Unsuspicious (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

The next victim

Bete, our mother is out of control.
- So you slept with Washington.
- Ma!
Marconi, please.
As I was saying just now,
Marconi Gonçalves,
it was you who murdered Jorginho
when you poisoned his tea
before he was stabbed.
You were his mentor, right?
Took him under your wing.
- I sure did.
- You killed your pupil.
I've been an investigator for 20 years.
Another culprit under arrest.
There's more than enough evidence.
Jorginho's dead. It's over.
It doesn't matter.
Enough with all of this craziness.
Why don't we just move on,
and we can all leave here very rich.
Nobody here is for sale, Marconi.
Speak for yourself.
I'm a fan of freedom, I guess.
But I'd rather be rich.
Okay, I'm not about to actually
sell myself,
but I'd really like to hear
what Washington has to say.
- That's ridiculous.
- Ridiculous for us to get punished.
Ever since I stepped foot
inside this mansion,
and for those who can't remember,
I was wearing heels.
I have been disagreeing with Darlison,
except for now.
Oh no!
This is bad for everybody here.
Nobody will be buying us.
Calm down. Let's be rational.
Nobody here has been rational.
All of you wanted Jorginho murdered.
You all did.
All of them wanted it,
but you were the one who stepped up
sneakily, stealthfully, deceivingly,
and killed him.
It was you who killed him.
You know, he really liked you.
Who'd he like? Washington or Marconi?
I'm kind of confused now.
Darlison, why would I murder Jorginho?
So you could have your mansion
and your empire return.
I only had the mansion
on a piece of paper.
But I was very happy with my life,
despite Patrícia.
Until Jorginho decided for some reason
to invite all you lying sons of bitches
over to my house!
Hold on, man, I never lied.
I may be a gossip, but I'm no liar.
Oh, Áquila, can you say that
after everything you hid from your family?
You keep your damn mouth shut!
Because Áquila shored a whole bunch
of letters to Jorginho.
Some very threatening ones.
My God.
And Darlison, hiding this thing
with Patrícia.
- Everyone knows about that.
- Yeah.
But does everybody know about your plans
to run off to Paris?
It's just a trip. To study cooking.
Going to Paris without telling me,
is that it?
I was gonna tell you this week.
Darlison thought he'd be
the second in command,
but then Jorginho thought
Thyellen would be easier to work on.
Until Jorginho found out about Thyellen,
that every single month,
she would go over
the church's accounting
and she would skim off the top.
No, no, no, it's not skimming.
It's just my salary.
Oh, but what an inflated salary,
I would have to say.
Even the pastor wasn't aware.
Come on, Thyellen, don't be upset.
It was for a wonderful cause, right?
This way, we get to see
a completely fictional pregnancy.
Lucky for you, you have your
opportunistic brother to help you out.
Whoa. I'm not opportunistic.
I would be, though,
if your proposal was on the table.
However, you haven't made it yet.
- Let's hear it.
- Just shut up, Raul. That's enough.
You are so stupid.
I mean, did you think Jorginho Peixoto
would be tricked
by the fake pregnancy test
that Raul showed him?
What a goddamn poor people's scam.
It was obviously a scam
to take advantage.
Maurício tried speaking
in another language
just to try and get Jorginho's money
out of Brazil.
He and Patrícia were hightailing it
to Switzerland.
Wow, Patrícia, you sure would be able
to visit Paris easier.
Hey, Washington, Marco,
whatever your name is.
These allegations are absolutely false,
first of all.
I have proof that our bank accounts
in Switzerland
are emptier than Congress
on Friday afternoon.
Jorginho was just smarter
and made the first move.
He found the tax haven of tax havens
to move all his money into.
Maurício planned
to blow up Jorginho "accidentally"
with a gas leak in the shed.
But your little bomb didn't work,
did it, Maurício?
You're going to regret saying all this,
you know.
You're going to have to face the music
on all of this,
because I have several good friends
in the judiciary.
Oh my God!
Oh God, this is scarier
than Stranger Things.
Why are you trying
to blame other people, Marconi?
What do you gain with these accusations?
Just to make shit hit the fan, right?
Oh wow, Xandra, that's quite the bravery.
You were the only one here
who actually had the bravery
to put a knife in his back.
Lucky for you, he was dead at that time,
Bravery? No. Desperation.
Desperation or obsession?
We haven't yet discussed
your not-so-platonic love for Patrícia.
Or was that already mentioned?
You think you're some therapist now,
Washington, or what?
Do you have a third identity
that we don't know about?
Just to be sure.
You done with your little show, Marconi?
Hold on, Charles. Be patient.
So far, he's attacked
everyone here except
Except Grandma Zanina.
No, wait a minute.
I don't have a single bad word for Zanina.
All I know is that I'm truly
going to miss
this firecracker of a woman.
- Hot stuff.
- Shut up, Washington!
Have you no shame?
This is so embarrassing.
Oh dear Lord in heaven.
And finally, Bete,
who spent years lying to everyone
about who the real father of Yara was.
I don't care if you're Washington,
if you're Marconi.
But you have to stop your lying
right now!
- Yara
- Listen, this Washington guy,
or whomever he is, is full of lies.
Hell, I've had enough of this.
Enough, Marconi.
You are under arrest.
Get him!
Where is he?
- Hey.
- The statue, right?
I'm going, Raul. Let's go.
We should have left this place sooner.
Oh, Bete, you're the one
who wanted to stay put here.
Just to make sure
Yara got her inheritance.
- Speaking of, where is she?
- Yeah, where is?
Yara? Hey, Yara!
- Yara!
- Yara!
No idea where she went.
She's not here.
It's okay, baby, just
Where is she?
- Oh dear Lord!
- How could she? I tell her all the time,
"Stay with me, stay with me."
Where did she go?
How come she left?
I think I'm about to have a heart attack!
Oh Jesus, calm down, Bete!
All right, come on, Bete.
Yara is really smart.
She's aware of her surroundings.
- I'm sure she's safe.
- Look to God,
because faith is confidence
in what we hope for
and assurance about what we do not see.
- It'll be okay.
- That girl is really quick.
Of course she's quick.
Our genetics are so damn fucking great.
Oh go on, my bravest son. Go find her!
- Ma, I just got back.
- I'm not talking about you.
I was referring to Áquila,
my boy with courage!
My being queer here in Brazil,
you have to be very queer,
because straight men
are a failing institution.
- Uh-huh.
- Hey, cutie,
we'll start the search here
on the first floor.
- There's way too many people upstairs.
- All right, yeah.
- What do you mean I don't have courage?
- Just go with him, boy, and quit whining.
I've spent so many years
trying to keep Yara from Jorginho,
and I was right to do that.
I know that I was.
If anything happens to Yara,
I'm definitely going to kill someone.
- Have some booze.
- Talk to God.
- Booze, Bete.
- God.
- Booze and God.
- My God
Oh my God! Oh my God!
Aphrodite! Aphrodite!
Aphrodite. Aphrodite.
Sweet Aphrodite.
- Where is it, Raul?
- Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Where's the fucking statue, Raul?
The son of a bitch took our gold,
Then let's go look for it. Come on.
- So, any sign of him?
- Oh God, Charles!
- Uh, no, nothing yet.
- Let's get this guy.
- Let's get him. See you, Charles.
- Yeah, see you, Charles.
Maurício, hang on.
We should split up.
No fucking way, Raul.
- I'm going with you.
- All right, then.
Come on. Let's go.
- Yara, my darling!
- Calm down, Bete.
- Okay, Bete, calm down.
- Where is that girl?
She's got to be here somewhere.
Yara? Yara! Oh my God!
Calm down, girl, for God's sake.
- What do we do?
- It'll be okay. Let's go.
If we don't find her,
we'll have to go into these woods.
Thyellen, thank you so much.
You know a mother can feel so desperate.
Okay, listen
I owe you at least an explanation
about what happened.
Let's focus on the real child.
We can discuss the fake one later, okay?
I have no idea what maternal instinct is,
and I really hope I never do.
But we'll find your Yara, Bete.
We'll find her.
Oh, Patrícia, I know that you really,
really hate us.
But I appreciate you caring
and worrying about Yara.
Sweetheart Okay, yes, I'm often hateful.
But I think you have to refocus
your hate sometimes.
And I'm pissed at this Washington,
Marconi, whatever his damn name is.
If the lights came back on,
it'd really help me find my daughter.
The next butler I employ will be forced
to take and to pass a lie detector test.
- You may not be getting another one.
- Come again? What was that?
You know what I mean.
You have no money.
The inheritance is a mess.
- You should rethink your priorities.
- Just, please.
Can I have five minutes of quiet?
- Yeah, because if you're
- Do you want to fight? Go ahead.
Just do it after we find Yara,
my little princess.
We'll do a DNA test so we can make sure,
and put this inheritance claim behind us
once and for all.
Oh! Oh God.
What did you find?
Nothing. Good chance someone stole her.
Oh my God! Yara was taken?
No. No. I mean the statue
- Ow!
- As of right now,
it's just too soon to tell, Miss Zanina.
So it's just better to wait
for the detective, right, Raul?
Yeah, Maurício. You're right.
My boys. So, did you find Yara?
No! She must still be hiding.
Did you see the criminal?
- No, we didn't.
- No, but we just got to keep looking.
- Let's go!
- All right. Let's go.
- Wait, Raul. Wait up.
- Oh my God.
Goddamn it, my phone is dead.
Marconi, drop everything
and get to the extraction point.
I'll be there in five.
What are you stealing
before running away?
And what's that about Jorginho
not being my dad?
How did you find your way up here?
Ha! One of the benefits of being young
and curious
is exploring around when bored
and finding a secret passage.
Don't you underestimate my abilities,
I was unlocking phones
when I was two months old, ask my mom.
Yeah, well, right now
you are playing with fire!
You are completely out of your league!
Hey, just tell me the truth.
Fine. Jorginho wasn't your father!
He never was!
And what are they hiding from me?
- It's over, Marconi. It's over for you.
- Don't move, Detective.
- Don't you move. I'll shoot!
- Hey, hey, calm down. Please. Just relax.
Don't worry, I'm relaxed,
because this bullet right here
is flying right in your direction.
You want to find out
who your father is?
Well, how about this.
We'll have the detective investigate!
Please stop this!
You're messing with her head!
He's trying to turn us against each other.
I'm not the one who created
all this trouble.
Jorginho did that.
I was just willing to deal with it.
What do you want here, Marconi?
I want you to turn around,
or I'll shoot you!
No, Charles!
Oh God, what was that?
My baby!
Charles! Charles!
Charles! Charles!
Yara. Yara.
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine. Are you hurt?
No, no. I'm fine, I'm fine.
Go be with your family.
And let me borrow your phone.
- Mine is dead.
- Here.
- A flashlight?
- Just shake it, Charles.
Américo, get the plane ready!
I'm getting on the chopper!
I've got it!
Duda, take this statue full of gold.
So, Mom
can you be honest with me?
Was Jorginho my father or not?
The truth is confusing sometimes, Yara.
So Washington was telling the truth, then?
I don't know.
What does that even mean?
I really don't know.
I really don't know.
That's the truth.
I just don't know.
I have always been your mother
and your father.
And I'm proud I'm proud of that.
I am too, Mom.
Well, I have some things to take care of,
and I'm really tired.
I need to get some sleep, all right?
- Okay?
- Hey.
Sorry to interrupt whatever plotting
is going on.
No, no, no, no. We are not plotting
anything here, Darlison.
After two people have died in this house,
I'd say that all the plotting here
is over.
So you were gonna bail without me?
Hey, what about you?
You were flying to Paris, weren't you?
And you were going to Switzerland.
Now that everything's over,
let's tell everybody about us.
I could move into your bedroom.
What do you think?
Sounds lovely.
But if you did move in here,
it would never work out.
No, no, we can't live here together,
The passion would be gone.
You're overexaggerating.
We'll still hang out in my room, though.
- You want to hang out?
- Yeah.
Hanging can be nice. Yeah, right?
I want you to really give it
plenty of thought.
Can we talk?
What's going on here?
It's embarrassing, you know?
I don't want to see anyone right now.
I can't believe it.
I don't even know how to have a kid.
Nobody knows how to.
This thing is just something
most people learn as they go.
How to instruct the mind
of a fragile being.
No, I was talking about making it.
Oh, Maurício,
I'm a virgin.
All right.
Well, then
Listen, I
I know I'm not the type of guy
that pastors are usually fond of.
I think I'd have a better chance
being blessed by the devil.
Right about that.
when I first got here to this big mansion
I was thinking that you were a big jerk.
But charming.
Though I was being a bit difficult too.
And after a while, I
I fell for you.
I liked you a lot.
I can't believe I just said that out loud.
And I fell for you too.
And I think I like you better now
that we've been honest with each other.
Because we're human.
And that's hard. It just is.
And I have a proposal for you.
If you find me a pastor
who can just be a little more relaxed,
who accepts me as I am
I'll ask his blessing to become
your boyfriend.
Okay, wait a sec. Let me explain.
Let's pray about it first, okay?
Then we ask the pastor for blessings
from our god.
Then we go on a few dates,
and we just keep things
Let's begin.
Yeah, right now.
Let's do it now.
You know the statue is broken.
Mm-hmm. So what?
So, I wanted to let you know
you're my muse again.
Raul, I can't be your muse again,
because I never was in the first place.
You can't go back to being something
that never was.
Xandra, when you open your heart
and I make it big time,
I'll give you everything you ever wanted.
A house, a car, things.
Xandra, we're into each other.
Forever, babe.
Isn't it beautiful?
The creator and the creation, huh?
Come on, Xandra, don't be like that now.
We've got a great future here!
She's into me. Yeah.
Thanks, Cezinha.
As you all know,
the case has been closed
due to a lack of a defendant.
Washington, or Marconi, ended up being
a victim of his own greedy nature.
And Jorginho thought his gold trafficking
and tax evasion schemes,
his offshore businesses,
wouldn't be ever discovered.
So then, Charles,
tell us what happened.
How did Washington poison Jorginho?
Let's get to the facts.
At first, we thought Jorginho had died
from the stabbing inflicted by Xandra.
However, the autopsy report showed us
that Jorginho had suffered and died
from some sort of major heart failure.
At first, we thought a heart attack
was to blame.
- Oh, med
- Jorginho?
But this, of course,
was after attempting to murder him
with an explosion by leaking gas,
an act of sabotage which Washington claims
was actually caused by Maurício.
Of course, Jorginho was under pressure.
Others were trying to take advantage.
To deceive him.
Thyellen, give it to me.
Help me, Thyellen. Thyellen!
Not to mention the blackmailing
in the past.
And the betrayal in the present.
He was threatened in every possible way.
If desire alone could land you in prison,
then everyone here
would be locked up right now.
Though, actually, after the gas explosion
in the shed failed to work out,
Jorginho returned to his office,
where some poisoned tea
was just waiting there to kill him.
Cause of death:
cardiac arrest, which was set off
by the ingestion of oleander,
which is a plant so common it was found
right out in this very garden,
and picked by the treacherous hands
of a mentor humiliated,
who finally got his revenge
and caused his own death.
A killer so cunning,
he waited for years
for an opportunity to have just
the perfect alibi, and also nine suspects.
Jorginho had control over Marconi
with this dossier here.
It contains every single crime,
and felony committed by Marconi Gonçalves.
It's why he murdered him.
The nine suspects in this room
narrowly escaped
because there isn't any actual evidence
against them.
So, what do we do now, Charles?
Well, we can divide the inheritance
the way it should be done.
Mm, that really gets messy, though.
Seems too difficult.
- Well
- What, we just wait around empty-handed?
Charles, is it possible to do anything
right now while we're waiting?
Wait a second.
Do you think all the statues
Oh my God! Go!
Come on, people! Hold on a second.
Mine! Here.
Yeah, get it in deep. Uh-huh.
- Good.
- Now we just wait for some blessed soul
to come take this white elephant
off our hands.
Well, I put up signs here
in so many different languages,
just so it could bring in some buyers
from overseas,
since the house is so undervalued.
It's hard to sell a house this big.
And while we're waiting to sell,
I see no problem having a pool party,
Oh boy.
Well, my first priority is Salvador.
But while I'm waiting on my tickets,
I think I can enjoy the pool, yeah?
Yeah, girl!
I'm gonna get my bathing suit, bitch.
I'll go get my guitar.
I'm feeling inspired.
Oh no! Please don't.
Oh, hey there, Detective.
Isn't the investigation over?
Yeah, it is, but now that everything
has been solved,
we could get an ice cream,
or watch a movie, or do something.
You're no longer a suspect.
You're out of the investigation.
So I don't think it'd be a problem.
Well, all right.
I will, um I will let you know.
Come, come.
I found this in the garden.
- Is that phone Washington's?
- It's Marconi's, Charles.
You'll be shocked
to hear the message on it.
Get the plane ready.
I'm getting on the chopper!
Why are you here?
So there was a
There was someone who pushed him.
Someone from the house, Charles.
Why are you here?
The criminal had a vested interest
in killing Washington off as a culprit.
And no one got in or out.
And now we still have nine suspects.
And a killer walks among us still.
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