24 s06e04 Episode Script

Day 6: 9:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M.

Curtis! Everyone back! The hard drive is mostly toast, but I was able to recover the most recently accessed file.
Some kind of wiring schematic.
How much of the file do we have? About a page and a half.
Mostly in Arabic, some of it Russian.
Do you know what this is? This is a list of electronic components for a nuclear device.
- Hello.
- You have the package? - Not yet, but I'll have it soon.
- Call me when you have it.
I don't wanna hurt you, but I will unless you do exactly what I say.
There's a package in there.
I'm supposed to take it to a man who has an item for me.
When you pick up the item, you'll call me and I'll give you further instructions.
There it is.
Walid, I'm so sorry I got you into this.
I deleted those files.
It wasn't right to arrest you for my actions.
- Don't touch me.
- Let him alone! - Sir, get back in line.
- Not until you let go of that man.
- Mr President.
- What do you want? You are holding 110 so-called enemy combatants at your Palmdale military facility.
Have these freedom fighters on a nonmilitary aircraft in the air by the end of the hour.
If you don't release them by the deadline, the consequences will be devastating.
Jack, a nuclear device has been diverted to a scientist with known terrorist ties.
Pulling up the file now.
- Do you recognise him? - Yes.
I saw him with Fayed a year ago.
- His name is Hasan Numair.
- We need to know where this man is now.
He's one of the terrorists being released from Palmdale military prison.
Prisoner Numair, identify yourself now.
Sergeant, Numair is not on the plane.
Repeat, Numair is not on the plane.
Hurry up.
Fayed is waiting for you.
- His escape was planned in advance.
- I agree.
Fayed's demand for the prisoners was a ploy.
He never intended for us to fly Numair out.
- He wanted him free inside our borders.
- That's right.
Do we know where along the route Numair escaped? After the highway.
He must've had inside help.
- Is there anyone unaccounted for? - A sergeant is missing.
We're looking for him now.
I'll call you when I have more information.
- Chloe, what about satellite? - We have coverage, but it's not continuous.
There are two tunnels and three locations where coverage is partial.
Numair is a known terrorist with possible access to suitcase nukes and he escapes in broad daylight.
We have to do better than we're doing and we have to do it faster! - What else do we know about Numair? - He's a nuclear engineer trained in Germany.
Ran a weapons programme in Frankfurt.
Eight years ago he moved to the Middle East.
Is his training relevant to existing systems? He knows it all and he's up to date.
If he gets his hands on the nuke, he can prep it on site.
I want this at the top of our list.
Capturing Numair is our number-one priority.
We won't be able to set up satellite parameters.
Yeah, I know.
I know.
Partition the grid.
Send half to me and half to Morris.
- Morris? - Just do it.
- We haven't seen a thing.
- We're monitoring.
As soon as I have anything new, I will share it with you.
- As soon as you do? - Yes.
What are you working on? Setting up image processing in the area where Numair escaped.
- Dobbins can do it.
I need you.
- Now's not the time to pull rank.
Chloe's assigned me a task.
Please find somebody else.
- Chloe.
What's Morris doing for you? - What are you talking about? - He said he's on task for you, but I need help.
- He's not doing anything for me.
- Is this ajoke?! - You're upset.
Our alert level's high and you're playing games.
If you can't work with me, then you quit! The files are on your system.
- Filter them now.
- I will.
We assume there is a rogue nuclear weapon on American soil, or there will be soon.
All agencies are to proceed under that assumption.
- What are we dealing with, Karen? - Suitcase nukes.
The term refers to a number of devices manufactured by the former Soviet Union.
Small enough for one individual to carry and they have a yield of one kiloton or less.
- Potential damage? - The kill radius is about a half-mile.
The radiation greatly extends that radius, depending on winds and weather conditions.
Let's just arrive at the point.
How many casualties are we talking about? That depends on the population density.
In a crowded city, many thousands would die instantly.
Taking the radiation into account, the number of deaths and serious injuries would multiply into the hundreds of thousands.
Get me Jack Bauer immediately.
- There's nothing here.
We're wasting time.
- You keep saying "we".
There's you and there's us.
There is no "we".
Give it a minute.
Anything that isn't incinerated could give us prints or trace DNA.
- Bauer.
- Hold for the president.
- Yes? - Sir, Jack Bauer's on the line.
- Mr President.
- Jack.
We're in the process of verifying what Assad told you about his peace initiative.
So far, everything he's told us has been true.
- He's given us no reason to doubt him.
- I hope you're right.
I also want you to take charge of the search for Fayed and Numair.
- Mr President, I - After the way the country treated you, I Well after the way that I treated you, I know I don't have any right to ask you anything.
But you're on top of the situation and I want to make it official.
Mr President, the truth is, I don't think I'm up to it.
We are behind the curve, but if it weren't for your efforts today, we'd be nowhere.
I need you to lead this search.
Then I'll do my best, sir.
Report to Bill Buchanan at CTU.
Call me anytime you think necessary.
- Yes, Mr President.
- Thank you.
The president wants me to run the search for Fayed and Numair.
I can't do this without your help.
I need you to accept Assad as part of this investigation.
He knows these people.
He will see things you and I would miss.
He knows them because he's one of them.
Trust me.
We need his help.
I can't believe I'm hearing this.
Time was you would've seen through this guy in a minute.
What did the Chinese do to you? - Is there something you need to tell me? - Like what? Is there some kind of a history between you and Assad? Jack.
- They found this.
- What is it? It's a PDA damaged in the blast.
The message is still readable.
- What does it say? - "Visitor arrived on Thursday.
" "Visitor" couldn't be Numair.
He was still in custody then.
"Visitor" is a codeword within the cell.
It refers to "weapon".
- The suitcase nuke.
- Fayed must've received it last Thursday.
If they had the weapon then, why get Numair out of prison now? He must be key to making it operational.
Get everything packed up.
We need to go.
Nothing is more important than finding Fayed and Numair.
You understand me? Yeah.
- O'Brian.
- Chloe, it's Jack.
I need you to do something.
I want you to run a crosscheck on Curtis Manning and Assad.
Is this important? I've got a lot on.
Curtis has a problem with Assad.
It's personal.
I need to get them to work together.
I'll get it as soon as I can.
Numair is here.
- My brother.
- Fayed.
- I was starting to worry.
- Yes.
The escape went as planned, but I had to be careful crossing the city.
Where is it? This was the last model the Soviets produced.
Where are the tools? You're missing what I need to reprogram.
- The device will be here soon.
- By what means? A young man named Ahmed.
A recent recruit, but reliable.
Ahmed, we have known you and your family so long.
I can't believe you want to do this.
It's not what I want to do, it's what I have to do.
I am a soldier.
You said your father knows nothing of this.
When he finds out, will he be proud? - Yes? - I have what you want.
Now you're going to deliver it to a man named Fayed.
- No.
- What? I won't deliver it until you let my family go.
Ray, do what I say or I will shoot them.
Then I will destroy it and the people you work for will be disappointed.
- Listen to me - You listen to me.
I just killed a man for this and I'm not gonna deliver it anywhere until my family are safe.
- I'll release one of them.
- Both.
If I do that, I have no leverage and you know it.
Decide now.
Which one do I release? - My son.
Release my son.
- I will release your wife.
- I just told you to release my son.
- You told me who you value most! Your wife will call you when she's clear.
Deliver the component and I will release your son.
That's it, Ray.
Don't push your luck.
All right.
All right, let her go.
Get in the car and drive.
Then call Ray and tell him you're all right.
This is the number that he called from.
Will you remember this? - Yes.
- Good.
Tell him to call when you're through.
And understand that if I see any police, I will shoot Scott.
Do you understand? I love you! Go! - Jillian.
- Ray.
- Are you all right? - I'm fine.
- What about Scott? - He's still with Ahmed.
He says if we go to the police, he'll kill Scott, but do you think even if we do what he says He'll still kill Scott when this is over? I don't know, but we cannot take the chance.
- We have to handle it ourselves.
- I don't know.
Look, I'm gonna deliver the package.
He already let you go, so we have to tell ourselves he's got no reason to kill Scott.
Look, I'm gonna call Ahmed back.
Do not call the police.
- Honey, I love you.
- I love you.
- Hello.
- Ahmed, I heard from Jillian.
Take the package to 351 Old Mill Road, Valencia.
Do you know where that is? - 351 I can find it.
- I will call Fayed and tell him to expect you.
Call when you get there.
It should not take longer than 30 minutes.
If it does I understand.
I'm leaving now.
What is your emergency? A terrorist is holding my son hostage.
I need to speak to the police.
Dammit, I didn't want this tabbed.
I wanted it in tables.
I work much faster with tabs.
I thought that is what you'd want.
You're just being a pain in the ass.
- Nobody speaks to me like this.
- I just did.
Get back to work.
This has got to stop.
Everyone is extremely busy and you two are distracting everyone.
- Explain how to get him to follow directions.
- That's what you call this power trip? OK, excuse me.
We all know what this is about.
Milo, you and I dated a couple of times before Morris and I got back together.
We saw a couple of good movies, but we agreed it wasn't really happening.
- Yeah.
- And you.
So I dated Milo a couple of times, but I chose you.
Get over it and stop trying to beat him up.
- You think this is about my insecurities? - Yeah.
Isn't it? No.
OK, fine! If you want it in table format, you'll get it in table format.
Let's just stop this mad terrorist guy before he detonates a nuke on Wilshire Boulevard.
Thank you.
Sorry about that, mate.
And, just for the record, there's no lingering jealousy about any films you two may have seen together.
No problem.
- Bauer.
- Jack, it's Bill.
The police got a call from a woman claiming her son is held by terrorists.
- Is she credible? - I'm not sure yet.
She says she was held too, but got out somehow.
- Is she on the line? - Yes.
Jillian Wallace.
Patch her through.
Ms Wallace, this is Bill Buchanan.
I'm transferring you to one of our men.
Hello? My name is Jack Bauer.
Your son is being held by a terrorist? Yes, and he's forcing my husband to deliver a package.
- What kind of package? - I I don't know.
There are other people involved.
- What's the name of the man with your son? - Ahmed Amar.
- Did he mention any other names? - Yes, one.
Ma'am, how do we reach your husband? You can't.
He isn't carrying a cellphone.
- Do you know where he took the package? - No.
I'm sorry.
Whatever you do, just don't let them hurt my son.
We're gonna do everything we can.
We'll get back to you.
- What do you think, Jack? - She knew Fayed's name.
What location? Channing and Fifteenth, Granada Hills.
- Where's your nearest TAC team? - You're as close as anybody.
Take your team.
Copy that.
- Do we have a lead? - Hostage in Granada Hills.
It might be connected to the bombings.
Go to Fifteenth and Channing.
- We can't take him on a tactical mission.
- We might need him when we get there.
All teams, proceed to Fifteenth and Channing, Granada Hills.
- Mr President.
- It's good to see you, Mr Ambassador.
- And you, sir.
- Please, sit.
- How do you do? - Karen Hayes.
- How do you do? - Tom Lennox.
The events of these past few weeks are deeply distressing for all of us.
If there's anything we can do to help, tell me.
You can help right now by having a candid conversation with us.
I'm always candid.
Mr Ambassador, we've been in contact with Hamri Al-Assad.
He has been the driving force behind a number of terrorist attacks around the country, around the world, for the past two decades.
- I know who he is.
- Assad claims he's renounced terrorism.
He says he's willing to negotiate, to use political means to gain his ends.
- Now, do you think he's telling the truth? - I have reason to that believe he is.
How much influence does he have? Does he speak for a large number of terrorist groups? As you know, there are literally hundreds of such groups.
Assad's reputation is such that many of them, not all by any means, but a substantial number, would follow his lead at least for a while.
So this really could be a significant step towards peace? I sincerely hope so.
Thank you, Mr Ambassador.
You've been extremely helpful.
- You're welcome, Mr President.
- Mr Ambassador.
So this corroborates everything Jack told us about Assad.
We need to formalise our relationship with him now, lock him into cooperation.
- Tom? - I have a problem forming a partnership with a man who is responsible for the deaths of so many innocents.
- Is Assad still with Jack Bauer? - Yes, sir.
Let's get Jack on the phone, please.
- Bauer.
- Hold for the president.
- Jack.
- Yes, Mr President? - Do we have leads on that nuclear weapon? - We're following one.
It's too early to tell if it's meaningful.
All right.
I just had a meeting that confirms Assad is serious about negotiated peace and that he does, in fact, have the influence to make that happen.
I'd like to come to an arrangement.
Is he with you? - Yes, sir.
- Let me speak with him, please.
One moment.
The president wants to speak to you.
Yes, Mr President? I am prepared to offer you full protection and a pardon for all crimes in the past.
There are conditions, however - that you continue tracking Abu Fayed and that you pledge your commitment to a broader peace.
Is that acceptable? In principle, yes.
Forgive me, Mr President, but I need to see this in writing.
You'll have it within the hour.
- Let me speak with Jack, please.
- Of course.
- Yes, sir? - This was not an easy thing to do.
I do believe the greater good requires it.
Do you agree? I'm glad it's a call I didn't have to make, sir.
- Thank you, Jack.
- Yes, sir.
Your president, do you believe he is an honourable man? Yes, I do.
Mr Lennox, I have Sandra Palmer calling for the president, but he's on another line.
Could you transfer that call to my cellphone, please? She specifically asked to speak to the president.
And do it now, please.
Yes, Sandra? Tom Lennox here.
- I need to speak with Wayne.
It's important.
- The president's tied up.
Will you please let him know I'm on the phone? The president's asked not to be disturbed.
Does this concern your friend Walid? Yes, that's exactly what it's about.
He's still in custody.
You continue to arrest innocent people, you're giving the terrorists what they want.
The president is more concerned with the fate of the country than the fate of one man.
An innocent man, jailed without charges.
If you believe the fundamental principles of this country, there is nothing more important.
You've got the makings of a great law-review article.
I will pass this message along.
- If you'll excuse me - Mr Lennox, pass along another message.
- What is that, Sandra? - I will do what it takes to protect my client.
If it embarrasses the administration, so be it.
- Do I detect a threat here? - Yes.
And so is this I am holding you personally responsible for whatever happens to Walid.
Next, Samir Hadad, Samir Hadad.
Walid Al-Rezani.
Is there someplace I can get a drink of water? Brother.
Thank you.
- Thank you for helping me earlier.
- No problem.
Did you tell them anything? - Of course not.
- Good.
I'll tell you something, brother, before this day is over, they'll all pay.
What do you mean? Salim what are you doing? It's all right, he's a friend.
Khamsa ziwar OK, take it easy.
I I got a package from Ahmed, OK? Ahmed.
- Who is this? - He says Ahmed sent him.
- Your name? - Ray Wallace.
Ahmed should've called you.
You have to call Ahmed and tell him to let my son go.
We had a deal.
Quiet! Is this what you need to reprogram the trigger? Yes.
This should work.
- How long will it take to complete assembly? - 20 minutes.
In less than an hour, it will detonate and strike a blow that the Americans will never forget.
- You're insane.
- Don't kill him until you're ready to leave.
He still may be of some use as a bargaining chip if something goes wrong.
Look, my my son.
He's just a boy.
Could you call Ahmed and tell him to let him go? I mean, I've done everything I've been asked to.
Please! I may if you remain cooperative.
I will.
I swear.
- I still have much to do.
- I have everything I need.
When you've finished, meet me at the safe house.
- Yes? - Ahmed, it's me.
- Did the device arrive? - Yes, but it was wrong to involve anyone.
I understand, but I had to.
I had no choice.
Never mind.
It arrived, that's what counts.
- You have a hostage, this man's son.
- Yes.
- You have no further use for him? - No.
Then leave.
Join the others.
But before you go, kill the boy.
- Is that necessary? - Yes.
He's seen and heard too much.
Do you understand? Yes, Fayed.
The pardon for Assad looks satisfactory.
- Tell the Attorney General to proceed.
- Yes, sir.
Yes? - Mr Lennox and Ms Hayes are here.
- Show them in.
- I approved the agreement with Assad.
- That was quick.
It had to be.
We don't have the time to stand on ceremony.
Tom, I know you disapprove of this agreement, but put it behind you.
The issue now is, how do we position this with the public? - It must be kept from the public.
- That's not practical.
It's to our advantage to make it known Assad is on our side.
Don't disclose the formal agreement, don't use the words "pardon" or "amnesty".
- We're cooperating.
- I agree.
Let's portray Assad as a man who's not a terrorist, but someone who wants peace.
- Terrorist turned statesman.
- The point is saving lives.
That's our focus.
OK, so for every life that was lost in the past because of this man, ten more may be saved in the future by working with him.
On the face of it, the logic is compelling.
Let's make a set of briefing points and get them to our media people.
I'm on it.
I do have to say, Mr President I still don't like this.
I understand, and it makes me appreciate your loyalty all the more, Tom.
- The Wallace kid's still being held.
- Copy that.
Curtis, you and your team take the back of the house.
Come with me.
We'll find an entrance point from the side.
Go on my command.
All personnel, it is imperative we take the suspect alive.
Right now, he's our best chance of finding the nuke.
Slowly move into position now.
Yard is clear.
Cover me.
Why aren't you talking? What's going on? Did my father deliver the package? - Yes.
- Is he OK? Did he do exactly what you told him? Your father's fine.
So then you can let me go, too.
Get up.
- What? - Get up! Why? My father did exactly what you told him to do.
I swear I promise you I won't tell anybody what I know.
Scott, don't make this any harder than it is.
Kneel down.
I can't see what's happening in the house.
Does anybody have a visual inside? Not yet.
My men are almost in position.
- Turn around.
- You don't have to do this.
Turn around now! Set.
- All teams set.
- Curtis, make the call.
I'm sorry, Scott.
Go! Freeze! - He's coming your way, Jack.
- Drop the weapon! - Hold your fire! - Hold fire! - Is he alive? - Barely.
Get the EMT up here now! I need him to tell me where the boy's father took the package.
- Get me an EMT down here now! - Uh, I I might know.
When he was on the phone with my father, he told him to take something to an address.
Um um - Buchanan.
- It's Jack.
We've got an address.
Got it.
Nadia, alert the two TAC teams.
We have a strike target.
Deploy them there.
Are you gonna save my dad? We're gonna do everything we can.
When we get the satellite feed, download it to the TAC teams.
Here are the satellite downloads to Fayed's location in the last ten minutes.
- Nobody entered or exited.
- What's the exterior layout? - Favourable.
TAC teams won't be seen.
- Nadia, get me the president.
We just don't have enough specifics to go public, but I still want all first-response teams in Los Angeles to be briefed on the possibility of a nuclear detonation.
Mr President, you have an urgent call from Bill Buchanan.
I'll take it.
- Bill? - Mr President, we have some good news.
We believe that we've found the suitcase nuke.
- Where? - Valencia, 20 miles north of the city.
TAC teams will be there in 15 minutes.
Should I patch you into that feed when it's available? Absolutely, Bill.
Good work.
- Thank you, Mr President.
- I'll let you know when the feed comes up.
Um, can we have a moment alone, please? - I'm getting you out.
- I'm not going.
- Yes, you are.
- Sandra, listen to me.
I think some people in this place have a connection with the terrorist attacks.
How would you know that? They were speaking Arabic, which I don't understand, but there was one phrase they used several times.
"Khamsa ziwar.
" Pass that on to the FBI or somebody.
It may help.
They're being held illegally.
Any statements they make Dammit, Sandra! Stop being a lawyer for one damned minute! These guys may be planning something that will harm a lot of people.
All right.
I'll pass it on.
"Khamsa ziwar.
" - I have to get back.
- Be careful.
I just got it.
Thanks, Bill.
Let me know as soon as the TAC teams arrive in Valencia.
Will do, Jack.
This is everything you and the president talked about.
You'll receive a full pardon in exchange for continuing to help stop these attacks and for bringing your political group to a negotiated peace with the West.
- I need a moment to look through this.
- I understand.
Unfortunately, I need to get back to work.
Agent Boorman will take you to CTU.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
- What's the document? - Come here.
I wanted to talk to you before it was executed.
I didn't think it would happen this fast.
- We made a deal with Assad.
- Who's "we"? The United States government, personally authorised by the president.
Assad will receive a pardon in exchange for full cooperation, which he has given.
In other words, he walks.
Like I told the president, it's not my call.
It's not your call either.
The responsibility lies with him alone.
It's out of our hands.
All right.
If that's the way it has to be that's the way it has to be.
Oh, Scott.
Oh, God.
Are you all right? - I'm fine.
- You sure? - Yeah.
Are you? - Yes.
- Ms Wallace.
- Is there any word on my husband? We think we know where he is.
We've got agents en route.
- Is he all right? - I don't know.
We will do everything we can to protect him.
Excuse me for one second.
This is Bauer.
You were right about Curtis and Assad having a connection.
- Go on.
- Curtis was in the army after Desert Storm.
His squad was ambushed by Assad's people.
They killed five of Curtis's men and took two hostage.
Curtis was wounded.
He couldn't go after them.
The next day, a tape was sent to the television station.
Assad's lieutenant forced Curtis's men to beg for their lives and then personally beheaded them both.
Oh, my God.
Jack? Uh, I'll get back to you.
- Where's Agent Manning? - He was here just a second ago.
Boorman, go ahead.
I got him.
You still don't remember? Special Forces Battalion, Curtis, put your weapon down! I can't do that.
By order of the President of the United States, put down your weapon! - Stay out of this, Jack! - I can't.
I gave him my word that we would protect him.
- I didn't.
- Curtis, please.
Don't do this.
I can't let this animal live.
- Yeah? - Jack, it's Bill.
Sprague told me what happened.
Curtis didn't leave you any choice.
- That's what I keep trying to tell myself.
- You did the right thing.
We need Assad alive.
He's on his way back.
I think you should come in, too.
Tell the president that I'm sorry.
I can't do this any more.
The hell you can't.
We're gonna find that suitcase nuke because of you.
- You've done great work today.
- Good.
Then you don't need me any more.
I'll send a car for you, Jack.
Come back here.
We'll talk.
I'm done.
Yes? Mr Buchanan, I received word that Ahmed Amar, the terrorist who held the Wallace family hostage, died en route to the hospital.
Thank you, Nadia.
- Mr Buchanan, the TAC team is ready.
- Patch me in.
Make sure the White House is connected to the feed.
Watch your six.
Two, one side.
Go, go.
Delta Unit, move in.
Delta moving in.
Watch it, watch it.
- How much longer? - Almost finished.
I just need to reconnect the fuse.
I think I saw someone out there.
- Who? - Police.
I saw something.
Are you done? Yes.
- Can you detonate now? - Yes.
Do it now! Do it! No! Oh, my God.
Alert first-response teams in Los Angeles and the surrounding counties.
Let's put them in touch with the military.
Tell them Tell them the resources of the entire nation are at their disposal - whatever they need.
Karen? Yes, Mr President.
Mr Buchanan, I just got a message from the FBI.
They said it's important.
It's some Arabic phrase.
- What is it? - It was overheard in a detention centre.
This phrase kept coming up.
I'm not sure about the pronunciation.
"Khamsa ziwar.
" It means "five visitors".
Assad said "visitor" was a codeword for "weapon".
There are four more of these things out there.
English SDH
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