Torchwood Declassified (2006) s02e03 Episode Script

Step Back in Time

Help me.
You've got to go.
When I first read it, I kind of forgot that it was Torchwood and it was a science fiction GWEN: What the hell are they? JACK: Chunks of the past erupting into the present.
At the heart of it, really, is the simplest story in the world.
It's a love story.
-No, stop! -I'm putting you down! It's a whirlwind relationship.
And the barrier to these two people being together just happens to be a time shift.
I wanna stay here with you.
The time shift essentially happened off screen.
And what you saw was great, big wind machines and in-camera lights helping that effect.
I've done stuff with wind machines before, but this was kind of This was the biggest wind machine I've ever seen in my life.
I could imagine Michael Jackson standing in front of it for a music video or something.
We got to the end of the scene and then they went, ''Action,'' and the guy just kind of flicked this thing on.
And you couldn't react in any other way than the way that we do in the shot because it was just like Blowing our faces off.
Then they put the lights up, really, so the light was blinding us.
All you could do is that.
Hair was being blown all over the place.
So, yeah, it was an instant-made reaction, really.
-Thank you.
It's nearly time.
I absolutely love Tosh, as a character, and that's why I wanted to write a story which kind of took her on another step.
It was a great pleasure to approach the second series saying very early on, straight up, let's do a very, very big Tosh story.
All of this is still here because of you.
Of course it ends in tears.
I thought, ''I'd love an episode that ends up with Tosh in tears.
'' I think we've done a good day's drama if she ends up in that Bay unhappy.
I think that's her role! (LAUGHING) Oh, my God! Tosh has had the worst love life ever.
-You have a boyfriend? -Yeah.
-Have you? -Don't have time with this job.
Poor Tosh.
How unlucky can she be? First of all, it's a mad, alien lesbian.
Whatever I've done, it doesn't change the way I feel about you.
We have a connection, Toshiko.
And then it's a frozen soldier from 1 91 8.
-Where are you off? -A drink, film.
Maybe a pizza.
-Oh, very nice.
-Oh, very nice.
Out of all of the characters in Torchwood, Toshiko is the one who gets it the most.
Episode three, Tosh is at it again.
Bedroom antics.
She doesn't half pick 'em, really, Tosh.
Bless her.
She comes across as this very mild character, yet she always ends up having sex with them.
She's the kiss of death, that woman.
I'd just stay away from her.
Got anyone on the horizon, hmm? Like you say, difficult to meet anyone I've got anything in common with.
She's kind of got a crush on Owen.
Lucky me, eh? No matter what she does, he's not noticing her.
Need a hand getting it up, Owen? If I did, I wouldn't ask you.
In a way, Tommy's the perfect boyfriend for her because she gets him out of the box once a year, they play, and then he goes back in the box.
It's really not a sort of A mature relationship.
It's a pretend relationship.
There's like a role reversal.
You expect Tosh, because she's a modern woman, to be the less prudish, I suppose.
I might be young, but I've seen a fair bit in my time.
He's the one who's kind of leading her in the relationship.
You want to come back to my place? I'm hardly rushing you.
You've known me four years.
Four days.
Toshiko has certain values, a sense of honour, a sense of propriety, a sense of quiet dignity that actually chimes with Tommy's sense of dignity and sense of duty.
A big part of the journey for Tosh in her relationship with Tommy is just that he can't be treated like a toy when this huge, terrible fate becomes apparent.
When he returns to 1 91 8, he'll revert back to who he was.
He'll be shellshocked.
And so he'll be executed by the British Army for cowardice.
They can't shoot him for that.
I think the scene that kind of cemented everything, really, was the scene where Tommy sees some news footage of the war in Iraq.
And you basically get this comment that, you know, despite the intervening decades, the human condition hasn't changed really.
And we're still making the same mistakes.
Seems like there's always a war somewhere.
-It's not exactly a war.
-It looks like one.
Well, tonight, this is, I would say, probably the most important scene.
It's me.
When you're doing a scene like the climactic scene in ep three, you rely a lot on your first AD.
And Richard, my AD, was really instrumental in kind of gearing up all the extras into a frenzy.
There's a thunderous noise.
And it's going to frighten you all.
Most of you don't take much to be frightened.
You've come straight from the trenches, you're a little bit shellshocked.
-So you're on edge as it is.
-Let's try something like that.
Richard, the first, was kind of directing the action saying, ''Right, one of you walk through here.
One of you have a bit of a limp.
''Don't limp too much.
'' You're gonna look to each other.
You're gonna get out of bed and you're gonna start to help him get out.
And you're gonna start moving.
Basically it was just this big, choreographed move from when he said, ''Action.
'' It was amazing.
Here we go.
And action.
Do you know what it is? Tommy? You have to use it.
Thank you.
He's got all these people wailing and screaming.
(SCREAMING) And in the middle you're trying to do this passionate love story.
What am I fighting for? For the future.
For me.
There's a moment where you can see the change in Tommy and all of a sudden, the things around him are changing and he's almost going back to being shellshocked.
He can't quite work out where he is, and he doesn't really recognise Toshiko.
Who? I'm here to help.
Is this yours? It's a hugely painful goodbye for both of them.
Thank you.
It was very easy to get quite sad about it.
And I think a lot of people on the set said as well the whole thing just created a really sad atmosphere.
And it's just heartbreaking.
It's just
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