Time After Time (2017) s01e07 Episode Script

Suitcases Of Memories

Previously on "Time After Time" So, why did you summon me? Everything we want is under one roof Wells, John, and the time machine.
What do I have to do? Who created Project Utopia? His name was Dr.
Brooke is continuing her father's research.
They figured us out.
We have to move now.
When Brooke gets the time machine, then you and I can go back to our lives.
You're insane.
You're not taking the time machine.
Don't worry.
This isn't over.
Why did you take Vanessa? That was never part of the plan.
When and where do you want to make the exchange? I'll call you back with more details.
So, you're going to continue to help us.
It appears our goals are aligned.
Keep an eye out for Brooke's men.
Check every room.
It's empty.
All clear.
Let's go.
Lead the way.
It's in here.
What is this place? This is where Brooke creates her little monsters.
Had me strapped to that table.
What was she doing down here? Oh, all sorts of fun things.
The place is empty.
It's like Griffin's place.
No sign Vanessa was ever here.
Damn it.
Where did they take her? Welcome home, Dr.
Hello, Serena.
Hello, boys.
I've set up a room for your guest.
Brooke, you've gone too far.
You need to stop this before it's too late.
The invincible Vanessa Anders.
Always so calm and confident.
It's nice to see you scared.
You should be.
Lock her up.
Let's go.
She's wiped her computer clean, and I couldn't recover any of the deleted files.
There must be something in here that tells us where she is.
She couldn't have taken everything.
She didn't have enough time.
I'm gonna check upstairs.
It's Martin.
Hello, Martin? Is the time machine safe? I think so.
There's no one here.
It's just me and the machine.
I need you to stay there.
And I will call you once it's safe to move the machine back.
Yes, sir.
Of course.
We'll speak soon.
Where is the time machine? That is none of your business.
I don't trust him, not for a second.
I can hear you.
He should be locked up so we can focus on finding Vanessa.
Doug, I know how important Vanessa is to you.
She's important to me.
But I do believe that as long as John's selfish interests are involved, he can be an asset.
To properly interpret H.
needs someone to do his dirty work while he professes his ongoing sainthood.
Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that, John.
A man can be pushed only so far.
Don't you worry, old friend.
I'll push you along.
I'll join Jane upstairs.
Any word on Griffin? He hasn't called.
Should we be worried? Not yet.
I know my brother.
He'll show up.
He's just trying to make a point.
What about the time machine? Well, the good news is I know it's in the city.
The bad news is I can't get an exact location until it's turned on.
I thought the virus Griffin installed was supposed to locate it.
When it's turned on, yes, but we can't control it when it's idle.
The second it starts up, the coordinates should bring it right there.
And the worst news The virus scrubs clean in 24 hours and we lose control of the time machine.
I'm looking into other ways to locate it, but we don't have a lot of time.
Do you have a secure phone? Thank you.
Doug, how safe is the time machine? It's in a warehouse in the Bronx.
And property records are hidden under a subsidiary.
The warehouse can't be traced to Vanessa.
Even still, I feel someone besides Martin should be with it.
It's our best leverage to win Vanessa back.
I'll go with Jones.
But I'm leaving Carl here to watch John.
And take this.
What is it? John asked for a change of clothes earlier.
I placed a GPS tracker in the lining of his pants.
He has no idea it's there.
Now, this tells you exactly where he is at all times.
I have one of my own.
What a wonderful invention.
I'll be on my cell.
Did you find anything? Nothing.
I thought there would be something human about this woman that would help us find her, but look at this place It's cold, it's impersonal.
Brooke is a very lonely woman.
How can you tell? There are no memories here.
No pictures or personal items.
Something made her that way.
Clearly she and her brother are motivated by pain and anger.
To wage a plan so insidious, you'd have to be.
How did Vanessa not know? How did I not know my friend was a psychotic killer? I never dreamt him capable of murder.
How well do we know anyone? I've only known you for a short time, and I trust you.
I certainly don't trust John.
Nor should you.
Letting him roam free is clearly not one of my smarter moves, but I feel I must change course if I'm to survive in this time.
Change course how? This is no time for virtuous ideology.
If I am to win Vanessa back, then I must do whatever is necessary.
It won't come to that.
I pray you're right.
Hello? Oh, John.
Enjoying my home without me? What are you doing there? Looking for you, my dear.
And the esteemed Mr.
Wells? No, actually I have a few questions of my own first.
What is Project Utopia? And why is my DNA at the core of it? And how on Earth did that DNA make its way to 1980? Well, that's a lot of questions.
You've given me an endless supply.
What if I told you that it's a secret of epic proportions? I would say I'm not in the mood for games.
Aw, that makes me sad.
Well, what makes me sad is the fact that you can't answer a simply bloody question.
Tell Wells that if he wants to see Vanessa alive again, that I'll need the time machine and the both of you.
I don't give a toss what happens to Vanessa.
What does Project Utopia have to do with me? I will kill her, John.
Tell Wells.
No, you won't.
If you wanted to do that, you'd have done it already.
He just had to have the last word.
Is everything okay? It will be.
Just focus on locating the time machine.
I'll have John and Wells soon enough.
Guess we should let Wells know we heard from the darling Miss Monroe.
Did you hear that? Yeah, I did.
What was that? Ah! Hey, come with me.
Where to? Come on.
I'm taking you to Brooke.
I need some good news, Serena.
The time machine's still of the grid.
I'll let you know as soon as I have something.
All right.
Hello, Vanessa.
It's nice here, isn't it? It was my father's childhood home.
We used to come here when Griffin and I were little.
It's not very smart bringing me here.
My father lost the property years ago when he lost his career.
I bought it back recently, but it's not in my name, so no one can connect me or Griffin to it.
Where is Griffin? It doesn't matter.
He's not gonna help you.
So, you're the one in charge? I had to be.
Griffin is ruled by his emotions.
He actually cares about you.
I don't bother with too many feelings.
You know, it's easier that way, when your parents die.
Mine died when they were young, too.
A child all alone.
You learn to put up walls.
Sometimes that loneliness is unbearable.
I'm sorry, is this the girlfriend part of the conversation where we open up and share? Do you have any idea what your father did? I know that my father stole Project Utopia and used it to build Anders Enterprises.
He didn't just steal it.
He killed for it.
I don't condone what my father did, but it's done.
What do you want from me? My company? My money? What? My father was a brilliant scientist.
His research would've changed the world.
David Anders stripped his life's work down to some generic mood stabilizers to make money.
Why didn't your father come forward? Why didn't he expose him? Because he died.
And Project Utopia was never fully realized.
But it's done.
Brooke, I know you want revenge, but you can't let it consume you.
It's the past.
Nothing is in the past, Vanessa.
Not when you have a time machine.
You can't change the past.
It's too dangerous.
I'm not gonna change it.
I'm going to fix it.
Everything your family took from us, I'm going to take it back.
You can't play with time like that.
Yes, I can.
Because I know exactly how to do it.
This journal it's my father's.
You see, none of this was my plan.
It's all my father's.
Here, hold this.
Just keep pressing on it until the bleeding stops.
What are you gonna do to him? Whatever I have to to get him to talk.
Will he? The man's been genetically enhanced.
I'm sure we'll find out.
Is that what Project Utopia is? A form of human evolution? Brooke has all these papers and books on neuroscience and genetic engineering.
And in "The Island of Doctor Moreau," you wrote about a doctor's unethical experiments.
Cutting up animals while they were still alive.
It was a very controversial subject in our time.
Humans, animals, gene splicing, stem cell, genetic manipulation.
That's what Brooke is doing here.
These are the controversies of this time.
So, you owe your esteemed career to Brooke? Themes of Darwinism, man's ethical duty to science.
Everything you wrote about still applies today.
So that is the basis of Project Utopia.
What about my DNA? When did that happen? All I can offer is that it hasn't happened yet.
Well, that boggles the mind.
He's waking up.
You might not want to watch this.
Well, look who finally decided to show.
Knew you bought the old place.
Didn't know you turned it into a commune for your little freaks.
Did you come here to fight? No.
Look, I'm sorry about last night.
I overreacted.
I spent two years with the woman.
I got close to her, and I lost my way.
You were foolish.
Our lives our reality doesn't matter.
When we get the time machine, everything up to now is going to change.
I know that.
I was clouded.
But I'm not anymore, I promise you.
This is all that matters.
Brooke you're my sister.
You're what matters.
I don't suppose you want to tell us where Brooke is, do you? Very well.
As a test subject, I'm sure you're well acquainted with all of this.
I, however, am not.
So you'll have to help me out.
Now What does this do? Alex? You are Alex, correct? Well, Alex.
It's, uh, nice to have a name with the face.
What about this one? I'm not telling you anything.
You know what you're doing? I know that Alex's body is filled with chemical enhancements, which he's dependant on.
Hey, shh, shh, shh.
Where is Brooke? I can't tell you.
What were you supposed to do with us? Take you both to Brooke.
Not kill anyone.
You got in the way.
Where is Brooke? I can't tell you.
Wells, what would you suggest? Give him more.
I do believe you've well and truly stepped into the world of gray.
Aah! Are you okay? What happened down there? I just helped torture a man.
Did he talk? You're just trying to save Vanessa.
That doesn't justify it.
You're a good man.
Did you find anything? There's no real info online, so I started thinking.
Griffin was in the military.
Maybe his father was in the military too.
It's very common.
So I called Doug, and he went through his contacts.
And it turns out Dr.
Edward Monroe used to work for the Department of Defense.
These are the classified reports from the Department of Defense.
They've been sealed since the '80s.
Her father created Project Utopia.
But it was shut down.
The Department of Defense funded his research, and according to this report, it was deemed dangerous, unethical, and morally reprehensible.
Something's wrong.
Alex hasn't checked in yet.
Managed to zero in on the location of the time machine.
It's somewhere in the Bronx.
But the clock is ticking.
How much longer till you pinpoint it? Minutes.
And you are? Rick.
I'm Griffin.
Brooke's brother.
I know.
So, uh, Vanessa.
She's in the basement? Brooke made it clear you're not to see the woman.
No, no.
No, I know.
It's okay.
I'm here to help you.
What did you do to him? - Ricin.
- Poison? You killed him? I'm gonna get you out of here.
We got to move fast, before he's missed.
Why did you kill him? These people Brooke has here, they're not normal.
I'm no match for them.
I had to take him out.
You were never supposed to be hurt, Vanessa.
Griffin, you have done nothing but lie to me.
I can't explain myself.
Just know I'm gonna get you out of here.
You sister is insane.
We don't have time for this.
When Brooke knows I've betrayed her, she will kill us both.
Now, I need you to do exactly what I tell you.
There's a back door.
I have the key.
I'm gonna go around.
When it's clear, I'll open it.
We have to stop Brooke.
She can't get the time machine.
She already has it.
Don't you see? You're expendable to her now.
- It's here? - Not yet.
But she knows where Wells hid it.
Soon as he turns it on, she'll be able to control it.
How can she control it? Forget the time machine.
This is about getting you out of here alive.
Wait over here for now.
Watch it.
I know you don't believe this, but I do love you, Vanessa.
Have you seen Rick? Nope.
Sorry, pal.
You found it? It's in a warehouse in the Bronx, but I'm not picking up a signal.
I can't get control of it yet.
Then we'll get them to turn it on.
Hello, Wells.
Miss Monroe.
Unfortunately, your little monster, Alex, couldn't complete his task.
Where is he? He's here with us.
Care to trade? You can have him.
I have an alternate plan.
Which is? Find the time machine, and I have.
It's in a warehouse on Rove Street in the Bronx.
Sloppy, Wells.
And the minute I get my hands on it, Vanessa is dead.
Calling Martin now.
Come on.
Come on.
We're entering the ballroom now.
I'll send it back.
- You need to get it out of her now.
- Uh, where? Back to Vanessa's house.
Wells is waiting for it.
Go! It's coming back now.
You did it.
They're powering it up.
Unknown caller.
Hello? Jane.
- Vanessa.
- Listen.
Vanessa, are you all right? Whatever Brooke told you is a trick.
Don't move the time machine.
Brooke has figured out a way to hijack it.
It's okay.
Everything's fine.
Back safe and sound.
Where are you? No.
- H.
? Jane? Jane? - Hey! Get off It's gone.
Vanessa? Vanessa? Well, that didn't work, did it? Told you I had this.
No, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You can come out now.
Come on out.
I promise nothing is going to happen.
Where's Vanessa? She's here.
I'll take you to her.
Come on.
I don't want any trouble.
Serena? This way.
What have you done? I've taken the time machine, just like I said I would.
Where's Martin? Let us talk to him.
I'm afraid I can't do that.
I just didn't see the point of taking another hostage.
She killed him.
That's right, John.
And Vanessa's next.
So when can I expect the pleasure of your company? She didn't have to kill him.
Oh, put a bloody sock in it, will you? For goodness sake.
What's done is done.
He's a human being.
He's just a kid.
I'm responsible for that man's death.
Yes, you are.
And what are you going to do about it? Oh, don't stop now, H.
Come on, let us into your heart.
Admit it, you're out for blood.
All that matters is finding Vanessa.
I'll surrender to Brooke.
My life for her's.
We need to find that location from Alex.
We've wasted enough time trying.
Well, then we will try harder.
And we will try every vile trick in your book.
That's funny.
I was contemplating a more compassionate approach.
What are you talking about? Alex failed to get us back to Brooke.
You must feel terrible about that.
Wouldn't it just make his day if I were to release him from his bonds and tell him how he's going to join Brooke's side? Why bother with the ruse at all? Why not just switch allegiances altogether, huh? I want to kill her, not join her.
You want to understand Project Utopia.
Brooke has the answers.
And if she dies, Project Utopia will never even exist.
The answers become irrelevant.
Now, you've trusted me this far.
Yes, because our interests were aligned.
Yes, and they still are.
, if you surrender, it's a fool's errand.
She'll never make a deal with you.
If you want to save Vanessa's life, you'll have to kill Brooke, and you can't do that, not even now.
But I will.
And all of this goes away.
So I send you to do my bidding.
It's why you've kept me around, isn't it? Where's John? Gone.
Alex is taking him to Brooke's lair.
You let him go? It was the only way to discover where Brooke is keeping Vanessa.
Well, we can't trust him to do the right thing.
I wasn't going to.
You're tracking him.
Does he know? No.
Doug planted the tracker in his clothes.
He has one, too.
I need John, and I want to trust him, but I won't give him another opportunity to betray us.
He's headed upstate.
We shouldn't let him have too much of a head start.
It's working perfectly.
I changed the program.
It's encrypted.
It's all ours.
We have a problem.
What the hell's going on? Seems your girlfriend here is more capable than anyone ever imagined.
What happened? She killed Rick.
How did she do that? That's what I'd like to know.
How is it that you managed to take out one of my strongest men? You're the one who said I was invincible.
Do you know anything about this, Griffin? What are you implying? Alex is here with John Stevenson.
John is here? How did that happen? Alex brought him.
Keep up.
And Wells? I'm sure he's not far behind.
Make sure she's secure this time.
Get up! Come on.
Let's go.
Are you okay? I'm glad you're okay.
So, what possessed you to come so willingly? I hear you're the new owner of a time machine.
He's been stationary for several minutes now.
This must be it.
Let's see what we're dealing with here.
It's a 20-acre farm 100 yards ahead.
It looks very isolated.
Brooke could have who knows how many men in there.
If John has switched sides, we're very much on our own.
I know.
We should go by foot.
We should hurry.
You're not gonna ask me to stay behind? No, I know better.
You don't strike me as the farm-house type.
Really? What type am I? Something with turrets.
And a dungeon.
So, is Vanessa dead? What do you care? Just making conversation.
Now, you promised me answers.
You mentioned before that your father was a scientist, like you.
Daddy worked for the government doing biogenetic research to improve the performance of soldiers on the battlefield.
Project Utopia.
And how do Wells and I fit into your game of revenge? My father kept detailed records in this journal.
After he died, it was passed on to me.
You didn't answer my question.
How are Wells and I involved? Afraid I can't answer that.
Because it hasn't happened yet? Put that down.
I just want to see what's written.
Hey, I thought we were friends.
All right, John, enough small talk.
But since this is not going to end well for you, I think we should just say goodbye here.
What about our deal? I have you and the time machine.
Something tells me Wells isn't far behind.
Take him to the basement.
Down the stairs.
I am tempted to comment on the irony of the situation.
Where is H.
? Nearby, I assume.
Are you coming? This way.
What are you doing? I'm gonna stop that crazy woman from doing whatever she's doing.
So, this was your plan.
I knew you were up to something, John, but hero? That's not you.
Oh, no hero here, Brooke.
Just a man who stayed too long at the party.
Oh, where is it that you want to go? Anywhere but here.
Vanessa, this is it, I'm afraid.
You might want to run right about now.
Aah! Shh, shh.
Don't move.
Look, please don't hurt her.
It's me you want.
Well done, Alex.
Brooke will want to see them right away.
We need to find Vanessa.
She's with John.
Are you okay? Yes.
I'm fine.
- Where's the time machine? - It's behind the barn.
And John? I'm not sure, but he helped me.
We need to hurry.
Brooke has people everywhere.
Hello, Mr.
Drop the gun, Brooke.
Is everybody trying to be the hero tonight? They just want to leave.
Let them.
You'd really shoot me.
Your own family? It's not right, what we're doing.
It needs to stop.
If you really feel that way, then go ahead and kill me.
Griffin! Griffin! Griffin! Griffin! Oh, my God.
Where were we? Where's John? John's gone.
He won't be coming back.
Did you hurt him? Do you care? What is this about, Brooke? What is the point of all of this death? It's about family, Mr.
You understand that, can't you? You just killed your only family.
These people you see here, they're alive because of me.
I made them who they are.
You have me and the time machine.
Let Vanessa and Jane go.
You don't get it, do you? None of this really matters.
It's all going to change.
Boys, kill them both.
No, no, no, no, no.
Oh, my God! Doug! Doug! They're getting away! We tracked you here.
Are you all right? I think so.
Let's get you guys out of here.
No, I can't leave the time machine.
Doug, get Vanessa to safety.
- Come with us.
- No, no.
Go to the mansion.
We'll see you there.
We'll meet you there.
We got to go.
Let's go now.
, wait! What is this? Brooke's controlling the time machine.
! Brooke If you harm her, you will never be able to make me do anything.
I know.
Now get in the time machine.
Get in! Why? Where am I going? You have to go back.
Exactly like it's written.
What are you talking about? What is written? I have my father's journal.
I know what happens.
And now I'm going to change it.
Change what? My life.
Everything that happened, I'm gonna rewrite it all.
Now get in! Don't move.
And if I do? I will shoot you, Brooke.
I don't think you will.
You're not a killer.
You don't have it in you.
People change.
Put the gun down, Wells.
We both know you won't pull that trigger.
The time machine! Go! No.
I have to stop them.
What's wrong? I have to stop them.
Wells is going.
That's what you wanted.
No, but Jane's not supposed to be with him.
What's happening? Something's wrong.
She's not supposed to go.
She could ruin everything.
! Hurry! Brooke What has she done? Fix it! You have to fix it! I'm trying! I'm trying! Jane, try the door.
I can't open it! Jane! Jane! Jane! Jane! Jane! Jane!
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