The Irregular at Magic High School (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei) (2014) s01e03 Episode Script

Enrollment Part III

1 Hold up.
That move you just made Did you deploy a self-acceleration spell in advance? That wasn't magic.
It was a bona fide physical technique.
My brother practices ninjutsu.
He's undergoing training by Yakumo Kokonoe.
That Kokonoe? Then was the spell you used in that attack also ninjutsu? It only looked to me as if you'd released Psion waves That's correct.
That was an Essential Singularity-type Spell, and all I did was generate Psion waves.
Even so, that doesn't explain why Hanzo got knocked out.
He was wasted.
Wasted? On what, exactly? Magicians perceive Psions just as they do visible light and sound waves.
When a magician is exposed to unexpected Psions, he hallucinates that his body is being shaken.
It was this delusion that brought on something akin to a violent bout of seasickness.
Such a powerful surge as that how on earth did you? Compound waves, right? You created three consecutive Psion waves of varying oscillation frequencies, calibrated them so that all three would converge where Hattori was standing, then generated a powerful surge, like a triangular wave.
Very impressive, Ms.
Still, how were you able to pull that off in such a short time? With that kind of processing speed, I don't see how your technical scores could be so low.
Excuse me By any chance, Tatsuya, is your CAD a Silver Horn? Silver Horn? As in Taurus Silver, the mysterious genius magic engineer? That's right! A specialist in Four Leaves Technology! The miraculous CAD engineer whose real name, appearance, and profile are all shrouded in mystery! The programming genius who was the first to implement the Loop Cast System! "Silver Horn" is the name of the specialized CAD model fully customized by Taurus Silver himself, and it's optimized for Loop Casting! But Rin, that doesn't add up, does it? No, it doesn't add up.
The purpose of a Loop Cast is to launch consecutive invocations of the exact same spell.
It just isn't possible to use a Loop Cast to create multiple surges of varying oscillations.
I suppose it's feasible if the oscillations are defined as variables, but to set the oscillations as one more variable along with the coordinates, intensity and duration Don't tell me that's exactly what you've pulled off here? At this school, multivariables aren't subject to evaluation not as processing speed, nor as calculation scale, nor as interference intensity.
In the practical exam, magic skill scores are determined by Spell Invocation Speed, the scale of the Magic Sequence, and Target Data Rewriting Strength.
I see, so that's what happens when tests don't reflect your true abilities.
Are you all right, Hanzo? I'm fine! Ms.
Shiba? Yes? What I said before about nepotism that was rude of me.
I was the one whose judgment was clouded.
I hope you'll forgive me.
Actually, I'm the one who was out of line.
Please forgive me.
All right, we did get waylaid unexpectedly, but why don't we get back on track and head to the Disciplinary Committee headquarters? It's a little untidy, but hey, find yourself a seat somewhere.
Chairwoman, would you mind if I straightened this place up? What? As an aspiring magic engineer, I find this environment somewhat unbearable.
Magic engineer? When you have such tremendous combat skills? At my skill level, no matter what I do, I can't hope for more than a Level-C license.
The reason I scouted you was Come to think of it, I've pretty much already explained that to you.
And I remember, but if you ask me, dealing with Course 2 students is a measure that could backfire.
Why do you think that? The Course 2 upperclassmen won't take kindly to being policed all of a sudden by a younger student in the same boat.
But I think your fellow first years will surely welcome you.
I'm sure there'll be double the animosity from the Course 1 students.
Sure, there's bound to be some animosity.
But right now, everyone's just started here.
They shouldn't be all that poisoned by discriminatory impulses yet, right? Who knows? Just yesterday, I got hit with the "I'm never going to acknowledge you" treatment from someone.
Are you talking about Morisaki? You know him, then? He'll be joining this committee under a Faculty recommendation.
So even you can get flustered, too, I see.
Well, of course I can.
Morning! Good morning! Hey, Big Sis! So you're here, huh? Chairwoman, we've completed today's patrol mission.
No arrests have been made.
Don't call me Big Sis! How many times do I have to tell you? Is that head of yours just an empty ornament? Please don't beat up on me like that! By the way, Chairwoman, is that a new face I see over there? That's Tatsuya Shiba of Class 1-E.
He'll be joining us under the recommendation of the student council.
Emblem-less, huh? Tatsumi, your choice of words may run afoul of the banned words regulations.
In this case, the proper term would be Course 2 student.
You guys, you're going to get the rug pulled out from under you if you hold such a simplistic outlook.
Between you and me, Hattori just got himself royally tripped up a little while ago.
You mean that guy defeated Hattori, then? That's right, in an official match, too.
What the? Are you saying that Hattori, undefeated since he started here, got beaten by a new student? I'm glad to have him on our side! We've got ourselves a phenom.
Right, Chairwoman? Who would've thought, right? This school, with its asinine "Bloom"/"Weed" labeling, is teeming with people either wallowing in their sense of superiority, or drowning in their sense of inferiority.
To tell you the truth, I've been fed up with it all.
Speaking for myself.
Fortunately, both Mayumi and Jyumonji of the Extracurricular Activities Federation know what kind of personality I have.
They've used their recommendation slots to pick people who are relatively immune to those kinds of sensibilities.
Their feelings of superiority may not quite be at zero, but they're good guys who can evaluate others' skills fairly.
I don't think this place will be all that uncomfortable for you.
I'm Koutaro Tatsumi of Class 3-C.
Nice to meet you, Shiba.
Able guys like you are more than welcome here! I'm Midori Sawaki of Class 2-D.
Glad to have you on board, Shiba.
I'm first year student Tatsuya Shiba.
Likewise It's nice to meet you, too.
Enrollment Part III Come in.
Excuse me.
Um What's up, Miyuki? Brother, I'd like you to recalibrate my CAD The Restrictive-type Activation Sequence I'd like to increase the personal combat variations.
It hit me while I was watching today's match.
Spells that place an emphasis on speed that enable you to render your opponent powerless while sustaining the least damage It's an area in which I believe I am lacking.
Miyuki, you're capable of overwhelming your opponent with your absolute magical powers, so don't you think conventional fighting techniques are more up your alley? You don't think it'll work for me? All right, then.
Let me do a little reconfiguring, so you won't have to consume your own magic.
That's it, we're done.
Brother Miyuki? It's so unfair of you! Here I am, embarrassed beyond belief and yet you always have that calm look on your face No, wait, Miyuki.
Listen up Or is it perhaps that you don't see me as a member of the opposite sex? If I did, we'd have one hell of a problem! Brother, is Ms.
Saegusa the type of woman that you like? Or do you prefer someone like Ms.
Watanabe? You seemed to be having the time of your life talking to them today You were listening in? Oh! I knew it! Well, those two certainly are gorgeous, aren't they? Hello? Hello? Miss Miyuki? Don't you think you're misreading something here? Brother, for having such lecherous thoughts while being surrounded by beautiful upperclasswomen This is your punishment! Self-repair Spell Auto-start.
Core Eidos Data Reading from backup.
Load Magic Sequence Complete.
Good morning, brother.
Did I do anything to offend you? Please forgive me.
I went too far with my prank.
Give me a break.
4-6-2095 / First day of the new member invitation week Once again this year, the week of unbridled shenanigans is upon us.
As the snagging of talented club members is a crucial task that directly influences the power map of each club, it is unfortunately not uncommon for the ensuing mad scramble to degenerate into no-holds-barred fistfights or magic shootouts.
Luckily, this year we were able to replace our departing graduates in time.
Let me introduce them to you.
Stand up.
This is Shun Morisaki of 1-A, and Tatsuya Shiba of 1-E.
They'll be joining the patrol detail right away.
Are they gonna be of any use? Don't worry, they're both competent.
I've already observed Shiba's skills in person, and Morisaki can wield a pretty mean device himself.
Does anyone else have anything more to say? Fine.
Then let's send you on your way.
Mobilize! Let's go.
Where should we start? DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE First off, let me give you these.
Also, about the CADs.
Disciplinary Committee officers are permitted to carry CADs on the school grounds.
There's no need to request anyone's permission to use them.
But if you're found to have used them inappropriately, not only will you be relieved of your post, but you'll also be penalized severely by the general student body.
So don't take this lightly.
I have a question.
Go ahead.
Are we allowed to use the committee's equipment as CADs? That's fine, but those are old-school, you know.
True, they may be old-school, but they're also top-flight items calibrated for experts.
Those devices If that's the case, then feel free to use them.
They were just sitting there collecting dust, anyway.
Then I'll be borrowing these two.
Two of them? You really are an interesting one, aren't you? Hey.
What? There's no way that you can activate magic by using two CADs simultaneously.
You lowly Course 2 student get over yourself already, dammit! Uh, please let go of me now.
This girl is adorable! Hey, want to join our club? You'll definitely like our club better! Enough already! Let go of her arm! Where do you think you're touching me? Stop it! Run.
Hey! I think we've run far enough away for you to feel safe.
Don't look! Did you see? Did you see? I caught a glimpse.
I'm sorry.
Moron! If you're really sorry then keep me company after this, all right? NOTICE: AN EXHIBITION BY THE KENDO CLUB IS NOW IN SESSION I take it that you're not thrilled.
Well, but it's so boring.
Trying so hard to look good sparring, and then delivering a predetermined blow.
This is no better than a staged sword fight! It's an exhibition geared for publicity.
Isn't that what it should be? It's not something you can show to others, right? Since a true martial arts battle is, in other words, two people killing each other.
You're so cool-headed about it.
Or maybe I'm just not as emotionally invested? Trouble? There's still more than an hour before the Kenjutsu Club is up, Kirihara! Why can't you wait until then? Not what I expected, Mibu.
Since you can't put your abilities on display sparring with such a newbie, I just thought a little collaboration was in order.
You're the one who forced him to challenge you! Collaboration my foot! But it was the Kendo Club who struck first.
Because you provoked us, Kirihara! This is starting to get juicy, huh? Do you know those two? Well, not personally, but The girl is Sayaka Mibu.
The year before last, she was second place in the National Junior High Kendo Tournament for Girls.
The guy is Takeaki Kirihara.
The year before last, he won the Kanto Region Junior High Kenjutsu Tournament.
Whoops, looks like it's about to start! Don't you worry, Mibu.
This is a kendo demonstration.
I'll do you a favor and not use any magic.
You think you stand a chance against me with just sword skills? You, Kirihara, coming from the spell-dependent Kenjutsu Club, a match for a member of the Kendo Club where we focus solely on honing sword skills? Focus solely on honing sword skills? Right.
You're full of bluster, Mibu.
I'll be happy to show you, then.
What it means to battle in a dimension beyond the limits of physical ability The sword skills of kenjutsu! A draw? No, they're not equal.
If this was a real sword, you'd be fatally wounded.
As for me, your strike stopped short of the bone.
Accept your defeat like a good loser.
If it was a real sword? You disappoint me.
Mibu, is that what you want? To fight with real swords? If that's the case, then I'll oblige you I'll take you on with a real sword.
Oscillation-type, Close Combat Spell.
Sonic Blade.
How do you like that, Mibu? This is a real sword! Who's that guy? Hey, look! He's a Weed! Are you serious? A Weed's on the Disciplinary Committee? Calling from Small Gymnasium No.
I have one student under arrest.
He's wounded, so please send a stretcher.
Hey, what the hell's going on? I'll be taking Mr.
Kirihara in for the improper use of magic.
The hell you are, you stinking Weed! Why only Kirihara? Mibu of the Kendo Club is guilty of the same crime! I did say, "for the improper use of magic.
" Don't give me that crap! Damn you! Captain Tsukasa How interesting Enrollment Part IV NEXT TIME
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