Macgyver s05e13 Episode Script

Live and Learn

What you see here is an|example of equilibrium.
Now it looks like|the forks should fall over can anybody tell me why? Come on.
Any ideas at all? It's some kind of trick.
Yeah, it does this because|the center of gravity are balanced|in exactly the same place.
Big deal, man.
Oh, come on,|it is a big deal.
What's your name? Deron.
Deron, do you by any chanc|e play football? Yeah.
Why? Let me guess, uh, defensive tackle,|6'3", 220? Uh, 235.
That's perfect.
|Deron, i want you and help me demonstrate|how physics affects especially yours.
Man, i don't need physics.
I'm an athlete.
All the more reason come on, deron,|it's just you and me, on the 5 yard line,|it's a goal line stand.
Your back's up|against the wall.
Come on, for the school,|deron! Come on down! All right.
All right.
You are a large mass.
I am a much smaller mass, but with a lower|center of gravity.
Now let's check out this|equilibrium principle.
It's your funeral, man|.
Maybe so.
On 3.
Flying clef! Dog blue! Set! Hut, hut, hut.
Come on, don't laugh.
Some of the greatest|of scientific discoveries have been made in|exactly the same way.
Like, the lever.
Archimedes once said, "|"give me a place to stand, archimedes, huh? Sounds like a cool dude,|but, uh, who does he play for? I'm telling you, deron,|if you tune in to this stuff, there's no telling|how far you'll go.
Before and after|the super bowl.
Remember, class, tomorrow|we'll be in the science lab.
Macgyver's going to show|you a few things about earthquakes that wil|l really shake you up.
Talk about your hands-on|teaching techniques.
I've never seen|my remedial class i thought it was dumb.
Tony milani.
One of our, uh|, tougher cases.
Seems bright.
What's he doing|in a remedial class? Good question.
I'm afraid tony's|well on his way to becoming one more|of our country's come on.
|I want to show you something.
Vicki, there are still way|s you can finish high school and get your diploma.
You know my door|is always open.
Let's talk about it, ok? Pregnant at 15.
Probably won't graduate.
Now you know how|high school principals spend their valuable time.
Well, your foundation wanted a school|with a high dropout rate, you've got it.
I hear you, mrs.
Juarez,|believe me.
If our pilot program|can work here at dillard, maybe we can|turn our schools into places where kids|want to be.
Wouldn't that be lovely.
Hey, you two! Take those off! And no running! You're not on the street,|this is a school.
Macgyver, do you have|the feeling that, uh, we have our work|cut out for us? As you can see,|these kids love the scienc well, when macgyver reminded|the phoenix board that our country was rated|with third world nations in quality|of scientific education, they sat up and took notice.
Believe me, we appreciate it.
Don't know|what we'd do without it.
Here, let me show you|some of the exhibits.
Now, mike is on wait till you get a load o|f his high voltage exhibit.
Oh, that's doctor, uh,|what's his name? Yeah, he's getting a real That's wild.
Looking good, mike.
Hey, you did it! This jerk used this|to wreck my project! Yo! Hey, hey, hey.
|Come on! Come on! All right, all right,|break it up.
Settle down, come on! Welcome to the real world|of public education.
Did you rig this thing?|Yeah.
What of it? Nothing.
It's just|pretty clever, that's all.
And i'm kind of curious|as to why you didn't enter instead of wrecking|somebody else's? Because he's a master|at tearing down anything and everything that's decent.
Last week he blew up|his gym locker.
That's how he gets attention.
|Right, tony? Let's go, milani.
What is this? Security men with i'm afraid it's a way of life|around here now.
You phoenix people|with your namby-pamby you should come down|from your ivory towers once in a while|and get in touch hey, i think we know|the reality, ok? What you need to do is|stop coddling troublemaker he's a lost cause.
|Give it up.
Worry about the kids|who give a damn.
All right.
Come on,|back in class.
Come on.
Who was that guy? George fraley.
He's our toughest critic.
Hey, milani! The school just called.
|They want you it's that kid of mine.
|He's always getting We're losing too much money You know|what that's costing me, buck? What do you suggest? Well, you're the foreman,|be creative.
You know what i mean.
Well, i know the books hey, macgyver! Good news.
I tracked down that equipment|you wanted.
For tomorrow?|Oh, that's great, gus.
Nick milani.
|I got a call about my kid.
So what do you gotta|say this time, huh? You look at me|when i'm talking to you! In here, mr.
|You, too, tony.
Hey, when are you you don't wanna be in school, you quit, and get yourself|a decent job.
We don't provide potential|dropouts with a sense of hope.
A belief in themselves.
And how else|are they going to feel or know that they can make it? Which brings us to|the most important phase The mentor program now we make it work here|at dillard, and it could breathe new life into this nation's entire|public school system.
It could have a real impact.
Now quite simply,|the mentor program pinpoints the potential|dropout before it's too late.
And then assigns|2 positive role models who take a very active|and personal interest in his or her|scholastic career.
Wouldn't higher fences|be a lot cheaper? Not really.
The mentor program|doesn't cost anything.
Just a little time and a lot of|old-fashioned caring.
Oh, come on.
Old-fashioned means spare the rod|and spoil the child.
What you're proposing is pure|and simple nouveaupap.
The only thing we know|for sure right now is that the dropout rate|is skyrocketing.
You said 2 mentors|to each student? That's right.
|One is a teacher and the other is|a volunteer role model and they work together|to provide positive after looking over|the files, mr.
Macgyver suggested|a student that that we feel would make|an excellent first subject.
Who? Tony milani.
You've got to be kidding.
You just suspended him.
His actions were inexcusable.
Sure they were.
But then, maybe no one|ever showed him A positive way so, we're going to|unsuspend tony.
And really put|the mentor program so, who are the 2 mentors|going to be? Mr.
Macgyver asked|if he could serve as the and the teacher mentor?|who would that be? I'd sure like to work|with george fraley.
Just for the record,|macgyver, i am not here by choice.
If it wasn't|for mrs.
Juarez george, will you relax? We've got a real|opportunity here.
Opportunity? This is ridiculous I'm paid to teach, yes? I'm mr.
Fraley,|this is mr.
We're from|dillard high school.
We'd like to talk to tony.
Who is it, sophie? They want to see tony.
Please, come in.
If it's about my kid,|there's nothing to say.
Uh, we think there is,|mr.
Yeah, so what's this|all about? Well, just what it says.
Tony's suspension|has been lifted.
So it's lifted.
So he can keep on|humiliating us.
Pulling all 'em dumb stunts,|flunking his classes.
Costing me or his mother|half a day's work every time|we got to run over there just to listen to some|pencil pusher read us he's 16, let him get a job.
Nick, they came all this way.
Let them talk to the boy.
Sure, why not? I just pay|the rent around here.
Don't mind my husband.
He's a good man,|but stubborn, you know.
Tony's in the basement.
|I'll show you the stairs.
Hey, tony.
In case you're interested, your suspension|has been lifted.
Didn't my old man|tell you? I ain't coming back,|i'm going to work.
Thermocouple amplifier,|not too shabby.
"Introduction to|electrical engineering.
" You want to be an engineer i use it as a doorstop, ok? Pays a lot more than $6|an hour, that's for sure.
Come on, macgyver,|we're just wasting our time.
Listen to the man.
All right, fine.
You want to throw away|your talent, no problem.
What talent?|What do you mean, these sketches, that crazy|remote control you invented.
Now come on, tony,|you're not gonna be happy flipping burgers|all your life.
What do you know? I know that if you|stay in school you at least got a shot|at being what you want to be.
Now, come on.
I'll see you|in science lab tomorrow.
A lot of good that did we'll see.
Yeah, right.
You think that kid's going|to show up, you're dreaming.
All right! Fraley,|i'll make you a little wager.
Tony doesn't|show up tomorrow, you're off the hook|as a mentor.
What's the catch? If he does, you run|the program after i leave.
You're on.
|All right.
Well, looks like you lost|that bet, macgyver.
Maybe not.
Hey, just thought i'd, uh,|see what's shaking.
That's great.
So how's your dad|feel about this? He don't know about this.
|He thinks i'm out You want me to talk to him no, no, uh, i'll do it.
|I just have to, uh, i have to pick the right time.
Need some help?|Yeah.
Grab an end.
Watch your back.
Tony, right in front|of this counter.
All right.
All right, kids,|let's gather round here.
Ok, now for a little|earthquake technology.
Can anybody tell me|what that thing is? A martian toothbrush.
Actually, what it's called|is a nuclear densometer.
It's used to measure|soil compaction or density by sending out|radioactive particles.
Tony? You want to|help me out? Set that probe|in the sample there? Yeah, sure.
That's it.
|Now, just squeeze the handle.
Get the probe to|go down in there.
All right,|now flip that top switch Got one.
All right, same process.
|New sample.
Get a reading? Ok.
Now the soil samples|appear to be the same.
But the readings will show that the density|of the soil sample is twice as great|as the one on the left.
Can anybody tell me|why that information to see how much punishment|a football field can take.
That's wrong.
Anybody else|want to take a guess? What about using it|in construction? To see how far down|pilings should go so a building won't collapse|in an earthquake? You've got it.
All right! Milani! Tony! Shame on you!|You scared me to death.
What's that? That is the readmittance slip|to all my classes.
I am not even on probation|this time.
Oh, tony!|That makes me so happy.
Tony, is that you? Yeah, pop.
Pop, get a load of this.
Your son, he's got good news.
Yeah, well, i got better news.
One of the men got hurt|down at the construction site they needed a replacement|so, uh, i pulled a favor $10 an hour and you|don't even have to apprentice.
What do you think of that,|huh? Huh, tony, isn't that great? Just heard from washington the education department|is sending out that's great.
|Maybe not so great.
The mentor program|may not have much what are you talking about|? Tony milani has dropped ou|t of school for good.
That's the way it is,|in the real world.
Well, onward and upward.
How's it coming, nick? Hey, i'm going as fast|as i can, buck.
Concrete seems thinner|than the stuff we tested.
Don't worry about it.
|How's your kid doin'? Well enough|you shouldn't be asking.
Yeah, but just|keep it that way.
Yeah, right over there Hey, tony.
What are you doing here? I was gonna ask yo|u the same thing.
What happened? Hey, man,|$10 an hour happened.
A down payment|on a car.
Money in my pocket|for a change.
No teachers bugging me, ok? Is that you talkin|g or somebody else? Come on, tony,|you're a bright kid.
You could do|whatever you want.
I am doing what i want.
Is that true? Really? Here.
I got these engineerin|g scholarship forms from the guidance office.
Come on, man, with my marks? No, with your imagination.
|Will you take a look? Come on.
Those awards are based|on designs, not marks.
What if i ain't interested? Then that's your choice.
If this is really|what you want for yourself that's no crime.
But if it isn't, if you wake up|30 years from now and all you are|is 30 years older, that is a crime.
Hey, you!|Hey, macgyver, can't you read? I was just talking to tony about coming back|to school, mr.
Yeah, well, the talk's over.
|Get lost.
The kid is only|16 years old.
He'll be 17 next week.
|Now beat it.
And you,|you leave my kid alone.
I guess i'm out of here.
Look, if you need anything i won't.
It's cool, ok? You're building|on landfill, clovis.
Your pile ratio is off.
By how much? Good 10%.
That's not to mention|the other deficiencies.
Concrete mix,|rebar size and grade.
Come on, barney,|i'm behind schedule.
What do you expect me to do,|tear all this down? Buck, trust me.
|You're below specs.
Look, barney,|you got to give me we never had|a code violation before.
On second thought, maybe some of|my figures are off.
Come on.
Pop! Hey, tony,|you finish up already? Pop, i think you bette|r read this.
Yeah, what is it? It's about the job specs.
|Clovis was talking and what they were saying-|- in a waste basket.
|Look what it says there, pop.
It says you're nosing|into stuff you got no business|nosing into.
Now you get back to work|and mind your own business.
But, pop, the pile ratio,|y-y-you think it's all right? Pile ratio, huh?|Listen to him.
Pile ratio.
A few days on the job|and he thinks he's already pop, i just thought well, stop thinking,|that's not your job! Cleaning up the site,|that's your job, you got that? Now get back to work,|you hear me? Problem, milani? No, my kid, he was dumping|out the trash.
Came across this old|inspection form.
He thought it might have been|something important.
Well, is it?|Hey, what do either one of us know|about this kind of stuff, huh? I didn't even bother|to read it.
Working pretty late, yeah, tell me about it.
Well, good night.
Good night, blake.
What are you doing here?|It's almost midnight.
Oh, mrs.
Juarez wanted|a report on tony.
Ah, the mentor program's|first big success.
Just another fine example|of how the system you know, you're part of|that system, fraley.
Wait a minute! Who are you to judge? Let me tell you something|about the system.
You think|you're so idealistic.
When i first started teaching, i was albert schweitzer,|martin luther king, bobby kennedy,|all rolled into one.
Full of innovative ideas! Excited about turning kids|on to their own potential.
Race, color, poverty,|the drug scene, they weren't a problem,|i had all the answers.
What happened? What happened? This is what happened.
I have one drawer and a desk that i|have to share no homeroom of my own.
|45 kids in a class! Not enough textbooks|to go around.
A day that starts with|20% teaching and 80% just trying|to keep order.
$2,000 in the bank,|and a mortgage you saying it's not worth it? T|all i am saying is tha i am your average overworked, underpaid,|under appreciated teacher whose biggest thrill|is to discover a senior who could find|washington, d.
On a map and spell the word|"necessary!" And i was gonna|change the world.
George, you've got|every right to be bitter, but you can still|make a difference.
How? By not taking your frustration|out on these kids.
Look, obviously the system|needs help, and both you and tony milani are getting the short end|of the stick.
So tell me,|what more can i do? For starters, get back in touch with the george fraley|who used to care.
Hey, you! Stop! Hold it! Stop! Stop right there! Whoa, whoa, wait! Wait! Wait a minute now!|What's going on? This punk broke into|the science lab.
I was not trying|to steal anything.
I just wanted to borrow|that nuclear thing.
I think somebody's|gonna get hurt.
Come on, kid, let's go hey, come on,|just take it easy, will you? Can we talk to him privately? Ok.
Uh,|it's all right, blake.
I'll take responsibility,|thank you.
Now, what's this about|somebody getting hurt? Down at the i saw the foreman|give the inspector an envelope of money|to ignore some violations.
What? That's when i remembered|that thing you showed us the the densometer.
How they measure soil|compaction so that wait a minute.
Did you tell somebody|about this? I did.
I told my old man.
|I even showed him he he pretended like|there was nothing wrong.
Did he read that report? Yeah.
You want me to say it? Ok.
My dad's in on it.
Now wait a minute, tony.
Before you go|judging your dad, why don't we make sure|exactly what was forget it.
I saw the foreman burn it|after my dad gave it to him.
Maybe not.
George, would you ask blak|e to keep the school open? Sure, you got it.
All right, we'll be back.
|Come on.
The paper's in that butt can|by the cement walls all right.
I'll work around back.
What do you want me to do? Keep an eye on the guard.
Any problems, use that imagination|of yours.
Who's there? Hey, you! Excuse me,|could i borrow skip, is that you? What are you doing here? I lost my wallet.
At 3:00 in the morning? No, i bought a cup of coffee this is the last place|i could think of.
Hey, come on, could you sleep not knowing if you just lost|your first paycheck? Hey, what's this? That's it.
You saved my life, skip.
|Thanks a lot.
You have a good night now.
The foreman must have know but you can't read it,|it's burned.
Well, sometimes things|are hidden under the surface.
You just got to know|how to bring them out.
What are you doing? Glycerol.
It'll soften the ash.
Want to check that darkroom? Need a camera|with some infrared film.
How'd you learn|to do all this stuff? How do you think? Is there a tripod around here? Yeah.
Set the camera up.
What's with the light? It'll bring out the|phosphorescent properties Well? You were right according to this,|that construction site is a disaster waiting|to happen.
Low pile ratio? Substandard supports,|concrete, the whole works.
We better let your dad|know about this.
He read that report already.
|I showed it to him, remember? You showed it to him, tony,|but i don't think he read it.
What? Tony, i don't think|your father knows what?|L-l-i've seen him read.
I think that's|just an act.
I first suspected it|when he looked at the school|reinstatement form.
And then he completely|misread a sign why would he fake it? I don't know.
|Maybe he's ashamed, maybe he's afraid|of what people would think macgyver, if you're right,|that means he's not in on the scam.
Your father's|a very proud man, but i don't think|he's a crook.
His shift started at 6:00.
|Come on, we'd better tell him.
We just finished|the corner section.
As soon as milani's done,|we're gonna pour secondaries.
I figure we're just about|back on schedule.
Where there's a will|there's a way, huh, buck? Hey, hey, what is that? It's moving! Call the fire department! Give me a hand! There's nick under there.
Hey! Need some help.
You all right? Where's my pop? He's trapped in there! Pop! Are you there? Come on guys, help me move|this thing.
My dad's in there! Pop, answer me! Answer me! L-if you can hear me,|answer me, please! Pop! Pop, don't be hurt.
|Please, answer me! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Tony, wait.
That's him.
He's alive.
Macgyver, we gotta|do something.
All right, it looks like|we've got a fulcrum but we're gonna need|more leverage.
All right, some of you men|give me a hand with this beam.
Come on, you guys, let's move! Come on, guys, my dad's feed it through the rebar.
Easy, easy all right, gently,|get your weight on it.
Come on, come on,|lend a hand now.
Rock it up, nice and slow.
Come on.
Come on.
Let it come.
Come on.
All right, hold it|right there.
All right.
Let it down.
You might not want till the paramedics|look you over.
You ok, pop? The two of you|saved my life.
Tony, you didn't come home|last night, pop, we came to show|you something.
What is it? Macgyver and me, we restored|the inspection report.
It shows all the reasons|why this place all right, gentlemen, you might want|to stick around.
I think you've got some|questions to answer.
Tony, i i got to tell you|something about me.
No, you don't, pop|.
i know.
I love you, pop.
You gotta know that.
I love you Macgyver! Good news.
My pop's being released|from the hospital that's great,|tony.
And something else.
We had a long talk about,|you know, the reading, and he decided to start|taking night classes.
Well, that is really good.
Uh, maybe he could use a tutor|to help him get started.
You got somebody|in mind, george? Yeah.
I just might somebody who's getting|excited about
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