Married with Children s05e12 Episode Script

Married ... with Who

All the other parents are throwing a party for my soccer team.
All my friends are having a graduation party.
I deserve it.
I graduated.
My soccer team says you suck.
I want a party, now! I want a party too! Money, money, money, money, money! Mom, Daddy's gone away again.
Ah, he's just visiting his retirement property.
Well, how are we supposed to know? He's always a veg.
It's just as well.
I'm sick of lookin' at him anyway.
Oh! Oh, Peg, not you.
I was in a hammock, mourning the anniversary of your passing.
Where were we, Daddy? See, kids, it was a dream.
You were replaced by two six-packs in the refrigerator.
Well, weren't we cold? I was.
You were empty.
Oh, Al, it's gonna take you 20 years to pay off that property.
And once it's paid off, I'm never gonna let you go there.
Come on, honey, take this "How well do you know your mate?" quiz.
No, I hate those tests.
They're designed to bury men.
I'm not playing.
Question one.
Okay, you have to close your eyes for this one.
What color is my hair? Red.
Well, good! Question two: "Who would you rather spend the night with? A, your wife, or B-- " B.
Peggy, I need some advice.
Can we have some privacy? Open up, babe.
Tell us what you got.
We're here for you.
WellI went to a banking seminar this weekend.
And I guess the whole world knows no one parties like a banker.
Anyway, all I know is, I woke up this morning with a man in my bed.
I don't even know who he is! Well, that's easy.
He slept with you.
He's the stupidest man on Earth.
Al, we're talking about sex.
Leave it to those who do it.
Now, Marcie, this is serious.
I want you to steady yourself and concentrate.
Was he any good? I don't know.
I don't even know what he looks like.
All right! Well, when I woke up, his head was buried in the pillow.
But I do know one thing: Apparently, I married him.
You got married? Oh, let's not panic.
If you married everybody you slept with, you'd be Mrs.
Paperboy, Mrs.
Insurance Man, Mrs.
No, idiot.
Ireallymarried him.
Look at this ring.
And then there's this: "I went to Clyde's No Blood Test Needed Wedding Chapel And all I got was this lousy T-shirt.
" Oh, God, it's my husband! Don't tell him I'm here.
She's here! Come on in! I- I saw a woman come over here.
Are-- ? Are one of you my wife? All right! Come on, sweetheart.
Let's go back to bed.
Bye, Daddy.
No, no, no, no.
You've made a mistake.
I'm your wife! Now we can go back to bed.
Oh, shut up.
It's me! It's me! You? Oh, yeah! I remember you now.
You were the one on top of the all-girl banker pyramid.
By the way, my name is Jefferson.
I'm Marcie.
Yeah, I'm Al.
So now that the Beatles have been reunited, you can get the hell out of here.
You know, despite our rocky beginning, I've got a really good feeling about our marriage.
What'd you say your name was again? Peggy, can I talk to you? Bud, come here.
We have enough information to tell the neighbors now, don't we? Tosellthe neighbors.
Do you do nothing for free? Peggy, I'm worried.
I don't know my husband.
Who does, and who wants to? Face it, Marcie, the average man-woman relationship has, tops, three weeks of happiness.
You know, it's the happiness you feel when he still turns away from you to burp, rather than turning towards you and saying, "Pull my finger.
" It's when he at least tries to hit the toilet.
And when during sex, you're not lying there thinking, "What the hell is he doing?" You know, you're lucky.
Your three weeks of happiness are ahead of you.
Who cares who he is? Look at him.
He's gorgeous.
I say, saddle up, ride.
And if he breaks a leg, shoot him.
Now, Jeff, all kidding aside run.
Run hard, run now, run silent, run deep.
Run like Mexican water through a first-time tourist, but the key word here is"run.
" Don't you think she's cute, Al? Run.
It's just that I can hardly believe I'm now Mrs Darling? What's your last name? D'Arcy.
Marcie D'Arcy? I'm now Marcie D'Arcy? What have I done? Maybe I should start wearing little dresses with dots on them.
Oh, what's the matter, Marcie? Well, aside from the fact that I now have the name of a cartoon character, I'm married and I don't even remember the wedding.
You remember this, don't you? Oh, Al.
Oh, Al! Oh, Al! Oh, please.
They're two drunks who haven't brushed their teeth yet.
Cut that out you two.
We don't do that in our house.
I refuse to let strangers lay their vile customs at our doorstep.
And the Yankees take the field.
You know what I was just thinking? That hangovers do come true? No, actually, I was thinking if you wanna have a wedding to remember, let's have one.
Let's have the grandest wedding we can afford.
Yes, let's! I have $2,000 saved.
And, uh, let's see, that brings us to a total of, uh $2,040.
We can book a hall.
Oh, no.
You can't book a hall.
I won't hear of that.
How impersonal.
You'll have your wedding in God's cathedral: our backyard.
Your backyard is Buck's toilet.
No,yourbackyard is Buck's toilet.
Now, what do you say? I don't know.
Do you think we can trust them? Of course.
They look Perfectly trustworthy to me, and besides, it's a closer trip to the honeymoon suite.
Come on, let's pace it off now.
Two thousand dollars buys a lot of dreams, eh, babe? Oil you up again, ma'am? I'm sorry your husband fell into that volcano so he couldn't enjoy Hawaii.
They sure are a-bitin', eh, Mr.
Bundy? Too bad the wife did a header into that quarry.
She sure would have loved your retirement property.
Oh, Al.
Oh, Peg.
Yeah, I want to cater a wedding.
Um, I'm expecting about 60 people, so I'll need about two pounds of cold cuts.
Yeah, what's your cheapest price? Uh-huh.
And what kind of animal would that be? Well, at 12 cents a pound, it's pretty steep.
Anyway, could you throw in some beaks and claws? You got a deal.
Hi, Al.
Did you know there's a little rain cloud that only hangs over your house? Yeah, it showed up after the kids were born.
What can I do for you? Listen, Al, if Marcie should come by asking for me, would you tell her I went out to buy her a gift, okay? You're running, huh? It's never quite the same when you're sober, is it? No, that's not it, Al.
You see, I just haven't found a way yet to tell Marcie that Well, I have to see my parole officer.
You mean, like, "If there's only a bucket of beaks at the wedding, you'll go crazy and start slashing" kind of parole officer? No, I don't want you to get the wrong idea, Al.
I'm not a bad guy, okay? I I just, uh You know I stole a bunch of money from people who trusted me.
That's all.
You're not gonna tell anybody, are you, Al? It's not something I'm real proud of.
Especially since I got caught.
Well Jeff, I'll tell you something.
Telling Al Bundy is just like telling the wind.
Well, thanks, Al.
I appreciate it.
That's all right.
See ya.
Go ahead.
Take care.
Peg! Peg! * I know a secret * What? What? Guess who's been mighty careful not to drop anything in the shower the last couple of years? Who? Who? Don't tell me! Don't tell me! Charades! All right.
This is about our new neighbor Jefferson.
Jefferson! Right! Now, the second part is about where he was before he met Marcie.
Okay, now, sounds like "Hisson.
" Hisson Misson Kisson Disson You're not listening to what I'm saying.
All right, now try this.
Two syllables.
First word.
What do Jefferson, Pete Rose, and your cousin all have in common? Prison! Jefferson was in prison! Yes! Gee, that's great.
Does Marcie know? No, and we're not gonna tell her either because then she'll cancel the wedding, and I won't get to pay off my retirement property.
You mean our trip to Hawaii.
That's what I meant.
Oh, kiss me, you fool.
Get your rice! Get your wedding rice here! Get your rice! Al.
Honey, what is Bud's soccer team and Kelly's model friends doing here at the wedding? Oh, I had to cut a deal with the damn kids.
They said they'd spill the beans if I didn't give 'em a party.
They blackmailed me, Peg.
This lack of ethics, where does it come from? Well, I blame it on TV myself.
You don't think this is gonna cut into our profit, do you? That's why I eliminated some of Marcie's guests.
Where's my mother? She won't be here, and you should hear this from a friend: She doesn't love you anymore.
Get your red hots here! Well, and where's Aunt Mary? Mary, Mary, Mary Oh, she got got snowed in.
She lives in Phoenix.
Oh, yeah.
that was Ida who got snowed in.
No, Mary's the one who, uh Who died.
Get your wedding pretzels! Welcome to my wedding.
Are you a friend of the groom's? Al, I think Marcie's getting suspicious.
We better get the show on the road and get me to Hawaii.
I wanna be there for the running of the Samoans.
Well, what's that? That's the reverend.
That's Captain Hank.
See, a lot of these Church-affiliated, land-lovin' reverends want money to perform a wedding ceremony.
But not old Captain Hank.
You give him a bottle of redeye and a Playboy, and he'll marry your mother to a cow.
Retirement Property One to Garbage Scow Toxica.
Come in.
Toxica here, Al.
We're heading into a squall.
Let's kick this wedding into gear, huh? All right, everybody? Take your places.
Places, everybody.
Where's Reverend Applebee? Uh, he had an exorcism in Akron.
Let's go! Let's go! Daddy, this is the bestest graduation party a girl ever had.
Thank you.
She's so dumb she doesn't even know she's at a wedding.
Are you sure you spent the whole $2,000 on the wedding? You can look at all this and ask me a question like that? Well, the bridesmaid's in place.
That's not my sister.
Hey, unlike your sister, at least he cares enough to be here.
Now, bring on the orchestra! * Fun * Honey, enough of the music now.
Jefferson, Jeff-- Come this way.
You two approach the speaker.
Captain Hank, you still there? Yeah, but we're takin' on water here.
Have the couple join hands.
They're already joined, Hank.
Do you take this woman to be your wife? I- I do.
I can't hear ya.
He did, Hank! Now the broad.
Do you take-- ? I would now like to read a poem I wrote to my love.
Jefferson My sudden love My love so true My shining-- Can't hear ya, hon! I do! I now pronounce you-- Damn it, we just hit a speedboat.
You're now husband and wife.
Full astern.
Let's get outta here! You may now kiss the bride.
I may now kill the host.
This is the worst day of my life! Where are my guests? Where's the photographer? I-- I did better than that.
I got a wedding artist.
Copies will take a couple of weeks.
Al Bundy, you will pay for this! You're a cheat, a thief and a liar! Well, now Would it make you feel any better if I gave you a wedding present? Well, it's a start.
Your husband was in prison.
You were in prison, and you didn't tell me? Well, I think it's time to go to the airport.
Kids, turn on the sprinklers.
Wedding's over.
Son! You're looking at the official owner of lot 31, right across the highway from a view of Lake Chicamocomico.
Cool, Dad.
Where's Mom? She's at the airport.
Oh, don't worry, she can earn enough to get home.
She took her accordion with her.
Where's your sister? Oh.
She went to Wisconsin with the bikers.
Al? Hey, Jefferson.
Where's the blushing bride? She's jabbing a fork into the eyes of the little groom that was on top of our wedding Twinkie.
Good, good, good.
Son, now look here.
These giant redwood trees? They're over a thousand years old.
I'm gonna cut me one of these down, use it for the base of my satellite dish.
Listen, Al, I just stopped by to thank you for utterly betraying my trust.
It was malicious and foul, but I think it's gonna turn out to be a blessing.
I mean, it helps get our marriage off to a honest, healthy, harmonious start.
Jefferson D'Arcy, get your lying, inmate ass over here now! Oh, no.
You know, in prison I could have had her silenced for three cigarettes.
Oh, well.
By the way, Mr.
D'Arcy, What were you in for, anyway? Nothing big.
Just a scam to sell plots around this toxic little waste pond called Lake Chicamocomico.
The place is so contaminated it won't be safe for habitation till the year Now, it hit the news four years ago.
Would you believe it? Some of the truly stupid are still sending in payments.
Ah, stupid.
Well, it beats going to Hawaii with your mother.
And what's 5 million years in the, uh scheme of the life of one man? Well, Dad, you always got your dreams.
Yeah, right.

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