Traffic Light (2011) s01e08 Episode Script

Kiss Me Kate

Listen to me, you are not coming to the pool with my family if you're gonna wear that thing.
Okay, that's fine but just so you know, in Europe it's considered fashionable.
Yeah, I got to go with Mike on this one last time you dove in, we caught some rough angles.
Adam, you in? Uh, no, I'm not.
I don't swim with you anymore.
Why not? Because the pool does not bring out the best in you, Michael.
No! - Yay! - Whoo! You're really still upset about that one time? Because the rules are so clear.
The mounts are not supposed to touch.
It's only the chickens that fight.
My chicken needed a little bit of help.
Speaking of which, this is my chicken.
I got to take this you know, her sister's been staying with us for the last two weeks.
She's really getting on my nerves.
Well, I'm gonna have to recuse myself Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know you hooked up at the barbecue.
Hey, she was delightful company.
Yeah, delightful on the side of my house.
That's great.
I don't want to hear this, and I'm gonna try to sell some alone time here.
Hi, sweetie.
Hey! Look, I was thinking that maybe tonight we could, uh, just leave your sister at home.
Yes! Really? Okay.
Because she was making me want to kill my Totally.
Going out To dinner with my girl Hang up your coat Hope you're hungry! I slaved.
Isn't she a beauty? What's happening? I thought we were going out to dinner! Yeah, I know.
Um, Matt changed his profile status from married to single, so it's not been a good - I'm just gonna start.
- Right behind you.
- Stop it! - I will.
- Yeah, we - Yeah, I got to say, - this has been great.
- Ah, wonderful.
But-but I think that now, we, uh - Yeah, we've got to - Oh, no.
Mm-mm, you two aren't going anywhere.
- Dessert? - No.
Dream board.
You made a collage! No no, honey.
I didn't make a collage.
I dreamt a dream board.
Dreamt a dream board.
I got the idea out of this book it said, um, "If you can dream it, you can do it.
" This is a rainbow represents hope, which I have right there, um, and also sprinkled throughout are some of my "Action words".
"Survivor"! "Tranquility"! "Fashion"! 'Cause I love clothes.
And Brian Williams.
Of course, he's the dreamiest network anchor.
- Thank you for getting it.
- Oh, is that - an alligator? - It is.
And this represents me, because it has thick skin to protect itself.
And also, it can hunker down in the mud for days and days and days, and never move.
She's got to go.
I-I know, but we can't just kick her out on the street.
I'm not saying we put her on the street, just just not here, all right? We'll put her somewhere between here and the street.
Yeah, okay.
Oh, hi.
I've got something in my eye.
That's so cliched, right? I am not telling her she has to leave.
Can we get her a job or something? Yeah.
That's a great idea, that is a great idea.
We get her a job, and she can start a new life.
Totally! She can move in to the Rainbow with Brian Williams.
Hey, what about Bloke? You guys always need floaters, huh? Kate at the office? Bad idea.
I know.
Look, I already have to deal with my boss, Kev.
See if you can guess if this pencil's been in my mouth.
- Yes, it has.
- Yeah, it has! This is her sister we're talking about, you know? How do I say no to Callie? No, you don't say no, you do what she asks you to do, you just, uh, sort of half-ass it.
I do it all the time.
Trust me.
Don't trust him.
"Just half-ass it"? Yeah.
- Got to go.
- 'Kay.
That seems like good advice.
Doggies, kitties .
Ow! Ow! You want to have a breath-holding competition? - Not really, no.
- Scared? Yeah, you are.
'Cause you know my record's a minute, 20 seconds.
So basically, you're like Aqua-Man, then? Yeah, pretty much.
If there's some form of injustice underwater, I'd probably be the guy.
Yeah, fighting crime a minute and 20 seconds at a time.
Just saying.
Let's do it.
Doggies, kitties Kick, kick, kick, kick .
Ow! You kicked me! 1:21.
Nailed it! What are you talking about? I got 1:19.
- No, it's a new record.
- Digital does not lie.
It's going in the books.
Oh, yeah.
Honey, can you change Tommy, please? Okay.
I need to teach that woman - a lesson in water safety.
- Come here All right, racerback, here I come, and I'm bringing the pain.
Where are you? There you are.
There we go.
Hey, you having fun out there? Huh? Whoa! Dude, that's what pools are for.
Where's the lifeguard?! Oh, my God! Nancy, can you hold Tommy? Did I get her? Sweetheart, are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I just I got so focused on kicking that bitch in the racerback, I didn't see the wall.
But then Ethan saved my life.
Is this yours? No.
Konichiwa, Kev.
Uh, so, listen, I know we take on floaters sometimes, and I was asked to give this to you it's just, um it's my girlfriend's sister's résumé.
I haven't even read it, okay? So, um Gonna put that right there.
And now that we've completed this silly little dance, I'm just gonna leave, and if that just, you know, blows off your desk right into the incinerator, - then, um, it's fine with me, okay? - Adam? Not now.
Kev just found a clutch new porn site.
Yeah, do that, bro.
God, that guy's awesome.
Michael, for the thousandth time, saying "thank you" is more than enough.
No, no, no, no.
You saved the life of the mother of my son.
Mike, you know, you're my friend.
Lisa's my friend.
I've known you guys for, like, 15 years.
Look, I want you to have this football.
It's signed by Al Gore I was gonna save it for Tommy, but I want you to have it.
Why was Al Gore signing footballs? 'Cause they were out of hockey sticks.
I'd like you to have my grandfather's watch.
How about that? I've got a watch.
Y-Yeah, but he killed a Nazi with this watch.
It's a dead Nazi watch.
If you're not gonna - let this go - No.
I guess there is something you can give me.
Done! Name it.
I want the T-shirt.
You mean the T-shirt? - Yep.
- You mean the Is there any other? The Sproul Hall Ping-Pong Championship T-shirt? You don't want this hanging over your head, dude.
You, uh, mull it over while we get this lovely lady to the hospital.
But I won that T-shirt.
Look, Mike, you asked me what I wanted; I told you.
If you don't want to give it to me No, no, no.
It's just that that went to the dorm champion, which was me, not you although you did put up - a very spirited fight.
- Actually, I seem to recall a lingering dispute as to who won that match.
No, that match was thoroughly adjudicated, and there was a victor proclaimed, and I have the T-shirt to prove it.
- Don't touch that.
- Uh, sorry.
All right.
You know what? You can have the T-shirt.
You'll just be in debt to me forever, and that's fine.
Are you sure that if you hadn't done what you did - she would've died? - Pretty sure.
Honey, just give him the shirt.
I have to get up at, like, quarter to 6:00.
You are a sly bastard blaw! You're lucky these things aren't loaded.
Um, I'm wearing a Kevlar shirt.
Well, in that case, blaw! Head shot! That's a metaphor for how you just blew my mind.
Wait a second, did you read the article that I wrote about - the ten books you must - Yeah, we're not gonna do anything with that I'm talking about the way you under-promised but over-delivered.
What are you talking about? Hi, bosses! - Coffee for Kev.
- Why, thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Wow.
Wow, Kate, you are here in my office.
Thanks to you.
And Kev.
This spark plug has been here for two hours she's already archived my computer, made coffee, she even took notes during my post-muffin idea blast.
What can I say, the whole office - is gonna be grateful.
- Grateful to you, superstar.
Check it.
Um, uh, I'm Adam.
Um, I bring in, uh, really great employees.
Oh, my God, that is so spot-on.
I mean, it doesn't really sound like me, but You'll see give me the stupid glasses.
- I don't want to give you the glasses.
- No, no.
Give me the stupid glasses.
- Take the glasses.
- So gangsta.
Here you go.
- Put 'em on.
- Let me see.
Let me see.
Oh, uh, I got a dumb idea for an article.
You look so stupid! I mean, um, is there a way to do an article about boring stuff? That's you! So stupid.
Such an So, she's actually working out, huh? It seems like she is, you know? She's got Kev off my back, so now I can actually get some work done.
Got to say, I'm surprised I sort of thought she was gonna mess everything up for you.
Why'd you get me to get her a job? 'Cause you're handsome.
- Hey, guys! - Hey! There you are! - Hi! - Mwa! And just so you know, that is not gonna work every time.
Nine out of ten.
Hey, is Katie's hand on Ethan's thigh? Yeah.
Oh Hey, guys, I want to make a toast.
Uh you know, the other day made me realize how precious life is, and when you think you're gonna lose someone, you see very clearly that there's nothing more important than the people that you love.
Cheers, baby.
Aw - Cheers! - Cheers, and to those people.
Cheers! Ooh! I am burning up here.
Ooh, okay.
Take this off.
That is better.
Much better.
Really? You're gonna wear that in public? Yeah.
That's what you do with T-shirts.
You you wear 'em.
It's true! You totally do! Yeah, but people are gonna think that you were the Sproul Hall Ping-Pong Champion.
That's because I believe I was the Sproul Hall Ping-Pong Champion.
- Sorry, guys, what's going on? - Senior year there was a ping-pong championship, - and these two made the finals.
- Yes, there was a hotly-contested tiebreaker, and the R.
called it - in favor of Mike.
- Because I won! You saw it.
It was clear.
Yeah, maybe I saw it, maybe nobody actually cared.
I didn't see it, baby, - but I believe you.
- Also, there was allegedly some rough-housing.
- Rough-housing? - R-R-Rough-housing! Come here, you cutie.
You know, this is amazing.
We got her a new man and a new job.
I think we got her back on her feet, you know.
We are awesome.
- We are awesome.
- Yeah.
You know, I think Ethan's good for her, too.
I think she's good for Ethan.
Do you know that back at the bar, I saw him drawing their initials inside of a heart.
Really? Mm-hmm.
Was there a plus sign? Yes, there was a plus sign.
There was a arrow through it also, so they are definitely kissing in a tree.
That's like real love.
This is real love here.
Yes it is, baby.
Keep going.
A little harder.
It's a T-shirt.
You couldn't just let him have it? I let him have it.
He saved your life, I gave him the shirt.
He wore it in public, which is over the line.
Who cares? I care.
Because he is using your near-death experience to settle a score.
Which is extremely childish.
Which is why we are having a ping-pong rematch.
Good night.
Hey, Adam.
Hey, Brian.
Kev says your book article's back in.
Are you kidding me? I am not.
I have no idea why, - but it's in.
- Thank you.
Oh, and you missed a birthday yesterday.
We saved you a piece of sheet cake.
I am walking on sunshine.
I don't even know why they went all out for Lou.
You know what I mean? I've been here five years longer.
I do a joint cake with Kathy.
Not even Kathy R.
Fat Kathy Kathy P.
Ugh! She says she has a glandular No excuse.
Tuesday is cake day Cake day for Adam.
Kev, they've got some cake in here, man Stop it Tuesday is cake day.
Adam, Adam, stop avoiding me.
Hey, I know that you saw Kev plowing me.
Oh, my I will pay you if you stop saying that.
Are you out of your mind?! Oh, hi.
You cannot bang his boss and his best friend at the same time! Well, I didn't do it simultaneously.
That's disgusting.
You know what I mean.
Okay, look, I'm sorry.
You surround yourself with attractive people.
And I am in a very vulnerable place right now.
I'm having a hard time keeping it together.
I can't believe you're running away from me.
I'm being honest with you.
" Those are words that should be on your little dream board, huh? - All right - Think about it.
I will think about it.
- Hello.
- Hey.
- And hello.
- Oh, hello.
- Are you ready? - I was born ready.
Oh, um, we are going to go out for just a quick little Italian dish.
- Yeah, we'll be right back.
- Oh, no, not in those shoes.
Honey, I'll take care of you.
Walk, my room now.
I'm not four years old.
Seriously? Ethan is here.
You have to tell him right now.
I'm having a nice dinner.
He's taking me out for a nice dinner.
Okay, it might be nice for you, but it's not nice for him.
He doesn't know what you're doing.
Only you know - what you're doing.
- You are not being very nice.
You're not being very nice.
- Darling, how are those shoes coming? - In a minute.
You have to decide what you want.
No, I don't.
I'm a grown-up.
I want them both.
They're both nice.
And I'm having a lot of fun.
And I deserve to have fun.
Because the last six months have not been very fun for me.
Oh, sweetie No.
No "Oh, sweetie.
" Okay? Just because your life's a mess, doesn't mean you have to make ours a mess, all right? So either you tell Ethan, or I'm going to tell him.
All right, fine.
You're right.
I'll tell him.
Were you serious about my shoes? No, come on, the shoes are fine.
Why are the crazy ones always so crazy? What are you talking about? - Oh, it's - She's not crazy.
Oh, no, yeah.
No, she's not.
She's my sister.
No, she's fine, she's fine.
Hey, uh, could I bounce something off you? Yeah, make it quick, 'cause I've got a lot going on over here.
I'm in this really awkward situation.
Isn't that sort of your thing? Nice.
Anyway, it's about Ethan.
What did he do, take something that didn't belong to him? No, Mike, but listen it's sort of about Kate.
You know, I don't know what he knows or what I should tell him.
I'll tell you what you can tell him.
You tell him that I'm playing for keeps tomorrow.
So he better come heavy - or don't come at all.
- What are you talking about? Who says that? Just get him the message.
So how'd it go with Kate last night? Great.
Did she, uh, talk to you about anything? I recall hearing "Pull my hair" a couple of times.
Anything else? Listen, mate, if you're that curious, you can just borrow the video.
No, um listen, I don't know where you're at with this thing, but I feel sort of honor-bound to tell you that Kate is seeing somebody else.
What do you mean by "seeing," exactly? What do you mean what do I mean? I mean they're doing it, dude.
Well, who is it? It's my editor, Kev.
- I'm really sorry.
- God, I can't believe this.
I got to talk to her, right? No, wait.
Come on, Ethan, Ethan, let's just, let's talk about this, okay? No, I don't want to talk to you; I want to talk to her.
No, wait, wait, please, please.
This is my work, okay? - So just stay out here, okay, and I'll get her.
- Okay.
You're supposed to talk to Ethan.
Come on, where you going? You cannot do this.
There's no escape.
Ooh, Jeff.
I'm sorry.
Jeff, how's your daughter? Look This place is a rectangle.
It's futile.
This is What are you? - Hey, lady.
- Oh, hi.
- Want to take an early lunch? - Uh, I ate already.
Hey, that thing we were talking about? - Mm-hmm.
- I'm wearing it right now.
- Oh.
Kate! Oh, God.
- So this is the other guy? - What do you mean, "other guy"? She's been seeing the both of us.
What?! - Adam, you knew about this? - Absolutely not.
So you're letting this guy climb up on it? What do you mean, "this guy"? I'm talking about you, Mick Jagger.
What is wrong with me? I'll tell you exactly what Actually nothing.
I kind of like what you're working there.
Looks like Kev may have been bested.
All right, well I'm not diminishing you either.
I mean, I came this close to buying that shirt yesterday.
Of course you did, because you're a man who knows what it's about.
There you are.
- You're going to miss your train.
- Right.
Wait, what-what train? Oh, um, when Callie pushed me to decide what I wanted, I called Matt.
He didn't really apologize, but he did change his relationship status from "single" to "it's complicated.
" So I think I owe it to both of us to give it another shot.
I'm sorry, you guys.
Hey, I'm going to miss you, Kate, you know, but you should do what makes you happy.
You're fun.
Come here.
- That's inappropriate.
- Yes, yeah.
Looks like we were both in the same boat.
Hey, what are you doing right now? Just seeing where the night takes me.
Yeah, you are.
- Let's ride.
- Vamonos.
Ooh, that was hard.
Thanks for everything, Cal.
You're welcome, sweetie.
And you, too, you googly-eyed freak.
- I love you.
- I love you.
Hey, do me a favor.
Please don't ever come back.
- Hilarious.
- Oh Thank you for packing it all up, too, hon.
You're welcome, sweetie.
It was above and beyond, really.
All right.
A ride to the airport would have been nice, - but that's all right.
All right.
- Love you.
- Bye, guys.
- Bye.
It's over.
Yay! Okay, this is the official rematch.
Whoever wins this will retroactively be crowned Sproul Hall.
Ping-Pong Champion 1998.
As, as such, will be the perpetual and uncontested owner of the shirt.
Agreed? Okay, Adam and Callie have been invited as witnesses, so that there can be no dispute.
Mike won the coin toss, and he has elected to go first.
Now, this is standard American table tennis.
First one to 11 wins.
No backsies, no erasies.
And Begin! Oh! - Oh! - Yes! - Oh! - Oh! Oh! That's 11.
Yes! That happened.
Yes, it certainly did.
Shirt me.
Are you happy now? Oh, I'm happy for the game, because a wrong was righted.
And I'm happy for you, babe, because you married a champion.
Yes, I did.
As for me, I don't know.
It's kind of like my grandpa always said Mike? - Mike? - Mike? Oh, no, no, no, he's really choking.
- Babe? - Mike, what'd your grandpa say? - Mike, let me help you.
- Babe.
- Mike - No, no, Mike, Mike.
- Is he turning blue? - Mike? - Babe? - Go get him, please.
- He's turning blue.
- Please? - Can you just? - Just grab him.
- Mike, come on.
Babe You okay? Oh! Oh! Oh, God.
Just give me the dead Nazi watch.
Take the shirt.
I'm nothing without my honor.
Wow, I guess there's a lesson here somewhere.

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