Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016) s05e06 Episode Script

White Lion

1 [Pidge.]
So, this magic rock is gonna guide us to a mysterious planet? -A land known as Oriande.
I'm afraid someone's been ruggling your wimble, Prince Lotor.
Oriande is just an Altean folktale.
It doesn't actually exist.
That's what I thought, Coran, but now, I have a feeling it is quite real.
It is the birthplace of all Altean alchemy.
The place where King Alfor learned the secrets that helped him create Voltron and where Allura will master those same secrets so that my ships may enter the quintessence field.
And what makes you the authority on crazy Altean nonsense? Coran knows more magic made-up gobbledygook -than anyone I've ever met.
-Thank you, Lance.
And I can assure you, King Alfor never mentioned anything to me about traveling to Oriande.
In all likelihood, he kept it a secret from everyone.
I have been researching Oriande for centuries, hoping to learn more about my Altean ancestry.
Over time, I've managed to gather evidence from all over the universe that hinted at its existence.
Now, thanks to Princess Allura, I will finally gaze upon its magnificence with my own eyes.
Uh, aren't you a little busy running your empire -to take a magical vacation? -[sighs.]
In order to transition the Galra Empire to a peaceful existence, I need to open up a pathway to the quintessence field.
Once my people have access to unlimited energy, the old ways of the empire will be behind them.
If this voyage is successful, the universe will finally be on the path to peace.
Well, let's find out where we're going.
There, between those three celestial bodies.
That's where we're headed.
-Wait a tick, that's the Patrulian Zone.
-The what now? [Coran.]
The Patrulian Zone is a mysterious part of space where ships enter and are never heard from again.
Princess, that area has been deemed unsafe to navigate for ages.
The perfect place to hide a magical world.
Or to crash and die.
We will approach with caution.
Prepare our course, Coran.
Yes, Princess.
We're approaching the Patrulian Zone.
What's that up ahead? An asteroid belt? No.
It's a graveyard.
What caused them all to lose power? [Coran.]
No one knows.
I think we just found out.
-Is that some kind of super massive star? -No.
Unbelievable! It's a white hole! Whoa! Take that, theoretical physics! [Lance.]
Wait, what's a white hole? [Pidge.]
Well, unlike a black hole, which has massive gravity that sucks everything in, a white hole is an opposite body that shoots massive amounts of energy out from an unknown source.
It's blasting this whole area with crazy high radiation.
The energy must've fried those ships' systems.
"The wise stand back from the fire, fools are burned on the pyre.
The mystic becomes one with the flame, the embers and he are the same.
" Is that, like, a song you're working on? 'Cause it sucks.
It's a poem by an ancient Altean alchemist.
I discovered it carved next to a cave painting of a fiery sphere.
I never realized until now that it describes the route to Oriande.
We must go into the white hole.
Are you guys serious? We're navigating by cave poetry now? How are we to go through the white hole? If we get closer, we're gonna end up like those dead ships there.
We wormhole inside.
Princess, no! Voltron can withstand forces other ships cannot.
Are you sure? If this is the home of Altean alchemy, then Voltron will make it through.
And what if it's just another nuclear explosion in space? Then we're toast.
Princess, I think you've taken this quest far enough.
Lotor is sending you to your doom.
Quite the opposite.
It is a mission of life discovery.
You need to zip it! Believe me, I would never ask any of you to do this if I didn't know if I didn't feel in my heart that it is true.
I belong here.
This is as far as we can go.
Any further and we'll be affected by the Patrulian Zone's radiation.
All right, Coran, open up a wormhole.
Well, let's fly into the cosmic death storm.
[grunts, pants.]
We're being blasted backward! Full power to thrusters! [both grunting.]
We're making progress! Is that a lion? [roars.]
-Why is it attacking us? -Fire lasers! There's nothing to hit! [paladins screaming.]
What have you done? Wait, what's happening to your face? -What? -You have Altean marks.
And they're glowing.
The Mark of the Chosen.
What? You need to get out of there! That thing is a guardian! It will only allow worthy Alteans through.
Oh, thanks for the tip! [Shiro.]
Pull back! [Coran.]
All systems shutting down! Our stabilizers aren't working! We're listing into the graveyard! [Allura.]
We must get back to the Castle.
[all grunting.]
[Pidge grunts.]
I can't control my lion! [Lance.]
Me neither.
I've lost power.
I'm dead in the water.
-I think we all are.
These lions aren't going anywhere.
Everyone, prepare for a manual EVA.
Rendezvous back at the Castle.
We need to figure this out.
[metal creaking.]
I managed to restore auxiliary power, but it won't last long.
If we don't get the Castle running within the next quintant, we'll be out of air.
Maybe we can decrease our breathers by one.
Uh, what's up with your face? Yeah, and if this is the home of Altean alchemy, why can't Voltron get in? I am sorry to put us in this position, but I think I know the answer.
Look at Allura.
Whoa! What's happening? -You have them, too.
-It's called the Mark of the Chosen.
They are mentioned in some of the Oriande legends.
They indicate those worthy of entering the realm.
Wait, why aren't Coran's marks glowing? There are different types of Alteans.
Allura possesses a deep connection to ancient Altean energy.
It enables her to operate the teludav and change her shape and size.
Her father had greater alchemic understanding than any before him.
Others are less magical, no offense.
So, what do we do now? Allura and I need to enter the white hole alone.
-What? -Absolutely not! What about the monster? The monster is a guard keeping the unworthy out.
It won't hurt us.
Yeah, and before, you thought it wasn't going to hurt us! How are you gonna get there? We're stuck.
We can use the personal transport crafts.
Allura, please! It's too dangerous.
Coran, I must gain some kind of alchemic knowledge in Oriande, both to save our own lives and bring peace to the universe.
Coran, don't tell me you're going to cave in on this! Lance, she's right.
The ship is stuck unless the princess can somehow get it restarted.
Don't worry.
This will work.
I can feel it.
-Did they make it in? -I don't know.
I can't get any readings beyond the edge of the white hole.
We'll just have to wait.
[breathing shakily.]
[gasps softly.]
Huh? It's amazing.
None of my research or travels have prepared me for this.
From here, we are on our own.
[metal clattering.]
-[clattering continues.]
-[suit squeaking.]
Anything? No.
What's happening? What do you think they're doing now? -[Pidge.]
Now? -Yes.
-Wait, what? [Pidge.]
We're not talking to you, Lance.
Is this doing anything? Do you think she's all right? I mean, will they be able to get back? -I don't think so.
-You don't? -[Pidge.]
He's not talking to you.
-Well, excuse me for being concerned! [Pidge.]
Coran, try to fire the chargers.
Nerve-racking waiting for Allura to get back.
I'm afraid they're dead.
-What? Shiro! Can you take Lance, please? It's okay, Shiro.
I'll be quiet.
You don't have to babysit me.
Lance, let me ask you something.
Do you remember, on Olkarion, how you asked me about talking to you from inside Voltron? Yeah.
What happened there? I can't remember any of it.
We were all in some kind of mystical Voltron mindspace, and you were yelling something, but I couldn't hear you.
Are you okay? [sighs.]
I-- I don't know.
My head I'm just [sighs.]
I'm feeling so confused.
-It's like -What? Like I'm not myself.
It's probably just lack of oxygen.
You should sit down.
We'll get through this.
I'm bored.
How long are we just gonna drift here? Until Haggar decides what our next move is.
While she's doing her magical pondering, we could be out conquering.
The whole empire is in chaos.
We play our cards right, and we have a nice little territory of our own.
You think we could replace Lotor as emperor? [Zethrid.]
Who knows? If we start taking the other commanders out, one by one, we could be the last ones standing.
No one is replacing Lotor.
We just need to wait for orders from Haggar.
-You wanna go throw things at the crew? -Yes! [Allura panting.]
I wonder if Father climbed this mountain.
You know, I envy you growing up with King Alfor.
I always wanted to be an explorer and learn about the universe.
My father was only interested in conquering it.
He put me in charge of a planet for a year, running the quintessence mining and getting to know the local population.
Rather than employ the usual Galran methods of subjugation, I worked alongside the leadership of the planet, learning their customs.
We would only extract as much quintessence as could be replenished.
And I enjoyed my time there quite a bit.
When my father found out what was happening, he ordered me to destroy the planet.
I refused, and he sent me away.
-At least you stood up for those people.
-He destroyed them all.
I was powerless to stop him.
I spent the following centuries searching for clues about my Altean heritage, another culture destroyed by Zarkon.
I'm glad you're here to help me now.
I never would have gotten here without you.
[lion growling.]
Look at these ancient markings.
They're beautiful.
The Temple of the Alchemists.
The mysteries we seek are hidden somewhere deep inside.
[lion growling.]
The Sages of Oriande.
My father told me tales of their exploits, but I always assumed -they were just children's stories.
-The Life Givers.
They were the first Alteans to unlock the secrets of Oriande, the beginning of Altean alchemy.
Allura, the tales you grew up with were not just children's stories.
[both gasp.]
Great protectors, we seek passage through your land.
We bring you this gift.
-Now, what? -I don't know, but be prepared.
We may yet have to prove that we're worthy to be here.
[lion growling.]
We're trapped.
There must be a clue.
Something a trained Altean would recognize.
[metal creaking.]
There! It's like the bridge of the Castle! A teludav! [gasps.]
[voice echoing.]
Allura? [gasps.]
[grunts, pants.]
[voice echoing.]
I do not wish to fight.
I come seeking knowledge.
I will never yield.
I will gain your secrets.
What can I do? [snarling.]
Victory or death! [lion growling.]
[normal voice.]
No! [growling, snarling.]
This isn't the way.
I seek the secret of life.
I give my own.
[normal voice.]
Where am I? [female voice.]
You have returned to the realm of your ancestors, the Alteans and the Life Givers who came before.
I wish to learn the secrets my father knew, the alchemy that created Voltron.
[female voice.]
There is no need to kneel here.
You are home, and the secret is already within you.
Rise, let us embrace you.
-[alarm beeping.]
Oxygen levels-- 5% There must be some way for us [inhales deeply.]
to harness the power of the white hole [inhales deeply.]
and use it to get the ship working.
-[alarm beeping.]
We've tried everything.
-I don't think I can keep moving.
-[rapid beeping.]
Guys, look! It's Allu -[Lance groans.]
-[rapid beeping continues.]
You did it! We We should have never doubted you.
I couldn't have done it without Lotor.
You are a true Altean alchemist.
Oriande was for you, not for me.
So, what's the next step? [Lance.]
Slow down, Pidge.
We just started breathing again.
I have the coordinates for our next destination.
Where are we headed? A place I've been searching for my entire life.

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