Wolf's Rain (2003) s01e25 Episode Script

False Memories

We have to run away from here, and fast! Run? Run where? Anywhere! We should never have come to this city! Stop that.
You'll just hurt yourself for nothing.
They all tried to get out that way.
But it's no use.
Who's "they"? My whole pack was put in here.
They'd caught a lot of others, too.
The only one they didn't put in was the one with the collar.
What did you say? That bastard sold us out.
Hige! Don't follow me! Hige? Hige! What really happened to you?! Hey What're you doing? Are you playing around? Get up! We've got to save Toboe! Hige! No No way! Hige! Don't do this, Hige! Don't die on me! Don't leave me alone Hige Blue Could you do me a favor? My collar Your what? Could you take this collar off of me? It was a small pack.
But we did okay for ourselves.
And everybody was friendly.
Whenever we met a stray, we usually made them one of the pack right way.
So when we met him, everybody was nice to him, just like always.
We shared our food, we slept together But in spite of that After we met him, we started getting attacked by soldiers all of a sudden.
No matter where we ran, no matter where we hid, they'd come after us.
When we came here, we finally figured it out.
We learned that it was all because of him.
Blue, just forget it No way! If this is what's hurting you, I'll get it off of you no matter what! You're a great woman What are you babbling about? I never realized There are so many things I never realized until just now Hige? They were wrong.
My memories of everything up to now were wrong.
Blue! That's one lucky bastard Hey, Mr.
Wolf Hunters! What's that you got there? None of your business.
Come on, let's go.
Why are you guys catching wolves? It's to protect the country.
To protect our citizens.
That recruiting poster crap wouldn't even fool a kid.
We've carried out our mission.
Those things are extinct.
Don't be stupid There's still more of 'em hiding out there.
What are you guys, blind? Water Gimme water Let go! Let go of me! Toboe! Tsume? Let go, I said! C'mon, please let me out What's gonna happen to me? Wait, is that It can't be She was a wolf? Tsume! Where's Hige?! I don't know! We got split up! Where's Kiba? Isn't he with you? He's probably somewhere inside the keep.
You don't think he's been killed, do you? If anything happened to him, I'm sure we'd feel it.
He's alive.
He's got to be alive.
What's gonna happen to us? If we don't do something, we'll all be split up, and we won't even be able to save Cheza What should we do? What're we gonna do? I don't know, but if we don't get out of here, nothing else is going to matter.
But how?! We're gonna get killed just like that old lady was! We'll never see the others again You're getting on my nerves, runt.
We won't be able to go to Paradise, either! We'll make it to Paradise, no matter what! I won't let it end like this! Are you two wolves? You are, aren't you? Who the hell are you? That stuff that's written in the Book of the Moon Is it true? You're a human, so how come you're locked up in here, mister? If you're looking for Cheza, I was with her.
I was brought here with her.
I don't know where she is now, though.
We've gotta get out of here! Can you sense it, this feeling of my heart dancing? Everything is about to begin.
Soon, my beloved My dear beloved will come.
Cheza Are you all right?! Finally I finally found you Say something! White wolf.
You are the "wolf chosen by the flower".
How beautiful you are Come, open your eyes.
Open them for my Paradise.
Kiba! My prayers have been answered.
Cheza, we must have a feast to celebrate, mustn't we? Have you seen Blue? Even if I asked, I guess I wouldn't understand the answer I've seen 'em.
I've seen wolves in this city.
I think you've had too much to drink, pal.
I tell you now the words of Red Moon.
The beast shall appear! Wolves are still around! Don't you see them?! Have you been totally brainwashed? Have they turned you into a bunch of spineless cowards?! Open up your rotten eyes and take a good look around! There are wolves here! Here in this city! In this world! Open your This guy is a pain in the ass.
Should we throw him in jail? We have more important things to deal with right now than smalltime nuisances like him.
Paradise is about to open.
Paradise is opening? Darcia! Wait! Will you follow me into the heart of darkness? All the preparations are now complete Am I beautiful? Of course, milady.
For the final rite, we will stoke the Moon Crucible with that wolf's lifeblood.
What's about to happen? Kiba Kiba Are you alive? Cheza Cheza, sing for me It's Cheza! I can hear Cheza's song! Her song? Why is she crying? It's making me sad, too You can hear Cheza's voice? Why are you so Why are wolves willing to Son of a bitch! Welcome to my Paradise! Welcome to the feast for Jaguara's Paradise being set free! Sorry I made you run so much.
That's okay.
I have to go.
You're going in there to save them, aren't you? Yeah.
It's my fault, after all.
I always thought I was lucky to have met them.
But for them, I've been nothing but trouble.
I don't think they But I honestly didn't remember anything, and just thought we could all make it to Paradise.
That's honestly what I was thinking as we came all this way.
And we ended up here.
That's why I have to go.
I'll go with you! I knew you'd say that.
But you can't come.
Why not? I want you to wait here.
Why?! I don't want to be left behind! Blue, please.
Wait here for us to come back.
If I know you're waiting for me, I'll make it back here for sure.
I'll never give up, and I'll come back here to meet up with you no matter what! I'll never leave you alone.
Cheza False Memories Next Time Next Time What sort of place is Paradise, I wonder? What sort of place is Paradise, I wonder? I'm sure each of us has his own Paradise.
For me, my Paradise would be one where my beloved wife and I would be all alone, and Moonlight Crucible Oh, come on! What's this that you're making me read?! Moonlight Crucible
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