Thunderbirds Are Go! (2015) s01e24 Episode Script

Touch and Go

John, it's Kayo.
The Echelon decoding device has been recovered.
Wait, what? You engaged with the subject? Kayo, you were just supposed to shadow him.
We did a little shadow boxing.
Five Four Three Two One.
Thunderbirds Are Go! Scott, do not tell me how to do my job.
It's not that we don't appreciate your excellent work, Kayo.
- It's just that this is not what we do.
- Why not? Because we're not the police.
We leave the law enforcement up to the GDF.
Our priority is people.
Our job is to help rescue and clean up during international disasters.
Not chasing after bad guys.
Scott, we can't always wait for catastrophe to strike.
If I hadn't taken action and retrieved that decoding device, he could have accessed the computer system of every government in the world.
- Yep, but he didn't.
- That's right.
By stopping the thief, I stopped an international disaster before it happened.
We have a situation developing.
- This discussion isn't over.
- I'm sure.
What's the situation, John? The Central Air Traffic Control Hub, CATCH, has gone offline.
What do you mean, offline? I mean, it's disappeared.
No longer working.
That means there's over 2,000 planes stuck in the air with no way of landing safely.
I'd say that's a problem.
John, monitor all communications.
See if you can find the source of the problem.
I've tried to access the CATCH computer, but it's locked.
If we can't bring it back online It's only a matter of time before there's an accident.
All right.
Kayo, I need you to go to CATCH and scout the compound.
See if you can find out what's going on.
- What's this? - A remote access chip.
Place it in the computer and hopefully I might be able to reboot CATCH from here.
- Kayo.
- Scott? Under no circumstance are you to engage in any hostile activity.
This is a reconnaissance mission only.
If you find trouble, contact John and get out of there.
He'll alert the GDF.
Understand? F-A-B.
Virgil, let's suit up and help as many aircraft as we can.
Thunderbirds are go! Five, four, three, two, one.
Thunderbirds are go! CATCH, do you read? Come in, CATCH.
What is going on down there? Visibility's zero.
I'm climbing another thousand feet to get out of this mess.
Mayday, mayday! This is Tyranian Cargo 822.
Autopilot offline.
Losing altitude.
Cannot compensate.
Mayday, mayday! This is Tyranian Cargo 822, going down.
Thunderbird 5 to Thunderbird 2.
I'm picking up a distress signal near your location.
- I'm sending the coordinates now.
- Coordinates received.
Virgil, I'll double-time it to your location.
After-burners on.
All right.
- EOS? - Yes, John? Until we get CATCH back online, looks like you and I are gonna be playing air traffic controller.
Calculate every aircraft's course and minimum safe distances.
And let me know the second any of them get too close.
- Think we can do it? - We don't have a choice, do we? Come on, now.
I'm not asking for much.
Just a little altitude.
She's losing too much altitude.
Gotta help her level off.
Hold still for Virgil.
Now! Yeah! Dead-eye Virgil strikes again.
Oh, so now you're suddenly a good shot? Hey, I have to take every small victory I can get.
This won't hold for long.
It's up to you now, big brother.
Matching speed.
Virgil, you have control of Thunderbird 1.
- Just keep her flying straight.
- Will do.
And I'd like her waxed and detailed when I get back, too.
I'm ready to go, Virgil.
Phew! Thank you for magnetic boots, Brains.
Thunderbird 5, this is Thunderbird 1.
I'm at the emergency door.
Can you remotely access the plane's computer and unlock it? Hacking the on-board computer of a plane in flight is a violation Consider it done.
Virgil, the pilot's out cold but stable.
I'll have to land this thing.
- Right behind you.
Be careful, Scott.
- F-A-B.
Looks like somebody's home.
Well, this is a mess.
I see a strip of land where I can put her down.
Are you sure, Scott? It's not very big.
No other options.
Follow my flight pattern.
I'm going down! Get ready for a bumpy landing.
Scott, hold on! - Phew! That was close.
- You're not out of the woods yet, Scott.
- Excellent.
- And the planes? Oh, I'm sure they'll sort it out.
Most of them.
Thunderbird 5, come in.
This is Thunderbird 5.
What do you see, Kayo? It's The Hood.
He's shut down CATCH and has no plan to reboot it.
- I have to stop him.
- Negative, Kayo.
Too dangerous.
I'll alert the GDF.
Return to your ship and wait for back-up.
That's an order.
- What's that, John? - You're breaking up.
We have all CATCH personnel locked in the subbasement, just as you ordered.
They put up no resistance.
Everything is right on schedule.
Soon we'll have what we need and no-one will be the wiser.
Keep CATCH shut down for another hour.
That should be a good enough diversion.
Yes, sir.
This is all a diversion? But for what? - Scott! - Stay back! This plane is a tightrope walker on roller skates.
I need to try and get the pilot out, and any sudden movements will cause this thing to take ahead into the gorge.
I'll try to secure it with a tow line.
Must gain altitude.
You had a hard landing.
And we're still in danger.
- I need you to sit still.
- There was a plane and - Who are you? - International Rescue.
It's OK.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Or not.
Rise and shine, sleepyhead.
Time to talk.
- What brings you to the neighbourhood? - You think I'd ever OK, OK! We were told to sabotage CATCH as a diversion.
The Hood knew the authorities would focus on the skies.
Instead of? Instead of his plan to steal a billion therms of Alsterene.
But it's too late.
There's nothing you can do about it.
Don't bet on it.
John, this is Kayo.
Do you read? Yeah.
Suddenly I read you loud and clear, which is weird, because there's really - Pass me to Brains, please.
- Connecting.
You're on with Brains.
Have you found the source of the problem? It's still chaos in the skies.
The Hood shut down CATCH to divert attention from a massive theft of Alsterene.
I've taken out the hostiles and plugged in the device you gave me.
It's up to you now, Brains.
Good luck.
- Well, what about you? - I've got another job to do.
No, Kayo, stay where you are and wait for back-up.
Kayo! Please respond.
I know how you feel.
No, no, no! Not yet! Come on.
Hold! Yes! - Scott, you OK? - I guess "OK" is a relative term.
I've had better days.
Maybe I can hoist you back up using Thunderbird 2? Negative, Virgil.
The plane's too big and it's crumbling like one of Grandma's cakes.
- We need to get out of here fast.
- Any ideas? I'm open to suggestions.
Hold it right there.
This was made for knocking aircraft out of the sky, but it'll do just fine on you.
- No funny stuff.
- Don't worry, you won't be laughing.
I was wrong.
That was pretty funny.
Brains, I have a few thousand aircrafts that can't find their way home.
Can you hurry this up a bit? Your n-nagging will not improve my efficiency.
Yes! I rock! John, the main frame should now be routing planes to land.
Confirm? Affirmative, Brains.
That was close.
Scott? It's going! Hold on.
- I'm Scott, by the way.
- Nice to meet you, Scott.
- Captain Jane Carter.
- Good news.
CATCH is back online.
Great, John.
Glad to hear that Kayo was on the scene and in control.
Uh yeah.
Not exactly.
Nice of you to join us, Kayo.
You really need to invest in a better class of baddies Uncle.
As I've mentioned before, excellent workers are hard to come by.
The Tracys are truly fortunate to have you to skulk in the shadows for them, while they take to the sky.
Why do you let them treat you like a minion, Kayo? You have the skills and spirit to lead.
Like me.
You call this leading? You risked thousands of lives just to cover a fuel theft? Not just a fuel theft.
The greatest fuel theft of all time.
Alsterene is the cleanest, most efficient combustible energy source that exists on our planet.
This haul will allow me to run my operation for years to come.
Not while I'm around.
Why do you help those that would hoard the resources of the world? There are many that need this fuel far more than the rich companies that own it.
Oh, I'm sure that your motives are nothing but noble.
You'd never sell the stolen fuel to the highest bidder.
You're nothing but a common thief.
Am I? You may find, Kayo, that things are not always as they appear.
- Enough talking.
- Yes, enough talking.
There are only two kinds of people in the world.
Those who act and those who react, such as the Tracys.
You are not one of them, Kayo.
You know that.
You and I are the same.
We are bold.
We see an opportunity and we take it.
You're right.
What? Secure those tanks! Kayo, satellite is picking up an explosion in your vicinity.
Help is on the way.
Sit tight.
Too late, John.
We might not get The Hood, but at least he won't get away with the stolen fuel.
Kayo, Thunderbird Shadow wasn't designed to take that kind of strain.
I'm not flying them home, Brains.
I just need a nice soft landing.
Come on, come on, just a little bit longer.
You fool! I've been hit with a disrupter! The tanks have separated! Hang in there, Kayo.
I'm on my way.
- My engines are out.
- Kayo, eject! Ejection controls aren't responding.
Kayo! I'm taking back what's mine.
What are you doing? Why aren't you going after him? People are the Thunderbirds priority, Kayo.
The Hood could just have easily saved those tanks, but he saved you.
Why? Don't ask me.
I'm just as surprised as you are.
I'm not happy about the way you handled this.
That's not the way International Rescue does things.
Then maybe it's time to change the way things are done.
Well, I'm just glad you're OK.
Looks like Brains has his work cut out for him.
Think you might have fried the motor.
It's for the best.
We wouldn't want Brains to have nothing to do.
I heard that.

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