Upstairs, Downstairs (1971) s01e05 Episode Script

A Suitable Marriage

[ Kiss .]
Sir? Bring some champagne to the drawing room when I ring.
I think a bottle of the Krug.
Very good, sir.
- Well, Angus, my boy.
- I'm sure you had a very good idea what I want to talk to you about.
Yes, I have a faint inkling.
Well, uh, shall we have some brandy.
Thank you, sir.
That'd be most pleasant.
Coffee, darling? No, thank you, Mother.
Don't be so restless.
Ohh, what's taking so long? They can't be discussing his prospects.
All England knows Angus owns half Scotland.
- I remember when you father was asking for -Oh, Mother, please! Go on bell, ring.
What for? Oh, that's how we know, stupid.
But that's the sign.
From heaven.
Oh, for Mr.
Hudson to take up the champagne.
- For the engagement.
- Anybody would think it was you's betrothed to the young Scottish lad.
Aren't you excited? I must admit to enlivening an otherwise routine week.
He's lovely, isn't he? Lovely.
Very suitable.
But I never thought we'd marry an Angus, some how.
Thean Angus what? His name.
See, I always thought she'd marry aaa Michael, or William.
Or a Peregrine or an Arbuthnot.
Oh, you've got no romance in you, you haven't.
[ Slurp .]
[ Piano playing .]
Oh, Mother.
Oh, dearest, don't be nervous.
Your father will handle it all beautifully.
I don't think I can go through with it.
What's the matter, darling, you You know Angus so well, and you like him so much.
That'sjust the trouble.
I like him, but I don't love him.
D'you really mean that? Yes I think I do.
Well, thenYou'd better think about it very seriously.
What sort of person would you marry, Alfred? Let's see uh.
It wouldn't be your coloring for a start.
It'd be, uh,fair.
Fair? And Christian.
Oh, that gives you a lot to choose from.
And they'd have a certain notoriety.
What? D'you mean wicked? Aye, wicked.
Would you marry a wicked person? Definitely.
[ Hudson singing .]
- Soft suds, that's the only way.
- Ha.
What? Now, that Miss Elizabeth's chosen a Scotsman.
Aren't you, Mr.
Hudson? I must admit to a certain satisfaction.
Ah, like the cat's got at the cream.
Sir, it must be clear to you from the frequent visits to your host that my designs are honorable intentions on your daughter.
In short, I'm asking you for her hand, you know.
I didn't know you could speak Welsh.
Well, Angus, I think that's covered all the details.
All that's left for me now is to offer you my warmest congratulations and welcome you into the family.
Thank you very much, sir.
Well, let's have another drink.
And I'llbreak the happy news to the ladies.
[ Door opens; bell rings .]
Here it is.
That's it.
(Ambusule), Rose.
Keep calm.
Well, it's not every day that something like this happens, Mr.
Thank heavens for that.
But there's no knowing of the capriciousness of modren young girls nowadays.
Herewas he gettin' at me? I don't know.
Hudson speaks in riddles like the Sphinx.
You can take that back.
It won't be needed.
Thank you.
I'm very sorry Angus dear, but I can't marry you.
You can't mean that.
I'm sorry, but I've changed my mind.
What is this? Or what's happened? Oh, but please try to understand.
Angus, you're very sweet and very kind, and you're going to make someone a wonderful husband, but not me.
[ Sigh .]
Miss Elizabeth! You led me to believe I know, and I, I blame myself.
I just hope that one day you'll forgive me.
Oh, it's got nothing to do with you, believe me.
Perhaps I'm just not made for marriage.
II don't know, I I don't think I shall marry for a long time, anyway.
I have to see the possibilities of life first.
[ Sigh .]
You say that as the life at Longbrae with me had no possibilities.
As it could have, Elizabeth.
Oh, yes, we'd have to live there most of the time, true.
But you'd love the lochs and the moors,and we'd travel.
We'd go to other countries, as well.
And we'd have fine children to love and to look after.
And to be proud of.
It's no good, Angus.
I hope you've thought about this very carefully.
Yes, I have Father, really I have.
I'm sorry I've caused so much trouble.
[ Door slams shut .]
Maybe she'll change her mind again, with time.
Knowing Elizabeth as I do, once she has made up her mind to do something, there's precious little one can do to change it.
Uh, believe me Angus, you have my my sympathy and my affection.
Thank you, sirI value it.
[ Sigh .]
I think, perhaps, there's little point in my staying any longer.
Yes, AngusI understand.
[ Opens door .]
McAllister is leaving.
Very good, sir.
Well, goodbye, my boy.
I'm sorry.
Yes, well,goodbye sir.
[ Knock on door .]
Come in.
[ Door shuts .]
Oh, Papa, I'm sorry.
No, no, my darling, it it was just that Angus seemed, in the view of your mother and myself, to to embrace all the virtues.
Embrace all the virtues? It would take a superman to embrace all the virtues, and a very dull superman, too.
You're misunderstanding me.
I know,deliberately.
I only mean well.
I know you do, Papa, and you make things much easier just by being there.
Poor AngusD'you think I hurt him very much? Given time, he'll get over it.
And find a much nicer girl than me.
I would like to be married, but not yet.
And not to dear, sweet Angus.
I mean, can you imagine me banished to all those acres in Inverness-Shire.
I'd be lost to you both and to myself.
But, my girl knows best.
And I only want her to be happy.
[ Kiss .]
My dear, I do sympathize.
Daughters can be such a trial.
I sometimes wish were back in those simple, barbaric days when things were just arranged, just a fait accompli.
My bill, please.
Of course, Paul Angus MacAllister, for all the evidence of his ability, is just a teeny bit of an encumbrance.
You know he pursued Agatha all last spring.
She had to be quite (real strict) with him in the end.
Really? Dick, my dear fellow.
Uh, may I join you? Adam.
Of course.
Do sit down.
Thank you.
Will you have a drink? - Thanks very much, old boy.
- Purvis! - What will you take.
- A whisky and soda.
I say,there's the most jolly rumor circulating that your daughter snubbed old Amos MacAllister's son.
Is it really true? Well, if you chose to put it that way.
Well, I must say.
Couldn't be more delighted.
Have you, I'm sorry for the boy.
He's not a bad, young cove.
But anything that sets old Amos' nose awry has me prancing with delight! Ha, ha, ha.
Heh, heh, but I hope there will be no political repercussions.
The Scots are just too sensitive about it.
They'll probably start wanting home rule again.
[ Both laugh .]
Oh, Rose, I seem to have caused so much trouble.
D'you think I should have married him? No, Miss.
Lizzie, not if you didn't love him.
He was so suitable.
Yes, I know, but all the same.
Have you ever had your young man? What, Miss.
Lizzie? The one you nearly married.
To take my mind off myself.
He was killed, Miss.
I thought you knew.
Oh yes, Rose, I'm sorry.
There, why you see I was only thinking of myself.
Oh, we must remedy this immediately.
How? A series of outings, uh, new interests.
Painting exhibitions, concerts, and you shall accompany me.
- Me, Miss.
Lizzie? - You, Rose.
And we shall start this very afternoon, if we can find something suitable.
Uh, Alfred, have you seen Rose? It's her afternoon off, Mr.
Yes, yes, I know that, but she promised to help me decorate that infernal Christmas tree.
Why, well, she's going with Miss.
Elizabeth to one of them foreign concerts.
- How much, please.
- To shilling, please, Miss.
- Thank you.
Keep the change.
- Thank you.
Good night.
Well, Rose, aren't you glad you came? Your first Lieder concert.
- And wasn't Helena Gerhart splendid? - Yes Miss Lizzie.
- Oh, Rose, you weren't listening.
You were bored stiff.
- I wasn't.
- Yawing, I still bore you.
Well, I, I think it takes a bit of getting used to.
You're quite right, and you shall get used to it.
We'll go again.
Look, it's snowing quite hard.
Perhaps we shall have a white Christmas.
I think you better go in, Miss Lizzie.
You'll get your death of cold.
And so will you, Rose.
I'll see you later.
And thank you very much for taking me, Miss Lizzie.
It was very kind of you.
Nonsense, I enjoyed taking you.
[ Rings door bell .]
[ Door opens .]
- Ah, Miss Elizabeth.
- Thank you, Hudson.
It's snowing.
When are you going to decorate the tree? Shortly, Miss, I'd better take your coat in case it's damp.
I trust you enjoyed the concert? Very much, thank you, Hudson.
I took Rose.
So I was informed, Miss.
Well, it was her afternoon off.
Is Mother at home? Yes, Miss, she is receiving a visitor in the drawing room.
Ah, friend or foe? Beg pardon, Miss? I mean, should I go in or slip by the door unnoticed? I think her ladyship would be pleased to see you.
The visitor is foreign.
You make it sound as if her ladyship is positively threatened, Hudson.
How foreign? Just a little bit foreign, like a Scotsman? He's a German gentleman.
I understand he made your acquaintance in Dresden.
- Oh? - A Baron von Rimmer.
[ Singing .]
Von Rimmer, von Rimmer.
Kommen sie himmer.
Baron Klaus von Rimmer.
We met at the (Tezent's) tennis party.
(Tezent's)? Tennis? Yes, darling, you remember.
She has every reason to forget, Lady Marjorie.
I remember she was suffering with a grievous head cold.
It was very gallant of her to attend at all.
Oh, yes, now I remember.
Oh, forgive me, Baron I was in misery that day.
On the contrary, you looked enchanting.
Only your game was a little affected.
[ Sigh .]
The baron is staying in London for a few weeks to study Banking methods over here at the Deutsche Reich's Bank.
I hope you'll forgive my presumption in calling on you.
It's no presumption, Baron.
We're delighted to receive you.
Aren't we, Elizabeth? We should be more than delighted, Mother dear, we should be deeply honored.
That of all the people the Baron must know in London he should have singled us out.
We scarcely exchanged more than six words at the (Tezent's) tennis party.
- Elizabeth! - Oh, no, please.
At first, let me say I have very few friends in London.
I was feeling lonely in my lodgings in Victoria and I remembered that among the six words I exchanged with a certain delightful Fraulein Bellamy were included the names Schubert and Goethe, who between them produced some of the finest Leider sounds - But, I've just finished - For us just run into the Baron.
Isn't that a coincidence? You've been hearing the exquisite Gerhart.
Yes, she was superb.
(Ist enna daschem mandischen sängerin die ich kenne.
) - You know Helena Gerhart? - Yes.
I was once privileged to study with her in Munich.
Tell us about her, please.
With pleasure.
Did you make much of it, then? What's that, Mr.
Hudson? The concert of course.
Oh, it was lovely.
When you got used to it.
I hoped you aren't fooled into thinking it was the cat's whiskers in musical entertainment.
No, I've got a mind of me own.
And I hope it stays your own, Rose.
There are dangers being maid to a headstrong young lady like Miss Elizabeth.
Oh, what's she done to upset you, Mr.
Hudson? Nothing in particular.
I'm referring more to the matter of respect.
It has to work both ways.
Hu-hu, I know that.
All very well packing young mistresses off to foreign parts to advance their education, but it's not altogether a good thing, in my opinion.
They get taken advantage of.
Oh, in what way? Oh, heads filled up with foolish ideas.
Manners forgotten.
Loyalties questioned.
And don't think it's not calculated by the foreign teachers.
There's a special name for it.
Well? Subversion, if you want to know it.
That is a deliberate pulling up the roots of a country through its young men and young women.
Twisting their minds so that in a time of crisis [ Rose laughing .]
Oh, Mr.
Hudson! You're not suggesting that our Miss Lizzie I'm not suggesting anything, Rose, I'm simply giving warning.
The signs are all there.
Pray God I'm wrong.
What signs, Mr.
Hudson? Mr.
Hudson has some funny notions.
That's enough of that.
Carrying on again about them dirty foreigners again, are you? And that's enough from you, young man.
I thought it were, Mr.
But her ladyship asked me to inform you that the Baron is staying for dinner.
Uh-huh, no sooner than I returned from Dresden they went to work on me.
Preparing me for the season.
You know about the season? Oh, yes, of course, the season.
- Really, darling.
- It's true! While I was aching to talk about music and philosophy and the people I met they had me walking and dancing and bobbing up and down - like one of Professor Pavlov's dogs.
- Heh.
That's a terrible exaggeration.
We simply asked she shouldn't go into the room like a battering ram.
Oh, Mother, how indelicate, a battering you at the very the least.
Ha, ha, ha.
Same sort of problem in your family, Baron? - Oh, yes, my mother with my little sister.
- Ah.
I see.
You take their side? You prefer young ladies to be simply frivolous and vain.
Very well, that's how you shall have it.
The room for compromise.
You can express yourself within the framework of society How, Baron? When I am told it is not ladylike, indeed, worse.
It is a serious disadvantage for a girl to be so clever.
My Aunt Kate's words.
How could I express myself? I'm the educated daughter of a politician, and I'm expected to discuss the weather.
No politics? You see, Baron, because of my husband's position there is a real danger that Elizabeth could be taken advantage of.
Oh, yes, I see.
What my dear mother really means is that she's afraid I might misbehave and cause a scandalare.
But, I'd never compromise my Papa.
I love him far too much.
Um,well you're getting a glimpse into our society, Baron.
How does it compare with yours in Germany? Most similar, sir, in spite of Elizabeth's protest.
But, then, I'm much in love with England.
- Why? - Why? Yes, you've seen very little of it.
Oh, it's not the quantity.
It's the quality of life that charms me.
And, uh, I must declare an interest.
I have a cousin by marriage who was related to Queen Victoria.
- More than we can boast of.
- Ha, ha.
But, I'mvery much concerned for England, now that these intrepid Liberals have taken power.
Why do you use that word intrepid? Because they wish to disarm.
Don't write us off too soon.
There's still the election to come.
In Germany Mr.
Balfour is much admired.
Even if he sees Germany as a potential enemy, and has taken measures to strengthen our defenses? All countries have the right to protect their own shores.
And the more everyone is protected, the less possibility of war.
I'm sure your father would agree with me.
You would spend money on arms which might more profitably help the poor and uneducated.
It's the poor and uneducated who first need our protection.
I'm sure we'd all agree with that, but the conversation is becoming much too serious.
Can't we think of a more diverting topic? Tell us about you lodgings, Baron.
Did you say they were in Victoria? Yes, they are.
After your terrifying experiences in Victoria, I only hope that this is free of bedbugs.
I have no such fear.
Now then, I take it you have no valet.
That is so.
My uncle who's anxious I should make this trip virtually incognito, and I should have no special favors.
He is the director of the bank I'm studying at.
What will he say, now I've found myself such a delightful home? Well, but you must be looked after.
You shall be valeted by Alfred, here, for the duration of your stay.
That would seem (athrober).
You are very kind.
Thank you.
Mother, dear, how impulsive you are.
Whatever will the gossips say? Don't be idiotic.
Yes, Baron.
King Alfred über the cakes.
So I am told, Baron, but it's my duty, usually, to hand them around.
My dear, there's no point in hiding the fact.
You've unearthed a potential lion after his spanking debut at the Morrison's last night.
How did you come by him? I didn't come by him, Prudence.
You make me sound some sort of beachcomber, on the qui vive a (pavillion-puller).
Not a bad description.
Don't you think this might be a bit heavy for spring? - Oh, no Lady Prudence.
Show me something in a lighter weight, girl.
If you really want to know, he came by us.
You mean he just materialized on the doorstep? More or less.
Elizabeth met him very briefly in Dresden.
Well, well, so she's captured a baron.
I'm surprised, dear, I must say.
After her rather unorthodox behavior since her return.
Not exactly the glittering belle jeune fille.
Ah, now that's much more my color.
- Yes, and it's softer.
- Umm.
Yes, I like this.
it has style.
Give me ten yards.
- Do you wish we it sent, Lady Pru? - No.
Have it wrapped and taken out to my carriage.
[ Sigh .]
I suppose he is a baron.
I mean a real one.
Well, of course he his.
He's a true blue Junker.
The de Tocquevilles know his family Oh, well, that's a relief.
One hears such dreadful stories these days.
One's confidence in foreign gentlemen is apt to be blunted.
Oh, now that would make a lovely dress for dear Agatha.
She can wear bright colors.
Is he in love with her? With Elizabeth? Well, of course, who else are we talking about? It's much to early to talk of such things.
She's only known him a week.
Actually, I think it's rather the opposite.
She's not at all impressed by him.
Oh, well then you must bring him to dinner with us without delay.
Agatha's home and looking quite ravishing.
Prudence, I have no intention of parading him like a prize bull.
Nonsense, Marjorie, what else would you do with him? Yes, that would definitely suit Agatha.
Send me six yards.
- With pleasure, Lady Prudence.
[ Piano playing .]
Bravo, bravo.
(Farhen sich my deutschen musik in England gitz farhen auf der compositzen.
) Zum beispiel? Elgar.
Ja, vielleicht.
Vielleicht? - Now, here is a tune, listen.
- Tune.
- Listen.
[ Elizabeth chuckles .]
- You're laughing at me.
- [ Elizabeth laughs .]
All the time you make fun of me, why? My protection against you.
You need protection? Like the poor and uneducated.
[ Singing .]
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles.
- [ Elizabeth .]
Über alles in der Welt, - [ Baron .]
God save our gracious King, - [ Elizabeth laughing .]
- [ Baron .]
Long live our noble King.
[ Both laugh .]
We have a good time in here, don't we? Now,you play.
Oh, no, please.
Oh, yes, I insist.
Since you claim to have studied with Helena Gerhart.
The stage is yours.
[ Baron plays fluently .]
- You sing? - [ Elizabeth signals "no" .]
[ Door closes .]
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Hudson.
Good morning, Lady Marjorie.
Oh, good morning, Klaus dear.
Did you sleep well? - To borrow an English expression: Like a top, Lady Marjorie.
- Good.
- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, Baron.
Scrambled eggs, I think.
And some coffee, please.
Aunt Kate writing from Monte Carlo.
She said she's all right, but the place is infested withFrenchmen.
Well, that's not surprising, is it? No.
Good news, I hope, in the world.
I beg your pardon? Newspaper.
Oh, yes.
What are your plans for the day, Klaus? Well, Elizabeth has promised to take me to the houses of parliament.
Oh, that'll be nice.
Have we chosen an interesting day? Eh, not at all, I'm afraid.
Most of it'll be taken up by some minor fishing squabble.
A naval matter? Are you particularly interested in naval matters? Hmm, the sea's in our family.
I thought it was banking.
Both: One uncle is a banker; another an admiral.
Christmas card from that fearful Lady Mackwood.
Funny how she's always (the third).
Will you be at the House today, sir? I shall be later, but this morning I have a meeting.
(A material for fureal defense?) It's not a secret, is it? Elizabeth told me.
What did I tell you? - Morning, Mother dear.
- Morning, darling.
- Morning, Father.
- Morning, darling.
You must forgive my curiosity, sir, but I'm, ah, as you may have judged, a keen student of politics.
) - In the theory, or the practice of? - Both.
- Uh, tea or coffee, Miss Elizabeth? - Coffee.
This is from (Tendy Martinger) back in England.
We must ask her over.
Perhaps we could talk sometime.
Her handwriting hasn't improved.
- I should be delighted, Baron.
- This evening? Not this evening, Klaus.
We're going to the de Tocquevilles then on to the opera.
- Sometime soon, I hope.
- Oh, surely.
If you'll excuse me a moment.
- Ow.
- Oh, dear.
Can I do anything? No, uh, thank you.
With Alfred's help.
Did you want to speak to me? Yes, uh, [ Clears throat .]
Is it serious? Oh, no, nothing that can't be worked out with Alfred seeing to it.
What? You mean the spill? No, I meant the relationship between Elizabeth and our guest.
Ha, ha, ha.
And I thought I detected something across the table between them.
Well, now you come to mention it, yes I think there has been a change.
Why, darling, does it worry you? No, not yet.
He is a Junker, you know.
One of the best and worthiest families.
She could do worse.
Oh, yes.
He could be a tradesman's son with radical views.
[ Laughing .]
Oh, really.
[ Alfred enters singing .]
We sang, we sang, we two.
The outies of power.
The amen You're lookin' very pleased with yourself.
We're in love.
Who's "we"? We, yes, ah, in a manner of speaking.
What are you talking about? Being but the reflections of our masters.
- Oh, Alfred.
Get off.
- Ah, dat, tat, taaa.
- Mrs.
Bridges's here.
- Dat, tat, taaaa.
- Put me down.
- Ha, ha, ha.
Laughing, Mr.
Hudson? Don't you believe in love? I believe in it.
If it's kept in its place.
But not between us and them, eh? Foreigners.
D'you wanna know something? Germany's beginning to appeal to me.
I've been hearing a lot about it lately.
When? In the course of my duties.
Why don't you go there, then? D'you know I might, and all.
What's this? Huh? Oh, I was wondering when you'd notice it.
D'you like it? Where'd you get it? It's a present from my master.
The baron gave you that? I serve no other master.
Not at the moment, anyway.
[ Loud .]
What's wrong? There's no law against getting present, is there? It is Christmas, Mr.
Well, you got what you asked for.
I was spellbound.
Such pomp and tradition.
[ Indistinct German? .]
[ Big Ben chimes .]
Your Thames is very wide here.
Not so wide as the Rhine at (Koess).
But more important.
Are we as great as the fatherland? Oh, in some ways, greater.
- Your empire.
- Cracking.
- System of government.
- Poof.
The men it produces.
Men like your father, incorruptible.
[ Laughing .]
Why do you laugh? He's a clergyman's son.
It must show.
And he wouldn't thank you for it.
Makes him sound like one of those old diehards.
[ Tugboat whistle .]
He's more liberal? Oh, careful.
He's, uh, what shall we say, open minded.
- Flexible, I think.
- Flexible.
Hmm, what you have to realize about Father is, he married into the party.
Oh, he was very clever, anyway, to Oxford (at least), but he owes his career entirely to my mother's family.
Yes, rather.
I think he feels trapped on the home front.
That's why he's concentrated more on foreign affairs.
I, I may be wrong.
I assume from what you say, that he's dependent on your mother's family financially.
Oh, yeah, everybody knows that.
Is he ambitious? Much as the next man.
But, it would need a courageous, perhaps unorthodox step for him truly to break free.
Have yousomething to suggest? [ Chuckles .]
- Sorry about the delay.
I had something to discuss with the speaker.
- It's freezing out here.
Come in and have some tea.
[ Piano playing .]
[ Door opens .]
- Oh, there you are, Baron.
- Good evening, sir.
[ Door closes .]
I was just admiring your chandelier.
Oh, really.
Nothing very remarkable about it.
Are you sure? Reminds me of one I once saw in Florence.
Very beautiful, and very valuable.
Baron, let's stop all this.
Shall we? You clearly have a proposition to make.
Why don't you frankly declare yourself? And then I can call off the hounds, who are at this very moment making an exhaustive study of your background.
Nothing would give me greater pleasure.
My business card.
I see.
Well, I was never convinced by your banking story.
So, they're employing young barons to do their sales talk these days? I thought you might have known that.
Come on, Rose.
Tell my the symptoms.
Ho, ho, you're asking me, Miss Lizzie? Yes, you read Hilda's Home Companion.
Isn't that what they're always concerned with? Oh, I think it's a bit different in there.
Oh, why should it be? It's the same for all of us.
We all get the same pain.
You've got a pain, Miss.
Lizzie? - Yes, Rose.
- Where about? All over.
It's rather delicious.
For the fact is, I don't like him very much.
- You don't like him? - No.
Can you believe that? I love himI think.
But, I don't like him.
Oh, Rose, isn't it marvelous.
Aren't you happy for me? Yes, Miss Lizzie.
I am happy.
Someone isn't.
Oh, it's nothing like that.
And I know I shouldn't say anything, really, but it's Mr.
Hudson? Yeah, well,it's nothing against the baron personally.
It's just a general disliking of the foreigners.
He will keep going on about it.
He's heard that there are thousands of Germans already in this country on the south coast, working as waiters and hairdressers, but, they're all really trained soldiers and if there ever should be an invasion they'll all rise up and slaughter us in our beds.
[ Elizabeth laughs .]
So you see your country, not France, as our aggressor.
Oh, yes, of course.
Don't you? Germany plans to absorb Holland into her empire.
We have seventy million people.
We want commercial preeminence.
England has only forty million.
France the same.
So, you'll have to join forces.
And the low countries will be the battlefield.
Can't be long delayed.
Particularly if the Liberals gain power and try to disarm.
In the event of war, I don't think you'd find us unprepared.
That is not enough, sir.
To maintain peace and avert catastrophe, your fleet must actually be superior.
And your German munitions company have suggestions to keep us superior, in the interests of peace? Mr.
Bellamy, there are many in my country, artists, physicians, philosophers, and ordinary peoplewho are appalled at the upsurge of nationalism, who seek only to live their lives in a peaceful and united Europe.
And some of them work in armaments firms? - Yes, why not? - Oh, come now, Baron.
We all know about the gentleman who sell arms to both sides and stand back and watch them engage.
What is it you have to sell? It's a new form of naval gun mounting for His Majesty's battle ships.
These are some, uh, preliminary details and costs.
You will see, as you study it, it's far superior to anything that Vickers has to offer at the present time.
Well, naturally, of course, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
If, i.
any deal of this sort would give you access to many of our naval secrets.
Most of your secrets are known to us already, I'm told.
- As I continually emphasis, we seek only - Yes, yes.
Tell me why didn't you approach our government, from the proper channel? I'm sorry, sir, you are former Under-Secretary of State for the Admiralty and a member of the Committee of Imperial Defence.
Are you not a proper channel? I was referring to your befriending of my daughter in Dresden, and your subsequent maneuverings into my household.
Oh, my dear chap, I don't particularly mind.
I was just curious to know how you fellows operate these days.
I admit I had to gain access to your confidence.
Using Elizabeth? Yes, 'twas my method.
But it was in your best interests, too.
My company couldn't openly approach the British government.
The selling of arms is a most delicate matter for all concerned.
So really, you're just testing the bath water? A little more positive than that, I hope.
But, uh, as for the feelings which have developed between Elizabeth and myself here, this is a separate matter and will remain separate from any dealings we might have.
Well, I don't see how you can divorce the two things entirely, - but, no matter.
- (As a person), you are mistrustful.
Sir, I have the greatest respect for your daughter.
I would never do anything to hurt her feelings.
Yes, all right.
I've no doubt she can take care of herself.
Uh, tell me, uh, what are you expecting me to do with these papers? When you've satisfied yourself they're genuine, to use your influence and persuade your government to enter a contract with my company.
But, haven't you come to the wrong chap.
I mean, I'm no longer part of this government, nor likely to be.
You remain on the Committee of Imperial Defence.
And that is what matters to us.
Perhaps I should add that the contract would be made, for obvious political reasons, to a Swiss subsidiary which my company will control, of course.
Well, Baron,I'll look through these papers, and if I see fit And it goes without saying, should you be interested in a substantial shareholding in this Swiss company, I mean you personally, can be arranged.
I see, yes.
Such financial interlockings between our two countries - can only enhance the prospects of peace.
- Indeed.
However, there's plenty of time to discuss this side of things.
You see this new design is Oh, sorry, am I interrupting? [ Speaks German .]
[ Replies in German .]
- Thank you, Purvis.
- Thank you, sir.
You've read the documents? - Rather.
- What d'you think of the bona fide? - Oh, absolutely.
- And the price? Very fair.
So, under normal circumstances we might have bought.
Why not buy now? Oh, my dear Admiral.
It's obvious what's behind it.
They're trying to set up an intelligence organization right in our ( ) midst.
Well, don't you agree? I can't deny it's possible.
Thank you.
But you've got to consider the types you're dealing with.
Thieves are moments creatures.
They're above nationalistic considerations.
I mean just look at their pedigrees as individuals.
Half the nations of Europe in their power.
They're in it purely and simply for the loot.
What about their agents, men like Von Rimmer? - They're dedicated Anglophobes.
- Uh huh.
- Hmm.
Very interesting specimens.
I say Is it true what I hear about this fellow and your daughter? Oh, never mind that.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I'm sorry.
Well, uh, let's just think for a minute.
Uh, military speaking they shall be (closer).
And it's politically sound, vis-à-vis the election of the Liberals.
Yes, we could whip up a scare about Turpitz's ever-growing fleet.
And, uh, on the personal front I take it you've been offered a hefty bribe? - Umm.
- Well, haven't you? Shares in a Swiss bank.
- Um, standard procedure.
- Is it? Of course.
Oh, I forgot, you're new to this game.
Yes, sopersonally, we'd start the game.
We? You'd count me in, wouldn't you.
Ki-talley-ho and off to the east and away we go.
Ho, ho, ho.
Couple of shifty profiteers, huh? Huh.
Will you never be persuaded? I can't forget my humble and pious origins.
- I know, Dickand that's you epitaph.
- Huh.
Meantime, what do we do about the baron? We can't make a move against him, until we've actually agreed to be corrupted.
Well, uh, yes, uh,uh, these people usually have a few incriminating documents they want us to sign.
We'd better wait for them, I suppose.
We'll need a witness.
Well, that's easy enough.
I think the best thing is to rig up a meeting.
Say, uh, dinner at your house next week? - He plans to leave next Tuesday.
- Monday, then.
Sort of fond farewell.
You agree? Good.
It, it's time we passed on one of them.
In Germany Christmas Eve is the truer moment of Christmas.
Tell me about it.
What do you do? Well, uh, in my family, father and mother decorate the Christmas tree.
Nobody is allowed to see it until they have finished and the candle is still lit.
Father rings a little bell, and we all go in and we look at the tree, and the children sing carols, and we all open our presents.
Go on.
Well, uh, we always have snow for Christmas.
And the pine trees around the house stand out white against the sky.
And the stars glitter in the cold.
It's beautiful, like fairyland.
Tell me some more.
Then we have our great big Christmas dinner.
We have goose every year.
It's a tradition in my family.
And we have lots of wine.
Andwe all have the feeling there's no other place on earth to be on Christmas Eve.
Can you understand that? Not even here, with me? Of course, with you-- but not here--there.
Then take me with you.
To Germany tomorrow? Why not? Your family.
Oh, they wouldn't mind.
Take me with you, please.
I love you.
I want to share everything with you.
I, I want to be with your family on Christmas Eve.
I want to see your candles lit and hear your carols.
Please, Klaus It would make me very happy, and I'd make you happy, too, I promise you.
No, it's not possible.
Next year, perhaps.
My bill, please.
There you are, darling.
I was beginning to worry.
Our dinner guests will be going in an hour.
You must forgive me, Lady Marjorie, it was entirely my fault.
- After the exhibition which was enchanting.
- Boring.
He persuaded me to have tea at Ganderswich - which was delicious.
- Delicious.
It's only that Elizabeth takes so long to dress, these days.
Oh, Mother, how unfair.
Now, you know you do, darling.
You spent all of my trim tree with Rose.
- Hello, Papa.
- Goodnight [ Kiss .]
[ Elizabeth trips .]
- Oh.
Good evening, sir.
I have the agreement regarding the Swiss company.
You colleague is coming tonight? Yes.
I also have preliminary contracts with the (dealing's) staff.
I think neither he nor yourself will be disappointed.
- That, of course, will take some time.
- Oh, of course, of course.
But tonight we set the wheels in motion.
- Will you excuse me, Lady Marjorie? - Yes, of course.
- Your bath's ready, Baron.
Thank you, Alfred.
It suits you.
Thank you, Baron.
You have been using this? [ Loudly .]
Yes? Yes, yes.
You stupidyou stupid, stupid boy! - A little touch was all.
- I don't care for myself.
You can taketake what you want! But, what about the family.
What will Elizabeth, her father, her mother say, if you serve them dinner and you stink.
Stink! Sorry, herr.
Sorry, herr.
So you should be.
- I'mnot worthy, herr.
No, you're not worthy.
Howeveron you feet.
[ Loud .]
Up, I said! And now, come here.
And be forgiven.
[ Alfred sobs .]
Miss Elizabeth, you're lying on that frock I put out for you.
- You'll spoil it.
- I don't care.
He's leaving, and I want to go with him.
He'll be coming back.
I don't see why he should, since he doesn't love me.
Of course he loves you.
Whatever makes you say such a thing? Oh, I don't know.
Run me a bath.
You haven't got time.
Besides, the baron has taken over the hot water.
The baron,then I shall go and step into it with him.
Miss Elizabeth, how can you even imagine such a thing! [ Laughing .]
Don't be so shocked, Rose.
We're living in modern times.
[ Rose opens a door.
Sees a sight.
Door's slammed shut.
- Good evening, Lady Prudence.
- Good evening, Hudson.
We're not together, Hudson.
We both arrived on the doorstep at exactly the same moment.
A pure accident.
[ Rose crying .]
Delightful vision of a lady in distress? A mad house.
Rose, You get away from me.
Rose, how dare you behave like that in front of the guests! I'm sorry, Mr.
Hudson, but I [ Sobbing .]
What's the matter with you? Do you know why she's crying? Don't ask me.
It's nothing to do with me.
[ Bell rings .]
Right, upstairs.
You serve the drinks.
Go on with you now! Look sharp! [ Rose sobs .]
All right, Rose, now you tell me what this is all about.
I can't, Mr.
Hudson, but, I'm all right now.
I can't think why I was invited tonight.
And at the last minute.
Sorry, (it was my husband).
But he insisted we get someone for Adam.
Who could I honestly know but a friend? It's most unfortunate as far as I'm concerned.
I thought it was common knowledge I can't be in the same room as Mr.
Adam's league.
He once grossly insulted me in some matter.
I think you might have shown us more tact.
But that was ages ago.
And anyway I always wondered if it was quite true.
It was true.
It's high time you made it up.
[ Door opens; Elizabeth speaks .]
Ah, Klaus, there you are.
I think you know Lady Prudence, don't you? Oh, yes.
- Good evening.
- Baron, I don't think you've met Adam Blangridge, Baron Klaus von Rimmer.
What do you think? Yes, he runs the type.
That, uh, strong Teutonic bone structure.
Dashing for the ladies.
When do we get the documents to sign? After dinner.
(Who with the port's idea?) (Felice Fosse.
) Absolutely.
My dear Baron, we shall miss you terribly.
You've added luster to an otherwise dim season.
You'll find some excuse to return in the new year? Unfortunately, the Deutsche Reich's Bank has only given me only a limited number of their letters to study, and I've exhausted them all.
Then you must return on your own steam.
If you'll forgive the vulgarity.
I'm sure Elizabeth would wish it.
If they won't have you here, then you must come and stay with me.
The most eligible widow in London and a handsome young baron under the same roof.
What would the gossips say? I've got the baron here and now to return to us in, uh,January.
But after your elections.
We shall parade you on the hustings.
Then they'll have to give us women the vote.
- Ma'am, my dear.
You look younger and lovelier than ever.
Thank you.
Prudence, dear.
Come and look at this.
I picked it up in Southerby's the other day.
Oh, it's enchanting.
(I have a question I've longed to ask you.
) With the greatest of pleasure.
What did you do to Prudence in Sevastopol? [ Laughter .]
- Mother wants me to play for you after dinner.
Will you? - Well it won't please me.
I shall probably cry.
- Then Rose must get you a handkerchief.
- [ German reply .]
[ Light conversations .]
Hudson, could I have a word with you, please.
No, Rose.
Please, Mr.
Pull yourself together.
[ Indistinct .]
Are you absolutely sure about this? Have you told me everything? Yes, Mr.
But, you must understand.
I've never in all my days All right, Rose, I understand your feelings.
You go downstairs to the dining room.
Oh, I couldn't, Mr.
I couldn't serve at table tonight.
Not with Miss Elizabeth there, and me knowing what I know.
I still think he's I have got to keep working, Rose, so she's kept from knowing.
What about Alfred? You leave Alfred to me.
He won't be there.
And Rose keep all this to yourself, do you understand? Yes, Mr.
Good girl.
Off you go now.
I hear these new dreadnaught battleship things are absolutely no use at all, Sir.
They sink if you so much as look at them.
That may well be, dear Lady, if they come under your hypnotic gaze.
Go downstairs and wait in my pantry.
Stay there and talk to no one until I've seen you.
Off you go, now.
- Hudson, rum's nearly ready.
I think we are.
Very nearly, my lady.
- Hudson, where's Rose? She has duties in the dining room Miss Elizabeth - Oh, bummer.
I wanted her to fetch me a handkerchief.
Might I have a brief word with you, sir, in private? What, now, Hudson? If you would, sir.
It is possible of course, sir, that the girl was mistaken.
No, Rose, would never speak on such a matter unless she were certain.
That was my opinion, too, sir.
I take it the gentleman will not be staying for dinner.
On the contrary, Hudson, it's a matter of vital government importance for the baron remain in this house for the next two hours, at least.
I have a detective inspector arriving from Scotland Yard at ten o'clock.
He'll ring at the back door.
[ Alfred overhears .]
And see that he's attended to until I specifically call for him.
I understand, sir.
And Hudson, I rely on your absolute discretion, and ask that you deal with Alfred.
I will, sir.
In the meantime, will you ring the gong for dinner? Certainly, sir.
What did Hudson want? Oh, nothing, just some domestic problem.
Why didn't he come to me? I really couldn't say.
Then I shall ask him.
No, Marjorie, you won't.
Not on this occasion.
I insist.
And I said no, Marjorie.
Be ruled by me just once in a while.
I'll explain it all later.
Is it your intention that we should continue our vendetta to our grave, Sir Adam? What vendetta, dear Lady.
I was not aware of You know perfectly well what I am referring.
An incident in Sevastopol some years ago, when you wounded me deeply.
- Were we deep sea fishing? - What? The only woman I ever remember wounding deeply was a lady I once went deep sea fishing with.
I caught her by accident with a harpoon.
If I was a gentleman I would have demanded satisfaction.
And as a gentleman, madame, I should have been forced to give it to you.
Oh, you are as incorrigible as ever.
That goes without saying.
Incorrigibles ripen with age, like most other fruits.
Excuse me.
[ Note about the detective .]
I have to make an urgent telephone call.
Will you please excuse me? Of course.
Did I tell you dear Agatha has been invited to Beava for the weekend? Oh, good.
That's nice.
It's so boring for her.
[ Dinner gong .]
Shall we have dinner? It's no good, Mr.
I can't go through with it.
Rose, here they come.
[ Sigh .]
How delightful always to enter the Bellamy dining room.
It's a feeling of happy anticipation.
And happy returns.
Thank you, Hudson.
Where's that lugubrious footman of yours, Marjorie? The one who always makes me laugh.
Yes, Hudson, where is Alfred? He's indisposed, my lady.
Will you be waiting for the baron before commencing, sir? Certainly, Hudson, of course.
So, uh, we are to have a German baron for dinner? I hope he tastes as good as he looks.
Well, I'm sure he'll be more to my taste than some of your dreadful jokes, Sir Adam.
Well, so that we won't starve, I'll go and look for him.
Shall I? Will you excuse me? Sweet child.
I can't help observing how very much in love she seems to be.
[ Door closes .]
His room's gone empty.
- His clothes aren't in the cupboard.
- What? He's gone.
It's so awful.
That I should have invited him to stay.
A pervert in our house.
You weren't to know.
Then to corrupt our footman and take him away.
Or perhaps they deserved each other.
Poor little Elizabeth.
She was so in love with him.
What on earth shall I tell her? And she's too young to be exposed to such things it would destroy so much for her.
I'll go up to Elizabeth in a moment.
Richard, she must never know.
I want you to leave this to me.
And trust me.
[ Kiss .]
He was a spy, Rose.
D'you know about spies? Yes, Miss Elizabeth.
An agent who sells deadly weapons.
Using me, I suppose, to get to Papa and compromise him.
D'you think that's bad? Yes, Miss Lizzie.
But, Father was too clever for him.
He brought in Sir Adam, who's a celebrated spy catcher for the navy.
You'd never think it.
They were going to arrest him.
He must have realized so he left.
Without a goodbye.
To get home in time for Christmas.
Missing the Brixton's sale, anyway.
I'll finish now, Miss Lizzie.
It's all right.
Good night, Rose.
Good night, Miss Elizabeth.

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