Wishbone (1995) s01e19 Episode Script
One Thousand & One Tails
Funding for Wishbone provided by annual
financial support from
PBS viewers like you.
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's this your dreaming of such
big imagination on such a little pub?
What's the story, Wishbone?
Do you think it's worth a look?
It kind of seems familiar
like a story from a book.
Shake a leg now, Wishbone.
Let's wag another tale.
Sniffing out adventure
with Wishbone on the trail.
Come on, Wishphone.
Watch the story, Wishbone.
What's the story? Wishbone?
Watch the story wishbone.
Watch the story wishbone.
Oh, I have always wanted to
get my paws on one of these.
Hey, David, what do you
want me to do with this?
Uh, just set it over there.
Man, I wish I could get it.
Get a new system?
Upgrading. Tough luck, pal. Years of
faithful service and suddenly you're dumped.
Are you all plugged in?
Not yet. As soon as my dad gets here.
I hear you can play incredible
games on the internet.
Yeah, I know. Once I
get my modem hooked up,
we can go online and
surf the net all day.
Hey, Dad.
Hey, you go.
Now, David, your mother and I are
giving you the system to learn.
not just play, all right?
I know.
Make sure the monitor's working.
I'll be out front working
on the car if you need it.
See you guys later.
Let's get the games.
Oh, go to that one.
That one? Okay.
And then next goes this one.
Oh, go to that one.
That one? Which one?
Go to that one.
Let's see this one first.
Oh, man.
That's so cool.
What do you guys see in that thing?
Look at you. You're totally absorbed.
Myself, I prefer to be
captivated by a good story.
And the best storyteller
of all, in my opinion,
was Shaharizad in the
1001 Arabian Nights,
a collection of tales from
India, Persia, and Arabia.
In the Tales, Shahrazad is the
wife of a brutal Persian king.
She and her sister knew
the kingdom was in trouble.
The king was having people killed.
He had lost his mind and sentenced
Scheherazade to die in the morning.
How dare you feed me this slop!
Guards! Take him away.
He shall die tomorrow
along with the queen.
You are restless, your majesty.
Of course.
I am.
I am restless as well, Your Majesty.
My dear sister, I wonder if you can tell
one of those wonderful stories you know.
I love stories.
Would your majesty allow
Scheherazade to tell a story?
Since I am to die in the morning, I would
love to fill our last hours together.
Stop flattering like the goats you are.
I have heard, O auspicious king,
the story of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves.
Ali Baba was a 40theeves.
Alibaba was a poor merchant.
He made a very meager living,
gathering wood, to sell.
Well, one day, Ali Baba
was lost in the desert.
Okay. I think I've passed
by this rock before.
Of course, being poor and lost
is a pretty bad combination.
Well, what can happen?
Travelers to help me?
No. Bandits to hurt me!
Woo! Okay!
Come on, team, we are leaving!
That's fine.
My donkeys are gone. Bandit's all around.
But I'm not a quitter.
I'm not a quitter, but I am
leaving. I'm leaving right now.
I am so gone!
You guys play your games.
I'm back on the block.
This is where the real action is.
Better patrol the area.
Up, disturbance on the 700
block. Proceed with caution.
I'm gonna be late.
You're in a hurry.
That's when things go wrong.
What's the trouble, ma'am?
Oh, hey!
Just trying to help.
Um, Wanda.
I think you forgot something.
What's human for purse?
Didn't work.
I guess that communication
thing still isn't there.
I really thought I'd lost my accent.
Uh, Wanda.
I'm sure that's not
where that purse goes.
Ah, once more into the street.
Look both ways and
Wishbone to the rescue!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Okay, sweetheart, hand over the purse.
Binder's keepers.
Of all the streets in Oakdale,
she had to walk into mine.
Hey, human speed bump.
Uh, David, you want to step
outside with me for a minute?
Hey, guys, wake up.
Look up.
It's different kinds of chat groups.
Oh, let's see this one.
Looks like somebody sat on the keyboard.
It must be discussion
all in code or something.
Let me see if I can get in.
Well, at least they're
talking to someone.
Wait, you're just gonna jump right in
the middle of someone's conversation?
Why not?
Oh man, I need to
figure out the password.
Well, they obviously
don't want you to join in.
Well, they can't stop me.
I'm gonna figure it out.
You've got to be careful
which password you learn.
That's what Ali Baba found out.
Look at all that loot.
These guys are pros.
What am I afraid of?
I'm sure they're reasonable people.
I'll just explain that I'm lost.
Oh, on second thought?
I'll wait. I've got nothing but time.
Okay, give me the password.
The, the password.
I told you to remember the password!
I don't remember you telling me that.
Who knows the password?
You're all good for nothing.
I should gut you like fish.
I should let none of you in.
Let's see
What's the password?
Oh, the password!
You should have told me!
Open sesame!
Wow! Did I just see that?
The password.
Open sesame!
Oh, no! What do you wait for?
Stay here.
There's another thief and keep guard.
Then don't steal anything, huh?
Get on in there.
Don't watch that.
Come, let's go. We have no time.
You follow me.
You stand guard.
Want to take a lunch break?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Did he say lunch?
I'm sorry.
I'm starving.
Stop that!
There's what I'm saying that.
That's what I'm saying now.
You're on this side of the wall.
I'm that side of the wall.
I'm that side of the wall.
I have to tell you something.
I saw a big brooch is lying out there.
He was trying to kill us.
And we had us trotty swords.
And he was coming on his right.
And he was going, l'r, l'r, l'r, n'r!
Come on.
Come on.
So, um
Anybody have anything else to eat?
Excuse me, Mr. Thieves?
I wonder if this password
will work for anyone.
Open! Sesame!
Well, since it's open, I'll
just take a quick peek.
Hello? Any nasty thieves at home?
Look at all this truce!
Well, I did lose my donkeys.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
Just in case, I'm
And Alibaba left the cave,
taking one small bag of golden coins.
Sister, it is dawn.
Why have you stopped?
What happens in the rest of the story?
You will never know.
Never mind about that!
I shall postpone your
execution for one more day
so that you can finish the story tonight.
May I spend the day with my sister?
Just be back to finish.
As you wish, Your Majesty.
These guys are still talking.
Well, I couldn't figure out the passwords,
so I'm going to have to crack the code.
They need a bank account number.
They're talking about stolen money.
Stolen money?
It's a joke.
They're playing a joke.
Yeah, but why would they put it in code?
Because they know someone like David is
going to figure it out and think it's real.
Well, I do think it's real.
Why would they make it up?
Well, call me if you figure out anything.
I'm going to go shoot some hopes.
Yeah, I think I'll go with you.
I was supposed to be home an hour ago.
Oh, and David, if they really
are talking about stealing
Be careful.
And speaking of stolen money
David, would you take
me to the candy store?
I'm kind of busy right now, Emily.
I want to go now.
You've got to stop her.
She's gone money mad.
That's not nice, Emily.
I'll give you $20 if you take me.
Well, where'd you get that money?
It's mine. I found it.
That's not your money, Emily.
It's two.
Call the reinforcements!
She's more than we can handle!
Okay, David, I've got the
evidence. You get the suspect!
Let me.
Get her, David! Get her!
Sorry, give me.
Pardon me.
Looks like David need some help.
Stop! In the name!
In the name of the dog!
I know I had it in my hand.
Hey, Joe!
Joe, can you come in
the house for a second?
I just wrote part of a new story, and
I really want to see what you think.
Sure, thanks.
Oh, Ellen!
Have you seen my little clutch purse?
No, Wanda, I'm sorry, I haven't.
Well, I was in such a hurry this morning,
and I can't remember what I did with it.
Um, Joe, have you seen it?
No, sorry, Miss Gilmore.
But I'll look, though.
Okay, thanks. Thank you both.
I guess I'll just keep
retracing my steps.
Good idea.
Come on.
What? Emily, come back here!
Let me.
I'm going.
I think.
Nathan Bates.
Nathan Barnes?
Agent Bates, FBI.
Are they after Emily?
Go easy. She's just a kid.
So what can I do for you?
If you wouldn't mind,
we'd like you to verify
the balance of your account
at Oakdale National.
I don't understand.
What's account?
What's account?
You're a count?
You're a checking to.
Please enter your checking
account number and press pound.
We appreciate your cooperation.
It's an urgent matter.
Sure, anything to help.
Your checking account balance is $3,692.
Does it seem high to you, Mr. Barnes?
Uh, unless I got a big raise,
yeah, it does seem high.
What's going on here?
You have some.
stolen money in your
checking account, Mr. Barnes?
This story gets better and better.
Not now.
I must hear what happens to Ali Baba.
I have heard, oh, auspicious king,
that Ali Baba took his goal
to the home of his greedy brother.
Ali Baba. What has happened?
You pretend to be miserably poor,
and yet you have so much gold.
You don't count it. You weigh it.
Well, it's quite a little scandal.
Can you keep a secret?
Of course.
Well, I was riding through the desert,
and I lost my donkeys, and
there were these bandits.
They have a special magic
cave, and this password,
Open Sesame.
You wouldn't believe
all the gold and jewels.
But these thieves looked pretty mean.
We have to be careful.
Of course, brother.
I say we bury this gold for a while
to see if the bandits come after us.
Yes, but why didn't you take more?
Let us go back.
We only take what is already stolen.
Now see, you're already being greedy.
Here, go to that.
Stay here and don't tell anyone.
Of course, brother.
At last, I'll see if you lied to me.
I'll see if you lied to me, Ali Baba.
Open sesame.
Oh, God.
Baba, you are a fool.
You are a fool!
We can take as much as we want.
They'll never miss it.
I take some of this, and some of this.
Got to have one of these.
I should have brought more
donkeys to carry it all.
Not to worry, I can remember
the simple password.
Let's see. Open barley.
That wasn't it.
That wasn't it?
Oh, I know.
Open wheat.
Oh, I know.
Some kind of grain.
Open oaks.
Open oaks.
Help me. Help me!
Help me!
Let me out.
I promise.
I'll give you some gold.
I have some gold.
I give you some.
What's your good?
Where's my mom?
Help me.
Let me out, David.
Let me out.
Let me out. Let me out.
As long as you promise not to run away.
I promise.
Okay, I'm opening the door.
That's not fair.
Well, I'm sorry, but you're going to
have to get back the money and the purse.
Do you understand?
But I found it.
You have got to admire her.
She doesn't back down.
Well, if you found it, that means somebody
lost it, and we have to find out who.
Will I be in trouble?
I'm your big brother.
Would I let you be in trouble?
Come on, let's go.
Alibaba was a good brother, too.
If I know Qasem, he's
gotten giddy for gold.
Ooh, I thought I smelled something.
Daffy for diamonds. Jolly for jewelry.
Great. He forgot the password.
Oh, no. They're heading back.
Okay, I'm pretty sure I
remember how this works.
Open Sesame!
Oh, oh, oh, mercy, let me leave.
I only
Oh, it's only you, Alibaba.
What took you so long?
Help me carry out some of these riches.
Listen, your greed is
going to get us ground up!
Take a look over there, buddy.
Got a clue?
It's like this, bro. We gotta go.
Follow me!
Stop me!
Not you.
Get them!
Where did they go?
We will be watching for you!
Many years later, after
the 40 thieves had done.
Ali Baba returned to the
rock cave with his son.
Using their fortune in moderation,
Ali Baba and his family lived in honor.
By the way, tell the royal cook
that today's curry was excellent.
What? Have you finished?
Yes, Your Majesty.
Unhappily, it is time for my sister's
execution. Otherwise, she
could begin another tale.
Oh, yes. There are so many.
I could tell you the story of
Aladdin and his magical lamp.
Within the lamp, lived a powerful genie.
Too bad there is no time, my king.
Well, how many knights will
this Aladdin story take?
We could reschedule your execution.
How's the 15th?
Assistant, what?
What about the story
of the enchanted horse?
Oh, yes.
Or of brave Sinbad and his seven voyages.
I just don't see how we're
going to fit this execution in!
Let's just cancel it.
Ahahrazad entertained the king and
changed his heart with her stories.
He regained his right mind, and together,
he and Shaharazade ruled the kingdom
with wisdom and mercy.
Now let me do all the talking, okay?
You'll be just fine.
Excuse me, Dad.
Can I talk to you?
Uh, I'm very busy right now, David.
These folks are with the FBI.
What's wrong, Dad?
It seems like someone
has made a wire transfer
into my checking account
at Oakdale National.
A huge amount of stolen money.
Uh-oh! Emily! You're busted! Follow me!
I'll hide you.
Stolen money.
That's what the guys in the
internet were talking about in code.
I knew it was real.
What do you mean, son?
Well, Joe and Sam and I were following
a code of conversation on my computer.
This, uh, Joe and Sam, friends of yours?
Yes, sir.
Where did they live?
Well, Joe lives right next door.
Check them out.
Do you have information for us?
Um, maybe. You want to come see?
We've been after the thieves for months.
We found a way to withdraw money
from other people's accounts
and transfer it into their
accounts with their modems.
We noticed the transfer to your
father's account right away.
How'd you break the code?
Well, I found the letter that they used
the most, and I made that letter E.
And then I figured out the
others by process of elimination.
I still can't figure out how
the money got into my account.
That's not the sound
I want to hear, David.
I think I know what happened.
Yeah, I was chasing Emily around, and I
accidentally engaged your banking program.
David, isn't this cool?
It's the real FBI.
I wonder if you could
investigate a lost purse.
Oh, Miss Gilmore, about that purse?
They're talking again.
It says they're headed for
For the airport.
Good work, son. We gotta hurry.
We gotta clear up this computer.
I can't have you driving down the
information highway without a license.
Have no fear the stolen
goods have been recovered.
There's my purse.
Noddy, naughty dog.
Bad, bad dog.
But she, but I, but you
Emily, you've done it to me again.
Great. Excuse me. Gotta go.
You can sniff out
wishbone books and other
great things to read
at your local library.
for Wishbone, provided by annual financial
support from PBS viewers, like you.
What? You say you want
something to do? Well, try this.
Gather up your humans, put them in the car,
and high-tail it to your local library!
There's something for the
whole family at the library.
Adventure, comedy, mystery.
So hi-tail it to your local library.
It's a family thing. Only if you want to
book on the top shelf, bring someone tall.
Gonna get some assistance here.
financial support from
PBS viewers like you.
What's the story, Wishbone?
What's this your dreaming of such
big imagination on such a little pub?
What's the story, Wishbone?
Do you think it's worth a look?
It kind of seems familiar
like a story from a book.
Shake a leg now, Wishbone.
Let's wag another tale.
Sniffing out adventure
with Wishbone on the trail.
Come on, Wishphone.
Watch the story, Wishbone.
What's the story? Wishbone?
Watch the story wishbone.
Watch the story wishbone.
Oh, I have always wanted to
get my paws on one of these.
Hey, David, what do you
want me to do with this?
Uh, just set it over there.
Man, I wish I could get it.
Get a new system?
Upgrading. Tough luck, pal. Years of
faithful service and suddenly you're dumped.
Are you all plugged in?
Not yet. As soon as my dad gets here.
I hear you can play incredible
games on the internet.
Yeah, I know. Once I
get my modem hooked up,
we can go online and
surf the net all day.
Hey, Dad.
Hey, you go.
Now, David, your mother and I are
giving you the system to learn.
not just play, all right?
I know.
Make sure the monitor's working.
I'll be out front working
on the car if you need it.
See you guys later.
Let's get the games.
Oh, go to that one.
That one? Okay.
And then next goes this one.
Oh, go to that one.
That one? Which one?
Go to that one.
Let's see this one first.
Oh, man.
That's so cool.
What do you guys see in that thing?
Look at you. You're totally absorbed.
Myself, I prefer to be
captivated by a good story.
And the best storyteller
of all, in my opinion,
was Shaharizad in the
1001 Arabian Nights,
a collection of tales from
India, Persia, and Arabia.
In the Tales, Shahrazad is the
wife of a brutal Persian king.
She and her sister knew
the kingdom was in trouble.
The king was having people killed.
He had lost his mind and sentenced
Scheherazade to die in the morning.
How dare you feed me this slop!
Guards! Take him away.
He shall die tomorrow
along with the queen.
You are restless, your majesty.
Of course.
I am.
I am restless as well, Your Majesty.
My dear sister, I wonder if you can tell
one of those wonderful stories you know.
I love stories.
Would your majesty allow
Scheherazade to tell a story?
Since I am to die in the morning, I would
love to fill our last hours together.
Stop flattering like the goats you are.
I have heard, O auspicious king,
the story of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves.
Ali Baba was a 40theeves.
Alibaba was a poor merchant.
He made a very meager living,
gathering wood, to sell.
Well, one day, Ali Baba
was lost in the desert.
Okay. I think I've passed
by this rock before.
Of course, being poor and lost
is a pretty bad combination.
Well, what can happen?
Travelers to help me?
No. Bandits to hurt me!
Woo! Okay!
Come on, team, we are leaving!
That's fine.
My donkeys are gone. Bandit's all around.
But I'm not a quitter.
I'm not a quitter, but I am
leaving. I'm leaving right now.
I am so gone!
You guys play your games.
I'm back on the block.
This is where the real action is.
Better patrol the area.
Up, disturbance on the 700
block. Proceed with caution.
I'm gonna be late.
You're in a hurry.
That's when things go wrong.
What's the trouble, ma'am?
Oh, hey!
Just trying to help.
Um, Wanda.
I think you forgot something.
What's human for purse?
Didn't work.
I guess that communication
thing still isn't there.
I really thought I'd lost my accent.
Uh, Wanda.
I'm sure that's not
where that purse goes.
Ah, once more into the street.
Look both ways and
Wishbone to the rescue!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Okay, sweetheart, hand over the purse.
Binder's keepers.
Of all the streets in Oakdale,
she had to walk into mine.
Hey, human speed bump.
Uh, David, you want to step
outside with me for a minute?
Hey, guys, wake up.
Look up.
It's different kinds of chat groups.
Oh, let's see this one.
Looks like somebody sat on the keyboard.
It must be discussion
all in code or something.
Let me see if I can get in.
Well, at least they're
talking to someone.
Wait, you're just gonna jump right in
the middle of someone's conversation?
Why not?
Oh man, I need to
figure out the password.
Well, they obviously
don't want you to join in.
Well, they can't stop me.
I'm gonna figure it out.
You've got to be careful
which password you learn.
That's what Ali Baba found out.
Look at all that loot.
These guys are pros.
What am I afraid of?
I'm sure they're reasonable people.
I'll just explain that I'm lost.
Oh, on second thought?
I'll wait. I've got nothing but time.
Okay, give me the password.
The, the password.
I told you to remember the password!
I don't remember you telling me that.
Who knows the password?
You're all good for nothing.
I should gut you like fish.
I should let none of you in.
Let's see
What's the password?
Oh, the password!
You should have told me!
Open sesame!
Wow! Did I just see that?
The password.
Open sesame!
Oh, no! What do you wait for?
Stay here.
There's another thief and keep guard.
Then don't steal anything, huh?
Get on in there.
Don't watch that.
Come, let's go. We have no time.
You follow me.
You stand guard.
Want to take a lunch break?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Did he say lunch?
I'm sorry.
I'm starving.
Stop that!
There's what I'm saying that.
That's what I'm saying now.
You're on this side of the wall.
I'm that side of the wall.
I'm that side of the wall.
I have to tell you something.
I saw a big brooch is lying out there.
He was trying to kill us.
And we had us trotty swords.
And he was coming on his right.
And he was going, l'r, l'r, l'r, n'r!
Come on.
Come on.
So, um
Anybody have anything else to eat?
Excuse me, Mr. Thieves?
I wonder if this password
will work for anyone.
Open! Sesame!
Well, since it's open, I'll
just take a quick peek.
Hello? Any nasty thieves at home?
Look at all this truce!
Well, I did lose my donkeys.
I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
Just in case, I'm
And Alibaba left the cave,
taking one small bag of golden coins.
Sister, it is dawn.
Why have you stopped?
What happens in the rest of the story?
You will never know.
Never mind about that!
I shall postpone your
execution for one more day
so that you can finish the story tonight.
May I spend the day with my sister?
Just be back to finish.
As you wish, Your Majesty.
These guys are still talking.
Well, I couldn't figure out the passwords,
so I'm going to have to crack the code.
They need a bank account number.
They're talking about stolen money.
Stolen money?
It's a joke.
They're playing a joke.
Yeah, but why would they put it in code?
Because they know someone like David is
going to figure it out and think it's real.
Well, I do think it's real.
Why would they make it up?
Well, call me if you figure out anything.
I'm going to go shoot some hopes.
Yeah, I think I'll go with you.
I was supposed to be home an hour ago.
Oh, and David, if they really
are talking about stealing
Be careful.
And speaking of stolen money
David, would you take
me to the candy store?
I'm kind of busy right now, Emily.
I want to go now.
You've got to stop her.
She's gone money mad.
That's not nice, Emily.
I'll give you $20 if you take me.
Well, where'd you get that money?
It's mine. I found it.
That's not your money, Emily.
It's two.
Call the reinforcements!
She's more than we can handle!
Okay, David, I've got the
evidence. You get the suspect!
Let me.
Get her, David! Get her!
Sorry, give me.
Pardon me.
Looks like David need some help.
Stop! In the name!
In the name of the dog!
I know I had it in my hand.
Hey, Joe!
Joe, can you come in
the house for a second?
I just wrote part of a new story, and
I really want to see what you think.
Sure, thanks.
Oh, Ellen!
Have you seen my little clutch purse?
No, Wanda, I'm sorry, I haven't.
Well, I was in such a hurry this morning,
and I can't remember what I did with it.
Um, Joe, have you seen it?
No, sorry, Miss Gilmore.
But I'll look, though.
Okay, thanks. Thank you both.
I guess I'll just keep
retracing my steps.
Good idea.
Come on.
What? Emily, come back here!
Let me.
I'm going.
I think.
Nathan Bates.
Nathan Barnes?
Agent Bates, FBI.
Are they after Emily?
Go easy. She's just a kid.
So what can I do for you?
If you wouldn't mind,
we'd like you to verify
the balance of your account
at Oakdale National.
I don't understand.
What's account?
What's account?
You're a count?
You're a checking to.
Please enter your checking
account number and press pound.
We appreciate your cooperation.
It's an urgent matter.
Sure, anything to help.
Your checking account balance is $3,692.
Does it seem high to you, Mr. Barnes?
Uh, unless I got a big raise,
yeah, it does seem high.
What's going on here?
You have some.
stolen money in your
checking account, Mr. Barnes?
This story gets better and better.
Not now.
I must hear what happens to Ali Baba.
I have heard, oh, auspicious king,
that Ali Baba took his goal
to the home of his greedy brother.
Ali Baba. What has happened?
You pretend to be miserably poor,
and yet you have so much gold.
You don't count it. You weigh it.
Well, it's quite a little scandal.
Can you keep a secret?
Of course.
Well, I was riding through the desert,
and I lost my donkeys, and
there were these bandits.
They have a special magic
cave, and this password,
Open Sesame.
You wouldn't believe
all the gold and jewels.
But these thieves looked pretty mean.
We have to be careful.
Of course, brother.
I say we bury this gold for a while
to see if the bandits come after us.
Yes, but why didn't you take more?
Let us go back.
We only take what is already stolen.
Now see, you're already being greedy.
Here, go to that.
Stay here and don't tell anyone.
Of course, brother.
At last, I'll see if you lied to me.
I'll see if you lied to me, Ali Baba.
Open sesame.
Oh, God.
Baba, you are a fool.
You are a fool!
We can take as much as we want.
They'll never miss it.
I take some of this, and some of this.
Got to have one of these.
I should have brought more
donkeys to carry it all.
Not to worry, I can remember
the simple password.
Let's see. Open barley.
That wasn't it.
That wasn't it?
Oh, I know.
Open wheat.
Oh, I know.
Some kind of grain.
Open oaks.
Open oaks.
Help me. Help me!
Help me!
Let me out.
I promise.
I'll give you some gold.
I have some gold.
I give you some.
What's your good?
Where's my mom?
Help me.
Let me out, David.
Let me out.
Let me out. Let me out.
As long as you promise not to run away.
I promise.
Okay, I'm opening the door.
That's not fair.
Well, I'm sorry, but you're going to
have to get back the money and the purse.
Do you understand?
But I found it.
You have got to admire her.
She doesn't back down.
Well, if you found it, that means somebody
lost it, and we have to find out who.
Will I be in trouble?
I'm your big brother.
Would I let you be in trouble?
Come on, let's go.
Alibaba was a good brother, too.
If I know Qasem, he's
gotten giddy for gold.
Ooh, I thought I smelled something.
Daffy for diamonds. Jolly for jewelry.
Great. He forgot the password.
Oh, no. They're heading back.
Okay, I'm pretty sure I
remember how this works.
Open Sesame!
Oh, oh, oh, mercy, let me leave.
I only
Oh, it's only you, Alibaba.
What took you so long?
Help me carry out some of these riches.
Listen, your greed is
going to get us ground up!
Take a look over there, buddy.
Got a clue?
It's like this, bro. We gotta go.
Follow me!
Stop me!
Not you.
Get them!
Where did they go?
We will be watching for you!
Many years later, after
the 40 thieves had done.
Ali Baba returned to the
rock cave with his son.
Using their fortune in moderation,
Ali Baba and his family lived in honor.
By the way, tell the royal cook
that today's curry was excellent.
What? Have you finished?
Yes, Your Majesty.
Unhappily, it is time for my sister's
execution. Otherwise, she
could begin another tale.
Oh, yes. There are so many.
I could tell you the story of
Aladdin and his magical lamp.
Within the lamp, lived a powerful genie.
Too bad there is no time, my king.
Well, how many knights will
this Aladdin story take?
We could reschedule your execution.
How's the 15th?
Assistant, what?
What about the story
of the enchanted horse?
Oh, yes.
Or of brave Sinbad and his seven voyages.
I just don't see how we're
going to fit this execution in!
Let's just cancel it.
Ahahrazad entertained the king and
changed his heart with her stories.
He regained his right mind, and together,
he and Shaharazade ruled the kingdom
with wisdom and mercy.
Now let me do all the talking, okay?
You'll be just fine.
Excuse me, Dad.
Can I talk to you?
Uh, I'm very busy right now, David.
These folks are with the FBI.
What's wrong, Dad?
It seems like someone
has made a wire transfer
into my checking account
at Oakdale National.
A huge amount of stolen money.
Uh-oh! Emily! You're busted! Follow me!
I'll hide you.
Stolen money.
That's what the guys in the
internet were talking about in code.
I knew it was real.
What do you mean, son?
Well, Joe and Sam and I were following
a code of conversation on my computer.
This, uh, Joe and Sam, friends of yours?
Yes, sir.
Where did they live?
Well, Joe lives right next door.
Check them out.
Do you have information for us?
Um, maybe. You want to come see?
We've been after the thieves for months.
We found a way to withdraw money
from other people's accounts
and transfer it into their
accounts with their modems.
We noticed the transfer to your
father's account right away.
How'd you break the code?
Well, I found the letter that they used
the most, and I made that letter E.
And then I figured out the
others by process of elimination.
I still can't figure out how
the money got into my account.
That's not the sound
I want to hear, David.
I think I know what happened.
Yeah, I was chasing Emily around, and I
accidentally engaged your banking program.
David, isn't this cool?
It's the real FBI.
I wonder if you could
investigate a lost purse.
Oh, Miss Gilmore, about that purse?
They're talking again.
It says they're headed for
For the airport.
Good work, son. We gotta hurry.
We gotta clear up this computer.
I can't have you driving down the
information highway without a license.
Have no fear the stolen
goods have been recovered.
There's my purse.
Noddy, naughty dog.
Bad, bad dog.
But she, but I, but you
Emily, you've done it to me again.
Great. Excuse me. Gotta go.
You can sniff out
wishbone books and other
great things to read
at your local library.
for Wishbone, provided by annual financial
support from PBS viewers, like you.
What? You say you want
something to do? Well, try this.
Gather up your humans, put them in the car,
and high-tail it to your local library!
There's something for the
whole family at the library.
Adventure, comedy, mystery.
So hi-tail it to your local library.
It's a family thing. Only if you want to
book on the top shelf, bring someone tall.
Gonna get some assistance here.