Threshold (2005) s01e08 Episode Script


Remember this when you're begging the Lord for mercy.
I've seen the dark angel, and he is coming to scourge the earth! Only those with supreme faith will find eternity in the sea of glass! Help! Can anyone hear me? Everything is outlined in the plan.
Two walks a day- quarter of a mile minimum- one bowl dry food in the morning, one treat in the evening.
He is not allowed on the bed.
and he gets a bath every other Saturday.
His favorite game is hide and seek, and his favorite toy is the sock monkey.
Oh, and, uh the three closest animal hospitals are on the last page.
Yes, ma'am.
I'll take care of him.
All right.
Hey, you be good, all right? Where's he off to? Well, I thought it'd be best if someone else looked after him for awhile.
Who's looking after you? Come again? You've been working nonstop for three days.
Have you even been home since Hatten's funeral? I gave the order to shoot down a plane full of people, one of them my good friend.
A decent therapist might say I'm throwing myself into work to help sublimate my guilt.
And they'd probably be right.
But at least I'm being productive.
You can't compartmentalize your stress forever.
Maybe you should talk to someone.
You know, I thought that's what we were doing.
You know what I mean.
We're all under a lot of pressure.
Your Threshold protocols include stress counseling as part of the plan.
Might be time to get that started.
I'll give it some thought.
We have a situation in New Harmony, Indiana.
Hometown of one of our missing Big Horn crewmen.
Yeah, I watched him get run over by a car and walk away like it was nothing.
- Did we get a hit? - Maybe the kind we don't want.
I had two agents staking out his mother's house.
One went missing.
Let's bring up everything we know about him.
If Craig Sonntag did come home, I want to know why.
Corrected for DVD: awaqeded -addic7ed.
com When Goodman didn't check in this morning, I put a call out to his partner.
Agent Harper wasn't with him when he disappeared? No, they're splitting shifts.
Harper was asleep back at the motel while Goodman was running surveillance on his mother's house.
- What about his vehicle? - There's no trace of it.
I thought all your cars were equipped with GPS locators.
They are, but for some reason, this one stopped transmitting.
Last known position? Last known position was two blocks away from his mother's house.
New Harmony's barely a dot on the map.
It's hard to believe Sonntag could slip into town without us noticing.
Well, if there's one thing we've learned about our infectees, they are full of surprises.
What do we know about him? Born and raised in New Harmony, spent two years as an agricultural engineer before he joined the Navy.
His mother is his only surviving relative.
You better get out there.
Anything? Oh, plenty.
I've been studying the Big Horn hull fragment that washed up in Rhode Island- the one we found at the seafood joint.
No doubt about it, the crystalline structures are the result of algae that was bio- formed by the alien signal.
And these crystals affected people's theta waves, made them have the nightmares.
Within a two- foot radius.
They may be invisible to the naked eye, but they pack a wallop.
We blew that ship to smithereens.
What's to stop more of these fragments from washing ashore? Nothing.
That's why we shouldn't have blown up the ship in the first place.
Point taken.
Now what do we do about these fragments? We've already got people combing the shoreline, but that's only a stopgap measure.
I think we've got to go to the source, find out what we're dealing with.
Yeah, this shouldn't be a problem.
You know, I cut my teeth on deep ocean probes.
That ship could be in a million pieces, a thousand feet down.
Hey, they found the Titanic, didn't they? After 90 years.
Yeah, but we got GPS, state- of- the- art sonar.
90 years? We'll find it in 90 minutes.
I could whip up a search grid using the Big Horn mass, you know, seasonal currents, ocean floor topography.
This probe would be equipped with a robotic camera, so we can monitor the entire search from here.
Make a list of what you'll need.
Uh, and this will involve DOD, the Navy and the Oceanic Administration.
And what do we do if we find the Big Horn? We raise it and bring it back.
We've got a handle on things here.
If you don't mind my suggesting, you might want to take that field trip to Indiana.
Why might I want to do that? Cavennaugh's looking for one of his men.
I don't want him stepping over people to find him.
He lacks a certain Savoir faire? That's one way of putting it.
And it wouldn't kill you to get a little fresh air.
He was supposed to be back here by 6:00 a.
When he didn't show up, I went to look for him.
That's when u called me.
We put out an APB on both Goodman and his vehicle.
We also have a dozen agents scouring the town.
We're gonna find him.
First things first: Did Sonntag make contact with his mother? Nothing from the phone surveillance indicates they made contact.
Unless it was outside the home.
We should search her house for any evidence.
You know her schedule.
When's the next time she's out for any length of time? About two hours.
Every Thursday, she attends an evening church service.
- What's your entry point? - Rear door.
She keeps a spare key in the bird feeder.
Checked both bedrooms.
One of them is a sewing room now.
So, if Sonntags back, he's not sleeping in his old bed.
Remember our cover story? Yeah, the families were told the crew died at sea.
God, her son was her life.
There's probably a shrine like this in the home of every missing crewman.
I'll check out the basement.
All right, call me if you find anything weird.
I almost shot a dryer.
How'd you do? I've been through the pantry, the cupboards She doesn't keep a lot of food in the house.
You looking for a snack? I'm looking for a way to explain these.
Grocery bills.
One from two weeks ago, one from yesterday.
Beef jerky, canned beans, peanut butter Healthy appetite.
Fenway said our infectees crave protein.
And most of the items are non-perishable.
She could be getting them to her son somehow.
So we follow the food trail I can tell you where it leads.
She's a big contributor to Food for Children.
It's a local food drive.
Got the hair sample you wanted from a shower drain.
Is there anything else you'd like me to do? Hang on a second.
Caffrey? Molly? Church flyer.
Look familiar? "Join Reverend Lavory as he shares his important message.
"Great change is coming as foretold in his visions.
Come hear about the sea of glass.
" This change of clothing habit of yours comes in handy.
No talking in church.
Sonntag's mother.
Revelations 4:6.
"And behold, "I saw the throne in Heaven.
"And before the throne there was a sea of glass, "like unto crystal.
"And in the midst of the sea, there was a beast with eyes before and behind.
" I have seen this place.
And I have seen the beast standing in the sea of glass.
I prayed to God, and I asked him why was I being shown these things? And then I realized, I was part of a divine plan.
It's already happening.
In your homes.
How many here tonight have had the dreams? Don't be afraid.
Reverend, I've had it.
Don't try to fight it.
I've had the dream.
Accept what is happening.
Only those who believe will find eternity in the sea of glass.
I work for Modern Spirituality.
It's a small magazine out of Evansville- a staff of two, really.
I do the writing, and, uh, John here is the whole graphics department.
Welcome to New Harmony.
What brings you here? You, actually.
I was sent one of your flyers.
We're interested in running a piece on the visions you've been having.
Well, now, that sounds promising, but how do I know I won't open your magazine and find I'm some kind of crackpot? Oh, we're not here to make judgments, Reverend.
Uh, I'll just write about your message, and we'll let the readers decide if you're a crackpot all on their own.
Fair enough.
Hey, do you mind if I take a few shots? - Please.
- Thank you.
Shall we sit? I suppose it doesn't matter what people think of me.
It's all going to happen, whether they believe or not.
The end of the world? The end of the world as we know it.
I prefer to think of it as a change.
What kind of change? A cleansing.
Like the Great Flood or Sodom and Gomorrah.
The impure will be swept away, and those that remain will go on to the next step.
And what is the next step? One step closer to becoming the divine creatures that He intended us to be.
When did your dreams begin? Three weeks ago.
And they become more vivid every night.
Where were you when they started? In my bed, naturally, in my living quarters.
I know this might sound strange, but our readers enjoy a lot of detail.
Would you mind just showing me around the quarters so I can describe where it all began? Yeah, I suppose so.
And some other members of your congregation claimed to be having these visions, as well.
Do you think any of them might be willing to talk to me? I'm sure of it.
You mentioned a a landscape of, uh, glass or crystal and a and a dark presence.
Anything else? Any other details? Once, a few days ago, a dead man came to see me.
Really? He lived here in this town until he was killed on a ship at sea.
Craig Sonntag.
Uh any idea why he might show up in your dreams? I think he's a symbol.
Sonntag is German for Sunday, the Lord's day.
He told me not to be afraid.
Comforting, isn't it? Who knew there was a sea of glass in the Bible? Creepy, isn't it? Yeah.
We better stop this thing before it turns into a full- blown religious movement.
Either he's infected, and trying to fool us, or he's not infected, and he's misinterpreting the dreams.
I've asked my secretary to put you in touch with members of the congregation.
Much appreciated.
You wanted to see my living quarters? Whoa, whoa, hold on.
I'll be right behind you, but first, I'm gonna get a status report on Agent Goodman, see if anything turned up- all right? All right.
Activate sonar sweep, north quadrant.
Come about two- two- niner, seven degrees.
We've got an echo in grid 17- A.
Pegg to Commander Williams.
Go ahead.
You see what we see? That's affirmative.
Something's down there, a good 20 meters long.
Can you feed us the telemetry? Stand by.
You hear about what's going on in Indiana? You mean, Reverend Lovejoy spouting biblical nonsense about Armageddon? How do we know it's nonsense? People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of the world, and exactly none of them have been right thus far.
Yeah, except that, now, we're facing an alien threat.
I'd say that that qualifies.
What are you talking about- some divine plan? Who's to say it's not? I mean, for all we know, we're trying to prevent something that was supposed to happen.
Call it what you want- the next step in our evolution God's plan.
If that's the case, then, the Old Man's sense of humor's more twisted than I thought.
And if this is some sort of divine plan, then, uh, tough luck, Big Guy, but I'm gonna do everything I can to stop it.
You Here we go.
It's definitely metallic.
The profile's not right.
The Big Horn had a rectangular hull.
That's convex.
Another shipwreck? Yeah, certainly looks that way.
We should, uh, widen our search radius.
Although, I do have a better idea.
Why don't you just ask your buddy God to tell us where the Big Horn is? Maybe he gave us the brains and the talent to find it ourselves.
It was beautiful.
Crystal spires, fields of glass.
It filled me with so much hope.
A- Anything else? Horses.
Six magnificent white horses pulling a golden chariot, and inside was this bright light.
I think it was the Lord Himself.
W- When did your dreams begin? Two nights ago.
It- It was pretty wild.
The whole town was on fire and people were screaming.
Reverend Lavory- he took me by the hand.
He led me to safety.
The sea of glass? No.
It was right here in the church.
So, you never saw the crystal landscape? No, no, no, nothing like that.
There was this earthquake, and the ground opened up, and this giant monster that looked like Kraken came out, only he was made out of glass.
The Kraken? From Clash of the Titans.
Cool movie.
Ever see it? Afraid not.
That's when I woke up.
That's kind of like the reverend's dream, right? I mean, the Kraken is a dark presence.
Sounds like it, yeah.
So, all we're dealing with is Reverend Lavory.
Everyone I talked to described something different.
I mean, aside from the occasional reference to glass, there's nothing in common, and- and none of them were like the dreams that we had after we were exposed to the signal.
Sounds like Lavory's sermons had quite an impact.
Put ideas in their head.
I think they want to feel part of something special, something larger than themselves, you know, like we all do.
Hey, it's Fenway.
I got your results.
I got enough saliva off the water glass to run a DNA analysis.
Your reverend is officially human.
No genetic mutations.
If he is having the dreams, it's likely his theta waves are elevated, like yours and Cavennaugh's, but I can't confirm that without a direct examination.
And Sonntag's mother? I recovered a skin tag from one of the hair samples.
Same result- she's normal.
Thanks, Doctor.
Uh, Baylock, how are Lucas and Ramsey doing with their treasure hunt? They had a near miss.
The search continues.
Keep me posted.
Lavory's not infected.
But he's been exposed, either to the alien signal, or more of those crystalline structures.
Anything in his room? Not that I could see.
I think it's time we start digging a little deeper into that church.
And, uh, stay on top of Mrs.
I want to know how her son fits into this equation.
I'll find out more about this food drive, make sure her donations are going where we think they're going.
We got a hit on the APB.
The police found Goodman's vehicle.
I'll check it out.
Have you seen it, too? What? You've had the dreams, haven't you? Oh, you're not gonna lie in a church, are you, Ms.
Cambrey? How did you know? I felt a connection to you.
I knew it from the moment we met.
Why didn't you say so before? Trying to maintain some objectivity, I guess.
You didn't come here looking for an interview, did you? You came here searching for answers yourself.
I had this made after the visions began.
I have seen this shape many times.
It appeared to me in rain on a window.
A reflection on a fountain.
Such a profound design: one symbol made of three separate spires.
Sound familiar? You think it's the Holy Trinity.
What do you think it is? I've been told it's a graphic depiction of a mathematical equation.
Maybe it's both.
"Science without religion is lame.
Religion without science is blind.
" My favorite Einstein quote.
Don't be frightened.
It's all preordained.
Our dreams, the coming change.
Perhaps your soul is troubled because you're fighting it.
I'm not ready for the world to change.
I'm afraid it's gonna happen anyway.
Are you afraid that you'll be judged harshly for your sins? Do you carry the burden of guilt? You said you saw this symbol reflected in the fountain.
Can you take me there? You spend a lot of time out here? I do.
It's where I meditate and write my sermons.
It's a little late in the season for lettuce, isn't it? We've been blessed with temperate weather and fertile soil.
This is the fountain? - It is.
- Reverend? You have a phone call.
If you'll excuse me.
Are those human teeth? Let's document everything.
Any more human teeth? No, but look at this.
Crystalline formations.
Are they all like that? So far.
Be careful.
Don't let it touch your skin.
Now we know what caused the reverend's visions.
Proximity to the crystals.
The time he spent out here meditating was enough to affect his dreams.
Let's get these samples to Fenway ASAP, and make sure these guys rotate shifts- 15 minutes on, 15 off.
Until we know the cumulative effects of the crystals, let's treat it like radiation.
All right.
I want you to supervise a thorough search of the church grounds, see if we're missing anything, all right? Yes, sir.
Any news on Goodman? Found his car at the bottom of a ravine.
Looks like it was an accident.
Or that's what someone wants us to think.
They find the body? Won't for a couple of hours.
It's going to take a while for our guys to get down there.
Fenway, did you get the images? Well, they certainly look similar to the crystals we found on the Big Horn hull fragment, but I can't say for certain till I put one under a microscope.
Do you have any idea what's causing this? Well, with the hull fragment, we know the crystals came from exposure to the alien signal, so unless that probe made another appearance, I- I don't have the first clue.
All right.
The samples are on their way.
"Modern Spirituality"? I'm sorry I lied to you.
What in God's name is the federal government doing in my church? I- I can't go into detail right now, but we found some unusual mutations in your garden.
They're potentially very toxic, and we need to know how they got there.
Am I under arrest for something? No.
We- we think you're the victim of something.
Your visions may be directly related to it.
I haven't eaten anything from the garden.
Well, you didn't have to.
Just being near it was enough.
That is absurd.
Who tends your garden, Reverend Lavory? Is it you? Has it occurred to you that what is happening out there is part of the coming change? You call them mutatis; I call them signs.
So you do know about them? I know that I have been anointed by the Lord to help usher in a new chapter in human history, and I will not be silenced.
We are not trying to silence you, but if you won't cooperate, we will take you into custody.
This is religious persecution.
Get out of my church! Reverend.
You are desecrating the house of the Lord! You've sealed your fate, Ms.
Remember that when you're begging the Lord for mercy! You sure this is the Big Horn? You went all excited puppy the last three times.
This- this is it.
We're- we're- we're waiting on a visual.
Go left.
Left? Can we be a little more specific? How about throwing in degrees and meters just for kicks? Okay.
50 meters ahead, 22 degrees to port, mon Capitan.
Hold on.
I think I see something.
I don't see anything.
Right there.
It matches the Big Horn's hull geometry.
We're fighting interference.
I'm not sure from where.
It's not the equipment.
Boost the SONAR.
What in the hell are we looking at? The Big Horn.
I know but what's all that? Zoom in.
Oh we are so screwed.
All right, keep me posted.
Still no word on Goodman, but I just got an update on the food drive situation The donation center records show they haven't received any contributions from Mrs.
Sonntag in at least a month.
Her receipts were all within the last three weeks.
Yeah, so who's eating all that food she's been buying? Harper, keep going here.
I think it's time we met Mom.
His father left when Craig was just a boy.
So we didn't have enough money for him to finish his agricultural studies.
So he joined the Navy.
It was, uh it was my idea.
You don't know how many times I've regretted it.
Are you investigating the accident that killed Craig? Mrs.
Sonntag, there may have been a mistake.
We think your son might still be alive.
That's- that's not possible.
The admiral said the entire ship exploded.
We need to know if you've seen or talked to him recently.
This is crazy.
My son is dead.
I understand this is difficult.
Over the last three weeks, you've purchased a great deal of food.
Would you mind telling us where it went? What does this got to do with my son? Please, answer the question.
I gave it to the food drive.
We spoke to the donation center.
They have no record of it.
That's because I went to the one in Concord Township.
Do you have any proof? Any receipts or anything that we could see? I'd need to find them.
Concord Township? That's about 50 miles from here.
Ma'am? Mrs.
Sonntag? Ma'am? You okay? Yes, I'm fine.
Well, she saw her son, all right.
And he infected her somehow.
Fenway said her DNA was clean.
Well, Fenway was wrong.
We got to get you to a doctor.
I'll be okay.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
Harper found something at the church.
I'll stay with her and wait for back- up.
All right.
Be careful.
Harper? Where is everybody? We turned this place upside down.
If Sonntag was here, he's not now.
I've stationed a couple of agents on the perimeter and sent the rest back to base camp.
You said you wanted to show me something? Right here.
Hello? Anyone? - Monster? - He's gone.
What are you talking about? What happened here? Your plan failed, Molly.
Your protocols were a death sentence for millions.
That's not possible.
I- I- I- I went through every contingency hundreds of times.
That's not right.
Remember this when you're begging the Lord for mercy.
Help! Can anyone hear me? We've covered every square inch of the wreckage.
This stuff is everywhere.
These crystals the same as the ones on Fenway's hull fragment? The spectral data's a match.
This what it looks like in your dream? Yeah, pretty much.
Whatever barnacles or algae that were sticking to the Big Horn when it went down were transformed by the alien signal.
There is no way in hell we're going to be able to raise this thing.
I ran the mother's DNA three times.
She's clean.
Yeah, well, I've got a dislocated shoulder that says she's not.
I could test it a thousand times, the results would be identical.
This hair is not from an infected person.
The screw- up is on your end, my friend.
The mom's body's being shipped your way.
Thanks for the info.
Something wrong, sir? I thought you were at the church.
I was.
Doctor Caffrey sent me here, said you needed back- up.
I got the forensics back on Goodman's SUV.
- Did they find Mike? - No.
There's no body, no sign of a struggle.
And the GPS locator wasn't destroyed someone removed it.
Any leads on who it might have been? Well, considering there were only two people who knew where it was, the field's pretty narrow.
What are you implying, sir? Whose hair did you send to Dr.
Fenway? Sir? Those samples were clean, Harper.
Take a seat! I said, take a seat.
You infected him.
We need to find out why it fails like this.
You're experimenting on people.
We're helping them.
Is that how you're doing it? You're using your own blood to infect them? Until another probe arrives, it's the only way.
And your little garden.
You're using your blood like fertilizer, right? You're trying to infect our food.
Tell me about Threshold.
We know of your plan to try to stop us, Dr.
We know who you are.
Where are the other crewmen? I'm not telling you anything.
Actually, you're going to tell me everything and I'm not even going to have to ask.
How do you know I won't end up like him? I don't.
I'd think you'd want some answers before you stick me with that thing.
Because if it doesn't work, you've got nothing.
Check him! You okay? Let's get a bolt cutter in here! Now! How'd you find me? Red Team members were implanted with tracking chips, remember? It was your idea.
And and Harper? We got him; don't worry.
It's Agent Goodman.
So Sonntag was trying to infect our field agents.
Only it didn't take with Goodman, and Harper was probably turned before we even got here.
So how come he didn't infect Reverend Lavory? Why do you think he picked his garden? If you turn the shepherd the sheep will follow.
Craig told me he was a messenger from God, and he needed me to protect him.
At first, I didn't believe him, but then he said he'd appear to me in a dream.
When he did, I took that as proof.
He killed that man? One of our agents.
Why? We've been tracking Mr.
Sonntag for quite some time.
He's been manufacturing large quantities of a very powerful hallucinogen.
So my visions We think he's been slipping you controlled doses of the drugs.
They've made you highly suggestible.
I said some things to you earlier No apology necessary.
I hope my congregation's as understanding.
I tested the syringe.
It contains a chemical enzyme derived from Sonntag's infected blood.
Once it's introduced into the victim, it triggers the mutations.
What about the garden? That's where things get really interesting.
You ever heard of GMOs? "Genetically Modified Organisms.
" Yeah, I've been to the supermarket.
It looks like Sonntag injected these plants with the enzyme.
Designer DNA.
It's the basis for most GMO research.
It's what keeps your tomatoes looking so fresh, long after they're safe to eat.
So what would happen if I ate some of these vegetables? You'd absorb enough of the enzyme to transform your own DNA.
Which is exactly what happened when I fed it to my lab rats.
They're trying to contaminate the food supply.
Didn't you say Sonntag was an agricultural engineer before he joined the Navy? Yeah.
They're using their human knowledge to spread the infection.
And this? The teeth are one of our more unusual mutations.
Sonntag used his infected blood to synthesize the enzyme.
Some of the coding sequences for human tissue must have been activated.
I'd hate to see this in the grocery aisle.
What about those flies? Innocent bystanders.
They just picked the wrong feeding ground.
We need to make sure that none of the altered food or any of the seedlings made it out of that garden.
I'll send a decontamination team to scour New Harmony and the surrounding farmland.
Not to add to the bad- news parade, but I have something else to show you.
I took some time- lapse images of the forward hull.
In the last three hours, the crystals have grown six square meters.
Three weeks from now, three months, who knows what this ship will look like? Well, in three months, this will cover about 4, 320 square meters.
Imagine a football field of this stuff and you get the idea.
You're right, raising the ship is too risky.
Let's establish a no- shipping, no- fly zone above the wreckage.
30 miles wide, at least.
Why can't we just drop some depth charges and blow the damn things up? We can't risk dispersing it any more.
Besides, there's a lot we can learn here.
If we set up an unmanned monitoring station, we can keep our eyes on the wreckage 24/7.
Right, but we should also start collecting more samples.
Find out if it was an accident or part of their plan.
What, you mean like bio- form the people, terra- form the planet? Looks that way.
You said you found out something about the other wreckage? I had a guy from Naval Intelligence analyze the images.
It's a Kilo- class submarine.
North Korean.
Is that the same sub that was chasing the Big Horn before it went down? Apparently so.
Any record of it making a distress call? Haven't you heard? North Korea has outlawed distress.
Any idea what happened to it? Not yet.
Maybe the better question is who happened to it.
How late are you working? Oh, I'm not working.
I'm unwinding.
How does one do that exactly? You know, I've been thinking about what you said about me needing to talk to someone.
I'm glad to hear it.
And I realized there are only five people on the planet who actually understand what I'm going through.
Ramsey and Lucas have bonded to some extent, so they have each other to talk to.
Fenway and I, you know we don't always get along.
Cavennaugh's the international man of mystery; his personal life is classified.
So, by process of elimination You really do suck at unwinding.
I really do.
I'm all ears.

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