Ultimate Spider-Man (2011) s04e06 Episode Script

Double Agent Venom

(WOMAN GASPS) SCARLET SPIDER: Slow it down, punk.
What are you trying to do? Throw me out of the plane? Yeah.
I know I'm not usually your friendly neighborhood speed-demon.
But we're on an important mission.
It turns out our fellow S.
student, Rhino, was a spy for Doc Ock, which I only figured out after Rhino sprung Ock from a S.
holding cell and nabbed Agent Venom.
Because I trusted Rhino, Doc Ock has Flash.
So it's up to me and Mr.
Sunshine here to bring him back.
Not sure what we're even looking for.
Energy signatures.
Cephalopod-based crimes.
Anything that could lead us to Agent Venom.
How long before we give up on this? Iron Spider and Miles aren't even here.
Because they're following up on another lead.
I don't leave friends behind, Scarlet.
It's kind of the point of friends.
Yeah, friends run away the second things get hard.
Is that how you wound up trapped by Doc Ock? Someone left you behind? You wanna talk about my past? Or do you wanna check out the energy signature that just popped up at one of Doc Ock's old labs? Your friend might be there.
Good catch.
Let's see who forgot to turn out the lights.
(EXCLAIMING) This lab's deserted.
I'm guessing no one's been here in months.
SPIDER-MAN: I'm still getting the energy reading.
Bingo! - They must be inside.
- Then let's get this over with.
(GRUNTS) (BOTH GRUNT) (MAN LAUGHING) A door trap? An evil laugh? Oh, don't tell me.
That's right, Spider-Man.
Where you have been hunting for your comrade Kraven has been hunting you.
SPIDER-MAN: Just once I want someone to step out of the shadows who doesn't want to destroy me.
What is it, open season on spiders? I hope you have an up-to-date hero hunting license.
(GRUNTS) I shall earn not one trophy, but two.
You have no hope of me.
(BOTH GRUNTING) Does it look like I'm running, punk? A word of advice.
When fighting Kraven, the extreme mustache king, distance is your friend.
(WEAPON FIRING) SCARLET SPIDER: Watch out! Trip wire, poison darts.
Really? What's next? A pit trap full of spikes? (GRUNTS) Hot tub! I meant to say hot tub! You won't escape me, Spider.
The Octopus promised me a place on the Sinister Six when I bring you to him.
And I, Kraven, will have my reward.
Oh, good.
Because I was starting to worry that this was personal.
(WEAPON FIRING) Bear traps? (SPIDER-MAN YELPING) Ow! Watch it! I'm a spider.
For a guy named the Hunter, you don't know your animals that well.
Can't we stop all this attacking and talk about this? (GRUNTING) I think you made your point.
And that's called wordplay, kids.
(GROANS) If these traps don't kill me, your jokes will.
Come on, we need to get to higher ground.
KRAVEN: Fleeing already? I'm only getting warmed up.
(BOTH GRUNTING) You booby trapped the roof, too? How much free time do you have? The desperate lowing of wounded prey.
(BOTH GRUNTING) Couldn't have booby trapped all of Manhattan.
Let's move this party.
Okay, maybe he did booby trap all of Manhattan.
Trapped by a nut case.
This stuff is un-breakable.
What's it made of? Kraven's hair tonic? And this is your cue to bail.
That's what so-called "friends" do when things get too tough.
There's no way I'm leaving you.
(WEAPON FIRING) (GRUNTS) (SCREAMS) Like Scarlet wasn't already having trust issues.
Now Kraven tries to make me a liar.
(SCREAMING CONTINUES) (CHUCKLING) Yeah, I'm gonna rescue Scarlet.
But if Kraven's heading to Ock, that means he's also heading to Agent Venom.
Two teammates, one rescue.
Plus, I get to air dry on the way.
Is it just me, or is the air getting a little thin? And why are we pulling so many Gs? (STRAINING) Space.
Uh, spiders don't do space.
Except for the ones that work for S.
But I'm betting it's more comfortable inside the ship.
(GRUNTS) Space isn't Kraven's normal hunting grounds.
Where would he Hydra Island? The giant fortress we shot into deep space? Guess we didn't shoot it deep enough.
When I'm outta this, I'll take you on your last hunt, punk.
(SCOFFS) The instant Spider-Man comes to get you, he'll face both Kraven and Hydra.
His downfall is certain.
(SCOFFS) You think Spider-Man's gonna storm a space fortress for me? No.
I'm nothing to him.
No one's ever risked anything for me.
And they're not gonna start now.
Either Scarlet's taken some serious acting classes, or he really thinks I'd leave him behind.
And I don't think he's the theater type.
(DOC OCK LAUGHING) Let me out of here, Dr.
Do not worry.
I'll soon have you free of that parasite.
Then you will be welcomed into the reborn Sinister Six.
I'll never betray Spidey.
And the Venom symbiote isn't a parasite.
It helps me.
I wasn't talking to you, dolt.
You are the parasite.
Without you, the symbiote can achieve what it was always meant to.
The destruction of Spider-Man.
(SCREAMING) It is only matter of locating the right frequency.
Unconsciousness is only a brief escape for you.
- Soon you will be my greatest success.
- ZOLA: Success? (SCOFFS) Do you even know the meaning of the word, Octavius? I brought this fortress back from beyond Saturn.
But did I discover that you, my brilliant ally, have tracked down Nick Fury's secret location? Nein.
Because you continue to obsess over Spider-Man, and these child heroes.
Our attack on S.
failed because of Spider-Man.
Destroying him is key.
You are a guest on my island.
I expect progress immediately, or you will answer to Hydra.
Keep moving.
I don't have all day.
Okay, superhero checklist.
One, save Scarlet Spider.
Two, rescue Agent Venom.
Three, get back to Earth.
What was four again? Oh, yeah.
Don't get caught.
Not even a "Hail Hydra" first? Well, at least you guys can't hit the broad side of a Tri-Carrier.
Move, fools.
Kraven will down this prey.
SPIDER-MAN: I'll just show myself out.
Watch your back.
Whoops! (KRAVEN GRUNTS) You came after me.
You make that sound like a bad thing.
- Friends rescue friends, remember? - Great.
Here comes the important life lesson.
(KRAVEN SNARLS) Did I mention friends keep each other alive, too? Yeah.
I can't promise that.
(GRUNTS) This is the part where I do the "stick around" gag.
Get it? Keep 'em busy.
I'll get some cover.
Okay, guys, let's try some extracurricular web activities.
How does starting up a Hydra ship give us cover? Whoa! Oh, never mind.
COMPUTER: Fire detected.
Atmosphere ejection countdown commencing.
SOLDIER: Retreat! - Let's move it, Spider.
- Not that way.
I've got a plan.
- Does it involve breathing in space? - Actually, yeah.
Huh? And you didn't wanna wear the S.
-authorized uniform.
I was hoping I wouldn't be able to hear you with this thing on.
See how I'm just letting that go? Friendship.
COMPUTER: Atmosphere ejection initiated.
(BOTH SCREAMING) SCARLET SPIDER: And how is this better than being in air vents? Which have air in them? Because now I can see the whole island.
Hydra Island was built from the S.
Tri-Carrier, which yours truly knows like the back of my webs.
If I was gonna hold Agent Venom anywhere on the carrier, it'd be there.
Whoa! It's called weightlessness.
Aren't you supposed to be some kind of science nerd? Cut me some slack.
I'm only in space a couple times a year.
Let's go.
Whoa! Web jets! Whoo-hoo! Yeah! - We should do this more often.
- No.
- Flash? - FLASH: Spider Man! Hang on, Flash.
(GRUNTING) That's not Flash anymore.
It's a wounded creature.
- We can't release him.
- He's my friend, Scarlet.
And if we can keep him alive, I bet he'll become your friend, too.
(GRUNTS) No! Leave us alone! (BOTH GRUNT) That's some friend.
Ock must've been trying to remove the Venom symbiote.
But he's only driven it crazy with pain.
I am Venom! Maybe more pain will help.
(ROARS) Sorry, Flash.
(SCREAMING) (GROWLS) If you were trying to convince me about the value of friendship, you totally failed.
Geez, what did your old buddies do to you? Everybody values friendship.
That's it! Flash, listen to me.
Calm down.
(GROWLING) What are you doing? Trying to hug it out? That thing will crush you.
(GRUNTS) Scarlet, I got this.
Flash, it's me.
Spi Spidey? Yeah.
Now, let's get you home.
DOC OCK: The symbiote is home! - Restrain them.
- Rhino! Why did you betray us? We trusted you.
Do you want that cure or not? (GRUNTS) Sorry, Spider-Man.
(ROARS) (SCREAMING) Doc, stop! You're hurting him.
The host's survival is not my concern.
Or yours! Rhino, we need your help.
You're asking for help from the traitor who's trying to crush us? I betrayed my friends for a cure.
But I won't destroy them for one.
(RHINO GRUNTING) SPIDER-MAN: Go, go! (CHUCKLING) All that effort and those fools rescued the wrong subject.
Flash, you okay? Can you hear me? Can't go.
No one left behind.
Don't worry, we're not leaving you.
We should.
He's just gonna slow us down.
We wouldn't have made it out of that room if Rhino wasn't stupid enough to help us.
It wasn't stupidity.
It was a change of heart.
I knew he had it in him.
Look, he betrayed the academy and abducted Venom.
Those aren't things I'm ready to forget.
SPIDER-MAN: We better get out of sight.
(SNIFFING) Spider-Man.
He was ejected into space.
Another trick.
Just like he tricked you into bringing him here.
The destruction of my lab is your fault, Kraven.
You demanded I bring you Spider-Man and I did.
Now give me what was promised.
A place on the Sinister Six.
And then, I'll consider helping you further.
You want a place on the Six? Then you can be our Venom.
(KRAVEN GRUNTS) No! (SCREAMING) Strap Flash in, I'll start the jet.
Can't leave a teammate.
- We've got you, Flash.
- Not me.
The symbiote.
There's no way we can (EXPLOSION) SCARLET SPIDER: Don't think that symbiote's feeling really friendly.
(ROARING) Then you two should get along great.
There's out you, Kraven.
New haircut? (GROWLS) Kraven hates your jokes, too.
Why does working with you always involve jumping out of a plane? Not true.
Sometimes we jump out of spaceships.
If Cho asks who ruined his plane, I'm blaming you.
FLASH: Wait! SPIDER-MAN: Flash, come back! It's me, your buddy.
I think the feeling might be a bit one-sided.
SCARLET SPIDER: Time to do things my way In shadow.
SPIDER-MAN: Did he just jump that? SCARLET SPIDER: Who cares? Send him back down.
Next stop, ground floor.
(ROARING) The hunt begins.
You're lucky.
This place is empty.
Oh, so is that what this slightly nauseating feeling is? - Luck? - Do you ever stop joking? Your buddy Flash just tried to handshake that Venom-Kraven-lion thing.
I'm going with Kravenom, but it's just a working name.
Flash is going to get himself hurt.
- We can't leave him alone for - That's exactly what we have to do.
We got to cut this guy loose before he gets us obliterated.
I know you're not into humor but that better be a joke.
Let's just find a way off this rock, before it's too late.
(COUGHS) What, Hydra doesn't know how to clean vents? Try living in a sewer for a few years.
The landing base through there.
- We'll make it if - KRAVEN: No, you won't! (ROARS) Kraven, hey! Now that you're all Venomed up, any interest in joining the Web-Warriors? Guess it can hurt to ask.
(GRUNTING) (ROARING) (GRUNTING) Flash, stay down.
We've got to work together.
I appreciate the enthusiasm, but you can't fight without your powers.
(SCREAMS) (SCREAMS) I told you Flash would be the end of us.
Always save yourself first.
(ROARS) (SCREAMS) I want my friend back.
What? No! FLASH: What is this? Oh! (LAUGHING) Check it out! (LAUGHING) Yes! Agent Venom is back! And better than ever.
Great to have you back.
At least I don't have to carry you.
That's Scarlet-speak for, "Glad you're okay.
" Thanks for the rescue.
Both of you.
SPIDER-MAN: It could just be me, but I'm getting a run-for-our-lives kind of vibe right now.
SCARLET SPIDER: Landing base this way.
Leaving my island so soon? You must stay, enjoy our hospitality.
(GRUNTS) Scarlet, where are you going? You guys got some loyalty issues, Spidey.
It's kind of a thing with him.
Goodbye, Spider-Man (SCREAMS) (GRUNTS) I thought you guys stopped being dead weight.
SPIDER-MAN: Look at that, you weren't running away.
You were circling around to save your friends.
Less talking, more running.
(GRUNTING) The jet's trash, but I can probably fly one of these.
Wait, "probably"? He's gone? Once again, your incompetence has permitted Spider-Man to win.
Hydra has no Your loyalty to your old friends allowed them to escape with the symbiote, Rhino.
But like your condition, loyalty can be cured.
SPIDER-MAN: Nice landing, Scarlet.
Even without my symbiote, I'm sure Ock won't stop until he has his Sinister Six.
Then we'll have to get his future recruits before he can.
- SHIELD AGENT 1: Hey, look who's back! - SHIELD AGENT 2: How'd you escape? 'Sup, peeps? (CHUCKLES) Anyone who wants to hear the story buys me an extra-large chili dog.
I like the brooding, looks great on you.
But I bet you'd still look cool enjoying an extra-large chili dog with everyone else.
You know, maybe friendship's got some perks, but it's not really my Whoa! Hey, wuss.
(CHUCKLES) You up for some sparring? I want to see what my upgrade can do before dinner.
You're on, punk.
Well, that's kinda progress.

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