War and Remembrance (1988) s01e01 Episode Script

Part I 12.15.1941 12.27.1941

Now forward.
Now forward.
Now forward.
Now forward.
Now forward.
Now forward.
Left turn all.
Forward all.
Detail, halt.
Color detail, left face.
Arms at attention! Battalion! Ten-hut! Colors! Ready.
The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on the morning of December 7, 1941 struck a blow at the United States that will never be forgotten.
2,337 American servicemen dead.
1,153 wounded.
183 airplanes destroyed without leaving the ground.
Sunk or indefinitely out of action- three light cruisers, three destroyers, and eight battleships- The California The Oklahoma The Maryland The West Virginia The Nevada The Pennsylvania The Tennessee and The Arizona.
The new odds- 11 Japanese aircraft carriers to the United States 3 10 combat-ready Japanese battleships to the United States 0.
Superior numbers of Japanese combat aircraft and enemy-controlled seas from the Japanese home waters to the very approaches of Australia itself.
Attention on deck.
Request permission to come aboard.
Permission granted, sir.
My name is Victor Henry.
You look great.
You smell great.
You haven't even looked at me.
You're smelling fried chicken.
It's been five days.
Dad's here.
That's nice.
He's in the backyard with Vic.
Oh, come on.
Come on.
Dad! Dad! Look who's here.
Hey, Warren.
Hey, dad.
I almost visited you on the Enterprise today.
I'm, uh relieving the North Hampton.
The North Hampton? Why, that's great news.
I can't believe it.
My old man - skipper of our screen flagship.
Congratulations, dad.
Thank you.
I stopped by the California shore office.
These just came in.
Lunch in half an hour, men.
Come on, sprout.
Let's clean you up for lunch.
I'll ride down the hill with you later.
My love, I hope this will somehow reach you.
There's news.
The BBC has asked my father to make a broadcasting tour clear around this tortured planet, touching the main military bases.
When he told me about it, I only heard two words-Pearl Harbor.
I know you were supposed to write to me first, but for all I know, your letter or cable will come next week, and I'll be gone.
If so, I hope It's a love letter - not a dismissal, which Is what I half fear and expect.
You're so utterly devoted to your wife.
The weather in London Is unspeakable, and so Is the war news.
But for me, to be quite honest, the only news that counts, and It's glorious, Is that suddenly there's a chance to see you again.
Now, crossed flingers, here I come.
Love, Pam.
From the Chief Bureau of Navigation, Captain Victor Henry, detached commanding officer of the U.
California BB44, to relieve commanding officer of the U.
North Hampton CA26.
I relieve you, sir.
I stand relieved, sir.
Commander Grigg, all ship's standing orders remain in force.
Dismiss the crew from quarters.
Aye, aye, sir.
Crew dismissed.
Hey, Gene.
My father's ship - new command.
Right 5 degrees rudder.
All ahead 2/3.
Right, 5 degrees rudder, aye sir.
All ahead 2/3, aye sir.
Sir, rudder's right, 5 degrees.
Engine's ahead 2/3, sir.
Gentlemen, I want to bomb Japan.
I want to strike them at once.
Anyway, as soon as possible.
I want to be able to tell Churchill when he arrives that such an air strike is in the works.
Secretary of War.
President, such a token raid at this stage will be very difficult.
And very costly, sir.
Not a token raid.
I said strike.
I want to hook the Japs, shake them up, give them something to think about besides running wild with victories in the South Pacific and East Asia, disrupt that timetable of theirs.
President, with our present bombers, our closest air base in the Aleutians is out of range with Japan.
I've been studying maps.
How about striking them from North China or Siberia? If these governments will agree, sure, Mr.
The logistics are formidable, sir.
And will take months? But then we can hit them hard.
How about a carrier strike? When ordered, Mr.
At once? Zero possibility of surprise, Mr.
Against overwhelming odds.
The Japs know our carrier strike range 300 miles.
Their land-based bomber patrols cover the sea approaches far beyond that.
Then that sounds like a suicide mission.
I want a surprise - a jolt to the Japs and a psychological lift to our people and our allies, but a victory.
Those aviators must have a good fighting chance.
A way will be sought and found, Mr.
Splendid, General.
Now, gentlemen, sit yourselves down.
The word from headquarters for war patrol number one is that a mess of big transports have already left the Jap home islands for the Philippines escorted by battleships, carriers, cruisers, and God knows what else for an invasion of Luzon.
They'll probably hit the beaches of Lingayen and Gulf, and from there, try to march to Manila.
It looks like Christmas on patrol for the Devilfish and most of the squadron.
Guam and Wake look to be goners, probably be operational Jap air bases within a week.
So our line is cut.
We'll be patrolling in waters totally controlled by the enemy.
Our mission is to harass and, if we can, prevent the landing of the main Japanese expeditionary force.
It goes without saying enemy destroyers will be as thick as fleas on a dog's back.
Questions? Yes, sir.
Are we authorized to sink unarmed merchantmen and tankers? Okay.
Here are our orders on that point.
On December 8th, this force received the following fleet order from Commander in Chief, Pacific fleet.
''Execute unrestricted.
Unrestricted warfare against Japan.
'' The Devilfish will govern herself accordingly.
Anything we sight, we sink without warning.
Gentlemen, the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor without warning in the middle of peace talks.
We didn't throw away the rules of civilized warfare.
They did.
This isn't the war we trained for, but it's sure the war we've got.
Any further questions? Prepare all departments for war patrol under way for Lingayen Gulf 17 December.
That's it.
Congratulations on your transfer to Submarine's Atlantic.
I got the dispatch from headquarters just now signed by Admiral Hart.
Sorry to lose you.
When can you detach me, sir? Well, not till after this patrol.
You're needed.
What's his problem? He disapproved my request, didn't he? I changed his mind.
You're wrong to go, you know.
Our war's out here.
Lady, my wife and kid may be caught in Europe.
What can you do about it? For starters, I can be 10,000 miles closer.
Just a little while longer, baby.
Oh, there you are.
Are you enjoying the sun, Professor? What there is of it.
I altered my dress.
Want to try it on? Thanks.
Any news from the rumor department about getting away, Mrs.
Olofwsky? Just the usual-nothing definite.
We should have been in Palestine by now.
What are you working on, Professor? This? Oh, just a diary.
Something to pass time while we wait for us to sail.
I had hoped it was a new book.
It is a new book, Sarah.
Aaron intends to coin this into publishable copy on faith, war, the human predicament, and what not.
Make all the jokes you like.
When a Jew's journey comes up heading the book of the month club selection, something will have been gained by all this discombobulation.
Just keep watching for Louis, while I go with Sarah.
It's perfect, Sarah.
I really do love it.
I bought it in Paris-Spring 1938.
Seems like ages ago.
I'll have to pay you for it.
Whatever you think it's worth.
Yes? Avram.
I was looking for your uncle.
Oh, he's up on deck.
New dress.
Oh, it's Sarah's.
I'm buying it from her.
We'll talk later, Natalie.
I should be going.
She needs money for her family.
And I started to loathe that everlasting wool dress of mine.
I mean, truly loathe it.
Good choice.
You look very pretty.
Thank you.
Well, what did you want Aaron for? In Rome, Mrs.
Henry, did the professor know anybody at the German Embassy? German Embassy? I don't know.
Why? Werner Beck? Why, yes.
I did know a Werner Beck years ago.
What about him? I have a message.
He's coming from Rome.
He's bringing your manuscript, the Arch of Constantine.
How could that be? I left it in my hotel room when we fled.
I never hoped- Who is he, Aaron? He was a student in my last graduate seminar at Yale.
One of the good German students - demon for work.
I've not heard from him since.
What is he doing with my manuscript? How has he managed to track us here? It seems rather ominous.
When he arrives, if we deny you're here, the Uberalles will board to search.
They do anything the Gestapo wants.
When is he do here? Very soon now.
You do remember me.
Of course, Werner Beck.
You've put on a bit of weight, that's all.
Far too much.
Well, here's the Arch of Constantine.
I can hardly believe it.
Natalie, do you see? It seems to be all here.
Oh, Werner, I can't thank you enough.
Thank you.
How did you happen to come by it? I found it in your hotel room at the Excelsior.
How did you know we were there, that we'd come here? The Gestapo has a list of all foreign nationals staying in Rome hotels.
So Uberalles reported to the Gestapo that you'd boarded this vessel.
Then you're in the Gestapo? No, Mrs.
I'm a foreign ministry officer.
Please, allay your fears.
I took the liberty of reading the work.
Compared with a Jew's Jesus, it's a great advance.
It's your finest achievement.
How kind of you to say so, Werner.
Your English has improved considerably.
Remember the trouble with your orals? You saved my career.
Oh, hardly so.
Your child is not well? He's catching a cold.
Oh, that's too bad.
I hoped you and the professor would have lunch with me at the Grand Hotel.
They say it has the finest dining room in Naples.
Leave the ship? Surely you're not serious, Dr.
Why not, Mrs.
Henry? I thought you'd enjoy some good food and wine.
In a few days, you'll start on a long, rigorous journey.
A few days? That's more than I know, I've come from the Harbormaster.
Oh, that's my affirmation.
Now, I have police passes for you both.
It's really quite safe for you to come ashore with me.
There is much to discuss.
Werner, what were you doing in my hotel room? Professor, when Mussolini declared war, I thought I'd better offer you my hand.
Now, suppose I withdraw so you can talk it over.
I hope to see you at lunch.
You're not seriously thinking of going, are you, Aaron? I'm certainly not.
What do you think, Rabinovitz? I don't know.
Well, I've always been a clumsy old dunderhead, so I may as well follow my nature.
I'll go and take lunch with Werner Beck.
Enjoy your lunch.
Maybe some of his Gestapo pals will join you and make things jollier.
Find out all you can about our departure.
Natalie, if I don't come back, at least you'll be rid of one of your millstones.
Sorry you couldn't join us.
It was a marvelous lunch, Mrs.
Professor, I'll be hearing from you soon.
I hope the little baby is feeling better.
Auf Wiedersehen! Well, my dear, I'm back, you see- like a bad penny.
Thank God.
We must speak to Rabinovitz.
Sure you don't want a nap first? No.
I'm not feeling sleepy.
So, was it an interesting lunch, Professor? Rather interesting.
Yes, it was.
To begin with, your Turkish captain betrayed you.
He reported our presence here aboard last week.
The Harbormaster decided to notify the Ovra in Rome about the examination of the American fugitives before letting you go, hence the machination.
And what about leaving? Still a few more days, he says.
And he gave me this.
Those are the Italian police regulations for the American internees to be sent to Siena to await exchange there.
As it happens, my home is in Siena.
My staff is still living there.
So you've made up your mind.
You're getting off and going to Siena.
I told Werner it's entirely up to Natalie.
If she wants to sail with you, I'll sail, too.
If she goes back to Siena, I'll go with her.
I see.
Very nice.
And what did Doctor Beck say to that? Well, Werner said that as a mother, he was sure that Natalie would decide wisely.
But he asked me to point out to you, Natalie, that for us the risks of this voyage are pointless and intolerable.
This ship is not even seaworthy.
The refugees will be entering Palestine illegally.
The Syrian mountains are full of bandits and hostile Arabs.
Why take such chances when we are bona fide Americans with our papers in order? He's trying to keep you here, why? He's hoping to help his teacher.
Will you ever show any common sense? He's a high-placed Nazi.
How can you accept his word? He's not a Nazi.
He's a professional diplomat.
He regards the party as a pack of gross opportunists.
The anti-Jewish policy appalls him.
However, all that is neither here nor there.
I stand by my word.
Whatever you decide, I'll support you fully.
Come in.
We'll talk later.
I have to fuel and provision the ship.
What is it? The Harbormaster has cleared us to leave.
You'll have to decide, Mrs.
Come with us, Natalie.
You'll be safe and free - you and your baby.
The road from the battlefields of the Ukraine, for hordes of Soviet war prisoners captured in the German November drive in Moscow, was a long and bitter one.
On this forced march of more than 100 miles, with the barest of starvation rations, death from exposure and brutal treatment has already taken a heavy toll.
But for Berel Jastrow, Aaron Jastrow's cousin and fellow Yeshiva scholar, this is an old and familiar road.
Part of a labor draft culled from the sturdiest of the Russian prisoners, they are bound for a place near the village of Jastrow's youth, Oswiecima place that takes its name from this village, but now, since the occupation a place called Auschwitz.
How many were there at the start of the march? More than 10,000.
How am I to build barracks for 100,000 prisoners with what's left? They are nothing but walking corpses.
There are good specimens, too.
1 out of 10.
Maybe 1 out of 20.
Besides, I have to use up 900 straight off.
Major Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Hoess, Commandant, K.
Lieutenant General Heinz Kammler.
A doctor of engineering, Kammler is in charge of the all-powerful S.
Works division.
Primary responsibility- all concentration camp construction in the Reich.
Highest priority - expansion of the Auschwitz interest area Into an industrial and slave labor complex of unprecedented magnitude.
Herr Gruppenfuhrer, may I speak my mind? By all means.
For 18 months now, I've put my heart and soul into building this new camp.
The point is what does Reichsfuhrer Himmler really want of me? Maximum production of war material, or maximum elimination of the nation's enemies? I'm a soldier, Herr Gruppenfuhrer.
I'll do either job.
I cannot do both at the same time.
But why do you suppose you were chosen? The Reichsfuhrer knows you can accomplish the impossible.
He'll see you're richly rewarded.
Of that I assure you.
Thank you.
What will you use for the special test? Zykion-b? An ordinary insecticide? So simple.
Standard camp issue for fumigation.
Cyanide base.
You're aware we'll have to process hundreds of thousands- eventually millions.
It's the Fuhrer's will.
Will the new material work on such numbers? I believe it will.
We have already tested it on smaller numbers.
Besides, what is the alternative? The carbon monoxide used at Treblinka was preposterous.
I could have told them that.
Messy, wasteful of fuel.
And shooting on such a scale the psychological effect on the execution squads would be unendurable.
Besides, the Reich has better uses for the ammunition.
So you will be testing on 900 POWs.
And on the camp records-what? 900 political commissars.
When? Christmas day.
We won't be ready any sooner.
Anyway, what do Godless Bolsheviks care about Christmas? Arriving on track two - train number four from New York.
Palm Palmer, here! Hi.
You should have your overcoat.
Honey, it's arctic outside.
I put on long johns in Chicago.
Long johns? Shades of President McKinley.
So how was your trip? Fine.
It was wonderful.
What is this awful hush-hush thing you're working on? Oh, good Lord, Palmer, you're getting as bad as Pug.
Can't you tell me anything? If we get it first, we win the war.
If Hitler gets it first, he wins the world.
Who'll get it first? As of now, Hitler-hands down.
Look at this, Rhoda.
It's got the country half-paralyzed.
Does anyone remember there's a war on? Rhoda.
Oh, Palmer.
Oh, Palmer, dear.
Oh, I'm-I'm afraid I have some bad news, darling.
Madeline's here.
Madeline? Since when? She dropped in on me from New York this afternoon.
How long is she staying? Just for the holidays.
Hi, Madeline and Simie.
I'll fix us a drink.
Well, Madeline, how nice to see you again.
Simon, this is Dr.
Palmer Kirby.
He's a good friend of dad's.
Lieutenant Anderson.
Just back from the sea? No, I'm at Buord proving grounds.
New weapons section.
Working on anything exciting? Nothing I can talk about.
You were scaring me about radioactive bombs blowing up the world.
Pure theory, Mad.
Not for this war.
We'll see you later, mom.
Aren't you two going to eat here? Uh-uh.
We'll grab a bite before the movies.
Well, have a nice evening.
It's very cold out there.
Good night.
Right? Yes, that's right.
Oh, Rhoda.
You certainly know how to spoil a man.
Why, thank you, Palmer.
Palmer, I have something to tell you.
I wrote Pug about a month ago and asked for a divorce.
Now, darling, listen, you're free as air.
I'm not sure I ever want to marry again.
I'm-I'm in such a terrible turmoil.
When he got to California, I thought he might ask me to come and set up house in Honolulu.
I simply couldn't face leaving you, so I did it.
And now it's done.
What reason did you give him, Rhoda? I simply told him we had been seeing each other, and I'd fallen hopelessly in love.
It was wrong not to tell him.
Has he answered you yet? Yes.
A lovely, heartbreaking letter.
Let me see it.
Are you sure that's what you want? Please.
I want to see it, Rhoda.
What's the matter, dear? Nothing.
I still have a report to write tonight.
It is awkward, isn't it? I mean, Madeline being here and all.
Palmer, uh Palmer, take me to your apartment.
Is that what you really want? Ohoh, what do you think, you fool? Don't you? Dearest Pug, l cried when I read your offer to forget my letter and go on as before.
It's almost too generous to accept, and we both ought to take time to think about it.
That you would be willing to forgive me Is almost inconceivable to anyone who doesn't know you as I do.
Believe me, I have never respected and loved you more or been more proud than when I read your letter.
Oh, my dear, our whole world seems to be coming apart.
You're a rock I'm not.
Please try to forgive me, and maybe we can still pick up the pieces.
But for now, life has to be clear and simple for you.
Beat the Japs.
Beat Hitler.
All my love always, Rho.
Can't you get anything right? I never said that.
Oh, perhaps I did.
This is going to be worst than Ceylon.
We're going down into a bloody inferno.
Looks like a peaceful little inferno to me.
Where are the ''vast fortress walls, the masses of cannons, the swarms of spitfires and hurricanes?'' That doesn't show, naturally.
Believe me, this little green scorpion of an island down there packs a hell of a sting.
Prepare to land.
Please prepare for landing at Singapore.
I look as if I've been digging a ditch.
So, Philip Rule is meeting us.
Oh, the swine cabled me in Ceylon.
Damn able correspondent, Philip.
Talky, I finished with him long ago.
Qantas flight 23 Arriving at gate number 5.
Hello, Tudsburys.
Philip, just in time.
How are you, Tudsbury? Welcome to the bastion of the empire.
I'm overwhelmed.
Well, don't be.
They grow by the roadside.
Alistair Tudsbury? Air Chief Marshal Brooke-Popham invites you for a tour of the island's defenses.
Oh, I accept.
My car will be waiting for you outside customs.
You do rate with the high brass, Talky.
Imagine a journalist receiving that offer.
What happened to your hand? I went on maneuvers with the Argyll and Sutherland highlanders.
Got bittenby a centipede.
It was a nasty brute, about a foot long.
Didn't know whether to kiss it or kill it.
Still playing your Hemingway act, eh? Nasty, nasty.
Come along.
I'll whisk you through formalities, then I'll book you into raffles.
What are you sending to the express? My sources say our lads are smashing the Japs.
That's the official line, Talky.
The rumors filtering down the Peninsula aren't quite so rosy.
Looks peaceful.
This is the residential section.
We are east of Suez.
Where are the British, Phil? You'll meet them tonight at the Tanglin Club, Governor's reception for whites only.
Governor's reception? For the celebrated Alistair Tudsbury.
You'll get a chance to meet all the calcified Pukka Sahibs responsible for sweating and oppressing half a billion Asiatics in the name of God and the British empire.
So, Tudsy, tell me about this U.
naval captain Victor Henry.
Who's that? Oh, come, come.
People talk, especially the Moscow press corps.
You and this yank lovers? None of your bloody business.
As long as we're on the subject, how's the little wife? God knows.
Last I heard, she was working in a factory outside Moscow making tank turrets out of borscht or something.
The idea of you married, and to a Russian ballerina.
You always were full of surprises.
It was the only way into her knickers.
Beautiful girl, Tudsbury, but prim as an Anglican Bishop's wife.
A Yank, Tudsy, and, I hear, over 50.
You must tell me.
What's the appeal? Among other qualities, Phil, he's as little like you as anyone could possibly imagine.
He's decent to the bone.
Ah, the charm of novelty.
This war will be won.
Though it may well entail further grizzly sacrifices for mankind.
But after what I have seen today, thanks to the generous cooperation of Air Chief Marshall, Brooke Poppum, this is what I'm going to say tonight when I broadcast to England, the empire and the world.
Fortress Singapore is ready.
Fortress Singapore doesn't expect a tea party but it is well prepared for its uninvited guests.
Let the rest of the world be assured the Japanese will not enjoy, if they ever get near enough to taste it, the bitter brew that awaits them at Fortress Singapore.
Morning sir.
Good morning Byron.
Good morning Skipper.
Good morning Byron.
How much longer till Lingayen? I'm taking her down Lady.
Pull the plug as soon as we are below.
Aye, aye sir.
Clear the bridge.
Let's move it.
Let's get going.
Get going.
Green board.
Bleed air.
Pure air.
Green board, pressure in the boat.
Very well take it up one, two, five feet.
Let me know when you get it.
One, two five.
One, two, five aye.
I relieve you Briny.
I stand relieved sir.
I want you to go forward and check the new torpedo explosives.
Aye, aye.
Full negative to the mark.
Bridge circuit is secure sir.
Very well give me a nine-degree down bubble.
Now line it up.
Hey guys.
Hello sir.
How we doing Hans? We had to load all six bow tubes with of warheads Mr.
Allfish routine.
Floaters are ready for insertion.
Well let's get at it.
Tracking party to the conning tower Mr.
What's going on? The captain wants you to take the dive so that Mr.
Turkell can man the TDC.
We're in silent running.
We have a contact? Your damn right.
There's crew noises all over this ocean.
We're inside Lingayen.
Lady, when did all this break.
We picked up these clowns on sonar at about nine thousand yards all of a sudden we must have come out from underneath a thermal layer.
I want you to take the dive.
I'm going to go back up to the conning tower.
Very well, I'll relieve you sir.
And I stand relieved.
We are at one, twenty-five running silent.
I only had one-third and for once Foof left you with a good trim.
Sure sounds like a mess of them.
Yeah like the whole damn Jap landing force.
Now Briny listen carefully.
I'm going to raise number one periscope all the way.
I want you to come to exactly sixty-six feet and level off.
And then another foot and level off just the way we did on that last practice run on the Litchfield.
Nice and easy, you know? Aye aye sir.
Take it up sixty-six feet.
Zero bubble.
Six-six feet sir.
Very well.
Up scope.
Make it up six-five feet.
Six-five feet sir.
Very well.
That's it hold it.
Wow unbelievable.
Mark? 0 4 5.
Leaving AP.
Mark? 0 4 6 1/2.
Second A.
Mark? 0 4 4.
Third A.
Mark? Down scope.
0 4 2 1/2.
Target angle on the bow.
Forty starboard - range about ten thousand yards.
Will track the first transport.
Give me the normal approach course, all ahead standard.
This is the captain.
We've got three big transports in column, screened by three destroyers, off our starboard bow.
The rising sun is flapping plain as day on all of them.
This is it.
Flood the bow tubes.
All tubes flooded sir.
Very well.
They're still beyond torpedo range, Captain.
They are now but they're zig-zagging and when they zig back they will be in range.
All ahead 1/3.
Answering all ahead 1/3.
Up scope.
Okay, here they come.
They are zigging back.
Get ready to shoot.
They're still in outside range, Captain.
I'll use slow setting Zen? I'm going to shoot.
Open outer doors.
Lead transport bearing.
Mark? 3 5 0.
Mark? Down scope.
Angle on the bow seventy starboard.
Now all hands I intend to shoot four bow tubes at those three big overlapping transports.
Set depth thirty feet all tubes.
Acknowledge sir.
Very well.
Up scope.
Target bearing.
Mark? 3 5 2.
Mark? Down scope.
Angle on the bow ninety starboard.
Solution light, shoot anytime Captain.
Fire one.
One fired electrically.
Number one fired electrically sir.
Fire two.
Number two fired electrically sir.
Fire three.
Number three fired electrically sir.
Fire four.
Number four fired electrically sir.
All fish are running toward target sir.
Very well.
Up scope.
All wakes running hot, straight and normal.
Down scope.
Nineteen seconds till impact Captain.
Fifteen, fourteen No, it has to be.
Ah, up scope.
Scope's been up fourteen seconds.
Down scope.
Four misses.
Lady, four.
These two wakes had to go right under the lead transport.
In spite of the wakes that near destroyer is coming right at us with a hell of a bone in its teeth.
All ahead full.
Answering all ahead full sir.
Bradley emergency give me two hundred and fifty feet.
What's he talking about Mr.
Henry? Lingayen is no deeper than hundred seventy.
We're going to hit bottom like a ton of bricks.
All hands rig for depth charge on the double.
On that dive order, Captain I think you mean a hundred and fifty feet.
That's about down to the mud here.
Oh right.
Thanks Lady.
Byron make that one hundred fifty feet.
One five zero aye sir.
Passing one hundred feet.
Take it up one five zero feet.
Below negative to four thousand.
One five zero sir.
Well, what course Captain? Course? Oh yeah huh? Left full rudder come to, ah make it two, seven, zero.
Left to two, seven, zero sir.
Depth charge.
Hold on.
Foof hit it with a torch.
Captain, we got our depth crank in.
We're getting creamed.
Let's take her up to fifty-five feet and give them a knuckle.
Take her up to fifty-five feet.
Fifty-five feet aye sir.
Give me a ten up, no more.
Four degree down till we past six, zero feet.
Floor auxiliaries from cease, eight hundred pounds.
Leveled off at five, five feet sir.
Very well.
Everything okay down there? Seems to be sir.
Now all hands we've seemed to have give them the slip for now.
Congratulations on bringing the Devilfish through her first enemy attack.
Make depth sixty-five feet.
Lady, Foof, let's look at the chart.
Lady what do you think? Well I'd say he's heading for the beach.
Yeah why's that? Because he probably knows that we're still trying for the landing area.
Well if you're right that's just great.
Because we're heading for the entrance.
The entrance? Of course.
The whole landing area will be on full submarine alert now.
We can't accomplish anything here but up at the entrance we might find some fat pickings.
All right, Foof you relieve Briny.
Lady you and Briny take a look around the boat.
Let me have a full damage report as quickly as possible.
Lady? Aye, aye sir.
No, no you tell me why he's not going after those transports.
Take it easy Briny.
He knows what's he doing.
He does? Yes, you heard him say that our torpedo attack put the landing force on full sub alert.
The landing force has to be on full sub alert anyway you know that.
We're still loaded with twenty fish and he's running.
What the hell are we out here for? He's zigging again.
Range is sixty-five hundred.
Ready to relieve.
He's back with us.
Were at eight, zero feet and 1/3 speed.
Very well I relieve you sir.
I stand relieved.
Sonar's got them at six thousand yards.
He's already completed two tight squares.
It looks like he's about to take a wider sweep.
What do you think Chief? Well it's a pretty dark ocean up there but if he carries out the right search pattern he could pick us up again.
Range five thousand and closing.
Lady let's take a look.
Steve, keep feeding plot we're going below.
Aye, aye, sir.
He's right there sir and he's making another turn.
Well maybe we should change course Captain.
Come right Negative.
We're continuing toward the entrance.
Where the pickings are.
Hold course, speed and depth.
He may not pick up an echo at all.
The Litchfield didn't pass us at three thousand when we were on the bottom.
Why don't we at least pop the scope up? Maybe the weather's lousy top side and we could surface and run the hell out of here with our diesels at twenty-one knots.
The batteries are pretty low Captain.
Not much juice left for underwater evasion.
Damn it Lady what if the weather isn't lousy up there? We're up moon from them.
Even our attack periscope might show up in his binoculars.
He's turning towards us sir.
Well maybe he picked up a school of fish or something.
Range four thousand.
Speed thirty knots.
Range thirty-five hundred.
Collision course Captain.
Rig for depth charge.
Rig for silent running.
Emergency give me one hundred feet.
Take it up one hundred feet.
All ahead full flood negative.
Retrack the sonar heads.
I'm going to the bottom.
You're bottoming Captain.
That's the way I shook off the Litchfield remember? His sonar couldn't screen out the bottom return.
We're an extremis it's our best chance.
Give me a fathometer reading.
Have all hands prepare to bottom.
Full rudder.
Will it work? Well it depends.
On what? How good the Japs sonar is.
All right level off.
All stop.
Answering all stop.
On the bottom sir is nine, seven feet.
Very well.
Shut down everything but top side sonar.
Top side sonar report is dead overhead Captain.
It's too close for a good bearing now.
My God it's working.
He's gone by us sir.
How are we on air? Forty hours Captain.
We'll just lie here until he fades off.
He's coming back Mr.
He's coming back sir.
Nothing to worry about.
Nothing to worry about down there.
Bottom return blanks out his sonar.
We know that now.
Secure that valve.
Let's see some hands over here.
I'm taking her up.
Blow all ballast surface, surface, surface.
Byron I'm taking her up to sixty-five feet.
Blow negative.
Maximum up angle.
All head full.
Six, five aye sir.
Make it up six, five feet below negative mark, ten degree up.
All compartments report damage.
High speed propeller sir approaching from the entrance.
One bearing three, zero, zero.
The other bearing one, two, zero.
Speed twenty knots.
Aster two more destroyers.
Periscope depth Briny but be ready to flood negative and get me down fast.
Six, five, aye sir making up six, five feet below negative the mark.
Ten up bubble.
Level off at six, five feet.
Leveling off at six, five feet sir.
Up scope.
Hot damn.
It's raining, it's pouring.
We're right in the middle of a damn squall.
Black as a cow's inside.
Prepare to surface four main engines.
Prepare to surface four main engines.
Tell maneuvering room to stand by to make twenty-one knots.
Ready to surface sir.
Surface! Surface! Surface! Blow bubble.
Blow main ballast.
Lay up to the conning tower on the double.
Briny come up here a minute.
What happened? He got knocked off his feet in the darkness.
I just wanted you to see why I was giving orders.
Is he all right? I don't know.
Doc come here have a look at him.
Aye, aye sir.
What do you think? Okay guys listen up.
Sonar reports that the destroyers are rapidly opening the range and it looks like we've shaken them off.
Now I'm sure you already know that during the last barrage the captain was badly hurt.
Doc Halston says he's got a concussion that it seems serious.
So what it means is that the Devilfish is going to have to return to base.
I know you guys feel as badly as I do but the Captain just isn't up to conducting attacks and he can't delegate command.
Well how do we get out Lady and when? On the surface Foof.
Straight down the middle of twenty-one knots at approximately forty minutes.
On the surface? Yeah.
I know Billy.
It's a tough one.
Destroyers and sub chasers are going to be as thick as whores on market street.
You see on the other hand we've got zero visibility top side; the entrance is twelve miles wide and at flank speed we can run through and get away in fifteen minutes.
Any comments? That's the way to go.
All right then that's that.
I secured for a while to allow the crew to get a sandwich and hit the head.
You mean there's a sailor on this boat who hasn't already pissed in his pants.
All right back to battle.
We're passing through the entrance right now Lady.
Sonar reports screw noises and echo ranging all around us Mr.
Start patrol maneuvers.
No collision courses.
No sign they've picked us up.
Just goes to show you ignorance is bliss.
Here we are absolutely ringed by the yellow bastards and its like a pleasure cruise.
Let's just hope we don't ram one.
What's up? Hi Briny close the curtain.
So how do you like submarine duty so far? Listen to me carefully.
There's nothing wrong with the Captain except that he's absolutely scared out of his mind.
What? No concussion? No.
He confessed to Doc Halston and the doc told me.
I can't believe it.
He just can't hack it Briny.
The doc had to put him to sleep with a sedative.
Does anyone else know? No.
And I'm going to back his story.
The truth will come out soon enough.
Meantime we're returning to the barn with our tail between our legs and that's poison for the crew.
So if we make a contact on the way back I'm going to ask the Captain's permission to shoot.
You're damn right.
Foof will be my kibitzer sir.
You'll man the TDC.
Me? Lady I've never ran the TDC on patrol.
So what? You did a damn good job on the attack trainer.
Anyway there's nobody else.
Who is it? It's Phil Rule.
Phil my God.
Pam this is Major Denton Sharp.
How do you do Mrs.
Tudsbury? Come in.
Do you have any brandy? Major Sharpe? Yes please.
Bless me Phil you're drowned.
Major Denton Sharpe Alastair Tudsbury.
My dear fellow Panang has fallen we've just come from there.
That far south.
All Malay's is falling it's a route.
I caught some of your broadcasts up country.
Criminal lies Tudsbury well how can you still suck up to these incompetent, mendacious bastards? Who've botched this job and lost the empire, not that it was worth saving.
I told the truth.
Such as I could find out.
Your truth is rule Brittannia Drivel.
You might as well let government house make your dispatches.
Phil please.
I say jolly good brandy.
Don't mind Phil he's got the wind up.
He's never been through a retreat like this.
Well if Malay isn't gone we can still defeat these little bastards.
Well I don't agree with you there Denton but listen to him.
At least he'll give you something real to report.
Do you have a map of Malay about Tudsbury? Yes, of course.
That hand looks awful.
Yeah I had some imbecile army medico Lance at Jitra.
I hope I don't lose it.
I could have a touch of blood poisoning.
I'm shaking all over.
You always were a real hypochondriac.
You've always looked naughty in a nightie.
Than I shall put on my dressing gown.
But despite the poor performance of our Asiatic troops we've still got the edge Tudsbury.
If the top brass ever awakens from its funk, if.
The trick is to use delaying tactics to force the enemy to using up his ammunition and supplies.
Meanwhile, our main forces fall back to two very strong lines.
One here in Jahore and the other here along the north shore of Singapore lsland itself.
Now there's still time to build those defenses.
What with the labor pool of nearly two million Chinese and Malayans.
What are you talking about? The north shore is impregnable.
I've seen the defenses myself.
Well you're wrong.
There's nothing on the north shore of this island but marsh.
They probably showed you the walls of the naval base.
Are you telling me that BBC has been lied to by the highest officials of this city? Oh my dear fellow one uses you.
Why do you suppose I'm here? But don't feel badly, Churchill himself has been lied to.
There's not one man to tell him that fortress Singapore never did exist.
The empire is teetering in the balance Tudsbury.
That's not journalism that's the military fact.
We can win here but we must get cracking.
Very well.
If what you say is true I've led myself to this governments suicidal sham.
I shall broadcast your story.
Really? Smashing.
They won't let you broadcast out of Singapore Talky.
The Governor and Brooke Poppum.
Popham will put you behind bars before that happens.
Very well, I shall go to Australia.
I'll leave in the morning.
Yes that might work.
You better stay here dear and keep an eye on things.
Well, Phillip I thank you and take care of that hand.
I shall be listening for your broadcast, up country.
Oh don't bother to see me out.
Well, you'll be in Australia then for Christmas and I'll be here.
I know but what is to be done? The war, this story must go on the air.
What if the Japanese show up before you get back? Nonsense.
Do you think I'd abandon you? The little beggars are still three hundred miles up country.
Oh well good.
I mean given the choice I'd rather not be raped by platoons of slavering Orientals.
Well now that's settled.
You won't mind if I stretch out here on the couch.
I've got to get to a doctor with this hand in the morning.
You could have Pam's bed.
We shall be up all the night writing this story.
Draw him a hot bath dear and then let's get to work.
Follow me.
Ah yes.
Ah yes Tudsey.
I can see this being very, very cozy in here until the old gasbag gets back.
Not bloody likely.
All right now Tudsbury now let's talk about it.
Well what finally finishes off in Paris? I mean it all got very blurry.
Was it the waitresses? Low taste I admit but an amiable weakness? Not the waitresses Phil.
Not even the whores.
The Yale boy.
Oh yes.
Young Antinous.
School boy lapse.
Nothing to get upset about.
You're hopeless.
I do my best though.
But you do realize you will be alone here if those slavering whores do make a sudden break through.
If you're feeling lonely on Christmas Eve I'll be staying with some friends of mine in McMahons.
They'll be having a do.
On that I may take you up.
Don't think I could stand to be in Singapore alone on Christmas Eve.
Closing shop is right.
When do you think the Japanese will get through? What the devil, Pamela? Come get at the typewriter, let's go.
Ausweis bitte danke.
Field Marshall Walter Von Brauchtsch, Commander In Chief of the German army.
I have already offered twice to resign.
What can he do to me? Colonel General Franz Helder, Chief of the general staff.
You must not resign.
I am sick.
Yes it's the most colossal mistake yet was to declare war on America.
Why? Why? Perhaps, the treaty with the Japanese.
But is there Japanese attacking the United States? So there was no treaty obligations.
He's an adventurer.
He acts on impulse.
Conspiracies to depose or assassinate Hitler have existed In the army for years hence the unprecedented security.
The bureau's headquarters Is built In three concentric rings each protected by mine fields, pill boxes and electrified fences.
The entire S.
Complement at this advance headquarters has been selected with one single quality In mind, their fanatical loyalty to Adolph Hitler and the Nazi party.
If only he will listen.
Going on the defensive in the Soviet Union is the main thing.
Then in the Spring.
There's a smashing new offensive.
We maybe able to win some kind of peace.
Even the highest Generals must display a special pass at this highly guarded complex.
Good for one visit and pass the personal inspection of Himmler's own Chief of Security and Commander of the Hitler Elite, S.
Who is responsible for this driveling nonsense? As ordered my Fuhrer.
The Eastern front strategy to knock England out of the war.
What has England to do with this? Filthy rubbish.
General, withdrawal in the east your positions? The front straightened and shortened.
New front line chosen with an eye to easy quartering and simplified supply problems.
Ah yes you gentlemen of the officer core with your Von's before your names.
You never dusted your polished boots in a trench, the kind of trench I served in for four years.
Always looking for an easy war, for simple war.
While you snicker behind my back at the Bohemian Corporal who knows from bitter experience from lying gassed in a field hospital that war is hard! Vain soft, cowardly wretches, beneath contempt.
I repeat my request to be permitted to resign.
Yes now! Now that you have ruined my eastern campaign I designed it with crystal clarity it was bound to lead to victory if you had done as you were told and driven for the Caucasus oil.
But no you knew better.
You and your generals had to march on Moscow.
You wanted your prestige successes.
Fool! Weak! Nincompoop.
There will be no withdrawal on the eastern front.
That's final! Every German soldier will hold or die where he stands! My wermacht will not turn it's back on the Russians and fall to pieces like Napoleon's grand army.
I beg you let me resign.
Resign! You are dismissed! Herr Von Brauchitsch from your post, from my armed forces, from all further service to the fatherland that you tried to betray with this! Treasonist filth! You will remain.
This little affair of operational command is something anyone can do.
The task of the Commander In Chief is to educate the army in national Socialism.
I know of no General who can do it, as I want it done.
Therefore, I shall take over command of the army myself.
Yes Mien Fuhrer.
I shall require a Chief of Staff of course.
If you wish to resign I will permit it.
If you want to remain at your post you may.
For now that is all.
A Corporal, a Corporal relieving a Field Marshall.
The time may be coming to relieve the Corporal.
Never say it never think it.
The time has passed.
He is a fate of Germany and fate cannot be state.
I shall resign, too.
You are professional.
He will listen to you.
I'm a scapegoat for his Russian folly and that's that, so be it.
For the sake of the fatherland stay at his side, try to curb the mistakes, the excesses.
Hope for a turn in the tide.
The horrors now being committed.
We all have blood on our hands.
Yeah, the Jews.
It has only begun.
The British empire staggers under worldwide disaster.
The Japanese continue to advance down the Malayan Peninsula toward Singapore and land In Hong Kong.
The Repulse and the Prince of Wales, the pride of the Royal Navy, are sunk off the Malayan coast.
Two more British battleships go down In the Mediterranean.
Four million tons of shipping sunk In 1941 by German u-boats and Japanese submarines.
Sagging beneath this weight of catastrophe, Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, sails for the United States for urgent meetings with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
What about my grand strategy memorandum for the President? Twenty-five single-spaced pages, Prime Minister - much to digest.
But I have digested it.
Germany first.
Japan's thrust into Southeast Asia may well spell for us a disaster, but America's entry into the war can make amends for all.
I shall press my views on President Roosevelt with all my force.
All my force.
Germany first.
Despite the Pearl Harbor debacle, Germany first.
Winston, we have always talked softly and diplomatically with the Americans.
we talked like that while we were wooing her.
Now that she's in the harem, we talk to her quite differently.
By the by, gentlemen, we'll light the White House Christmas tree shortly.
You're all invited to the ceremony.
immediately thereafter, to eggnog.
That's very nice, Mr.
A productive meeting, Winston.
President, we've discussed many great issues, but not the greatest.
Not yet.
President, is it still to be Germany first? Here's the view of my Joint Chiefs on that.
It's quite short.
''At American-British staff talks in February, it was agreed that Germany was the predominant member of the axis and Europe, the decisive theater.
Much has happened since then.
Not withstanding Japan's entry into the war, our view remains that Germany is still the prime enemy, and her defeat is the key to victory.
'' Thank God.
''Once Germany is defeated, ''the collapse of ltaly and the defeat of Japan will follow.
'' Franklin, we shall have that evil man.
I believe we shall, Winston.
You'll throw the switch and light the tree.
And perhaps you'll say a word or two.
That would be a great honor.
All set with your speech for Congress? I'm somewhat nervous.
Not you.
How will you start? Well, I shall say that if my father had been American and my mother English- instead of the reverse- I might have got here on my own.
You'll do well.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us in this annual tree-lighting ceremony this evening.
Standing beside me is one of the great leaders in the world.
He and his people have pointed the way, in courage and in sacrifice, for the benefit of little children everywhere.
And I'm asking my associate, my old and good friend, and yours, to say a word to the people of America tonight.
The Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill.
This is a strange Christmas Eve.
Almost the entire world is locked in deadly struggle.
So, with the most terrible weapons science can devise, with the nations' advance upon each other.
Yet, let the children have their night of fun and laughter.
Then we turn again to the stern task and the formidable years, in God's mercy.
A happy Christmas to you all.
And now, for the ninth time, we'll light the living community Christmas tree of our nation's capital.
Prime Minister, if you please.
Hark, the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king peace on Earth and mercy mild Joyful all ye nations rise join the triumph of the skies with angelic hosts proclaim Christ Is born In Bethlehem.
Oh come all ye faithful joyful and Pamela.
Where are you going? Talky's broadcasting from Australia at 8:00.
Thought I'd catch it with Phil.
Oh, dear Phil.
He is improving, isn't he? He will never improve.
I won't be long.
Those responsible for the present state of Singapore's defenses must now have finally awakened to a reality fraught with the utmost peril.
Make no mistake, my friends.
imperial Japan will soon be storming the parapets.
For Singapore and our courageous defenders, the moment Is urgently and irretrievably now.
This Is Alistair Tudsbury, broadcasting from Melbourne.
Thank you and good evening.
Was it worth it? Who knows? I doubt anybody that counts will take it seriously.
It's not the kind of news they want to hear.
Well, is Singapore full? Oh, I fear so, darling.
Up country the men want to fight.
They're trying.
Then the orders come.
Fall back, retreat.
I've seen men cry over those orders.
How am I going to get out of here? Oh, you'll get out.
There are vessels waiting to evacuate white women and children.
You don't believe in the American rescue mission everyone's talking about? Wishful fantasy.
The entire American fleet was destroyed at Pearl Harbor.
No one knows what happened at Peal Harbor.
Denton Shairpe knows.
They lost all eight battleships.
The Americans are finished.
What's the matter, Pam? Oh, you're thinking about your Yank.
Was he on a battleship? Denton Shairpe didn't know the extent of the casualties.
Maybe he's alive.
They were sunk in shallow water.
What's that? Oh, no.
Don't panic.
That's just our resident apricot monkey.
He comes and goes through the trees- harmless despite that dreadful racket.
I hate Singapore.
I would have hated it even in peace time.
Let the Japanese have it.
I'm going back up to the house.
You all right? Is there anything you need? I might be a bit lonely perhaps.
But don't let that stop you having fun.
Run along.
Go back to your effete, doomed pukka sahibs.
Those boring young Lieutenants.
I simply don't care to be rude.
The McMahons will think I climbed into bed with a sick man.
Why don't you, Pam? Truly, that's a charming idea.
I mean, being Christmas Eve and all.
Come, Tudsbury.
You're such a bastard, Phil.
You haven't changed a bit.
Darling, I was born into a rotten system.
I'm merely a reflection of it.
When everything's breaking up, the only thing left is pleasure.
You believe in that.
I take my pleasures lightly.
You insist on drama.
That won't change, but, despite all I do love you.
What about your wife? Just curious.
At least in Paris, you didn't have a wife.
Oh, Sweetie.
I don't even know if she's alive.
I hope she's bonking the brains out of some nice, young, deserving Russian lad.
Don't forget your brolly.
''Holy infant, so tender and mild sleep In heavenly peace'' Aufstehen! Aufstehen! Get up, you Russian swine! Heraus! Aus! Get up, get up.
Get up! Take the dead out.
Roll call.
And the 900 Russian prisoners of war, selected at random and sentenced to death by the German military circuit court of Katowlce, as political officers are mustered for execution.
This will be the first mass gassing to utilize the deadly insecticide zyclon-b.
Herr Hauptsturmfuhrer, the 900 political commissars are mustered.
March them to the hygienic facility for delousing.
Zu befehl, Herr Hauptsturmfuhrer.
Herr Obersturmfuhrer, this just came from Master Sergeant Klinger.
All right, be quick about it.
Get another one, double-quick.
Which one? The one with typhus.
He's croaking anyway.
Back to the blockhouse! Come with me.
Where are we going? Shut up, or it will be the worse for you! Wait here.
How long has it been since your son's beautiful wedding? Ohha thousand years.
Butl didn't know you were here, too.
Oh, yes.
Since they opened the camp.
I arranged your transfer.
But how? This isn't even a Russian prisoner blockhouse.
Shh! There are ways.
Now you're a member of my construction gang.
I'm the foreman.
Our boss is Sergeant Major Klinger.
We do good work for him he treats us okay.
Even in Auschwitz, it is possible to survive.
Dive! Dive! Green board! Bleed air! Hey, chief.
Billy, what's up? Sonar's picked up slow screws at about 10,000 yards.
Aster's going after it.
Hey, guys.
Having a good time? This could be it.
Gentlemen, let's see if he's in view yet.
Up scope.
Target-generated bearing, 032.
Well, well, well.
There he is, right on.
Mark? O32.
Mark? 7,000 yards.
Down scope.
Angle on the bow, 27 port.
Right on, Billy.
He's there, over the hill.
Haul down.
Go to battle stations.
Sound general alarm.
All crew, battle stations.
What is it? Generator N-6-500, sir.
Up scope.
Target bearing 021.
Range! Mark? 6,000.
Mark? Down scope.
Angle on the bow, 34, it's a medium-sized tanker, about 5,000 tons.
Normal approach course, Byron.
Normal approach.
140, sir.
Helmsman, left to 140.
Left to 140, sir.
All ahead, full.
Make 8 knots.
Flood tubes three and four.
Aye, aye, sir.
All tubes flooded.
All hands, the Devilfish is commencing an attack on a tanker.
These new magnetic exploders are lousy, Briny.
Torpedo room.
Set all tubes 6-foot depth.
6-foot depth.
Forward torpedo room.
Set all tubes 6-foot depth.
All ahead 1/3.
All ahead 1/3.
Up scope! He's closing fast.
Down scope! Give me a course for a 90-track.
Right to 150, sir.
Open outer doors.
Coming right to 150.
Open outer doors.
Generator range, 1-200.
We have a solution light.
Very well, Briny.
Up scope.
This will be the final bearing.
Mark? Down scope.
Solution light.
We're right on.
Distance to track - 800 yards.
Fire three! Number three fired electrically, sir.
Fire four! Number four fired electrically, sir.
Torpedo run to target, 32 seconds, sir.
Both fish running out straight and normal.
Up scope.
Two wakes.
Dead on.
Whoo! Yay! Yay! All gone.
God, what a sight! Put the camera on here! That's beautiful! That's magnificent! It just takes one.
It's a successful patrol.
Well done, Briny, well done.
Get a couple more, then look.
What a sight! Everybody have a look! Everybody in the attack party.
Come on up from down there, guys.
Have a look in this thing.
Here, Briny.
Now eyeball that! How about that? A perfect solution.
Perfect! He's going to burn for a while there.
Briny, you're the hottest TDC operator in the South China Sea.
Foof, have a look.
Two out of two.
Have you ever seen anything more beautiful? Never seen anything half as beautiful! You bet you haven't.
Merry Christmas.
Now you got a story to tell Natalie, huh? Thank you for waiting for me, Natalie.
It's cold and windy up on deck.
Let me give you some coffee.
Thank you.
How's your baby? Cranky.
He keeps pawing at his ear, and he's feverish.
Sugar? No, thank you.
So are you coming with us? I'm trying to make up my mind.
That shouldn't be hard.
Decide what's the best for yourself and do it.
Listen, the Italians have no use for a lot of hungry and stateless Jews.
We'll go, Mrs.
You should come, too.
I should? Why? Perhaps because your baby is Jewish and should go to the Jewish homeland.
Don't you understand I feel no emotion about Palestine.
I'm an American, completely irreligious, married to a Christian naval officer.
Tell me about your husband.
Well, he's on a submarine in the Pacific somewhere.
I haven't seen him in ages.
That was my wife.
She was killed in a bus that the Arabs blew up.
That's awful.
It happened eight years ago.
And you want me to bring my baby there? Jews live in danger everywhere.
Not in America.
There are no boats to America.
Here's my husband Byron.
It was taken on our honeymoon in Lisbon.
It lasted all of two days.
He looks young.
When was this? A million years ago, it seems like.
No-l mean, yes, he's young, but he's exceptional.
Byron has a marvelous knack for, I don't know, for getting things done.
You'd have to meet him.
Bring your son to Palestine.
He'll grow up to be a man of action like his father.
You know, Werner Beck's coming in the morning, just in case we decide to leave the ship.
Yes, I know.
I'm sorry.
The wind keeps backing around.
The weather report is not good.
Still, we sail with the first light.
That may solve my problem.
Maybe Beck won't be here that early.
Oh, he will come, all right.
Yes? Sorry to interrupt.
The baby's behaving rather strangely.
It is this inflamed left ear.
A febrile episode.
Don't worry, Natalie.
Infants come out of convulsions.
The doctor will give him something.
Unfortunately, for this there's no medicine.
What about a warm bath? Yes.
Yes, this could help.
But there's no hot water on this boat.
The galley.
Fortunately, soup is the mainstay of our diet.
Feel that.
Too warm? No.
When my baby brother went into a convulsion, that's what my mother always did.
Get some on his head, too.
Come along, my dear.
My God, Natalie, you're not really leaving the boat, putting yourself in the hands of that German? My baby's sick as hell.
I know babies' fevers are frightening, but it's amazing how they recover, throw them off.
A few days at sea, and you'll be safe in the Jewish homeland.
We appreciate your concern, but Natalie's already made a decision.
This ship will be 10 days at sea.
There will be weeks in the wild Syrian mountains.
And also, the Turks or British may stop the boat and send it back.
Okay, let me help you.
You're very kind.
Let your uncle get off, if he insists.
He's had his life.
Not you and Lewis.
Listen to me, darling.
Sarah, you're not helping.
I suppose we oughtn't to keep Werner waiting, Natalie.
I'm so pleased that you made the right decision.
Well, Dr.
Goodbye, Rabinovitz.
Perhaps we shall meet again.
Am I doing the right thing? It's done.
Henry, do you remember the last line from the Passover seder? ''Next year in Jerusalem.
Next Episode