Vera s14e02 Episode Script

The Dark Wives

That's it. Nearly there, lass.
Can you see the nest?
Well, pick the eggs up, then.
Gentle, mind!
What's the matter?
Don't be scared, girl. You won't fall.
The Dark Wives are watching over you.
I'm not scared, Dad. It's wrong.
That's it, Vera. Nearly there, lass.
- Can you see the nest?
- Yeah.
So It's a stabbing.
- Oh, you're back, then.
- I went to visit Kenny in hospital.
He talked about coming back to work,
so I thought, if he can do it
Er, it was an early morning birder
who found the body, Ma'am.
Steph's with him now.
Good to have you back, Joe.
Decided to surprise us all.
Now, where's Paula?
Listen, can we just talk
about the other day?
Look, there's a time and a place, Joe.
There's a young man dead over here.
We're really out
in the middle of nowhere this time.
- Well, not for some.
- Know the place, do you?
Used to come here as a kid.
So, what can you tell us?
Stab wound nicked the carotid artery.
Would've bled out in minutes.
No other cuts or significant bruising.
- Any sign of the murder weapon?
- That would be too easy.
Young man. Stabbing. Makes it
seem gang related, doesn't it?
Well, that's pure speculation
at this stage.
- Time of death?
- Rigor mortis is well established.
Drying of the peripheries.
I'd say at least 12 hours.
So, he's been lying out here all night?
No. The body was moved here.
No blood spatter. No evidence at all
that this is the murder site.
Is there any evidence
of who dumped him here?
Must've used a vehicle.
Parked on the road
and carried him down here.
The ground is rocky
or covered in springy turf,
so we haven't had much luck
with shoe prints.
And there'll be hikers
visiting the stones, of course.
- Any ID on him?
- Driving licence and a student pass.
Name's Joshua Worsten.
Oh, and he had this.
Rosefall House. Do we know what that is?
Isn't that what Google's for?
Anything else you get, ASAP.
One of those
wrong side of the bed mornings?
I heard that.
Nearest ANPR cameras
are miles away, Ma'am.
So that makes them useless, does it?
Er, well, no.
We can note any vehicles
coming in this direction.
And the village of Ghyllstead
is just over the moor.
Aye, I know it is.
So get it checked out.
OK, Ma'am. We should also
get a door knock going.
Right. Do it.
And we should inform the uni as well.
There must be a reason they brought
a dead student all the way here.
Now, the Dark Wives.
That's what those stones
are called around here.
- This something ritualistic?
- Oh!
First gangs. Now witchcraft.
So, have you got the next of kin?
Er, yes. I've got the parents'
name and address, Ma'am.
They're over in Cullerton.
Oh, very nice.
So, I'll go there first.
And you check out this Rosefall.
I'll Google it. Oh, and, Ma'am,
can I let the birder go?
Er, he's a local.
Found the body at six,
been in the area since half five.
Er, Jimmy Hebble.
He's the gamekeeper
for the big estate at Lingholm.
Jimmy Hebble? Is he now?
So we know where to find him
if we need him.
Right, I'm going to see the family.
You coming, or what?
I sent in my statement to the IOPC
about what happened last week
with Lucas Corbridge.
Ah, we're waiting to hear
if they're satisfied.
You said you came here as a kid?
Yeah, with my dad. Bird-watching trips.
"Witch Hunt"? What's that?
It's a glorified game of hide-and-seek.
An old village tradition.
Is it connected to those Dark Wives?
I bet there's a good story
why they're called that.
Well, it's said there's a witch
trapped under each stone
by a carving on the underside.
Probably just a ploy to shut women up.
Ah, chance'd be a fine thing.
Only kidding.
It wasn't me running
my mouth off a few days back.
Saying you wanted shot of me.
But, yeah, no it's good to know
how you really feel.
Hang on, it's Steph.
She says Rosefall House is a kids'
residential home in Longwater.
Longwater? It's a former pit village.
Tell her to phone.
Find out our student's connection.
We are so sorry, love.
And we will, of course, when you're
ready, need a formal identification.
Now, can I just get
a few details from you?
- Your son was a student?
- Yeah. Accounting and Finance degree.
- Did he live at home?
- No.
No, we'd got under each other's feet.
I'm an accountant,
and I run my own firm from home.
- Anna's a GP.
- At the health centre in Tynemouth.
We bought a place for Josh in Jesmond
after his first year in halls,
for him and a flatmate.
Giving him more of a uni experience.
Came back most weekends
with his washing.
Could we get that address?
- So, when did you last see Josh?
- Erm
Erm Sunday, a week ago.
We'd gone on one of our walks.
Something we tried
to keep up once a month.
Is that just the two of you?
Yeah, they liked exploring.
I used the time to catch up on admin.
Did you ever walk the Ghyllstead Plains?
Yeah. Yeah, we had done.
Not often, though.
Now, apart from his flatmate,
did he have other friends?
A relationship?
No girlfriend since Stella,
his, erm his big teenage love.
Stella Marsh.
They were together at school.
And, er, what can you tell us
about his connection
to a children's residential home?
Place called Rosefall over in Longwater?
- Longwater?
- Mm.
Well, why would he be going there?
Well, he had an ID card
with that name on.
It's OK, we can check.
You can't think of anyone
who might wanna harm him?
Josh? No.
No, he was never in trouble. He
He was He had a lust for life.
He was he was always curious.
He loved people.
Well, we'll let ourselves out.
Ah, here we go. This is from Steph.
Our deceased was
an independent visitor at Rosefall.
Volunteered his time
to meet a kid placed there.
Well, that's noble.
Why wouldn't he tell his parents that?
Maybe he thought
his mam wouldn't approve.
She didn't like the thought of him
being anywhere near Longwater.
There's more. He was expected there
yesterday evening. Never showed up.
And this Rosefall place are saying
that a resident's gone missing.
A 16-year-old lass.
Hiya. Are you the detectives?
Aye. DCI Stanhope with DI Ashworth.
Dave Limbal. I'm the manager
of this place. Thanks for coming.
- We're all very worried about Chloe.
- Ah, well, er
We're here about another matter
as well, love, so, shall we?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
- Wait. Josh. He's dead?
- I'm afraid so, love.
Now, we understand
he was expected here last night?
Yeah. We, er
We do a film night on a Sunday.
Chills the kids out
before battling the new week.
It was actually his idea.
He liked picking the films.
And now this missing lass.
Chloe Spencer. Just turned 16.
And did she know Josh well?
Erm, a little. He was an IV,
independent visitor,
attached to another of our kids,
Noah Hews.
He's a 14-year-old lad.
When did you last see Chloe?
I checked on her round 6pm yesterday.
Erm, she just wanted
to stay in her room.
Yeah, I realised she was missing
first thing this morning.
Hold on. Are you saying
she's been missing all night?
And nobody noticed?
Well, the older kids
have a degree of independence.
I mean, we don't lock her door.
This isn't secure accommodation,
and she's not a danger to herself.
So, who was in charge overnight?
I was on sleepover duty.
I left round 8:30.
And did you see anyone
about when you left?
Well there was a truck
parked on the road.
Down by the bus stop.
Sorry, I I didn't pay much attention.
I notice you've got CCTV?
Yeah, it covers anyone approaching
the front door or the back door.
Yeah, well,
we'll need to see the footage.
So, this lass, Chloe.
Why was she placed here?
Her dad died. Mam struggled to cope.
Chloe was practically her carer.
But then her mam was sectioned.
Ah, the poor lass.
- OK. Can you show us her room, love?
- Of course. Follow me.
Do you wanna take a scout round outside?
This is Chloe's room.
She's a thing for pagan stuff.
"The Longwater Witch,"
the kids call her.
Oh, my DI would love that.
That's Chloe and her mum.
That's Chloe's diary.
She's always very secretive about it.
Aren't we all, love?
You OK, lad?
"Guess I'm alone here, then.
"Fine. Alone's OK.
"I can look after myself.
"And I'll tell him so.
"He's dead to me."
JOE: Boss! You wanna see this!
- He found it while he was playing.
- What?
Right, call forensics.
Tell them we think
we've found our murder site.
And we need to find Chloe Spencer.
CHLOE: 'Mum's depression's really bad.
'I need to be strong,
but I don't know what to do.
'I feel like I'm losing her.'
Vera? Are you still up?
Chuck you out again, did they, Dad?
I don't wanna be here.
Not without your mam.
Come on. Let's get you to bed.
Get off. Get off, I don't
I don't need
Place is It's too empty.
Boss? You OK?
Anything in there about the deceased?
Well, I've been skimming through it.
When her dad died, the poor lass
had to parent her parent.
Whole days trying
to get her mam out of bed.
The weight of that on a youngster.
Oh, and you never forget
something like that, believe me.
Anything else in there about Josh?
Well, she mentions a "J",
that could be him.
Says he was smart and that he cared.
Well, wonder what changed her mind
on him?
Well, we don't know that anything did.
Forensics are here.
Right, let's leave them to it.
Listen, there's nothing
that you need to worry about.
They've just
They're here 'cos they've just
got to have a look out back.
Won't be here long.
Hello, love.
- And you are?
- Who's asking?
- He's just back home.
- Ah, that's all right.
Now, we're from the police, pet.
- Have you told him?
- Had to explain the circus outside.
And you didn't see Josh last night?
Nah. I was watching the film.
He never showed.
- What about Chloe? Are you friends?
- No.
She's never had much time
for anyone here.
Liked him, though.
What, she had a bit of a crush, did she?
- Maybe. Nothing inappropriate.
- She wishes.
Well, we'll get
a formal statement later.
This is a nightmare.
Well, I'm sorry, love.
We're definitely gonna need
that CCTV now.
You can't seriously think
that anyone from Rosefall
was involved in Josh's death?
Especially Chloe.
We have to consider everything, love.
For all we know,
that could be Chloe's blood we found.
Now, in her diary,
she mentions an Esther and an Alice?
Don't know about Alice.
Esther's a friend
from Cravenwest Academy.
Well, that's all discipline
and outstanding results, isn't it?
Bit of a feat for this side of town.
Well, Chloe's got a lot going for her.
You know, she's bright, well-read.
OK. We'll talk to them.
Now, you call us immediately
if she turns up or makes contact.
CHLOE: 'Just me in this place, then.
'So I guess I'll survive on my own.
Fight on alone.'
OK, come on!
We've got a dead student,
Josh Worsten, killed Sunday night.
And his body was found at Ghyllstead.
Now, until Paula tells us otherwise,
my instinct tells me
we've also found our murder site.
And that's at Rosefall House, here.
So, what else do we need from them?
Well, come on! Someone?
Er, well Statements
from all the kids and adults.
Plus, we've got a search
of the place ongoing.
It sounds like most of them
were at this film night
yesterday evening, anyway.
Oh, and we just take their word
for that, do we, Steph?
Well, no
Because manager Dave
wasn't there, for one.
He was in his office doing paperwork.
So, we check the CCTV once we've got it.
And look for anyone coming or going.
Aye, and I want that ASAP.
And I don't want any foot-dragging
from Dave Limbal either.
Now, we already know
that someone left the premises.
So unless the blood is hers, then
Chloe Spencer is our prime suspect.
Maybe she had a crush on the fella
and things turned sour?
Oh, well, let's not
get ahead of ourselves.
We need to find the lass.
But if she was involved,
it couldn't have been alone.
How would she move the body?
There's plenty of parking spots
tucked round the back.
Tracey Jacks takes the bus to work.
And Dave Limbal cycled yesterday.
Well, what about the truck that
Tracey saw parked on the main road?
Aye. Hm.
So that's more ANPR work
for you, and traffic cams.
- Unless that's too much bother?
- No, no. Course not, Ma'am.
So, if Chloe was involved,
could she be round Ghyllstead, then?
Ah. Now, that is a good shout.
We've already got a door knock
going, so let's ask about her too.
Her only living relatives are
her mam and paternal grandparents.
Her mam was sectioned.
Her grandparents were asked
about taking Chloe,
but they were worried
they couldn't handle her.
So we just leave it at that, do we?
Put a call in.
We also need to build a timeline
for the deceased.
So I want cash transactions,
phone records.
Somebody talk to the flatmate,
academic tutors, the lot.
Because at this moment, we have no
idea why anyone wanted the lad dead.
So, come on. [SHE CLAPS]
I want everyone delivering!
So get some rest,
and we start first thing.
Hey. Oi!
Sling your hook, go on!
Don't you dare do that
in my garden. Go on. Go on.
Hey, what do you think you're doing?
- Go on, clear off. And stay out!
Joe. Do you know why the boss
is so crabby at the minute?
Crabbier than usual.
Really on our backs.
- Have you noticed?
- Flat B, right?
She's just got a lot on her mind
right now.
How's Chloe been lately?
I've been her form tutor
several years now.
And she's very bright. Voracious reader.
Has a real way with words.
Aye. I've read some of them.
I felt like I I got a sense
of her and her family.
Yes. Well
When her dad got sick, then passed away,
and as things worsened
with her mother
What, she struggled?
She was angry. Understandably.
Always had a questioning spirit.
But she became more
directly confrontational.
Picked fights.
- Physical fights?
- Sometimes.
Now, I understand she has
a friend here called Esther?
Used to be great friends, yes.
Used to be?
Chris told me about Josh.
Chris? That's Josh's dad, yeah?
Yeah, he, er he came by last night.
Felt I should know.
Poor guy. Think he just wanted
to be close to him.
Seemed lost.
How did Josh seem lately?
Fine. Normal.
Er he worked hard.
Even though he didn't love his course.
Classic case of doing it
to please his parents.
- Were you on the same degree?
- Er, no.
I'm Architecture.
We met as freshers in halls.
Look, I'm not trying to diss his folks.
I got lucky when
they bought this place for him.
Can I take a look at his bedroom?
Erm, yeah. Yeah. Sure.
Now, then, you and Chloe
used to be friends.
But you drifted apart.
Now, any reason for that?
It's been a busy year.
Exams. I guess
I didn't want any distractions.
Ah, it's been a hard time for Chloe too.
What with her mam.
And then being taken into care.
My dad
He said I needed to put
some space between us.
- Mm. So, when did you last see her?
- Last week sometime.
We're home on study leave some days now.
Fewer distractions, eh?
Not in our house.
- I go to the library in Cullenborough.
- Mm.
Now, did she ever mention
a Josh Worsten to you?
Josh Yeah. I think she maybe had
a bit of a thing for him?
Is Josh the lad who was killed?
- Cos Chloe'd never hurt anyone.
- Is that a witch's knot?
They shouldn't really have jewellery
on in school. But it's fine.
Chloe had one too.
We got our initials put on them.
- Who's this, now?
- Helen Allenby.
She's She's the lady
who set up the Academy.
It's not usual for the founder
to be walking the corridors, is it?
When I found
one of our pupils was missing
Well, listen, if there's any help
you need in finding Chloe,
anything at all, then please,
come direct to me.
Ah, thanks, love. That's very kind.
I suppose this sort of thing
doesn't look too great
for the school, does it?
Beside the point.
I'm actually a Longwater girl
myself, originally.
And I know Chloe's been having
a tough time.
But I'm a firm believer
in overcoming odds.
Had Josh had an argument with anyone?
- Nah.
- No? No-one at all?
There was this, erm
one weird thing a couple of nights back.
Erm, there was this pick-up truck
parked outside.
The driver, he got out. Stopped Josh.
Josh said it was fine,
told me to go on in.
But I looked out the window
to see if he was OK.
A pretty heated discussion.
Josh looked upset.
Not shouting, but raised voices.
Did you hear
what they were talking about?
No. Er, well
Something about Josh letting go?
Is Chloe Spencer seriously
a suspect in this fella's murder?
The children's home
have just told me she is.
Oh, and hello to you too.
Well, they've no business saying that.
That's pure speculation.
But the good news is
that the blood found at the murder
site belongs to the deceased.
- Not Chloe.
- OK. But she's still missing.
And although Rosefall's privately run,
it's still the local authority
that placed Chloe there,
which makes her my responsibility.
What does that mean, "privately run"?
Well, there's not enough spaces
to place kids in care.
And to some, that may suggest
a gap in the market.
Hm. I'd better crack on, then,
get some answers.
Good. And maybe after we've wrapped up
this mess,
we can have that drink.
- Celebrate your promotion?
- Yeah. That'd be nice, yeah.
- I'll be in touch, Kath.
- I won't hold my breath.
You're sure?
The flatmate saw someone threaten Josh?
Well, not threatened.
But it definitely rattled him.
Plus, he drove a pick-up truck.
So we've got another suspect
besides Chloe Spencer.
Aye. But her running off
doesn't looks good for her.
So, that makes her guilty, does it, Joe?
No, it doesn't.
She might've seen something and been
scared or hurt. Or abducted, even.
Exactly. Now, can we match
this pick-up truck
to the one Tracey Jacks
saw outside the kids home?
I've been gathering possibilities
on that vehicle from ANPR.
I could cross-reference it
with any CCTV near Josh's digs.
- Yeah. Good. Do it.
- And his laptop was missing, Ma'am.
But the battery pack was still there.
So, what are we doing to find it?
Well, there might be a facility
to track it remotely.
But that's only if he set it up.
Yeah, well, get tracking.
You don't need my permission for that.
Now, Mark, have you got
into his phone yet?
Er, yes, Ma'am. He only called
one person the night he died.
- Stella Marsh.
- Stella?
Didn't his parents say
he had an ex called Stella?
Aye. They did.
Yeah, well, maybe not so "ex".
He called and texted her regularly.
On the day he died,
Josh called her four times
between 5:38 and 5:52.
Well, I think we need
to pay Stella Marsh a visit.
Excuse me. Can I help you?
Er, I hope so, love.
DCI Stanhope with DI Ashworth.
Are you Stella Marsh?
You here about the break-in?
Dad said not to bother reporting it.
What break-in?
Follow me.
Mind where you step.
It's happened before, see.
Probably just someone homeless.
- Do you know Josh Worsten?
- Josh? Yeah, why?
- Boyfriend?
- No. Not for a long time.
Here it is.
Not the most secure. But then,
there's nothing to steal inside.
So, why are you asking about Josh?
- Ah, well, he called you on Sunday.
- Yeah.
We'd said we might meet in town.
I didn't go in the end.
But how do you?
Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you.
But we found his body yesterday, pet.
- Josh?
- Boss.
Stay there.
They've cleared some space at the side.
Empty food wrappers and a drinks bottle.
And I found this.
That's Chloe Spencer's. She was here?
Where are you, Chloe?
Uniform are with Stella.
We'll get a team in to fingerprint
and search the outbuilding.
Well, that pendant's enough for me.
Tells me the lass is alive
and she spent last night here.
Hiding. From what? Who?
Stella Marsh said she had no idea
there was someone sleeping there.
If she is Josh Worsten's
maybe Chloe was here because of him?
Jealous? Killed Josh,
come back to hurt Stella as well?
No Hold your horses.
Her diary reads that she suspected
he had a girlfriend.
But she's not at all sure who it was.
There is a reference
to this place, though.
Apparently, she came on a day trip
from Rosefall.
Loved it.
Said it made her feel freer
away from the home.
Well, of course it would.
At one with nature.
Ma'am. We've got something
on that truck Tracey Jacks spotted
- outside of Rosefall.
- What?
Well, we've managed to match it
to the one outside of Josh's digs.
Well done, Mark. So, who's the owner?
Will Marsh. Stella's dad.
Please can somebody tell me
what's going on? Is Stella OK?
She's fine, love.
We've got people with her.
So, let's talk about Chloe Spencer.
- Who?
- Now, we need to find her, love.
And she spent last night at your farm.
So, do you know where she is now?
No, of course not. Why would I?
I've never met the girl.
Josh Worsten.
Now, your truck was parked
near to his digs four days ago.
We know that you talked.
Had an argument.
- No, not an argument.
- No? What'd you talk about then?
Well, it, er it's personal.
Well, I don't care, love.
The man's dead.
I know. I know.
I can't believe it. But what
- What's that got to do with me?
- Well, you tell us.
Because we can place your truck
at Rosefall kids' home
on the Sunday night.
Same place that Chloe Spencer lived.
And where Josh was killed
that same evening.
- What?
- And there's more.
We've got CCTV from the bus
that Josh was on on the way to Rosefall.
And this is your truck, Will.
You trailed it.
You followed him, didn't you?
No, but but You can't think?
Unless someone else was driving
the vehicle? Stella, maybe?
No. No, it was me.
Right, so shall we go back
to why you were talking to Josh?
Look I like Josh. OK?
I've known him for years,
since him and Stella were at school.
And And there was something
I thought he should know.
Oh, aye. What's that?
Look, Stella had been talking
about ending things with him
But she hadn't. Not really.
And then, meanwhile,
she'd met another lad.
Oh, so she had
two fellas on the go at once?
Yeah, and
and I knew that Josh didn't know.
And I knew that he
he wouldn't be happy about it.
So I tried to tell him.
Well, that's very fatherly of you.
My wife cheated on me, OK?
And then left us when Stella was young.
So I just think people should be honest.
Oh, aye, love.
On Sunday,
Stella had agreed to meet Josh.
But then she decided not to.
She was playing games. It made me cross.
And I was due in town anyway, so
I thought I would try and catch him.
- So you followed his bus?
- Look
I never saw Josh that night.
And I would never, never hurt him.
I think we'll hold him anyway
and examine his truck.
Aye. And check this story
of his ex-wife too.
Maybe some people
do get two father figures.
While others, like Chloe, get none.
So, do you think
maybe Will was helping Chloe?
Hid her last night?
I don't know.
I mean, that would've been hard for him,
to conceal him from the daughter.
- Well, maybe she was in on it too.
- Could be.
That would explain how Chloe
got from Rosefall to the farm.
We're gonna have to talk
to her again anyway
and ask her about this other fella.
Well, let's do
a background check on her.
Already done, Ma'am.
It didn't throw up much.
But she was arrested once
for an environmental protest.
- Hello?
All right, I'll call forensics
and get them onto his truck.
All right, thank you.
That's Paula now, Ma'am. PM's done.
Right, well, we can tell her ourselves,
and then we'll go see Stella.
- Oh, going just as I get here?
- Oh, Kenny!
- Hiya.
- How's the head?
- Ah, same as it ever was.
Ah, well, never mind, pet.
I thought you weren't back
until next week?
Ah, well, I heard
you needed some help, Ma'am.
I also heard that the IOPC
came back
on Lucas Corbridge and his daughter.
Aye. They're satisfied
that none of us are culpable.
But don't expect
any special treatment, Kenny.
Now, Steph here
will bring you up to speed.
Hey, Kenny.
It's great to have you back, mate.
Ah. Cheers, bud.
- Team's back together, then.
- Mm.
Boss, can we, er?
- What?
Can we clear the air?
Well, go on, then.
What I said after Kenny was hurt
You know I didn't mean it.
Ah. But there was some truth in it,
wasn't there, Joe?
You thought you were about to spread
your wings
without me on your back.
Everything useful I learnt
about policing, I learnt from you.
And you were right about my dad.
And me needing to sort my head out
after he died.
- And are you?
- Yes. I think so.
Your time will come, Joe. Trust me.
So? What did you decide in the end?
About the promotion?
So that's what this is about.
Thought you wanted
to talk about the case.
Paula. Well, you've taken your time
on this one.
I'd say I've been exceptionally fast,
considering you keep sending us to
different sites round the country.
Yeah, and I've got a vehicle
for you to look at.
But first things first.
What have you got?
Cause of death was as we said.
Deceased was fit and healthy
otherwise. No alcohol, no drugs.
- Students these days
- The carotid artery was nicked?
Hence why there was so much
blood spatter at the Rosefall site.
So, whoever did it, they'd be covered?
More than likely.
- And the knife?
- About four inches long.
Poor quality steel. An old,
cheap kitchen knife, I think.
Well, how can you tell that?
Because when I probed
the neck wound, I discovered this.
- And this belongs to the knife?
- Mm-hm.
The extreme tip of it
..caught on the collarbone
and broke off.
That must've been hard to spot.
Just as well you have
an extraordinary pathologist.
Yeah, there's no need to over-egg it.
But this is not bad.
No idea where the rest
of the knife is, though?
Could've been disposed of anywhere
between Rosefall and Ghyllstead.
Any evidence of who moved the body?
Like I said, it was hard to pull
much from the Ghyllstead scene.
But there were some patches of soil
at the Rosefall murder site. Here.
Partial shoe prints from
close to where the deceased lay.
Maybe made as someone moved the
body, thanks to the extra weight.
So, this may or may not have been
the person who killed him.
- Appears to be a size nine.
- So not Chloe, then.
Well, it still doesn't prove
that she wasn't involved.
We don't know why she was running.
OK, thank you, Paula.
And now I've got a truck on a farm
I need you to check over.
Mark will text you the details.
What's going on?
When are you releasing Dad?
Well, let's talk about Josh Worsten
for now, pet.
Josh I've only just found out
he's dead.
Well, you said you weren't together
any more.
- Yeah, that's right.
- Are you sure?
Only he called you
and texted several times.
On Sunday, for example.
I told you.
We'd said we might meet in town.
I didn't go in the end.
Your dad did.
- What?
- Oh, aye.
Your dad followed him from town
all the way to where Josh was killed.
- Why would Dad follow Josh?
- Well, you tell me, pet.
Was Josh harassing you,
and you wanted him to stop?
- Is that it?
- No, no, it wasn't
I mean
We weren't together, properly. But
And your dad said you hadn't
properly split up from him, either.
He also said you had
another fella in tow.
What's his name?
What's his name?
Craig. Craig Simpson.
And did this Craig know about Josh?
No. Look, I did try to split with Josh.
But he clung on.
Always trying to impress me.
And how'd he do that?
Well, like, the last few months, er,
he went on about this project
he was working on.
Said I'd love it,
that it'd make a difference.
What project's that?
He didn't say.
Then he went on about volunteering
at that kids' home.
And was that to impress you, too?
Think he surprised himself
about how much he enjoyed it.
Although he'd a big fight
with the manager there.
He had a fight with Dave Limbal?
- So he's taken a few days off?
- It's been very stressful.
- Aye, for the children in his care.
- Course.
But he gets the pressure from above
as well as below.
What, from the owners of this place?
How do you think it looks
having police here?
Someone murdered?
How did Dave and Josh get on?
Fine. They never saw each other much.
Josh and Noah often went
into Longwater or to the cinema.
Cos we were told they'd had a fight.
No. Not that I ever saw.
Is there a way of leaving the house
avoiding the cameras?
Yeah, why? You think Dave went
sneaking out to kill him?
And did he?
Avoiding CCTV cameras isn't Dave's MO.
He's all for the rules.
So all the kids were here
watching a film on Sunday night,
apart from Chloe and him?
Yeah, except when they went
to the loo, or
Or having a fag break.
- Stop.
- What?
Put that knife down. Why? What is it?
- Where'd you get that from?
- The knife?
From here, the kitchen.
- Has it been missing?
- What? Why?
Does that look like
a murder weapon to you?
The tip's broken off.
So someone put it back
after our teams left? But who?
Well, not Chloe. She's not been back.
So she didn't kill Josh.
But maybe she saw who did.
And that's why she's run. She's scared.
But we do know someone
who does have access here
and who'd had a fight with Josh.
Dave Limbal.
Oh, we found this
in the kitchen at Rosefall,
and we believe it to be
our murder weapon.
But somebody has scrubbed it clean
and returned it.
Now, was that you, Dave?
What are you saying?
Well, you think I killed Josh?
Well, we know you had a beef with him.
And we found size nine shoe prints
where he was killed.
You're a size nine, aren't you, Dave?
Well, so are millions of people.
Look, I never had a problem with Josh.
So, you didn't argue with him?
Well, there was one time we had words.
Did you? Why?
Because he was a posh boy
with lots of opinions about how
a place like Rosefall should be ran
but with
with very little actual experience.
So, how's this for a scenario?
While everyone's squirrelled away
watching that film on Sunday night,
you're in your office alone
doing your paperwork,
and you nip outside. Mm?
Being a manager of the place,
you know how to avoid
those CCTV cameras.
You see Josh, you argue,
and it escalates.
Did Chloe see it happen?
Is that why she ran?
Do you know where she is, Dave?
Did you hurt her, Mr Limbal?
I would never hurt any of our kids.
I've only ever done my best for them.
Well, Josh wasn't one of your kids,
was he, love? So did you hurt him?
OK, listen up.
I want to dig into Dave Limbal.
Bank accounts, phone logs.
Yeah, I'll get onto his mobile
and the landline at the care home.
Right. Now, Kenny,
do you feel up to a little trip?
Raring, Ma'am.
I want the CCTV at Rosefall
checked again.
Now, I reckon there's a way
of avoiding those cameras.
- I'll head there now.
- A couple of things from forensics.
The knife you found was scrubbed,
but there were residual blood traces
on the blade housing.
Ah, not what you'd want
for chopping your veggies, eh?
Was it Josh's blood?
Confirming now, but I've said
we need to know as soon as.
So, what was the other thing from Paula?
Result from Will Marsh's pick-up truck.
There's zero evidence
to suggest it was used
to transport Josh's body.
Oh, and he's also got size 11 feet.
Well, I now want forensics
on Dave Limbal's motor.
- Wasn't at Rosefall on Sunday.
- Well, maybe he fetched it.
I already mentioned his car to Paula.
She suggested we just test
every vehicle in the north-east.
Oh! Well, if she's offering!
Now, come on, press on, every avenue.
And you can buy me coffee.
You know,
the team are working really hard.
Well, so they should be.
There's a young man dead
and a young lass missing.
You know what I mean.
It just feels like
you're pushing them on this one.
Well, there's a level, Joe,
and my team are quite capable
of staying above it.
And they all know what I expect of them.
Might need reminding sometimes.
Now, Chloe.
If the man who's supposed
to be keeping her safe killed Josh,
and she saw it
No wonder she ran, is still running.
But why didn't she come to us?
Well, she'll have trust issues.
Aye, you can see from her diary
she felt let down
by a long list of adults,
justified or not.
And we'll get lumped in
with social services and the rest.
"The authorities." So who can she trust?
You can see from that diary
the lass is strong.
But she had been sinking.
And she still chose to fight.
You feel a real connection to her,
don't you?
You must be pleased that she's not
our prime suspect any more, then?
- I never really thought she was.
Kenny? You at Rosefall?
You want me to?
Who's gone missing now?
He must've left overnight.
KENNY: Any family that he would run to?
Brad's in care. We're his family.
Well, how about mates?
They were forever rotating.
Endless fallouts and dramas.
Now, you're sure he has gone, love?
He's not gonna waltz in in a minute,
hungry for his lunch?
I went to his room
to put some washing away.
His wardrobe's emptied.
Clean washing?
There was a load of his stuff
in the machine.
He must've put it on.
And that's normal, is it?
Young lad doing his own washing?
No, normally I have to rescue
everything from the floor.
This film on Sunday
You said some of the kids took
a loo break or nipped out for a fag.
Now, is this lad the one who smokes?
- Yeah.
- So, how long were his fag breaks?
I don't know. Not long.
He normally just smokes
out the back door.
Could one of them have been longer?
Don't know.
Hang on.
In the middle of the movie
..he reappeared in a onesie.
Comfier than his jeans, he said.
Kenny, seal off his room
and get forensics
onto that washed laundry.
- Yes, Ma'am.
- And then check CCTV.
- See if you can see the lad leaving.
- And if we can't?
Well, then there IS a way to avoid
those cameras, and that lad knew it.
- Unbelievable. Two kids missing.
- Maybe we spooked the lad.
Or perhaps he always intended
to scarper.
So you're saying this 17-year-old
killed Josh? Not Dave Limbal?
No Well, we don't know yet.
But I'll lay money
this lad is involved somehow.
Ma'am, something's come in on Chloe.
Possible sighting.
What? Where?
Er, reported this afternoon.
A man spotted a girl
matching Chloe's description
in Cullenborough, Delancey Lane.
Delancey Lane is right next
to the library, isn't it?
I think I should take that,
don't you, pet?
So you and her stayed close,
whatever they thought at school?
She's been my best friend since primary.
I wasn't gonna betray her
whatever Dad told me to do.
So, how did she first get in touch?
She rang me from a phone box.
Now, was this before or after
you talked to me?
I'm sorry, OK? She sounded desperate.
So I-I smuggled some clothes to her.
A bit of money, a sleeping bag.
So, this was the first day
she went missing?
Have you met her at all?
No, we've, erm, left notes
for each other this way.
For safety, she said.
Well, no-one's gonna be
borrowing that any time soon.
So clever. Very Enid Blyton.
"I need to move on. New area.
"Thanks for everything, girl. Love you."
So, what's her plan?
She gonna disappear completely?
Start a new life?
No, she
Well, she would have said goodbye.
I'm so sorry, OK. She made me
promise not to tell anyone.
She's just scared 'cos she thinks
that someone's after her.
Well, who?
Did she ever mention a Bradley Russell?
A lad at the same home as her?
Yeah. Yeah, she she didn't like him.
She contacts you again,
you let me know immediately.
There was a cottage she talked about.
Her grandparents owned it.
Chloe went when she was younger.
Yeah, where was that?
Somewhere called Ghyllstead?
So, you've not seen or heard from Chloe?
PAM: No, not for over a year.
And you were contacted
about taking her in
when her mam was sectioned?
Hey, look,
there's no judgement here, pet.
That's no easy task,
taking on a troubled teenager.
Aye, well And the age we are as well.
Right, you have a property
in Ghyllstead.
Is that a holiday home?
Aye, it's a bit grand to call it that.
Cragside Cottage. We rarely go.
It's a wee bit in need of repair.
Yeah, and has Chloe ever been there?
As a child.
For a few weeks every summer.
Aye, she adored it there.
She's, er
She's a country girl at heart.
Ah, I got that feeling.
She'd always make us join in this, er
this daft tradition.
What was it called?
Oh, the Witch Hunt. That was it, yeah.
Daft, but she loved it.
She had a little friend in the village.
Thick as thieves, they were.
Is that Alice, by any chance?
Aye, Alice. Alice Hartford.
That's right. How do you know that?
Er Oh, she just mentioned
an Alice in her diary, love.
But you can't think she's gone there?
I mean, she hasn't been there for years,
and Ghyllstead, it's so out of the way.
Do you think we could get access
to the cottage?
Yes, of course. I'll dig out some keys.
I can understand
the lass wanting to get away.
At least she'll be able
to breathe out here.
WHISPERS: It's still warm.
Joe? She's up here.
Hey, it's all right, Chloe, love.
It's all right, p
Oh, no. Please, no.
It's Bradley Russell!
PAULA: Any upper limits on
the scenes this case will generate?
Yeah, well,
just think of the overtime, pet.
Now, the clothes you sent us
from the kids' home
Yeah, belonging to this lad.
Er, we got nothing from the hoodie.
The hot wash would've destroyed
crucial evidence.
But denim yields
the highest DNA recovery rate
in all washing methods.
Er, we found traces
of Josh Worsten's blood.
Meaning Bradley Russell is our killer?
But now he's lying dead in there.
We'll pull prints from inside,
but the body showed no sign
of external injury.
Did he have a history of drug use?
Well, one time, I think,
but we understood he was now clean.
There was a used syringe by him.
And the constricted pupils
and the cyanosis
suggest an accidental overdose.
Yeah, well, I want that heroin tested.
Course you do.
I'll keep you updated, then.
Mark and Steph are en route.
Young lad in care involved in a murder.
Who'd question an overdose?
- You think we should?
- Aye, I do.
- It's all too tidy.
- Well, not to me.
We still don't know what's going on
with Dave Limbal.
Aye. We found anything,
digging into him?
Steph's on his phone logs.
There's nothing jumping out.
His finances show he was scraping by.
Not flush, but nothing to flag.
What was Brad doing here?
Somewhere Chloe Spencer knew.
Aye, well, maybe we were supposed
to think she was involved.
And maybe that's why Josh was taken
to the Dark Wives in the first place,
to implicate her.
We need a full debrief.
Now, there's a pub I know
in the village.
Call Steph and tell her.
So, why exactly is your name on the pub?
Oh, mystery to me.
My dad thought it was hilarious.
Every time they tried to kick him out,
he'd claim a stake in the place.
I hope Steph and Mark find it.
Never changes.
Stone me! You're still here.
Well, well, well. Vera Stanhope?
Jimmy said he'd seen you.
That's Jimmy Hebble,
the birder who found Josh.
Ma's Jimmy's sister.
This is Joe Ashworth, my colleague.
And you're up at that cottage now,
are you? With another body?
Oh, hey, news travels fast
in Ghyllstead.
Ah, any chance we can use
your side room, Ma?
Got a couple more colleagues turning up.
Sure. No problem.
So the forensics on the lad's laundry
means that he killed Josh. Right?
Well, he was certainly present.
Covered in blood splatter.
But he couldn't have brought the body
all the way out here on his own.
Or at all. He wasn't away
from Rosefall long enough on Sunday.
- And he'd need a car.
- Mm.
Which means we're still not at
the bottom of Josh Worsten's murder
or who killed Bradley Russell,
if he was killed.
Yeah, or where Chloe is.
Only reason we're in Ghyllstead,
it's 'cos we thought she'd be
in that cottage.
Well, maybe she did come here?
Could she have killed the lad?
Yeah. Maybe he tried to silence her,
and she got to him first?
Yeah, well, I can see
where you're coming from. But
Does that fit with the way
he was killed?
Someone's covering their tracks,
but I don't think it's her.
And Dave Limbal's in the clear.
He might've had a hand
in Josh Worsten's death,
but he couldn't have killed
this lad. He's in custody.
But one thing's clear.
If that lad was murdered,
Chloe's right to be afraid,
wherever she is,
because they're gonna be after her next.
So, we might not have had much luck
finding a car last time.
But Cragside Cottage is less remote
than those Dark Wives stones,
so come on, let's get cracking.
Thanks for the room, Ma.
So, who's playing the Witch this year?
Me. Unless you're looking to step up?
Can we let it go ahead?
What? Cancel the Witch Hunt?
Ah, we'll not stop it, Joe.
Anyway, it's confined to a set area.
Now, you might have heard we've been
looking for a missing lass?
Aye. The police lad came round
the other day asking.
- What was her name?
- Chloe Spencer.
Ah! Yeah, yeah, I know her.
But I haven't seen her for a while.
I told your officer that.
But they were in the village
a few months back.
- Who was?
- Her and her granddad.
Well, Annie told us
Chloe hadn't been here for years.
- And he didn't deny it.
- He lied. So, is he hiding her now?
One more thing, love.
Is there a lass in the village
called Alice Hartford?
Harry Hartford's girl, aye.
OK, so I'll go see these
grandparents again in the morning.
Are you OK to stay here
and talk to this Alice?
Well, shouldn't we try
and find her tonight?
Mm. I'd be more interested to
find out where she goes first thing.
Might lead you to something or someone.
- You OK with that?
- Aye, all right.
Yeah. Well, thanks, Ma.
Escaping without saying hi
to Jimmy again?
Ah, well, it's not a social call, pet.
In the middle of a murder investigation.
So what's the story there?
Vera's dad, Hector,
he'd a soft spot for our Jimmy.
Pair of them'd go off birding.
My old dad said Vera felt left out.
Thought Hector would've loved her more
if she'd been a boy and a birder.
JIMMY: I knew I'd seen you
the other day.
Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.
I promised I'd help Marie plot her route
for the Witch Hunt tomorrow.
You here because of this new body?
Well, at least it wasn't you
who found this one.
- Were you out yesterday?
- Mm-hm.
See anyone near Cragside Cottage?
Ah There was a car by the path
you'd need for the cottage.
Can you describe it?
Er Large four-by-four.
Black or dark blue, maybe.
With those tinted windows.
It seemed too swish
for another bird-watcher.
I should've had a squiz
through the binoculars.
Ah, well, I wish you had.
You know, I still use the ones
your dad gave me sometimes.
- You never do.
- I do.
Never forget him coming home
raving about this lad
who'd spotted a dusky thrush.
First he'd seen in the UK.
- Brilliant naturalist, Hector.
- Aye.
Shame about the poaching, thieving eggs,
trading raptors taken from the wild.
- You know I'm a gamekeeper now?
- Ah, I heard.
So if Dad was still around,
you'd be after him.
Aye, I suppose you might be, too.
Yeah, well, I doubt he'd be pleased
about you becoming a gamekeeper,
any more than he was
about me becoming a copper.
Aye. You had it tough, but
he'd have made
a great gamekeeper himself.
- No, I'm serious.
Out in nature, no two days alike.
It's a gift.
Ah, you're not wrong there, Jimmy.
Night, Vera.
Take care.
HECTOR: Shall I get you another blanket?
- Are you warm enough, love?
- VERA: Aye. The fire's lovely.
Nearly ready?
You know where this rabbit meat
came from, lass?
- Do I want to?
No, won't help us catch anything
but quite happy to eat the rewards.
That about the size of it?
See, the problem is, Dad just smells too good.
Oh, here again, are you?
Haven't you got a home to go to?
You partial to a sausage?
Ooh. Hang on.
Simple life for you, isn't it?
No big decisions.
- Morning, Ma'am.
- Oh, I'm not stopping, Kenny.
I'm heading back to Ghyllstead.
- Just checking up on me, were you?
Ma'am, I'm fine.
Take more than a wee bump
on the heed to get rid of me.
Yeah, well, I'm pleased to hear it.
I hope you'll always be here.
Well, nowhere else to go.
Oh, Joe. I got nothing from the grandad.
I hope you had better luck.
Aye, we caught Alice sneaking out
with a delivery,
dropping food off for Chloe.
She's also admitted to giving her
a tent and some warmer clothes.
Well, so, can we find her?
'There's a drop-off point
they use for supplies.'
Alice hasn't actually been
to where Chloe's camping.
Steph also managed to convince her
that she'd do more help for Chloe
by trusting us.
'Well done, Joe. Excellent.'
OK, you two check that out,
and I'll be with you as soon as I can.
All right, boss.
Gotta go, Kenny.
Oh, Ma'am, the results are just in
from Cragside Cottage.
Er, there's a mishmash of prints
as well as Brad's. But, er
there's no matches on our system.
And it's only Brad's prints
on the syringe.
But the initial tests on the heroin
indicate it was cut with fentanyl.
So someone did kill him!
And the result on Dave Limbal's car.
They found Josh's DNA, in the boot.
So it was him
who moved the body to Ghyllstead.
So he must've got his car to the
kids' home on Sunday night, somehow.
OK, Kenny. Change of plan.
Get him back in here.
Bradley Russell is dead, love.
Yeah, it's a good job
you're tucked up in here with us,
or you might be another loose end
to be tidied up.
Now, here's what I know.
Bradley Russell killed Josh Worsten,
but it was you who moved the body.
Forensics have confirmed he was in
the boot of your car, love. Plus
..we've your shoe print at the scene.
Now, you told us
you didn't drive to work on Sunday.
But that's a lie.
Your car was picked up on ANPR,
driving into work,
but we don't see it leaving.
Now, here's something else
we've discovered.
There's a dirt track
at the back of Rosefall.
And if you take that,
you can avoid Longwater altogether.
And you
..drove all the way
to Ghyllstead Plains,
dumped his body,
drove all the way back home
and then cycled
to finish your paperwork.
Now, we know all that.
What I don't know
is why he killed Josh. Hm?
Why you moved his body,
why you defended the lad
and why you lied to us.
Because it was my fault!
What was?
He was meant to be
an Independent Visitor,
not an investigative reporter.
I heard he was working on an idea,
talking some nonsense about how
private care homes can't have
the kids' best interests at heart.
I confronted Josh. We had a blazing row.
Didn't make any difference.
Brad saw us just after.
I was upset, was worked up,
told him what was going on,
and he said he would sort it.
What, said he was gonna threaten him?
And you let him?
No, I told him to leave it.
But Brad felt
the same way I did, that
Josh was taking advantage,
that he was exploiting us.
I can't believe
he took a knife with him.
That was just madness!
And Chloe saw this?
Brad said he caught a glimpse of her,
thought she'd probably saw, yeah.
And you thought you'd sort it
by taking his body to Ghyllstead,
throwing suspicion on Chloe.
Brad was scared.
I was just trying to help him!
You were covering up a murder!
Throwing suspicion on another kid!
- But that wasn't my idea!
- Oh.
So, who's was it, then, love? Mm?
Was it the same person
who killed Bradley Russell?
Look, I don't know!
I don't know, OK?
But this is on me.
I'm the one to blame.
Right, we're getting somewhere.
He's admitted
that Bradley Russell killed Josh
and that he moved the body
to Ghyllstead.
Now, it's all connected to a fight
over Josh digging into the kids' home.
- Digging into what, exactly?
- Well, it being privately funded.
So I need you to find everything
you can on who the owners are.
He's hiding something,
maybe protecting someone.
And meanwhile,
that lass is still in danger,
so quick as you can, Kenny.
Yes, Ma'am.
Well, I reckon this is about
as close as we're gonna get.
- Don't wanna scare Chloe off, anyway.
- If she's even up there.
You not got the right footwear
for it, boss?
I've been reading
how profitable children's homes are.
But come and look at this.
It's unbelievable.
Private equity, sovereign wealth funds.
Look at that!
Hm, rumoured investment in
Tyneverse Homes?
I thought they owned Rosefall?
Well, it says here Tyneverse is part
of a bigger group, Seaworth Care.
Got their fingers in lots of pies.
Wow, looks like they're making a mint,
if these accounts are anything to go by.
And look who
the Group Executive Chair is.
Helen Allenby?
Aye. Now, she's the founder
of Cravenwest Academy.
'Ey, what's this over there?
- That's still warm.
- Aye, she saw us coming.
Come on.
Now, when we talked before,
you didn't mention your company runs
the residence Chloe was in.
- Rosefall?
- Mm.
Well, yes, it's under
the Seaworth Care umbrella.
But if you want information
on the kids' homes,
I can put you in touch
with Charles Stamoran.
He's across that side of things.
Well, I hear
there are fortunes to be made
from that side of things.
Rinsing local authorities
Though I suspect a whiff of a murder
at one of your homes
might put a bit of a dent in that. Mm?
I'm sorry, but what has all this got
to do with finding Chloe Spencer?
Because calls were made from this office
to the landline at Rosefall
several times this week.
Now, have you been talking
to Dave Limbal?
Why shouldn't I have been?
Well, you've just told me,
it's your man Stamoran deals
with the kids' homes.
Now, someone told Dave Limbal
that Josh Worsten had been saying
negative things about your company.
Now, was that you?
Did you tell him that? Mm?
And did you tell Dave Limbal
to shut Josh up,
and the poor fella ends up dead?
I think I've heard enough
of this nonsense.
Seaworth's a successful business,
but all we're trying to do
is make a difference.
Oh, I know it's successful, love.
I've seen the last accounts.
And how did you know
about Josh's little project, anyway?
And who did you get to deal
with Bradley Russell?
I said I think we're done.
For now, pet, but don't go making
any travel plans.
Kenny, where's that Seaworth file?
[HE GRUNTS] It's here, Ma'am.
All right.
- Well, what are you looking for?
- The firm who does their accounts.
Brigante Accounting, Ma'am.
- What's the registered address?
- Er, let's have a look.
Yeah, stop there.
That's Chris Worsten's address.
Josh's dad is Seaworth's accountant!
Kenny, it all fits.
Even down to the fentanyl.
His wife's a GP!
So HE told Helen Allenby
about his son's project.
She told Dave Limbal,
asked him to deal with it.
And she's been tidying up ever since.
- Come on, Kenny, I need you with me.
- Ma'am.
Will do, cheers.
Uniform are at the Worstens', Ma'am.
No sign of Chris.
And what's the wife say?
Ah, that he went out hiking yesterday.
Talked about camping over
a couple of nights.
Right. Well, we'll bring her in
and ask about the fentanyl
cos my guess is she prescribed it.
And he'll be camping at Ghyllstead.
It was him who took the lad there
in that four-by-four Jimmy Hebble saw.
And he's still there.
Then why hang around the same area?
Unfinished business, Kenny.
He's after Chloe Spencer!
MA: You should all know the rules.
All these costumes are gonna make
finding anyone a nightmare.
Now, the witch can be anywhere
within the set area.
Come and find her!
But if she catches you first
you're dead!
- CROWD: Ooh!
Well, that was in great taste,
weren't it?
It's the boss.
Right, now we're looking
for Chloe Spencer AND Chris Worsten.
- What, Josh's dad?
- Aye, trust me.
The lass is in great danger,
but she'll be more spooked than ever,
especially if she sees
a police presence,
so keep uniform in the background.
Right, you and Steph,
stay in the crowd in the village
and keep your eyes peeled.
Mark, Kenny and I will try
and get ahead of the hunt.
They're off. They're heading
out of the village now.
We're following behind.
MARK: Yeah, it looks like most
of them are going into the trees.
Well, it's a good place to hide,
because they can't use
the castle this year.
The witch has caught some folks.
Yeah. Hang on. There, there. Who's that?
Hang on, I think that's Esther,
Chloe's friend from the Academy.
Now, keep an eye on her.
We've got eyes
on one of Chloe's friends.
'Er, there's someone with her.
They're heading into the trees.'
We're under the trees now.
- She's caught someone.
Are we sure that the other person
with Esther is Chloe?
'We couldn't see. They're masked.'
- We've eyes on them now. Pursuing.
- Hey! Stop there!
Masks off, now.
- Off.
- He said, "Masks off".
We're just trying to find Chloe.
It's not her.
'It's not Chloe with Esther.
It's Alice Hartford.'
Wait, where'd the boss go?
Chloe! Chloe, love.
- Who are you?
- It's all right, pet.
I'm not the witch. [VERA CHUCKLES]
Though some people might disagree.
No, I'm Vera. Just Just Vera,
and I'm with the police, love.
No, I'm here to help you.
Now, then
We know saw what happened to Josh.
You saw Bradley Russell kill him.
- Does he know I'm here?
- Er, no. No, he doesn't, love.
Now, I know only too well
what it feels like to be alone,
have no-one to talk to,
to have to fight on your own.
You're a survivor.
But now I have
a confession to make, love.
And I hope you'll forgive me.
But I read some of your diary.
No, but I had to, love,
cos I needed to find you.
But, hey, lass,
you write so beautifully.
I felt like I'd already met you.
So, will you come with me, pet?
Let me and my colleagues keep you safe.
Come on, that's it.
- Hey! Leave her alone.
You're not fooling anyone
in that mask, Mr Worsten.
Take the ridiculous thing off.
Helen Allenby tell you
to wear that, did she?
- You've no idea.
- You don't understand.
- Oh, yes, I do.
We found Josh's laptop in your house,
the one you took from his digs.
He confided in you
about his expose project, didn't he?
He was so excited. He
He'd been in touch
with a production company,
and they were interested.
- Oh, so you told your mate Helen?
- She said not to worry.
She said
..she'd handle it.
- But the next thing
- Stay there!
- Leave her!
And the next thing I hear
is that my son is dead.
Ah! So she came to you, did she,
full of sadness,
and told you who killed your son?
And she got you to bring
Bradley Russell out here
cos she thought Chloe would be
at that cottage.
Her happy place.
And the heroin?
Was that Helen's idea, too?
Aye, and you leapt at the chance
of lacing it with fentanyl
cos you knew it would kill him.
Made your own wife
an accomplice to murder.
He killed that boy!
Aye, HE did, not Chloe!
She's done nothing.
Except be fond of Josh.
- So, what're you gonna do, love?
Are you gonna kill her? Well
You're gonna have to kill me, too, pet.
Oh, the hunt's over.
- Now, you all right, love?
- What'll happen to me now?
Well, I've got someone from
social services coming over, pet.
I'm going back to Rosefall?
Well, I have had a conversation
with your grandparents,
and maybe something
can be sorted out there.
- If that's what you want.
- I think I'd like that. But
I'm not really sure what I want
any more, after everything.
Life's just one scary decision
after another.
But the fight I've seen in you, love?
You're gonna be fine.
Now, the witch here's
gonna take care of you
until social services turn up.
All right.
Joe, look. Get a round in
for the team for me, will you?
That'll not even pay for Kenny's drinks.
Look, I'll owe you.
Erm, I'll not be long.
I've just got one last visit to make.
I heard there was
a school board meeting.
Run late, did it?
It did.
So, if you don't mind,
I'd just like to get home.
Oh, no, of course.
No, I just wanted to let you know
that I've now got the full picture.
And what full picture's that?
Well, my tech team managed to get
into Josh's computer.
Well, my goodness,
he'd done his research.
Looked into your company's financials,
followed the rumours
about your big investment.
He'd even set up a meeting
with a production company
to pitch his idea.
I'm afraid I don't recognise
any of what you're talking about.
Oh, that's OK, love.
I can, er, enlighten you.
Now, you heard about Josh's project
from your accountant, didn't you?
Mm? Josh's dad, Chris Worsten.
And you suddenly saw millions
in investment about to vanish.
So you leaned on Dave Limbal
at Rosefall to shut Josh up.
I think we've been through
all this already.
Now, listen, love. I don't believe
you asked Dave Limbal
to get Josh killed, I don't.
Cos that would've just drawn more
attention to yourself, wouldn't it?
No, you just wanted to silence him.
- This is nonsense.
- Now maintain that you come from
the same background as these kids empathise.
You don't give a stuff about them, love.
You just use them,
make them suffer more.
I take it you've got no proof
for this fantasy?
Ah, now, unlike you, love,
I am good at my job.
All right, you've been careful,
I'll give you that.
Dave Limbal's not mentioned
your name, not once.
But Chris Worsten is helping us.
Seems he does have a conscience.
And those money men always know
where the bodies are buried.
Drive safely, pet.
- You not coming in?
- Oh, you don't need me in there.
Go on back inside. Enjoy yourself.
You deserve it.
Come on. Just for a bit.
I'm not staying long.
I've gotta get back to the family.
And they're OK, are they, the family?
Aye, I've started speaking
to someone, you know.
Ah, well, that's good.
No, I heard your request
had been granted.
Look at that. In't that beautiful?
Do you know what?
This case has really made me think.
And I did see a lot of myself
in young Chloe.
Made me think of a lot of things.
Like how good my team is. [SHE CHUCKLES]
And it brought back
vivid memories of my dad
..some I'd rather forget.
You helped me scatter Hector's
ashes, do you remember?
Don't think I ever said thank you.
Nah, you didn't.
Well, thanks.
You're a good man, Joe.
And thanks for always having my back.
You coming down with something?
Actually, I've never felt better.
Now go on, get back inside,
finish your pint
before Kenny downs it.
- I'll see you tomorrow, then.
- KHALON: Come in.
Oh, DCI Stanhope.
Er, apologies for the late hour,
Ma'am, but, erm
Oh. Could this finally be your
formal acceptance of the promotion?
Well, it's, er
It's more about making way, Ma'am,
for others to fly.
HECTOR: Go on, then, pet.
Give us a hand with this.
That's it. Line it up on that side.
You're quiet.
Summat on your mind?
- Need to do my schoolwork.
- Ah, we'll be done wi' this soon.
What do you want with all that
book learning at your age, anyway?
- The minimum requirements.
- Requirements?
For what?
To join the police.
- You can't join the police.
- You won't change my mind, Dad.
The police is no place for a lass.
- You're wrong.
- Am I?
You best prove it then, pet.
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Kenny, the boss not in yet?
- Er, haven't seen her yet.
Maybe's she having
a well-deserved day off for once.
Come on.
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