Two Sentence Horror Stories (2017) s02e04 Episode Script


- Sounds great.
Talk soon.
- Got it.
Yes! Dude, you just acquired our biggest client of the year.
Congratulations, Mr.
Very impressive.
Well, thank you muchly, Miss Spencer.
Dad had a last minute meeting.
He was seriously considering me for that open seat.
They needed him on the Risso call.
He practically said the board doesn't respect me, He said the board doesn't know you.
But tomorrow, you're accepting the Coburn Prize, and that all changes.
- Doesn't it? - That's right.
Got a big speech there, bud? Kinda.
I figure with the whole board being there, I can show them I'm not just some random Asian.
Dude, they don't see you as Asian.
They know you're one of us.
And what exactly would be wrong if they saw him as Asian? Woah! Chill out.
That is not what I was saying.
Your literal words were, "they don't" Jen, come on.
I just mean I don't want them to think I'm some shmoe, okay? Let's not make a big deal about everything.
What's the problem? Tala, the Coburn Prize goes to the associate of the year, okay? If I make a good impression, I'm a shoe-in for board.
Yeah, and me and Mom will be there to cheer you on tonight.
That's why it would be great if you would just You know what? If I show up with this thing on, they will laugh me out of the room.
It's a family heirloom, and it means a lot to Mom.
She thinks it's bad luck if you don't Seriously, sis.
Look at this thing.
It's the literal definition of ugly.
Charles? Where the hell is that from? This is 5th grade career day.
My friends convinced me to come dressed like Grandpa.
The whole class had a good laugh.
They even gave me a nice plastic thing to cut my "white wice.
" God, I hated those little snots.
Always treating you like you were their sidekick.
Making fun of you.
It was a long time ago.
Was it? Charles, I'm worried about you.
You're always so stressed, and you've been killing yourself lately to what, impress a bunch of old white guys? Oh, you mean my boss and my future father-in-law? I'm not trying to be a jerk.
You know I love you Charles.
It's just, you're never home and Mom's only getting worse.
We never get to see you.
I'm here, Tala.
Okay? I'm trying.
I'm just, I've been working Your ass off for people who don't give a - Mom? - Mom? - Mom? - Mom? Mom? Mom! Mom You remember this, right? I was just going to tell Tala that I was going to wear it tonight.
It's me, Mom.
Charles? I'm sorry I'm not here more, okay? She didn't mean it.
It just takes a little bit longer for her to calm down now.
I thought the doctor was going to give her something to stop it.
Nothing's stopping it.
It's just How come whenever this happens she never recognizes me? Are you kidding me? Financial News is projecting record share highs for Arthur Spencer Capital.
Spencer, pictured here alongside children Bradley and Jennifer was invited Thank you so much.
I can't tell you what it means to accept I am such a fan of this.
You're very sexy when you're nervous.
And this week? Smokin' hot.
Who says I'm nervous? Hey, if I want Arthur on my side, I need to blow the board away tonight.
My father is on your side.
If he wasn't, he wouldn't have approved of us getting married.
You're a good man, Charlie Brown.
He knows that.
Everyone knows that.
Yeah, but right now, he's okay with me because he adores you.
I want him to approve of me for me.
I know he can be hard to read, but Look, Bradley and some of the guys are about to surprise you with drinks.
I have to jump on a call, but Dad will be here too.
He will? Right here? They'll probably show up in about five minutes.
Just talk to him, okay? You'll see.
He's on your side.
Great minds think alike, huh? Oh, that reminds me.
I think there's an opportunity for you Hey, Arthur.
Um, we'll pick this up.
Got that smoker we were talking about.
He won't shut up about it.
Excuse me, can I help you? Uh, I think I have wrong office? Um, yeah.
Hey babe.
We're doing shots.
What's up with her, someone mess up her tip? Really? Between two Asians, we couldn't get the math right? Yeah, it was touch and go there, until I broke out the abacus, huh? I got some 25-year-old scotch in my car.
Give me a sec, we'll do some real shots, huh? Now we're talking.
Hello? Guys? Huh? Guys? Who's there? What the hell are you? Get away from me! Help me! I was attacked.
Where the hell did he was right here, okay? He was right here! Okay, okay.
Just 10 more minutes and they give you the award.
Hey! I was worried I missed your thing.
You didn't tell me they're giving out other awards.
Charles, you okay? Yeah, yeah, um Wait, where's Mom? She can't be alone out here with another episode.
Mom just left the bathroom right before me.
I'm sure she's just Charles.
Seriously, what's wrong? I don't know.
The garage, and I I don't know.
Chill, okay? You got this.
I know it's a big honor, but It's more than just an honor.
f I'm on the board the money, we could get Mom better treatments.
Charles, there are no better treatments.
My award's on any minute now.
Just please find, find Mom and get her to her seat, okay? Can you just please do that for me? Come on up here, Charles.
What the hell are you wearing? Hey, hey, this is not a joke.
Whatever weird things you and your family want to wear at home, when you come here, you need to show respect! Stay back! Stay back! Why are you doing this, huh?! Why? Charles? Huh? Mom, get back! Mom, get away from him, please! Please, just don't hurt her, okay? I'll do anything you want.
Please, just don't hurt her.
Why are you doing this? Why? No! Charles! Oh, my God.
My god, you people.
It's not, I I didn't, I didn't, I didn't.
Please, it was just This is me.
This is me.
It's just me.

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