Welcome to the N.H.K. (2006) s01e04 Episode Script

Welcome to the New World!

Sukoshi miageta sora
Dekisugita nichijou
Se wo mukeru tabi ni tsubuyaku dake
Doko ni ikeba iino sonna kao shiteru kimi to
Doko ni ikeba iino sonna kao shiteru kimi to
Rojiura no kage
Tokei no hari ga tomatta jikan wo nurikaete
Tokei no hari ga tomatta jikan wo nurikaete
Sashinobeta ryoute kamiawanai pazuru
Okizari ni shiteta futari deau made
Nakushiteta nani ka
Saigo no kakera wo torimodoshite
Aruki dasou
She appears to be an ordinary girl.
But in reality, she turns out to be a goddess
Who has come to rescue the main
character from hikikomori.
You gotta respect those guys who make gal games.
It's amazing how they can come up with so
many different cute female characters.
But I'm clueless when it comes to
what girls are like in real life.
So, when asked to make some characters,
I naturally have my limitations.
Sato-san, I think you have misguided ideas
at the fundamental level.
What do you think the gal game users
are looking for in the game?
To escape reality!
To escape reality?
Wanna know why?
Because real life is filled with pain!
Girls who make fun of us men!
Girls who look down on us men!
That fuckin' bitch who was cheating on me
with that convenience store manager!
That junior-college student
who toyed with my innocent youth!
Girls in real life are simply no good!
That's precisely why it's essential
that girls in gal games
are made to suit our every whim and fancy!
They fall in love with the main
character for no reason.
They approach the main character innocently.
They have no ulterior motives and never
betray the main character!
We creators are obligated to create characters
that could not possibly exist in the real world!
I see!
I've got it, Yamazaki!
I have a vision of the kind of
characters I must create!
This is it!
They fall in love with the main
character for no reason.
They approach the main character innocently.
no ulterior motives,
never betray the main character,
characters that could not possibly exist in the real world.
They approach the main character innocently.
They have no ulterior motives and never
betray the main character!
Characters that could not possibly
exist in the real world!
This is exactly what I just said!
Actually, popular characters in gal games
tend to follow certain patterns.
Oh, what are those patterns?
Pattern One!
She's your childhood friend!
Childhood friend
The fact that you've been good
friends since childhood
helps develop a strong bond
between the two of you.
You know we used to go see the
cherry blossoms together a lot.
Do you remember that?
Let your imagination do the work,
and you can create heroines
who are perfect for you in every way!
I've always wanted things to be
like this with you, Tatchan.
Oh, I see
Pattern Two!
She's a maid!
Aren't maids kind of
Maids in the gal games are like this!
A special aspect of the maids' occupation
is that it entails a master-servant relationship
between the main character and them!
Welcome home!
If there's anything you need, please
do not hesitate to ask, Master!
With that fantasy in mind,
you should be able to create ideal heroines
who are perfect for you in every way!
If that's what you want, Master
I see, that's how it works, eh?
Memo, memo
And, Pattern Three!
I thought we were going to make a gal game.
I'm talking about a humanoid robot like this!
She looks and functions just
like a real human.
However, she's a robot, so she
won't disobey humans!
Understood, sir.
I will execute your command.
With that fantasy in mind,
you should be able to create ideal heroines
who are perfect for you in every way!
I cannot be a human,
but I would like to be with you forever.
I see, that's how it works, eh?
Yup, that's how it works.
Memo, memo
Ideal heroines, perfect
for you in every way!!!
She falls in love with the
main character for no reason.
They fall in love with the main character for no reason.
They approach the main character innocently.
They have no ulterior motives,
and never betray the main character.
She approaches the main character innocently.
I have come to rescue you.
She has no ulterior motives and never
betrays the main character.
Yeah, in fact it's perfect for my project
if you're that way.
It can't be
Ten more days till our meeting.
It's coming up soon, Sato-kun.
You need to listen to your senior and do as you're told!
You need to listen to your senior and do as you're told!
The ideal heroine,
perfect for you in every way, huh?
She sat down on the bed and now she's staring at me.
Believe it or not I'm shy too
She said it so quietly that I almost couldn't hear her
I want you to take my clothes off.
Do it slower!
Be more gentle.
Do something instead of just sitting there and staring at me!
Y-You can try to k-kiss me
Huh? Did you just say something, Senpai?
Are you sure you're okay with this?
What's up? You're the one who said,
"Let's play cards!"
I'm not talking about playing cards.
I'm talking about people beyond the sea
or the atomic element that blocks light
or the fungus component contained in our food
or the viridian that has disappeared from the map
That story again?! Give me a break!
And most importantly, us.
Hey, you know something, Sato-kun?
There are conspiracies that we can
do nothing about in this world.
If this was a game, I could do it
as many times as I want.
It's been two days!
But you tell me you haven't
come up with anything?!
I'm sorry.
I gave you hints, didn't I?!
It should be easy if you just
follow those patterns!
I know, but the thing is,
I don't have a beautiful childhood friend.
And it's not like I can afford a maid.
Obviously, a robot is out of question.
Are you still hung up on reality?!
I've already told you that you can't use girls from
the real world as references, haven't I?!
But it'd still be easier for me to write the script
if there were models and stuff.
So you can write if there are models, right?
Y Yeah
Stop it! I said stop it!
You can write if there are models, right?
I think I know where to go for that.
Let's go check it out!
I'm hikikomori, remember?
I've been doing this for three years!
I'm hard-core hikikomori!
What makes you think that I'd go
outside in broad daylight?
But you went outside with no problem the other day!
And you dragged me with you too!
I didn't know what I was doing then!
I'll be with you the whole time!
Then should I call the police?
I've noticed that a lot of food's gone missing
from my apartment lately.
Including stuff like the instant ramen that I got from
my friend, stuff that's available only in Okinawa.
You know, that's an item hikikomori people would
never be able to get their hands on.
Either you go with the police or go with me.
One of the two.
Impossible Impossible
If you'd use some reason,
all your impossibilities would go out the window!
I give up! I give up!
Where are we going?
To the Holy Land of the gal game players!
Holy Land?
This is indeed the Holy Land
This way, Sato-san.
A coffee shop?
Welcome home, Master!
There are maids?!
If there is anything you need,
please don't hesitate to let me know, Master.
Excuse me.
This is a sub-culture that Japan prides itself on!
They're called Maid Café's!
Maid Café?
It costs you a lot of money to
hire a real maid at home.
Unless you're filthy rich, it's impossible.
But this place lets you enjoy being
a "master" at a reasonable price!
Maid Café's are a realization of the
gal game players' dreams!
Have a good day!
Since we're already here, why don't we do some
research on the market's trends and measures?
This doujinshi shop has the
widest selection in Japan!
Uh huh
I think I've seen this on TV.
I shouldn't
do this
What do you think?
The characters that you're familiar with from TV,
doing stuff like this and that!
Is it really okay to sell stuff like this?
Purupuru pururin pururin
Whoa! This is Pururin
illustrated by the artist Ooiwa!
Purupuru pururin purupururin
Hey, this book is the limited edition
that's only available at the event!
Purupuru pururin pururin
I'm so lucky! I'm so gonna buy this right now!
Sweet! The Pururin body pillow is finally on sale!
For some reason
The cell phone isn't enough for girls to go on with their lives
Whoa, I haven't seen this for a long time
It's important that her heart swells with love and courage
I didn't know this figurine still existed.
Maybe it's just me, but it sure looks
a lot nicer than before.
I am pururin purupururin
Pururin purupururin
Rinrin purupuru pururin pururu
Yeah, it is impressive, but it's still
Excuse me! Are you all right?
It's soft like a marshmallow
My eyes get teary
Real-size figure?
A magical girl of dreams and hopes, dreams and hopes
250,000 yen?!
That is me!
Purupuru pururin
Purupuru pururin pururin
Purupuru pururin purupururin
Purupuru pururin puru pururin
Purupuru pururin pururin
For some reason
Sending emails isn't good enough for girls
Fill my voice mail with your voice
What do you think?
It's very detailed, isn't it?
Wh What are you talking about? I was just
I need excitement
This particular series is put together
very precisely, you know.
It's got a really good reputation
among the die-hard fans too!
I am pururin purupururin
Pururin purupururin
I was just fixing my shoe lace and
Not only that, the skirt comes off!
Rinrin purupurupururin pururu
Magical power is right here
I can't help feeling happy
A dream is a hope and a hope is a dream
That's cool, I guess.
But it's not like I'm gonna buy it, so
Magical girl
The most important thing for us creators
is to understand the users' feelings.
Who knows, it might be you!
In order to do that, it's necessary
to behave as they do.
But that's
Misao is crying.
Thank you!
Did you hear what they said, Yamazaki?
This Misao was the last one in stock.
I feel really lucky now.
Get it the moment you see it!
That is the Golden Rule when you make
a pilgrimage to the Holy Land!
I see, the Golden Rule, huh?
I'm sure you were destined to
find that figurine today.
You're right.
Together ao-tan
Together ao-tan
Desktop Accessories,
Mini Games etc,,,
Hey, this is
That's a game character's '"fan disc."
It contains desktop accessories and mini-games.
Mini-games, huh?
It's hard to decide
Sato-san, remember the Golden Rule when you
make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land?
"Get it"
"The moment you see it!"
I had no idea a world like this even existed.
Viva otaku culture!
Nothing can beat "moe"!
Take a look at this figurine!
Whoa, that's awesome!
That's part of the DVD's special bonus, right?
Buying all five volumes together?!
Will you be able to survive the rest of this month?
What are you talking about?
For Pururin, I wouldn't mind dying from hunger!
Look at you! You sure bought
a lot of stuff yourself!
Well, Misao was calling me, you know.
Is that everything you've ordered?
Please enjoy.
Anyway, let's get to the subject.
"What would you need to make a gal game?"
To put it simply, it is "passion"!
No masterpiece is ever created without passion.
However, things have gotten caught up in trends,
and game content has become
overly-uniform of late.
Honestly, I can't stand watching it!
You must absolutely respect the users' needs!
Doing what everybody else is doing
will never take you to the top.
We must create something that
appeals to the masses,
but at the same time something that would
completely turn their world upside down!
In other words, we must continue to
utilize the familiar patterns,
but at the same time redefine them in a major way!
Seeing you recognize that makes having
taken you to the Holy Land worthwhile.
What's the matter, Sato-san?
The pilgrimage to the Holy Land has
violently energized my brain!
Something Something new is
about to be born within me!
Here it comes!
I got an idea for the heroine of our game!
Are you serious?!
She's your childhood friend / classmate /
next door neighbor!
But the thing is, she's a robot, and
not only that, she's also a maid!
You are
That's great! That's super moe!
I can feel my creative energy
flowing through my body!
I'm gonna draw it up really quick!
Wait, I wasn't done yet.
What's more, she was the main character's
girlfriend in his previous life!
That's excellent! It's super moe!
On top of that, she's very sickly and the main
character is the only person she can rely on!
This is incredible! It's so nice!
Then she sacrifices herself in order
to save him in a car accident,
and suffered injuries that require a
whole year to fully recover from!
Cosplay Cafe
But the truth is that she's a ghost!
It's great!
But the truth is that she's a ghost!
Not only that, she's an alien!
But her real identity turns out to be the
reincarnation of a fox from space!
It's perfect.
What the hell is this?
She's the heroine of our game!
She's your childhood friend, a maid robot, sickly,
a ghost, an alien and an incarnation of a fox!
Now, Sato-san, start writing the scenario
using this character!
Like hell I will!
I drew it just like you said
If you think about it from a normal standpoint,
it's weird, don't you think?
Dude, you're supposed to stop me
and ask questions.
We got kicked out of the café because you
started going crazy all of a sudden.
Damn, I forgot something in the
store we were at earlier!
I'll go get it!
This is the contract.
You wanna know how to get out of
hikikomori, don't you?
I'll tell you how once you sign the contract!
Are you sure you're okay with this?
I knew it was you!
Long time, no see.
Episode 04
Welcome to the New World!
Ababa, ababa, ababa, odoru akachan ningen
Hito wa hadaka de
Umareta toki wa
Dare mo aisare
Onaji hazu ga
Doushite nanoda
Ikite iku uchi
Sadame wa wakare
Mugoi kurai da
Hito no me mitari
Koi wo shittari
Sorenara boku wa
Isso naritai
Shinu made baby akachan ningen
"Aa, nante kawaii baby!"
"Aishitaku naru wa!"
Omou tsubo daze!
Umaku itta ze!
Kanojo daita akago jitsu wa akachan ningen
Adokenasa no ura de ababa hokusoemu nosa
Adokenasa no ura de ababa hokusoemu nosa
Kimi mo nareyo raku de iize baby human
Kimi mo nareyo raku de iize baby human
Ababa ababa odore fuyase soshite uchu e
Ababa ababa odore fuyase soshite uchu e
Kasei e
Dosei e
Ginga e!
Odoru yo
Akachan ningen
Odoru yo
Akachan ningen
Hey, Sato-kun, can I see you again?
Now I'd like to begin the lecture on
how to escape from hikikomori!
Next episode,
"Welcome to Counseling!"
Next Episode
Welcome to Counseling!
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