Tower of God (2020) s01e08 Episode Script
Khun's Strategy
I am so pissed off!
That's his problem.
He becomes angry and indiscriminate.
He forgets to hold back.
Even against a weak opponent,
he crushes them with his full strength.
You know I'm a Ranker, and you're
still making light of me?
You can't be serious.
The amount of Shinsu Quant can use
inside the tag arena is being limited.
That said, it's likely we'll become
unable to continue the test.
I-It was a good plan, though.
You need to be at least that bold.
A-Are you doing your best to stay calm?
He's pretending.
I-In any case, his patience is admirable.
So, what comes after the surprise attack?
It can't be helped. We'll go with plan B.
I see. You're running.
Then I'll give you a 111-second head start.
And I'll use the stairs
instead of the elevator.
Well? Pretty big handicap, right?
I can't believe how generous I am!
One, two, three
It's a bit odd, though.
What is?
Four, five, six
Quant may be an idiot, but he's still a Ranker.
Would Khun really come up
with such a trite strategy?
Seven, eight, nine
Trite, huh?
Ten, eleven, twelve
Nothing. I'm sure we'll
understand if we keep watching.
Thirteen, fourteen
Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen
Isn't this unfair?
Eighteen, nineteen
They said they divided the teams evenly,
but ours is clearly full of trash.
I suppose.
You're obviously an exception, princess.
Why are you so anxious?
Endorsi, I don't see Rach—I mean, Michelle.
Michelle wandered off somewhere.
I see.
Why? Did you need to talk to her?
No. U-Um
Why did you team up with her?
No reason. Because those two
were the last ones left.
That's all.
I see.
Look, Anaak's entering the elevator.
It seems that way.
In other words, she's headed to the top floor.
Haven't we already won?
Once she crosses the bridge,
the goal will be right there.
You think a Ranker would give us
time without any kind of plan?
One hundred eight, one hundred nine,
one hundred ten
One hundred and eleven.
Time's up. Places, everyone!
It'll take at least ten minutes
for Anaak to reach the bridge.
Quant has no choice but to
take the stairs to the exit.
It's perfect for a concerted attack.
Stop him for at least five minutes.
Lookouts, stand by.
If plan B doesn't work out, lure their "it"
to the exit for me.
You heard him.
You can count on us.
He's coming.
Trying to gang up on me?
Which means your "it" is headed up to the exit.
Then I'd better hurry after her.
But first, I'll treat you to a
special lesson from Professor Quant.
Scouts move up to the front
lines to gather information.
It's common for us to end up outnumbered.
Now, here's your question
What does a Scout do to avoid
becoming a sacrificial pawn?
He vanished?
Where is he?
Where is he?
Piece of shit!
Attack him!
Over here!
You pretending to be a Scout?
Remember this: the guys who are
too confident in their strength die first.
Sorry, but a spear belongs in your hands.
Lie there for a while.
How many minutes has it been?
It hasn't even been one yet!
Damn it!
Kill him!
Get him!
Rankers are amazing!
You should be happy.
If team A wins, you'll fail
the position selection test.
I'm sure the handsome Lauroe and
that plain gloomy girl will pass.
So you have your finger on the pulse
of positions other than your own.
Don't underestimate a Princess of Jahad.
If you have a question, spit it out.
If she keeps doing what she's doing,
will Michelle pass the test?
Which would you prefer?
Sorry. The stair team's been wiped out.
Their "it" will reach the
top of the stairs soon.
When he does, my Super Inferno—
Seriously? What are we going to do, Khun?
I know! Let's call Lauroe! He can—
Lauroe's asleep at the starting line.
I reviewed his data during
my Light Bearer class.
He'll pass regardless of
the results of this test.
Damn it. Is it finally time
for me to use my killer arts?
In the name of chocolate bars, I will crush you!
Say something, damn it!
He really puts those away.
It's over.
Anaak is as good as caught.
Team A loses.
Are you sure about that?
Quant learned which exit
Anaak is headed toward.
It's only a matter of time
before he catches up.
If he catches up with her on the bridge
to the exit, she'll have nowhere to run.
Khun's strategies have reached their end.
Don't underestimate the blue turtle!
I'm sure he's got a plan.
I see.
Perhaps Khun replicated the badge using his bag.
That's impossible.
I used Shinsu to prevent them
from being copied or compressed.
In that case, team A
I'm sure he's thinking of something!
More chocolate bars, please!
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Now that I'm here, you can relax.
I won't let that little redhead get near Anaak!
What's wrong with you guys?
Hold on. Are your expectations
for me really that low?
Who are you calling a little redhead?
Did you sneak up behind me again, master?
I'm sorry!
Their "it" has disappeared!
I see.
Shibisu was desperate.
Win on the back of my dead body, Anaak!
He'd pass even without trying
so hard on this test.
Did he do it for his teammates?
Their passionate friendship
brings tears to my eyes.
Now, then
Found your "it."
Good job making it this far.
Hey, where's your "it"?
Anaak's not here.
So she hasn't arrived yet?
She should have reached the bridge by now.
Where did you hide her?
It's true that she was just here, but she
jumped down toward the exit below.
That's ridiculous. From this height?
She's a Princess of Jahad.
Apparently, she trained in
physical enhancement after
she was injured during the Fisherman test.
She's probably running through
the darkness right now.
Are even Rankers scared
to dive from this height?
What are you doing—
You're late. Get on.
What? But the redhead is right behind—
Just do it. This is how
we'll deceive their "it."
There's no time to explain.
Just wait there.
Isn't your Shinsu limited during this test?
Maybe you'll run out soon.
You copied your Lighthouse, didn't you?
Huh? What are you talking about?
Even if you turn off its glow,
I can tell from the Shinsu aura.
You're hiding your "it"
using a copied Lighthouse
under the bridge.
There you go again.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
In that case, a question for you
If you jump off with me and
end up flat as a pancake,
what will happen to your "it"
on top of your Lighthouse?
What's wrong? Scared?
You're scared, aren't you?
Let me hear you beg me to save you!
If you cry enough, I might even do it,
former son of the Khun family!
Are you trying to die?!
This way, "it." Follow the
sound of my clapping hands.
I'm going to kill you!
It's time to end this.
Amazing! Khun even expected
their "it" to jump off with him!
Well, well. They won a game.
A surprising comeback for team A.
You're always jumping to conclusions.
But even considering his remaining Shinsu,
it's not possible for Quant
to climb that distance.
Damn it!
That stupid blue bowl-cut bastard!
I'll make him cry! I'll beat
him to a pulp! I'll kill him!
I hate him!
Damn it. But I can't lose
Sounds like you need help.
Who are you?
Team A has lost.
All right.
This game is—
The Ranker
Team A, your test has ended.
That's a Ranker for you!
Take that!
Damn it!
Don't move.
How did he climb that far?
Is he a monster?
It's my fault.
I underestimated his strength.
I was so confident when
I became the leader, too.
I ruined everything.
It's because I suggested we capture their "it."
I'm sorry.
You have nothing to apologize for.
Right, guys?
Your strategy was amazing.
You gave the Ranker trouble twice.
There's no way team B could
come up with a better strategy.
That's right.
Results aside, we did our best.
Cheer up.
You useless lump! Don't ruin the mood!
Damn you!
You're always sleeping!
You can't even beat a blanket?
Do I need to give you a taste of my killer arts?
Sounds like you need help.
Who are you?
It's me. Also
Don't you want to go up?
What? I don't know what you're—
You want to go up, don't you?
You're betraying your teammates?
Come climb up here, Bam.
Why did they betray them?
Betray them?
Helping Quant just before their team
achieves victory is surely a betrayal.
He didn't betray his team.
Friend List
- Make ten friends within one week.
Twenty-Fifth Bam
Pon Secal Lauroe
Serena Linen
This is Khun's real team.
The Scout's assignment?
Team A had to lose while leaving as
many hints as possible for team B.
He carefully chose what he'd
need to bring to the tower
in order for these ten to pass the test.
Khun, Anaak, Shibisu, and Lauroe are
currently guaranteed to pass, but
I doubt that idiot will
grant Khun's wish so easily.
Damn it.
Those Regulars think they can toy with me?
Impudent brats.
I told you, I'm the leader!
Don't be ridiculous! It's me!
Don't make me laugh! It's clearly me!
Everyone's desperate to earn points.
Rachel won't join the group at all.
We're all good with me being
the leader of team B, right?
What? You got a problem with that?
O-Of course not.
You there! How dare you develop
a strategy without the princess?!
Long live the princess!
The "it" is decided. I'll start
by putting on the "it" badge.
She wants all our Fishermen
to move together?
Is she stupid?
Their "it" will find us.
It'll be over immediately.
The Spear Bearer revolutionaries should—
Don't you mean revolutionary airheads?
What was that?!
After watching team A, you should know
that it's impossible to capture a Ranker.
The woman's strategy to
have the Fishermen scatter
after seeing what their "it"
does may serve as a distraction.
And we've got a Wave Controller on our side.
Should I?
That still won't impress
the test administrators!
Yeah. The Spear Bearer revolutionaries
will capture their "it."
And you will help us!
Hey, Hoh.
Are you still serious about climbing the tower?
I've lost confidence.
I don't know if I'll be able
to kill guys I've come
to like without hesitation.
I used to be a seriously hopeless person.
A cat burglar, as they say.
But my luck ran out when
I snuck onto a certain ship.
Something terrifying happened.
There was a Ranker on the ship.
In the blink of an eye, my friends died.
I don't want to die.
The life I've led so far has
been nothing but worthless.
Just when I had that thought,
a god appeared before me and
brought me to the tower.
At first, I was motivated.
I killed everyone I met
because I wanted to stay.
But now
That's always been our relationship, hasn't it?
We do it to climb the tower.
No matter what happens, no hard feelings.
We're sorry!
Stop wasting my energy.
He's here.
It's the Ranker.
Hurry. We'll stop him here.
My plan worked.
I am so pissed off!
That's his problem.
He becomes angry and indiscriminate.
He forgets to hold back.
Even against a weak opponent,
he crushes them with his full strength.
You know I'm a Ranker, and you're
still making light of me?
You can't be serious.
The amount of Shinsu Quant can use
inside the tag arena is being limited.
That said, it's likely we'll become
unable to continue the test.
I-It was a good plan, though.
You need to be at least that bold.
A-Are you doing your best to stay calm?
He's pretending.
I-In any case, his patience is admirable.
So, what comes after the surprise attack?
It can't be helped. We'll go with plan B.
I see. You're running.
Then I'll give you a 111-second head start.
And I'll use the stairs
instead of the elevator.
Well? Pretty big handicap, right?
I can't believe how generous I am!
One, two, three
It's a bit odd, though.
What is?
Four, five, six
Quant may be an idiot, but he's still a Ranker.
Would Khun really come up
with such a trite strategy?
Seven, eight, nine
Trite, huh?
Ten, eleven, twelve
Nothing. I'm sure we'll
understand if we keep watching.
Thirteen, fourteen
Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen
Isn't this unfair?
Eighteen, nineteen
They said they divided the teams evenly,
but ours is clearly full of trash.
I suppose.
You're obviously an exception, princess.
Why are you so anxious?
Endorsi, I don't see Rach—I mean, Michelle.
Michelle wandered off somewhere.
I see.
Why? Did you need to talk to her?
No. U-Um
Why did you team up with her?
No reason. Because those two
were the last ones left.
That's all.
I see.
Look, Anaak's entering the elevator.
It seems that way.
In other words, she's headed to the top floor.
Haven't we already won?
Once she crosses the bridge,
the goal will be right there.
You think a Ranker would give us
time without any kind of plan?
One hundred eight, one hundred nine,
one hundred ten
One hundred and eleven.
Time's up. Places, everyone!
It'll take at least ten minutes
for Anaak to reach the bridge.
Quant has no choice but to
take the stairs to the exit.
It's perfect for a concerted attack.
Stop him for at least five minutes.
Lookouts, stand by.
If plan B doesn't work out, lure their "it"
to the exit for me.
You heard him.
You can count on us.
He's coming.
Trying to gang up on me?
Which means your "it" is headed up to the exit.
Then I'd better hurry after her.
But first, I'll treat you to a
special lesson from Professor Quant.
Scouts move up to the front
lines to gather information.
It's common for us to end up outnumbered.
Now, here's your question
What does a Scout do to avoid
becoming a sacrificial pawn?
He vanished?
Where is he?
Where is he?
Piece of shit!
Attack him!
Over here!
You pretending to be a Scout?
Remember this: the guys who are
too confident in their strength die first.
Sorry, but a spear belongs in your hands.
Lie there for a while.
How many minutes has it been?
It hasn't even been one yet!
Damn it!
Kill him!
Get him!
Rankers are amazing!
You should be happy.
If team A wins, you'll fail
the position selection test.
I'm sure the handsome Lauroe and
that plain gloomy girl will pass.
So you have your finger on the pulse
of positions other than your own.
Don't underestimate a Princess of Jahad.
If you have a question, spit it out.
If she keeps doing what she's doing,
will Michelle pass the test?
Which would you prefer?
Sorry. The stair team's been wiped out.
Their "it" will reach the
top of the stairs soon.
When he does, my Super Inferno—
Seriously? What are we going to do, Khun?
I know! Let's call Lauroe! He can—
Lauroe's asleep at the starting line.
I reviewed his data during
my Light Bearer class.
He'll pass regardless of
the results of this test.
Damn it. Is it finally time
for me to use my killer arts?
In the name of chocolate bars, I will crush you!
Say something, damn it!
He really puts those away.
It's over.
Anaak is as good as caught.
Team A loses.
Are you sure about that?
Quant learned which exit
Anaak is headed toward.
It's only a matter of time
before he catches up.
If he catches up with her on the bridge
to the exit, she'll have nowhere to run.
Khun's strategies have reached their end.
Don't underestimate the blue turtle!
I'm sure he's got a plan.
I see.
Perhaps Khun replicated the badge using his bag.
That's impossible.
I used Shinsu to prevent them
from being copied or compressed.
In that case, team A
I'm sure he's thinking of something!
More chocolate bars, please!
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Now that I'm here, you can relax.
I won't let that little redhead get near Anaak!
What's wrong with you guys?
Hold on. Are your expectations
for me really that low?
Who are you calling a little redhead?
Did you sneak up behind me again, master?
I'm sorry!
Their "it" has disappeared!
I see.
Shibisu was desperate.
Win on the back of my dead body, Anaak!
He'd pass even without trying
so hard on this test.
Did he do it for his teammates?
Their passionate friendship
brings tears to my eyes.
Now, then
Found your "it."
Good job making it this far.
Hey, where's your "it"?
Anaak's not here.
So she hasn't arrived yet?
She should have reached the bridge by now.
Where did you hide her?
It's true that she was just here, but she
jumped down toward the exit below.
That's ridiculous. From this height?
She's a Princess of Jahad.
Apparently, she trained in
physical enhancement after
she was injured during the Fisherman test.
She's probably running through
the darkness right now.
Are even Rankers scared
to dive from this height?
What are you doing—
You're late. Get on.
What? But the redhead is right behind—
Just do it. This is how
we'll deceive their "it."
There's no time to explain.
Just wait there.
Isn't your Shinsu limited during this test?
Maybe you'll run out soon.
You copied your Lighthouse, didn't you?
Huh? What are you talking about?
Even if you turn off its glow,
I can tell from the Shinsu aura.
You're hiding your "it"
using a copied Lighthouse
under the bridge.
There you go again.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
In that case, a question for you
If you jump off with me and
end up flat as a pancake,
what will happen to your "it"
on top of your Lighthouse?
What's wrong? Scared?
You're scared, aren't you?
Let me hear you beg me to save you!
If you cry enough, I might even do it,
former son of the Khun family!
Are you trying to die?!
This way, "it." Follow the
sound of my clapping hands.
I'm going to kill you!
It's time to end this.
Amazing! Khun even expected
their "it" to jump off with him!
Well, well. They won a game.
A surprising comeback for team A.
You're always jumping to conclusions.
But even considering his remaining Shinsu,
it's not possible for Quant
to climb that distance.
Damn it!
That stupid blue bowl-cut bastard!
I'll make him cry! I'll beat
him to a pulp! I'll kill him!
I hate him!
Damn it. But I can't lose
Sounds like you need help.
Who are you?
Team A has lost.
All right.
This game is—
The Ranker
Team A, your test has ended.
That's a Ranker for you!
Take that!
Damn it!
Don't move.
How did he climb that far?
Is he a monster?
It's my fault.
I underestimated his strength.
I was so confident when
I became the leader, too.
I ruined everything.
It's because I suggested we capture their "it."
I'm sorry.
You have nothing to apologize for.
Right, guys?
Your strategy was amazing.
You gave the Ranker trouble twice.
There's no way team B could
come up with a better strategy.
That's right.
Results aside, we did our best.
Cheer up.
You useless lump! Don't ruin the mood!
Damn you!
You're always sleeping!
You can't even beat a blanket?
Do I need to give you a taste of my killer arts?
Sounds like you need help.
Who are you?
It's me. Also
Don't you want to go up?
What? I don't know what you're—
You want to go up, don't you?
You're betraying your teammates?
Come climb up here, Bam.
Why did they betray them?
Betray them?
Helping Quant just before their team
achieves victory is surely a betrayal.
He didn't betray his team.
Friend List
- Make ten friends within one week.
Twenty-Fifth Bam
Pon Secal Lauroe
Serena Linen
This is Khun's real team.
The Scout's assignment?
Team A had to lose while leaving as
many hints as possible for team B.
He carefully chose what he'd
need to bring to the tower
in order for these ten to pass the test.
Khun, Anaak, Shibisu, and Lauroe are
currently guaranteed to pass, but
I doubt that idiot will
grant Khun's wish so easily.
Damn it.
Those Regulars think they can toy with me?
Impudent brats.
I told you, I'm the leader!
Don't be ridiculous! It's me!
Don't make me laugh! It's clearly me!
Everyone's desperate to earn points.
Rachel won't join the group at all.
We're all good with me being
the leader of team B, right?
What? You got a problem with that?
O-Of course not.
You there! How dare you develop
a strategy without the princess?!
Long live the princess!
The "it" is decided. I'll start
by putting on the "it" badge.
She wants all our Fishermen
to move together?
Is she stupid?
Their "it" will find us.
It'll be over immediately.
The Spear Bearer revolutionaries should—
Don't you mean revolutionary airheads?
What was that?!
After watching team A, you should know
that it's impossible to capture a Ranker.
The woman's strategy to
have the Fishermen scatter
after seeing what their "it"
does may serve as a distraction.
And we've got a Wave Controller on our side.
Should I?
That still won't impress
the test administrators!
Yeah. The Spear Bearer revolutionaries
will capture their "it."
And you will help us!
Hey, Hoh.
Are you still serious about climbing the tower?
I've lost confidence.
I don't know if I'll be able
to kill guys I've come
to like without hesitation.
I used to be a seriously hopeless person.
A cat burglar, as they say.
But my luck ran out when
I snuck onto a certain ship.
Something terrifying happened.
There was a Ranker on the ship.
In the blink of an eye, my friends died.
I don't want to die.
The life I've led so far has
been nothing but worthless.
Just when I had that thought,
a god appeared before me and
brought me to the tower.
At first, I was motivated.
I killed everyone I met
because I wanted to stay.
But now
That's always been our relationship, hasn't it?
We do it to climb the tower.
No matter what happens, no hard feelings.
We're sorry!
Stop wasting my energy.
He's here.
It's the Ranker.
Hurry. We'll stop him here.
My plan worked.