Transformers: Rescue Bots (2011) s02e15 Episode Script

Buddy System

I am a lad pioneer! Technically, you are neither.
He is now.
Dad made Blades our official troop mascot.
That doesn't explain why chief dragged the rest of us out here.
For the nature hike.
Graham said everyone's invited.
We'll spot animals to earn our wildlife patch, and climb rocks for our outdoorsman patch, and sing songs for our musical theatre patch.
Mi mi mi mi mi Let's work on your silence patch.
Gather round, everyone.
Welcome to the annual lad pioneer friends and family hike.
Hey! Watch it, Kade! Oh.
What did somebody have grumpy-os for breakfast? For today's trek, we'll be using the buddy system.
That way we can be sure nobody gets lost or Help! that happens.
Ah! Help! A routine patrol with four bots in stasis years later awoke in the strangest of places Earth was their home now and in addition Optimus Prime gave them this mission learn from the humans serve and protect live in their world earn their respect a family of heroes will be your allies to others remain robots in disguise rescue bots roll to the rescue humans in need heroes indeed rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots with Cody to guide them and show them the way rescue bots will be saving the day rescue bots roll to the rescue rescue bots help! Help! Hang on, Timmy! Help's coming.
Help's here.
Rescue method is too dangerous.
Great plan, Kade.
Like you could do better? Glad you agree.
Blades, airlift.
Rescue robots, work together.
That's why the buddy system is so important.
Hiking alone isn't safe, and you can get more done with the help of a partner.
Today, we'll use these buddy bracelets to stay in pairs.
Uh, can I get two volunteers? How about me and Blades, dad? I wasn't planning on pairing up the bots, but since he's our mascot, we can make an exception.
Once you lock these bracelets on, they magnetically sync with each other.
So if you get too far away from your partner You're pulled back together.
Think I know who my partner's gonna be.
In the lad pioneer spirit of making new friends, all buddies will be randomly assigned.
Oh, come on! Now who's grumpy? Graham, you're buddies with, Mrs.
II am? And Mr.
Achoo! I'm allergic to Achoo! cats.
George, you're with Timmy.
And Kyle.
You have Corey as a buddy.
I wish I'd volunteered with you.
Now who knows who I'll get.
Hayley, you're with Frankie.
Hayley? What are we gonna talk about? She's probably never opened a science book in her life.
Don't worry, Frankie.
She's really nice.
Has to be, to put up with Kade.
Aw, didn't you get the partner you wanted? - Dani, you're with Kade.
- What? Uh.
Ah, didn't you get the partner you wanted? Ha, ha.
Uh, Carin? You're with me.
Hi, I'm Chief Charlie.
The man who helped save my nephew.
Thanks for that.
Well, just part of the job.
I worked police dispatch on the mainland.
You're kind of a legend on the force.
Legend? Well, I'm not that old.
The chief is behaving oddly.
Maybe he's just excited for the hike.
I know I am.
Um, chief? I still need a partner.
I thought we had an even number of people signed up.
My brother Jerry's on his way.
He's usually late, but he always has a great story why.
That took care of the electronics store.
Last delivery.
Here you go, Doc.
Shipment for the reptile department.
Huh? But where are the snakes? - Wait! You'll- - Jerry! Stop! The buddy Bracelet keys! I'm sorry, chief.
I was so worried about being late, I wasn't paying enough attention.
Whelp, too bad, sis.
Looks like bonding time's over.
Hey Hayley ugh! Hey! How come these handcuffs still work? Destroying a key wouldn't unlock a door.
Same for the bracelets.
- Wait, you mean - Ugh.
We're stuck like this forever? At least until we can find some way to electronically override the lock.
Whoa! Enough of this standing around.
My bunions are sore.
Dad, I know how to shut off our bracelets.
The emp zone.
Tech stops working there.
Technically, the emp is reserved for emergencies.
Do you have to be so annoying? I know you are, but what am I? You are so immature.
But this might qualify as one.
A little change of route, folks.
We'll be hiking to the end of Old Canyon Road.
Our buddy bracelets should unlock by then.
Thank goodness! Well, I was afraid chief was going to cancel the hike.
Seriously, Cody.
I have nothing in common with her.
What am I supposed to talk about? I don't know, anything.
Just be friendly.
Uh, so Read any good books on string theory lately? Uh.
Do you need a boost, Mrs.
Neederlander? No.
I'm taking the easy way.
I-I-I'm not so sure we should be going so far off the trail Come on, tenderfoot.
This is a hike, not bridge club.
At least we'll get to enjoy the outdoors up close.
"Enjoy" is a strong word.
Achoo! Ah! I just moved to Griffin Rock.
What a place.
Things here are never boring, are they? You should've been here the time it rained Macaroni and cheese.
On the bright side, leftovers for a week.
Still, it's good to know we have someone like you keeping us safe.
Sir, are you developing a sunburn? It's called blushing, Chase.
And it's also none of your business.
I do not operate a business.
Or even possess a permit to own one.
Griffin Rock emergency, go ahead.
Kade, I need you downtown for a ladder rescue.
A window washer fell off his rig.
Yes! On my way, dad.
Well, as fun as this hike has been.
Where you go, I go, remember? Great.
Hey, take notes, you might learn something.
Like how not to behave? Remind me why your father thinks the buddy system is a good idea.
It's not! Oh.
Well at least you agree on something.
Stop struggling! I'm coming up.
Whoa! Since when are snakes that big? Quick, grab on! Kade! The snake's getting away! Kind of busy right now, sis! So multitask! Well you could do something to help, you know.
Kade, step back.
Oh, that Now you're giving me orders too? No.
Dani, don't move.
Stay out of this, Heatwave.
Back away, slowly.
- Thanks, Heatwave.
- Seriously.
You can thank me by telling me where I can put this thing.
It feels so ugh.
Wait, wait, wait, you're saying giant alien robots are afraid of snakes? Not afraid.
They just Grate on my metal, ugh.
There should be some heavy-duty bags in the emergency kit.
Help! There's a snake hitchhiker! Help! Snakes! Weirdest coincidence ever, or We better let dad know.
An attack of giant snakes? We're not sure how many there are.
Normally I could fly up and do recon but the Your helicopter is on our hike.
Hold up, troop.
Cody, your sister needs her bot.
And since you two come as a set Got it, dad.
Robot, transform! Uh, use the robot's autopilot recall setting, son.
Great, now I really have nobody to talk to.
Let us know if you spot any more snakes.
- We'll Chase 'em down.
- We will? Um, what's wrong, Blades? I can't believe I'm missing my first ever lad pioneer hike to go searching for serpents! Well, at least it'll count towards your reptile care patch.
Really? Then bring on the snakes! Why don't we start at the zoo? Maybe they escaped from there.
Can you stop that thing from squirming around back there? Sorry, Heatwave, that's kind of what snakes do.
Better get used to it, about to bag another one.
I'm coming over, hold it steady! Argh! Argh! Go, Heatwave! Ha, maybe we should use these things more often.
- Nah.
- Guys! I found out where the snakes came from! The zookeeper is missing a shipment of twelve large and possibly venomous reptiles! That leaves ten more to catch.
You're not putting 'em all in my backseat.
Reports are coming in from all over.
Snakes downtown, in the park, in a pool That's an all-hands emergency.
But some of our hands are already attached.
I don't suppose you'd mind going on a ride-along? In a state-of-the-art robot squad car? Can we run the siren? I'll see what I can do.
Graham, rendezvous on Cody's coordinates.
Hayley! An emergency's come up.
Can you take over leading the hike? I teach kindergarten.
This'll be a piece of cake.
So, those flowers sure are pretty, huh? I've always loved Lupinus Perennis Uh, wild Lupine.
So do butterflies.
Some even eat this when they're caterpillars.
Whoa How do you know that? I have a degree in botany.
Oh, watch out for the Toxicodendron Pubescens! I thought only my dad spoke in random Latin.
Sorry, poison oak.
I learned plants by their scientific names.
Hope I'm not too boring of a hiking partner.
Are you kidding? You can be my tour guide.
What's this? Mr.
Pettypaws sure likes to shed, doesn't he.
I'm hot.
This seat has no lumbar support.
How do you make it recline? Ugh.
You call this a high-tech machine? I've ridden golf carts that are more tricked out.
Tell me we're close, Cody.
Sounds like Graham needs rescuing from this rescue.
Just head for Griffin Rock park, Graham.
But be careful, there's a King cobra on the loose.
Snakes can be royalty? Oh Is this another one of those names that don't make any sense, like Catfish or Moon Unit? Cody, we're closing in, which building has the Boa? The tall one on waverly, dad.
Chief, is this a code one, or should I 10-12 with my passenger while you investigate the 10-64? to worry about me.
I was a 10-37, remember? 10-4, ma'am, I was unaware you knew police codes.
Thank you.
Polite and capable, now that's good technology.
Chase, open the door.
I cannot, Sir, it appears i am being "Boa Constricted" Cease and desist, serpent, you are engaging in pre-meditated hugging of an officer of the law.
Chase, try to transform.
Impossible, Sir.
My mid-section is too compacted.
We can ride this out.
No way a Boa is stronger than your bot.
Dad, help is on the way! You need to cut my friend some slack.
Yes, noble! Uh huh, we did it! Something's tickling my tummy.
Aah! Get it off, get it off! Well, the good news is, it's gone.
Bad news is, we dropped it where the lad pioneers are hiking.
Rescue team, there's a giant Boa constrictor on the loose at the end of Old Canyon Road.
Roger that, Cody.
After we bag this baby, there should be only two more snakes out there.
Now you see that? When you two stop arguing and work together, you actually accomplish things.
We could have done it a lot faster, if Dani hadn't kept dropping her net.
Me? You were the one who was too scared to get in the water with that thing.
Forget I said anything.
How long is this gonna take? We'll go back as soon as I find the snake, Mrs.
Needer Lan-der.
No, Boulder.
Any movement, and the snake could attack.
Think calm thoughts.
That was amazing! I didn't know you could charm snakes.
You never asked.
Now let's go.
I think she could have scared that snake off without the flute.
Don't worry, everyone, that's a Boa.
It's not poisonous.
But it is very good at swallowing things whole.
Quickly everyone, stay close to your buddy and move over there.
How did you know that would work? This is wild Garlic.
Some say it repels snakes.
That settles it, I have got to learn more about plants.
Graham said he caught the cobra, dad.
This is the last snake left.
Rescue bots, robot mode.
Ah, my buddy Bracelet! We have to deactivate those bracelets.
Wait, dad, maybe they can help.
Heatwave, put Cody in the tank.
- Whoa.
- Oh, thank goodness.
I knew it.
You drove so slow, we missed the entertainment.
Ugh, I think I've had enough nature for one day.
I thought being a lad pioneer involved mostly arts and crafts.
Hey Frankie, wanna go back to the lab and shoot some hoops? Maybe later, Cody.
Hayley invited me to see her garden.
Whew, thought I'd never be free.
Not yet, you're not.
Say bye-bye to Mr.
Okay, dad, you're the last pair.
Actually, we never got much of a hike.
And since we're still wearing our bracelets Lock up for me, would you, Dani? What do you think that was about? I believe I know None of our business.

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