Unicorn Academy (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

[magical tinkling]
[Wildstar neighs]
Follow your heart
Straight to the stars ♪
Your bond already shows
The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪
Chase your dreams
Run wild and free ♪
Wild and free ♪
Trust in your destiny ♪
Follow your heart
Straight to the stars ♪
Your bond already shows
The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪
-So follow your heart ♪
-Follow your heart ♪
-Straight to the stars ♪
-Straight to the stars ♪
So follow your heart ♪
[dramatic music plays]
[Wildstar neighs]
Where are you taking us?
We need to get back to the academy.
Wildstar, I know you can hear me.
[Wildstar neighs]
[sinister music plays]
[grim unicorn growling]
Defeating Primrose and her cronies
was disappointingly easy.
I want to savor destroying you lot.
[all whimper]
Yeah. She got rid of your friend.
Now she's gonna squash you too.
[Ravenzella laughs]
W what did you do to Sophia?
[Ava screams]
Looks like we're stuck
between a rock and a
A grim unicorn.
[grim unicorn growls]
Finish them.
-[Ravenzella groans]
-[grim unicorn growls]
[Cinder neighs]
[unicorns neigh]
-Get 'em, Leaf!
-[Isabel] Yes!
[sinister music plays]
-[Crimsette strains]
-[Ash laughs]
[River neighs]
-Oh, am I glad to see you.
-That's my boy.
You insolent fools! [grunts]
[all scream]
Where'd she go?
Where'd you go?
-[sinister whooshing]
[River neighs]
[Isabel groans]
[River neighs]
[dramatic music plays]
[Glacier neighs]
[whimpers] We're running, right?
I think we should run.
Furis don't retreat. My legacy is
It doesn't matter
if we're all turned to stone.
-We can't just leave them like this.
-We won't.
Uh, we will for now.
But we'll be back once we have a plan.
[foreboding music plays]
[grim unicorn growls]
[grim unicorn shrieks]
They're gettin' away!
They're not worth it.
We have what we want.
This academy is mine.
[Ravenzella laughs]
Why did you bring me to the Vision Pool?
I only had one shot, and it's over.
It's pointless.
-[Wildstar whinnies]
Stop. It won't work.
We need to go back to the academy.
[Wildstar snorts]
There's nothing there.
It's water. It's just water.
[Sophia] Please, Wildstar.
Let's go home.
[Wildstar whinnies]
[sad music plays]
Wait. I already had my one vision.
But you haven't.
That's what you were trying to tell me.
Wildstar, you're amazing.
Hope this works.
[gentle music plays]
[Wildstar snorts]
[Wildstar whinnies]
[magical music plays]
[Wildstar whinnies]
Sophia. My shining star.
-Well, it's all over.
-No, we're not giving up.
-Oh, what do we do? What do we do?
-What is Rory doing?
Uh, obviously, we need a new home.
So, duh, I'm building us one.
This is our dorm, okay?
And, Storm,
you build a new stable over there.
Can we please focus and try to come up
with a plan to save the world?
Here's a plan. I can't be
the best unicorn rider of all time
if there are no unicorn riders.
We are going back right now.
Who made you the boss?
Uh, me. And my inherent superiority.
Okay, wow.
-I cannot believe you just said that.
-Why are you so offended by the truth?
-Come on, guys.
-Your attitude's offensive.
-Do we need four walls?
-Excuse me.
And roofs are so overrated, right?
You don't think it's true, do you?
About Sophia?
[Leaf whinnies]
[Leaf whinnies]
Yeah. She and Wildstar have to be okay.
But where are they?
Sophia. Wildstar. I can't believe it.
[Wildstar neighs]
[Wildstar neighs]
[gentle music plays]
I never thought
I'd see the two of you together.
It's really you.
I knew it wasn't some vision in my head.
It is you. And you're okay.
-Where are you? We'll come find you.
-No. Sophia, you can't.
What? But, Dad, we can help.
It's too dangerous.
You have to trust me. I'm fine.
You're the one I'm worried about, Sophia.
Our realms are connected
by a thread of magic.
I get glimpses and whispers,
and they're warning me.
-That Ravenzella's coming back.
-Yes. Wait. How do you know that?
Because it's already happened.
She has a unicorn made of grim magic
that almost turned me to stone.
-We weren't strong enough to fight her.
-[Wildstar snorts]
-[Sophia] What do we do?
-I don't know.
I'm sorry,
but I don't have a magic answer.
Then come back and help us.
If you just tell us where you are, we
Sophia, I can't.
So we just have to fight Ravenzella alone?
[Miles] I see so much of myself in you.
For better or worse,
I tried to do everything myself too.
I didn't rely on other people,
but look where that got me.
If I'd accepted help, maybe
-You need friends by your side.
-I have them.
I I had them.
But then Ava kept getting in the way,
and it's easier
to just handle things myself.
[Wildstar neighs]
Sophia, I don't have
a secret weapon to fight Ravenzella.
But I do know you can't face her alone.
Maybe this Ava can help you.
-She sounds like she wants to.
-I doubt it. She must hate me now.
Friends fight. They hurt each other.
But that doesn't mean
the friendship is over.
It just means you have to talk
to each other. Really talk to each other.
I have to go. I stayed too long.
What? Dad, uh, what's happening?
Don't wo about me.
Save Uni land's magic.
You need friends.
Mend your rifts. Mend your broken heart.
Mend my broken heart?
No. Dad, please. I I need you.
Sophia, I love you.
I love you too.
-[Wildstar whinnies]
You heard him. We need to find Ava.
How embarrassing to be stuck
making these faces forever.
Mm, mm, mm, what should I do next?
Maybe throw you to the bottom of a lake
or lock you in a crystal prison.
[gasps] I know.
I'll make your entire island vanish.
Exactly like you did to me.
Well, the tables have turned. [laughs]
Things are finally going
according to my plan.
So letting those kids get away
was part of your plan, Your Magicsty?
[sinister music plays]
Those children are powerless against me
now that I have a unicorn.
-[grim unicorn neighs]
-Two can play at their game.
And I'm stronger, better.
Insignificant bugs.
They can't stop me.
But why not have some fun?
Hunt them down, then bring them here.
Aw, I thought we were done!
I want them to watch as I destroy
their beloved Unicorn Academy.
And then we'll crush them too.
[grim unicorn growls]
[Ravenzella laughs]
[Ravenzella] A little something
to help with the crushing.
[Crimsette and Ash laugh]
[Sophia grunts] Come on.
There's still time. There has to be!
[Wildstar neighs]
[magical music plays]
[Sophia] Right on, Wildstar.
[Sophia screams]
-[Wildstar neighs]
-[Sophia strains]
[Sophia screams]
[Sophia breathes deeply]
[Wildstar whinnies]
[Leaf and Wildstar neigh]
-You didn't think we'd leave you hanging?
-[Sophia] Ava!
-How did you know I was here?
-Well, I didn't know.
But Leaf and I thought
the Vision Pool might. And here you are.
No vision needed.
[both laugh]
[Wildstar neighs]
Um, I'm so, so sorry
about everything. And I
No! I'm sorry.
You were just looking out for me,
like you always are.
Even now.
[Wildstar neighs]
I'm just I'm not used to having
real friends who care about me.
So I pushed you away.
But I need you, Ava.
Can we be friends again?
-[Ava] No.
Not just friends.
[both laugh]
-Did you add a couple more Fs there?
-Uh-huh. For "falling."
Because you seem to fall off cliffs a lot.
But I'll always be there to catch you.
-[both laugh]
-[unicorns neigh]
[Leaf snorts]
Once the trenches are dug 3.5 meters deep,
Isabel and River
will channel water through here.
Leaf, you make a vine raft
to sail across under the cover of night,
traveling at 38 degrees south towards
Wait. I thought
Storm and I were that seashell.
-No. You're the rock over here.
-I say we just do a Trojan Unicorn.
As much as I love a good strategy sesh,
we have to wait.
-We need all of us against Ravenzella.
-What if Ava doesn't come back? Or Sophia?
We need to get the drop on them.
Use the element of
[Isabel gasps]
[unicorns neigh]
Ash, now!
[unicorns neigh]
[all gasp]
Ha! Too easy.
[both laugh]
[Wildstar neighs]
[Rory] Sophia! Ava!
[unicorns neigh]
Come on! Follow us!
Come on, ya big oaf. Let's go.
[dramatic music plays]
We'll lose them up here.
[Ash groans]
[Ash grunts]
[Ash sputters]
I hate leaves.
-[whispering voice] Watch out.
-What did you say?
-I said, "Blech. I hate leaves."
-[whispering voice] They're coming.
-Who's "they"? Is it more leaves?
Ugh. Punks are just messing with us.
Quit yapping and find 'em.
[whispering voice] Ash. Crimsette.
[unicorns neigh]
[whispering voice] Crimsette.
-Huh? Ash?
-[whispering voice] Crimsette.
Not funny, you bumbling troll.
-[whispering voice] Crimsette.
-What? [whimpers]
[suspenseful music plays]
[Crimsette strains]
-[Glacier neighs]
-[Crimsette groans]
[laughs] That was amazing!
And we didn't even have a strategy sesh.
I knew if they split up,
they'd be easier to take out.
-I learned that the hard way.
-You're not alone anymore.
So glad you guys are done fighting.
That was exhausting.
I'm glad too.
I was nothing without you guys.
I don't know
how we're gonna beat Ravenzella,
but I know we can only do it together.
Let's ride.
[foreboding music plays]
[Sophia gasps]
[foreboding music continues]
Where do you think Ravenzella is?
[Ravenzella laughs]
Give you three guesses.
[foreboding music continues]
Oh, stop. Stop. How nice
to have such adoring subjects again.
[laughs] Huh?
Pathetic minions.
It's about time.
-Sorry to keep you waiting.
-You! Impossible.
-I got rid of you.
-Hmm, wrong.
Then I'll just enjoy the pleasure
of crushing you all over again.
[dramatic music plays]
Ha! Such arrogance.
Still think you can take me on
all by yourself?
I don't work alone anymore.
-[Rory] Yeah!
-[Ravenzella groans]
[dramatic music continues]
-[Ravenzella grunts]
-[Leaf neighs]
[Ravenzella yelps]
[Storm neighs]
[Ravenzella] No! Agh!
[grunts and yells]
[uplifting music plays]
-That's how it's done.
-Aren't you forgetting something?
I'm not alone either. [laughs]
-[Sophia groans]
-[Ravenzella yells]
-[students] Hyah!
[Ravenzella laughs]
[Ravenzella yelps]
[dramatic music plays]
[Valentina] Whoa!
[Valentina groans]
-[grim unicorn neighs]
[Isabel] Look out!
-[Sophia] Rory!
It's okay. I'm too afraid to feel pain.
[grim unicorn growls]
[Ravenzella laughs]
You're mine!
[Sophia yells]
[grunts] Wildstar!
-[Sophia groans]
-[Ravenzella laughs]
Aw, no unicorn. No friends. All alone.
Ha! Crying for help? Oh, how weak.
-[Ava grunts]
-[Ravenzella groans]
[Ravenzella groans]
-Not weak. Smart.
-You still haven't learned.
With friends, I have endless strength.
Oh, bleugh.
[Wildstar neighs]
[dramatic music continues]
[Wildstar neighs]
I'm not afraid of you.
We're not afraid.
[Miles] Mend your broken heart.
"Mend your broken heart."
Dad, you did have a secret weapon.
Quick! Get the grimstone!
[Leaf neighs]
[grim unicorn neighs]
[Isabel yells]
Get me my stone! [laughs]
[Ravenzella yells]
If we mend the broken grimstone,
we can absorb Ravenzella's magic
and defeat her once and for all.
-Give me back my friendship bracelet!
-[Leaf neighs]
[dramatic music continues]
[Ava grunts]
[gasps] No!
-Hold her off a minute!
-You get, like, 30 seconds.
Agh! Make that ten.
[grim unicorn roars]
[Isabel grunts]
[unicorns neigh]
-To facing danger?
[magical music plays]
-[Wildstar neighs]
[Wildstar neighs]
[Ravenzella yells]
[Ravenzella gasps]
[gasps] Wow.
Are you making a dramatic wind effect?
-[Storm neighs]
How dare you?!
[grim unicorn growls]
[dramatic music continues]
[Ravenzella gasps]
[Ravenzella panting]
[Ravenzella groans]
[magical tinkling]
[Ravenzella cries]
It's over.
[uplifting music plays]
[Ravenzella panting]
You've taken everything from me.
I know how that feels.
[Ms. Primrose] I don't know
how you Sapphires pulled it off,
but Unicorn Academy
is deeply indebted to you all.
Again. You're indebted to us again.
I believe celebrations are in order.
Yes! I am all for a party.
Ow, but first I need medical attention.
[sinister music plays]
[Ravenzella groans]
[Ravenzella yells and grunts]
I hope the Temple of the Guardians
is more to your liking.
We fixed it up just for you.
And at least you've got company this time.
[Ash laughs]
No. No, no. No!
No! [groans]
[upbeat music plays]
[laughs] To the Sapphires!
-[Layla coughs]
-[River neighs]
-He earned it.
-[both laugh]
-[Rory chuckles]
-[Valentina groans]
Uh, I know the awesome friendship
bracelets Leaf made got destroyed,
so I wanted to give you something.
[gasps] Oh.
[Sophia] Okay, so DIY
isn't my strong suit.
[both laugh]
I love them.
But I think our next hang is gonna be
teaching you some arts and crafts.
So, it's official?
We're now BFFFFFFFs?
[Sophia laughs]
-Uh, I lost track of how many Fs we're at.
-One more. For "facing danger together."
Uh, about that, Ava. I think we've got
more danger to face. My dad is alive.
-I talked to him again. And
-Your dad's okay?
For now. But he had to leave suddenly,
like he was trying to escape something.
I've gotta find him wherever he is.
He needs me.
I'll be right there with you,
no matter what.
-[Wildstar neighs]
-[Leaf neighs]
[uplifting music plays]
[music fades]
Follow your heart
Straight to the stars ♪
Your bond already shows
The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪
-So follow your heart ♪
-Follow your heart ♪
-Straight to the stars ♪
-The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪
So follow your heart ♪
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