Hawaii Five-O (1968) s08e07 Episode Script

The Case Against McGarrett

- If he's got any objections to call me within the next hour.
- Steve.
- Yeah.
Take a look at this.
When does the parole board meet? Sometime next week, I think.
Okay, then we've got to move fast.
I want a complete report of all of Vashon's outside activities since he went to prison.
Now, we know that he's been into everything from heroin to prostitution and the smuggling of aliens, but I want documentation.
I want it in detail and I want it fast.
Chin, you work with Duke.
If you need any help, go to H.
On it, Steve.
Honore Vashon, huh? Remember how it all started, Danno? Yeah.
Vashon's son.
- What was his name, Chet? No, Chris.
- Yeah.
He and his friends robbed that hotel in Waikiki.
Yeah, that's how it started.
That was the beginning.
That was the opening lead.
Another autograph job, huh? Anything else? And in each of these two robberies, the same easily recognizable trademark, a V, a letter V cut into the cheek of one of the victims.
Now, those of you who might remember some of the past and violent history of Bugs you, doesn't it? Doesn't it bug you? Yes, it bugs me.
Why? You have everything.
Money, cars.
And the hypocrite of all time as a father.
Who made his money smuggling, in blackmail, in protection, in prostitution, in kidnapping, in heroin, in murder, who thinks he's got a reserve seat in heaven because now he only cheats on his income tax, and he contributes to the March of Dimes.
I'll see you after the next hit, Papa.
An adventure, what more? The boy's growing up.
He wants some excitement before it's too late.
He'll have the excitement of going to jail.
Vashons do not go to jail.
From the cigarette lighter.
Did you run it through motor vehicles? We did.
- Is it Chris Vashon? - It is.
The first solid evidence anyone's had on a Vashon in almost 20 years, Chin.
What if this is the one crack that can break open that whole cesspool.
To get even with something you've got against me, this is what you end up doing, going to jail.
For what? Vashons don't go to jail, Papa, you know that.
You've heard Grandpa say it a million times.
I've even heard you say it.
No, you'd better get on the phone.
Lawyers, right? You'd better get me some lawyers.
Vashons don't go to jail.
Chris Vashon, you're under arrest on suspicion of armed robbery and assault.
You paid a lot for that verdict, Vashon, but it's nothing to what you're going to pay.
Excuse me.
My grandson has been declared not guilty.
It would not be wise to suggest that the facts are otherwise.
He hasn't been declared anything.
There just wasn't anyone around with enough guts to testify against him.
Next time we'll be smarter.
So much for the pigs, huh, Grandpa? Pigs? There are pigs worth ten time your brain.
You were a fool.
Money was spent and lies disarranged to save you from your own foolishness.
Did you hear McGarrett say next time he'll be smarter? Take it to heart.
He will be smarter and you had better be smarter.
Talking nicer about Vashons.
Vashons put money in your pocket, and don't forget it, huh? And if you want more, it's a Vashon that's gonna put it there.
Now, you with me or not? Yeah.
Is it big? I'll tell you how big it is.
There's a medical convention at the Kalakaua Hotel.
They've taken over the fourth and fifth floors.
There's a large banquet, the last one, between 8 and 11 on Thursday.
Okay, boys, you wanna rob a hotel? We've got our first Vashon, Chin.
Check the utility room, Danno.
Halt! Halt! You want something here, McGarrett? Yeah, I wanted to arrest your son for attempted homicide and armed robbery, but maybe I'd better call in for an ambulance first.
An ambulance won't help.
He's dead.
My son is dead, McGarrett.
Dead and you killed him.
No, Vashon, no.
I shot him.
You killed him.
You and his grandfather a long time ago.
McGarrett dies.
Jenny, get me Warden Heller, Hawaii State Prison.
We can't let them do it, Danno.
I can't let them turn Vashon loose.
Think we can stop them? Well, I'm sure as hell gonna try.
Warden Heller.
McGarrett, Five-0.
I understand that Honore Vashon has applied for a parole.
I'd like to know the exact date and time of his hearing.
We have some new evidence we'd like to present to the board.
Really? That's interesting.
All right, I'll see you then.
Thank you.
His hearing is next Wednesday.
You ready for this? He said that Honore Vashon has been a model prisoner.
Oh, almost.
Oh, boy.
- Good morning, Mr.
- Good morning.
The one in the black hat, tossing the horseshoe just now.
His name is Buhai.
The last message to Mali on the outside, he saw the transmission, reported it to a guard.
Spider's been in solitary as a result.
I want that Buhai taken care of.
Yes, sir, Mr.
I'll see to it.
Quickly and quietly, Saito.
But not necessarily privately.
I want the message easily understood by anyone else in this prison who might be toying with the idea that there's a profit to be derived from interfering in my affairs.
I'm Saito.
I work for Mr.
Honore Vashon.
- Out.
- Out? Are you crazy, man? You heard me, I said out.
Clear the yard.
Clear the yard.
Back to your cells.
Clear the yard.
Clear the yard.
Back to your cells.
Clear the yard.
Back to your cells.
Clear the yard.
Clear the yard.
Back to your cells.
Come on.
Move it.
Come on, let's go.
Move it, move it.
Steve, just rang through to Hawaii State Prison.
Hearing is set for 2:30 this afternoon.
Two thirty, huh? Okay, I'll be there, Danno.
Mind the store.
- Your name, please? - Honore Vashon.
Number seven.
Vashon, you were convicted on March the 17th, 1972 for conspiracy to commit murder, and sentenced to ten years in the state penitentiary.
Yes, ma'am.
You served close to four years of that sentence and you're here today applying for parole.
Yes, ma'am, that's correct.
Vashon, are you aware that a condition of parole is an admission of wrongdoing? I am aware.
Your intended victim was Mr.
Steve McGarrett and your plea to that charge was not guilty.
Is that correct? Yes, ma'am.
That's correct.
Is that still your contention? That you were not guilty? No.
Would you repeat that, please? I no longer contend that I was innocent.
I did conspire to kill Mr.
Knowing at the time you were planning a criminal act? Knowing at the time.
Vashon, are you penitent? I admit to wrongdoing.
I am penitent.
Are you sincere, Mr.
Vashon? I am sincere.
I admit to past crimes.
I regret them.
I guarantee to this board they'll not be repeated.
What is it? McGarrett, Hawaii Five-0.
May I address the parole board? Yes, of course.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have here a report on the extent of Honore Vashon's illegal activities during the period he's been in prison.
Now, although he has managed to conceal many of his activities, I have absolute proof that he is deeply involved in smuggling operations and the importation of prostitutes to these islands.
That's not true.
The man's lying.
You will also find evidence that Vashon, behind the scenes, has controlled all of Hawaii's protection rackets and has run all of Hawaii's gambling activities.
Now, we intend to bring formal charges in the very near future against him and his syndicate.
Meanwhile, I ask that this report be taken into consideration when you discuss the advisability of granting a parole to this known criminal.
That man's interference in my life can no longer be tolerated, Saito.
- What are you gonna do? - Once and for all, finally and at last, I'm gonna remove him.
It's been tried before.
Wasting McGarrett.
Every time it winds up a waste of your time.
Nevertheless, this time Any ideas? Not at the moment.
Except to wait.
Sooner or later, if you wait long enough, an opportunity will present itself.
The trick is to recognize the opportunity when it comes, and not fail to take advantage of it.
- Steve? - Yeah, Danno.
Parole board report is in.
Vashon didn't make it, huh? And he never will if we can tie him to the charges in that report to the parole board.
At least he'll be in the jug.
He'll be easier to handle there.
Let's not get too relaxed, gentlemen.
Vashon in prison or out of prison hasn't made that much difference to the Vashon operation around here.
He's still dangerous.
And right now he's probably livid which would make him much more treacherous.
So keep your guard up.
We haven't heard the last of Honore.
Something, Saito? You asked me to bring you any news that might be useful.
- What have you got? - There's to be a visiting delegation.
Six of them.
When? Who? Where? From the legislature, on Wednesday.
- What else have you got? - Warden will tour with them.
The usual places.
They'll be here for three hours.
At the end refreshments will be served.
- Where? - Room 203, administration building.
Where the parole board meets.
- Is that useful? - It could be, Saito, it could be.
Let me think.
Find out something for me.
Then we'll really know if it's useful or not.
- What? - Who's serving the refreshments.
Of course.
- Who is this man, Saito? - William Tasai.
He's been here only a short time, but he's on the warden's dining room staff.
He'll be in charge of the refreshments on Wednesday.
Tasai, this is Mr.
Honore Vashon.
How much have you told him? Only that you have a proposal to make that he might like.
What's the deal? How would you like to escape? - What do you mean escape? - Perhaps I could arrange it for you.
- How you gonna do that? - You start by doing exactly as I say.
Good morning, Mr.
I'm Warden Heller.
How do you do? - This is my assistant, Mr.
- Hello, warden.
Ma'am, gentlemen, won't you follow me, please.
- Everything arranged? - Just as you requested.
Good, Saito.
Tell me, this Tasai, can he make difficulties? He is not a very stable person, Mr.
But he's not smart, either.
It's only when he finally learns the truth that he may prove an obstacle.
Under the circumstances I thought it would be prudent to provide you with this.
Saito, I appreciate your resourcefulness.
I learned it working for the Vashon family.
- Everything all set? - Yeah, everything's set.
This is what we serve them.
We start with the rumaki.
Then we give them the sushi Get your detail moving, Tasai.
They're due in the conference room in five minutes.
- Yes, sir.
- Let's go.
Come in, ma'am.
Gentlemen, come in.
- It's most instructive, warden.
- I'm glad.
And now we're going to instruct you on the quality of our cuisine.
Ready out there, you men? We're ready for you.
All right, bring them in.
Our entire kitchen facility is staffed by inmates.
We do have one civilian dietician.
Luncheon is served.
Nobody move.
When? How many? Okay, don't take any action until we get there.
Danno? Chin? Duke? On the double.
Inmates have taken over the conference room at the prison.
They got nine hostages.
Warden Heller is one of them.
Let's go.
- Who am I talking to? - Assistant Warden Geddison.
Geddison? Very well, Mr.
This is McGarrett, Hawaii Five-0.
Now, I want you to cool it.
Get to your men and cool it.
No quick moves, no anything.
- You understand that? - Yes, Mr.
Now, they'll be watching and I don't want them to think we're gonna try anything.
No quick moves.
Yes, pass that along and make it stick.
- Yes, sir.
- Very well.
Get that, will you, Danno.
Steve, the governor.
Yes, governor, this is McGarrett.
Yes, sir.
We're on our way there right now.
So far as I know, nine of them.
No, sir, I don't know who the ringleader is.
But I know that Warden Heller is one of the hostages.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I'll keep you informed.
Thank you, sir.
- Where are they? - Up there.
Second floor.
The middle window.
McGarrett's here.
- Steve, that's - Yeah.
This is Honore Vashon talking.
I have the warden, two guards, six others.
I have guns and knives.
I intend to kill them all, McGarrett, unless you agree to my terms.
Give me the bullhorn.
What do you want, Vashon? You.
- What was that? - You heard me, McGarrett.
You for them.
All of them.
They walk out of here without a scratch on them.
You walk in.
Otherwise, they'll all be dead, McGarrett.
Every last one of them.
Good God.
Beside Vashon, who are the people up there? Prison personnel, members of the legislative committee, inmates.
Warden Heller, two guards, six members of the committee, seven inmates.
I put four of them away.
I know some of the committee members too.
That's 16 lives.
- What do we do, Steve? - We pray.
What about a mass assault? We could get an assault team on the roof, choppers could drop them down.
They could rappel down the backside.
McGarrett, what's your answer? There's a woman up here, do you know that? Ladies go first, McGarrett.
There's your answer, Danno.
We don't have time to assemble an assault team.
As soon as Vashon heard the choppers, he'd start the carnage.
Geddison, come here, please.
Can you make me a sketch of this part of the building showing me rooms, entrance and exits? What do you have in mind, Steve? Some way to get the hostages out and Vashon thinks I'm coming in.
This is the main conference room where they are.
This adjoining small office is a secretary's office.
This room on the other side is the warden's office.
This is the second story corridor.
Here's the elevator.
Here's the stairs.
We have an armed guard on the landing.
If you go down the stairs to the bottom of it, that door right there.
What's this room here? Supply, cleaning equipment, storage.
How does the door open? - This way.
- Can it be bolted from the inside? I doubt it.
Any other way out of that room? There's a skylight.
Do you think I could get through it? Be a tight squeeze.
Well, that's what we're in now, Mr.
That's what we're in now.
Okay, I think I got an idea.
Time's running out, McGarrett.
He won't come up, Vashon.
He's not gonna walk into certain death.
I know McGarrett, warden.
I think you're wrong.
Say I agree to go in there.
I enter the building, I walk up these steps and I stand here.
- Steve, that's awfully close.
- Yeah, I know, Danno.
I don't like it either.
I wait here until all the hostages are released.
They'll be my terms.
Now, after all the hostages have passed our guard down here in the landing, I start down this corridor toward the conference room.
Now, when I get to about here, I open that door quickly, duck inside, close the door, and then hopefully get through the skylight.
Now, when you hear that door shut, move in with everything you've got.
Anybody think it won't work? Anybody got any questions? - Just one, Steve, a big one.
- What's that? How do we know when you go in there? If we move too soon, they'll kill you.
Chin, do we still have that G-42 kit with us? - Yeah.
- Okay.
That's the answer then.
Bug me.
You can monitor the whole operation through the car radio.
But, brother, when you hear that door slam, move it.
Any comments? Okay.
Give me that.
I'll get the equipment.
Have you made your decision, McGarrett? Yeah, I'm coming up.
But I want a guarantee that all of the hostages will be released unharmed.
They will be, McGarrett.
I need more than your word, Vashon.
I've got some terms, so listen very carefully.
I'm listening, McGarrett.
Danno, can you read me? Testing, one, two, three, four.
Got it.
Now, you all know what to do, don't you? Let me have that.
Vashon, I'm on my way up.
Have the hostages ready.
I knew he would.
McGarrett's coming.
Tasai, get them ready.
Okay, Vashon.
I'm here.
Let them go.
Yes, McGarrett.
You're here.
All right, go ahead.
All right, move it.
Move it.
Come on, gentlemen, quickly.
McGarrett Get them downstairs, out of the building, quickly.
Don't get any ideas, McGarrett.
All right, McGarrett, your turn.
I thought of that, McGarrett.
Now suppose you just step inside here.
Bring him in, Tasai.
We got him.
We got McGarrett.
- Get on the horn, Vashon.
Tell them.
- Mr.
Okay, Mr.
Vashon, whatever you say.
On the horn.
Tell them what we want.
What do we want, Tasai? What we want? To get out of here.
What you think? We want one truck backed to the gate, we take McGarrett, and when we get away from here, we dump him.
If that's what you want, Tasai, that's what you'll get.
But I've got other plans for McGarrett.
Right now, he's mine.
When I'm finished with him, have him for your escape.
What the hell are you talking about? What the hell is he talking about? What other plans? What you gonna do? I'm gonna put him on trial for murder.
- What? - For the murder of my son.
This is Williams, Five-0.
McGarrett's been taken hostage by seven inmates at Hawaii State Prison.
I want two assault teams brought here on the double.
Bring your rappelling gear.
I want them brought in through the service gate kept out of view of any windows in the administration building.
Chin, you better get on the horn to the governor's office.
We may need some National Guard before this thing is over.
I'll get to him.
What's going on up there? All right.
This court will now come to order.
Everybody sit down.
You, McGarrett, at the end there.
We will now hear the case against McGarrett.
This jury of your peers will ponder the evidence, render a verdict and determine the just penalty.
A jury of my peers, did you say? What's the matter? You consider yourself better than they are? No, but I arrested half of them.
Do you expect them to judge me fairly? - Did you arrest them fairly? - You better believe it.
Then there's no reason why they shouldn't treat you with equal fairness.
Anybody wanna be excused? Anybody who doesn't feel that you can render a just verdict? Oh, come on, Vashon, this is a farce and you know it.
And I know it, so that makes three of us.
You wanna know who you gonna excuse, Vashon? Me.
I gonna be excused.
I wanna bust out of here like you said we was.
How long is this game of yours gonna take? It's Mr.
Vashon, Tasai.
I've told you twice.
This game is gonna take just as long as it takes to hear the case and for the jury to decide what to do about it.
Sit down! Any other questions, McGarrett? Yeah.
Do I get anyone to defend me? You hear that? - He's sending a Morse code.
- The great McGarrett.
He's telling us he needs somebody to defend him.
The iron man, nine lives, needs a defender.
It's usual procedure in a trial, isn't it? In this trial, I establish the procedures.
Yeah, and set yourself up as judge, prosecutor and jury, huh? Okay, vent your anger.
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Get on with it before it's too late or you'll be sorry.
It's over my head.
I intend to savor this, McGarrett.
That's it.
Duke, fast, a complete set of plans of the administration building, especially the ducts leading from the roof - down to that conference room.
- Christopher Vashon, the beloved and only son of Honore and Marguerite Vashon.
The beloved and only brother of Gabrielle and Michele Vashon.
The beloved and only grandson of Dominick Jean-Louis Vashon.
I intend to prove these charges against you, and once they're proved, I'm going to ask this jury to sentence you to death.
The first thing we have to do is reach the roof of the administration building without being spotted.
Okay, we're up there.
Now, what's the plan? Here's the layout.
There are two duct covers on the roof.
This one leads along the crawlway to the grille in the ceiling of the conference room.
We move through this duct with tear gas.
The lead man takes along an extra mask.
Once over the grille, we knock it out, drop through, fire the gas.
The lead man gets to McGarrett as quickly as possible, gives him a mask, gets him out of the line of fire.
The others collar Vashon and the rest.
Now, can it be done? Let me see this for a minute.
Can't we rush them through the stairs? They locked this door behind Steve.
One of them might be standing there.
Where's this other outlet, the one over the left vent? Right there.
In the corridor.
So you've got nine of us crawling through this one duct, four of us would still be there when the operation's over.
How about if one team drops down through this vent, drops into the corridor and seals off the room from this angle.
He's right.
Good enough, Nick.
You guys decide who takes which route.
The main thing is, we gotta do it quickly and quietly.
Okay, Chin.
Where's my suit? Over here.
Gentlemen of the jury, let me describe for you the events leading up to the murder of Christopher Vashon.
Three years ago on an August morning, while I and my family were at breakfast, Mr.
McGarrett forced his way into my home in order to accuse my son of a robbery that had taken place at the Regent Hotel.
Correction, entered your home with a search warrant to question your son.
To accuse him.
My 19-year-old boy.
What was taken in this important robbery? Nickels and dimes, cheap jewelry from the hotel safe, cigarette lighters, ladies' wristwatches.
Some of which we subsequently found in your son's apartment.
Some of which Mr.
McGarrett planted in my son's apartment because he recognized in this theft an opportunity to pursue his vendetta - against the Vashon family.
- Why? Why would I pursue a vendetta against the Vashon family? You'll be allowed to present your defense at the proper time.
Will I? Well, that's a surprise to me, Vashon.
Wait, McGarrett.
The big surprise is still to come.
How is it going, Danny? Looks like I'm about ready to take my first mountain climbing lesson, Chin.
I'll check in with you when we take off the ventilator covers.
Go on, Danny.
Just walk right up.
And McGarrett used his planted evidence to bring charges against my son, to cause his arrest, to cause his indictment, to cause his trial.
But my son was exonerated and the case dismissed.
Because you paid off, deported, or murdered Murdered every witness against him.
Because Mr.
McGarrett's paid witnesses failed to substantiate their perjured accusations against him.
That's why the case was dismissed.
But this was something McGarrett couldn't stand, this blow to his pride, so he continued to hound and harass my son.
to investigate his activities.
Until on the night of September 27th, while my son was visiting some friends While your son and his friends were robbing the eighth and ninth floors of that same hotel.
McGarrett, tipped off by someone of his presence there, went to that hotel with the express intention of murdering my son.
They met in the corridor on the fifth floor of that hotel.
McGarrett drew his gun and fired point-blank at my son in an attempt to destroy him.
No, no, no.
He fired.
I returned fire.
My son, gravely wounded, managed to elude his would-be killer, and make his way to his car, drive to his family home, and it was there There, in front of me, in front of his mother, in front of his sisters that he died.
Died in his own blood from bullet wounds inflicted by that man there.
That man sitting there.
Died because of that cop's need for revenge.
That cop McGarrett killed my son because of his pride and that cop McGarrett must be put to death for his crime.
Vashon, you are insane.
- Chin? - Read you.
We're at the ventilator covers.
Estimate ten minutes from this point.
We're ready to go.
How's the trial going? I think the prosecution just rested.
All right, McGarrett, do you wanna defend yourself? A robbery was committed.
A jacket worn by one of the robbers was described by an eyewitness.
Now, that jacket was traced through the tailor who made it to his son.
We subsequently found that jacket in an apartment rented by his son under the name of Douglas, I think.
Now, in the pocket of that jacket was found a cigarette lighter, gold, that was positively identified as one of the objects taken in the robbery.
On it was a clear thumbprint of his son.
That's why he was arrested.
That's why he was indicted.
And exonerated.
Exonerated? Exonerated because the manager of the apartment had been bought off by you, the tailor who made the jacket had been bought off by you, - the fence who handled the - McGarrett, you are just You're just covering up.
You bought those witnesses, only you didn't pay enough for them so they decided not to tell any more lies for you.
That is so stupid I won't even respond to it.
- Chin? - Read you.
Housing cover's off.
Kind of a tight squeeze.
Getting ready to go in.
You continued to hound him, McGarrett, didn't you? I continued to keep him under surveillance, yes, with permission of the court.
- Why? - Why? Because we had reason to believe he was planning another robbery and we were right.
When his two friends returned from the mainland, where you had sent them, by the way, with $5,000 in their pockets, he revealed his plan to them and urged them to join him.
Another frame-up.
Oh, frame-up.
It's such an overworked word, Vashon.
Every criminal in the world claims it.
What was he doing on the fifth floor of the hotel? He was visiting friends.
Oh, were his friends doctors? No.
He was robbing the rooms.
There was a doctor's convention.
They had taken all of the rooms on the fifth and sixth floors.
No one was in the rooms at the time of the robbery.
They were down at a banquet, at a convention banquet.
Now, your son had a pillowcase full of cash and jewelry with him when I attempted to apprehend him.
Planted by you to entrap him.
I took a pillowcase, filled it with cash and jewelry, huh? Put it in his hand? You're paranoid, Vashon.
You're paranoid.
Paranoid, McGarrett? Paranoid about my son's murder, yes.
I agree that your son was murdered.
Did you hear him? Did you hear him? But not by me.
I shot him, yes, in self-defense.
But you murdered him.
You and his grandfather murdered him long before that.
It was your family's moral code that murdered him.
Does paranoid mean crazy in the head? - Yeah.
- You sit down.
Because I vote for that.
- Come on, Vashon.
- Mister.
Vashon, it's getting late in the day.
Let's vote or whatever.
Let's get out of here.
For the last time I say it, sit down, shut up and listen.
Yeah, listen.
Listen, Tasai, because I don't think you know what's going on around here.
Vashon wants to kill me, but he wants you to pull the trigger.
McGarrett, that's enough.
No, it's not enough.
Do you think you're getting out? - I am getting out of here.
- You're not gonna get out.
Not if Vashon has his way, no.
I know all about you, Tasai.
I know that you're about due for parole.
- I know you've got a good record - That's enough.
Enough, McGarrett.
But Vashon will get you life, life for killing me.
I know some of you too.
Some of you only have months to serve.
Now, why are you so eager to stay here for the rest of your lives? Well, I'm not staying here one more hour or one more minute, Vashon.
Now, I'm taking over.
You had your game, I'm gonna get my escape.
Escape? Escape? You think he's gonna let you escape? You're supposed to do his dirty work, you're supposed to die here.
That's the way it's been with the Vashons.
Don't believe him.
Don't believe him.
You're gonna get out of here.
- Tell them or - It's Honore Vashon you're talking to.
Tasai! Give me that.
You know what your mistake was, Vashon? Revenge.
You wasted your time on revenge.
Revenge is a trap.
And what did you do? You fell right into it when you gave them time to rescue me.
That was stupid.
Next time, McGarrett.
Next time.
No way.
No way.
Get him out of here.
- McGarrett? McGarrett.
- Give me a pa Yeah.
Just for the record, I'd have voted for acquittal.
Most of them would.
- We got no use for Vashon.
- Yeah.
Who has? Come on, let's go.
You beat the rap.
What do you know? Honor among thieves, who would have believed it? What are you thinking of? It's good to be alive, Danno.
That was a close one.
Yeah, too close.
Oh, by the way, thank you.
That took a lot of guts.
Anytime, Steve, but not too soon, okay? Yeah.
I'll wait a while.
Let's go.

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