Underbelly s04e04 Episode Script

The Damage Done

I've never met anyone like you.
Same here.
Hello, miss.
You look beautiful tonight.
Thank you.
He's a lucky old coot.
You know he's married with a couple of kids? You 're going to get me into trouble, Little Gunman.
You need me to remind you how well-known Kate and Tilly are, how killing them would be the act of a short-sighted galoot who didn't value his neck? You want someone to tell you what's what.
Norman Bruhn.
That's what.
Now go out and arrest him.
Now, your men, they're prepared to stand in court, swear it was Bruhn who cut them? JEFFS: I know it's toilsome, but we've got a common problem here.
Got an idea, do you, Jeffs? We scare him off, shoot him in the knee.
Both knees.
Just kill him! You wanna bring every copper in Sydney down on us? FRANK GREEN: You want me to shoot Norman Bruhn? You the gunman or aren't you, Frankie? (GUNFIRE) MACKAY: Mrs Bruhn, my condolences.
Did he say anything? Did he did he tell you who shot him? IRENE BRUHN: No, he didn't.
And I wouldn't tell you if he had.
(THEME MUSIC) SONG: # It's a jungle out there # It's a jungle out there # It's a jungle out there.
# (UPBEAT MUSIC) The 1920s were a pretty violent era - slashings.
shootings, knifings - but.
not that many murders.
Until Norman Bruhn came up from Melbourne and upset the apple-cart.
His brutal murder was a signal event for the police.
for his gang and especially for Kate Leigh and Tilly Devine.
Matilda Mary Devine, you get out of the sack and get out here.
You open this door or I'll come in there and black your fucking eye! What? I want you to tell me why Frank Green A kid who wouldn't pull up his own socks unless someone else told him to! why he thought to put five rounds into Norman Bruhn last night.
'Cause someone with guts told him to.
We agreed - you, me, Jeffs, your hubby.
We agreed that Bruhn was just getting a bullet in the leg.
I'm not listening to you, Kate Leigh What do you think is gonna happen now, you silly bitch? Do you know what you've done? You fucking bet I know what I done.
A bullet in the leg wasn't gonna stop Norman Bruhn.
It would've just given him a limp and pissed him off.
Well, you've left two kids fatherless.
His blood's on your hands.
Oh, you piss off, you smug, ugly slag.
You got no idea what I done for us.
You should be on your knees kissing me fucking toes! Rabbitoh! OK, left, right, left Rabbitoh! Rabbitoh! Left, right Morning.
We've lost a customer.
Yeah? Who? You know that bolshie bugger from Melbourne? Bruhn? What about him? Let's just say since last night, he ain't gonna be partaking in fruit and flesh no more.
Watch me barrow for me.
If you touch so much as a grape I'll chop your hand off! Rabbitoh! Rabbitoh! Rabbitoh! (SOLEMN MUSIC) Thank you for walking me home and and for being there.
You gonna be right? Yeah, yeah.
Could I could I come in? Uh Oh, no.
WOMAN: Frankie, careful - the baby.
(GRUNTS) (PEOPLE JOSTLE AND CALL OUTSIDE) WOMAN: OK, love! If anyone asks I was home all night.
Mm? (QUIRKY MUSIC) You know what happens to pups who disobey orders, Frankie? They get in stir.
Do something bad enough, they face a firing squad or the nurse.
Now, granted my wife's got a persuasive mouth, but you still gotta do the right thing.
You follow my orders, not hers.
Do you understand me? (GRUNTS) Yeah.
(GAGS) So how's it feel? A bit sore.
No, no.
I mean to have, you know, popped the coot.
Told you I was the Gunman.
I knew you had it in you.
You watch yourself, mate.
The cops are crawling all over this like bull ants.
Thanks, mate.
(BANGING AT DOOR) EILEEN: Keep it up if you 're good looking! Oi! MACKAY: Where's your mother? Norman Bruhn's been shot.
You know anything about it? It's a dangerous world.
Don't buggerise around with me, Kate.
This isn't a bashing or an argy-bargy over a couple of quid.
A man has been murdered.
I told you that Norman Bruhn was a problem.
I told you something needed to be done about him.
So what were your whereabouts on the night in question? SNOWY: I can't remember nothing.
You don't recall the small matter of five shots being let off into your boss? Don't have a boss.
You deny you 're a member of Norman Bruhn's gang? Norman who? (CHUCKLES) Why did you go drinking with him at Mack's? Mack's on Charlotte Lane? Never been there.
(SMACK!) (LAUGHS HOARSELY) Is that the best you got? You wouldn't wanna try my best.
Mr Bruhn was dropped by taxi at Mack's in the company of a man he called Snowy.
Moreover, the publican where he'd been drinking earlier, he's identified you as one of Mr Bruhn's most intimate and regular friends.
You know what I think, Mr Snowy Cutmore? I think you led your boss into a trap that night.
I think you wanted Mr Bruhn dead so you could get a bigger slice of his grubby standover pie.
Oh, that Norman Bruhn.
I was his loyal fucking deputy.
So if it wasn't you who pulled the trigger, who was it? Mr Moffitt, you've been driving a cab round here for years, right? Well, you'd be aware that several well-known underworld identities frequent this area - Jim and Tilly Devine, Kate Leigh, Phil The Jew.
These men outside Mack's last night, you recognise them as associates of any of these people? Oh, there's a lot of likely lads about these days.
They wear their hats pulled low.
TOM WICKHAM: Fred, did any of them say anything? One of the ones that come up the street, he told me to get out of there.
Right, so he told you to leave? "You best push off," he said.
Twice, like he knew something was up.
WICKHAM: Could be a job for Constable Blissett.
(UPBEAT SWING MUSIC) Ray Blissett was a man you wanted on your side - big.
If he hit you.
you stayed hit.
If he clobbered you.
you stayed clobbered.
(SCREAMS) My bag! My bag! Oh, my bag! Stop! Police! Stop! He was Bill Mackay's one-man army and he single-handedly rounded up the usual suspects.
(SWING MUSIC CONTINUES) (SWING MUSIC INTENSIFIES) (NEEDLE BUZZES) Whatever happened to 'Mum'? Or an anchor? Need you to accompany me down to the station, mate.
I'll come when I'm ready.
You 're ready.
(LAUGHS) Over there.
Oh, so you 're a tit man, hey? Fuck off, Gaffney.
Come on! Come here! Stop that.
HATS! Now, which one of you little birdies shot Norman Bruhn, hey? We're set! (DARK MUSIC) They're all very alike.
Just take a good look at each one.
It was very dark.
I'm I'm a bit short-sighted.
What if they say something? You! Say, "You best push off.
" You best push off.
You best push off.
(MOUTHS) (HESITANTLY) You best push off.
Wife says I'm a bit hard of hearing too, you know? Murder in Darlinghurst! Read it in the 'Truth'.
Murder in Darlinghurst! Thanks, mate.
Murder in Darlinghurst in the 'Truth'! When was the last time you saw Norman Bruhn? The day he died.
I saw every single bit of him.
Did he seem worried? Talk about his enemies? Cover yourself, for God's sake.
Selling yourself is a dangerous game, Nellie.
Who's gonna look after you now Norman's gone? I can look after myself.
Better off going back to work for Tilly Devine.
Least you'd have some protection.
Better off still if you went home.
I'm having fun.
Constable Armfield, who who shot Norman? There's a range of suspects.
Anyone in particular? You've probably had fun with them all.
So what have you heard? (SCOFFS) Everyone's talking about it.
Hey, um, you haven't got any snow, do you, Nell? Tilly's making me work So are you gonna keep working here, then? Nah, I'll be right.
(SNIFFS) You 're game.
So, Gwyn, what's the word? Oh, who shot Norman Bruhn? Well, Peg heard from Aggie who was doing a special with Tom Kelly that it was someone called the Gunman.
So Norman was shot by someone called the Gunman? That's Greg Gaffney, right? Greg 'The Gunman' Gaffney? Yeah, yeah.
Oh, wait.
No, I got it wrong.
It weren't the Gunman.
It were the Little Gunman.
(WALKS AWAY) OK, here's this for your troubles.
Now, don't you take it! Alright, I know your mum.
I know where to find ya.
Off you go.
Run along! Go on.
While Norman Bruhn might have been problem solved.
there was still the ongoing problem of his razor gang.
Tonight we're turning over the two-up, get ourselves some boodle together, get some shooters and fix Devine and Leigh for good.
Norm used his dying breath to anoint you boss, did he? You got a problem with that? Just admiring your democratic process.
GEORGE WALLACE: Who was it, Snow? Who knocked him? I told you already.
I didn't see.
Bull's wool! You was there.
From now on, there's no more pussyfooting.
We're gonna get rid of the bitches, get ourselves rich.
If you lads wanna get on, you 'll stick with me.
I'm kicking the shit out of this stupid city and no-one's gonna stop me.
Yeah, I don't know about that.
Hi, fellas.
Having a little wake, are we? Don't mind me.
Keep chatting among yourselves.
Pretend I'm not here.
Bugger this.
HAYES: You know the best time I ever had? The war.
I mean, all the blood, the mud But I reckon I had a better time with the Huns than I ever had here.
Mates stuck by mates.
Stick with me then, Jack.
I'm your ticket to the glorious future.
Hey, cheer up, will ya?! Norm's dead and we don't have to see the gloomy bastard take the lion's share of everything we graft no more.
Your abject grief for the man's very moving, Snowy.
You wouldn't happened to have a hand in the tragic events of the other evening, now, would you? What do you think? Well, if he'd been shot in the back, I'd know for sure.
Ohh! I fought a war for the glorious future of this country.
If you 're the best it's got to offer, I was wasting me bloody time.
Frank 'Razor Jack' Hayes was the first of Norman's gang to break ranks.
He stowed away on a freighter bound for the bright lights and great future of the Weimar Republic and was never heard from again.
(RAGTIME PIANO TUNE PLAYS) GEORGE WALLACE: Hey! (PLAYS RAGTIME TUNE) (SLURS) Play 'Goodnight, Irene', you! Mate, I've played it a dozen times already tonight.
Go on.
Play it.
Play it! (SINGS DRUNKENLY) # Irene, goodnight # It was Norm's favourite.
Play it! Play it! Play it! Play it! Play it! Play it! Arggh! Leave him alone, George! Piss off! Ohh! Here! GEORGE: Ohh! I'll see you in my fucking dreams WOMAN: Hyah! (CLANG!) Uhh He felt me up every time he come in here.
George Wallace left Sydney to avoid a jail term for assault and crossed the country to fair Western Australia.
But after trying to pinch one wallet too many.
the Midnight Raper was stabbed in the guts and bled to death outside a public toilet.
And what of Norman Bruhn's best girl.
pretty Nellie Cameron? All she knew w as she was fatally attracted to bad men.
She didn't know why.
How could she? She was still only 16.
Doesn't know what he's missing out on, hey? How are you, Snowy? Number one now, picking up where Norm left off.
And what's his is mine now.
His push, his earn, his girl.
So how much will I make outta you, pretty Nellie? I'm gonna go home now.
Yeah? What did Norm take? Let me go! Help! Please help me! I bet you 're worth every penny.
Ohh! Don't you lot get it? I'm the boss.
I am the boss! I'm the Oh! Ohh Ugh (GROANS) (SCREAMS) Ohh! Next time I aim higher.
(WHIMPERS) Come on.
Let's get you home.
That's him.
That's Frank Green.
The Little Gunman.
You charge You 're the prettiest girl.
You should get something for it.
Frank, if I asked you where you were the night Norman was killed, what would you say? None of your business.
And don't you ever frickin' question me again.
Well, mum's the word.
So now only one member of Norman Bruhn's razor gang was left to prey on Razorhurst.
See you later, boys.
You gonna be in trouble when you get home? (LAUGHS) (GLASS SMASHES) Oh! (GRUNTS) Give us your wallet, cripple.
Ohh! Arggh! Ohh! Get in there! Come on.
(MOANS AND YELLS) KATE: Hey, hey, get out of me way! Hey, enough! (SNOWY COUGHS AND GAGS) Are you alright? Ohh! (MEN LAUGH) (KATE GRUNTS) Thank you.
Snowy Cutmore cut his losses in Sydney and took himself back to the city in the south - Melbourne - where opportunity was knocking because his old foe Squizzy Taylor was already under threat as Melbourne's number one gangster.
I'm making you your favourite - roast lamb and peas.
But Snowy didn't plan on a bout of the flu or on Squizzy's 'first in.
best dressed' attitude.
What the fuck do you want? To teach you not to be a scheming waste of space, you traitorous fucking prick.
No, no, no.
Squizz, please, give me a chance.
A chance for what? For what?! To fucking do you first, you little Joseph Leslie Theodore 'Squizzy' Taylor died a few hours later in hospital and John 'Snowy ' Cutmore never got to eat his favourite tea.
The Inspector General of Police wasn't too thrilled with the rampant slashings and unsolved shootings on the streets of Darlinghurst.
He expected a result and that Bill Mackay would deliver it.
Norman Bruhn's razor gang has gone the way of all flesh.
We still have to solve his murder, catch his killer and show that Darlinghurst is not a lawless town.
Bill, we've questioned everyone associated with Jeffs, the Devines and Leigh.
They've all got alibis, admittedly provided by themselves.
So what's the plan? I think it's time we took a leaf out of Norman Bruhn's book.
(SINGS) # To lie in sweat on familiar sheets # In brick veneer on financed beds # In a room of silent HardiFlex # That certain texture, that certain smell # Brings home the heavy days # Brings home the night-time swell # Oh, out on the patio we'd sit # And the humidity we'd breathe # We'd watch the lightning crack over cane fields # Laugh and think # "This is Australia," yeah # Can't you tell a good watch when you see one? It's broken.
Oh, it's Swiss-made.
Have a look at the silver mark.
MAN: Raid! Raid! Get out of here! WOMAN: Raid! Police! MACKAY: Thank you for your kind introduction.
We're here investigating the murder of Mr Norman Bruhn.
We've got a few questions.
You 're under arrest for supplying alcohol during prohibited hours.
Bill needed to break the code of silence and his tactics to achieve it were rather like Norman Bruhn's - he was gonna disrupt Kate's business until she turned informant.
Arrest wasn't a problem for Kate.
She could afford bail.
afford lawyers.
afford fines.
The problem was that Bill Mackay and his troops turned up at one or other of her sly grog joints night after night and always with the name Norman Bruhn on their lips.
And Kate knew exactly who she blamed for that.
KATE: Bloody Tilly bloody Devine.
Our takings were down 50% this week thanks to the bonzer favour she does by knocking Bruhn.
Yeah, punters don't want coppers breathing into their beers.
Funny that.
I'm gonna pay her back and some.
Let me.
If Mackay's gonna make the grog hard work we have to expand the snow.
Phil The Jew said he can supply me with as much as I can shift.
How many blokes you got selling it? Half a dozen.
I'll need some more.
I could rustle you up a few lads.
Huh, the lads you know look like you, Wal.
Toffs from the suburbs buying angie want to think they're a cut above such undesirables.
Oh, only want good-lookers working for you now, hey? Yeah, I'm sick of your ugly mug.
What? Ohh.
Two birds, one stone.
Oh, look at them lightweight woollens.
Yeah, 12 and 6 a yard, but.
What about them chiné frocks? I love that green one.
What is it? 39 and 6? Phew! How many blokes would you have to service before you could afford that? You'd be working all day.
What does Tilly let you keep, huh? Oh, wouldn't it be nice to work for someone who doesn't take such a big bite of your earn, hm? We ain't discussing our financial affairs with you, Mrs Leigh.
Come on, girls.
Wouldn't you love not having to worry every month about getting in the bumpy way, hm? About some sweaty bloke giving you the pox? This ain't a good idea.
Don't be such a killjoy.
Huh! (SIGHS) What's wrong with having what the rich folk have? Hmm? I don't know, girls.
It's a nasty old world.
Best enjoy it while you can.
Oh, come on! Stop it! Go on.
What's the matter? Can't you dance? Don't! Don't take that tone with me.
Hey, don't take that tone with her! The lady wants a dance.
It's pretty stiff not to oblige her.
'Crapetti', isn't it? It's Calletti.
Fuck off and keep your dago nose to yourself.
Frank! Front and centre.
Go home.
Are we still going to the dance? Go home! I'll meet you there.
Go home! (MAN ENDS ACCORDION TUNE) (MAN PLAYS MOODY TUNE ON ACCORDION) You belong to the Little Gunman now, do ya? He looks after me, yes.
Bruhn, Green When are you gonna find yourself a man with a bit of real colour? Just a dance.
(MAN PLAYS ROMANTIC WALTZ ON ACCORDION) Looking for something special to add to your night? Lovely snowy white it is.
And only five shillings a snifter.
Where's Peg and Beth? Ahem! Well, it wasn't my fault.
Going good, yeah? Yeah, brilliant.
Blokes think we're selling one thing and stay for the other.
Good girls.
Want one for later? You shut your mouth.
Shut your mouth.
I don't believe it.
Poaching me girls, hey? That's a new low even for a slut from Dubbo.
Come here, you ungrateful moll! Let go, Devine! They can work for Kate if they want.
And you fucking owe her anyway, the trouble you've caused.
Fuck-ugly! You all want trouble? Well, here it is.
Come here! Oh, fuck! (GRUNTS) Ohh! Arrgh! (SCREAMS) Oh, fuck.
Fuck you! Go! Oh, shit.
(TENSE MUSIC) (SCREAMS) Peg! (SCREAMS AND CRIES) Leave her alone! Go on.
Beth! (MUSIC RISES) No! No! Kate.
Oh, Jesus.
(SOBS) Kate Constable Blissett, isn't it? (CLEARS THROAT) So what's a bloke who bashes up people for a living doing in here? Same as you.
Just having a chat with the Almighty.
Listen to you, does he? Answer your prayers? Well, Souths have won a few premierships of late so I'm not complaining.
What do you ask for? I'm not gonna use it against you.
Don't worry.
I was brought up Methodist.
I just got engaged and me fiancée, she's a staunch Mick.
So here I am, learning me new dogmas.
What do you pray for? Guidance.
Mrs Leigh.
The candle - who's that for? Norman Bruhn.
(FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) Looking for some fun there? Ohh! (GRUNTS) Two on one? Hardly fair, Wal.
You tell that to them poor tarts.
(GRUNTS AND YELLS) Ohh! (GLASS SMASHES) (WOMEN SCREAM AND YELL) Why was Nugget on his own? Why was he on his own? Where was Frank? I gave him the night off.
Oh, Jesus, Jim! How fucking thick are you? Fuck.
And so it went.
Tilly slashed Kate's people.
Kate slashed Tilly's and their personal feud fed on the blood of others.
No-one was safe.
(UPBEAT BIG-BAND MUSIC) (PEOPLE CHATTER AND LAUGH) Stood you up, has he? Are you following me, Mr Calletti? Yeah.
Wanna know why? 'Cause I wanna have you, Nellie.
I wanna own you.
I wanna have you and watch other blokes have you and take their money from them and no matter how much they spend on you or how much they fuck you, I want them to know that they got nothing because they don't own you, I do.
You want her? Fine.
15 bob.
What if I don't wanna pay? Well, then you 're pitching for my girl and I'll drop you for it.
I could take you out like that.
What? A barrow boy? A two-bit hood? Come on.
You know who I am? You know what I've done? You know who I've fixed, hm? Do you know what they call me? They call me Oh! (MEN GRUNT) (UPBEAT QUIRKY MUSIC) Ooh! (ONLOOKERS CHEER AND HOLLER) Frank! Guido! (GRUNTS) Arggh! (GRUNTS) Frank Green lost his spoils of war.
Nellie Cameron became Guido Calletti's best girl and meal ticket.
But not to worry.
Frank would win back pretty Nellie soon enough.
The hit on Norman Bruhn changed everything for Kate and Tilly.
The fallout from his death upped the ante on their rivalry.
plus they knew they'd got away with murder.
The stakes could only rise.
We have to obey the law, but they don't.
Look at them, up to their pits in no good.
And we know they're plotting and scheming.
We doing anything about it? We just have to sit here and wait to pick up the fucking pieces.
MAN: Six o'clock, gentlemen! If you can't drink 'em, leave 'em.
If you can't leave 'em, drink 'em! That fucking stupid law.
(WOMAN SINGS) # This is Australia # Ahh, ahh # Ahh! # Yeah, yeah, yeah.
# (THEME MUSIC) SONG: # It's a jungle out there # It's a jungle out there # It's a jungle out there.
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