What's New, Scooby-Doo? (2002) s02e06 Episode Script

A Scooby Doo Halloween

[thunder rumbling]
[intense music]
[rock music]
One two one two three four ♪
He wants my hand ♪
I'll have to think ♪
He'll never have my heart ♪
He'll know that when I see ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
It's good. No, it's great!
No, it's spectabulous!
[thunder rumbling]
What's happening?
A horror too horrible
to imagine!
[all screaming]
Lower me down, now!
[all screaming]
No! Help!
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
We're coming after you ♪
We're gonna solve
that mystery ♪
I see you Scooby-Doo ♪
The trail leads back to you ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
We're gonna follow you ♪
You're gonna solve
that mystery ♪
We see you Scooby-Doo ♪
We're coming after you ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
Don't look back ♪
You may find another clue ♪
Your Scooby snacks
will be waiting here for you ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
We're coming after you ♪
We're gonna solve
that mystery ♪
I see you Scooby-Doo ♪
The trail leads back to you ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
Na-na na-na na ♪
Na-na na-na na ♪
Na-na na na na-na na ♪
Na-na na-na na
na-na na-na na ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪♪
'Like, why are we
in a creepy place already?'
Our vacations usually start out
normal and end up creepy.
We're only passing through
this Transylvanian village
on our way
to an awesome old castle.
Call it what you like,
but "old castle"
still rings creepy to me.
Relax, Shaggy,
The Hex Girls are shooting
their new music video there
and I'm hoping
they make me an extra.
Uh, maybe you shouldn't
push it, Daphne.
It was nice enough
that they invited us here
to watch the shoot.
[thunder rumbling]
Yeah, Fred,
remind me to thank 'em.
[thunder rumbling]
[intense music]
Like, if we turn back now
we can still hit
Strudel Fest in Bavaria.
Ooh, Strudel! Yummy!
But the castle is just up ahead.
And between here and there
is that rickety old bridge
saying, "Don't cross me, man!"
You know what I say to that?
"Eat my tire tread, bridge!"
[tires screeching]
[intense music]
- Aah!
- Aah!
Can I drive or what?
[teeth chattering]
[intense music]
Are you insane?
You want to keep shooting
this video
with that vampire freak
on the loose?
I barely got away from him.
We're gonna shoot this video
with or without you!
Go right ahead!
I wonder what's going on
with The Hex Girls.
Oh, Dusk's dumping
Thorn and Luna to go solo.
- How do you know that?
- "Popular" magazine.
I never leave the States
without it.
I'm so glad you guys are here.
- We could really use your help.
- No problem.
Where's my wedding dress
and black fingernails?
The shoot's on hold
since this rude vampire dude
decided to crash it.
Okay, between "rude" and "dude"
did anybody else hear "vampire?"
This scary vampire guy
came out of nowhere
chased us all over,
and then disappeared.
So, like,
there's a creepy castle
a vampire on the loose..
[both whistling]
- Aah!
- Aah!
There's no such thing
as a vampire, Shaggy.
But it sounds like
somebody's trying
to scare you out of here.
Why would someone do that?
That's what
we're gonna find out.
And I know exactly
what we need to do.
Split up?
- No. Set a trap.
- What?
But you always want us to
split up before you set a trap.
Really? I never noticed that.
[comical music]
Okay, here's the plan.
The vampire will stumble
into this stack of barrels
and roll in here.
The axe will cut this cord
'and the drape will
land on his head.'
That's when we tie up his feet
and unmask him.
Now, we just need
to set the live bait.
Like, not us, man.
Sounds too fishy to me.
No, not you two.
Since the vampire went after
The Hex Girls before--
But those girls are too scared.
We can't put them at risk again.
Yeah, you're right, Velma,
we just need someone
to look like one of them.
My mother would have
a heart attack.
Why does she get
to wear the dress?
Because Shaggy
doesn't have the hips for it.
- Uh..
- Okay, Velma, start singing.
Almost wed but I fled
almost wed but I fled ♪
Almost wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪♪
[upbeat music]
Your trap actually worked?
Well, what part of "foolproof"
didn't you understand?
Like, I don't think now is
the time for a makeover, Daph.
There's always time
for a makeover
especially, when
it's also an unmasking.
[all gasping]
- Who is that?
- Who is that?
Now, why would a cutie like you
want to ruin our video?
Frustrated singer,
actor, trick-or-treater?
I don't have
to tell you anything!
Then allow me
to fill in the blanks.
I am Owen Decassle
and this is Steve Fortescu.
I bought this place
from Steven's parents
distant descendants of reputed
vampire Baron Fortescu.
You mean you stole
my family's pride
stomped on our souls
and now you're profiting
off my legacy!
As you can see,
the boy has someissues.
Now, I will leave my castle
to take him to the village
where the authorities
can deal with him.
Uh, Mr. Decassle,
we just came that way.
Sorry, but the bridge is out
and the roads are all flooded.
Then we're stuck here all night
with that freaky Fortescu kid?
I know a very safe place
to keep him out of trouble.
[instrumental music]
This is a safe place?
Ha ha, like, I'm feeling
a lot of things right now
and safe is not one of 'em!
[Shaggy and Scooby whimpering]
You can lock me up,
but that won't make a difference
old man!
Your problems won't end with me.
You want the real vampire.
Ha ha ha!
I don't want the real vampire.
I want to go back upstairs!
And you will.
As soon as I take care
of one more thing.
[foghorn bellows]
Eh! You tugged, master?
- Yikes!
- Yikes!
Wretchfield, why don't you
show these nice people
to their rooms? And make sure
they are allcomfortable.
Get off of me, man!
Bad beetle!
My apologies.
Max must have wriggled out
of his leash.
[instrumental music]
Uh, Mr. Wretchfield sir
if you don't mind me asking,
how long have you worked here?
I've given my life
to this castle.
It used to be a serene place
filled with glorious
chamber music.
None of this ear-bleeding,
garbled garbage
that they dare call music!
Think I hit a sore spot.
thud thud
[door creaks]
Hmm, not a hideous space
but positively void
of personality.
Uh, that doesn't look
like a mint on my pillow.
Like, I think those beds
are already taken, Scoob.
- Ooh!
- It's okay.
So, it may not be a fancy hotel
with bug-free beds
and tiny soaps. Heh heh heh.
But at least we're safe
from that creepy vampire.
[wolf howls]
[intense music]
[thunder rumbling]
Uh, uh!
[Daphne screaming]
That sounds like Daphne!
Uh, sorry, Mr. Vampire.
- 'Where'd it go?'
- Hey, what's going on in here?
Your vampire crasher
made an unscheduled
guest appearance in my room.
Daphne, were you able to get
a good look at the vampire?
You bet I did.
There's no doubt
it was Steve Fortescu.
But that's impossible.
He's locked up
in the dungeon.
Now, wait a minute.
Steve's still sitting
right in that cell
where we left him?
I don't get it.
Maybe, Scoob.
Maybe when Mr. Decassle
bent down to tie his shoe
Steve turned into a bat
and flew out between the bars.
Scratch that.
Mr. Decassle's wearing slippers.
Just because Steve's
in that jail cell now
doesn't mean he wasn't able
to get out earlier.
So, you agree
with our bat theory?
No. I think somebody's
been letting Steve out.
- Velma's right.
- Mm-hmm.
Somebody must be working
with Steve.
That's the only way
he could supposedly
be in two places at once.
Now, let's split up
and look for clues.
I knew that would come up
sooner or later.
Whoa, Scoob!
Looks like we wandered
into the castle's kitchen.
How do you think
that happened?
I don't know.
Maybe the vampire's hiding
in the refrigerator.
Bingo! Ha ha ha.
No vampire
and a full fridge.
But what if the vampire
shows up for a quick bite?
But vampires hate garlics..
Oh-h-h. Brilliant idea! Ha ha.
What are we waitin' for?
Let's get cookin'.
[instrumental music]
I'm almost done with the garlic
banana-berry shake, Scoob.
How about those peanut butter
and garlic cookies?
- Huh!
- Huh? Oh!
What are you two doing here
in my domestic domain?
Uh, leaving?
You know, if cobwebs
and dust balls were clues
we'd have this case
solved by now.
[girls screaming]
Those screams
came from inside this room.
Stand back, ladies!
But, Fred, it might be unlocked.
Well, what fun is that?
Fred, Velma, Daphne
something's happened to Dusk.
There was this bizarre
flash of light
she disappeared
and then this bat showed up.
I know Dusk
wanted out of the band
but pretending
she turned into a bat?
'That's a little extreme.'
Daphne, Velma, look over here.
Those stairs probably
lead up to the attic.
And, typically, attics are
great places to find clues.
Unfortunately, nothing's been
typical about this case so far.
Wow, my purse is more organized
than this place.
- Uh!
- Uh-h!
Yuck! Probably more
of Wretchfield's long-lost pets.
Check this out.
A birth certificate.
But the name is smudged.
It looks like Stu Fortescu.
That's weird. I wonder
why Steve changed his name.
Maybe Steve has even more issues
than we thought.
[man groaning]
Either somebody didn't like
that remark about Steve
or someone's in trouble.
[ghosts moaning]
Cut. Cut. Cut!
What is going on here?
'Sorry, Mr. Hakimoto.'
We thought The Hex Girls
were being tormented
by the vampire again.
Oh, I wish.
If he does show up,
I'm going to capture him on film
'and I'll be rich and famous!'
After that, J.J. Hakimoto
presents anything he wants.
Correct me if I'm wrong,
but I don't think
tempting a vindictive vampire
is a wise career move.
Just when you think it's safe
to go back into the castle
J.J. Hakimoto presents..
"Forever Fangs."
'In a castle,
no one can hear you scream.'
[Hakimoto screaming]
Ooh! I've got chills.
Can't you just see it?
Oh, I can see it.
[all screaming]
He wants my hand ♪
I'll have to think ♪
He'll never have my heart ♪
He'll know that when I see ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
I need to hear
those two words I do ♪
I need to say
those two words I do ♪
I want a cake
with a bride and groom ♪
I want a ring and a ♪
White suit ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Wanna wed but I fled ♪
Yeah yeah ♪
Yeah ♪♪
[thunder rumbling]
[intense music]
- Looks like we lost him.
- For now.
Like, at least, we're a lot
safer out here in this..
There's no need to worry.
We left the vampire
in the castle.
'We're completely safe
out here.'
[thunder rumbling]
[vampire laughing]
What happened to Fred?
- Fred?
- Fred?
[Shaggy sobbing]
Freddy Jones, hoo-hoo hoo-hoo
where are you?
Fred's not around
here anywhere.
Like, Scoob is right.
Didn't you see
the vicious vampire?
He turned Fred into a bat
and there he is.
I really don't think
that bat is Fred
but I do think it's time to put
an end to these vampire hijinks.
And how do we do that?
By doing some research
back inside the castle.
Don't worry, Fred. We won't
let you out of our sight.
Like, you'll be back
to your human self in a--
'Wait. Wait! I didn't mean
I don't like your bat self.'
'You're fine as a bat.'
'It says here
that it's legendary'
'for a vampire to come out
of his coffin once a year'
in search of his
long-lost bride.
How romantic..
in a sick,
vampiry kind of way.
Look at this.
'An old photo of Steve standing'
in front of a mirror?
OhI get it.
Steve can't be the vampire
because he's casting
a reflection.
I may not know everything
about vampires
but I know a lot about mirrors.
It explains more than that.
In fact, I think
I've got this mystery
just about wrapped up.
Now, all we need to do
is catch that vampire.
I sure wish Fred were here.
You know, I think a woman
is better suited for this job.
'Okay, now'
don't move a wink.
'Oh, no! Fred got mixed up
with a rogue gang of bats!'
Like, we've gotta figure out
which one he is.
'You think this is Fred?'
You're right, this bat
does have muscular wings
but this other one looks like
he's formulating a plan.
That friendly guy's
gotta be him.
Like, Fred-bat, wait for us!
[thunder rumbling]
Where is he already?
I'm perfect
vampire-bride material.
Yes, you are.
Now, I'm sure the vampire
will show up any minute.
Velma, do you think we're doing
all this to trap a real vampire?
No, of course not.
Then why do you have a whole box
of garlic behind you?
It never hurts
to have a backup plan.
[vampire hissing]
It's him.
Now, get out there
and strut your stuff.
- Aah!
- Unh!
Hiya, Daph!
And, like, see ya, Daph!
Oh! Uh!
Uh. Uh!
The net! Velma, the net!
[intense music]
[vampire screaming]
Hang in there, fang boy!
Thanks, Fred.
You saved my life.
Actually, I was just
climbing down from the attic
where I was trapped,
but you're welcome anyway.
Uh, what happened?
Where's the vampire?
Did he get away?
He's right over there.
Oh, no, he's gone!
Well, guess it looks like
I won't be needing
these anymore.
Wow, I guess garlic really
does work on vampires.
Yeah, that's the creep
who had me locked up too.
'Be careful, Daphne.'
Don't worry,
it's hypoallergenic.
'Steve Fortescu?'
Okay, so we've proven
Steve is the vampire.
But we don't have a clue
who's been helping him
escape from his cell.
That's not exactly true.
It's no makeup effect.
'Steve and the vampire
look identical'
'because they're twin brothers.'
Of course!
How else could anyone
be in two places
at one time,
unless they look exactly alike?
I bet that birth certificate
with the name Stu
really belongs
to Steve's brother here.
And this photo of Steve
looking in the mirror
was really just the two brothers
standing face-to-face.
Okay, but that still
doesn't explain
why they wanted to trash
our video shoot.
I think they wanted to scare
everybody off
and ruin Owen's business.
And it would have worked
if it weren't
for you meddling kids!
Hi, everybody.
You'll be happy to know
we finally caught Fred-bat.
Oh, hello, Fred.
Hold it, if you're Fred
then who's this on my shoulder?
[all laughing]
Coming soon to your
favorite music channel near you
see the fantabulous
the super-babulous
the something-else-bulous
the one, the only
The Hex Girls!
[rock music]
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
We're coming after you ♪
You're gonna solve
that mystery ♪
I see you Scooby-Doo ♪
The trail leads back to you ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
We're gonna follow you ♪
We're gonna solve
that mystery ♪
We see you Scooby-Doo ♪
We're coming after you ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
Don't look back ♪
You may find another clue ♪
A Scooby snack will be
waiting here for you ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
We're coming after you ♪
You're gonna solve
that mystery ♪
I see you Scooby-Doo ♪
The trail leads back to you ♪
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪
Na-na na-na na ♪
Na-na na-na na ♪
Na-na na na na-na na ♪
Na-na na-na na na-na na-na na
What's new Scooby-Doo ♪♪
Hee hee hee!
[theme music]
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