Wallander (Sweden) (2005) s03e02 Episode Script


1 Music from the stereo Hi sweetie.
I have your bag ready, so you can go.
- Can I go shopping with Dad? - No.
School starts in 20 minutes.
-See you.
You 're late.
She'll be late for school.
The parents argue Where's Josefin today? -Sick.
What's wrong with her? -Fever.
Can you ride alone? -Yes.
Save some for Josefin too.
Ok? -Yes.
Wallander (H.
Mankell) "MISSING" Let's go.
Here we go Hello.
Kurt! Are you back? How's my favorite little? My little favorite policeman! It has been so lonely without you! So lonely without my baby.
Come on, I'll give you some lunch.
Has it been bad? -Well Some believe that the suspension was a harsh punishment.
There are certainly opinions when it comes to this issue.
Whether you were sober or not, and forgot the gun.
But that does not matter now.
There was one more thing.
While you were away - I let Martinsson step up a little bit.
You must share the responsibility.
You have police responsibility but Martinsson can research and devote more attention to personnel issues.
Hey Kurt You seem spirited.
More alert.
-Thank you.
Kurt! Have you been sad? -Yes.
What is that? It's a girl.
If you've heard something about a bet, I was not in on it.
-Ella Svedberg, 10 years old? - Yes, she did not come to school.
Who called it in? -Her mother.
She saw her go off this morning.
-Any other missing classmates? -No.
Kurt? Are you back already? -Hello Martinsson.
Ella! Ella! Maja, have you seen Ella? Was she in school today? Call me if you see her.
Helen What's happened? Why didn't you answer the phone? The school called.
Since then I have been looking for her.
Ella! Helen crying -Kurt Wallander.
-Pablo Hernandez.
My colleague would like to ask you some questions.
Kurt Wallander.
We are putting all our resources into this case.
How hard can it be to find a girl with a bike? A blue DBSblue DBS.
She cannot just disappear.
-Ella has a mobile phone as well? -There's no answer, it's off.
She slept at her father's last night? -Yes, they came here before she went to school.
-What were you doing at the time? I don't know.
I was at home Then when they called from school I went out and looked for her right away.
-Did anything special happen this morning? -No, no more than the usual.
-Which is what? -Pablo rushes in and we start arguing.
-Argue about what? -There is always something.
That he does not get to take a long time off from school to take Ella to Chile.
-so she could start Catholic school.
This time, it was a bit of everything.
I have asked Helen to stay home in case Ella shows up.
You should do it the same.
-You have an apartment in town, right? -Yes.
I called Helen this morning after I had been here.
But she did not answerjust thought you should know.
What time? -When Ella disappeared at nine o'clock.
Thank you.
Kurt, have you talked to Mattson? - About what? -About the allocation of responsibilities.
-I'll see you, boss.
Mobile phone rings Yes, Kurt? -Hey, Dad.
I spoke with the mother of Ella's classmate who is sick.
She and Ella usually get sweets at a supermarket on the way to school.
-Viktor's Livs is the name of the store.
Yes, I talk to her almost every morning.
She and Josefin bike through here on their way to school.
I usually give them some candy.
-What kind of candy? -Foam hearts.
-You didn't notice anything special this morning? -No -Ellinor! Did you notice anything with Ella? -No, she was happy.
But Josephine was sick.
Call me if you think of anything.
Have you looked at the bike path where the stream is a bit wide? They usually play there sometimes.
Now, now, easy The dog barks We found no new tracks.
Josefin It's the policeman who wants to talk to you.
5 degrees? Are you often at home with a cold? -No.
Have you found Ella? -No, but we found the cave.
-Do you play there anymore? -No.
It's Ella's dad, huh? Who took her.
-Why do you think so? Ella thoughtthat he would take her on a trip.
She wants to be with him too.
-She said that? -Don't tell her mom.
-Oh, no.
There is no sign of a struggle at the scene where the sweets were found.
However, we have discovered fresh saliva.
I'll be surprised if it's not Ella's.
Someone she knows picks her up.
They need to get out of sight quickly.
What do we know about her phone? -It was turned off by 8:53.
Soon after, she disappeared.
What about the parents? -Excuse me Pablo Hernandez married Helen Svedberg.
They had a daughter Ella.
A summons.
The custody dispute goes to court next week.
The mother wants sole custody.
Daddy obstructs.
-Obstructing? He claims the same thing.
It's a tangle of notifications.
Helen claims that Pablo threatened her.
But there is no proof.
-Any similar cases? -No.
We have had many cases where children were abused in a custody battle.
Not where kids disappear.
We have to look further back.
How far back in time? -Kurt? -We must push the parents.
Home Guard is coming with 100 men.
-Good, Svartman.
Organize a list of newly released sexual offenders.
-What should I do? -The parents are waiting at home.
Helen insists she was home alone.
It seems pretty safe.
Pablo maintains his call to Helen.
The mobile operator has confirmed it.
Quarter past nine he calls Helen from the office.
-Why doesn't Helen answer? -She says she did not hear it.
The question is, why was he calling?.
It may be to gain an alibi.
Pablo picks up Ella and then he calls us.
During the search, Pablo was joined by this man: Alejandro Hernandez.
They are cousins.
They are often seen quarreling.
Alejandro has a summer home located a few miles from here.
I'm on my way.
Linda! It's a suitcase packed for two people.
Plus two tickets to Santiago, Chile for one adult and one child.
Don't move! Are you okay? -He had a cocker spaniel.
-Your neighbor? I thought my cousin took her.
So I got mad at him.
But he says he doesn't have her.
-Did you want to fly home with Ella? -I have not done anything wrong.
Answer the question.
-There was a backup plan.
-If you lost in court? I'm a good dad.
Now I lose because nobody believes me.
Yes, it's Ella's bike! Ask if anyone heard or saw anything.
Helicopter Audio What's the big deal with her, Anna Forest Fields? - Anna Forest Fields Prosecutor from MalmÃ.
She's been responsible for several cases of missing girls.
Shall we begin? Anna Forest Fields.
-Hi, Kurt Wallander.
Hi, Linda Wallander.
Coffee? -Thank you.
Welcome to Ystad.
How much have you pushed the mother? Not too much.
We don't want her to go into shock.
-You have not ruled her out? -No, we're focused on the family.
Ella has been gone a long time now.
Who has spoken to the mother? That's me.
-The phone call from the father The motherwho says she did not hear it.
How much has she been pressed on it? -Too little.
Let's start there.
You speak with her, Martinsson.
Shall we get started? Just answer the question.
Have you hidden Ella to protect her against Pablo? No.
You were at home when Pablo called? -Yet you did not hear the phone ring? -My daughter is missing! You're wasting precious time When you have not found my daughter Is that all you got? I think she's lying.
-About what? -About the phone call that she did not hear.
All right.
Kurt! So the rumor is true, we have Mr.
Wallander with us.
Gunilla, good to see you.
How are you? I have had cancer in both breasts and divorced since we've last met.
How could you forget the gun at the pub? -Were you drunk? -No.
What have you shoplifted from us? Alexandra? We have a missing girl in Ystad.
You remember the way it was Kurt.
It took a long time to recover after it.
Did you have more suspects before I took on the case? Besides the mother? No.
You know that.
-Does she live here? Yes.
And she has not recovered.
Knocking -Who is it? -Uh, Jannika? Who are you? -Wallander, Ystad police.
I don't want to talk to you.
-A girl has vanished.
What happened to the girl? -We don't know.
Why are you here? Didn't Alexandra have a pen like this? Do you remember how she got it? -No.
The same brand.
So what happens now? Will you begin to suspect the mother in Ystad? I hope to solve it.
-I hope that she won't need you to.
Beautiful weather.
Now that summer has arrived.
You know what? After all these years I am still dreaming about how I'll kill you.
There are no green ones left.
They taste the best.
I like the yellow.
Take a black - a licorice one.
Alexandra is one of them I'm worried about.
I think that her mother hit her.
Get off me, you fucking pig! Mobile phone rings -Yes, Kurt.
Helen went in there.
Do you know who lives there? Calm down.
I cannot just sit here.
Relaxdon't do anything rash.
He's going to escape with Ella.
Why can't they see that? Linda Wallander, Ystad police.
I have some questions.
Maybe I should have told you that I know Ella's mother.
Wait, I'll just So.
I know him, Pablo, also, but it's mainly Helen I hang out with.
-How long have you been together? -About a year.
But she does not live here? No, it's a bit sensitive with everything that has been happening lately.
It's not that I think Helen shouldn't move in here, for Ella's sake.
What did you do when Ella had ridden away? I opened the store.
I called Helen and then I went there.
-Were you at Helen's that morning? -Yes.
It is a small town and a bit sensitive.
We have little chance of seeing each other very often and I have few customers in the morning.
Viktor is a family friend.
We have spent a lot of time in the same circles.
When things got bad between me and Pablo, we found each other.
-Does Pablo know? -No.
And Ella? -No.
A year is a long time.
I told him when we were in love- -that I would move in there but I did not.
All right.
Thank you.
If Pablo rang that morning, I was with Viktor then.
That's why I did not hear the phone.
No, I do not buy it.
Helen would have been visited by her lover while her daughter disappeared? What is it you do not buy? -Coincidencethey were right there.
-Could Viktor be giving Helen a false alibi? -Could be.
I don't buy it.
Someone is lying.
Pablo, Victor, Helen or someone else.
Who could it be? -Jannika Hammar.
-From Trelleborg? Have you read the study on Alexandra Hammer? Her mother beat her child.
She may have been Alexandra's killer.
-Have you read the study? -It was on your table.
It's not Jannika Hammar.
-Are you sure? She's at least in the city.
- First of all - It wasn't so bad.
You do not take things from my table.
-No, no, no, no.
-Got that? Jannika is of interest here.
Why have you not mentioned it? -An unsolved case of a murdered girl.
- I was divorcing your mom.
It's nothing to dwell on now! - Alright, Ok.
Neither Hans nor I can pick up Klara from kindergarten today.
I'll get her.
Of course.
So, Klara and I will have pizza.
She will surely like it? Do I have any say in the matter, boss? Kurt! Kurt! Take it easy! -You take care of Ola.
- Come here.
But what ? Hell! You come with me.
How many innocents have you attacked? -Innocent? They are all lecherous swine.
Where did you get hold of all the names? I have built up a network of contacts.
So you are a private detective? Is that what you have been doing for the last ten years? Drive to the bus station.
You will not find Ella, just as you never found Alexandra.
How the hell can you sleep at night? I'm a cop! Your daughter disappeared.
I did the only thing I could do.
-You could have killed your daughter.
-But I didn't.
And instead of looking for the murderer, came after me! A big, serious mistake! It doesn't matter that Hans and I had plans.
If you can't be bothered No, you need it.
And especially Hans.
I'll get Klara.
It will be good.
Can I get it wrapped? You Your grandfather is very late today.
Kurt, good! I've saved you a bun.
Jansson had a retirement party.
-Already? -Yes.
Time flies.
- Why are you whispering? - Ola is there, in your office.
-Does it hurt? -No.
not in here.
I'm going.
I remember when I arrested you for It was a long time ago.
I also remember when you came back and opened the bakery.
That was hard.
There are not many who could have done that.
Someone has taken Ella.
Someone that Ella knew picked and waited for the right time.
I have no idea who it is.
-No, I don't think so either.
I need all the help I can get.
What does he want? What will he do? That you're going after to me, shows how off track you are.
If it had been someone like me, you would have already found her.
No, you are looking for a different type.
I don't know if I understand it, but this is something else entirely.
Something much worse.
Forgive me for being so late.
Sorry, Klara.
How late am I? -I was about to call the police.
- I'm sorry.
Bye Klara! See you tomorrow.
By the way, which way are you going? Can I get a ride? Yes, it's the least I can do.
-Do you go take this route every day? -Yes.
I bike sometimes.
-Do you live here year round? -Yeah, when I'm home in Sweden.
It's my parents' summer cottage.
I've lived there since I was little.
-Are you not afraid? -What should I be scared for? I don't understand how I could forget her.
I can understand that.
You are trying to find that missing girl.
Thanks for the ride.
-Yep -Policeman without a seatbelt? -Yesdamn.
Klara Look.
Now Bea forgot her book.
It's not just grandpa who is forgetful.
I am a hamster, don't anyone call me Kurtan Kurtan? Are you getting a little tired? Lie down.
You can fall asleep like this.
Knock at the door Lie! -Hey.
-I'm sorry to bother you.
But Helen is gone.
I called and reported it.
Then I ran over here.
-It got to me What should I do? - Maybe she just went somewhere.
No, no.
She doesn't answer the phone and doesn't open the door.
I've called everyone she knows.
-But no one knows where she is.
-Why do you think something has happened? -We had a fight and then she ran away.
-What were you arguing about? -She believes that Pablo has hidden Ella.
I don't want to interfere in their fight.
I try to support her, but she can't handle this thing with Ella.
I can't stand it.
Here's Klara who slept at her grandpa's for the first time.
-No kidding, but did you sleep well? -No.
Come here.
They've been waiting for you for ages.
Bea You forgot your book in the car.
Thank you.
I wondered where it was.
We have a discussion on it Tuesday.
-A book club? -Yes.
It's me and a few friends.
-I like to read.
Do you like to? -Yes.
How did it go yesterday? -Great.
We had sour milk for breakfast.
What's this? A book? Have you bought a book? -Any trace of Helen? -No.
-Ok, then we send out an APB.
Nyberg, search for her mobile again.
-Viktor Nilsson? He went running and is now in the store.
Kurt I've located found the mobile.
It's Ella's mobile.
North of Sand Forest.
The cave The cave.
Sirens She had a plastic bag taped around her neck and was also sedated.
A process that took maybe 20-30 minutes.
-When? -Last night at 9pm.
When Pablo was home alone.
And Viktor Nilsson? He has a sort of alibi.
He came by my place at 9pm.
-When did he leave? -15 minutes later.
He had been jogging.
He could have driven a car, jogged the last bit and run back.
So Viktor was with you when Helen died? Why are you taking me? Let me go! Why are you taking me? We've found a plastic bag with clothes Ella was wearing when she disappeared.
It was found on your balcony.
Do you know how they got there? I live on the second floor, so anyone could have set them there.
Do you see the boots you are wearing? There are several specimens of the same kind of boot at the murder scene.
-They can't be mine.
-Pablo, it's the same boots.
Pieces of the boots were found at the murder scene and a bag of Ella's clothes found on your balcony.
The victim is your ex-wife who wanted to prevent you from seeing your daughter.
And you know nothing about what has happened? You know that Viktor had a relationship with Helen? Was it tough for you? This is Ella's mobile which was in Helen's jacket pocket.
You know she likes to shoot with it? This is minutes before she disappeared.
Listen! If I cannot see my daughter then neither can you! It's over! You hated Helen because she would not let you see your daughter.
She also wanted to take custody away from you.
You wanted to take Ella to Chile.
But Ella refused and you lost control.
Maybe it was an accident.
You killed Helen because you thought she was to blame.
It's understandable.
Inaudible speech -Hey.
Do you have some time? -Sure.
I have to eat lunch.
I need to shower before I go back to the store.
It must be hard for you.
First Ella and then Helen.
What is it you want? -Have you thought of anything more about Helen? No, I don't know more than I have told you about Helen and Paul and his Someone might want to make us believe that it is Pablo.
Do you think Helen was wrong? It just seems so strange.
I don't know.
But perhaps you're used to that.
That you suspect the wrong person.
-Do you mind if I look around? -No, no, sure, go ahead.
But don't you need a search warrant? Now I need a shower.
So if there's nothing else? Ok.
-Bye Viktor sets the alarm Shower audio The shower is turned off Have you completely lost your mind? Viktor Nilsson reported you.
- "Mental abuse from the police.
" -Mental abuse by police? It's his right to notify the police of misconduct.
You've already ruined a man's life.
Try to avoid the destruction of others.
Pablo is a terrified father who is about to lose his child.
And now is just as terrified because he is suspected of the murder of Helen.
-It's okay to be scared.
While Viktor Nilsson jogs in the woods and flirts with summer employees.
If it is Pablo, why would he put Ella's mobile phone in Helen's jacket pocket? Only Pablo would know.
Maybe he did not know it was there.
If Pablo is innocent, we are committing a big fucking mistake.
The court will rule on the question of guilt.
I have to move based on what we have now.
Pablo Hernandez will be charged.
I was going through a divorce when your daughter disappeared.
So when Trelleborg police asked for help, I thought of myself first.
I wanted to get away from Ystad and all the exhausting arguments.
I wanted to help Alexandra.
I'm sorry I did not succeed.
I'm sorry, Jannika.
And now you want my help.
-Who is it? -Viktor.
Viktor Nilsson.
NoI do not recognize the name.
Viktor Nilsson Viktor Nilsson.
So Who is he? I need to know something more about him.
Likes to run.
Maybe he was in the Trelleborg race the week before Alexandra disappeared.
Her class was helping provide water at the stops.
But no convicted pedophiles were ever charged.
-So I have not watched it.
Finding Viktor Nilsson will be hard.
Go back.
It's Victor Nilsson.
Did you see that? She dodges a runner to give water to another.
She avoids another runner and provides water to Viktor Nilsson instead.
They know each other.
I can't really see what he says.
"You," he says finally.
But I see what the girl says.
-What? -"You too.
" - "You too?" -He is happy and grateful.
He says, "Good to see you," and then she replies "you too.
" - He could have said "I'm glad to see you again.
" - Anna .
? The movie just shows that anyone Alexandra gave water to may be the killer.
The film shows that all who received water returned a smile, except Viktor Nilsson.
The film shows that they knew each other.
-It's not illegal to know her.
The film is troublesome for Viktor Nilsson, but it is not evidence.
There is someone in there.
Viktor Nilsson, open up! It's the police.
Open up! -What's happened? -You need to come in for questioning.
-Now? -Okay.
I'll just get -No, you must come now.
-How long will it take? -About an hour.
Okay Turns on alarm It's Alexandra Hammer.
-Oh, is that her? I remember.
Actually they provided good care there.
-What did you say to Alexandra? -I don't remember.
You don't remember? -No.
Alexandra responds when you say "good to see you again.
" "You too" she replies and gives it to you because she knows you.
I do not know this girl.
You know Alexandra as well as you know Ella Svedberg.
We will find Ella, it will take time.
We will turn over every stone.
But we will find her.
If you want to waste our time, go ahead.
But sooner or later we'll find her.
Keep the conversation on the proper and formal level.
Kurt I came here with my dog when I saw an injured girl.
I called, but then she ran away.
Towards there? -Towards there, yes.
-Thank you.
Ella? Ella! Ella! Ella! There you go.
-Will she live? -Yes, but she is still unconscious.
And the damage? -The car received some damage.
But the worst damage she had already.
She has been beaten, scratched and bitten.
-Bitten? -Yes.
-Are we talking about an animal? -It is our suspect who made it.
Bite marks can help us determine the size of the teeth I'm sure it's a woman.
So this is a woman we're looking for.
The coroner says we can exclude Helen Svedberg completely.
However, Jannika Hamar's bite is nearly identical.
The impressions on Ella's body are somewhat vague, but the size is correct.
I cannot talk to Jannika Hammar, but take her in for questioning.
-No,we can't.
-What do you mean by that? I'll go myself and talk to her.
What did you do after I left? I was here.
I ate and slept.
Were you alone? -Why do ask me? What happened Kurt? -Ella is alive.
She has been attacked by a woman.
-Fuck you! Get out.
What is that? It's your teeth.
Same size as on Ella's body.
What is that? I can't arrest you, but you must show up at the station 8 a.
Is she awake? Sighs Hello! -Oh, hi.
-You came? Yes, I was just passing by and thought I'd get a drink.
-This is Book Club I mentioned.
-That's right.
"The Stranger"? It's good.
-Want to join us? -Yes.
Well We're talking about the ending.
He says he is happy and we do not really understand Hello? In Jojjes.
All right.
I'm coming.
I'm sorry.
Unfortunately, I have to go.
Glass being smashed What the hell are you doing here? -It's Alexandra's shirt.
-Alexandra's shirt? What do you mean? The same one Ella is wearing.
Alexandra was wearing it when she disappeared.
-A lot of girls have the same shirt.
-I recognize my own sewing repairs.
-It is the shirt.
-It does not prove that it is Viktor.
-It is Viktor.
You know it as well as I do.
-I'll take care of her.
-It is him.
I'm sure it's him.
-It's probably the same perpetrator.
But in a court we must be certain.
- And in the meantime.
? What the hell! Wallander's voice mail.
Ah! Go home.
Don't create more shit.
Linda? Linda! Knocking sound Knocking -Easy, now.
Everything will be fine.
-He's there Outraged voices Don't look at me! Look away! -I'm sorry.
Drop the knife.
-Drop the knife! -Shoot! It doesn't matter if you hit me.
Just shoot! Shoot him, it's ok if you shoot me! Just shoot! We took samples from your daughter, so you cannot see her tonight.
The risk of infection is too high.
But you can get a look into her room.
She's over there.
He was always out jogging.
He often ran past me.
He always joked and chatted- -until it was as if we knew each other.
One day he forced me into his car.
Then I woke up in the basement.
Viktor stopped me and said that my mother had called and asked him to drive me.
I woke up in a basement.
She was the one that hit me and bit me.
Viktor was going to move me- -But then the police came and I escaped and ran .
-He told me I would get a sister who was the same age as I was.
-When I got there.
I was completely crazy when she arrived.
She did not sit here for ten years.
So I attacked her every way I could.
I scratched and bit her until he was forced to take her out of the basement.
Hello again.
-Hi -We run into each other all the time.
-Have you been in the water? -Yeah, it was really nice.
A little cold, but nice.
And you? No.
I can unleash him.
Do you want to run? You're so good I bought the book, actually.
-You did?
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