Yellowstone (2018) s03e02 Episode Script

Freight Trains and Monsters

I overslept.
Yeah, well you
You slept. That's what matters.
Is it too late to go fishing now?
Trout are like they're like bankers.
They don't do a damn
thing in the morning.
Can I try some?
Nah. It'll stunt your growth.
What does that mean?
Means it'll make you short.
I'm already short.
Yeah, well, not as short as
you'll be if you drink coffee.
Why don't you bring the net if
you're planning on a big one.
Why can't we live right here?
Like this. All the time.
You know, I ask myself the same
thing, grandson, every day.
Every day.
You ever had fry bread?
My mother used to make it
for me when I was young.
So, what you want to do is you
take this bacon, put it down first.
Take the eggs, put them over the top.
Like that.
You hungry?
Come sit.
You're not eating?
Beth, I ate hours ago.
I think I'll just watch you.
Hey, are you going up
to the summer camp?
Yeah, as soon as I get
these panniers full.
Cool if I ride with you?
I want to see my kid.
Monica, if you fall off,
they're gonna have my ass.
I won't fall off.
- But if you do
- We ready?
She wants to ride up there with us.
All right, well, go grab her a horse.
All the good ones are up at camp.
The only thing left here
is a bunch of freight
trains and monsters.
Well, what the fuck is wrong
with your horse, Jake?
Well, that's my horse.
Okay. Monica, get on Jake's horse.
- Come on.
- But
We don't have time for this shit.
Just go get a horse. Let's go.
His horse seems a bit angry.
Yeah, a little bit.
You got it, Jake.
- Why did he pick that one?
- You know what, Monica?
He ain't the sharpest tool in
the shed, let me tell you.
Want my goddamn good horse back!
Oh, now that looks fun.
Monica, I don't think
he's having too much fun.
- Hey. Hey, Monica, goddamn it.
Well, it doesn't matter, then, does it?
Just get it done, okay?
That's exactly how you
do it. Look at you.
Don't even need a chuck wagon.
We need lemon.
There's a big bag of them on the wagon.
I'll get it.
Aye. Goddamn it.
No. Not what I said. Mm-mm.
Can you hear me?
One slice or two?
- I'd go two.
- Okay.
- Goddamn it.
Work follows you wherever
you go, Grandpa.
Truer words were never spoken.
No, the BLM transfers with the sale.
They have to reapply. That's right.
Goddamn it.
Everything moves up here.
I want everything up here.
The tents. The fire.
The whole goddamn everything.
Is this a better camp?
Let's see.
Yep, this camp is much better.
Livestock Commission,
how can I help you?
Just one moment, let me check.
- Morning, Jamie.
- Good morning, Helen.
Sweet Grass County attorney
on line one. Put him through?
I'll put you right through.
All right.
Hey, Randy.
You hear about these barrel
racers got their rigs stolen?
These two girls loaded up their horses,
were making one last check in
the stalls, and got jumped
by a couple of guys.
Worked 'em pretty good,
locked 'em in a horse stall,
drove off in their rigs.
Took their trucks, trailers,
horses, saddles, everything.
Since horses were stolen,
sort of falls into your court, too.
I'm short-handed on deputies.
Can you spare an agent?
Yeah, I'll send you one.
You can make a lot of friends
if we handle this the right way.
Umm What's the right way?
The right way sends a message.
You know what I mean?
I know what you mean.
Helen, could you have Agent Hendon
come by the office, please?
Look. Mama!
Oh, look at you, baby.
- You having fun?
- Yeah.
All we do is fish and
eat and fish and eat.
That's just what the
doctor ordered, huh?
Yeah. No better medicine.
Where's your dad?
Looking for wolves.
Well, that sounds ominous. Which way?
Bet he's that way.
Didn't think that one was broke, Jake.
By God, after a day like today he is.
Yeah, I see that.
That's how we used to do it.
Yeah, well, never should have stopped.
Well, sir, I wanted to thank you.
You know, I just haven't had,
uh been the right time.
No need. You deserve that house, Rip.
No, sir, I'm, uh I'm
talking about the letter.
Nobody's ever given me
anything like that before.
Anyways, if we're gonna
staked out this summer,
we ought to get some more
wranglers, you know?
We're gonna run out of hands
pretty quick around here.
What happened to that girl you hired?
She's a drifter. Drifters drift.
You know how it is.
- Yeah. Probably for the best.
- Yeah.
Girl in the bunkhouse was a
disaster waiting to happen.
She actually, uh, she kept
the bunkhouse pretty honest.
- That a fact?
- Yes, sir.
I'll leave it to you.
You run the bunkhouse.
Sir, does Kayce know that?
It was Kayce's idea.
I'll let you know what I find.
You do that.
Hey, if you, uh
you hire another girl,
she needs to be mean or
ugly. One of the two.
Last thing I need is some
love-struck cowboy
climbing in the wrong bunk,
know what I mean?
Mean or ugly. Yes, sir.
Everything all right?
Well there's no one at the house.
No one at the barn.
Just feeling kinda lonely.
Lonely, huh?
Well, we can't have that.
- Can't do that.
- No.
What do we do?
You are one lucky son of a
bitch, you show up now.
Baby, what do we do?
If he wants to watch,
we just let him watch.
[WHISPERING] Look at him. He's sleeping.
Yeah, I know.
Oh, I never thought he'd sleep again.
I thought the same thing.
I wish our lives were
like this every day.
Just like this.
It can be.
No, it can't.
Used to be.
But now the way we used to
live for a million years is
it's just an event.
Something we do on weekends or holidays.
I could do this every day
of my life just like this.
If that's what you want, just say it.
That's what I want.
Then I promise I'll find
a way to give it to you.
I'll find the patience to wait.
It won't be easy, you know?
You'll have to give up a lot.
Baby, nothing's easy with you.
And I've given up everything I got.
I knew the stars would help him.
Lost your pack, huh?
Don't know where to go.
You're looking for friends.
Look at me
and know that I am not your friend.
I'm your enemy.
Whether I like it or not, I am.
There's nothing for you here, okay?
I'll give you the forest,
but the valley is mine.
The cattle are mine.
If you try to take them, I'll kill you.
My father could do that
talk to animals and they'd listen.
I'm not sure if he was listening.
He was listening, son.
Sorry to wake you.
You didn't wake me.
You hear that river?
There's seven billion
people on the planet,
not one of them know I'm here.
Not one.
Not a goddamn soul.
Good night, Dad.
I love you.
Shouldn't surprise you they bought it.
Wish we'd bought it.
It doesn't surprise me they bought it.
Surprises me they knew about it.
I mean, if a company this big
wants to develop in this valley,
we are the first call, right?
But we weren't.
And now I have New York attorneys
swaggering through our fucking fields.
Who is Market Equities main competition?
MGM. Marriott.
What does Marriott own that they don't?
Ski resort?
But we're an hour and a
half from an airport, Bob.
It's too remote for
Okay, they're not taking over a resort.
They're building an airport.
But there's no reason
to build an airport
because there is no ski resort.
Who do you know at the
Department of the Interior?
I know the Secretary of the Interior.
Call him. Find out if
they gave them a lease.
They are building an airport
and a ski resort
And then they're gonna
build a city around it.
Buy everything you can
around them, Beth.
- Everything.
- How the fuck did they know
about this place?
I mean, does Chase manage their funds?
- Goldman, I think.
- All right.
Who's the big, swinging dick
in hedge funds over there?
Who runs the hot hedge funds at Goldman?
There's Micah Greenberg's
fund, and Roarke Morris.
His fund's on fire.
All right, who's heavy in real estate?
Roarke. He bridges lines of
credit on resort properties
then sells them to his fund.
Fucking shell game.
All right, what's his first name?
That's his first name?
Not a fucking first name.
You've got to be fucking kidding me.
You know him?
Um, it's like Lucille Ball
and Fabio had a kid
and I have to go make a
fucking deal with him.
Goddamn it.
Uh, Susan, would you, uh
Get me the address for
Cross Creek Ranch, please.
Coming your way.
Let me go talk to dip-fuck
first, see what their plans are.
Call you later.
Market Equities.
Schwartz and Meyer.
You're Bob Schwartz's girl.
I'm nobody's girl.
You're somebody's girl.
Okay, let's stop speaking
in Billy Joel songs
for starters, okay?
The Sporting Club.
- Jackson Browne.
- What?
"Somebody's Girl" is Jackson Browne.
Okay, my mistake,
you fucking cheese dick.
- The Sporting Club.
- Yeah?
Good place for an airport.
It is.
What kind of airport?
Is it the kind of airport for you
and your buddies' Gulfstreams?
Thinking a little bigger than that.
How much bigger?
Two terminals. Fifty-two gates.
Why here?
Wind. For one. There isn't much.
Could build northeast
of Livingston, but
too much wind.
And let's be honest,
people don't want to fly,
then drive another hour to ski.
It's why Big Sky never took off.
It's the largest mountain in America.
The best snow in this hemisphere
and the slopes are empty
because of the drive.
People are just that goddamn lazy.
Did you secure a forest service lease?
I didn't secure anything.
I manage a fund that
invests their capital.
I sit on the board so I
know what's happening,
but I don't control what's happening.
You, on the other hand
Militias and casino owners
killing their competition.
It's fucking fascinating.
The Old West. Still wild.
Not anymore.
Not when we get here.
All that shit stops.
Think so, do you?
Pretend your family doesn't live here.
Pretend you don't know
anything about this place.
What would your end game be?
I'd turn it into Park City.
Now you're talking.
Dan Jenkins was a smart guy.
But his dreams just weren't big enough.
Why dream about building golf courses
when you can build cities?
And you, your family's the
largest landowner in the valley,
you've made Schwartz and
Meyer the second largest.
Don't play babe in the woods with me.
You've been head-hunting
since Salt Lake.
I feel ridiculous asking this,
but I'm just so curious about
how your pickled mind works:
have you given any thought at all
to the ranchers who live here?
And what'll happen to them?
What'll happen to them?
They won't have to be ranchers anymore
because they're all so fucking rich.
Good answer.
My dad told me once:
there will come a day
when the only noble job left is fishing
because no one's figured out
a way to own the ocean.
- Yet.
- That's right.
I'm working on it.
I bet you are.
Mind the flowers when you leave.
Will do.
- Mmm.
I like this girl.
Head's up! You tying cow lover?
No? Go get my rope! Country muh-fucker!
That Spanish?
I don't know.
I'll tell you one thing, though:
- she's a hand.
- WOMAN: You hear me, motherfucker!
- WOMAN: Fuck you bad later.
- Ride the hair off a horse,
that's for damn sure.
But we need someone
who can speak English.
Hey! Yo!
Where'd you learn to cowboy?
I been fuckin' pullin' and draggin'
since I kud bounce piss off a rock.
That's ain't Spanish. That's Texan.
That's ain't Texan. That's gibberish.
No, I'm telling you, it's Texan.
I can smell 'em a mile away.
What's your name?
What's that?
- Did you hear that?
- I think she's saying "Peter".
Your name Peter?
Do I look like my fucking name is Peter,
you skunk-hard motherfucker?
She just called me a motherfucker.
You understood, that, didn't
you, you bow-legged bastard.
Hey, you look like you all got
bent over on one of them
nurse things, fucked up the
ass 'til your knees buckled.
This is the kind of girl that
got drove to high school
wearing a damn hockey helmet.
She's gonna go through
the bunkhouse like wildfire.
She's perfect. Trust me. Hire her.
What is this?
A little job fair.
Hiring cowgirls now?
We're equal opportunity
here at Yellowstone.
Plus, women work twice as
hard and eat half as much.
Wow. You're a real renaissance
man, you know that?
- Don't tell anybody, now.
Seen my father?
Yeah, he's up at summer camp.
With everyone else.
He's not answering his phone.
Well, that's by design.
Something wrong?
I can get a message to him if you want.
Nothing's wrong.
It's just life.
Always changing.
The one thing he doesn't want it to do.
See you soon.
We're well past playing "hard
to get", don't you think, Beth?
You and me, we're never past
playing "hard to get", baby.
PA ANNOUNCER: Folks, Black
Round 1. Start in 30 minutes.
Black Round 1 in 30 minutes.
But first, let's get the kids out there.
Do some mutton bustin'.
Well, I'm not trying
to get in the way ♪
Minding my own got nothing to say ♪
About nobody ♪
That's right, nobody ♪
You get a good look at who did it?
Yeah, it was those sons
of bitches over there.
Where you holding 'em?
Couple bull riders saw 'em
getting in her truck.
- Tackled 'em and held 'em for us.
- Mm-hmm.
- They're in the horse stall.
- Okay.
These fuckers need to learn a lesson.
Something they'll tell every criminal
in county jail who'll listen.
You got any ideas?
Can't do it here.
There's too many people.
I got an idea.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Excuse me, ma'am?
Do you mind if I see
if they did any damage
to your truck and trailer?
- Sure.
- May I see your keys?
Great, which rig is it?
It's the black one with the black truck.
I'm gonna take care of
those pieces of shit.
I want you to meet me at the trailer.
Leave the zips on, okay?
- Got it.
- Go.
on you like stink on shit ♪
And you better let
a sleeping dog lie ♪
Soon you come to understand why ♪
Hey, you gonna get bit
right between the eyes ♪
If you don't let a sleeping dog lie ♪
Look up here, assholes.
I oughta hang you for what you did.
But this could be a teaching
moment if you let it.
Oh, yeah ♪
You got me feeling
like a Saturday Night ♪
You got me buzzing
like a Miller Lite sign ♪
No last call in sight ♪
Ooooh-ooooh-ooooh ♪
Yeah a party like you ♪
I said a party like you, girl ♪
You got me rockin',
rollin', like New Orleans ♪
Cut off blues like damn you know it ♪
Does it hurt?
Ooooh-ooooh ♪
Yeah, I said a party like you ♪
I said a party like you, girl ♪
Party like you ♪
- I think they learned their lesson.
Good. Let's take these assholes to jail.
All right, boys.
Holy shit.
What the hell did you do?
Always fucking something.
What in the fuck are you doing now?
In 35 years, I've have never
been alone on this ranch.
And we're all alone, Rip.
We can do whatever we want.
Baby, you've been doing
whatever you want
your whole damn life.
But no one can see us.
We could take off all our clothes
and we could go running
naked through the field,
and no one will know about it.
I'll tell you what, why don't
you run butt-ass naked
through that field, and
I'll sit here in my jeans
and I'll watch you do
it, what do you say?
Is there anything you ever wanted to do,
but you didn't do because
everybody would watch you
and question you and now
doing it is in spite of them
and it's about something else
and the moment you imagined
is not the moment that you were living?
Does that make sense to you?
Honestly, I don't even
know what you just said.
You know, there is
something I want to do.
Just, uh, just stay here.
This sounds interesting.
With your toes down in the water ♪
And a smile across your face ♪
Tell me that you love me ♪
Lovely Lady May ♪
We're fucking in the dirt, aren't we?
Maybe in a little bit.
That your hands have ever held ♪
Darlin', I could love you well ♪
But first we're gonna dance.
I've seen my share of trouble ♪
And I've held my weight in shame ♪
But I'm baptized in your name ♪
Lovely Lady May ♪
Any more biscuits?
Yeah, well, I think there's plenty.
There you go.
I'm gonna need more than that.
All right.
Another one.
You're just You're
just like your father.
You know my wife she used to make
two Dutch ovens full of biscuits:
one for your father and
one for the rest of us.
He'd stand right by the fire and
ask his mother, "How long?"
And she'd say, "Five more minutes."
Which just meant "soon" to my wife.
It didn't mean five minutes.
Didn't mean thirty minutes sometimes
He'd stomp off and pout
and walk away and come back
and ask again and that shit
would go on for an hour
And when they were finally ready,
he'd take a plate of
biscuits, nothing else,
and he'd just go sit at
the edge of the firelight
with his back to us
and he'd just go at it
with both his hands.
- They were really good.
Why is that funny?
They were really good.
Like a wild dog.
After an hour of standing
over that Dutch oven,
she'd sit beside me, her hair a mess,
smelling like smoke, madder than hell
because she hated cooking
those damn biscuits.
And I looked at her and said,
"Sweetheart, he'll eat anything
you put in front of him.
Just make him something else
that doesn't take all night."
Your mom looked at me
and she said: "I know.
But if I don't make 'em,
I can't watch him eat them."
Then she went to the tent,
laid down and fell asleep.
We were branding so I was up before her.
That was the last thing
she ever said to me.
Branding cattle on her goddamn birthday.
Makes you wonder the point of it all.
Find someone you love so
much just to lose them.
I'd like to believe there's
a plan to it all, but I
I don't see a plan.
That's just 'cause we're inside it, Dad.
We see the plan.
We're standing on it.
Yeah. Guess we are.
This is a collect call from
the Sweet Grass Valley jail.
Please press one to accept this call.
Comm Commissioner Dutton, sir?
Agent Hendon? [CLEARS THROAT]
Is everything okay?
Um, no, sir, it's not.
I, um I've got a
Sir, we have a problem.
Commissioner Dutton, sir?
I'm condemned ♪
I'm condemned ♪
Oh, my heart is on the mend ♪
Nobody gives a damn about me ♪
You can tell me that you love me ♪
'Til your little lungs turn blue ♪
But I'm always alone
when I fall asleep ♪
Lord knows no glory in a fall ♪
If no-ones around
at the end of it all ♪
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