Wolf's Rain (2003) s01e22 Episode Script

Pieces of a Shooting Star

It's over It's all over It's all over This is the end.
This is the end Quit your mumbling! Shut the hell up! Maybe I can use this if I fix it All right! I know I can make good money off this baby! Jaguara's soldiers sure carry nice crap on 'em! It'll disappear Everything is gonna disappear It's the end of the world Would you shut up? I'm telling you not to keep stating the obvious over and over! It doesn't matter where we run It's no use.
Then go somewhere else! Leave him alone! It ain't gonna end.
Jaguara ain't gonna end.
Even if the world does disappear, she ain't going anywhere.
Jaguara's our last hope! Her keep is an island An island of dreams.
Dreams? Dreams, huh? Is this the mouth that's spouting all that crap? I don't want another word outta you! I-It's all over I told him.
I told him not to say another word.
I told him to shut up.
I told him not to say another word.
I told him and told him to shut up I told him Stop it! Calm down! Everything's going crazy Everything.
So tell me How did you get split up from that man? Are you that strong because you're a wolf? Yes.
That of a wolf, the things that Pops hates more than anything.
But you were at his side this whole This is strange, all right.
Having a conversation like this with a dog If I'd been able to do this sooner, I could've talked with Pops about all sorts of things.
He'd pass out from shock.
Maybe he would.
Shouldn't you be looking for him? It's okay.
For now, I'll rescue Cheza.
That's what you're after, too, right? Or are you after Mr.
Sensitive there? Both, maybe.
It's just that I don't know.
I don't know what will happen after that.
Or what will become of us in the end.
Is this an ocean? It's an ice floe.
What's an ice floe? A sea of ice.
We're gonna walk over this? That's right.
It's up ahead.
That's cold! Be careful, okay? We're on top of water here.
I know that! C'mon, let's go! C'mon, hurry up! This cold feels great! What's he so enthusiastic about? He's such a pup Cheza? Cheza! Ch-Cheza Hey! What's the holdup? You scared? I'm getting ready! Ready to do what? Here goes Ow Are these bird bones? Not so much as a scrap of meat left on 'em, huh? We'll find something in the town up ahead.
Yeah, you're right.
Let's put this dump behind us.
You okay, Toboe? O-Of course I am! Let's get moving! C'mon, birds! Let's see some flying up there! C'mon, runt! You're falling behind! I know, I know! You smell nice.
Um Is someone there? Where did you come from? Huh? Well, that would take a long time if I started from the beginning.
Then make it short.
Uh, well Excuse me.
Um, I came from Darcia's keep.
Darcia? What on earth are you doing in a place like this? I guess you could call it treason.
Treason? Against the Nobles? Jaguara hates my kind.
"My kind"? To them, we're a nuisance.
Are there any other captives here? They've all been taken away.
To Jaguara's great hall.
Great hall? And there they're put to death.
You don't have to worry about that.
They'll just keep you in here until you die.
My time is almost up, too.
Why would she do such a thing? Why do you have such a nice scent? Scent? Maybe you're smelling Cheza.
Cheza? A Lunar Flower girl Oh, I mean The Flower Maiden is here? So, the time has finally come, has it? It's like a flea market for bones I don't like the look of this.
Even so, we still have to pass through here.
I knew you were gonna say that.
Toboe, what happened to your arm? Oh, I guess I ran into something earlier.
It's just a scratch.
Let's rest a while.
I just said I was fine, didn't I? C'mon, let's get a move on! If he's got that much energy, I guess he's okay.
There's no telling what the smell of blood will attract.
Whatever shows up, if it's alive, we can eat it.
All the better if it's got a lot of meat on it.
Hey, runt! You okay? Just fine, thanks.
What the hell? Toboe! C'mon, hurry! Bastard! Kiba! Toboe! You all right? Where's Toboe? The kid went nuts This is bad This is real bad He's taking forever to come up Toboe Toboe! Toboe! Are you okay?! Toboe, you Hey, Toboe.
I don't know what happened I just I Something inside me snapped.
You must be joking I have never been defeated on this island.
I have protected it since long, long ago.
Even when I was the only one left.
But in this world, it's kill or be killed.
But let me tell you one thing I will not be a victim I am going to save you.
He's your kill.
I tell you now the words of the Red Moon.
The wolf was born from the Great Spirit, and man became the messenger of the beast.
He lives his life in silence, where the blessing of the blood of the gods is bestowed upon him.
The flower wins the favor of the lord of the night, and gives off her scent.
Firm and eternal in countenance, her form is as a lily-white, supple maiden.
She distills and condenses time until all is a precious, frozen mass.
It is then that the beast shall appear.
Pieces of a Shooting Star Next Time Next Time It's a road trip for just us girls.
It's a road trip for just us girls.
Just walk down the street, and countless guys will make a pass at you.
Aren't there any better guys around here? Maybe I'll make the first move.
You know, to turn the tables.
Heartbeat of the Black City Maybe I'll make the first move.
You know, to turn the tables.
Heartbeat of the Black City
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