Undone (2019) s02e04 Episode Script


Becca. Becca.
Wake up, Becca.
Please help me.
What happened?
You're the lady
from the pyramid.
Yes, I am.
Let's bring her inside.
She needs to lie down.
You painted
all of these?
You're Alejandro?
Rosario Alejandro.
Your last name is Alejandro.
Can you hear me?
How do you know her name?
Your mother talks
about you girls all the time.
Our mom is here?
She's out at the moment,
but she'll be back.
She okay?
She's taking care of herself.
And what about her?
Is she gonna be okay, too?
She needs grounding.
Her branches are spreading
faster than her roots.
- Alma.
- Hey, Dad.
How's it going?
I've been trying to call you.
Random question for you
when you were doing
your research,
did anyone ever,
like, pass out?
- Are you with Becca right now?
- Put her on.
Okay, well, it's not a big
deal, but Becca fainted?
- What's happening?
- It could've been something she ate
or dehydration.
Or there's, like,
a teeny-tiny, teeny-tiny chance
that it's because we used
her ability.
But, like, a little.
It's probably not even that.
Where are you right now?
I'm coming over.
We're in Mexico.
- What?
- We were tracking down Mom.
And we found her, by the way.
Well, we're about to find her.
We found her stuff in
this house. It's a long story.
Uh, text me the address, okay?
I-I'm booking a flight.
You don't have to do that.
Just do it. I'm coming.
Okay, I-I'll do it.
Is Becca working through
something related to a baby?
Yeah, actually.
She's deciding
whether she wants to have one.
She needs to rest.
So you know my mom.
What a strange coincidence.
Coincidence is
just the universe
nudging you
in the right direction.
Did you get that from a meme?
So, what is it that you do,
I help people heal
from their wounds
and see things
that they need to see.
You're a curandera?
I feel like my mom wouldn't be
into that kind of thing.
It's always a shock to discover
that your parents are
real people with rich lives.
So how do you know her?
Many years ago,
she was crying
in the courtyard.
I asked her if she needed help.
And she did.
She rented a room in this house
while she mended
her heartbreak.
Why did she keep you a secret?
You have a door
you need to open.
What do you
What kind of door?
A door you don't want to open.
I wouldn't say
I don't want to open it.
The door does not want
to be opened.
The door is stopping you
from opening it?
you're afraid of what might be
behind the door.
Is anyone here?
Shh. Are you okay?
Are you hungry?
I don't know what to give you.
Okay, okay. Here.
Try that.
There you go.
Oh, you like that?
What are you doing here?
Alma called when you collapsed.
I rushed right down.
How are you feeling?
Fine. I guess.
Good. Good.
Hey. Dad.
You made it!
Look who's up and about.
Guess everybody's doing great.
What time is it?
Who are you?
- Where do I go now?
- Come with me.
Uh, maybe Becca should lie down
a little longer.
Okay, there's a flight tonight.
We're all going home.
But Mom's stuff is here.
We should wait for her.
I told you explicitly not
to dig into your mother's past.
And now Becca's exhausted
'cause you don't know
what the hell you're doing.
Dad, it's fine.
You're lucky you're okay.
Could've been much worse.
Dad, please help us find Mom.
You must know
what this is about.
Everything was fine
until you two started digging.
- We're sorry, Dad.
- No, we're not, Becca.
This family is being suffocated from avoidance,
and you seem perfectly fine
to let it die.
But now that we have
Becca's ability,
we can figure out
what's going on.
We can help Mom.
We can make our lives better.
You pushed Becca
till she collapsed.
You know what could happen
if you push her too hard?
- What can happen?
- She's fine.
Becca, tell him you're fine.
- You don't hear that?
- Hear what?
Are you sure
you're feeling all right?
You know what?
The only reason you're afraid
to go into your memories
is because you're afraid
what kind of secrets
are going to come out.
Wait, wait, wait.
What secrets?
your mother is reactive
and emotional.
I can't help it.
She's always been like that.
- But she Dad, come on.
- Now, look, enough.
- Shh.
- There's a 9:00 flight, and we're all
gonna be on it.
That's it. We're leaving.
Dad, please don't do this.
Don't you want to know
what we found out about Mom?
It's none of my business.
So you don't want to know
why she ran off?
Where she is?
What's upsetting her?
What if she is having an affair?
I'm sorry about this.
Uh, we'll be outside.
If your mother's having
an affair,
I don't want to know about it.
Dad, come on.
I've done everything to make
things nice for you girls.
I just want everyone
to be happy.
Are you happy?
'Cause I am not happy.
Well, the Alma I knew
was happy.
Till you came through
and decided to fix everything.
Dad, I found letters
that I've written you,
that she's written you.
She's not happy.
She's stressed out.
She doesn't want to do
this PhD program,
but she's not brave enough
to tell you.
I mean, what does that say?
The program is hard.
But the rewards are worth it.
Everything is fine
Everything is not fine!
You are not fine.
Mom is not fine.
Something is wrong here.
I'm just asking you
to look at it.
Look into the past.
See how things got
to this place
and what we might be able
to do to fix it.
It's over, Jacob.
Listen, when I do that work,
I become obsessed.
I don't want to be
that man again.
Dad, you won't.
How do you know that?
Air Mexico.
How can I help you?
I have to take this.
Is someone there?
There you go.
You're all right.
Whose baby are you?
Are you my baby?
I can't call you
from my house anymore
And you can't call me.
Do you understand?
You're my baby.
I'm your mommy.
W I don't understand why
I can't use my points for
W Hello?
Goddamn it!
What are we doing?
You seem impatient.
I'm trying to find answers
in the past,
but my dad won't look
at his own shit.
First it was the door and now your father?
I want to get through the door.
- I really tried.
- Show me.
Full disclosure,
it's gonna be weird.
This is your door?
You see that?
Open the door.
I promise you,
I have tried to open it.
I have tried pulling.
I tried pushing.
I bodychecked it.
The door does not want
to be opened, okay?
- Do you see?!
- Shh!
Have you tried being quiet?
Holy shit. Holy shit,
holy shit, holy shit,
holy shit.
There's someone in there.
Hello in there?
It stopped.
God, it sounded like a child.
Excuse me, miss.
I was wondering if I could
get in on a tour
of the archaeological site.
Oh. I'm sorry.
The last tour of the day
started 20 minutes ago.
You can come back tomorrow.
Actually, I have a flight
to catch in the morning.
But thanks.
It's okay.
I can take you.
The temple remained buried
until nine years ago
when electrical workers
the Coyolxauhqui Stone.
And the temple was found again.
Well, you really know
your stuff.
No. I just memorized
what they told me.
Let me give you
a little secret:
that's what all professors do.
You're a professor?
Yeah. In San Antonio.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
I have thought about studying
in the United States, but
But what?
Nothing. It's nothing.
You should apply.
Do you want to get
a coffee after this
and talk more about it?
I would love to.
This place is really great.
Do you come here often with
your friends or family or
I don't know, boyfriend?
No, I-I usually come here alone.
So, no friends or family or
boyfriend to speak of?
A few friends.
Um, no boyfriend.
And, yes, I have a family,
but, um
we're not speaking right now.
Why not?
It's a Catholic thing.
I'm not speaking
to my family either.
- Why is that?
- Oh, it's a
"my dad's an asshole" thing.
He divorced my mother
while she was
in a mental hospital.
She was in a mental hospital?
In and out.
Some people say
But you don't think so?
You could call it that.
But, uh, she's so much more
than her episodes, right?
She's vibrant and intelligent
and thoughtful.
She doesn't deserve
to be abandoned.
No one does.
I'm gonna find a way
to help her.
- You are?
- Yeah, I'm dedicating my life to it.
That is wonderful.
It's so beautiful.
When I was a child,
my grandmother told me
that the shooting stars
were the tears of saints.
I like that.
Some people say that they're
particles caused
by the disintegration of comets
and when they collide
with our atmosphere,
they heat up and burn bright.
But, uh
tears of saints.
I think I like that better.
What's wrong?
I-I like your version.
That, uh
things left behind
can burn so bright.
What are you looking for?
I-I don't know. I-I
I feel like I lost something.
Something is missing.
Should I, uh, turn around?
No. I
Everything good?
It's nothing.
Hey, thank you for spending
so much time with my mother.
But if it's too much, you
don't have to keep doing it.
Your mother has cared for me
when my own mother wouldn't.
But, uh
maybe I do need a little break.
You don't remember making
nine long-distance calls
to a strange number in Mexico?
What are you saying?
That I'm lying?
No, I'm wondering
if these are false charges.
But it-it's strange
that you would assume
that I'm accusing you of lying.
Are you lying?
There you go,
accusing me of lying.
Camila, what is this about?!
Look, um
There's something
that's been with your mother
since I met her.
And I don't know what it is.
She never told me.
And I never wanted
to press too hard.
I was afraid
of what I might find.
It's okay, Dad.
We'll figure it out.
I just wanted to do
the right thing.
I just wanted things to be
better for everyone so that
changing time
would have been worth it and
me being alive
would have made things better.
You being alive is better.
I'm not so sure.
Hold on! I'm coming for you!
What What
Where are you?!
Where are you?!
Where are you taking my baby?!
I thought you didn't
want to know.
Do you want to hold him
one last time?
Can I spend some time
with him?
Just an hour.
It'll make it harder
I know.
I want him to be named
after you.
I wish I could give you
a good life.
you're going to
have a better life
than I can give you.
- Oh, my God.
- Careful, there's glass.
Ay. Híjole.
I'll get disinfectant.
You reflect her,
but you are not her.
Once you understand yourself,
you will know what you want.
Are you okay?
We had no idea you were
still going through something.
Mom had a baby boy
in this house.
That's Alejandro.
That's Mom's secret.
What's wrong?
It's nothing.
It's nothing.
We have to go find your mother.
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