Waterloo Road (2006) s01e05 Episode Script

Episode 5

Tell me the truth! Because you didn't go to the surgery.
They've just told me.
So what else don't I know? I had an abortion, Tom.
Oh, my God, Lorna.
I think I've found a civilised way for us to proceed.
So we can both get out of this marriage and stay friends.
If we both say we done it, we both get off.
Cos we're cancelling each other out - that's what the law says.
I promise I'm gonna do this.
How could any teacher think this was the work of the same child? Steph Haydock is the teacher equivalent of janeece and Lewis and you know it.
I'm really sorry.
Hey I'm really sorry, too, Lorna.
I can't tell you how much better I feel today.
Better? Well, knowing we can be friends after everything that's happened.
Look I'm sorry about all I said.
No, you were right.
I killed our baby.
You were under a lot of pressure.
And mostly from me.
Which makes it both our responsibility.
Something we'll have to learn to live with.
just just separately.
Time to go.
Don't forget you're staying at your dad's tonight, so he'll be picking you up from home.
just me? When's Mika coming off this stupid course? When it finishes, tomorrow.
Oh, great.
So that means I have to talk to Dad's bimbo all on my own.
Oh No.
Mum, I can't stand her.
And he's always all over her.
Chlo, your dad's going to be making a big effort.
And I think you should do the same.
Miss Redpath, can I have a word with your Chlo? - No.
- Yeah? Why not? - Because she's late for registration.
- Mum! Summat's going on with our Donte and I wanna know what it is.
- We can't help.
- He's been ringing me all weekend, trying to get hold of her.
Why don't you answer your phone? - Cos I had it taken off of me! - You know what's going on.
Yeah, I do.
It wasn't Donte driving the car that night.
It was me! - And I'm gonna confess to the police! - What did she just say? Oi! You've been warned about throwing your weight around.
Clear off! - No way.
I want a word with her.
- I'll call the police.
I'm not letting this lie.
Have you got that? Chlo.
What do you think you're doing, winding him up like that? For God's sake! You can't even drive.
I'm sorry, Mum.
I just don't want Donte to go to prison.
Yes, darling, I know that.
But stop pretending that you had anything to do with it.
Can I have my mobile back now? No.
We're gonna be late! - Come on, come on! - I wonder what he's gonna say.
(Bell) Silence, s'il vous plait! - (Noise continues ) - Hey! Quiet, please! Well, come on, Stephen, hurry up and give the books out.
What is it? Is something wrong? The door's been broken.
Oh, my God, it's gone! All my coursework - it's all been stolen! (All cheer) See you then, then.
- Bad news, Headmaster? - Not just bad, Estelle.
The LEA are coming to visit.
Ms Heather Davenport, the chief adviser, will be here next Thursday.
You better inform all heads of department.
- They're going to be thrilled.
- And tell Andrew we need a confab.
What a day to give up smoking.
About time.
What is it? Something awful Hey! Over here.
I'm sorry.
I don't understand what's happened.
My GCSE group.
All their work was locked in this cabinet.
Now it's gone.
So you're saying someone broke into this cabinet, nicked a whole pile of crap from Key Stage 4 and then left this phone behind? Well, that's just it.
It's not crap, is it? It's all their GCSE coursework! What, all of it? Every last piece.
It's obvious where the blame lies, isn't it? It's this new house system.
- All the petty jealousy, the bickering - OK, let's, erm I don't believe it.
This is, after all, your high-scoring GCSE group.
Surely you're not insinuating I've been unprofessional?.
Not when there's a break-in here nearly every other day! - But it's not usually coursework, is it? - This house system Look, Steph, if it was anything to do with the house system, you wouldn't nick the whole bloody lot, would you? I'm sorry? Look, if you're trying to sabotage another house, you don't nick your own work.
That's just stupid.
- Well, obviously they're not very bright.
- Clearly.
As they forgot to lift their mobile phone.
Are you questioning my integrity? How could you even think such a thing, jack? I'm really hurt.
- (Chatter, laughter) - Quiet! Hello.
My name's Chlo Grainger and it's really important.
I need to speak to Donte Charles, please.
Yeah, I know it's not allowed, but I'm his girlfriend.
It's an emergency.
Well, can you give him a message, then? Can you tell him Can you tell him that I'm going to do it today.
Yes, he'll know what that means.
Thank you.
Donte, it was great.
She was confessing! And in front of her mam.
She's lying.
What d'you mean, she's lying? I've changed my mind.
I'm gonna plead guilty.
You're changing your plea? Like flaming hell you are! Did you not hear what I just said? She admitted it out of her own mouth! And never mind what her mam says.
Listen, Donte, this time real justice has got to be done.
Dad, just listen to me! It was me, all right? What d'you mean, it was you? - I thought you said that - I know what I said.
But I was lying.
You were bloody lying to me? Your own dad? I just wanted you to be on my side, that's all.
I should punch your bloody head in here and now.
Dad Dad! Dad.
Dad, wait! From what I've seen so far, I can't exactly say your Year 8s have a handle on Macbeth.
- They're bored out of their skulls.
- Oh, well.
The words "bottom" and "league" spring to mind.
There's a surprise.
I think we should dump Shakespeare.
- Why? - It's too difficult for them.
They haven't got a clue what they're doing.
It might help to let them commit some speeches to memory and act them out.
Waterloo Road kids learning things off by heart? I don't think so.
I think you underestimate them, Grantly.
I'm sure if you sat them down they could all recite an album's worth of lyrics by the latest rap artist or whatever.
That's because they're full of sex and swearing.
They're good at that.
We've got a great resource here in Izzie.
Learning words, it gives the children ownership of them.
If they can put themselves into character, it helps them to understand the text.
Maybe then, when they write their literature essays, they'll quote them more accurately.
It's not something I've tried, but I might give it a go.
That's right, you get your classes running round the drama department, chanting a load of nonsense.
Then you'll see what a waste of time it is.
Plays are written to be acted, you know.
Well, I know where I would like my kids, and that's sitting in front of me, where I can keep an eye on them.
Now, any discipline problems, raise them with Mr Treneman here.
That's it.
- Iz, could I have a word? - Yeah, course, what about? I'll see you in a bit, Tom.
- Mr Budgen.
- Mm? Look, I'm sorry if you felt I was treading on your toes, you being the head of English.
Was that an apology? I Obviously, we need to work more closely as a team.
Well, I can assure you that my English department was a very close-knit team until you arrived.
Walker, what you doing out of class? I've got a message for office.
Well, go on, then, hurry up.
Run! That boy gets more insolent by the day.
Perhaps it has something to do with the way he's treated.
I haven't had a single piece of homework from him all term.
Really? I've not seen you note that on his planner.
- That's a waste of time.
- I pity you, Grantly.
You obviously hate every minute you spend in this place.
And your point is? My point is, I really think you need to do something about your attitude.
- My att - Because at the moment it's as if your default position on every new idea or initiative is to complain and mock.
Why is that? Why can't you open your eyes to the possibility that maybe, just maybe, it might be possible to actually improve things at this school?.
Oh, give it a rest, will you? I've heard it all before.
- New bells and whistles - Well, I'm warning you.
There comes a point where passive sniping tips over into deliberate obstruction.
- And that's something I won't tolerate.
- Are you threatening me? You heard what I said.
Separate? Is this a joke? D'you see me laughing? Wh When? Whose decision? Mine, actually.
I think I'd just had enough of pretending.
Lorna - What are you doing after school today? - Nothing.
- D'you fancy coming shopping with me? - Shopping? OK.
It might be a bit of therapy.
But I've got to start somewhere.
You know, I sometimes think I'm talking to myself.
Homework jotters open! Yep.
Yeah, OK.
- Mm-hm.
- I haven't got my homework.
Oh, and what it is this time? Hm? Dog eaten it, was it? A gerbil, perhaps? Or maybe the pet tarantula.
- (Laughter) - You what? Oh, lad, if you're gonna tell lies, at least be a bit creative.
I just didn't have time.
Well, everybody else had time.
So, what were you up to, I wonder.
Too busy smoking crack, I suppose.
Look at the state of you.
And what the hell have you been rolling in? All right, quiet, didn't tell anyone to speak.
Sir, why d'you always pick on me? Picking? On you? Son, I wouldn't waste my time on a specimen like you.
Right, OK, all of you, open your play scripts.
Act five, scene one, the madness of Lady Macbeth.
That means you, too.
So you've heard? Tom, I'm I'm sorry.
Are you OK? You know I will be.
Look, if you want to talk, anytime Thanks.
I'll bear that in mind.
I better go.
I'll see you later.
So, what are you going to do? Steph is a useless teacher.
Well, there's always gross misconduct, but where's your proof? Does she think I'm bloody thick or what? No, I don't think that's what she's counting on.
- Well, what, then? - A certain partiality, perhaps? Well, it's not on.
I don't allow cheating in my school by anybody.
You're gonna make her students do the coursework again? Too right I am.
"Out, damned spot! Out, I say!" Er, stay where you are, Walker.
We're not talking about you.
(Laughs ) (Murmuring) Walker? (Whispers ) The Roses Of Eyam.
It's a good book.
(Laughter) - What'd you do that for, you stupid git? - Pardon? Did you just swear at a teacher? You could have blown my eardrum away, man! (Tuts ) Oh dear, I think you've just broken one of Mr Treneman's new rules.
It's assault, that is.
Oh, don't be so pathetic.
Come on, then.
If you wanna fight, let's go.
What did you say? You little (Muttering) All right, Walker.
You've asked for this.
Stay behind after class.
I thought you'd given up.
I thought Lorna didn't like you smoking.
Lorna and I have decided to separate.
Don't be daft.
You've only been married ten minutes.
- Oh, Tom, I'm sorry.
- It's all right.
Is there nothing you can do to patch it up? No.
I just thought I'd let you know before the school grapevine gets hold of it.
just keep it to yourself, though, yeah? Lorna's a bit funny about telling people.
My divorce was ages ago, but I know how hard it can be.
If you ever need a pint Thanks, jack.
(Woman ) Ahem.
Yeah, I need to speak to David Farrow.
Yeah, it's Donte Charles.
Y Look, erm just tell him I wanna change my plea.
To guilty.
Keep to the left, please.
- Is this our offender? - Hm.
Multiple offender, actually.
- What's he done? - Failing to turn in homework, falling asleep during class, using foul and abusive language, including threats of violence.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a coffee.
He's all yours.
If you ask me, he's a little junkie.
You know the new rule about wearing hoods in school.
- What do you have to say for yourself? - He's lying.
Lying, eh? - What's wrong with your eyes? - Nothing.
- I haven't done nothing wrong.
Can I go? - Come with me.
Eh? I think you mean "Yes, sir.
" - Hi.
- Hi.
You all right? Yeah.
I was just thinking maybe I should start looking at flats.
I mean, it could take a while, so Yeah, definitely.
The sooner the better, really, don't you think? Yeah.
(Grantly) Bloody upper-class twit.
We'll see how he deals with Zak Walker.
and I've got to listen to Treneman's rubbish.
I suppose you've heard about my break-in, have you? Oh, yeah.
Any idea who's to blame? I only wish I did.
All that time and effort wasted.
Mind you, chances are it's the house system that's to blame.
You mean Treneman's house system.
Another nine-day bloody wonder.
I've had a phone call from the police station.
They'd like you to go and pick up Chlo.
Do you have a few minutes, Miss Campbell?.
Certainly, Mr Treneman.
Coming down with the flu, are you, Zak? I'm not too sure I like the look of him.
- I think we should search him.
- You're not allowed.
Then you're gonna have to wait here until we call the police.
It's true, Miss.
I went to t'chemist, got some of those caffeine pills.
You know.
To keep me going.
Zak, you do not use stimulants of any kind in this school.
You can get a coffee in t'canteen.
It's same thing.
- That's not the point.
- I'm gonna have to write to your mum.
I'm sure she's not aware of what you've been up to - lying, bringing drugs to school.
If they're drugs, how come you can buy them without a doctor's line, then, eh? Don't you dare question us.
Come on.
Off to the cooler till we decide what to do with you.
- No! I've got to - Got to what? Nothing.
You, er, wanted to see me.
Now, however it happened the fact remains that we're a bunch of coursework down.
So they're going to have to do it all over again.
- But they can't.
I - Are you suggesting that we register these grades without the coursework to back it up? Well, surely a letter explaining what happened would suffice.
They'll do it again.
Starting today.
And I'll be supervising.
OK, guys! Settle down! Can I please have a bit of hush? Guys, please! Listen! I've got some bad news.
Some very bad news indeed.
It appears there's been a break-in.
And all of your coursework's been stolen.
So I'm sorry, there's no option.
You're all gonna have to do it again.
- (Complaining) - I'm not doing it again! Listen.
I know you would normally do this at home, but we have to get the marks in.
So Mr Rimmer has laid aside some time this afternoon for you all to do it.
- (Angry talking) - This is crap.
I got a B! (Booing) Well, that's all the HoDs informed about the LEA visit.
How are they taking it? Things are looking up, though.
I've just walked the upstairs corridor - there's only one abscondee reported.
- Only one? - Zak Walker.
(Bell) Really? According to our records, she does work there.
OK, well, thanks for your help.
- He's vanished.
- How? Apparently, julie turned her back for two seconds.
What's the latest? - Zak Walker's done a runner.
- From the cooler.
Oh, brilliant.
You know, it would be good to have a discipline system that didn't cause bad behaviour.
If you ask me, the boy absconded because he needed a fix.
If you ask me, you've got no idea what you're talking about.
- It's pretty obvious what's going on here.
- Yeah.
You're jumping to conclusions when you've got no evidence to support them.
We can't seem to get in touch with Zak's mum.
Maybe she's the one that's done the runner.
Well, it doesn't look like anyone's taking care of him.
Well, we need to get to the bottom of this.
With this inspection next week, I can't afford to have kids disappearing willy-nilly.
What d'you want us to do? A crawl of the neighbouring crack dens? Or we could just try knocking on his front door.
When you find him, give him a boot up the backside from me.
How can you be so judgmental?.
Because I won't tolerate drugs at this school.
What's more, I think we should exclude him.
You are not being serious! If he's guilty, he needs to be made an example of.
Right, OK, let's just say that he is taking drugs.
Shouldn't we be helping him, not running him out of town? What kind of message does that send out? That we wrap addicts in cotton wool, give them special treatment? You're too soft! Oh - This is bogus, man! It's still dinner break.
- (Angry talking) Right! Come on, guys, settle down, please! No! We're not doing it.
It's your fault they've been nicked! Lewis! All right! That's enough, the lot of you! They're just upset, jack, because they've worked so hard.
It breaks your heart.
Lewis, hand out the books.
(Mouths ) - Sort it out, will you, Ralph? - Yeah.
I believe you've got my daughter here, Chlo Grainger.
What? Is she all right? Well, I wouldn't say that.
She's just confessed to causing death by dangerous driving.
(Breathes heavily) Where've you been? Where's my tablets? Give them to me! - It's all right, I've got them.
- Come on! Bloody give them to me! - You give them give them to me! - It's all right.
It's all right.
- (Gasps for air) - It's OK.
It's all right.
Come on.
In and out.
It's all right.
It's OK.
You'll be all right in a minute.
Chlo, what the hell have you been saying? Don't try and stop me, Mum, I know exactly what I'm doing.
I don't think you do.
Look, I wouldn't worry about it.
The lad's already made a full confession.
- What? - Donte Charles.
He changed his plea to guilty this morning.
Since we're satisfied he did it, I think you and your daughter can go.
Thank you.
Look, I'm really sorry for all the trouble that we No.
I'm telling the truth.
It really was me driving.
Donte is innocent.
Didn't you hear what I said? You're free to go.
Are you not listening to me? I did it, all right? I crashed the car.
I swear.
Chlo, stop it right now.
Do you hear me? - I'll write it in blood if that's what you want.
- Chlo, stop it! - Please! Why don't you just listen to me? - I'm really sorry.
I'm telling the truth, Mum.
It really was me driving.
We'll have to get them wet clothes off you, an' all.
You you're a good boy.
- Seen anything you like? - One or two.
- You know.
- You'll find something.
Whatever happens let's always have lunch together, yeah? It's funny, isn't it? I mean, most couples usually split up because of someone else.
But not us.
I know now, in my heart, our mistake was rushing into things.
We were much happier just living together, don't you think? I suppose so.
- Don't forget to lock it, will you? - As if.
Right, this is it.
You ready? Zak? Zak! (Knocking) Zak! - Shut up, will you? - Don't you tell me to shut up! Or I'll knock your bleedin' head off! - You! - Mam, don't be stupid! - (Mother screams ) - (Zak shouts ) - What the hell was that? - It sounds like he's attacking someone.
We've got to get in! (Screaming) I'll have to break in.
(Mother) Zak! (Screams ) Get back! Don't go anywhere near her, or else! OK.
Come on, Zak.
We both know you're not gonna use that, so please put it down.
- I said get back! It's my house! - Zak, j just take it easy.
No, you're trespassing! Go on, get out! Look, Miss Campbell's outside.
She's called the police.
- What? I can't have the police in here! - (Mother) Zak! Where's your mum? Come on! I need to know she's all right! Keep keep away from me! Zak! Zak! It's all right, Mam, he's not gonna hurt you.
I'm Mr Treneman.
I'm a teacher at Zak's school.
All this noise.
They they live like pigs, some of them.
But you can't tell anybody.
Not with their bloody microwaves.
I I In your head.
They already know.
It's She's not mad.
It's Huntington's disease.
She gets like this when she hasn't had her tablets.
That's why I had to do a runner.
She'll be all right in a minute, sir.
(Mother whimpers ) Let's hope they do themselves justice second time around.
Well, if they don't, we'll know something's wrong, won't we? Well, except there's added pressure from, you know It's a shame, isn't it? If we're gonna be spending this much time together, I'd rather it was after school.
Hey! Bit of shhh! I'm trying to concentrate here.
All of you, gobs shut now.
Exam conditions.
Remember? Look, I need to er sign some stuff off for Estelle, so I'll be gone about ten minutes, OK? Yeah, yeah, take as long as you like.
It's not "poisson".
Poisson is a fish.
I think you mean, "I would like a drink," which is "boisson".
And it's two Ss, not one.
Miss, if she's getting help, what about us? Yes, thank you, Lewis, I'll be with you in a minute.
(Knock on door) Iz? What's wrong? I've just had to pick up Chlo from the police station.
- What? - It's all right.
She went to make a confession, but they didn't believe her.
Is it my fault that she's behaving like this? Of course not.
I think she might have to see a psychologist.
No, you're a brilliant mum.
You know that.
What's going on with you, Tom? One minute you can't stand to talk to me and the next you're full of compliments.
I j I just thought I'd keep my distance.
That's all.
I thought it would make it easier.
I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but maybe she does need a father figure.
- D'you want me to have a word with her? - No.
You've got enough going on.
No, look, I don't mind.
We've always got on well.
- Would you? - Yeah.
Cos, seriously, Tom, I really think she might be going off her head.
Right, there's a special unit that deals with home carers - and they're sending someone over now.
- (Treneman ) Thanks.
Don't worry, Zak.
She will be OK.
"Don't worry"? D'you know what you've done? She's gonna get took off me now! Then what? If anything happens to her, I'm coming after you! - I'm - Come on.
Calm down.
Zak, look at me, OK? Right, your mum is not gonna get taken away from you.
We'll make sure of that.
But you need help.
You can't do all this on your own.
Why not? I manage all right.
Zak, a team of full-time nurses couldn't manage what you've done.
You should be very proud.
Come on.
Come on.
We're gonna get you some help, OK? I promise.
- (Bell) - Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Right, come on, time is up.
Papers in and off you go.
That's you.
Thank you.
- How'd it go? - Well, you know.
I'm hopeful.
I think I've seen some quite good work, actually.
Well, good for a bunch of muppets, that is.
"Good work"? There's about three lines of writing on each, if you can call it that.
Well, obviously it's not their best.
What are you on, woman? It's an embarrassment! Charles.
Fortunately, your little plan didn't work out and they've sent her home.
- You what? - I've seen some lowlifes in here, but getting your 14-year-old girlfriend to take the blame for you That's going too far.
I was just thinking about what we've seen today.
What he's been coping with.
I got it wrong, too.
Anyway I should probably go brief the old dinosaur about Zak.
- Grantly? - He needs putting straight.
Look, it's a pastoral issue.
All right? I'll deal with it.
So, are you saying Mum's really upset with me? Yeah.
Cos if you ask me, she's trying to block out what I've done.
She knows it's too horrible to believe.
Why would you wanna protect Donte? Well, you're here now.
Protecting my mum.
- Well, what's that supposed to mean? - Whatever.
Look, Chlo, all I'm saying is just try and see your mum's side of things.
I mean, you know, she works hard.
- She cares a lot about you and Mika.
- Yes, I know.
It's just everything's got so complicated.
How? I don't know.
Maybe instead of bringing home trouble you could give her more support.
OK? Anyway, I'm glad we've had this little chat.
I hope that's the end of it.
You see, that's the problem.
No one ever believes kids.
Until they do something really big.
- So he's gonna get help now? - Yeah.
Kim's sorting it out.
About this inspection I've had an idea.
I've been worrying that all our hard work - will have been for nothing.
- How come? Because one person could ruin it in a split second.
- Steph.
- So we're taking her out of the equation.
- How? - I'm sending her on a trip.
- jack, you can't just - I can.
Or rather, you can.
- Sorry? - You're going, too.
You can't sweep this problem under the carpet just because the LEA are coming.
- Why not? - It's unethical.
- It's cheating.
- It's damage limitation.
Look, I'm gonna deal with Steph properly, I promise.
But it's gonna take more time than we've got.
So all I'm asking for is a little cooperation.
Look at it this way.
You can either let Steph and a busload of delinquents cause havoc wherever they go, or you can go along and make sure that it's kept under control.
(Pats him on the back) (Hums merrily) Grantly, I thought you might want an update on Zak Walker.
Found him sniffing glue, did you? He's not a drug addict.
It actually turns out he's a home carer with a very sick mum who he's looking after day in, day out, without any complaint.
What d'you want me to do? Help him wash her bottom? No, I'm just asking that from now on we all give Zak plenty of support with his homework.
- Sorry.
Pastoral care.
Your job, not mine.
- Grantly And even if you did offer to split the allowance with me, I'm still not interested.
OK? Andrew was right about you.
You are nothing but a twisted What's that? Are you saying that Treneman's bad-mouthing me? Cos I've just about had enough of that snooty little sod interfering in the work - of my department.
- Oh, Grantly, grow up! - Right, well, you can tell him from me - (Bell) This is now a union issue.
So did Mr Clarkson speak to you? - Yeah.
- And? He's dead worried about you.
It's because he cares about you that he's taking an interest.
Anyway, look, you go to your dad's and have a nice time.
Unless you'd rather us go back home and have a girls' night in.
No, you're all right.
Dad'll probably do his nut in, anyway.
Well, you're right there.
You know, maybe that's part of the problem, you two not getting on.
Still, he is trying harder now, so maybe some time together should do you both good.
Chlo You will get over Donte, you know.
What do you want? Actually, I, er, wanted an opinion.
On what? French silk.
Got it especially for you.
- You're unbelievable.
- Thought you might fancy a movie tonight - if you're not too busy.
- Actually, I'm very busy tonight.
But if you would like to get back in my good books, then I suggest that you spend the evening preparing some half-decent lesson plans that might just impress the LEA inspector next week.
OK? Union? - He's having a laugh! - No, Andrew, I think he means it.
Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let him No, no, forget it.
It's water off a duck's back.
Actually, I'd relish a scrap.
With any luck, he may just walk.
It's been a hell of day, hasn't it? Mm.
Quite an education.
Look, erm what are you doing tonight? You got any plans? What, you mean other than juggling my three boyfriends? Then how about we go for a meal?.
- A meal.
- Chance to compare notes.
Right, I got two cod and one sausage.
What you having? Actually, we were just about to I'll take a cod, please.
Sausage (Phone ) - Hello.
- Chlo? Thank God it's you.
Donte I'm sorry, my mum took my phone off me.
Don't worry.
Listen, I know the police didn't believe you.
I tried.
I really did.
I can't stay in here, Chlo.
It's driving me mad.
Well I don't know what else to do.
You've just got to make them listen to you, Chlo.
You've got to make them take you seriously.
- How? - You'll think of something.
I know you will.
(Line goes dead) (Car draws up) (Horn toots ) Some of the buggers are a bloody waste of space, but you, Kim, you're the kind of teacher we need more of.
- I'd take a hundred of you tomorrow.
- I don't know about that.
Credit where credit's due.
And I would advise you to go back to college and teach the next cohort of mad loons that wanna do this job, but I don't wanna lose you.
The implication being that you taught me everything that I know? Hey, if the cap fits jack, you are such a tart! Come on, Andrew.
Don't you think she's great? With the kids.
And how do you always manage to stay so calm? Excuse me.
What do you say me and you ditch this stuff and get him to clear it up? - You what? - Or better still, we lock him in the cooler.
Oh, jack, give him a break.
I'm only joking.
I don't think he'd find it funny, anyway.
(Mobile beeps ) - Oh, God.
- What is it? Er, just a reminder about this LEA visit.
Work really gets in the way sometimes, doesn't it? (Izzie giggles ) Well, you obviously started off as you mean to go on.
(Lorna ) I've had a brilliant time.
Thanks for coming with me.
My pleasure.
Right, I'll see you tomorrow, yeah? Oh, let's not leave it there.
Why don't you come back with me? - No, I don't think so.
- Please, Iz.
There's stuff I need to do.
If you don't come, I'll feel awful, like I've disrupted all our friendships, and I couldn't bear that.
Please? Oh, don't make me beg.
We can stop and get some pizza on the way back.
Don't you two have stuff you need to talk about? We've done enough talking.
Please, Iz.
- OK.
- Fab.
( # Mellow guitar) Hey.
- What's this? - We've been having a spend.
Didn't get you anything.
There may be lean times ahead but at least I'll face debt with some nice gear.
Pizza smells good, and I know exactly what it needs.
- We'll get you a cab later, Iz.
- Thanks.
- Did you find any nice flats? - Actually, I found a fantastic one.
just down by the canal.
It's only half a mile away from the ground.
- You're joking! We could walk it there! - I know.
Be brilliant, won't it? I'm, erm I'm just gonna phone Chlo, check she's all right.
Hi, jimmy, it's me.
Can I speak to Chlo? - You OK, love? - Fine.
Yes, Mum.
I'm fine.
- (Muffled TV) - Yeah, honest.
All right.
(TV) We sent Danny along to meet some of the street's best loved and hated (Engine starts ) - Come on, I'll call a cab.
- I'll do it.
Well, I might go on up, then.
Night, Iz.
And thanks for everything.
My pleasure.
Sleep well.
Two minutes.
(Door upstairs closes ) So, what did you think when Lorna told you we were separating? Well, it was a bit of a shock.
And what did you really feel when you heard? How did you want me to feel?.
I don't know.
just say it.
- Don't, Tom.
Not here.
I've gotta go home.
- Iz, wait.
- (Tyres screech) - (Collision ) What the hell was that? (Dog barking) Chlo! Oh, my God! What the hell are you doing? - Are you all right? - See, Mum, I can drive! Now do you believe me? Basically, the situation is this - three schools in the area are under threat of closure and Waterloo Road's one of them.
She and Donte have worked out that if they both admit to the crime, neither of them will be charged.
What? You're saying they've got some sort of pact between them? No.
I don't think so.
Trust me.
I know my own daughter.
I love a school trip, don't you? All that snogging on the back of the bus.
Ooh! Mr Treneman.
I'll see you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.

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