Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016) s06e04 Episode Script

The Colony

I've waited an eternity for this.
We've done everything we can to prepare us for this moment.
We're ready.
It means so much to me to share this with you.
Beginning system check.
Front and rear stabilizers.
Front and rear stabilizers are go.
Quintessence collection array.
Quintessence collection array is go.
- Infracells.
- Infracells up.
- Dynotherms.
- Dynotherms connected.
Switching on mega-thrusters.
Mega-thrusters are go.
I can't be the only one who sees that this is nuts, right? Just getting in there is a long shot.
- Then they have to make it out again? - I agree with Hunk.
This plan is a foolhardy and unnecessary risk.
I don't know.
We've traveled through the quintessence field to another reality This isn't just theoretical physics.
Mathematically, we know it's possible.
Well, it is hard to argue with math.
Believe me, I've tried.
But even if they do reach the quintessence field, then what? The last time anyone got in there, it turned Zarkon evil.
Lance makes a fine point! Take that, math! Zarkon fell prey to his own evil instincts.
The quintessence field didn't create them, it revealed them.
So, this is goodbye For now.
Yes, Lance? - Get back safe.
- I will.
T-minus ten ticks to gate entry.
Nine Eight Seven Six Five Four Three Two One.
Are you ready? Here we go.
What is that? I've got an incoming craft.
Shields up.
And pull it up on-screen.
That That can't be.
It's an Altean pod! A really old one! What's it doin' out here? Let's find out.
Attention, Altean pod, identify yourself.
Shiro, it's Keith.
Keith! Are you okay? Where have you been? How did you get your hands on that pod? Does he look bigger to you guys? He's bigger, right? - No? - Where's Lotor? - He's in the quintessence field.
- Oh, no.
Readings are beyond anything I could have imagined.
What we do here today will change the course of the universe forever.
In the hands of the wrong person, this power could easily corrupt.
Together, we'll see it never does and continue the work your father started so long ago.
Now, let's see if we can collect some samples.
Keith, it's so good to see you.
Hold on.
How do we know you're the real Keith and not his bigger, cooler, grizzled older brother? I don't have time for this, Lance! Hey, everybody, Keith's back! We need to stop Lotor.
He's been lying to all of us! - Wh Lying about what? - Everything! You're You're Altean! - And who's the Galran? - Is that a wolf? Where did you come from? I promise I'll explain everything once we get to Lotor.
We can't get to him.
He just entered the quintessence field with Allura.
We traveled through realities before.
Can't we fly in there and attack? She said Allura is with him.
We can't risk hurting her.
Why are we even attacking? Look, Keith Everyone, calm down.
When they return, we'll get this all sorted out.
I can feel the quintessence coursing through me.
It's like my spirit, my whole being, is more alive.
Lance is right.
You have changed.
Time is different where I've been.
Shiro, I am Krolia.
Keith has told me all about you.
Thank you for raising him to be the man he is today.
Krolia is with the Blade of Marmora.
Also she's my mother.
It's an honor to meet you.
What? Okay, this is nuts! You come back with your Galra mom, a wolf, and an Altean? Yes, I'm still waiting to hear the story of how you found this Altean.
And why we're supposed to be attacking Lotor.
This is Romelle, and I think she should tell her own story.
I come from a planet where there are thousands of Alteans.
We have lived there since the war with Zarkon began.
What? That's impossible.
Altea was destroyed.
Allura and I were the only survivors.
Every Altean child knows the story of how Lotor saved us from destruction.
When Zarkon attacked, many were off-planet on trading expeditions.
When news spread about the destruction of our home, those of us who remained went into hiding for deca-phoebs.
But Lotor, with his deep knowledge of Altean culture, managed to track some of them down.
Hear me out! I know who you are.
I come in peace.
I have come to save the noble Altean people, to preserve your customs and traditions before they are destroyed like Altea itself.
Please, come with me.
I have created a haven where the Galra will never find you.
It may not be Altea, but it will keep you safe.
If my intention were to kill you, then you would be dead already.
To keep the Alteans secure, Lotor hid them on a remote planet beyond the quantum abyss.
So, Lotor saved Alteans? Man, Lotor is even nicer than we thought.
And over time, the Alteans came to worship Lotor as their savior.
Generations ago, in an effort to increase our odds of survival, Lotor announced that he was creating another colony far from our own.
But in order to do so, he needed to assess which Alteans were viable candidates to survive the journey.
One by one, every Altean in the colony was given a series of tests.
Those who were deemed fit for the journey were loaded onto a cargo ship and taken to the second colony.
It was considered the highest honor.
Any communication between the colonies was strictly prohibited for fear that it would compromise the other's location.
This was the world I was born into, one of unquestioning devotion to a supposed messiah.
My brother Bandor was always faithful, but I had questions.
So many of our people gone to the new colony.
Petrulius, Gnautu, Rahz, and of course, Mother and Father.
I miss them all so much.
I'm sure we'll have a chance to see them again when we're chosen to travel to the new colony.
But why can't we talk to them now? Lotor must have a way of communicating with them.
He travels there all the time.
So, why does he keep us in the dark? You know why.
Communication with the other colony would risk discovery by the Galra.
So we're told.
Eventually, Bandor grew old enough to be assessed for the journey to the other colony, and he was selected to leave immediately.
Don't do this! It is Lotor's will.
I'll never see you again! Don't let him tear our family apart.
Don't worry.
I'm sure you'll be selected to come to the colony soon.
In the meantime, I made you something.
It's a communicator.
Will I be able to talk to you on the other colony? I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but I hope so.
Just remember, we suffer this isolation so the next generation may not have to.
Goodbye, Romelle.
When Bandor left, I felt completely alone.
I tried to use the communicator he had given me, but it never worked.
Bandor! Romelle you were right.
- Where are you? - The forest outside town.
Bandor! Lotor The other colony It's all a lie.
- No.
- Over here.
Clean up the wreckage.
Leave no evidence this ever happened.
My brother was dead.
I knew the truth, or at least part of it, but I also knew that no one would believe me without proof.
When Keith and Krolia arrived, they were my last chance at finding it.
I told them what had happened to my brother, and as it turned out, so many Alteans that had been taken before him.
As they explained their mission to me, we knew there must have been a connection between the missing Alteans and the pure strain of quintessence.
Given your brother's weakened state, he couldn't have piloted his ship for very long.
The other colony has to be somewhere nearby.
There is a moon orbiting this planet that could house a colony.
Well, it's our only lead.
But how will we get there? I have an idea.
These transports haven't been used in generations.
None of the Alteans in the colony would know how to fly one, even if we desired to.
I think I got us covered there.
There's something down there.
No! Petrulius! What's happening to them? These people were supposed to be headed to the colony! Lotor is harvesting their quintessence.
That's horrifying.
All this time I can't believe he fooled us.
He's a monster.
Huh? They're back.
What are you waiting for? Open fire! No! Princess Allura is with him.
- We're gonna let him back onboard? - We must! As long as the princess is with him, we cannot risk any sort of attack.
CORAN and Lance are right.
We can't do anything until the princess is safe.
Once Allura is secure, we will take Lotor down.
We accomplished something amazing today, and it would've never happened had it not been for you.
It is a moment that I truly will never forget.
What's going on? Allura, step away from Lotor.
I will do no such thing.
Tell me what's happening here.
Lotor is a monster and has been harvesting Altean quintessence for generations! An Altean! You killed my brother and thousands of others.
Lotor has been lying to us the whole time.
He's a murderer, just like his father! You know nothing about what you speak.
- What are they talking about? - Allura, listen to me.
I've dedicated my life to preserving Altean culture.
Now that we have unlocked the quintessence field, all of your people, who would have been hunted down long ago had it not been for my intervention, can live in peace.
Were some lives lost in the process? Yes.
But they were martyrs to a noble cause.
I sacrificed a few to preserve the future for millions.
Allura, do not let this ruin everything we've worked for.
Think of what we experienced in the quintessence field.
The hangar's been breached! It's Lotor's troops.
They're stealing the ships! Shiro? Give in.
You cannot resist.
What's happening to him? You are mine now.
Give in! Allura and I will secure Lotor.
Hunk, help Shiro.
Everyone else, get down to the hangar and stop those guys.
Shiro? - Shiro, what are you - Lance! Shiro's gone mad! He's escaping with Lotor! Stop him before he leaves the ship! Good.
Now, bring him to me.
- What do we do? - We have to stay focused.
Lance, Hunk, can you still pilot your lions? Yeah, I'll manage.
We've got this.
Then let's go! If we're gonna fight Lotor's ships, we'll need Voltron.
Shiro's gone.
Who's gonna pilot the Black Lion? I will.
Shiro, it's Keith! Shiro, it's gonna be okay.
We just have to - I can't shake them! Help! - Keith! Guys, we're no match for them in our lions.
Form Voltron!
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