War and Remembrance (1988) s01e08 Episode Script

Part VIII - 11.25.1943 - 5.16.1944

A Jew's journey, November 25, 1943.
Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia-- The paradise ghetto The most fantastic and monstrous hoax in the history of the world.
After a lapse of months, l resume this journal at the risk of my life.
lf this were found, l would be taken outside the ghetto walls to the dreaded prison known as the little fortress, and there in the SS dungeons and torture chambers, l would die a frightful death.
But l undertake this risk because there are things l must bear witness to-- terrible things, things that must be recorded.
Theresien itself is an old army town.
From the outside, quite a pretty place with its picturesque stone houses and barracks.
That is, lf one does not look beyond the walls at the crowds of sick, hungry, and dying inhabitants.
The cafes and nightclubs do exist.
There's nothing to eat or drink, but comedians and musicians abound.
Operas, lectures, concerts, and plays do go on.
I've even lectured myself.
Shop windows full of goods stolen from the half-dead throngs drifting by, but naturally, nothing is for sale.
This colossal fraud helps support the Nazi claims that the Jewish camps in the east are all like Theresienstadt, just not quite so luxurious.
in reality, it is like a town on the edge of a disaster area overrun with refugees, except that the disaster keeps mounting, and the refugees keep piling in, their numbers relieved only by the enormous dally mortality rate from starvation and disease.
But the most terrifying aspect is the fearful black cloud that hangs over every Jew in Theresienstadt-- transport to the east.
For the paradise ghetto is really nothing but a transient camp, what they call a schleuse-- a sluice or floodgate to the east.
What happens to those who are shipped to the east Nobody knows.
However, certain people are exempt-- Jewish officials, decorated war veterans, and people in special work like my library and the place where Natalie works-- the mica factory.
it is hell, that place, but Natalie has become used to lt.
Natalie has changed.
She is no more an American jewess terrified of falling into German hands.
Her whole being has a single focus now-- to make it through with Louis.
To live.
Separated from her in the toddlers' home and its several hundred children, regimented by strange women in this damp, dark, old stone house where the mortality is terrible, Louis is thriving like a weed.
Whether his travels have hardened him, or, as Natalie often thinks, the cross-breeding of the tough Jastrows and the tough henrys has produced a Darwinian supersurvivor, Louis is blazing with vitality.
Mommy! Wie gehts? Guten abend.
Es geht gut.
I've got potato soup.
Oh, no.
From rotten frozen potatoes the SS kitchen threw out.
Specialty of Udam.
They want to have a puppet show tonight after the string quartet.
l have some new jokes.
Can we rehearse now? l teach English class at 7:00.
it's simple stuff.
it won't take long.
All right.
After the soup.
Eskimos are behind it.
I've known it all along.
And you're armies are suffering defeats on every front.
The Eskimos again! Why can't they be stopped? How many times have l ordered them annihilated? But, your highness, there are so many of them, and they will not cooperate.
That's no excuse, you incompetent! lf you can't kill them all, I'll find someone who can! [praying in Hebrew.]
Aaron, you should've been there tonight.
Udam's new skit was murderously funny.
Everybody loved it.
Udam's a remarkable fellow, we both know, Natalie, but l warned you before, this is a very dangerous business.
You think Germans care how we amuse ourselves? Aaron, what's this? Where did these come from? They arrived a while ago.
Epstein came with them to explain.
Epstein himself? Yes, the highest elder.
None other.
What did he say? We're to go to SS headquarters tomorrow, but there's no danger.
it's a good sign.
We're due more special privileges.
He swears that, Natalie.
Why do we have to go to SS headquarters? For an audience with Standatenfuhrer Eichmann.
Eichmann? Yes.
Quite an honor.
These clothes are rather an encouraging sign.
Don't you think so, Natalie? Somebody at least wants us to look our best.
Let's try to do that, shall we, dear? Start off by getting a good night's rest.
Standatenfuhrer Eichmann-- a remote, evil name only whispered around the ghetto.
despite the modest rank, a figure of terror standing not far below Himmler and Hitler.
l believe we are about to find out why we are in Theresienstadt.
may god, who owes nothing to a stiff-necked old heretic, help me to protect Natalie and Louis-- the one reason for me to go on living.
you look very chic and pretty, Mrs.
To see Herr Eichmann.
You like working at the mica factory? l am very glad to be working there.
Your health? Thank you, it's good.
Your son looks well.
it seems the children of Theresienstadt are well treated.
He's very well and you, professor? You were quite ill in Paris.
l have recovered.
And your treatment in Theresienstadt? Good.
No complaints? None.
Ah, good.
Well, l suppose the two of you are wondering why you are here.
Yes, sir, we are.
l will explain.
Your impetuous flight from Italy put us in a very awkward position.
When you turned up in Paris, the Italian secret police wanted to take you back immediately.
Now, that would've complicated negotiations for the exchange of the Baden-Baden group and also would've meant your deaths.
So, it occurred to me that sending you and your niece to Theresienstadt, while delaying the Italians by taking their demands under advisement, was the most considerate solution.
Don't you agree, professor? We're very grateful for your consideration in the matter, Herr Standaten-- yes.
Well, l always try to be as fair and humane as possible in carrying out the strict Jewish policies of the Führer Which, of course, l totally agree with.
Now to the matter in hand.
Professor You are satisfied with paradise ghetto, hmm? Yes? Well, l am not satisfied.
Oh, No.
Over the next three weeks, we will see a great beautification, which you, as a very special permanent, will be part of and you will benefit from.
You And your niece And her little son.
Oh, yes.
Uh As part of the great beautification, the council of elders is creating a new department of culture, and we want to elect you an elder to head this department.
Your fine lectures and your fame as an American author make you the right man.
this was obviously Eichmann's' idea.
the last thing l wanted was to become one of these elders, who for a few privileges inflict on fellow Jews the harsh decrees of the SS.
well, professor? May l inquire, sir, have l any choice in the matter? lf you do not have a choice, Dr.
Jastrow, this whole conversation has been pointless.
Now, I'm a very busy man.
it would seem a fine job for you.
With respect, sir, my health is frail, and my work in the library occupies much of my time and energy.
lf l may, sir, l would like to decline.
Yes, of course you may.
We will say no more about it.
There is one other matter to be discussed.
We're also keeping the little boy from his playmates.
Who the devil do you think you are? And where do you think you are? Well? Speak up! I'll tell you what you are.
You're nothing but an old bag of filthy Jewish scheisse! Why, you stinking old pile of garbage, do you think you are still in America? You are in Theresienstadt! Understand? Get this in that stupid old thick head! Get up on your knees! Now tell me who you are.
Now Say what you are.
l am An old bag Of filthy.
Jewish scheisse.
Scream it, Jew.
Scream it at the top of your lungs, or I'll kick you until you do scream! l am an old bag Of filthy Jewishscheisse! All right.
Get up.
Help him.
Pick up his glasses.
Please, don't worry.
l beg of you, please.
Don't worry.
it will be Will be Sit down it will be So, tell us about your niece's filthy puppet shows attacking the Führer.
Oh, yes.
Yes, we know about them and the Talmud classes you have been teaching in defiance of the rules of the camp, offenses punishable by death.
lf l may be permitted-- silence! By your crimes, you have forfeited any claim to the status of interned enemy alien.
You are just another Theresienstadt Jew.
Do you understand? Still You would be useful as an elder in charge of culture.
And your niece does have a good report from the mica factory.
So lf l may be permitted to reconsider, l would be honored to accept the post of elder.
Your acceptance in entirely voluntary, correct? Of course, Herr Standatenfuhrer.
Because you will breathe nothing different to anyone, and if you do, l shall find out, and that will be the end of you and your niece And the brat.
As you order, Herr Standatenfuhrer.
That is all.
My god, Aaron, what happened? Nothing.
l have accepted Eichmann's' offer to become the elder in charge of culture.
What did they do to you? it's all right, Aaron.
l understand.
god forgive me for not letting them kill me, but lf l died, what hope would there be for Natalie and Louis? what hope is there indeed? it is now painfully evident in this public use of my name and face, that we are at last hopelessly beyond diplomatic rescue of any kind.
since leaving Siena, l have carried a well-concealed pouch, as a last resort, containing the photocopied documents of my earlier conversion to Catholicism, my ace in the hole, as it were, to save me from my bad fate as a Jew.
but this morning, for the first time in perhaps 50 years, l put on phylacteries borrowed from a plous old man next door.
l mean to do this in all the days remaining to me on this sick and stricken earth.
taking it all in from that moment in my youth when l turned my back on my religion until this morning when l entered SS headquarters, I've spent my life on the run.
now l turn and stand.
l am a Jew.
Thus l answer Eichmann.
Schiess ihnen! Fertig Anyone else but me, no, no, no don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me till l come marching home don't go walking down lover's lane with anyone else but me anyone else but me anyone else but me, no, no, no don't go walking down lover's lane with anyone else but me till l come marching home l just got word from a girl who heard from the girl next door to me Poor Valentine.
Not having a nice time at her own party.
How can you blame her? Being married to that one can't be easy.
Excuse me.
Bill's all right.
He just likes ladies and booze a little too much.
Pity Captain Henry's stuck downstairs.
Oh, you know Pug? Quite well.
He and my father were good friends.
Say, you know They should be ending that meeting about now.
Why don't l see if l can find him? There's Commander Bryson.
Valentine! Valentine! Well.
So you made it.
I'm glad.
Lucky l got there when l did.
Almost missed him.
Think I'll go dancing.
hey, hey, hey! l like your general.
l like these people.
Everybody! Everybody, let's see how American general drinks vodka.
We could have a problem here.
Fitzgerald's not a drinker.
is there more of this vodka around here? There's another couple of bottles in there, general.
Here goes one for old glory, Pug.
General, we'll see who can really drink some vodka.
Down the hatch.
Bottoms up.
Bottoms up.
Go, go, go, go! You said he wasn't a drinker.
Shows you what l know.
We should say goodbye to our birthday girl.
Happy birthday, Valentine.
Good night, General, my friend.
Good night, sir.
Good night.
Captain, Miss Tudsbury.
it's a wonderful party.
Miss Tudsbury.
So you will marry Air Vice Marshall Lord Duncan Berne-Wilke, who stole 40 air cobras from us.
what was that? l told him we were good friends.
You're in Moscow, dear lady, because he got you a visa.
Ne buyt durakom.
Ne buyt durakom.
Ne buyt durakom! Ne buyt durakom.
Don't be What? What's durakom? Damn fool.
l see.
You love me.
l don't change much.
l don't love Duncan.
Why are you marrying a man you don't love? Because I'm sick of floating about.
Even more now Talky's dead.
Now l have nobody.
When will you leave? Any time.
I'm packing in the press job.
I'll go to India and get on with life.
Stay a week.
What's a week? Shall we be lovers? You're engaged to be married, and I've got Rhoda.
Are you sure you've got Rhoda? What is it? You want to say something? What is it? When l met you at the British Embassy, you said you'd seen Rhoda in Washington.
l did, several times.
Was she ever with an army colonel named Harrison Peters? Tall, good-looking? I've been getting those damn letters.
l ignore them, but-- why read such filth? l only opened one.
l threw the rest away.
But it mentioned Peters.
All right.
l don't know anything.
But one night at a dance, l ran into Rhoda, and she was with a tall, attractive man in an army uniform.
it was very correct, very casual.
She even introduced him.
You saw her several times with him? Yes, once or twice, on similar occasions.
A women can't go to dances without escorts.
Where was this? When? Tell me.
l want to know.
Don't do this to me, Victor.
You don't want my love.
it's hopeless.
it always has been.
Forget it.
Let me get on with my life.
Don't marry Duncan.
l must certainly will.
Not till l find out where Rhoda stands.
it makes no difference.
I'm committed to him.
l couldn't hurt him.
You don't love him.
Go back to your wife, Victor.
There's a bond between you that nothing can break.
Not since Warren died.
Will you stay the week? All right.
I'll try.
The week.
November 28th, 1943, the allied war leaders gather in Teheran to map out the next historic phase of the war.
Overcoming Churchill's last objections, Franklin Roosevelt pushes through operation overlord, the cross-channel invasion of France.
it is set for the spring of 1944.
Stalin, in return, guarantees a synchronized all-out smash from the east.
Roosevelt also extracts from Marshal Stalin a promise of an attack on Japan once Germany is defeated and the Soviet Union's pledge to join a postwar United Nations.
in the space of three days of round table meetings lasting but a few hours, Franklin Roosevelt gets almost everything he comes for.
it was perhaps his finest hour.
That's a pretty sober reception.
Uh, where's my welcome home drink? Byron, there's a letter from Natalie.
it was forwarded by the Red Cross.
Where is that? Czechoslovakia, near Prague.
l telephoned my father about this.
He's talked to the State Department.
Read your letter first.
September 7th.
That's almost four months old.
Dearest Byron special privilege for prominent, monthly 100 word letter.
Louis, wonderful.
Aaron, all right.
my spirit's good.
write here.
Red Cross food packages extremely desirable.
don't worry.
Theresienstadt special haven for privileged.
We have second floor sunny apartment, best here.
Aaron librarian.
Louis kindergarten star.
Also chief troublemaker.
My war factory work takes skill, not brawn.
Love you heart, soul.
Live for day hold you in arms.
Telephone my mother.
Love Love, Natalie.
What did your father find out? You're to call state right away.
l want to try to call Slote, too.
Byron, what did Natalie say? is she all right? Read it Then tell me what you think.
Yes, operator, I'd like to place a call to Washington D.
, the State Department for a Mr.
Sylvester Aherne.
The number is capital-4973.
Hmm, well, quite a ray of light your wife's letter is, isn't it? Reassuring, all in all.
Very reassuring.
That definitely gives us something to work on.
What do you know about this place? Are my wife and baby safe there? After hearing from Senator Lacuture, l did some checking.
The red cross has no record of any releases.
But the Jastrow case is unique.
I'd prefer to remain optimistic.
Oh, you would, would you? What are you doing about getting them out? Please, lieutenant, considering your wife is Jewish, traveling illegally in German occupied territory, she's fortunate to be where she is.
Switch me to Slote's office.
Ah, Leslie Slote.
Leslie resigned from the State Department quite a while ago.
Resigned? Yes.
Where can l reach him? I'm sorry.
l can't say.
Excuse me, lieutenant.
l have another call.
Keep in touch, by all means.
Yeah, thank you very much.
Good morning, Sir.
Good morning.
Hey, Mark.
How's Janice? She's good.
You been over to comsubpac? Yeah, admiral was ok.
Didn't have to do a war dance we got our electric torpedoes, and a target ship for practice runs.
That's terrific.
A short turnaround, and it's back to the sea of Japan.
Tomorrow, captain's inspection.
Friday, Admiral Nimitz is coming aboard to give the crew a unit citation for their first patrol.
Saturday, underway at 0600 for electric torpedo exercise.
What are you so down about? I'm just trying to get some word on Natalie.
Our phone from the dock isn't hooked up.
Will you call Janice while you're ashore and have her meet me at the ''O'' club at 2200? Yeah, sure.
You bet.
Byron, is that you? l can hardly hear you, it's so noisy.
Where are you? Ok, well, get a pencil.
You going to need to write this down.
Ready? Leslie Slote will be waiting for your call tomorrow at 1 :00.
That's 7:00 a.
Our time.
Give me the number.
it's ca-9164.
Got it.
Did you talk to him? No, it was a Lieutenant Commander Anderson who tracked him down.
Do you know him? Simon Anderson? He's and old beau of Madeline's.
He was at the house when l called.
Byron, can you come to lunch tomorrow? No can do.
I've got captain's inspection.
Well, call me back and tell me what Slote says.
l will.
l will.
Briny, are you ok? Yeah, yeah.
I'm all right.
Thanks a lot.
You're playing games with Byron while Natalie's in a damn concentration camp.
Just shut up.
What do you think that this little charade of yours is all about? Do you honestly think that Byron needs protection from the facts of life? You know nothing about Byron.
Besides, l didn't say Natalie was in a concentration camp.
Oh, yes, you did.
You said that.
You're too drunk to know what l said.
I'm sorry you had a disappointing patrol, but don't take it out on me.
I've got to hand it to you.
You know that Byron's half in love with you, and that suits you fine.
And here we are, hiding in some damn hotel room-- so that you can keep stringing Uncle Briny along.
You're having your cake and eating it, too.
How about l just go home? How about you do whatever the hell you want to? Byron, there's nothing that anybody can do.
We don't know much about Theresienstadt, except that it does exist.
Maybe it is a haven for her, l just can't tell you.
Send her the letters and the Red Cross packages she asked for and keep sinking Japs.
That's all you can do.
Going crazy doesn't help.
l am not going crazy.
And neither am l.
Not anymore.
I'll tell you something I've discovered.
Fighting a war is the best way to forget what it's all about.
That's a very novel perception for me, enormously illuminating.
Les, just tell me the truth.
What are Natalie's chances? Byron She's in a damnable situation.
She has been since Aaron refused to leave Italy back in '39, and now The bat's in the fire.
But you know, Natalie's tough and strong And clever.
Just fight the war, Byron.
Fight the war, and try to put your wife out of your mind.
And if you are a praying man, pray.
I'll do some checking myself.
lf l hear anything, anything at all, I'll call you.
Thanks a lot.
Bye, Byron.
is that all, Sir? Yeah, Reid.
That's all.
So how long will you be in Houston? Oh, about a week.
A week? Well, we'll miss Lucy's party then.
Can't be helped.
Honestly, Pug, l thought this landing craft assignment would mean we'd see more of each other.
So did l, Rho.
You might see more of Janice and little Vic, too.
She writes she's thinking of moving to Washington.
Having a grandson around.
That will be nice.
She's talking about going to law school.
She may even move in with me for a while.
that's Sim.
I'll get it.
Hi, hon.
Come in and say hi to my folks.
Hello, Mrs.
Good evening, Sir.
Good evening.
You're still beached at that new weapons laboratory? it's interesting duty, Sir.
Heaven knows what he's up to.
l can't pry a hint out of him.
Get used to it, dear.
They're all alike.
Well, we got to run.
Nice seeing you again.
Good night.
You two enjoy yourselves.
l like that boy.
l had a long talk with Madeline's last night.
it had to do with that radio person Cleveland.
She was in tears.
Don't tell me he's been phoning her again.
She's quit him, and she's not going back, so put away your horsewhip.
The navy has carried the day.
She expects him to propose.
l hope she has the sense to accept.
She'll pounce on him.
Of course she's paralyzed about what to tell him about her escapades with Cleveland and New York.
l hope you told her tell him the truth.
Rho, what did you tell her? l told her, ''wait till he asks.
'' Rho Why don't we talk about Hack Peters, huh? Yes.
Why not, dear? Better fix us a couple of stiff drinks.
While l was gone, you saw quite a bit of him, right? Yes, l did, but you have to understand the state l was in Pug.
l met him right after Warren Well, l needed someone, with you gone, and me all alone in this big house.
But you must believe me, Pug.
The whole thing has been completely innocent.
Nothing has ever happened.
He's been utterly irreproachable.
it's true, Pug! Believe me.
He seems to think I'm some kind of perfection of womankind.
l mean, can you believe it, Pug? Me? it's almost embarrassing being so Just so idolized.
And since I've been back, have you still been seeing him? A few times.
He's very sweet Pug, and he makes me feel 10 years younger.
Well, l guess the only question now is would you be happier divorcing me and marrying him? l think so.
But for only one reason-- I've lost your good opinion.
Oh, you've been Kind and forgiving, but After being loved by you for so many years, it's wretched just being tolerated, to wake up every morning knowing that's all there is.
Rhoda, I'm sorry.
l l don't know what to say.
l swear l never intended to make you feel that way.
Oh, pug l know you didn't.
That's just the way it is.
And l don't think it's ever going to change.
So What do you want me to do? l want you to be happy.
About the divorce, Rho.
What do you want me to do about the divorce? Di-divorce l need some time to think.
I'm sorry.
l just don't know now.
You and Peters talk it over.
Whatever you agree on is ok with me.
I'll do whatever you want me to do.
And that, Pamela, darling, is how Rhoda and l finally, after all this time, came to grips with the problem l came racing home from Moscow to deal with.
the long and short of it is Harrison Peters is dying to marry her.
no question.
She's landed him.
l realize that you may still be engaged, but too many people's happiness is a stake for that to matter lf you want me as l want you.
marriage won't be, l grant you, like those encounters in far-off places, but lf god just gives you to me, I'll say, with everything that's gone wrong for me, that I'm happy man, and I'll try to make you happy.
l hope this letter doesn't come too late.
All my love.
Ah, Miss Tudsbury.
His lordship's being taken to the plane.
A car's waiting for you.
Very well.
I'm ready.
Dearest Victor, I'm writing this en route from new Delhi to London carrying Duncan home, very much against his will, for further medical treatment.
he was terribly injured when his plane went down in a thunderstorm-- broken collarbone, fractured ankles, and after a week on foot in the jungle, a high fever that won't seem to go away.
during the past weeks, he's been very low and so dependent on me.
now in a quiet way, it almost seems as lf we are marled.
now, Victor, about your proposal, it fell on me like an avalanche just this morning.
l put my arms around your neck and bless you but the fact is, I've never pretended to him or to you that l feel for him the strange love that has bound us, but I'm about ready to give up passion.
I've not had much luck with lt.
besides, l really don't quite believe your letter.
Rhoda hasn't landed her new fellow yet, and until he's marched her into a church, she won't have.
and lf there's one thing l know beyond any doubt, it's that you will always take Rhoda back.
l love you, you know that, and l always will.
I've never known anyone like you.
don't stop loving me.
the whole thing was just fated not to be.
bad luck, bad timing, bad whatever, but it was beautiful.
Don'tever forget.
As the curtain rises on the third full year of World War II, Japan reels before an onslaught of massive U.
War production and the improved skills of the American fighting man.
From tropical New Guinea to the subarctic Aleutians, U.
Marines and G.
s are carrying the fight to the Japanese.
And winning.
Bougainville Atiu island Tarawa Atoll Each a bloody stepping stone as Nimitz' fleet island hops inexorably across the central pacific.
To revenge Pearl Harbor and the G.
s and Filipinos who fell at Bataan and Corregidor.
But no branch of American forces in the pacific has struck a more devastating blow against the enemy than the U.
Navy submarine fleet.
A new, aggressive breed of skipper has taken the war into Japanese home waters, and by year's end, sunk 335 vessels, a staggering 1 .
5 million tons of shipping.
Japan's losses are starting to outstrip her capacity to rebuild.
And the attrition is seriously beginning to weaken her ability to make war.
Yee-yah! Good hit! She must have been loaded with ammo.
Not bad.
Down scope! All hands hear this.
That's number 2 today, a big, fat ammo ship.
We're in pursuit of the freighters with them.
They're hightailing it for air cover.
We'll pursue on the surface after dark and sink them in the morning.
This is going to be one hell of a patrol.
Anybody sorry they came along? No, sir! Jacks goes 20.
See 20.
Up 40.
l hope you guys aren't playing for money.
No, sir.
How you doing? You don't want to know.
That was good shooting today.
We're not through yet.
Captain Aster wants to go to Tokyo Bay tomorrow, we'd go with him.
Yeah! Yeah! Don't give him any ideas, all right? See you guys later.
Your bet.
How we doing on fuel? 55,000 gallons, Skipper.
Not bad.
it's a nice night.
it's beautiful.
Once we nail those two freighters up ahead, with that ammo ship bagged, you can rotate me stateside anytime you want.
What about you? Natalie's pretty much on your mind, isn't she? Yeah, all the time.
And the baby.
Yeah And Janice, too, for that matter.
Janice? Why Janice? Oh, lady, I've treated her pretty bad.
What the hell are you talking about? Look, things are out of hand.
The truth is, we've fallen in love.
it's my fault.
l don't know what possessed me.
That letter from Natalie really woke me up.
I've got to cut this thing off with Janice.
it will be hell on both of us.
Look, Byron.
You're lonesome.
She is a beautiful woman.
You're quite a guy.
You're sleeping under the same roof.
You rate a navy cross for staying faithful.
She's fallen for me because l encourage her.
I've been pretty obvious about it But the fact is that Natalie is alive, My wife is alive and I've been a real bastard to Janice.
You've got to be living on another planet or just never grew up.
l don't know.
What are you talking about? Janice and l have had something going for more than a year now.
What? it's true.
l promised her l wouldn't tell you.
What? A year? You! Between your brother's death and you off in the med, she was a mighty sad cookie at the time.
She likes you, maybe she even loves you, but she's only human.
What harm have we done? She's a great kid.
We had some laughs.
She was afraid of you and your father.
She thought you'd disapprove.
And obviously, you do.
Oh ho ho.
Hey, come on.
l don't know how your mind works, but don't waste any energy feeling guilty about Janice, because that's a joke.
lf he comes left-- no.
What if he maintains in that direction? The SJ radar's picked a hell of a time to crap out.
We're socked in again.
Visibility's down to 1 ,000 yards.
We're trying to track him by sonar.
Our last position's 2 hours old.
lf he changes course, we could lose him.
l don't see any reason why he'd change course, do you? Do you? Not unless he's hightailing it for port.
Let's maintain our course and speed.
Sleep? Sure.
You still sore at me? Why should l be? You took a load off my mind.
That was the idea.
Ship broad on port bow.
Range about 10,000.
10,000? They did change course.
One of them's gone.
it's the same one.
Same smokestack and goal post.
All ahead! Come left to 1-3-5! it's 5 miles.
Unless he zigzags, he's made it.
We'll catch him.
On the surface? Right.
Those freighters took evasive action.
They're probably on full submarine alert.
They've charted their course all night.
Planes are probably sweeping the area.
Steady on 1-3-0.
Lady, they could nail us any time now.
it's a great morning.
Sound the happy hunting horn.
We're inside the shipping lane.
Other targets will come.
Let's pull the plug.
We've tracked that freighter all night.
We're going to get him.
What did l tell you? Now isn't that beautiful? Ok, take her down.
Aye, aye, Sir.
Aircraft, dead astern! 2 zeroes coming low! Clear the bridge! Dive! Dive! Go! Go! Go! Horseshoes, get down! They got Horseshoes! Horseshoes is hit! Where's the captain? Give me your hand! Give me your hand! No.
You can't help me.
Give me your hand! Get back in! I'm not going without you! Give me your hand! Take it to 3-5-0 feet.
All ahead full.
Answered all ahead full, Sir.
the Paradise Ghetto has a new commandant, SS Major Karl Rahm.
showing Rahm around the ghetto is camp inspector Schaefuhrer Rudolf Heindi.
this Austrian with a cigarette obsession is a feared and loathed man.
for possessing a single cigarette he will beat a victim half to death or send him to the little fortress to be tortured.
it's rumored that Burger, the low SS thug, who kicked and berated me in Eichmann's' presence, did not show enough enthusiasm for Eichmann's' great beautification of Theresienstadt plan and so was replaced.
but at least Burger was a devil we knew.
with him, life in the ghetto was wretched, but it was stable.
there have been no new transports to the east for many weeks.
What will the unknown devil bring? Theresienstadt is run down.
it's a filthy looking pigsty.
l will not tolerate it.
Unlike my predecessor, l propose to make a great beautification my prime concern.
Theresienstadt is going to become The Paradise Ghetto in fact, as well as in name.
I've issued important orders.
The supper hall will be rebuilt at once as the community center with studios and lecture halls.
And an opera house and a theater with a full-equipped stages.
The cabarets will be enlarged and decorated.
The tents will be removed from the square.
And a beautiful garden will be laid for the leisure of the old people.
The hospitals are going to be spic and span.
We will build a playground for the children.
And a fine school with the very best textbooks and.
I've long suspected that Eichmann's' made me a figurehead elder, possibly even sent me to Theresienstadt, in anticipation of a visit by neutral observers.
Window dressing, the eminent American writer.
And we must make sure-- Something like that now seems to be in the wind.
it is whispered that the international Red Cross is coming to inspect the Paradise Ghetto in late spring or early summer.
unfortunately, this will do nothing To improve the lot of the ghetto residents.
so what Sturmbannfuhrer Rahm is actually proposing is the painting of a corpse.
as you can see, we have a big job before us.
As you Jews are to be chief beneficiaries, l expect you to make suggestions as to how we should proceed.
Well? l am not talking for my health.
Your suggestions! Ja.
Herr Kommandant, l am the stinking Jew Jastrow.
Now, that will cease at once! New regulations.
No more idiotic saluting and taking hats off.
And no more stinking Jew talk.
Jawohl, Herr Kommandant.
Theresienstadt is not a concentration camp.
it is a comfortable and happy residential town.
Understood? Speak! lf l may mention, Kommandant, in my department, the music section badly needs paper.
Paper? What kind of paper? Any kind, mein Kommandant.
Though ruled musical score paper would be best.
Ruled musical score paper.
How much? Well, 500 sheets to start with.
See to it.
Jawohl, Herr Kommandant.
Thank you, sir.
You see, gentlemen, these are the kind of ideas that l want.
What else? Soccer teams.
We could organize soccer teams, Herr Kommandant, if we are supplied footballs and a suitable field.
Excellent! it will be done.
Your suggestion.
Please, sit down.
There's one final item to be discussed.
Sturmbannfuhrer Rahm has confided to me that he finds the overcrowded conditions in Theresienstadt most unhealthy and unsightly.
Not quite suited to a great beautification.
So he has ordered that we at That we at once select 5,000 residents for transport to the east.
Murmelstein will now give you your allotments.
You will turn in your list to the transport commission by 3:00 This afternoon.
Non-working juveniles--1 ,000.
Over 65--1 ,000.
Economic department--500 finance department--250 technical department--600 art and culture--150 medical department--300 And so, today l begin to pay the price of my exalted status as an elder.
Udam, what is it? Oh, no.
Yes, Natalie, I'm afraid so.
Surely, there's some way to get you an exemption.
I'll talk to Aaron.
it won't do any good, Natalie.
Everything that can be done has been done.
Tomorrow at 6:00 l must collect Marta and go to the depot.
The puppet shows, they found out.
Oh, Natalie, don't worry, l went by your apartment earlier.
No transport notifications.
Believe me, you and your uncle have the highest exempt classifications.
Oh, Udam.
I've come up with some new jokes for tonight.
Let's go inside.
Anyway, with the train leaving tomorrow, l don't think anyone will be in the mood to laugh.
Natalie, it's the reason to make them laugh.
My Theresienstadt friends, l have no heart tonight for a lecture.
l will put aside my professorial notes.
They are neat, bloodless, and irrelevant.
My topic was to be he book of Job.
That's what I'll talk about, but not as a professor.
As one of you-- the Theresienstadt Jew.
Satan said to God-- do you remember? Naturally Job is upright-- 7 sons, 3 daughters, the wealthiest man in the land of Uz.
Why not be upright? See how it pays.
Job is not upright.
He's just a smart Jew, sneers Satan.
But take away his awards, and see how upright he will remain.
So God allows Satan to put Job through every trial but death.
All his children die.
All his wealth is wiped out.
A horrible sickness strikes him.
And so, reduced by a whim of God to a broken, loathsome, plundered skeleton covered with sores, Job sits on the ash heap.
Naked l came from the womb, he says.
Naked will l return.
God has given.
God has taken away.
Blessed be God's name.
Job has stood up to Satan's test.
The oldest problem of human existence-- senseless evil.
But now comes a worse trial, a worse test.
Job's comforters come.
Passionately, they urge him to admit that since God is just, Job must have committed some terrible sin.
Search your deeds.
But Job fights back.
l have not sinned.
l will submit to the divine will, but not to pious platitudes.
And so, in the depths of his most terrible hour, Job rises to stand toe-to-toe with God and demand an answer to the great ultimate human mystery of senseless evil.
Why do you do this to me? Well, Job gets his answer An answer that answers nothing.
God himself speaks to Job at last out of a roaring storm.
Who are you to call me to account? Can you hope to understand how or why l do anything? My universe is vast beyond human conception.
Where were you when l laid the foundations of the world, when the morning stars sang together, and all the suns of heaven shouted for joy? Can you comprehend the infinite mysteries of existence-- you, a poor worm who lives for a few moments and dies? An answer that answers nothing and everything.
The roaring storm has declared only that God's reason is hidden Beyond Job, beyond the comforters.
The universe doesn't always make sense.
There is no guarantee of good fortune for good behavior.
Crazy injustice is part of the enigma of the world and of our brief lives.
Job humbles himself, is more than satisfied, and falls upon his face.
My Theresienstadt friends, this is the thought l would leave with you tonight.
Who is it in history who suffers ordeal after ordeal, plundering after plundering, massacre after massacre, century after century Yet looks up at the sky, sometimes with dying eyes, and cries, the lord our God, the lord is one? Who until then will leave the fearful mystery of undeserved suffering to God, and praise his name saying the lord has given.
The lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the lord? Amen.
Nobody, my friends, but that loathsome, bereaved skeleton on the ash heap.
Nobody but Job.
He is the only answer, if there is one.
The satanic challenge to an almighty God Job.
The stinking Jew.
There will be no puppet show tonight, Natalie.
gut gezugt, Berel, Und gut getantzt.
Shalom aleichem, Natalie.
Aaron, little Aaron.
The star Talmud pupil.
50 years.
Oh, my dear cousin! 50 years! Oh! Oh! We must keep our voices down.
Since Warsaw Much has happened to you, hmm? l still can't believe you're alive And here.
Could be much worse, Aaron.
The advantages of being an elder.
How did you find out where we were? And how did you get past the guards? it's very dangerous.
Luck, you might say.
it's too long a story.
I'm in the Prague underground now.
We can do many things.
Natalie, since l found you and Aaron were here I've been making arrangements.
The boy.
He is well? Yes.
l can get him out of Theresienstadt.
Take Louis? Why? He's fine.
He's healthy.
He's actually thriving here.
Natalie, you know the dangers.
This ghetto is a pesthole of malnutrition and sickness besides, god knows what the SS may decide to do with the kids one day.
Or with all of you.
You know I'm right, Aaron.
We have very good connections in the health department.
The child will be hospitalized with some false diagnosis, then the death certificate will be provided to the central secretarial file.
Maybe even a fake burial or cremation.
Oh, my god.
After that, we'll secretly move him to Prague.
From there, I'll take him to a farm where he'll live with some wonderful people.
You can get news of him.
l promise you, all the time.
The children.
they are the future.
They must be saved.
This might be the best thing for Louis, Natalie.
it's best he be with his mother everyday.
There are transports-- we're exempt! l will not be separated from Louis! Aaron can reach me, if you change your mind.
I've been through a lot since Warsaw.
So have you, l know.
But he is what I'm living for.
l can't.
My organization has word that if the Russians or the Americans ever get near Prague, maybe even if the Americans land in France, the SS will launch a mass killing action here in the ghetto.
We are-- we're planning an uprising if that happens, but that will be a desperate business, and god knows who will survive.
I'll do my best to try to convince her.
Sit down.
Let me tell you now, quickly, what happens to those who are sent east.
You must all know it.
I've come from the east, from seeing it.
Rhoda? Rho, what is it? Oh, I'm all right, Pug.
Just go to sleep.
Let me in.
The door's not locked, Pug.
Was l making a racket? l tried to keep it low.
What's up? Oh, I'm done for.
Everything is ruined.
You're well rid of me.
l think you could use a drink.
l look gruesome, don't l? Come on downstairs in the library and we'll have a talk.
You're an angel.
A brandy.
A big brandy.
I'll be right down.
Better? Much.
l washed my face and flung myself into bed hours and hours ago, and then l just couldn't sleep.
Why, Rho? Not because l have to see Colonel Peters tomorrow.
it's just a business meeting, l told you that.
You know l wouldn't cause you any trouble.
Pug, someone's been writing Hack anonymous letters.
Oh, l know.
Pam told me you got some, too.
it's really gotten under his skin.
Any idea who's writing them? No.
Oh, it's a woman.
Some vicious bitch.
Oh, they abound.
They do abound.
it's just so unfair.
l didn't even know Hack then.
Now, did l? Talk about your double standards.
To hear him talk, he has been to bed with everyone.
Single, married, divorce, he makes no bones about it.
He reminisces, the whole point being how different l am.
And l am, too.
l am.
l mean, there was only Palmer Kirby.
l don't know how, or why that happened.
But I'm not one of those cheap flirts he's run around with.
These letters are ruining everything.
He seems so crushed.
Well, of course l denied everything.
l had to, for his sake.
For such an experienced man, he is strangely naive.
Well, say something, Pug.
Don't just sit there like a sphinx.
lf he loves you, he'll believe you, Rhoda.
Will he now? And what if he asks you about them tomorrow? We have an urgent priority problem to thrash out tomorrow.
He won't bring up anything personal.
Certainly not those letters.
Not to me.
l wish l could be so sure.
Forget it, Rhoda.
Go to bed.
Pleasant dreams.
Could l have another drinkie? Sure.
Will you tell me afterward what happened? lf anything personal turns up, l will tell you.
Ah, thank you, Pug.
You are so wonderful.
Feeling better, aren't you? Heaps.
You're sweet to be so reassuring, Pug.
it's just that when you told me you were seeing him tomorrow Well, Hack can't possibly ask Palmer.
it just isn't done.
Palmer wouldn't tell him anything anyway.
You're the only other one who knows.
You're the aggrieved husband.
l just got to thinking about all sorts of possibilities.
Actually, l didn't know anything until tonight.
Of course you knew.
Don't be like that, Pug.
How could you not know? What was it ever all about? Well, I'm sort of waked up now.
I'll do a little work.
Smoke cigars, Henry? By all means.
Before we get down to business, there is something I'd like to say.
l have the greatest deal of respect for you.
Rhoda is what she is-- a woman in a million, because of the years she spent with you.
l regret we haven't talked about that.
We've both been busy as hell.
But one day, we'll have to.
Yes, we will.
I'm sorry l was slow getting back to you.
l guess that phone call from Harry Hopkins helped.
Colonel, to shortcut this a bit.
l have top security clearance.
The army's developing a uranium bomb with a blank check, triple-a priority power.
That's why I'm here.
The landing craft program can use those couplings that l mentioned to you which you have preempted.
l can't give them to you.
We're talking about components for 40 vessels, Colonel.
lf they're launched on time, Eisenhower can hit those French beaches with a lot more force than he would otherwise.
Captain, our requirements are the same as yours, but our urgency is much greater.
l have an idea that might solve this problem.
I've checked all the stuff that the manufacturers have.
They could modify a larger coupling to meet your specs.
A 10-day delay.
Supposing l take some samples to your plant and talk with your engineers? Not a chance.
Easier than going to the president, which l would do.
You'll just have to go to the president.
l can't help you.
l will.
Captain Henry! Let me check into one possibility.
I'll call you before noon.
I'll wait for your phone call.
can you use that, McDermott? With a modified sleeve and a bigger gasket, it'll work.
Thanks, Mac.
Well, will that do it, Colonel? We'll check back with Washington.
Here you are, Captain.
Good luck.
Nightcap? No, thanks.
Pug Henry.
Don't you want to drink with me? You know, l was, uh talking to Rhoda.
She was talking to me about that Anderson fellow.
Seems like a real comer.
He's into the development of that navy process in Anacosta.
She, Rhoda says that he and Madeline's are serious.
You'd approve, wouldn't you? Yep.
Welll think I'll turn in.
Pug? I'd like to ask you a very personal question.
l don't want to disturb you, Pug, but this is damn important to me.
Go ahead.
Why did you and Rhoda ever break up? it wasn't my doing, was it? Believe me, I'm not so rotten l would move in on a guy's wife when he's overseas.
l believe you.
You and Rhoda-- you're 2 of the finest people l know.
What happened? Dr.
Fred Kirby have anything to do with this? What kind of a question is that? I've beenI've been getting letters, Pug.
Vicious, anonymous letters.
About About Rhoda and Kirby.
I'm ashamed of myself for paying them any attention, but-- You should be.
Fred Kirby's an old friend of mine.
We met when l was stationed in Berlin.
Rhoda came home when the war broke out.
Fred was in Washington.
Played tennis with her, took her to shows and such, sort of what you'd been doing-- except without the complications.
l knew about it, and l appreciated it.
l don't much like this conversation, Colonel.
I'd like to turn in.
I'm sorry, Pug.
Good night.
it's because l idolize Rhoda that I'm so upset.
I'm more than upset.
it's driving me crazy.
I've known a hell of a lot of women, maybe sexier than Rhodaprettier.
Ah, but she's virtuous.
That's why she's so precious to me.
l know this may sound strange coming from me, but That's how l feel.
She's darn near perfect.
She's elegant Honest, decent, truthful.
She never lies.
You know women, Pug.
They lie the way they breathe.
You know that.
Not Rhoda.
Ah, Rhoda, she's different.
She's the finest lady l have ever known.
That's why this thing has Hit me like an earthquake.
lf I've offended you in any way at all, Pug, I'm sorry.
'cause l think the world of you, Pug.
We have a very busy day tomorrow.
Good night.
Thanks, Pug.
Hi, daddy.
Hi, Mad.
Hello, Sir.
Good to see you again.
Hello, son.
You remembered you had a family.
How nice.
What is all this? Um, are you going to be busy next Saturday? Not that l know of.
Oh, no? Well, fine.
How about coming to St.
John's church and giving Madeline's away to this sailor boy? Well, congratulations! Oh.
Welcome aboard.
Well, thank you, Sir.
Chalk one up for the navy.
A little toastie.
Could l have a refill, please? Well The last fledgling takes wing.
At least she made it before the mother flew away.
There was a letter from Byron.
in all the excitement, l clean forgot.
Any real news? Well, the first patrol was a success, and he, uh, qualified for command.
And, uh You know Byron.
He doesn't say much.
Well, how was your trip? Was Hack helpful? Decidedly.
Well, l said I'd tell you of any personal talk between me and Peters.
So? Go ahead.
You were right.
Those letters were eating him.
l spent half of one night backing up your story.
Lied like a thief.
l did the very best l could for you.
Did he believe you? l thought so.
Well, you were very, very gallant.
Thank you, and god bless you.
That's not the end of it.
What do you mean? He caught me the next morning in the dining car.
He asked for coffee right off And he said, l take it you preferred not to give me a straight answer about Dr.
Kirby last night.
oh, god.
What did you say to that? He caught me off guard.
l said, how could l have been any straighter? and he said, and I'm trying for his exact words, I'm not about to cross-examine you, and I'm not about to throw Rhoda over, but l think l deserve the truth.
a marriage shouldn't start with a lie.
if you get the chance, please tell Rhoda that.
it might help clear the air.
it's ruined.
Oh, well.
I'm sure you did the very best you could.
You're just You're just not a very good liar, Pug.
That damn woman.
lf l could find her, l would-- hey! You are drunk as a skunk.
Why not.
Rhoda, he is not throwing you over.
No, of course not.
Well, he'll go through with it.
Soul of honor and all that.
And I'll probably have to let him.
l mean, what's my alternative? Still, it's ruined.
Rho, why don't you just tell him? No, l mean it.
Look at Madeline's and Si.
She told him about Cleveland.
They couldn't be happier.
Oh, Pug.
My poor, dumb love.
What kind of a comparison is that? l mean, look at me.
I'm a hag.
Simie is not 30 years old, and Madeline's is a luscious young girl.
And Hack has fastened on to me, and it's all Very charming, but At our age, it's mostly mental.
And now I'm cornered.
I'm damned if l do, and I'm damned if l don't.
I'm a good wife.
I'm a good wife.
l could make him happy.
You know that.
He had to have this perfect picture of me, and now it's gone.
it was an illusion.
What's wrong with an illusion? I'm sorry, Pug.
l--l didn't mean to yell like I'm sorry.
l think l l--l think l better go to bed.
Whoop! Oh, Pug.
Oh, Pug.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you for For trying.
You are A grand man.
And l love you for it.
Save it for Pamela, honey.
Pamela turned me down.
She didn't.
indeed she did.
My god, you're close-mouthed.
Why? Uh How could she is she marrying Berne-Wilke? She hasn't yet, but she said no.
That's it.
And you And you j-- and you And you just accepted it.
How can l not accept it? l am just potted enough to tell you.
Yougo after her.
You--you romance her.
You court her.
That's all she wants.
l don't think she's like that.
Her letter was pretty final.
We're all like that.
Don't you ever learn? Oh, l l--l declare, l am Re--re-really stone dr--drunk.
You may have to help me up the stairs.
l was just fooling.
You drink your brandy.
l--l can navigate.
You're sure? l always have.
Night, love.
May 11, 1933.
with the Red Cross visit drawing nearer, Kommandant Rahm is getting nervous about his ability to hold them to the restricted route.
therefore, he has decided to clean up the entire ghetto.
the first step is to again relieve the overcrowding.
So the sluice to the east has once more been opened.
all Jews now at Theresienstadt, 35,000.
protected by the Germans, 9,500.
protected by the central secretariat, 6,500.
Total protected, 16,000.
Available for transport, 19,000.
Ordered for transport, 7,500.
one-fifth of the entire ghetto.
Didn't you protest? Herr professor The controlling figures are burned in my brain.
the transports will go in 3 trains on 3 successive days.
the first one, 3 days from now, May the 15th.
Oh, the grating irony, May the 15th, the date the Theresienstadt people have been waiting and praying for.
the rumored date of the long-awaited allied landings in Europe.
the transport will dare to disrupt the beautification, but Rahm is unconcerned.
he has warned that the work will be done or those in charge will be sorry.
l still cannot believe that so blatant a comedy can hoodwink anybody.
what are the Germans hoping to gain by it? Jews are disappearing.
millions are gone.
Can this vast horror be long concealed? yes, yes.
There is no sense to lt.
it is the backward child on a monumental and terrible scale caught at the empty jam jar.
His face, hands, clothes smeared red, smiling and denying that he ate the jam.
I'm heartsick about this transport.
Rahm has ordered all the orphans to be shipped out as well.
Visitors asking a child about its parents mustn't hear that they're dead or transported.
Half my Talmud class is already going.
Natalie, do you hear me? it's a mistake.
They delivered them to me at the toddlers home.
One for me, one for Louis.
We're on the 3 train on the 1 7th.
''to be resettled in the direction of Dresden.
'' Natalie, listen to me-- our transport numbers are printed right on the card.
I'm to take Louis to the Hamburg barracks on the 16th.
Not very much luggage they say.
You must listen to me, Natalie.
You're a prominent, the headmistress of the children's pavilion.
There must be some mistake.
l don't think so.
What do you mean? I'm afraid it's my own doing.
l didn't want to worry you, but Our group's been planning a way to get the Red Cross to see beyond what the Germans want them to see.
Maybe there was an informer.
l warned you repeatedly.
These clandestine Zionist activities will get you into trouble someday.
You should have allowed Berel to take Louis out of here.
But still, no need to panic, my dear.
Don't want to come to any rash conclusions.
The transport section's a madhouse.
Someone might easily have pulled the wrong card.
I'll be with you within the hour.
Yes, of course.
A mistake is not at all unlikely.
You know what it's like in the transport section.
People running around without heads.
l will look into it.
l can't tell you how l appreciate this.
Herr professor, your niece She hasn't been up to any mischief, by chance? Nothing of the kind.
Certainly not.
No, of course not.
Well, doctor; l know you're a very busy man.
But perhaps you should have these notifications with you when you're making your inquiries at the transport section.
No! No, No, No.
Let her keep them don't confuse things.
When the error has been corrected, she will be contacted to give them in.
That's obviously the best way to handle it.
Thank you again, doctor.
Herr professor.
He'll let you know when he has news.
5 days have passed.
The second train has already left.
No news from him? l am an elder.
is he in his office? No, he is not.
l l shall go to the transport section.
Do as you please.
Epstein wouldn't see you.
Didn't think he would.
But there's real news.
The transport section as made a gross error.
What kind of error? More than 8,000 summonses went out.
There was only room for 7,500 transportees.
At least 500 may be cancelled.
Why, that's marvelous news.
Do you really suppose they'll cancel the summons of someone accused of plotting against the Reich? No more of that.
You were following your conscience.
l was, you know.
l really was.
Even now l don't regret what l did.
Except you were right, Aaron.
l should've jumped at Berel's offer to get Louis out before taking such risks.
You know, Aaron My appearance will be very important Now that I'm no longer going to be shielded by a famous uncle.
I'll be on my own.
l must look my best.
Perhaps if l can Arouse the instant favor of the SS wherever it is I'm going, and identify myself as an American and a prominent Maybe Maybe it will help.
Yes, of course.
Excellent thinking.
So Don't you think l should wear this on the train? it is rather seductive.
Well, no.
I'd advise not.
it might provoke liberties from the Germans or the worst kind of Jews.
Well, now, what about this one? Tailored, muted, elegant, Even faintly Germanic.
Besides, it suits your figure to perfection.
You and Louis will make a splendid impression on your arrival.
Yes, Aaron.
You're right.
So, that's settled.
What else to take? We're allowed so little, and there's the food l have to carry.
Natalie, I'm going to follow up on the cancelled summonses.
I'm going to Rahm's office.
l don't think that's a good idea.
You know what he's like.
Epstein maintains Rahm's bark is far worse than his bite.
Once his rages are over, he's perfectly easy to talk to.
All right.
Please be careful.
What time do you have to report? 3:00, no later.
Well, l shan't be long.
Goodbye, little fellow.
May god watch over you.
l am the high elder Jastrow.
l respectfully request permission to see the Herr Kommandant Rahm.
Was ist los? Was fehlt ihnen? Uh, it is in connection with the b-b-beautification project.
Warten sie auf nachsten flur.
Man will sie aufrufen.
You will be called! Dann die treppe.
The stairs, the stairs! Abwarten.
Wait! Louis We can't wait for uncle Aaron any more.
Mommy's going to take you for a walk now.
Forgive me, Herr officer.
Would it be possible to know when the Kommandant might Back! You will be told when the Kommandant will see you.
Stay here! Papiere.
Henry, Natalie.
Henry, Louis.
Mommy, why do l have to put this on? Jawohl, Kommandant.
Sie you there! Reihe kommen! Los.
What the devil do you want? Herr Kommandant, may l respectfully-- respectfully what? You think l don't know why you are here? lf you mention one word on behalf of your Jew, whore niece, you'll go out of this building covered in blood.
Do you understand? You think because you're a filthy elder you can barge into these headquarters and plead for thissow who plotted treason against the German government.
So, you asked to see the Kommandant, ja? l will give you 2 minutes, but if you dare mention that Zionist whore, I'll knock your teeth down your throat talk! I've committed a serious crime which l wish to confess to you.
What crime? No.
l bought them in Rome, Herr Kommandant, in 1940for $25,000.
As a prominent, l wasn't searched on my arrival, so l was able to withhold them.
l seriously regret this veryserious offense.
l came to make a clean breast of it.
it seemed to me better to hand them over directly to the Herr Kommandant because of their great value.
Their great value? You probably bought them from some swindling old Jew.
They are glass.
No, no, l assure you.
They are from the finest jeweler in Italy.
Have you any more hidden away? There is nothing else, Herr Kommandant.
And your, um, Jew, whore niece knows about them? No, l told her nothing.
l thought it wiser.
No one in the world knows about them, Herr Kommandant, except you and me.
Well The whore and the brat go in the transport.
There was an excess of summonses.
l understand there will be cancellations she goes! She's lucky she wasn't sent to the little fortress and shot! Get out.
l said get out! Herr Kommandant, l must tell you, if my niece is transported, l shall resign from being elder.
l shall resign from the library.
l will take no part in the beautification.
l will not talk to the Red Cross visitors.
Nothing on earth will force me to change my mind.
Do you want to commit suicide immediately, Jew? Herr Eichmann's' took great pains to bring me from Paris to Theresienstadt.
Why? Because I'm a good window-dressing.
My picture has been taken by the German journalists, my books published in Denmark, the Danish members of the Red Cross will be very interested-- shut your mouth and get out at once, unless you wish to die.
Herr Kommandant, l haven't much to live for.
l am not well, and I'm old.
Kill me, and you will have to explain to Herr Eichmann's what has become of his window-dressing.
Torture me, and what effect shall l make on the Red Cross? But if you cancel my niece's summons, l guarantee our cooperation when the Red Cross comes.
And l guarantee that she will do no more foolish things.

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