Di4ri (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Minutes are riches I've clocked ♪
When I'm comin' up
Profit is label ♪
Oh, I can't decide between these two.
I mean, this color looks great on me.
But I'm not really feeling the style.
[sighs] But then this one no.
- Oh, hey, Livia!
- [record scratch]
- Are you listening to me?
- Yeah. Yep.
- Which one is cuter?
- [mumbles]
- [sighs]
- Don't be like that.
Yeah, but I've tried the whole closet on.
I don't have trouble keepin' days ♪
What about that?
That one would look amazing on me.
- [phone alert]
- I don't wanna grind ♪
Just to get through ♪
Did he really think I would forgive this?
I'm done with him. This time, for good.
- Well?
- [clicks tongue]
["Isole" by Tancredi playing]
Ho capito solo ora che ♪
Ti chiedo come stai
Cosa fai, dove vai ♪
Perché ho sempre paura
Di parlarti di me ♪
Di me ♪
- Di fidarmi di te ♪
- Di te ♪
Di sognare per vivere, vivere ♪
Siamo come due isole, isole ♪
- Ma ti parlo di me ♪
- Di me ♪
- E mi fido di te ♪
- Di te ♪
Pensavamo che fosse impossibile ♪
Far unire due isole, isole ♪
Siamo solo isole, isole ♪
Siamo solo isole, isole ♪
Siamo solo isole ♪
[gulls calling]
[upbeat music playing]
[Livia] Matteo and I are done for good
and what's weird is
I don't feel bad at all.
In fact, I should've dumped him earlier.
Now I have more time for my friends,
and more time to train
for the triathlon finals.
[sighs] Did I really stand up for Matteo
in front of the others?
How could I let him fool me like that?
Easy, really.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
"You should trust him.
He's your boyfriend."
[scoffs] How stupid was I?
He's not worth it.
I'd rather take the long way.
[school bell rings]
[Professor Caselli] Okay, guys,
we're almost there. Stay focused, please.
[upbeat music playing]
[Livia] That's weird.
I turned mine in before Monica.
Ah, that's why.
Giulio and Monica friends.
Who would've thought?
Right when they're about to separate us,
we seem to be coming together.
Monica! Uh, Monica.
[Monica] Huh?
- I need help with the last answer.
- No.
- [Arianna] Please!
- I said no.
[Livia] Well, sort of.
In this case,
Monica and Isabel won't budge.
Never help Arianna and her friends.
- Why not? What's the big deal?
- [Monica] No, I said no.
Arianna, be quiet!
Guys, there's not much time left.
Please, stay on task.
Giulio! Giulio.
I need to get the last answer.
[suspenseful music playing]
[paper tearing]
Yo, Silvè. Give this to Arianna.
You're eating right now?
- [Silverio] Uh-huh.
- Does that seem normal?
Sorry. I I was starving.
- [snorts]
- Now, you finish the quiz.
The eating's gotta stop.
[Giulio] Are you nuts?
Get it to her!
No! Not in your pocket!
[Livia sighs] Once again, Sir Giulio
the Knight has saved Princess Arianna.
[school bell rings]
[Giulio] Did you copy everything?
The paper was unreadable.
If you made me fail this test, I
I don't know what I'll do to you!
You hear me?
- [sighs]
- You don't get it, man.
The nicer you are, the meaner she'll be.
That's true.
There are other girls on the island.
For me, there aren't.
You're a lost cause.
- No I'm not, dude.
- [laughs]
Wait a sec. Why don't you give me
some tips on how to win over Arianna?
What do I know about winning over Arianna?
- [Pietro and Livia chuckle]
- Uh, it's just
she can't stand you,
and you can't stand her,
so you're the exact opposite, right?
If you tell me what you like in a guy
I'll do the opposite.
- Yeah, you should tell us.
- Uh-huh.
You guys are ridiculous.
But I am too, for listening to them.
[upbeat music playing]
[Livia] Giulio and Pietro
never take anything seriously,
whether it's failing oral tests,
or heartbreaks.
- There's something genius about that.
- Livia!
- What now?
- Why won't you answer my messages?
Why are you avoiding me?
I have nothing to say.
But I do.
Please give me another chance?
- I know I messed up.
- [sighs]
But it was because
I was afraid of losing you.
No, listen, really. Just leave me alone.
- For real? So we're finished?
- Mm-hmm.
When you change your mind
about me, don't call.
I don't know if he acts like that because
he loves me, or because of his pride.
But hey, you know what?
Who cares, right?
You did what?
I signed up for a ballet class.
Are you kidding?
No, I'm serious.
- Look man, that's
- Hiding again, cockroaches?
- Who's a cockroach?
- [Matteo] You, of course.
You went too far with the graffiti thing.
You made a big deal of it,
when it was just a prank.
- What's goin' on?
- A prank?
- You got me suspended.
- [Matteo] I don't care.
- Stop it, dude.
- [Matteo] Or what?
- Don't mess with me. I'm sick of you, man.
- Hey, guys, calm down.
- Mind your own business.
- Whoa!
- Yo! Don't touch him!
- [Matteo] Why? What are you gonna do?
- [girl] Stop it!
- [grunts]
- Stop it!
- Guys!
[all yelling]
You're dead, man.
[echoing] You're dead, man.
You're dead, man
[gasping and grunting echoing]
I never wanted you dating my cousin.
- Man, I'm gonna
- Matteo.
[scattered laughter]
Lover, don't you want to get down ♪
- Down, down, down ♪
- [kids laughing]
- [boy] Matteo!
- Lover, don't you want to get down ♪
Down, down, down ♪
[Livia] It's official.
Silverio is now my hero.
I can make you wanna go
Never make it out ♪
You've never figured it out ♪
How could I think that it would work
between me and Matteo?
I'm done with boys.
I want to focus on sports.
I've listened to his songs,
and they're great and all, but
he doesn't want anyone to hear them
because he's insecure.
- Mm.
- Anyway, enough with Mirko.
Hey, listen. When are you gonna
book your tickets for the ferry?
Well, wouldn't it be more fun
if I made it a surprise?
- I don't know.
- Huh?
- Hey.
- Hey, Livia.
- [chuckles]
- Say hi to Nico!
- Hey, Nico!
- Hi, Livia.
When are you coming to visit us?
That's still a secret.
Well, I have to go, guys.
- Yeah, we do too. See you later!
- Bye!
How are you feeling?
And light, too!
- [laughs] What are you doing?
- Come on, let's go!
[Livia] I wish I felt like Daniele too.
I wish I could just be myself.
[Monica] Let's recap.
First you calculate the parentheses,
then the brackets, and finally the braces.
So, we start with the first parentheses
and find the LCM of two and three,
and that's six
And in the second parentheses,
we calculate between 51 and six.
- That's 102. And then
- [Livia and Isabel giggle]
- 102, yep. And then we
- [sighs] Girls, be serious.
Isa's always the first to mess around,
but you, Miss Perfect,
should be more serious about studying.
[gasps] You're picking on me?
But look at the way she's lying in bed!
- My bed, I'll add.
- [all laughing]
No, Monica, really, you go too fast.
I can't keep up with you.
Yeah. You should slow down.
All right. I feel you.
Should we continue tomorrow?
Brilliant idea!
All right. What should we do? Should we
meet up with the others at the café?
Brilliant! Are you coming?
If there's one thing
I want to do right now,
it's hanging at the café with my friends.
[record scratch]
- No, I'm not coming.
- Why not?
Finals are close and I know myself.
I have to stay on track. [sighs]
- I think I'll just go for a walk.
- Mm. Are you really sure?
I am.
- All right.
- Isa, will you please tell Daniele?
- We can just head to the beach.
- All right.
[Livia] I have to focus on the triathlon.
I'm good at swimming
and I can handle biking.
- The problem is running.
- Hey, Livia!
- I have to train more.
- Wait.
Listen, um, I had something to ask you.
How's your sister doing?
My sister?
Yeah, I mean, how does it work
with her father and her family?
She visits now and then.
And sometimes she complains.
But that's normal after a divorce.
Why do you ask?
It's nothing.
Uh, my parents
They're splitting up?
Not sure.
But they're definitely taking a break.
My dad left the house.
Well, hey.
Maybe it could help them sort it out.
It's just that
whenever they argued, it it sucked, yeah,
but them splitting up is harder.
I know. But it'll all be fine.
Hey, let's see
if you improved on your biking.
You're the one with a triathlon to win,
not me.
[laughing] Oh!
- [Arianna] Ugh, girls, look at those two.
- [laughs]
She just broke up with Matteo
and she's flirting with Pietro.
Can you imagine if she gets with him
and beats you in the triathlon?
No, that's never gonna happen.
Put your hands together.
Lock your fingers, like it's a basket.
- Like this?
- Yes. Don't move. Good.
All right.
Yesterday, I saw this video
that might help.
It said to bend your knees at 30 degrees
and your throwing hand,
that arm should be
perpendicular to the ball.
Didn't you and Matteo, like
go out last year?
- Well, yeah.
- They dated for at least two weeks.
Do you still like him?
What's that got to do with anything?
[whispers] You should go ask him out.
Livia will be jealous.
The other hand should be next to it,
but just below it,
to help aim perfectly.
That'll make my shots super accurate. So
- Are you ready?
- [chuckles]
- [all laugh]
- Uh well.
Yeah. Super accurate.
Hey, look at that.
[Matteo] You're so cute today.
Do you want to hang out?
Seriously, Lucia?
So, Matteo's a jerk!
What they said was true.
- I'll be in class.
- We're coming.
[Monica] Yeah.
This is a scheme of Arianna's,
I know it is.
- A scheme, dude?
- Yes, to make Livia jealous.
So she's distracted and nervous
for tomorrow's race.
- In favor of Lucia.
- [scoffs] Dude, you're crazy.
[Giulio] Arianna is twisted.
I know her well.
You wanna make a bet?
[scoffs] Stop it, man.
Okay. Should we hit class?
- Let's go.
- Yeah.
Before I dismiss you all,
I'll return your tests.
Take a look at them and then we'll talk.
Just know that,
apart from Monica, as usual,
well, this time,
the best were Pietro and Giulio.
- What a surprise!
- What?
- Huh?
- [laughs] I think
- I got an A!
- Oh, you too?
[Giulio laughs]
Giulio. Giulio!
How come I only got a D+?
Not my fault if you can't cheat.
[Pietro] Oh!
[driving music playing]
[school bell rings]
- Okay, goodbye!
- [Pietro] We did it, dude! Well done.
[boy] Later, teach!
[sighs] Thanks.
And, so?
Well, you can do better.
Okay, but my time?
You really want to know
the minutes and seconds exactly?
- Mm-hmm.
- What do you care?
What do I care?
The time is crucial.
Don't sweat it. Just focus on running.
Come on, show me the time.
Oops, I reset it.
- [sighs]
- One more lap?
Say when.
[Livia] Now breathe. Free your mind,
- And
- Do you like Pietro?
- Isa! Why are you asking?
- [laughs] Just asking!
- But now? I'm trying to train!
- I was just asking.
- Go!
- [beeps]
Yeah, okay, run away!
You'll have to admit it eventually!
[Silverio] Testing, one, two
[Giulio] What is he doing?
He created a radio station
to do a commentary of the race.
- Is she gonna win?
- Yeah, of course she can win.
- Sure.
- Welcome, welcome.
We're here, today
at the Marina Piccola stadium,
to watch the triathlon finals.
- [Livia's mom] Livia, this isn't you.
- [Matteo] So we're finished.
- When you change your mind, don't call.
- [Mom] What have you done to your hair?
Do a nice neat ponytail,
so you look better.
- [Pietro] Come here, Miss Perfect.
- [Matteo] You think you know everything.
[echoing] So we're finished.
When you change your mind, don't call.
[Pietro, echoing]Little Miss Perfect
Little Miss Perfect
[Livia] Enough of that!
I'm the only one that matters.
I don't care what people say.
Loving you is like
Learning how to run ♪
[Livia] I'm only here for myself.
Deep within my lungs ♪
[whistle blares]
- [crowd cheering]
- Waiting soulfully ♪
And I remember you ♪
Watching from afar ♪
You think there's so much here ♪
Then you leave me at the park ♪
Where we were safe away ♪
And though I remember you ♪
I can't make out your face ♪
'Cause you look familiar ♪
But it seems so out of place ♪
Those were the days ♪
We're riding in the night ♪
Here they are, we can now see
the athletes getting onto the track.
- Come on, Livia!
- You got this!
Lucia is heading the race,
followed by Livia.
You've got this, baby! You're amazing!
You grow up big and strong
Just like that ♪
- Come on, Livia!
- You can do it!
Oh, as she's right here now ♪
And though I remember you ♪
I can't make out your face ♪
- Lucia has the victory at hand.
- Go, Livia!
Into the final lap.
[Livia] It's time to prove to myself
who the real Livia is
Go, Livia, keep fighting! You're the best!
[Livia] I'm not Little Miss Perfect.
I don't need a boyfriend to feel good.
And I don't necessarily need
to be liked by everyone.
- [Pietro] You can do it! Come on!
- [Livia] I just wanna win.
[driving music playing]
- [cheering]
- [Giulio] Go, Livia!
Fight, Livia, don't give up!
[Livia's dad] Yes!
- Livia! Livia!
- Yeah, come on!
[Livia's mom] Livia! Go, honey, go, go!
[kids] Go! Yeah, Livia!
[crowd cheering]
- [Silverio] Livia wins the final!
- [Giulio] Yeah!
- [Pietro] Miss Courageous, let's go!
- [Giulio] You're the best!
- [whooping]
- Yeah, Livia!
Yes! Honey, yes!
[triumphant music playing]
[Livia] Do you ever think that you're
living the happiest moment of your life?
That's how I'm feeling right now.
[relaxed music playing]
Don't look at it for too long,
It could melt, you know?
You were incredible.
For a minute there,
I feared that you would lose, but then
You guys! [gasps]
It's crazy! Larissa Iapichino!
- Hi!
- [Livia] Hi!
Uh, for that medal there.
- Oh.
- I saw you on the triathlon race.
- Yes. [chuckles]
- Very well done, you're a great athlete.
Thank you! Girls, she, uh
was the Italian junior long jump champion.
Yeah, uh,
she set the under-20 world record.
Why don't you take a picture together?
Yeah, sure! We can use my phone.
- May I
- Sure!
If this is a dream, don't wake me up.
[camera clicks]
Okay, done.
Maybe we'll meet at the Olympics.
I'm really not sure about sticking
with the triathlon.
Well, sure, I like it, but
I want to focus on just one event.
Mm, well, I really understand.
The important thing
is that you do what you really love,
not what everyone else wants.
Whether it's running, cycling,
jumping or swimming,
it's your choice.
Do only what you want to do.
[both chuckle]
Anyway, girls, I'm gonna go now.
I wish you luck! See you later.
- Thanks, see you!
- [Monica and Isabel] Bye!
She's right.
I have to learn what I really want to do,
and stop doing what's expected of me.
- Whoo!
- [all laughing]
[Livia] Do you mind
if I walk back home with Pietro?
- [Mom] No, but don't be late. Bye, Pietro.
- [Dad] Have a good evening.
- You're still here?
- Yes.
I wanted to congratulate you.
You were amazing. I knew you would win.
Well, I did not.
But now I do. And I don't care
about Matteo and Lucia.
Um, what if we, uh go celebrate?
Wait a sec. Are you asking me out?
I am.
Now what do I do?
I can't just start running.
I have to be honest,
with him and also with myself.
Livia, I really like you.
Yeah, but we're friends, Pietro.
And it's great to have you as a friend.
What happened?
[sighs] She said it's great
to have me as a friend.
No! She friend-zoned you?
Okay, just chill.
Yeah, but, dude, you got friend-zoned.
Come on, let's go.
All right [chuckles]
But you got friend-zoned!
- [laughs]
- Shut up.
[Giulio] I really think
you're gonna lose this bet.
Ti conosco da una vita
Dalla terza elementare ♪
Io sempre in ritardo
Tu invece sempre puntuale ♪
Sotto un temporale
Sopra un regionale ♪
Pensare che andrò all'estero
Ammetto che mi fa male ♪
So che mi starai vicino
Quando avremo tutti contro ♪
Che non mi crederai se ti dirò
Che è tutto a posto ♪
C'è un patto di sangue
Non è scritto con l'inchiostro, aah ♪
Ti voglio bene ♪
Ahi-ah-ahi ♪
Ho capito solo ora che ♪
Ti chiedo come stai
Cosa fai, dove vai ♪
Perché ho sempre paura
Di parlarti di me ♪
Di me ♪
- Di fidarmi di te ♪
- Di te ♪
Di sognare per vivere, vivere ♪
Siamo come due isole, isole ♪
- Ma ti parlo di me ♪
- Di me ♪
- E mi fido di te ♪
- Di te ♪
Pensavamo che fosse impossibile ♪
Far unire due isole, isole ♪
- Ma ti parlo di me ♪
- Di me ♪
- E mi fido di te ♪
- Di te ♪
Pensavamo che fosse impossibile ♪
Far unire due isole, isole ♪
Siamo solo isole ♪
Siamo solo isole, isole ♪
Isole ♪
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