Thunderbirds Are Go! (2015) s02e04 Episode Script

City Under The Sea

Ooh! I just saw another octopus! - That makes 17.
- I've already seen 20! - No, you haven't! - Have too! Cut it out, you two! Honey, the map says we're heading in the wrong direction.
The rental sub people were very clear about avoiding this area.
Don't worry, Em, they only told us that because they don't want us to see the good stuff.
I know what I'm doing.
- It's my turn to look through the top! - No, it's my turn! [SIGHS.]
If only you'd upgraded to the one with two domes! Mum! Kids, please be quiet.
You know how your father gets when he's driving.
BOTH: She started it! It doesn't matter who started it, I'll end it.
This holiday is gonna be fun if it kills us.
Sit back and stay quiet, or or I'll turn this submarine around and go home.
Cool! Oh! Bay City! You know, kids, it used to be really busy here, and they created technology we still use today.
Look even the old self-powered lights are still working.
- What happened, Dad? - What are they teaching you in school? It sunk.
The sea levels kept rising until the city's walls burst.
They were lucky to get everyone out in time.
Now, it's an underwater ghost town.
- Ooh! - Don't! - GIRLS: Wow! - Would you look at that! [RUMBLING.]
What's happening? [ALARM BLARES.]
Em, get the manual.
What on earth? Oh, no! The building's coming down! [GASPS.]
Uh hello? Economy Submarine Rentals we need some help.
Five .
four .
three .
two .
Thunderbirds are go! Denied! - Aren't you going to pick this up? - Busted! Of course I was! You don't think a responsible member of International Rescue would leave trash lying around, do you? - Who do you think I am? - A slob comes to mind.
International Rescue, we have a situation.
Tell me what you've got, Thunderbird A distress signal from Bay City.
Looks like a family is trapped in a rental sub.
I was able to contact the sub via their internal camera.
International Rescue? Uh, hi.
Ethan Sullivan here.
We really would appreciate a little help.
Tell them about the monster! Lettie, Daddy's talking.
Hate to be a bother, but the rental agency won't send a tow sub.
Something about off limits and waiver of liability - and a bunch of other legal nonsense.
- But the monster! - Lettie, there's no monster.
- Erm, it looks like a monster to me.
That's not a monster, it's The Mechanic.
And that building, why does it look so familiar? - It's the Creighton-Ward Building.
- As in Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward? - Why would The Mechanic be interested in that? - Exactly what I wanna know.
I'll contact Lady Penelope, you three get to the crash site.
'You three'? Underwater rescue is MY thing.
- But sneaking up on bad guys is HER thing.
- You have a point there.
- Finally, a chance to see you in action.
- Yeah, finally.
Five, four, three, two, one.
- Wanna say it? - Thunderbirds are go! We should reach the embassy in mere moments, m'lady.
And you're sure there's no way out of this? You know how much I hate these luncheons.
We've run out of excuses, m'lady.
What if you told them Sherbet ate a bad biscuit? [BEEPING.]
Oh! John, thank goodness! Please tell me you have something for us to do.
Right now it's just a question.
We received a distress call from Bay City and a crab-like ship that appears to belong to The Mechanic - is at the location.
- [GASPS.]
My grandfather's building.
- Any idea what The Mechanic would be looking for? - The Mechanic? Hmm.
I know.
When the city flooded, my grandfather had just finished designing Parkmoor Scrubs prison.
Where The Hood happens to be doing 25 years to life.
Grandpa would have surely kept the designs in his office safe.
If The Mechanic gets his hands on those, he may find a way in.
Say no more.
Parker, I think this is as good an excuse as any.
Agreed, m'lady.
Fancy a swim, then? FAB 1 is off! Thunderbird 2 is in position.
Deploying Thunderbird 4.
Systems check complete.
Docking clamp released.
We are go for module deployment.
Thanks for the lift, Virgil.
Thunderbird 4 is go.
Heading for the downed sub.
- Wow! - Go ahead, just say it.
- Gordon Tracy, you are a secret slob.
- Oh, the wrappers? What can I say? Scott's always at me about my room.
This is my own personal domain.
And have you ever had one of these Celery Crunch bars? - They're not bad! - I'll take your word for it.
We should be nearing the sub's coordinates.
Confirmed heavy debris down here, but - Wait, there they are.
- The Mechanic looks preoccupied, but we'll have to be careful.
Sullivan family, this is Gordon Tracy with International Rescue.
We're here to take you home.
We'll have you out in two shakes.
Make that three shakes.
Maybe five.
- It's too heavy.
- Now what? I'll need to go EVA.
I'll cut the beam in two, then we can tow them to safety.
Don't touch anything.
Brains is still giving me flak from the last ship I broke.
Gotta keep this one immaculate.
- On the outside, anyway.
- You'll have to be quick - - the last thing we want is The Mechanic noticing we're here.
- F-A-B.
This is FAB 1 calling Thunderbird 4.
We're in the vicinity.
- Do you require assistance? - Thanks for the offer, but I've got this.
- Just get those plans before The Mechanic does.
- F-A-B.
Huh? We've been spotted.
He's launched Mechas.
Kayo, I'll need to talk you through the impeller start-up procedure.
No time.
I'll lure The Mechanic's little fishies away while you hide.
But you don't know how to operate Thunderbird 4.
Don't scratch it! And be careful! Oh, Brains is gonna kill me! Whoa! I didn't even know it could do that! [MECHANICAL WHIRRING.]
There we go.
Never send a Mecha to do your dirty work.
Whoa! Kayo! [BEEP!.]
Don't worry, Brains can get mad at you for something else.
Kayo? Where are you? Look up.
Unbelievable! FAB 1, this is Thunderbird 4.
The Mechanic is back on the hunt be on your guard.
Will do.
Be careful out there.
You'll have to cut the I-beam from the other side.
The sub will block you from The Mechanic's view, - but I'll keep tabs on his movements.
- Don't scare me like that again.
I'll come up with some other way.
Mmm! You're right, not bad.
Parker, look The Mechanic's digging through the file room.
Of all the blooming luck! Time for a little dust up.
No, it's splendid news.
If my memory serves, Grandpa kept his designs in a secret safe in the penthouse.
- The Mechanic's looking in the wrong place.
- Smart old chap your gramps.
Now, to get around that ship.
Initiating stealth mode.
Where to now? Just follow my lead, Parker.
I spent many a summer playing hide-and-seek in these halls.
A bit different with a giant crab ship nipping at your heels.
Don't worry, Parker, I always won.
OK, my turn! I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter C.
- Catfish! - No, Lettie.
A catfish lives in freshwater, not the ocean, but good try.
So, Emily? Oh, erm Er The Creighton-Ward Building.
No! How about you, Ava? [CRACK!.]
A crack! Ooh, clever, but no.
- Wanna guess again? - No a crack! [CRACKING.]
Oh, crud! Yeah, that's the word I was looking for.
Good job, Mr Tracy.
Even with our camouflage, the crab ship's sensors are gonna hear us as we pass under it.
- I'll have to power down.
- I'm sure you'll be able to glide us through.
And no growling, Bertie.
Shh! Extra quiet.
Steady as she goes.
Should be clear of prying eyes.
Perfect, Parker.
We've arrived.
Still handsome as ever, Grandpa.
Parker, behind the painting, if you please.
Ah! That's a TX-204.
Lovely year for safes.
This model was especially hard to crack.
This is no time to reminisce about your safe-cracking days, Parker.
Yes, m'lady.
Oh, crikey.
It couldn't be helped, Parker.
The question is, do you think he heard us? Afraid so, m'lady.
Come on, come on.
Huh? Kayo, did you hear that? Lady Penelope, is everything OK? Quite all right, thank you.
The grapple, if you would, Parker.
Gordon, look out! Phew! Good thinking, Kayo.
It won't hold forever you have to hurry.
Phwoar! I believe we've lost him.
Apparently not.
- Parker, give her all she's got.
- Yes, m'lady.
Whoa! He's gaining on us! Hang on, m'lady.
Bertie, crash dive.
Here we go! Well, hello! I'd forgotten about that box.
What were you for again? Whoa! Parker! Oof! Gordon, there's no more time.
We have to do this now! I agree.
Take Thunderbird 4 and ram the rental sub.
Make sure you get a good seal.
Sullivan family, brace yourselves, we're coming in fast and then we're gonna get you out of there.
Oh, Dad.
It's gonna be OK, kids.
This'll be the most exciting page in our holiday scrapbook.
Hm? You're too close! Don't worry about me, just do it! [ENGINE POWERS UP.]
ALL: Argh! This way.
Oh! Thank you! Up you go, Lettie.
Oh! Thank you.
Thank you so much! [GROANS.]
Can I look yet? Thank you! [SIGHS.]
Phew! He's gaining on us! Faster, Parker! Whoa! PARKER! Ah! A TX-204.
Of course! That's why they were so hard to break into! Hold on tight, Bertie.
Parker, what are you doing? We can't let these plans fall into The Mechanic's hands.
He won't get anything, m'lady, trust me.
I nicked the switch on my way past.
International Rescue, this is FAB 1.
Do you copy? We hear you FAB 1.
Were you able to retrieve the prison designs? I don't think we'll have to worry about those.
I finally remembered why the TX-204 was a particularly tough safe to crack.
You see, it had a fail safe that, once activated, would destroy the contents when opened.
It also has a self-destruct option that eliminates the person trying to open it.
Looks like that did the trick.
For now.
But this won't be the last time The Mechanic tries to get The Hood out of prison.
The GDF needs to be on their guard.
Where The Mechanic and The Hood are concerned, everyone needs to be on their guard.
They look pretty shaken up, but I think the Sullivans are going to be OK.
Well, it'll be a holiday they'll never forget.
- Have time to make that dad a hero? - I think we can manage.
You know, earlier your dad was reminding me that Thunderbird 2 can go any place in the world in less time than it takes to eat a pizza.
- Yeah Did I? - Anything you girls wanna see? BOTH: Penguins! Oh, can we, Dad? Please! Why not? Hear that, Virgil? Antarctica, if you please.
Course laid in.
- Ethan.
- Thank you.
This is the best holiday ever, Dad.
See? I knew what I was doing.
Hey, interesting fact about penguins they don't swim, they fly underwater.
Some of them are as tall as you, Lettie.
I can't wait to show you!
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