Time After Time (2017) s01e09 Episode Script

You Will Find Me

1 Previously on "Time After Time" Welcome to Project Utopia.
Hudson: He's experimenting in ways that aren't legal or moral.
He will kill us if he finds us.
That includes the girl.
[Men grunting, blade slicing.]
John? Edward, please.
He's my husband.
Monroe: Your husband is gonna betray us.
Are you stealing his research? - Leave me the hell alone! Dr.
- Monroe: Not a chance.
You might be the key to humanity's next step forward.
- What are you doing? - No! John: What will happen to him? If it works, strength, reflexes, cognition.
[Both grunting.]
! Stop, that's enough! H.
G Get back! - [Breathing heavily.]
- Don't come near me.
[Branch snaps.]
[Both grunting.]
Aah! [Panting.]
Leave him alone.
It's me.
Monroe got to you, didn't he? What did he do to me? Come with us.
We can help you.
[Clock ticking.]
[Radar beeping.]
There's a group on the far side of the island.
And some strays here.
How long will it take to get to the group? That depends on the roads and if we can drive the whole way.
Don't move from this radar.
Keep your walkie in your hand.
You're my eyes.
I want to know every move made by these animals.
Montgomery, please.
They're not animals, they're people.
They're people who are troubled and sick.
Do you want us to kill them or not? No.
No, they must be put down.
But we do so out of mercy.
We do so with a heavy heart.
Thank you, Bill.
The Department of Defense is now scheduled to be here this afternoon.
I cannot stress how important it is that they don't encounter any of the Non-animals? test subjects.
I need you to dispose of them properly.
I understand.
What about the rest of the team? All volunteers and non-essential medical staff have been moved to the power station.
Make sure they understand it's just temporary, until this situation gets resolved.
Of course.
And, Montgomery, Robert Holland you bring to me.
I want him alive.
All right, let's move.
[Engine starts.]
Jane: Pst.
Are you awake? No.
I'm sleeping peacefully.
It's morning.
We need a plan before someone comes.
All right, well, let me know when you have it.
John, we have to get out of here.
We have to find H.
May not want to once you find him.
He needs our help.
Whatever Monroe did to him can be reversed.
And how do you known that? Because we're on an island with a crazy doctor, which H.
still goes back to 1893 to write "The Island of Doctor Moreau," which inspires Monroe to begin with.
So the timeline hasn't changed, which tells me H.
's gonna be okay.
You're rationalizing your denial.
At least I'm doing something.
Right now my only concern is stopping my DNA from becoming Project Utopia.
You can't do that.
We have to keep the timeline safe.
Oh, my God! It's like you're H.
in female form.
Don't you see we are the timeline? What we do or what we don't do is up to us.
Anything is possible.
Anything can change.
We have that power.
It's too dangerous.
Jane, don't you want to be in control of your own destiny? [Door opens.]
[Electricity whirs.]
Good morning.
Rise and shine.
It is gonna be a glorious day.
It's okay.
He's with us.
[Whimpering, coughing.]
How long have you been here? Me? A few weeks in this camp, but others have been here a lot longer.
Everyone! [Claps hands.]
Listen up.
We spotted Monroe's men.
They're headed this way.
We need to move now.
We'll make our way to the shore and wait for the D.
to arrive.
Come on.
Come on.
It's me.
Hang on, sweetie.
We're gonna get you some help.
What did Monroe do to her? One of his test serums You know, that's what he does.
Whatever he gave me, it seems to be out of my system.
Don't be fooled.
It comes and goes.
His drugs never usually just leave your system.
I mean, eventually, maybe, if you don't die or go mad first.
What about you? I wasn't experimented on.
Monroe's lost his mind.
He needs to be stopped.
And you believe the D.
will help you? Well, once they see for themselves what Monroe's been doing, they'll shut his research down and get these people the treatment they need.
Mm I-I need to find my friend The woman that you saw, Jane.
It's not safe here anymore.
Monroe wants to kill us.
We have to leave.
No, I have to find my friend.
You need to stay alive first.
Come with us.
[Coughing in distance.]
This has become quite the road show.
But now you, young woman, are a curiosity.
My daughter was very specific in her message.
I know about Jack the Ripper, and H.
Wells and the time machine, but she wrote nothing about a beautiful young woman.
Who might you be? And who who are you in this story? I'm no one.
Did you know my daughter, Brooke? I would say John knows her better.
Yeah, what is your relationship with my daughter? I'd say rather intimate.
Is that so? Very intimate, in fact.
And a little rough.
I mean her work.
What of her work? It's similar to yours.
But she clearly specified she did not have my complete formula.
Well, I thought she was doing just fine.
She had her own little creatures running around.
What is so special about your work? More importantly, why am I so special to it? [Cage rattles.]
Your DNA is unlike any human I've ever encountered.
Are you saying I'm not human? Mnh-mnh.
Now, that's completely subjective, I suppose.
But, on a genetic level, uh, your body chemistry is very unique.
He's a psychopath.
Now, uh, the irony of that is not lost on me.
I mean, imagine Jack the Ripper is the cure for all mankind.
How is that possible? His physiology has complete immunity against all infectious diseases.
Have you ever been sick? Hmm? [Chuckles.]
Have you ever even suffered a head cold? [Laughs.]
Once I decode his genetics, cures for all sorts of diseases will be discovered.
You will be desired by all.
And if I don't want to be? Well, it's a little too late for that now.
And once people know of your physiology, your life isn't your own anymore.
I mean, you You belong to science now.
Think of it as an act of altruism.
A little giving back to the world, the ultimate sacrifice.
In your case, uh, the ultimate redemption.
- Steve.
- Steve: Yes, sir.
Would you prep our newest subject? I have to check on a progress report.
Oh, very soon, the esteemed H.
Wells will be rejoining us.
Uh, I have this entire island monitored by radar.
Oh, he can't hide from me.
Let me know when she's ready.
I'll be back for the fun part.
No, no, no, wait, wait.
Wait, please.
[Cage rattles.]
Wait, wait, please, wait.
Please wait! Wait! Wait! Come on.
John! [Grunting.]
Leave her alone! [Grunting.]
Ah! Ugh! [Grunting.]
I am thoroughly impressed.
Come on, let's go.
We need to find the radar.
I know you're there, Phyllis.
I can sense your disappointment.
What are you gonna do to Robert when you find him? Well, the man betrayed me, stole my research.
If he gets it off the island, he's gonna sell it to the highest bidder.
He he made a mistake, that's all.
You still have the serum.
Mistake? I-I would call it a fatal error in judgment.
Please don't hurt him.
He's my husband.
He's upset about us.
A woman is being prepped for sampling.
Would you get her started, please, with a blood panel? [Sighs.]
I care about you, about what we're doing here, but you're not yourself.
I'm exactly myself.
We have work to do.
Please go now.
- I got nothing.
Where are they, Bill? - Bill: They're on the run.
They went northeast.
You need to hurry.
You can catch them.
All right, go.
Let's go! Go! [Grunts.]
Jane: They're headed northwest.
How do you know Wells is with them? - We'll find him.
- You'll find him.
I need to put an end to something.
Wait, you can't.
They're headed towards the beach.
Ugh! Phyllis, what happened? Where are they? I'm right here.
I know what I saw.
I know what I saw.
I know what I saw! What's happening with that man? He's been suffering from hallucinations.
He claims he was in the woods and a strange machine appeared out of nowhere.
A machine? What did it look like? He described it as a spaceship.
The guy's not himself right now.
Where did he say it was? So, Doctor, how does it feel to be the one on the table? Why am I still alive? 'Cause I still have questions.
Whatever you want, just take it and leave us alone.
Oh, no, it's not about what I'm taking.
It's what youtook from me My blood, DNA.
I'm not an experiment to be exploited.
I'm the one, the onlyone, who decides my fate.
Go ahead and kill me.
It's too late to stop Project Utopia.
How do you know? My research, my files were all stolen by Robert Holland.
He's gonna sell them to my competitor David Anders.
And where is Robert Holland now? I Presumably trying to get off the island.
Not if I find him first.
Your DNA holds the promise of unspeakable power.
You're the next step up the evolutionary ladder.
You're the final separation of man from beast.
Man and beast will never be separated.
Cannot have one without the other.
- What are you doing? - Mixing a little cocktail.
Giving the doctor here a taste of his own medicine.
Aah! - Ah, ah, ah, ah.
- Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! It's just a little prick.
Aah! Edward, no! Cheerio.
I'll be back later, Doctor.
- Ugh! - Oof.
I'm so sorry.
I know you.
You're Robert Holland.
Who are you? I'm Jane.
I-I came with the two Englishmen.
I know Monroe is looking for you.
He's looking for me, too.
Well, then, you should come with me.
- I'm getting off this island.
- How? I have a boat.
Where will you go? Peaks Island It's about a two-hour boat ride.
From there, we can get a ferry to the mainland.
I can't.
I need to find my friends.
If your friends aren't dead already, they will be soon.
Monroe is killing every escapee on this island before the Department of Defense arrives.
You can't stay.
Don't worry about me.
I'll be fine.
You need to get out of here as soon as you can.
Please Let me help you.
Suit yourself.
[Electricity crackles.]
[Frost crackling.]
Stop hovering I told you I'm fine.
I wish you would lay back down.
God only knows what he injected into you.
Why the hell hasn't anyone brought me Holland yet? The radar is smashed.
They've been waiting for Zeke to check in.
I am surrounded by incompetence.
Please, Edward.
The D.
is gonna be here any minute.
You're not well.
At least I'm still alive For a little while, anyhow.
What? Don't say that.
It's true.
I'm gonna die today.
Unless I can find a way out of this And I will, I promise you.
What are you talking about? My death is coming.
My daughter warned me about it.
You really believe that these people traveled from the future? And your daughter sent you a message? It's crazy.
The D.
is going to arrive here.
They're going to determine that I'm a fraud.
I'm gonna die in a fire, here, that's gonna destroy everything that I've built.
You're hurting me.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Listen, I need you to be strong.
I need you to take my journal.
Promise me you will get my journal off this island.
Your journal? Why? Because you're the one who gives it to Brooke.
She reads it and continues my work.
As soon as the drugs wear off, you're gonna be yourself again and you'll see how insane all this is.
[Gunshot in distance.]
We got to hurry! [Gunshots in distance.]
Go, go! [Gunshots continue.]
- John: Is that Robert Holland? - Yes.
Why did you let him leave? Because I had to.
That's easy for you to say.
Your name wasn't the one on those files.
Zeke, go get them.
[Leaves rustle.]
Don't move.
[Thudding, grunting.]
I heard gunshots.
You're okay.
Jane, I'm so sorry.
I hurt you.
I'm so sorry.
I was so worried about you.
Thank God.
Do you have Holland with you? No, he escaped.
He had a hidden boat.
We were too late.
Damn it, why do I have to do everything myself? Oh, there's more.
We found something in the woods.
What? Robert Holland had to get off this island to preserve the timeline.
I don't give a damn about your timeline.
I am sick to death of hearing about your precious timeline.
- The future of this world is at stake - Stop! every time we help change the slightest thing.
Do you ever get sick of hearing your voice? Maybe the timeline needs to change, you ever think of that? This world isn't perfect.
A little change might do it some good.
We can't risk it.
Maybe that's what we're supposed to do.
Maybe that's why we're here.
- To actually make a change.
- No.
I've had enough of your utopian martyr crap.
Oh, I've had enough of you.
Jane: H.
Aah! H.
! Please.
, you don't want to do this.
Look at me.
Look at me.
This isn't you.
[Panting, coughing.]
You almost killed him.
I was trying to kill him.
You're not a killer.
These are Monroe's drugs doing this to you.
Well, so be it.
It's what he deserves.
But not by your hands.
You are better than this.
Where are you going? Fix the mess you've made.
Let him go.
Let him go, please.
Holy my God Mackerel.
You know what this this is? That I do.
Let's get this baby back to the compound, put it somewhere out of sight.
I don't want the D.
finding my new toy.
George! George! - Monroe's men - They found your camp? No, the machine you were looking for They took it to the compound.
Then we have to go back now.
No, I have to catch up with the others.
They're headed to the beach.
The D.
will be here anytime now.
They can help us.
You go.
Be with your wife.
We'll be fine.
Take this.
For your friends.
Thank you.
Wait, the time machine came back? It still works? Yes.
I restored it to its original settings, so it can only be controlled manually.
Do you have the key? Yes.
Regardless of who takes it, it will always come back here.
Let's go.
Are you okay? All better now.
[Sniffles, sighs.]
General Pratt, wonderful to see you, sir.
You know Dr.
Canter with the D.
Wonderful to have you.
I have some very exciting things to show you.
Very exciting.
- Shall we head to the compound? - Yes, of course.
I know there's been some concerns over the progress of my research.
More than just concerns, Doctor.
We've lost confidence.
Well, let me restore that.
I have, uh, accomplished my promises.
Enhanced human per Performance.
And you're prepared to demonstrate this for us? Yeah.
Doctor, are you all right? [Exhales sharply.]
Who the hell are they? Monroe, who are these people? Mistakes.
Excuse me? Will someone tell me what the hell's going on here? I'd be happy to, General.
Get down.
You have a problem with any of this? Uh, no, sir.
Good, kill them.
Get ready.
Kill them all.
You heard the boss Kill them.
Go! Aah! [Gunshot.]
The time machine is here somewhere.
What about John? We can't leave him here.
You find the time machine, I'll get John.
[Glass shatters.]
I couldn't stop Robert Holland, but I'll make damn sure nothing else gets off this island.
So you're just going to kill everyone and burn everything down to the ground? Oh, don't start now with your sermon on the mount.
How many people have you killed in your life, John? You might as well be asking how many women I've slept with.
[Alarm wails in distance.]
Jack the Ripper disappeared from the streets of London at the turn of the 19th century.
He was never found.
He was never caught.
Every woman you killed in an alleyway.
Every person you gutted with your knife.
You're nothing but an animal.
And animals belong in a cage.
, what the hell are you doing? H.
, H.
, this is not you.
This is Monroe's drugs.
Maybe it is, but I can't let you kill one more person, John.
, no, no, no.
What are you doing? Stop this madness.
[Cage rattles.]
Goodbye, old friend.
! What are you doing? Let me out of here at once! [Cage rattles.]
! H.
, no.
No! H.
! H.
, come back here! H.
, no! No! H.
, come back here at once, you fool! No! [Alarm wails in distance.]
Phyllis? Edward was right about everything.
And it's all your fault.
You need to go to the beach.
There are people there who can help you.
They'll get you home safely to your son, Chad.
My little boy.
[Wailing continues.]
Help me! John? Help me! Let me out of here! - You tried to kill me.
- You need me! You need me, you fool.
I've got the time machine.
We can get off the island.
Come on.
Time machine.
Aah! Time machine Where is it? I let you go! Where is it?! Where is it?! Aah! It's behind the cages.
[Glass shatters.]
- H.
- Jane.
What is going on? What's burning? Everything.
Were you able to locate the time machine? - Yes.
- Brilliant.
We have to hurry.
What about John? Did you see him? No, I-I'm afraid I didn't.
What are we gonna do? The fire is spreading.
We have to get off this island.
Okay, come on.
[Alarm wails in distance.]
Why is there frost on the windows? I was testing it earlier.
Hold on.
[Electricity crackles.]
[Frost crackling.]
Hello? If Vanessa sent the time machine back for us, then I'd expect her to be here waiting.
How long have we been gone? Three days.
I brought us back in real time.
It all looks the same as we left it.
For better or worse.
Maybe we did stop Brooke from changing the timeline.
I'll feel better once we confirm that assumption with Vanessa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Doug: I'm glad you guys are okay.
: Where is Vanessa? Well, after we got her out of Brooke's, we moved her to a secure location.
What about the time machine? We took Brooke's computer from the farmhouse, programmed the time machine to go back for you guys.
Vanessa wouldn't give up hope.
Are you able to take us to her? It's too risky, but I'll tell her you're back.
She'll be glad to hear it.
Where's John Stevenson? He didn't make it off the island.
[Door opens.]
Hello, Brooke.
Miss me? That depends.
Are you here to kill me? If that were the case, you'd be dead already.
How did? I can't believe you're back and nothing has Nothing has changed.
How do you know if it had? I'd be happy.
Daddy would be alive, and he'd be here with me.
And I wouldn't have lived an entire life full of anger and hatred.
[Exhales sharply.]
I failed.
Problem, Brooke, is you've been too lost in the past.
What is this? It's your future.
Yours and mine.
[Knock on door.]
After three days on an island, a hot shower is everything.
It's quite a relief to be back.
So did everything happen the way it's supposed to happen? As of now.
So the government covered it up, like they always did.
Do you think we changed anything? I don't know.
Well, now we have to get you back to 1893 so you can write a book about it.
When I do write that book, I will be certain to name the hero after you.
No, y-you can't.
That's not right.
You are the true hero of this story.
From day one, it has always been you.
I think you can come up with a better name than Jane.
What could be better than Jane? Apparently, you find one.
How can that be, when Jane is the name of the woman I've fallen so hopelessly in love with? I love you, Jane Walker.
You okay? I'm great.
Me too.
[Thudding in distance.]
Wait here.
Doug? What was that noise? You all right? [Groans.]
Hello, old friend.
How did you get off the island? I helped you.
I saved your life and that of your precious Jane.
And you left me to burn.
I want you to remember this moment.
I want you to know how it feels to be helpless because I swear to you, I am going to show you the worst humanity has to offer.
I am going to burn you like you burned me until you're begging for forgiveness.
Consider that my utopia.
No, no, John, John.
No! [Blade slicing.]
Doug, hold on, hold on, hold on.
[Breathing heavily.]
[Gasping stops.]
Doug? [Clock ticking.]

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