Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016) s07e02 Episode Script

The Road Home

1 This is Katie Holt, Paladin of the Green Voltron Lion, broadcasting to Earth.
Does anyone copy? Over.
I repeat, this is the Paladin of the Green Lion and part of the Voltron Coalition.
If you hear me, please respond.
Dad, are you there? - What are you looking at? - Oh, hey.
Didn't see you there right there.
I'm just checking out the Lion.
A good pilot can tell you everything you need to know by a solid visual inspection.
It's time consuming, yes, and it takes impeccable attention to detail, - but it's worth it, trust me.
- Amazing.
Hunk, I just ran a multi-lion system diagnostic test.
The report back showed that the faunatonium partially replenished the power cores, but they're still not at 100 percent, so we'll need to take it slow.
Yep, "partially replenished" power core.
Nailed it.
That's pretty much what I got, too.
Were you able to contact Earth? No luck.
The low power levels are probably affecting our broadcast distance.
- I'll keep trying as we head for Earth.
- I can't believe we're finally going home.
I'm gonna hug my parents and never let go.
I can't wait to see how Dad integrated Altean and Earth technologies together.
I bet he came up with something amazing.
And my mom oh, she's gonna be so mad at me for running away.
I hope I'm not grounded.
How long you think it'll take us to get home? I was just calculating that now.
Without the luxury of a wormhole and with diminished power cores, let me see, carry the one oh, it's gonna take us approximately 150,000 Earth years.
A hundred and fifty thousand years? Coran, I think your finger counting is a little off.
It's gonna be 1.
5 years.
Oh, right.
I didn't carry the three.
It's going to be a very long and difficult voyage, but it's our only chance to replace the Castle of Lions.
There were times when I thought I'd never see Earth again.
To be able to go back Well, what are we waiting for, guys? Let's hit the space road.
I suppose we need to figure out who's flying with whom.
And what about the animals? What about them? Well, the Wolf can't go with Kaltenecker, wolves eat cows.
Cow can't be in the same area as the mice because aren't cows afraid of mice? No, elephants are afraid of mice.
- Elephants? - Yeah.
They're giant, gray animals with long noses that grab things.
Giants with long, grabbing noses? Earth seems so strange.
The wolf is riding with me, but that means Hunk will have to take the cow.
Me with the cow? Not a good idea.
Hunk's right.
Keith, you're keeping the cow.
Someone else is gonna have to take the wolf.
Not me.
I am allergic.
I'll take the mice.
How come you get the smallest passengers? I say we go old school and draw straws.
- But I'm terrible at drawing.
- She really is.
One time, she tried to draw her Nan-nan, but what she came up with, I've gotta say it looked more like a flan-bil-diplor.
Guys, you're all overthinking this.
I know exactly where everyone should go.
Hunk and mice, ready to go.
I'm ready too.
But the wolf looks restless.
How did I get stuck with it again? - I'd gladly trade you the wolf for - I have a question.
- Why did we let Lance decide all this? - Enough whining! Romelle and I are going to Earth, who's coming with us? Ah.
This is so great.
You guys are like the ultimate road trip companions.
Oh, and I get to finally play some of your Earth road games.
I'll go first.
I spy with my little eye something that starts with "plexis.
" Coran, we don't know the Altean alphabet.
Well, then this is perfect! I can teach you.
Exus, plexis, ceedus, flee, jaydus, nacto, pledum, ree What does this one do? Is this the lasers? Where's the mouth-blade button? It's jaw-blade, and don't please touch that.
Romelle, come on.
This is a dangerous war machine.
What if something happens to you? What if you have to go to the bathroom and you break your leg and then we're attacked, and I have to save the day? Lance, check it out.
Ah! I'm being attacked by giant mice.
Stop! They're eating my face.
Ah, just kidding.
I took these pictures myself.
They're mice-selfies.
Not now, Hunk, I got my hands full.
Oh, man, I gotta send this one to Allura.
No! Bad! Stop biting that.
Put the Belexiam assembly down right now, or so help me! Keith, your wolf is tearing up the cargo hold.
Because he's lonely.
Just let him in the cockpit.
I will absolutely not let that beast in the cockpit.
Guys, check out this picture.
The mice look so cute.
Oh, this looks shiny! - What did you touch? - What if I touch this? Guys, I think I did a bad job choosing the passengers.
Exus, plexis, ceedus, flee, jaydus, nacto, pledum, ree Joodum, ruu, and leeum too That puts us just halfway through There's mai-ox, kay, and jibley-way Afus, nofus, youkus-play Beefur, leefur, agus-play At the end, flancko and blee! Who wants to see the mice stacked on my head? You've gotta be kidding me! Wonderful, now everything is covered in wolf drool.
Oh, yeah, he's super drooly.
Say cheese.
- Romelle! - Just let him up front.
That's it! We're switching passengers.
I second that.
Hey, why haven't we heard from Pidge? Yeah.
Wait, who's in her lion again? I don't know, you're the one that came up with this grouping.
Well, she must have no, they're with Keith.
And the wolf is with Allura, I have the mice.
Is she all alone? Oh, come on, guys, this is so not fair.
I call dibs on playing the video game first.
But I already have the controller.
Pidge, tell Romelle to give me the controller.
I called it first.
No way.
Can't do this.
This is the Klii-Nyn System.
There's a Blade of Marmora rally point located on a moon here.
We should check in with them and get an update on their operations.
Team, we're going to make a quick stop.
Everyone follow me.
Hailing Zailox Station.
Please respond.
Repeat, Zailox Station.
Please respond.
It doesn't look like anyone's been here for years.
The system won't boot.
Looks like the backup power has been out for a while.
If the Blade of Marmora abandoned this place, that means something really bad must have happened.
That's impossible.
This base was still fully operational during my last check in with the Blades.
Enemy ship! Incoming! Everyone, back to the Lions.
It looks like a small fleet.
Mostly Galra fighters.
That's good.
We should be able to take them out pretty easily.
Oh! Yeah, but remember, we're not flying at full power.
Pidge is right.
Everyone stay sharp.
Keep an eye out.
Where there are fighters there's usually a cruiser nearby.
Some of these ships look like they belong to Lotor's fleet.
How did you get in here? Whoa! How did you do that? Sorry, it's gonna be a rough ride.
Ah! We need to get out of here.
Guys, they've got me.
I can't move.
Hang on, Hunk.
I'm gonna get you out of there.
Thanks, Keith.
We're getting our quiznacks handed to us.
We need to do something.
- We need to form Voltron.
- Okay.
Everyone, in formation.
It's not working.
Hold! The Lions can't take much more of this.
Abort! What the heck just happened? I'm guessing the Lions didn't have enough power to form Voltron.
So now what? We run.
Ah! Is everyone okay? - I'm okay.
- Me too.
What did we hit? Xanthorium crystals.
They've been cloaked.
Whoa! Where did that come from? I've never seen the Galra use weapons like these before.
And they're not using standard Galra battle formations.
How are we gonna get away? They're trying to trap us by chasing us through this tunnel of crystals.
He's right.
Look, there are more crystals up ahead.
They're corralling us like we're space cattle.
They backed us into a corner.
We got xanthorium crystals all around us, pirates behind us, and a cyclone blocking our exit.
We have no choice.
Everyone into the cyclone.
Hunk, that means you and I are gonna have to punch a hole through the storm and create a path for the team.
You ready? As I'll ever be.
Guys, we can't take much more of this.
Everyone scan the area for anything we can use for cover.
We need to go somewhere where we have the advantage.
There's a volcanic ice planet nearby.
It has geysers, steam vents, ice tunnels, extreme changes in temperature and an unstable core.
It's super dangerous.
It's perfect.
Okay, team, let's do this.
All right, everybody, stay in formation and follow me.
Geyser! Ha! You missed.
Watch out for the falling ice.
A cave.
That gives me an idea.
Lance, bring up the rear.
When everyone's through the tunnel, fire above the cave opening.
Red should be fast enough to get in before the avalanche completely blocks the way.
Roger that, team leader.
We'll see each other on the other side.
Here goes nothing.
Uh-oh! Some of them still made it through.
Split up.
We need to thin our attackers.
He's trying to break in.
I'll take care of him.
No, you're still recovering.
I'll do it.
All right.
Wait! Take this.
I'll help, too.
Whoa! Ah! Hello? Krolia? Anyone? A little help here.
Guys? Hang on! Ah! Ah! Nice! - Oh, no.
- What are you waiting for? Shoot him.
- I can't.
The jaws are stuck shut.
- I'll take care of him.
Allura, open the mouth.
Is everyone okay? - Clear.
- Me too, thanks to Romelle.
Well, Pidge and I need help.
Yeah, we can't shake these guys and we don't have any room to maneuver.
I see your location.
We're headed your way.
What should we do? You usually have ideas.
I don't know.
My cannon isn't operational.
Know what? Let me know if you have any thoughts.
We could really use some help right now.
What just happened? I think the wolf just saved us.
Oh, no.
Are you okay, wolfie?
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