Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016) s06e06 Episode Script

All Good Things

Where are you, Shiro? Show yourself! I know this must be confusing for you.
What is this place? Where are we? You You were trying to kill me.
The others! You you said you [GASPS.]
I'm not here to harm you.
Everyone is fine.
Just let me explain.
The thing that attacked you wasn't me.
Since my fight with Zarkon, I've been here.
- When you disappeared? - Yes.
I didn't know where I was or how much time had passed.
My physical form was gone.
I existed on another realm.
I died, Keith.
But the Black Lion somehow retained my essence.
Is Is that where we are? In the Black Lion's consciousness? I tried to warn the others about the imposter while on Olkarion, but our connection wasn't strong enough [FADING.]
Shiro? Shiro! [KEITH.]
You saved us.
Uh, this doesn't seem safe.
I don't have time for safety.
I need to get the Castle of Lions back up and running.
Diverting power to the main turbine might be the only way! What are the chances bolts of magic electricity are gonna shoot everywhere once it gets started? Hopefully, the chances are good.
That's what we want to happen.
What? [SIGHS.]
We really need to work on our safety procedures.
How's it going, number five? I've diverted as much power from the teladuv to the main turbine as I could.
Nice work! Looks like we have the power we need to attempt a system restart.
Allura, begin the reboot sequence.
Allura, can you hear me? Is this thing on mute? There's a lot of blood rushing to my head.
I keep hitting the wrong buttons.
- Allura? - Oh, right.
What is it you need? The reboot sequence.
Can you run it again? [BEEPING.]
Allura has begun the sequence.
Power should be flowing any tick.
Any tick? Ugh! What? We're in worse shape than I thought.
Looks like we hit another snag.
Hold tight! I'll head down to assist with repairs.
Allura, are you okay? You seem a little distracted.
I'm just so angry with myself for allowing this to happen.
I played right into Lotor's hands, and I fear my actions have placed us in this dire situation.
You didn't put us in this situation.
It was Shiro who went rogue and released the virus on the Castle.
No, this is my fault.
I trusted Lotor.
I helped him build and empower his ships, granting him unlimited access to the quintessence field.
I was fooled by him, and it put the entire universe in jeopardy.
How can the coalition ever be expected to trust me when I'm not sure I can trust myself? Allura, it wasn't just you who trusted Lotor.
We all did.
I had more reason than anyone not to trust him, but he did everything right.
He didn't just fool you.
He fooled us all.
Let me tell you, as someone who's made a million mistakes all you can do is get up and try to make it right.
You can't doubt yourself now.
We need you.
The universe needs you.
Thank you, Lance.
Hailing the Castle of Lions.
- This is Keith.
- Keith! You're okay! Where've you been? Did you get Shiro? I got him, but not the Shiro we know.
The Shiro that took Lotor was a clone.
Well, then where's the real one? It's complicated.
I'll explain everything later, but right now, you need to focus on Lotor.
I've picked up the Sincline ships on my scanners.
Looks like Lotor's headed back to your position.
Right where you are.
He needs to get back into the quintessence field.
I'm on my way to you now.
But without a wormhole, it's gonna take me a while.
You'll have to hold off Lotor without me.
We'll do what we can.
Shiro, if you're here, I could use your help.
I need to get to the team before Lotor.
Accessing the quintessence field has been Lotor's singular drive for millennia.
He wants to harness the power for himself, but we cannot let him.
Thankfully, there's only one way into the quintessence field.
Through the inter-reality gate.
So we must destroy it.
I'll work on the Castle, to get it up and running before Lotor arrives.
It'll be slow going without the paladins, but we'll get it done.
Good luck, Coran.
We'll need all the help we can get in the fight against Lotor.
Zethrid, Ezor, my deepest apologies for lying to you both, but in order to gain the princess' trust and make the Paladins of Voltron believe we were truly at odds, it had to be done.
I'm just glad we're on your side.
As long as I get to blow something up, I'm good.
Today, we will gain access to unlimited quintessence, and together, we usher in a new era of power.
Are you sure about this? We must.
It's the only way.
Lotor will be here any second.
What's the plan? The Castle of Lions is broken down.
So there's no help there.
The Black Lion isn't with us, so we can't form Voltron.
We're just going to have to do what we can.
Got it.
Attempt to survive.
Last time we fought Lotor, we had five ships and Lotor had two, and he still kicked our butts.
This time, he's gonna have three ships, and we only have four.
Does does anyone else see where I'm going with this? [LANCE.]
Hunk, no one's interested in your math equations.
Especially ones that add to us taking a beating.
Coran, how are the repairs coming? I'm working on 'em, Princess.
The problem is we need power for the systems that start the main turbine.
But if I use that power to engage the systems, I don't have power to run the main turbine.
It's a conundrum.
Coran, without the Castle of Lions backing us up, we might not make it.
No pressure.
Come on, Coran, think! I've got Krolia to help me and Romelle and the space mice and a cosmic wolf.
Hieronymus Wimbleton? My grandfather's tool kit! [SNIFFS AND GROANS.]
And a 10,000-year-old bottle of nunville.
Yep, that's Pop-Pop Wimbleton.
Hieronymus Wimbleton.
All I've ever wanted to do was live up to your great name.
When I first saw your Castle of Lions take to the sky, I knew anything was possible.
Now I'm not so sure.
Wait a tick.
- [LANCE.]
We got incoming.
Guys, they're here.
Hold your positions.
Let Lotor make the first move.
Lotor, the gate.
It's destroyed.
We need not fight today.
We are all on the same side.
I know what you all must think of me now that you know my past.
It doesn't have to change our future together.
The truth is, I want to harness the power of the quintessence field to better the universe, just like I said.
Nothing has changed.
You enslaved countless Alteans.
Harnessed their life source for your own personal gain.
How many innocent lives did you destroy? - Allura, I - How many? It's true.
Many Alteans perished in my quest to unlock the mysteries of quintessence.
But I protected thousands more, and I rescued their culture, our culture.
Why is he pleading with the paladins? Why are we not opening fire? [SIGHS.]
I stopped trying to figure out Lotor's master plan long ago.
Too complicated.
Allura, you must understand, I've given everything I have to plumb the depths of King Alfor's knowledge to unlock the mysteries of Oriande.
Please, Allura, we've come too far together.
Surely, you can see the greatness we've already accomplished.
There's still more to come.
Join me.
We're on the same side.
No, we're not! Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Allura, stop! You and I hold the ancient knowledge of our Altean culture.
We were meant to be together.
My feelings for you are true.
I know you have feelings for me as well.
You betrayed and used me.
You're more like Zarkon than I could have imagined.
What about your father? He may have been a master engineer, but Alfor was too weak to defend his home world.
I'm the one who had to step up and save our entire race.
Who are you to question my tactics in bringing peace and prosperity to the universe? Destroy the lions.
Allura, stay with the group! [ROARING.]
Coran, we need your help here! Please tell me you got the Castle up and running! [CORAN.]
I'm working on it! Krolia, get ready! The combination of the fermented nunville with the energy core should jump-start the main turbine without using the Castle's power.
Are you sure setting off a bomb in the turbine is a good idea? No, I'm not sure it's a good idea, but it's our only idea.
Here goes nothing.
Or everything.
Coran, are you there? It worked! We got an engine online! Whoo-hoo! Thank you, Pop-Pop Wimbleton! [GRUNTS.]
Don't worry, guys, I'm here! - [GRUNTS.]
- [YELLS.]
Coran, what's going on with the Castle? We've got one of the engines working, so I'm kind of learning to fly all over again.
Once I wipe out Voltron, I'm going to start a new Altea.
An Altea that will never know of Princess Allura or King Alfor.
Nor will they know of the Lions of Voltron.
All they'll know is me, their great leader! [LAUGHING.]
I'm ready to wipe the universe clean of all my enemies.
Voltron, Haggar and the rest of the Galra.
I think it's time to sever our ties with Lotor for good.
Disengage from the battle, follow my lead.
Even my generals betray me.
- Lotor, don't do this! [GRUNTS.]
What is that thing? He's created his own Voltron.
That is why he was using me.
I helped him build it.
Well, the good news is it's now four on one.
This ends now.
Look out! [GRUNTS, SHOUTS.]
It's way faster than us! [GRUNTS.]
I think I've finally got control! Ready the weapons systems! We don't have much power.
Probably just enough for one shot.
Well, then let's make it count.
Coran, nice shot! [GROANS.]
Impossible! Lotor's weapon has completely repelled the Castle's attack! [LANCE.]
Coran, shoot it again! I can't.
That was our last shot.
Pidge, get out of his line of sight! [PIDGE.]
He's locked onto me.
I'm taking heavy fire! [LANCE.]
Get out of there! I'm coming in! Form jaw-blade! [HUNK.]
Lance! [ALLURA.]
We can't take this much longer! Shiro, I have to get to the paladins.
I need your help.
Shiro! Keith, you can get to them, but you must see them first.
But how? See through the lion's eyes.
Patience yields focus.
I see them.
It didn't have to end like this, but you've made your choice.
Keith, how did you get here so fast? [KEITH.]
I had some help.
Now hurry.
We don't have much time.
On me! Form Voltron! [ROARS.]

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