just trying to offer some moral support.
Is that what the kids are calling it these days? Doctor, do you need me? Yeah, Brenda's in supraventricular tachycardia.
Get me some adenosine, please.
On it.
Okay, now, listen, I'm gonna massage your carotid sinus and it's going to be a bit uncomfortable, but it may lower your heart rate.
And I think we both know why it keeps going up.
- You think Scott's bad for me? - No, I think you need to take care of yourself.
I don't want a heart to show up and you're too weak to accept it.
Her pulse is still 116 and thready.
We're going to have to give it.
Now, this is going to feel like you're flying for a few seconds.
I already feel like that.
I've got a handle on the hepatic bleeding.
I see a track but no bullet.
That slug's in here somewhere.
It's either retroperitoneal or it ricocheted off a vertebral body.
Active bleeding down below.
She's starting to throw PVCs.
That's not good.
Transfer two more units packed cells.
Damn it.
It ricocheted and tore through her uterus.
Can you repair it or should we perform a subtotal hysterectomy? She's 34.
I'm gonna do the repair.
She's hemodynamically unstable.
If I were you, I'd do a hysterectomy.
Which is why you are not me.
We can easily handle the instability.
I'm not going to make a choice she can't come back from.
How you feeling? Like I got shot this morning.
Um, there's no phone in here.
I need to call my office.
Well, I'll see what I can do about getting you one, but in the meantime, just take it easy and you'll be out of here in a couple weeks.
Weeks? You said three days.
There were complications.
The bullet pierced your uterus.
There was an option of hysterectomy, but I was able to save it by repairing your uterine artery and doing extensive reconstruction.
I didn't consent to that.
You were unconscious.
This is not what you said in the ER.
That was an estimate.
I didn't have all the facts then.
No, you didn't.
Fact: I don't want children.
Fact: I have been working on a case against a slumlord for over a year and while I am in here, 30 people are living in squalor.
Fact: If I am not in court next week, that case is going to be kicked or continued, along with 20 other cases I have pending along with real people attached to them.
Ramirez, you almost died this morning.
I can't just not do my job, Doctor.
I would think a woman like you would understand that.
A woman like me? Yeah, you didn't get where you are by missing work.
You need to take time to heal.
Don't tell me what I need.
I don't want you making any more decisions for me.
- I recommend, as your doctor, that you - You are not my doctor anymore.
Not anymore.
What's shaking, Corn-Fed? Handsome doctor meets girl.
Handsome doctor gets girl.
Assistant transplant coordinator goes home alone.
You know, I, uh, I read that same story.
Went something like: doctor talks to nurse because doctor works with nurse.
Hey, what's up? There you are.
Ryan is upset that you're doing your job.
Alicia again.
Dude, have you even talked to her yet? Three Rivers.
Yeah, got it, thanks.
I got a heart in Portland.
Donor's a 48-year-old male, died of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Now, Ryan, what am I supposed to do with a poisoned heart? No, no, w-wait, wait.
I thought you told me that if you reoxygenate a heart that's been saturated in carbon monoxide, that it's viable.
- You were testing me, right? - Oh, you see, David, our little boy's growing up.
Let's see who this heart's going to.
It's the most festive thing the vending machine had.
Foster says my levels aren't good and I'm getting weaker.
So candy's bad for you now? No, but apparently you are.
Come on.
We're the most exciting thing to happen to this place in years.
It's a shame it has to end.
What do you mean? You're going to get a heart and then you're going to leave this dump and land some all-star quarterback.
Are you trying to tell me that this is my bad boy stage? If it is here's a little something to remember me by.
We weren't doing anything.
You have got to stop saying that.
Seriously, man, we're allowed to be out here.
Can we just talk for one minute, please? It's going to have to wait.
I'm sorry.
Come with me.
It doesn't make sense.
I mean, why do I get a new heart? Brenda's been listed forever.
I've been on for like two hours.
We don't make the match, Scott.
UNOS does.
It's just the way it works.
And, boy, you just hit the jackpot.
You ready to change your life forever? Hey.
Hey, this is a really special thing.
You know that, right? Yeah, I know.
I know.
Don't you wish they could just bottle that air? Hospital's a ten minute ride.
Alert them we're en route.
Wow, you're doing worse with Breen than you are with Alicia.
- Hand me that cooler.
- Oh, no, it's my job.
I'm going to cover for you while you go on a little errand.
What's this for? That's for the cab fare to and from Dex's Sea Shack.
They make a lobster roll there so good, the lobsters eat 'em.
I thought you hated seafood.
I do.
You know who's a big foodie? Alicia.
For real? See, this way, you won't need words to impress her.
I'm trying to play your strengths.
Hey, you.
Hey, what's that? This little baby's a heart telemetry monitor.
Since you're technically in surgical prep, it lets us read your cardiac rhythm until your new heart arrives.
You're gonna put that on me? Mm-hmm.
Thank God.
Yablonski roughed me up earlier.
Gonna be in on my surgery, too? Depends.
On what? On how it coincides with my lunch break.
We're taking you to the O.
You nervous? Kinda.
After six months, I can understand that your new life starts today.
I'm going to stay clean, you know.
You don't have to worry about me.
What? What, you-you think I'm lying? Let's just say I've heard the same thing from people closer to me than you.
And? None of them were lying either.
They just didn't understand what it took.
I want to see you make it, Scott.
But the only way is every day.
I know.
Am I not supposed to be in this room? No, it's okay.
I'm Dr.
Lee, I heard about what happened.
Very sorry.
You're here for my dad? Yes.
It's my fault he's dead.
This is all my fault.
I'm sure that's not true.
The firemen said that the space heater in the den ignited the carpet.
And that even though the fire didn't spread, the smoke carried the poison through the house.
And if I hadn't been out partying all night, then I could've done something.
I should've been there.
If you would've been there, you'd be gone, too.
Look, this is a tragedy.
What your father's doing is going to help a lot of people.
And that is something you can hang on to.
Who are all those people in Lydia Ramirez's room? I think all the lawyers she works with.
One of them dropped that off for you.
Is she suing you? For what? No good reason.
Good Dr.
Where is everybody? Off looking for your patient.
He's He's not here.
We're talking about Scott.
Scott's AWOL.
You've got to be kidding me.
No, all floors.
Front and back, thank you.
What happen? Scott disappear? I've got nurses looking for him on every floor.
Chances are he's not in Three Rivers, Andy.
I know, I just spoke to security.
I'm having them review the footage of all the hospital exits.
At least we can work out which way he went.
Have we tried to stop the procurement? I spoke to Ryan.
They cross-clamped the donor already, so we've got like 90 to find him, but I'm gonna go out and start looking now.
The hell you are.
I'm not losing a patient and a doctor.
If he does not turn up soon, you need to let UNOS know.
Somebody should get that heart.
Lee, put in a pulmonary artery cannula while I dissect.
Yes, sir.
His blood have a funny tinge to you? Cyanosis.
I don't know.
PCO2's 32 on the last ABG.
Pulse oximetry is at a hundred percent.
O2 stayed around 85.
You think they checked for methemoglobin? It's not our job to manage the donor.
It's not about the donor.
It's about his wife.
She's still alive, this could affect her situation.
Stevens is her attending physician.
Do your job.
Not his.
Get Dr.
- Now.
- Got it.
I don't get it.
I don't understand why you guys aren't out looking for him.
We have been for the last hour.
And running out of time.
So, do you have - any idea where he might've gone to? - No.
I don't even know why he left.
The implications of transplantation they scare a lot of people.
Meaning, he gets to live? Well, What's the problem with that? it commits Scott to a lifestyle he may not want to follow.
There's aftercare, follow-up treatment, sobriety.
He's not out scoring drugs.
He knows about the commitment.
But he just got put on the list and that's huge.
And then to get a heart on the same day he just may not be ready for it.
So what if he bails? Will they give him another chance? It's hard to say for sure.
Why are you here? Are you taking her, too? No, Karen.
Your mom's stable.
It's fine.
You said the space heater ignited the carpet, - right? - Yeah.
Certain synthetics release toxins which cause manypeople anemia, whose effects mirror that of carbon monoxide.
Except that carbon monoxide turns blood bright red.
And methemoglobinemia turns it brown.
So, she was poisoned with something else? Well, to some extent, they both were.
Unfortunately, your father succumbed to the carbon monoxide.
But your mother's MHG level's at 45%, which is good.
Because that is methelene blue the antidote.
We should know in about ten minutes if it works.
Paging Dr.
Jordan, room 1 STAT.
What's happening? Her drain came out.
the incision's bleeding.
I anchored it.
It may be DIC, run a clotting panel.
Why are you doing this to me? Relax.
How's it going in there? I'm not certain we administered the antidote in time.
UNOS couldn't find a match in Portland.
So, we're going to pack up.
Breen says we need to leave in five minutes.
Well, then you come get me in four minutes and 15 seconds.
It's not working.
We don't know that yet.
She always told me that I could do anything I put my mind to.
Mothers, right? When my friends would give me grief about still living at home, I'd say, "Like, I want to live in a crappy apartment with annoying roommates?" But the truth was, I was scared to leave.
To be on my own.
They were always there for me, and the one time that I wasn't there I'm so sorry, Mom.
I'm so sorry.
Mom? Mommy! Oh, my God, Mommy.
It's me.
I'm right here.
I'm right here.
Gupta, can you hear me? Can you squeeze my hand? This is Dr.
Can you squeeze my hand? Squeeze my hand.
There you go.
Mommy, please don't die.
All right.
That was Ryan.
They're wheels-down, 20 out.
We haven't found a match in Pittsburgh.
That heart belongs to Scott or nobody.
I didn't see this coming.
That's the kind of day it's been.
You guys should've taken me up on that offer.
That deli was amazing.
What's going on? Scott's gone.
We can't find him.
And the heart's on the expressway.
Did you track the heart telemetry monitor? works like a GPS.
I know how it works.
I didn't know you put one on.
There is a signal, but no coordinates, coming from the hospital.
How can he be in the hospital and not show up on any floor? You want to tell me what you're doing up here? I'm not coming in.
There is a heart arriving.
Once it gets here, it's viable for 30 minutes.
I'm not taking it.
Scott I've done this operation hundreds of times.
You're going to be okay.
It's just It's Brenda who deserves this heart.
She's been waiting for like six years, man.
It doesn't work like that, Scott.
Well, then, make it work! I can't.
She's gonna get a heart.
It's just not this one.
I am a serious screwup.
You know it, and I know it.
She's a good person.
She's never hurt anybody.
She's never done anything wrong in her whole life.
I can't take this heart.
It's just not right.
You see the Monongahela Incline over there? You see that? Top of that's Mount Washington.
That's where I grew up.
You think you're a screwup? You should hear what I did.
Came this close to going to prison.
A lot of my friends did go.
Scott, you're faced with a choice.
You can either hear the wake-up call, or you can walk away.
You are not me! And you're not your past, okay? It's one piece of you.
It's not everything.
You know what, Scott? Maybe the old you doesn't deserve this heart.
But you do.
What about Brenda? You take this heart so you can be there when she gets hers.
Now, come on, let's go.
Wait! Hey.
Nice drama.
It was all part of my evil plan to get you to like me more.
It worked.
Okay, I hate to be a wet blanket here, but I kind of need to swap out your heart, so if you kooky kids could, uh Bye.
I'll see you later.
Okay? I promise.
Hey, Alicia.
I don't know if you heard.
We had a procurement run in Portland.
Uh, Maine, not-not Oregon.
Probably wouldn't be back yet if it was Oregon.
No, probably not.
But Maine it's, uh, closer, and and do you know what Maine's famous for? The longest coastline in the U.
? No.
Is that true? Sure is.
Anyway, they catch a lot of lobster.
And with that in mind, I thought you might like to enjoy the regional delicacy of a lobster roll.
That's sweet.
But I'm Jewish.
J-Jew And lobster's A bottom feeder.
But thanks for thinking of me.
No problem.
Bottom feeder.
I know who the bottom feeder is.
We shouldn't speak.
But we're going to, because I did nothing wrong.
My chart says differently.
Your chart has nothing to do with this.
You called your attorney? You're damn right I did.
There's no phone in this room, which means you got out of bed to go and find one.
That is why your sutures didn't hold.
Don't try to blame this on me.
I have clients depending on me.
I can't just lie here doing nothing.
Right now, that's exactly what you need to do.
The park where I learned to ride a bike it's full of drug dealers and gang bangers.
I spend every waking minute trying to hold the line, so that decent people can lead a decent life and have a little something, and not be afraid.
You're not responsible for everyone.
They shot me! In my own house! I know.
I know they did.
I know they did.
I heard it went well.
On the transplant, or getting him into surgery? Hmm, you pick.
When Rena and I started dating, I had this motorcycle.
It was this beat-up old Triumph.
Oh, it was a '76 Bonneville.
It was beautiful.
What, she made you get rid of it? No, she never said a word.
She even cleaned the helmet for me.
Two months later, I got rid of it without hesitation.
'Cause you wanted to live.
For her, yeah.
Of course, we all know how that turned out.
So, do you regret it? Not for a second.
Not for a second.
I'm going home.
Oh, me, too.
Let's go.
sync, corrections
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