True Beauty (2020) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Hey, I heard Lim Ju-kyung
came to school without makeup on.
Do you really think
she's dating Lee Soo-ho?
I saw her face earlier
and it was worse than the pictures.
They would've broken up by now.
How could he date her
after seeing that face?
Isn't he also lame lately?
His dad is a has-been.
I guess he's just out of his mind
and dating anyone now.
-Gosh, that was harsh.
-Let's go.
-Sure, let's!
-Hey, what's that?
Hey, you!
-Take back what you just said.
-Lim Ju-kyung?
Hey, are you crazy,
going around without makeup on?
Yes. I'm dating Lee Soo-ho.
Lee Soo-ho is my boyfriend!
Happy? Did that satisfy your curiosity?
-She must have gone crazy.
He doesn't judge people by their looks,
and he likes me for who I am,
no matter what I look like.
He's a way better person
than you mean and awful people.
So don't talk behind his back
and put him down for dating me.
Say it all straight to my face!
I'll take you all down. Got it?
And if you have time
to judge others' looks,
try studying instead!
Step aside!
Are they really dating?
I'm so jealous.
Let's go.
Hey, you're here.
What should we eat later?
-I know a great tteokbokki place.
Really? Shall we go there?
A boyfriend? Of course, I don't.
Gosh, your car's pretty nice.
-I guess you're doing well.
-Do you like it?
Do you want it?
That's cute.
You can be my grapefruit from now on.
-But I'm the grapefruit!
Goodness, my heart…
I'd love some grapefruit.
I just really love grapefruit, you know.
-Are they really dating?
-I'm so jealous.
That's the end of our dating in secret.
I came clean about both my bare face
and our relationship today.
Are you all right?
I'm as nervous as I can be.
Why didn't you come as you usually do?
Go-un said this to me once.
If I started hating my face
because of others' rude comments,
I'd be accepting it as a fact
that I'm ugly.
So moving forward,
I'm only going to listen
to the people who love me.
Words spat out by people who don't know me
are not worth my attention.
I'm not going to run or hide anymore.
That's why I didn't wear makeup.
You've grown so much, Ju-kyung.
Hey, Mom.
She's all right.
She has her savior by her side too.
What? What savior?
-No need to worry.
-No one's bothering her?
So I don't need to show up?
All right.
Is Ju-kyung doing all right?
He says she's doing okay,
but we can't know
how she's actually feeling.
I'm sure she's fine. She's your daughter.
Why are you here?
-Go away!
-What the heck?
-Why is he…
-What is this?
-Don't stir up my heart!
Just leave!
Go away!
Who's this crazy…
Mr. Han?
Mr. Han?
This is a no-parking zone.
Seeing your car parked here
made me upset.
I mean, who gets that upset
over a parked car?
An anger management issue?
No, he has a cuteness management issue.
-What's going on?
What is this? Are you kidding me?
-You two are something.
I can't believe this.
-Props to her.
Seriously, I'm so jealous.
Ju-kyung, I was so worried about you.
By the way, you were awesome earlier.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, sir.
Time for afternoon assembly.
-Morning assembly.
-Morning assembly.
If you say so.
And please leave
if you're not in this class.
Sir, that's Lim Ju-kyung.
If you say so.
-Are you Ju-kyung?
Welcome back, Ju-kyung.
I mean…
I was just…
I just…
I was so worried about you.
Don't cry.
-Are you crying, sir?
-Why are you crying?
-He's really crying.
-Don't cry, sir.
Sorry about that, guys.
Ju-kyung is finally back!
-Don't cry!
-Don't cry!
I'm really sorry.
Ju-kyung… That's it.
Don't cry!
So you really came to school like that.
Excuse me?
It's like you're putting on a show
for the whole school.
You wanted the attention that badly?
I guess having Soo-ho by your side
gave you some sort of courage?
Hey, Su-jin!
How could you?
you're seriously the worst.
You should be begging on your knees
for her forgiveness, but what?
Is that all you can say?
Why should I have to beg?
It's you who posted the pictures
and videos on the anonymous forum!
-Shouldn't we stop him?
-Where are they going?
-Stop him.
-Me? I stop him?
-What's wrong with him?
-I should stop him?
Hey, where are you going?
Lim Ju-kyung.
You think you destroyed her, don't you?
It's you who's destroyed.
Sure, I tried to understand you at first.
"Maybe she liked him too much
and did it in a fit of jealousy."
"She'd be regretting it by now at least."
"What with Ju-kyung
missing school and all,
she must be feeling sorry
and worried about her by now."
That's what I thought!
That's why
I was waiting for you
to apologize to Ju-kyung first!
Instead, is this who you really are?
It turns out this is who I am.
Why are you taking things this far?
Is something going on at home?
Is it because of your dad?
What do you care?
I've been thinking
but I just can't figure it out.
This isn't who you are.
Is this what you really wanted?
-I know it's not.
I know you're regretting it.
It's not too late.
Just apologize to Ju-kyung.
-Say you're sorry and…
-Stay out of this.
Su-ah, wait!
Hey, Su-ah, I'm sorry.
Let go.
I'm really sorry about not telling you.
But I thought you might not want to
be my friend anymore if I did.
what kind of person did you think I was?
Was I ever your true best friend?
That was all the more reason
why I couldn't tell you.
But you told Su-jin about it.
Gosh, you only told her everything
and didn't tell me anything.
You thought I would cut you off
if I saw your bare face?
I may act childish,
but how could you think so little of me?
Su-ah, I'm sorry.
After all I did to get you a boyfriend,
you didn't tell me about
you dating Soo-ho.
Your best friend shouldn't have to learn
you're dating from an anonymous forum.
I'm really sorry, Su-ah.
What do you think made her go that far?
Nothing made her do it.
She chose to do this herself.
How could she do something like that?
Su-jin is the one who left us.
To her, you and I…
only mattered this much.
Let me see your face.
What's so bad that you were hiding…
You'd look prettier
if you worked on your skin.
Go see a dermatologist,
get some treatments,
drink a lot of water, and take vitamins.
That's it. Don't worry.
And you need to tell me
everything from the start, okay?
When did you two start dating?
Who confessed first? Is he good to you?
That borderline sociopath
doesn't ever throw fits at you?
-He doesn't do that.
-Don't grin like that!
Tell me everything from start to finish!
Be prepared to stay up all night!
What did you mean by this?
Hey, take that off! It's disgusting.
Wasn't it a sign of your affection?
This is the last time I'll ask.
Haven't you warmed up to me even a little?
No, not at all.
Don't. Prove yourself.
You really don't have feelings for me?
Then step on me as you cross.
Wait. Think carefully.
I said this will be the last time I ask--
I have no intention
of foolishly remaining a friend
and having a painful
one-sided love like you.
Are you okay?
Are you crying?
-I didn't think it hit you that hard.
What do I do now?
What do you mean?
Did Go-un reject you?
I really like her.
But she doesn't feel the same way.
I get flustered every time I see her
because she's so pretty.
I can't just stay friends.
I would be really good to her
if she were to date me.
I know.
I didn't know how hard it was
to be in unrequited love.
No one would have known.
But there's this, you know.
If you've given your all,
there are no regrets.
Now that she's rejected me
after I properly told her how I felt,
I think…
I'll finally be able to move on.
So when did you two start dating?
It hasn't been that long…
-Since the school trip.
-You've been together since then?
How could you?
A question from Channel Hyun-kyu.
When was your first kiss?
On the school trip--
-You idiot, why would you ask that?
-Seriously, why would you?
-Even I don't think that's right.
-You always disagree with me.
"To make a flower bloom
on a swaying branch,
how many challenges
did the snow have to face?"
"Silently it must have tapped the branch."
"Quietly it must have danced."
"Sliding off the branch
a hundred times and more."
"Look at the euphoric sight
that finally bloomed."
"Every spring, where it was burned once,
the branches burst open
the most beautiful scar in the world."
"Where it was burned once,
the branches burst open
the most beautiful scar in the world."
How was it?
Are you sleepy?
Yes, I didn't sleep yesterday
and can't take it anymore.
I'll be taking a nap in the music room.
-You go have lunch.
-How could I?
You go ahead.
I'll be right there with some snacks.
No, it's okay…
What is it?
You're up.
When did you get here?
You woke me up.
Gosh, you seem very tired,
Soo-ho's cousin.
I wasn't trying to fool you.
You weren't fooling anyone.
It was obvious that you two were lying.
What? You figured it out then?
What are you going to say?
With or without, you look about the same.
What do they mean, they were fooled?
I don't get it.
Thanks for comforting me.
I meant you look ugly either way.
Are you making fun of me?
By the way, I heard you helped
take down the video from the forum.
Thank you.
Don't mention it.
You got matching items. I'm so jealous.
I wish I had a girlfriend.
Are you taking her out today?
Where are you going?
Should I give you some tips
on decent places?
I can do my own research.
The information on the web
is all advertisements.
They feature tons of places
that girls don't actually like.
Our friend here doesn't have a clue
about dating, does he?
-Let me see what you've found.
-Yes, let's see.
-I can see you tried.
-So he says. You did try.
-Hold on! What's this?
-I like you so much, what do I do?
I find you so pretty, what do I do?
Such a charmer. So you've got a plan.
-There's a softy behind this facade!
-So soft!
-What do I do?
-What do I do?
-Shut up.
-What do I do?
-What do I do?
-Softy here is…
-What do I do?
I'm taking her today.
Sorry, I'll call you later.
Gosh, what are you going to do?
-What do I do?
-What do I do?
Should we take you out?
-What do I do?
-What do I do?
You should hang out with us
-What do I do?
-What do I do?
What do I do?
They look so handsome on the cover.
I love it.
It's so cool.
This is Crash's first new album in ages.
I'm so excited!
By the way, I was caught off guard
by your hardcore taste in music
compared to your cute appearance.
We'll have two corn dogs, please.
They look delicious.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Let's go.
-Let's see what's in Hye-min's backpack.
-Let's do that.
-That hurts!
-"That hurts"?
-Are you going to hurt her?
-No, I'll kill her.
What's that?
Are they taking a kid from our school?
Limju, where are you going?
-Hey, Ju-kyung!
-I'm starving.
-Can I please have five corndogs?
Five corn dogs and one tteokbokki, please.
-Left foot, right foot.
-When are you leaving?
Be quiet. After this round.
Can you not interrupt this crucial moment?
Come on!
Let's see how much money Hye-min has.
-You said you wouldn't come back.
You said you'd let me go.
That was for when you actually
found some dirt on Ju-kyung.
But you didn't do a single thing,
did you?
Hey, Park Sam-mi!
-Lim Ju-kyung?
-Hey, it's Dumpling!
I've been meaning to pay you a visit,
and here we are.
Let go of Hye-min.
What if I don't?
Hye-min, come here.
Where do you think you're going?
You're dating Soo-ho
and hanging out with Seo-jun.
You've come up in the world.
But I heard your videos and photos
are all over the forum.
Your life is ruined, isn't it?
What can you do?
It's not like you can be born again.
What the…
Are you crazy?
-Do you want to die?
-You're the ones who are dying tonight.
It's unfair you have a weapon!
Does your mom know you're doing this?
Leave my mom out of it! Cham, cham, cham!
I see that you've grown up.
What's in that bag? That hurts!
You sneaky little…
You're dead meat!
-Left, right. Jump!
How dare you, Dumpling?
Who do you think I am?
Hey, hand it over.
Are you challenging me?
I'll accept your challenge.
Come and get it, Soo-ho.
Hey! Nice!
You lose, Hyun-kyu!
-Let go.
-Let go.
-Let go!
-Let me go!
-Let go!
Who the heck are you? Get off each other!
-Hey, let go.
-Why, you little…
What sort of punks are putting their hands
on Saebom High students?
Hey, I'll deal with these guys.
You should all just go.
thank you, Ju-kyung.
Don't ever follow them from now on.
If they try to drag you, call the cops.
But Sam-mi doesn't scare me anymore.
Turns out she's not very intimidating.
Why was I so scared all this time?
I should have fought back earlier.
Right, I should have done that too.
Jeez, I just got this today.
What now?
Boys, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.
It must have hurt a lot.
-Oh no.
-I'm so sorry.
Would you like to have this?
I always buy two copies.
Can I really have this?
Thank you so much.
I'll treat you to something yummy!
By the way, are you also a Jelateen?
-Yes, a third-generation Jelateen. You?
-Same here.
-Gosh, it's so nice to meet you!
-Got tickets for the year-end concert?
-Yes, standing section A.
-What? I'm also in the A section!
We could totally go together then!
This is amazing!
Thank you so much for this!
Glad I can help.
What a pity this got ripped.
The memories I never wanted to revisit.
But something has changed.
I'm not alone anymore.
It's getting late.
Are you having fun?
Did you have dinner?
You're not answering my calls.
I could come pick you up.
It's getting late.
Why don't you eat
and not peek at my phone?
Jeez, why can't you just let her
relieve some stress and have fun?
Why bombard her with so many texts?
She'll let you know
when she's heading home.
He's obsessed. You're obsessed.
-I'm just worried.
-I'm more worried about you.
I was just like you in the beginning.
I called her and texted her
every chance I got.
She almost broke up with me within a week.
She said I was making her get tired of me.
Even if you totally love her,
-you shouldn't be too available.
-"Don't be too available."
So she won't get tired of you.
"Won't get tired of you."
You should take notes too.
What are you doing?
-You should leave. Go!
-We should finish the chicken.
Tu-ah, are you having fun?
I miss you so much!
I'll be right there to pick you up, babe.
Be available… No. Don't be tiresome.
Soo-ho, I don't know much about dating,
but if you ask me, I--
Aren't you leaving?
I'll finish this quickly.
I should call Soo-ho.
I shouldn't.
Hey, why are you calling me at this hour?
Send me a text right now.
My phone must not be working.
It's fine. It's working too well!
Seriously, if it were broken,
you couldn't have called me.
Seeing how she hasn't texted,
-it's having problems with receiving--
-You're suffocating.
Just go to bed. You're driving me nuts!
Hey, Yoo Tae--
Yoo Tae-hoon!
Is he still asleep?
I already cleaned the floor this morning.
You can just leave it.
But you're always busy and tired,
so I wanted to help you out.
-Is there anything I can help with?
Come on.
I could organize these.
You're not helping! Just go home.
Mom, the thing is…
Hey, why don't you
check under the chair?
-What? Why?
-Just do it.
What is…
Turns out you have to study a lot.
There's even a practical exam.
All that equipment must not be cheap.
You can't afford all that
with just a part-time job.
Are you giving me your blessing
about my studying cosmetology?
Quit your part-time job.
You've made up your mind, so do it right,
give it your all,
and become famous like that girl Salad,
or Selena, whatever her name is.
-Got it?
You're grossing me out. Let me go!
I'll really try my best.
I love you, Mom.
That tickles. Wait, I'm so ticklish.
-Thank you.
-Let go of me.
Hey, that tickles!
-Stop! That's enough!
-Thank you.
Lim Ju-kyung!
-Why didn't you answer my calls yesterday?
Why didn't you?
I blew off some steam for a change.
Why must you be so controlling?
All those calls and texts!
I want to be free now.
What do you mean?
Are you breaking up with me?
You're so tiresome!
I'm not tiresome at all.
What do you say? Ride with me?
Don't go with him.
Lim Ju-kyung.
Lim Ju-kyung!
What? She called me?
Why did I have such a dream?
When did you get home?
Why didn't you call?
I'm not looking for an apology,
but you could've at least called.
I waited all night.
Now that I hear your voice, I miss you.
So let's meet up.
I was about to go see you--
Where are you?
My class is about to start.
I'll call you after.
What? I…
Hello, class.
Now, keep in mind
the volume of a human face.
Apply the foundation thicker
in the protruding areas.
As for where the skin is thin,
like near the eyes and the lips,
you should apply a minimal amount
to avoid making the face look flat.
-Why don't we practice on your partner?
Hello, I got a call earlier.
Where is he?
He's over there. He's totally out.
-Goodness, thank you.
-No problem.
Wake up. Grapefruit.
Did you call me?
-It's my woman.
Or maybe you're not anymore.
We did break up.
How can I make you mine?
Don't you run away. Wait for me.
After a year, you'll be mine again.
This is too much.
-I got it first!
Let go!
-You first.
Do I know him from somewhere?
-Honey, try this one.
Co… come and open up!
Columbus Park! Hold it right there!
You bastard!
-Columbus Park?
-Stop right there!
Hold it! Hey, you!
Right here. There you go.
I miss Hee-kyung
What do I do?
What do you do? You should get in.
There you go.
You can't even last a day,
much less a year.
-Stop right there!
-What the heck?
Please help us catch him!
Goodness, thank you so much!
Mom? Dad?
You're pretty good.
Why are you here on a weekend
instead of on a date?
-Ju-kyung's been busy.
-Are you upset you didn't get to see her?
I'm not upset.
Why couldn't she make the time?
She can't have gotten tired of
your handsome face yet.
She's not.
What are you doing here?
I was just bored.
But why come all the way here
to learn martial arts?
You can learn it from me.
What do you know?
What's there to learn?
It is all about instinct.
Instinct, my foot. It's about technique.
You see that? Instinct.
You may have great instincts,
but you can't flip a person who's trained.
-What if I do?
-What if you do?
What's in it for me if I flip you?
Are you that bored?
Whoever flips the other wins.
The loser grants the winner a wish.
What do you say?
You'll be left penniless.
You should be worrying about yourself.
No rules.
Count to three once on the ground.
One, two,
two and a quarter, two and a half.
You're taking out your anger on me,
aren't you?
Couldn't you just let me win?
What do you say?
Do you want to train here too?
No thanks.
So what will you have me do?
Just say it already.
I don't love
So obviously
From far away, so far away
I see you walking in
How do I put my fluttering heart
Into words
You have
Stolen my heart
From the first moment
You left me with an incurable disease
I want to become a flowerpot
This I always pray
I'll become your flowerpot
On your small windowsill
Even if I can't say a word
Though I couldn't ask for more
I'd be graced me with your smile
And your touch every now and then
I'd get to see your sleeping face
To my heart's content
-You're so awesome!
Here's the pizza you ordered.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
I'm not going to make a bet
with you ever again.
Were you hungry?
I had a jiu-jitsu match and sang a song.
Of course, I'm hungry.
By the way,
your voice isn't what it used to be.
-It's become deeper and more manly.
-That's my point.
So why aren't you singing
with that deeper and more manly voice?
It's too late now.
-It's not.
-I don't want to.
I want you to sing again.
I know Se-yeon
would want that too.
What were you going to ask for
if you had won?
-Do you want to know?
-Let me hear it.
Can I tell Ju-kyung
how I feel about her?
I was going to ask for your permission.
Tell her how you feel?
I want to get rejected and get over her.
From what he was saying,
Mr. Won took all his money
and left him penniless.
Would he still be in Korea
if he had money?
He would have fled overseas long ago.
We turned him in,
so he'll pay for his actions.
I thought I'd get everything back
if I caught him…
I'm sorry, honey.
Think of it as our fate
and something that couldn't be helped.
Our moving here at least freed
Ju-kyung from those bullies.
And Hee-kyung got to meet her other half.
Isn't that right?
She's right, Dad.
Had Ju-kyung not transferred,
I couldn't have met my grapefruit.
By the way,
when is Mr. Grapefruit going to wake up?
Is he going to stay asleep?
Were you waiting long?
I should charge my phone.
You ordered this? It looks good!
I ordered it for myself.
What's wrong?
-Are you mad at me?
-Are you upset?
Do you think I'd get upset over nothing?
He's obviously upset about something.
I see.
You don't seem pleased
about my being here.
I better go then.
Where are you going?
Should I stay?
Then what is it? Why are you upset?
Are you really not going to tell me?
Why? We haven't gone on a date
after making it official.
I prepared everything,
but now you're busy and unreachable.
Tae-hoon said I was being tiresome,
and Seo-jun asked if he could
tell you how he felt.
I'm dying inside from all the agony.
-What is it?
-I love you.
I love you, Ju-kyung.
If you say that out of nowhere…
You're giving me butterflies.
How was your first class? Was it fun?
Yes. It's a basic course,
but all the others seemed so professional.
I'm the only person
who hasn't taken the written exam.
I'll have to study hard
and pass it in one go.
Do you want to go somewhere
after your written exam?
-Wherever you want.
Why don't we go to the beach?
We could take an early bus
and go see the winter ocean.
Sure, let's do that.
Can I please have this?
It was for you--
You were upset!
Well, I meant to say we can share.
You can have some and I can have some.
You skipped tutoring again.
Didn't you learn anything
from the last time?
Are you rebelling?
I'm asking you what your problem is!
Give me your phone.
I need to see if it's your lowly friends
that are making you so absent-minded
or if it's some boy you're seeing.
-Hand your phone over.
-I won't.
I said, hand it over!
Are you out of your mind?
-Did you get the table?
I'm hungry.
-Dad, here's your rice.
-Please set the soup bowls.
For Ju-kyung.
Grapefruit, have breakfast.
Thank you.
Hope you enjoy, Jun-woo.
Don't call him that.
She said he's called grapefruit.
Father, I don't go by grapefruit.
Your cheeks are as red as a grapefruit.
I don't need to call you Mr. Han
at home, right?
Don't push it.
Why did you break up with her over me?
That just made me feel bad.
Vacation starts today
and I'm moving up a grade, so it's fine.
I'm so embarrassed.
There's no need for that.
We'll be a family soon, Jun-woo.
Hee-kyung, what's going on?
What do you mean?
You're stuck with me now.
There's the sleep.
Let's eat! Eat, Grapefruit!
-Thank you.
-Let's eat.
-That's crazy!
What the heck?
-Hey, she's here.
How could she do that?
Gosh, she's a psychopath.
Ju-kyung, did you get to check
the anonymous forum?
The anonymous forum?
-She didn't even check it?
-I feel bad for her.
There're hundreds of comments.
All about her.
I'll tell you about what I heard
in the girls' restroom.
Junior Kang Su-jin from class five
is super creepy.
She's the one who submitted
Lim Ju-kyung's video and pictures.
They were best friends, but when
Soo-ho and Ju-kyung started dating,
she got super jealous
and betrayed her friend.
I'm not making this up.
I saw another friend
yelling at Su-jin about it myself.
Just like a villain in a drama, right?
Is she a psychopath or something?
She's a total backstabber for sure.
Unbelievable. She went too far.
How could she do that to a friend?
Betraying a friend over a guy?
She's the worst.
I never thought she was that mean.
Don't you feel bad for Ju-kyung?
-I do.
-I know.
Did you take that picture
of Soo-ho and Ju-kyung in secret?
Are you a stalker? That's really scary.
How is Kang Su-jin going to
show her face at school?
-Practically impossible.
-She's a criminal.
-She's troubled.
-That's totally crazy.
Lim Ju-kyung.
You think you destroyed her, don't you?
It's you who's destroyed.
-She's a serious stalker.
-What? She's leaving.
That's ridiculous.
Where are you going?
Why are you running away?
Do you still have nothing to say to me?
You aren't sorry at all?
No, I'm not sorry at all.
Even so,
I don't want things
to be like this between us.
So I'm reaching out one last time.
I don't want regrets later.
Su-jin, let's not do this, please?
Do you think I'd take your hand?
Do you really believe
that we can go back to how we were?
Ju-kyung, was it?
Nice to meet you.
Let's go!
Eyeshadow, mascara.
On the side of the eyes…
Did you do badly?
It's okay, you can do better next time.
I passed!
Well done.
-I passed.
-Great job.
I guessed on one problem and got it right.
-You were lucky.
I can't breathe.
Rise up, spirit of the tiger. Roar!
Is this a recyclable?
Whatever. I'm throwing it out.
You must feel lighter
now that the exam is over.
I'm just getting started.
I hear the written exam is nothing.
I need to start studying
for the practical exam.
It'll be harder to go on dates then.
You should be studying too.
Speaking of,
I don't see you studying much lately.
I've been so distracted by you.
Wait a minute.
It's Seo-jun.
Hey, are you done with your exam?
I'm taking your call since it's over.
Why? What's up?
Can I see you right now?
Right now?
I'm with Soo-ho right now.
Can we both come?
No. I need to see you alone.
I have to tell you something.
Well, today is actually…
Remember how you have to grant me a wish?
I'll send you the location.
See you there.
Hey, Seo-jun.
What was that?
What did he say?
He wants to meet to tell me something.
I'll tell him we should postpone.
-Go meet him.
Why did you wait outside when it's cold?
Your nose is red.
What was so urgent?
Let's go eat something.
You're buying, okay?
You're using your wish.
Why didn't you pick something better?
-It's your favorite.
-It is.
I could have this all week.
So what did you want to tell me?
You didn't ask to see me just for this,
did you?
I need dating advice.
What? Really?
But what do I know about dating?
Tell me then.
I'm not sure I'll be much help, though.
-I like this girl.
But I'm giving her up.
Why? Have you told her how you feel?
You're giving up without telling her?
She has a boyfriend.
Why did it have to be
someone with a boyfriend?
Do you like her a lot?
I do.
A lot.
Steal her from her boyfriend.
Should I?
So who is it? Someone at our school?
Not telling. It's a secret.
Is it…
Is it Su-ah?
You can't steal her, you jerk.
What about Tae-hoon?
No, it's not her.
It's not?
Then who could it be
that you're pining for her?
She must be really pretty.
She is.
I have high standards.
If she's that pretty,
you should have made a move sooner.
If I had,
do you think we'd be together?
But what's the point now?
There's nothing else I can do for you,
so I'll get you one more…
I'll get you anything you want to eat.
-Excuse me, can we get two more?
She's so clueless.
Want some fritters? Anything else?
It smells good.
Option one, option two, and option three.
Which place do you like?
I'm sorry I kept you waiting.
It was your hair, right?
It looks very pretty.
I called to let you know I'd be late,
but you didn't answer.
I forgot and left my phone at home.
What? Jeez.
-What is it?
Wait, this is…
Did you make this?
Some girl asked me to.
She even gave me the yarn.
I wasn't asking you to make it for me.
I gave you all that
since it helps calm the mind.
But it's pretty.
Prettier than the ones from a store.
Put it around your neck like this.
-How does it look?
The bus is here. Let's go.
Feeding the sheep made me hungry.
I heard your tummy
make a thundering sound.
That was from the sheep.
I'm going to post the pictures
on Newstagram.
-Why are you only posting your picture?
I thought you'd mind.
I don't mind.
I'll post you too, then.
Lovestagram, couple's trip,
boyfriend, healing, couple photo.
It's uploaded.
We look nice.
-What do you want to eat?
-What should we have?
Why are you laughing?
Did you draw me weirdly?
Not at all.
Let me see.
Let's show each other at the same time.
One, two, three!
So you do have something
you're not good at.
But it looks cute.
Sure, it's pretty.
Let me see mine.
I did well, right?
My nostrils are too…
It's not finished yet.
Hold on, I'll make them smaller.
You're doing so well.
Watch your step.
I'm going to push it for real!
-Are you having fun?
Hi, it's been a while.
-Sure, it's been a while.
-Hey, watch your language.
You dropped the honorifics first.
I heard you're Ju-kyung's friend.
I'm her older sister.
Ms. Lim, you're Ju-kyung's older sister?
Why do we have two beautiful guys here?
Am I in heaven?
You're that drunkard who went nuts?
"Went nuts"?
-You've seen me like that?
-What brings you here?
Haven't you heard how you blew up?
I blew up how?
Didn't you know your video was trending
on Newstagram and NerTube? Look.
Stolen my heart…
-So what?
-What do you mean?
You still won't train to be a singer?
Will you just keep working here?
I'll acknowledge it if this is your dream.
But I heard you wanted to be a singer.
Do you think I'll ever go back
to your company?
Why not?
You know we have
completely new management now.
It's not the same company
you used to know.
Why are you trying so hard
to get me on board?
I have a good feeling about you.
I saw your trainee videos
when I was looking for Leo.
You should sing again. Please?
I want you to sing again.
I know Se-yeon would want that too.
Seo-jun, are you with Soo-ho right now?
Let's take pictures.
I'll go get the phone. Wait here.
What did you write?
-If you didn't see it, forget it.
-What was it?
You know, some stuff.
-Stand over there.
I guess the battery ran out.
Maybe we took too many pictures earlier.
We won't get any pictures
at the beach then.
-Want to come back later and take more?
Let's go.
-Let's go find a place to charge it.
-Are you warm now?
Hey, Lee Soo-ho!
Hey, Lee Soo-ho!
The person you are trying to reach is…
Why aren't either of them picking up?
-Hey, Seo-jun. What's up?
-Are you with Su-ah?
Ask her if Ju-kyung is with Soo-ho today.
The beach?
-It looks delicious.
-Let's eat.
Have this too.
It's delicious.
I guess I have two stomachs.
I had so much tteokbokki
with Seo-jun yesterday,
but I can still eat today.
-Did you have a nice talk?
He asked for dating advice.
Do you think…
he has feelings for Su-ah?
That would make things complicated.
But he said it wasn't her.
This one's fully cooked.
Why are you laughing?
I need a photo of this.
Why? Do I have something on my face?
-All done.
-Did you put more on me?
-Come on.
Try the instant noodles. They're so good.
Why aren't they picking up?
-Aren't you cold?
-I'm all right.
Let's visit again when it's warm.
Sure, let's do that.
You know,
what I wrote in the sand earlier…
It was…
Why did you close your eyes?
That hurts!
-I got sand in my eye.
-What were you thinking about?
About the sand in my eye.
-Watch your hand.
It's pretty.
Let's take a picture to remember this.
Shall we?
I'll go see if the phone's charged.
Wait here.
Is it all charged?
-Where's Soo-ho?
How did you know where we were?
Hey, you should've brought your phone.
What is it?
He'll be fine.
He'll be fine.
Soo-ho, it's time for your flight.
You head back. I should go upstairs.
Can you take Ju-kyung home for me?
Don't worry.
Don't worry…
and have a safe journey.
I love you.
I'll call you when I arrive.
What do I do?
What if he passes away?
Poor Soo-ho.
-If you don't drink, you'll be in trouble.
-We get it.
Hyun-kyu, you take the shot.
This is all useless.
Ju-kyung's out.
Hey, Limju, are you asleep?
-Hey, is he coming?
He should be here to take care of her.
Where is he?
He's here. Hey, over here!
-Hey, over here!
-Look at the time.
-Come here already.
-Guys, who got her this drunk?
-She did it to herself.
-Don't blame us.
-It's unfair.
-She drank it herself.
I'm here.
-Wake up.
-You're here.
-I am.
It's snowing here.
I hope the place you're in
is not cold but warm.
Don't wait for my calls anymore.
Sleep well.
One, two, three!
You held back your feelings for two years…
-I'm not drunk.
-…then told her in a fit of anger.
Shouldn't you know how I feel by now?
Because I missed you.
I didn't miss you.
Subtitle translation by: Sun-young Ahn
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