Hawaii Five-O (1968) s08e04 Episode Script

Termination with Extreme Prejudice

Isn't it wonderful, Charles? Everything's flowers.
Of course I couldn't possibly wear one of those to the Fiona's.
Not to tea, anyway.
Perhaps I could wear one here.
I mean, nobody knows us here, do they? Darling, what is it? What's the matter? Oh, come on, let's have a look at another shop.
I don't really think I need one of these, Charles.
Why I've I think I've had a bit too much sun.
Would you mind finishing your shopping by yourself? I think I'll go back to the hotel and get in the shade.
- Well I'll come with you.
- No, no.
That won't be necessary.
I'll be all right after I have a rest.
You know, we really must start learning to economize, Charles.
Now, Syb, we went through all that before.
I told you we'd have pots of money very soon.
Now, enjoy yourself.
- See you back at the hotel.
- All right.
Bye, darling.
Okay, gentlemen, we're gonna get some flak on this one.
Let's have answers for the British consul when he calls.
Contact the Coast Guard, tell them I'm on my way.
Ask for a helicopter search of the area.
We've gotta nail this one down fast.
- Where is Danby staying? - The Halekulani.
Let's go.
What have we got? Duke, come in.
What have we got? Danby left his wife about 4:30 p.
Near as we can figure, he returned to his suite, changed into his swimsuit and went down to the beach.
- Anybody see him? - Negative.
Nobody knew him at the hotel.
They were registered under the name of Danbury.
Lady Danby came back from shopping a little after 6.
She went to their room to look for him.
His wallet, with $ 1, 100 was on the table.
Yeah, that's an awful lot of money to be left lying around.
The cabana was locked.
Only the Danbys had keys.
Did you find his key? In the pocket of his shirt.
The current can be pretty tricky through the reef.
Especially if someone overestimates his swimming ability.
Yeah, maybe, Danno, maybe.
Duke, keep after the hotel personnel.
One of them might've seen something.
- Right.
- What suite is Danby in? Seven-four.
No, it's ridiculous.
Charles dead? I simply won't believe it.
I didn't say dead, Lady Danby.
I said missing and presumed dead.
Have you noticed anything unusual in your husband's behavior lately? - Unusual? - Well, did he seem depressed? Or was he under any strain? Well, I suppose it did worry him.
What worried him? Business.
Charles has had a rotten run of luck these past few months.
I really don't know very much about it, Mr.
He didn't want to upset me.
Has he lost money? A great deal, I'm afraid.
We've really had to pinch.
Actually, it's the reason we came to Hawaii.
There were some people Charles said he knew, who could help him recoup his losses.
Well, do you think the deal could've fallen through and he? And Charles killed himself? The Danbys don't commit suicide.
At least not in foreign waters and not without consulting their solicitors.
I'll get it.
Oh, excuse me.
I thought This is the Danby suite? Yes, it is.
- Lady Danby? - Yes? I'm sorry to have to meet you under these circumstances.
Not three weeks ago, I was standing Charles a whiskey at the Crown and Garter.
I'm afraid l I beg your pardon.
Harry Wells.
Your husband never mentioned me? I don't think so.
This is Mr.
McGarrett of Hawaii Five-0.
- How do you do, sir? - How do you do? How long have you known Lord Danby? Two years.
I see.
Socially? We belong to the same club.
We were business friends.
What business are you in? Empire Textiles.
Imports, usually.
Sound little company, 25 years.
Do you come to Hawaii often? Not as often as I would wish.
I'm terribly sorry.
This isn't the time to be talking about myself.
If there's anything I can do, anything at all, I'm at the Reef Hotel.
- I'll be quite all right.
Thank you.
- Good.
We mustn't lose hope, must we? Nice to have met you, sir.
Please forgive me, Mr.
McGarrett, - I would like to be alone.
- Oh, of course.
Of course.
If you think of anything we should know, please, call me.
Wait a minute, Danno.
Let's see Wells' card again.
There it is.
Empire Textiles Limited.
I knew that name rang a bell.
The murdered man worked for Wells.
Why didn't he mention it? It's a small item.
Maybe he didn't see it.
Wouldn't H.
Have notified him? If they knew a member of the firm was in town, but chances are they wouldn't know.
Well, check it out anyway, Danno.
Also, check out Empire Textiles in London.
I want a tail on Wells.
Put Duke on it.
He said he was living at the Reef Hotel.
Lady Danby doesn't know a thing about it, that's for certain.
His lordship was careful not to involve her.
But he has to make the deal.
And when he's got the cash, then he'll have to contact her.
If the suicide was a fake.
I'm sure of it.
What's she like? English rose.
A little frayed around the edges.
Danby had to be pretty deep in the hole to shoot Everett.
Couldn't stand the thought of bankruptcy proceedings.
Letting down the side.
- Are you sure he's not drowned? - Until they come up with a corpse, we'll proceed on the assumption that he's somewhere out there among the royal palms.
Meanwhile, I want you to keep an eye on Lady Danby.
- He won't leave the island without her.
- Right.
Oh, and Sloane, from now on, we'd better not be seen together.
I've just run into a local constable named McGarrett.
I'm pretty sure he wants to keep me under observation.
I wish him luck.
Don't underestimate the colonials, Sloane.
This one has a lean and hungry look.
Go faster.
Come back.
I find a need to carry an umbrella in Hawaii.
True, but the rains are usually of short duration.
Have you heard from his lordship? Don't you read the newspapers, Mr.
Wells? The corpse is missing.
Any time now, the sea will give up its dead.
I see.
Well, the gentleman, our missing friend was to meet is not due to arrive until tomorrow.
Tomorrow should be resurrection day.
You'll hear from him.
When I do, I shall leave a message at your hotel.
- The shipment has arrived.
- Good.
Looks like it's going to be a fine day.
I really didn't need to bring this along.
Nice to have met you, sir.
Sounds like our Mr.
Wells is a pro.
Steve, just got confirmation from London.
Empire Textiles is a highly reputable firm and Wells is the boss.
- Been in business for years.
- Well, that figures.
If it's a cover, it would be a good one.
Yes, Jenny? What have you got? Call from Washington.
Jonathan Kaye.
Put him on.
Good job.
Yes, Jonathan? Steve, we've come up with the information you wanted on Danby.
In the first place, he was into some big cement deal a few months ago.
Deal went bad.
Put everything into hock.
His country home, townhouse, the works.
You mean he's bankrupt? Pretty near.
Anyway, he got burned.
But sit tight now.
Besides his little business disasters, what else do you think he was into? - You tell me, Jonathan? - Ml6.
Ml6? British Military Intelligence? The man is an agent? Right.
And there's more.
When his creditors started banging on his ancestral doors, Danby started to look for something hot to sell.
Ml6 wouldn't say exactly what documents he got his hands on, but I gather it wasn't exactly the list of the Queen's dinner guests.
Whoa, it's all beginning to fit, Jonathan.
Steve, I don't have to tell you give this number-one priority.
- London is bugging the hell out of us.
- Right.
McGarrett, what a pleasant surprise.
Stop waltzing me, Wells.
You mentioned that you and Lord Danby were members of the same club.
I can tell you the name of that club now, in case you're interested.
I've blown my cover, haven't I? Danby was a suspected double agent, you followed him to Hawaii.
Now, would you like to fill in the details? Mr.
McGarrett, the details are confidential.
None of your business.
One of your operatives was killed on Hawaiian soil, that makes it my business.
Now, what is it gonna be, cooperation or not? - What do you want to know? - Who killed Everett? Danby, I suppose.
All right, you might as well hear the whole story.
We suspected Danby and laid a trap for him.
I led him to believe a certain packet in our files contained information the Chinese would pay an arm and a leg for.
It was completely worthless, of course.
My information is slightly different.
- Different? - About the documents.
They were utterly worthless.
A phony set of contingency plans.
I planted them myself.
- And Danby fell for that? - He'd hardly know the difference.
He stole the packet, set up Honolulu as a neutral meeting place with his Chinese buyer.
Why didn't you tell us all this before? Mr.
McGarrett, we like to launder our own dirty linen.
Little late for that.
A homicide has been committed, another man is missing, and your own government is pressing Five-0 for answers.
Now, what do I tell them, Wells? Is Danby alive or dead? We don't really know, do we? Well, I'd like an opinion, a calculated guess.
Give it three days.
If he's dead, the tide should wash him up.
And if he's alive, I want him for murder.
Steve, I blew up Danby's passport photo and passed it out to all airlines, terminals, hack stands and undercover contacts.
What about Lady Danby? Well, Duke's still covering the hotel.
The switchboard's alerted.
No way she can get a message without our knowing.
You seem pretty sure he's alive.
I'm not sure of anything, Danno.
This case is a grab bag of facts and suppositions.
Fact: Danby was an agent for Ml6.
Supposition: He has a deal with Chinese intelligence.
Fact: Danby disappeared.
Supposition: The drowning was faked and Danby's still alive.
Now, where do we go from here? We act on the last supposition, Chin.
If Danby deliberately threw up a smoke screen, that would mean that his next step would be to contact Chinese intelligence.
But British intelligence tells us that Honolulu was a neutral, neutral meeting ground, which means that his buyer was not a local.
Chin, pass the word through Chinatown.
Have your sources report every new arrival.
I didn't come here to play games.
I know of no one here named Wan Tai.
Your man in London told me to contact you.
I have no man in London.
I'm just a storekeeper.
Wan Tai is expecting me.
Oh, sorry.
Look, if you are just a screen and you can't set up the appointment, will you please take me to Yuan Kee.
You've heard of Yuan Kee.
Everyone's heard of Yuan Kee.
Will you put me in touch with him? I will be happy to do what I can, my dear sir.
Will you please tell Mr.
Kee that if he wants the shipment, he'd better set up the appointment as fast as he can.
Do you understand? I understand.
My name is Tien Chung.
I have a reservation.
Oh, yes, Mr.
Would you register, please? Mr.
Kee just phoned.
He left this note.
Thank you.
- McGarrett.
- Steve, a man just registered at the Reef Hotel as Tien Chung.
But my source thinks it's a Wan Tai, an undercover operator for the Red Chinese.
- That's interesting, Chin.
- Well, it gets better.
Wan Tai had a message waiting for him from a Mr.
Would that be Yuan Kee? Yeah, head of our local Far East Trade Association.
Yeah, and that's the front for the Red Chinese intelligence.
Well, that's a suspicion, Steve, but so far, no one's proved it.
I think I'll pay Mr.
Kee a visit.
It all fits together, Chin.
- Don't end up in a cement egg roll.
- Don't be impertinent, Chin.
- Excuse me, miss? - Yes, sir.
I would like to send one dozen red roses with one white rose to the Halekulani Hotel, Room 74.
Very good, sir.
And would you like to enclose a card? No, that won't be necessary.
I think that should cover it.
Thank you.
Just a minute, sir.
Your change.
I'm sorry, sir.
Kee is in a meeting.
Tell Mr.
Kee it's McGarrett of Five-0.
Kee, it's Mr.
McGarrett of Hawaii Five-0.
All right.
- He says to go right in, please.
- Thank you.
McGarrett, this is an honor.
May I present a visitor to our fair city? Mr.
McGarrett, Hawaii Five-0, Mr.
How do you do, sir? How do you do, Mr.
Wells? What may I do for you, Mr.
McGarrett? Oh, just a routine matter, nothing urgent.
Perhaps Mr.
McGarrett would like to try some of this quite lovely tea.
Thank you.
There are some prefer Darjeeling, but give me the black tea of Keemun.
You're too kind.
Wells has come to ask my advice about certain textiles.
Especially Chinese pongees and shantungs.
They're quite the rage these days in the exclusive London boutiques.
How enlightening.
It's due to the quality of the silk.
Western countries have never been able to duplicate it, probably because they've never been able to breed the genuine Chinese silkworm.
Something with the climate, no doubt.
No doubt.
And the mulberry leaves.
Kee, I came to see you because I'm trying to locate one of your countrymen.
Oh, if I can be of any assistance.
- His name is Wan Tai.
- Sorry.
I have never heard of the gentleman.
Oh, really? I understand that he's an important man in your country.
I am not in my country now, Mr.
My information is that he's in town.
So if you should hear anything, I'd appreciate being informed.
Most assuredly.
I did not realize it was so late.
Would you gentlemen please excuse me? - Oh, yes, of course.
- Of course.
Thank you for the tea.
I'll send you a chestful, if you like.
Oh, as a police officer, we never accept chestfuls.
Thank you.
Tsiang, it is imperative that we transmit an urgent message to Wan Tai.
You were pretty good in there.
Particularly with the pongees.
Wasn't I? How did you know about Kee? This may come as a bit of a shock to you, McGarrett, but Ml6 is not without sources of information.
The shock is that you evidently knew about Wan Tai all along and didn't see fit to transmit the information to Five-0.
Apparently with good reason.
If you'll be so kind as to excuse my saying so, Mr.
McGarrett, your approach to Kee was crude, to alert to the other side to no purpose.
You really didn't expect him to give you information about Wan Tai.
Wells, I know Wan Tai is here and I know where he's staying.
My purpose was to apply pressure.
To make them nervous, to force the moves.
Then they're bound to make mistakes.
So long as you keep in mind our first objective.
Find Danby.
If he's alive.
He's alive.
What makes you so sure? Instinct.
What's the verdict, McGarrett? Do we work together from now on? On two conditions: You stop withholding information and you work strictly within the framework of our laws.
McGarrett, you can't expect Ml6 to be bound by local laws and regulations.
Look, you get this straight, my friend, no one is above the law in Hawaii.
No one.
Do I make myself clear? Thank you.
You are a fool.
If you had taken even the most elementary precautions, McGarrett would never have learned I was at the hotel.
It was stupid of me, excellency.
Perhaps you are all getting too fat and comfortable living in this Polynesian paradise.
Li Tsiang, when did you last see the Englishman? Yesterday afternoon.
I expect him to be in today.
- This time, you will be there also.
- Yes, excellency.
We must act quickly.
You will make every effort to expedite my meeting with the Englishman.
- Is that understood? - Yes, excellency.
Steve, the florist made a positive ID on Danby's photo.
He left his car out front with motor running and she noticed a car rental insignia on its windshield.
- Did she see the name? - No, but it shouldn't be hard to trace.
He used a phony driver's license, but they're bound to remember him.
All right.
Hit the car rental agencies, Danno, then put out an APB, but no pickup.
Got it.
Hold it, Danno.
Just a second.
Yes, Jenny? Call from Washington.
And, Danno, on the double.
Kaye is breathing down my neck.
Yes, Jonathan? It is now 1:00.
Your meeting is set at 4.
Wan Tai will be waiting at the Kyoto Temple.
Do you know where it is? Kyoto Temple, 4:00.
Everything's set.
You know what you have to do.
Suspect's heading your way.
Stay with him.
Steve, got a fix on Danby's car.
Wakini and Meteor Street.
Okay, have Chin take the parallel.
Contact all cars in the area for the switch over.
Don't let Danby know you're on his tail and don't lose him.
Got it.
Subject making right turn at Biggs.
Chin, he's headed your way.
I got him.
Proceeding east on Baxlax.
I see him.
- Yes? - McGarrett? Wells.
I've just been signaled.
Danby's alive.
He's meeting Wan Tai.
It's set for 4:00.
- Who signaled you? - Mr.
- He's Wan Tai's agent.
- And mine.
Where's the meeting place? Makapu'u Point.
It's 3:30, can you cover it in time? Oh, yeah, we can cover it.
See you.
Danno, I just got a call from Wells.
He said there's a 4:00 meeting between Lord Danby and Wan Tai at Makapu'u Point.
Makapu'u Point? That's funny, Steve.
Danby's heading in the other direction.
That's very interesting.
Maybe Wells wants all the credit for the collar himself.
Yeah, could be.
Could be.
You and Chin stick close to him.
- Got him covered like a blanket.
- Good.
Danby's headed for the Kyoto Temple.
I'll park in the temple area and follow.
Remarkable bronze.
It does not compare with the original in Peking.
The compensation seems adequate enough, but how can I be sure I'll get the money? It will be deposited to your account in a Swiss bank, as arranged.
It's standard procedure.
I can promise you a substantial bonus if the material is as important as I believe.
Very well.
I'm terribly sorry, sir.
Our man seems to have gone, doesn't he? Sorry, I banged into your man, McGarrett, but that's what I was after, the goods on Danby.
We'll nail his lordship later.
It won't wash, Wells.
We made a deal, remember? No more withholding information.
You never told me that you had another operative here.
I'm willing to concede I didn't tell you everything.
Really, your handling of this case didn't exactly inspire me.
Is that why you sent me on a wild-goose chase to Makapu'u Point? I was taken in just the same as you.
I told you Kee was a double agent.
This time, he was working for Tai.
Then why weren't you at Makapu'u? Because Sloane picked up Tai's trail just as your boys picked up Danby's.
I was halfway to the point when I got the word in the car telephone.
You have all the answers, don't you, Wells? This thing is out of your hands now.
Danby's only thought will be of escape and that's our problem.
What I am saying to you is that you are out of the picture completely.
No more hands across the sea, no more pretending to work with us.
You can spend the rest of your time here getting a suntan.
Is that understood? Have it your way, McGarrett.
I'll thank you for those photographs.
You can pick up your negatives on the way out.
As you wish.
When you do see your husband, tell him I have something to discuss.
You'll find me here.
Please use a public telephone.
Be sure to call.
Thanks, Duke.
Good work.
Wells has contacted Lady Danby.
Now we'll find out who's the cat and who's the mouse.
- Yes? - Lady Danby? This is the beach guard.
I think I found something belong to you.
I hardly think An ecru-colored cashmere sweater with a Harrod label.
Oh, yes.
That may be mine.
I'll be right down.
Steve, Lady Danby just got a call from the hotel beach guard.
She's left her room.
Thanks, Chin.
Ten-to-1 it's his lordship.
Let's go.
Lady Danby went to a public phone.
She's making a call.
It has to be Wells.
You did the right thing.
Thank you.
Oh, Charles.
Now, listen carefully.
We haven't got much time.
First of all, Charles, there's something I must tell you.
This man Wells Forget him.
I want you to go back to the suite, collect all the valuables and money that we have.
No clothes, just cash and jewelry.
Then make as if you're going shopping.
You remember that place on the mall, the one with the garish prints? - Yes.
- Pretend you're trying on a dress, they have booths in the back.
Then leave as fast as you can through the rear exit.
I'll be there waiting.
- All right, but listen, Charles - Darling, I'll explain everything later.
Station two, Station two, come in, please.
Station two.
Lady Danby has just returned to her suite.
I can't sight Danby from here.
Al right, don't close in till we spot Wells.
- We're trying for a double whammy.
- Okay.
Station four, station four, come in, please.
Station four.
Have you still got a fix on Danby? Right, Steve.
Heading your way.
- Steve.
- Yeah? Let's go.
Charles, fancy running into you.
Give it to me.
The packet.
- We bagged him.
- We bagged him? I'll have that gun.
It had to be done.
The man's a traitor who endangered the life of every man in my department.
So you killed him in cold blood? We've got another term for it, borrowed from your CIA.
We call it "termination with extreme prejudice.
" Yeah? Well, we call it "murder.
" Are you out of you mind, McGarrett? - You're bucking your own department.
- I'll take that chance.
- Let me tell you something - No, let me tell you something.
Wan Tai's deal was with you, not Danby.
You planned all along to take incriminating photos of Danby and then to terminate him while Wan Tai sent your payment off to a numbered account in Switzerland.
Aren't you forgetting one thing? The material's worthless.
Oh, good.
Then you'll have no objection to turning it over.
Can't be did.
Property of Her Majesty's government.
With apologies to Her Majesty, you just took it from a man you killed in cold blood in the sovereign state of Hawaii.
Now, that is evidence in a murder case.
I'll have it.
Drop it.
Drop it.
Still say it's worthless? You're wasting your time in this job, McGarrett.
You should be in intelligence.
I am.
Book him, Danno! Murder one.

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