UFO s01e16 Episode Script

The Man Who Came Back

- Anything? - No, sir.
The UFO's disappeared.
Well, keep all ground radar on red alert.
- Is this the Lunar Module? - Yes, sir.
I'll feel a lot happier when it's landed.
EER is 21 minutes.
- Rendezvous four minutes later.
- Fine.
'This is Space Intruder Detector.
Red alert.
'UFO four-two-eight-one-four-six.
'Trajectory zero-four-two-seven over five-decimal-four.
' - Anything? - Nothing.
I've picked it up again, Lieutenant.
Course zero-seven-two, one-two-four.
- Speed? - SOL zero-decimal-four.
- Confirm.
- Moonbase to SHADO Control.
- Come in, Moonbase.
- 'Confirm sighting in Area T6 Green.
'Moving towards Area Yellow at SOL four-decimal-zero.
Your sightings are masked by the moon.
We'll pick it up in T6 Yellow.
- Check the estimated re-entry time.
- Yes, sir.
'This is SHADO Control.
Relay your re-entry time and angle.
' Re-entry begins in seven minutes.
Angle two-seven-decimal-five on a three-second burn.
'Thank you, Captain.
' - The checks.
- Thank you.
The UFO's altered course.
The Interceptors won't make contact.
It could reach the Lunar Module before re-entry, sir.
Make to the captain Emergency re-entry at an angle 31.
Increase burn one second.
That's a tough order, isn't it? The UFO could be on us in four minutes.
The new angle takes us in in less than three.
The angle's close to the upper limit.
It's like diving into a bowl of molten lead.
It's possible, but you wouldn't do it for kicks.
- Sighting now in Area Blue, sir.
- Termination? No affirmative yet but it's closing on the module.
The UFO's increased speed to SOL zero-decimal-six.
Even with the new angle, it'll reach the module before complete re-entry.
Warn them.
Too late.
I have re-entry cessation on radio contact.
'Kill 'Kill Straker Kill Straker 'Kill Straker ' No No! 'Kill! - 'Kill! ' - No! - 'Kill Straker! ' - No! - 'Kill! ' - Yes! Kill Straker! I don't get it, Lieutenant.
It's a lot slower than any other signal we've ever picked up.
Yes, but we can't take any chances.
This is a red alert.
Repeat, this is a red alert.
Interceptors immediate launch.
Still no increase in speed? No.
Steady at 35,000 knots.
Moonbase to Interceptors.
Imperative you obtain visual contact - before making any attack.
- 'Should go visual soon.
' - Moonbase, have visual contact.
- Identify.
A little charred around the nose cone, but it's all ours.
Paul, good to see you.
- How are you, Paul? - Fine.
- Well, you gave us quite a scare.
- I gave YOU quite a scare?! Sixteen hours with no radio contact.
The antenna was destroyed in the re-entry attempt.
Yes, I've read the technical report.
- Why don't you tell us your version? - Version? Yes.
We'd like to know what happened from you.
You'll get my report.
Look, Paul There's nothing official about this.
What'll it be? Coffee? Er, no, thanks.
You go ahead.
How about something a little stronger? - Now, you know I don't use it, Paul.
- Never? I forgot.
Ice-cold Commander Straker can rationalise his troubles away.
We know you've had a rough time but the Commander doesn't take that from anyone.
Maybe that's because nobody's dared to dish it out before now.
All right.
Let's have it.
If you want details of the accident, you're asking the wrong man.
Who should I be asking? Whoever ordered the angle of 31 degrees.
That, as you very well know, was me.
It was a dangerous but not impossible angle.
For us, it meant a certain burn-up unless we levelled out.
So, you bounced off the atmosphere.
Just had enough fuel to make it back here.
It was a risk I had to take.
A risk YOU had to take?! Next time you have a risk to take, let me know.
I'll take back leave.
Well, over the past year, our rate of success against UFOs has been impressive but by no means 100 per cent.
Like they'd say in the old days, that'd be like asking for the moon.
Well, that's what I plan to ask for, Alec.
Enough money to set up four new moonbases over the next ten years.
- Private? - It's work.
Why don't you join us? I think it's the only way to achieve back-up capability, even against a massive UFO attack.
Who says they have the capacity to mount a mass attack? Nobody.
Because nobody really knows.
But they might have next year, ten years from now, and we have to be ready for it.
All right.
Let's hear your reactions.
Alec? You're asking a lot.
I think the council will fight you all the way but I'm all for trying.
Paul? I don't know.
Just exactly what is that supposed to mean? - Let's just leave it like that.
- No.
Spit it out.
Well? - You want it straight? - Yes, I want it straight.
But not here.
Just what are you playing at? Hold it, Alec.
All right, Paul.
Let's forget rank for the moment.
Alec says you're asking a lot.
That's avoiding the fact that it'll double last year's appropriation.
You're saying you're against.
We should rename it "Straker's Alien Defence Organisation".
Oh! I get the picture.
You think I run this organisation for kicks.
You think I want more money so that I get bigger as SHADO gets bigger.
It's got a name - empire building.
- Foster, you've gone far enough.
- It's all right.
Maybe you should have spoken up earlier, Paul.
- You wanted it straight.
- That's right.
I've no time for yes-men.
I think you should put yourself on the furlough roster.
A few months' complete rest.
- You think I'm falling down.
- I think it's got to you.
You're obsessed with SHADO and Ed Straker.
You make decisions with no thought of the consequences.
- Like that re-entry angle? - Yes.
Like that re-entry angle.
Like spending millions on moonbases.
Like a hundred other instances.
All right.
Suppose he took some leave.
You got a replacement in mind? Well? It's possible.
Why the soft peddle? Why don't you just slap him back into line? It isn't that simple, Alec.
Well, if you take my advice, you'll think about it.
'The Lunar Module leaves for earth in 17 minutes.
' Well, I have to go.
- I'll sleep on what you said, Alec.
- Fine.
You do that.
Safe journey.
General quarters.
This is an internal security alarm.
This is an internal security alarm.
Seal all exits.
I want Captain Craig brought here.
Use stun guns if necessary, but I want him alive.
- What happened? - You tell me.
Look over there.
- He's not here.
Come on.
- Right.
Continue search in Area Seven.
- What's taking so long? - We'll find him, sir.
Reception and embarkation area searched.
Sleep sphere checked.
Move on to recreation area.
'The explosives store has been broken into.
'A high detonation pack is missing.
' Hold it, Craig.
He's entered Emergency Exit 10 wearing a spacesuit.
Order Condition Red.
This is Control.
Internal security Condition Red.
Repeat, Condition Red.
If he gets near the air and water installations with that explosive - Why wasn't Exit 10 sealed? - It's an emergency exit.
- It's always operational.
- All right.
- Get some men after him.
- Yes, sir.
- Check all emergency air supplies.
- Yes, sir.
Find out where he got that spacesuit.
Right away, sir.
'Go ahead, Mark.
' A spacesuit's missing from the leisure sphere.
But he won't get far.
'There's practically no air left.
' Scan the surface.
There he is.
We have no choice.
Use Number Four.
We have to use a missile.
It's too close to our installation.
'Listen, Craig.
We know what you're trying to do, 'but it's 200 yards to that air and water installation.
- 'You'll never make it.
' - I'll be close enough.
'We realise you want to destroy Moonbase, 'but your air supply won't last.
' All systems checked and OK'd, sir.
- Oh, stand down to Yellow.
- Yes, sir.
- The damage report, sir.
- Thank you.
This is Control.
Stand down to internal Condition Yellow.
Well, there's nothing here we can't handle.
Thank you, sir.
- What now? - Well, I'm going back to bed.
Don't you want to know what happened? It'll keep.
No one's going anywhere, are they, Colonel? Get me a teleprinter link to earth.
I want to make the report.
Yes, Colonel.
- Colonel Freeman.
- Yeah? I have a communication for you, Colonel.
- Well? - It's somewhat unusual.
- What is it? - General Henderson wants to see you.
- He contacted you? - One of his assistants did.
Why not Miss Ealand? She deals with personal calls.
I was surprised myself.
I was asked to give the message only to you.
You're not to communicate it to anyone.
Anyone? Including Commander Straker? Commander Straker was specifically mentioned, sir.
I see.
'That's what he said.
' I appreciate it, Alec.
I won't say you shouldn't have told me.
So, what's it all about? ' Why don't you go along and see Henderson and find out? Well, you're wondering why I asked you here.
More than that.
I'm wondering about the way you asked me here.
You mean my request that you should tell no one? I mean the fact that I was asked not to tell Commander Straker.
- And did you? - First chance I got.
Read that.
You didn't finish it.
I don't have to.
I've seen enough.
- Is that all you wanted? - Sit down.
Listen to me.
If this had come to me from a SHADO operative or even an officer, I'd have pitched it into the ash can.
But it didn't.
It came from Moonbase.
From Paul Foster, who's backed Straker in every fight he's had.
- If you say so.
- I do which makes Foster - Not in my book.
- I have to take this seriously.
That's why you're here.
Now, the basic allegation is that Commander Straker has become obsessed with his command and must be removed.
- I want your opinion.
- It'd make even you blush.
So, there's nothing in Foster's allegations? - Nothing.
- They're completely false? - Yes.
- Even this one? The claim that he plans to request double his last year's appropriation? If it's true, the Commander seems to be suffering delusions of grandeur.
Well? Is it true, Colonel? 'I told him to ask you but he knew.
'Lf someone had told me a month ago 'that Foster would do a thing like this ' - Forget it, Alec.
- 'What do you mean, forget it? ' Listen.
Foster didn't transmit that information out of pure malice.
There's got to be another reason for it.
Has there? He wants promotion and will do anything to get it.
'Well, there's only one way to find out the answer - 'tackle him about it.
Thanks, Alec.
' Why don't you girls go and grab a cup of coffee? All right, Paul you sent details of the appropriation request to General Henderson.
That's right.
At best, that was a serious breach of trust.
- What are you trying to pull? - To stop you wasting millions.
You should know better than anybody that a mass attack is on the cards.
- Speculation.
- Half this job is speculation.
Yes, and it's proving pretty expensive.
In the past four months, there has been a fall-off in UFO sightings.
Which proves that our equipment works.
Or maybe it indicates a grouping.
A grouping for a much larger operation.
It's going to come.
I want to be ready.
I think you're wrong.
I don't care what you think.
I didn't come in here to discuss the appropriation.
I want to talk about your future here.
- Are you firing me? - No.
Nobody gets fired from SHADO.
Your report to General Henderson was an inconvenience.
I can ride that out.
No, you're free to express your right of criticism of this command.
But you are not free to divulge information given in confidence.
And if I do? All right.
But let's get one thing clear.
I stick to my opinion.
I'm pushing for a change of command.
How hard will you push, Paul? As hard as Craig? - You still say he tried to kill you.
- Yes.
With an empty hypodermic? What did you say? I've told no one how he tried to kill me.
Air bubble in the blood - lethal and very difficult to prove the cause of death.
Open it.
It's no use, Commander.
The doorway's sealed.
We won't be disturbed.
- Must be a short circuit.
- Emergency power.
Trace the fault.
Colonel Why don't you just think about this? Think about it? That's exactly what I've done ever since that last re-entry.
We are switching to the emergency power circuit.
Emergency power now in operation.
You're crazy, Foster.
You know that, don't you? - Am I? - You must be to try this.
'You've run this organisation too long.
' All right, Foster.
What do you plan to do? You came into the Control Sphere.
'You asked the girls to leave and locked the doorway.
' You tried to talk me back into line.
I refused.
You started throwing insults.
There was a fight.
You lost control and pulled a gun.
Your gun, Commander.
I got it from your locker.
I managed to jump you.
There was a struggle And the gun went off accidentally.
You've got it in one.
If we bypass the damaged circuit, we can link into the emergency supply.
- I want two men outside immediately.
- Yes.
One question, Colonel.
What happened in that module during the 16 hours of radio blackout? All right, Foster.
Give me that gun.
Why don't you use it? Makes no difference.
That shot punctured the sphere.
We're losing air.
This is the end, Straker.
Is it? If you don't pass out, I'll kill you with your own gun.
Just you try and get it.
I won't have to.
You'll pass out before I will.
That's it.
Fight it.
I can wait.
You see, it's a question of physique.
I'm younger fitter stronger.
You're forgetting one thing, Foster.
- We've bypassed the circuits.
- OK.
Stand by.
The door should open in one minute.
But why? Why? I don't know, Alec.
I just don't know.
Two men bounce off the atmosphere during re-entry.
We know that a UFO was closing with their ship.
After an extended space flight, they manage to limp back to Moonbase.
Well, what happened during those 16 hours? Something pretty frightening.
Something traumatic enough to make both of them want to kill you.
Well, we may know more when the psychiatric unit finishes its tests.
Now, Paul, let's go back to the lights.
- Lights? - Yes.
The strange, strange lights you were telling me about.
Now, Paul, you are in the Lunar Module.
You've been forced to abort the re-entry attempt.
Check the fuel.
What? Well, that's not enough.
Compute for lunar orbit.
The antenna's damaged.
No hope of radio contact.
We're on our own.
Go on, Paul.
Go on.
It's later.
An hour later.
On course.
Let's hope the fuel holds out.
And then? What happened then, Paul? The light.
You saw a light.
So strong It's so bright.
It's blinding me! What's making this light? Where does it come from? - Kill! - Where does it come from, Paul? - Kill! - Pulse rate 104.
Still rising.
- Kill! - Kill who? Kill! Kill Kill! Kill Straker! Relax.
Relax, Paul.
It's all right.
Relax now.
Sorry I'm late.
All right.
Let's have it.
- Paul Foster is finished.
- Finished? But you said he'd be all right.
Yes but in our psycho-neuralgic test we found Never mind the textbook blurb.
What happened? Well, sometime during the space flight in the Lunar Module, Colonel Foster was subjected to a deep subliminal impulse.
Brainwashed by who or whatever was in that UFO.
- Brainwashed! - The impulse was extremely powerful and confined to one specific action.
To kill you.
But you said that Foster could be completely normalised.
That's right.
But our latest tests have shown a trace of the impulse deeply rooted in his subconscious.
- Exactly what does that mean? - That we can never be sure.
- Sure? - That next week, next month or in five years' time, the impulse might surface and Foster's subconscious will make him kill you.
It could happen today.
Jackson, you said we couldn't be sure.
So, there is a doubt.
That's right.
I could be wrong.
He may have it under complete control.
Surely, there's something.
Drugs, hypnosis No.
I'm sorry.
Hmm You know what this means.
Lock the door.
Under no circumstances whatsoever open it for 15 minutes.
- Is that understood? - Very good, sir.
So, this is it.
The thing is I feel perfectly normal.
I don't blame you.
I know it has to be done.
I'd do the same in your place.
What did the report say? I'm liable to crack up again? Look, I know you can't just kick me out of SHADO.
I know too much.
Total security.
Well, for God's sake, get it over with! I think there's a few things you should know first, Foster.
The aliens planted one objective in your mind to kill me.
The rest of your mind was unaffected.
- I don't understand.
- I know you don't understand.
The psychiatrists gave you a clean bill of health.
If I'm OK, why this? I think you said it pretty well yourself.
You told me you were going to push for a change of command.
A change of command.
Ten years.
I've given ten years of sweat and sacrifice to get SHADO running the way I want.
I won't let some young punk like you mess things up.
You're a threat, Foster.
A troublemaker.
I can't fire you and I can't shelve you.
So I don't believe you.
It doesn't really matter, does it? Henderson won't let you get away with this.
- Won't he? - Then there's Freeman.
- What about Alec Freeman? - I can handle Alec Freeman! Hold it, Foster.
Guards! Now, who do you think they're going to believe? Foster, you've had it.
Change of command! I'm not throwing ten years away for a punk like you.
- You want to tell Henderson, huh? - Guards! They take orders from me! - Get back, Straker! - You'll have to kill me, Foster.
No! I said kill me.
It's you or me.
Shoot! Kill! Kill! It's all right, Paul.
It's all right.
You tried to kill me! I could have killed you any time I wanted.
I'm sorry, Paul.
I had to do it.
I had to be sure.
If you were ever going to kill me, it would have been just now.
It's all right.
Still haven't figured it all out, but he's quite a guy.
All set, fellas? Let's go.
To see General Henderson about the money for the new moonbases.
By the way, Paul, I'll listen to any reasonable arguments against it in the car, then I'll tell you how it's gonna be.

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