NYPD Blue s01e04 Episode Script

True Confessions

NARRATOR: Previously on NYPD Blue: You're with him on the job and all night.
Pull the trigger.
Did you take him out? I know Marino's business and cops who are on the take.
- So my dad's on a list.
- These are wrong cops.
They'll say I took money from Marino.
I'm glad they never reached out to you.
LlCALSl: He's dead.
KELLY: Your father? Cleaning his gun.
KELLY: How come you got a gun? - Gun? In your briefcase.
I'm glad I shot him.
I liked it.
I'm your friend.
I hope you feel the same.
- I do.
- I haven't made many friends here.
Susan, this is Detective John Kelly.
KELLY: Hi, ma'am.
- How do you do? - How'd you get the eye? - My husband beat me up.
KELLY: Good morning.
MAID: Good morning.
- Yes, right this way.
Morning, detective.
Susan's out.
Well, actually, I'm here to see you.
I won't be working for you anymore.
I'm sorry.
You and Susan were getting along.
Scheduling problems? Not really.
I just don't want to take your money.
Why's that? This way, if you keep beating her up, I can do something about it.
- Are you working for her? - Just the police department.
Then you'll consider this situation's more complicated than you've been led to understand.
Nothing complicated about those bruises on your wife's face.
You are beyond your depth, Detective Kelly.
- Our conversation is over.
- I'm done too.
Just to let you know that if you hit her again you're gonna be sorry you ever met me.
True Confessions MAN: Detective.
- What ho.
SlPOWlCZ: What ho.
KELLY: What's going on in there? - Walker just caught a case.
He's voicing some reservations about me working backup.
- It'll take some time.
- I understand my situation.
I spent a long time being sauced.
I need to win back my colleagues' trust.
I've got to exhibit a positive approach, even with this dim bulb.
Robbery, double homicide, liquor store on James Street.
- Wanna give me a hand? - Sure.
Give me.
Our pleasure.
Here's the address.
I'll see you over there.
That was positive, wasn't it? "Our pleasure.
" Fair.
Should I say, "Our pleasure, rooty- toot- toot"? - Can I talk to you, detective? KELLY: Yeah.
I'll see you outside, all right? - You go to your dad's services? - Just got back.
- How's your mother holding up? - Okay.
- Thank you for being there for me.
- It's all right.
- I don't want it to end.
- Let's not talk here.
- It's not like you let me pick my spots.
- Okay.
- I have feelings, but it won't work.
- We can make it work.
I gotta go, all right? WITNESS 1: Walked in the store behind these guys.
This guy comes out from the back room with a gun and he made us all lie on our stomachs.
- Did you get a look at him? - Pretty good.
He was a white guy, tall, about 50 years old.
- I got a real good look at his gun.
WITNESS 2: He had a black trench coat.
He was like 6'3", 6'4".
He was a good size.
Any marks on his face or hands? Any facial hairs? He had a mustache and smelled like he'd been drinking.
He stood over us.
That's when I heard the click from the gun over my head.
- Kelly.
White, 45 or so, 6 feet tall? - Yeah.
Let's get them to precinct.
Have them look at pictures.
All right.
My guy makes the perp 6'3" or 4", Let's take him to the precinct.
- Here's licenses from the cars outside.
- Okay.
We don't have to hold hands, but don't talk to me like I'm the laundry boy.
- You gave me licenses, I said okay.
- Okay, fine, it's my mistake.
You got a minute, Kelly? I'm not taking any crap from your fat friend.
- Give him a square shot.
- I'll give him the shot he earns.
If that drunk screws up my case-- He hasn't had a drink in two months so shove that attitude up your ass.
This something the whole class can appreciate? We're done.
Let's ride over to the precinct house and make a photo lD.
OFFICER 1: Hey, detective.
- Hey.
OFFICER 2: We'll take you upstairs and show you some pictures.
What's happening? My husband told me you won't work for us.
That's right.
- How's the eye? - It's fine.
Please don't quit, Mr.
You don't need a bodyguard.
Your problem is a domestic situation.
If your husband hits you again, file a criminal complaint or move out on him.
Don't stay in that big apartment and take it or talk the way you did which sounded like you were soliciting me to commit a crime.
When I wished something would happen to him, I was upset.
Maybe I misunderstood.
But a lot of women with husbands like yours can't help themselves.
You can.
- You can make a choice.
Do it.
- You're indulging a prejudice.
Affluence doesn't always purchase opportunity.
OFFICER: Take a look at these.
- Hey, Sipowicz.
- Yeah.
My witness lD'd this guy.
Two priors for armed robbery.
Show your people.
This guy's 5'9".
- So what? - Our statements made the perp 6'3".
Mine said around 6'.
People look taller from the ground.
Show them the photograph.
SlPOWlCZ: New faces.
SlPOWlCZ: Take your time.
WALKER: Look at these carefully now.
I got a positive lD from one witness.
His name's Coleman.
He has the right priors.
Sipowicz thinks he's too short.
No, let's pick him up.
Maybe he was wearing lifts.
It's a likely locale.
He lives here, robs a store downtown.
He's only gotta make Maybe he had business downtown then did the store.
Maybe his doctor's down on James Street.
The one who gives him hormone injections to make him 6'3" before the job then shrink him to his normal 5'9" right afterward.
So, what's going on with you and that girl? - Which girl? - The one we don't talk about.
- Nothing's going on.
- You're a divorced man.
It's a healthy urge.
I'd take a shot at her.
Nothing's going on.
And here's the guy, Andy.
If he didn't do the liquor store, maybe he did something else.
Look at this.
Our witness said he had a mustache.
People shave.
- Police.
Are you Howard Coleman? COLEMAN: Yeah.
We need to talk about your activities.
I had no activities.
I went to the drugstore.
WALKER: You were seen on James Street in Manhattan.
- I wasn't there.
Get off my property.
- We're taking you in.
You better have a warrant, or get away.
- What's the matter? - Go back in.
Take your medicine.
WALKER: Come on.
SlPOWlCZ: Hey! Hey! WOMAN: Daddy! - Stop it! Daddy! You're hurting him! KELLY: Stay down.
Calm down.
- Now you're under arrest, pal! KELLY: Take it easy.
Daddy! Daddy! He sure acts innocent, doesn't he, Sipowicz? You didn't rob any store, right? You always carry $850 around.
- Where'd you get the money? - I bet a horse.
KELLY: Which horse? Where? - At Aqueduct.
I don't remember the name.
We don't think your intent was murder.
What happened? Someone got violent with you? - What's your name again? - Walker.
Walker, I was never in a liquor store on James Street today.
- So kiss my ass.
WALKER: What if I broke your jaw? - Make sure they're holding me down.
- Here we go.
That's it, Walker.
Howard, what's wrong with your daughter? - What do you mean? - You gave her medicine.
- For her breathing.
She's got asthma.
- My kid had that.
So, what's that supposed to do? Make me love you? I was hoping you'd get some warm feelings for me.
Let's get back to the money.
Your ex- wife's here to see you, detective.
- Thanks.
WOMAN: Sure.
I just quit my job.
What brought that about? I was in for a cards- on- the- table conversation.
"Be forthcoming about your previous work for the city.
We need to know their approach on our clients' variance applications.
" I ask,"So all that stuff, how it's me you're interested in and not my contacts, all that was a crock?" "Let's be adults, Laura.
" So I told them they could stick their job up their ass.
Just your way of giving notice, huh? - You're not gonna say "I told you so"? - No, not the type.
- You got plans for dinner? - You buying? Pick you up in a couple hours.
The way these lineups work, you won't help me any if you say: "Could be him.
Maybe that's the guy.
" You gotta say,"That's him.
I recognize him.
That's the guy.
" - I understand.
- Of course, if you recognize him.
- Don't say you do if you don't.
WALKER: Now you know what I need.
- It's lineup time.
Walker touched up the bull's- eye on Coleman's forehead.
Come on.
Take a look.
WALKER: Take your time.
- I see him.
- Which one? Number three.
Are you sure? WITNESS: I'm sure.
That's the guy.
I recognize him.
WALKER: I like the guy.
He did time for armed robbery, We got a positive lD.
Plus, he had $850 in his pocket he couldn't satisfactorily explain.
- What do you think? - Looks good so far.
We'll want to see if crime scene lifts prints from that store.
But like he says.
Work it out, give it to the DA.
FANCY: Lieutenant Fancy.
I got a copy of the report.
Yeah, I read it.
In the future.
- Thanks for the help.
SlPOWlCZ: Yeah.
- I didn't mean to be so irritable.
- No problem.
COLEMAN: Why are you doing this to me? WALKER: Let's get you to court.
- I gotta call my daughter.
WALKER:Call her from the Tombs.
- I'm telling you, he didn't do it.
KELLY: We'll stay on it.
Meanwhile, Coleman eats prison food.
Do you have a moment for me? - Come on.
- Several matters: First, our tenants readiness group is eager to hear your thoughts on building security and personal safety.
Is there any advance preparation? Will you have visual aids I could help to set up? - I'll just talk awhile.
- Fine.
I've arranged for refreshments.
The other thing, detective, concerns the fifth anniversary of my college graduation.
The alumni magazine has asked everyone to write what's become of them in the intervening years.
I find looking back, leaving home, moving to New York and so forth that getting robbed and beaten up and then dealing with the man in a way, taking back my citizenship has been very formative for me.
I wonder if I could access police reports so I could write it up.
- No.
- No.
I couldn't release them.
You gotta fill out an application.
I feel those reports would be useful to me.
Why not concentrate on your career highlights and accomplishments? Why write about a punk who tried to rob you? - Because it's important to me.
- You're getting tied up in knots-- I disagree.
I feel as though the scales have fallen away from my eyes.
I finally understand this city, how to deal with it.
How to meet it on its own terms.
How to help others.
How others need to be helped.
This isn't High Noon.
I have to say your reaction typifies what the average citizen can expect from law enforcement: A knowing, haughty indifference.
I gotta go, 4B.
Me and my haughty indifference will be at that tenant meeting.
KELLY: Laurie.
Laurie, it's me.
LAURA: Hi, Johnny.
There's a beer in the fridge.
LAURA: I'll just be a minute.
KELLY: Can I get you a towel? - I can get one.
KELLY: Well, I just ran out of excuses for coming in there.
Since when did you ever need an excuse? I could cook for us here.
- I thought we were gonna go out.
- Okay.
- You're not hungry? - No, that's fine.
I can get work with someone I went to school with: Jimmy Craig.
- James Craig who prosecutes narcotics? - In the district attorney's office.
- You're kidding me.
- No, I'm not kidding.
- Are you nuts? They're scumbags.
- You don't know him.
Not him.
I'm talking about the people you prosecute.
I don't need a note from you.
I am not out in the street so you can deal with creeps like that.
It's a job.
I'm not mud wrestling with them.
I don't even know if I'll do it.
But stop fantasizing about making the world safe while I stay home and bake.
- I hated that when we were married.
- That was just sex? - You got in the shower.
- Did you push me away? You're right.
This has to stop.
I just kept hoping that we could remain close.
We've always been best friends.
- I wanna stay close.
- But we can't.
It's too complicated.
We can't stay inside the lines.
LAURA: Perfect.
This is Detective John Kelly.
I have a shooting victim, DOA, at 626 Park Avenue, 12th floor.
No apartment number.
The whole floor is an apartment.
- You want water or something to drink? - No.
Wanna tell me what happened? He was drunk.
We argued.
In fact, we argued about you.
He hit me.
I got the gun from the bedroom.
I told him to leave.
He hit me again, and I shot him.
- Where'd you get the gun? - He gave it to me a year ago.
You went to the bedroom and got it after he struck you the first time.
- Yes.
- Did you warn him? No, he went to get a drink.
That's when I got the gun.
Okay, tell me again what happened when you came out of the bedroom.
- I told him to leave, he hit me.
- While you held the gun on him? - Yes.
- Where did he hit you? In the face.
- How many times? - Several times.
- Two, three? - Three.
- And then? - I pointed the gun and shot him.
- Did he grab at it? - No, I stepped back and then I fired.
Are you sure he hit you, Mrs.
Wagner? WAGNER: Yes.
I'm surprised you would ask me that question.
- I don't think you should say any more.
- What do you mean? No new marks or bruises on you.
Place is clean.
No sign of a struggle.
No contact wounds, powder residue on the body.
The way it'd be - if he was shot at close range.
- I'm telling the truth.
You're not telling the truth so please don't say any more.
- Why are you talking to me like this? - Because I've got to take you in.
So shut up until you speak to your attorney.
SlPOWlCZ: Morning.
FANCY: Morning.
- Morning, lieutenant.
FANCY: Morning, sergeant.
- How you doing? - We're throwing a racket for Hanson.
- He's getting married.
- All right, here.
Who caught that liquor store homicide? Walker.
Let me see, something come in? Yeah.
And that's the guy's daughter.
You arrested my father.
The detective handling that will be here.
My father didn't rob that store, or shoot those people.
- You sure about that? - Yes.
I can prove it.
Here, let's go in there.
He was at home when that robbery happened.
He books numbers.
He's home till the number comes up.
It helps with my medical bills.
- It violates his parole.
- That's why he had $850.
- Yes.
- And you were with him all morning.
I was at the doctor's.
I have asthma.
But he was home.
- That's gonna be real helpful.
- Are you going to let him go? We'll keep looking into things.
Why can't you let him go? I told you he was home.
Being at the doctor, you can't verify your father's whereabouts.
I'm by myself in that house.
- I'm alone there.
- We got information coming in.
Keep a good thought how things will work out.
Come on.
- Got any pets to keep you company? - No.
I'm allergic.
I'm up late, so if you're worried about anything, give me a call.
SlPOWlCZ: Anything about the case? We got an anonymous tip during the night.
You already know that, don't you.
- Sarge said you looked at my messages.
- I glanced at it.
Caller heard someone talk about pulling that job.
Let's check it out.
An anonymous tip from a gin mill pay phone.
Sounds very hot.
We should check that bar out, see if anybody knows anything.
Did you take a vow to make my life miserable? We popped the guy who did this.
I'm going over there myself.
Maybe you'd like that.
You could toss back a few shots.
Who drives? Mrs.
Wagner's patience and courtesy have been abused long enough.
I'm sorry to detain you for so long.
We had to collect the crime scene report and examiner's findings.
Neither one support her account.
In addition, Kelly states she made an incriminating solicitation to him.
We'll have to arraign this as a murder.
I'm not trying this case in a squad room.
The absence of powder residue does not preclude a close- range discharge.
Nor does failing to show signs of struggle mean it didn't happen.
As far as her ostensibly soliciting Kelly to kill her husband it would take 5 minutes to convince a jury that was an innocuous remark.
So innocuous that the detective chose not to report it.
- Mrs.
Wagner-- - Talk only to me, Detective Kelly.
Since you failed to give Mrs.
Wagner her Miranda warning nothing she said to you last night is going to be admissible in court.
She didn't need Miranda.
She wasn't a suspect.
But when she became one, I advised her to keep quiet.
Well, we'll take that up before a judge.
You're just dying to get to bat this one.
Pump up that bill.
- What do you think I should do? - He's not your lawyer.
I can imagine something like this: Your husband came home loaded.
You were afraid of a beating so you got the gun.
You asked him to leave.
He wouldn't.
He started toward you.
You shot him from across the room.
- It's not-- - She's not gonna answer you.
If that's what happened, say so and a DA can write this up as manslaughter.
A legal aid attorney can get you easy time - let alone a seven- figure ace.
- You're wasting everybody's time.
KELLY: Don't underestimate us.
If you lie, we will nail you.
Tell the truth and I will testify for you.
That you'd been beaten and were emotionally distraught.
But this son of a bitch wants you to stick to your story.
That will land you in central booking and Rikers lsland.
Not him, you.
So you decide.
You'll be doing the time.
I want him out so that I can consult with my client.
BARTENDER: How's it going? - Were you working here last night? I come in around 11:30.
- Is this your place? - Yeah.
Night guy comes around 7.
A call was made from here last night.
It may have a connection with a robbery- homicide.
Somebody heard a guy talking on that phone about robbing a liquor store.
BARTENDER: Is that right? - Night guy say anything? - Anybody talk to him about a call? - No.
Where'd you get this information? I'll ask the questions.
- You in here last night? DWIGHT: Don't involve me.
Is it a crime to have a beer and read? We're only asking did you hear somebody shooting out their mouth.
Absolutely not.
I mind my own business, and I expect to be treated that way in return.
WALKER: We just received this hot tip, and we're covering all our bases.
Unless you got any more questions.
SlPOWlCZ: We'll wait.
- What? That's our guy.
- Sitting by the phone? - Yeah.
- You are in warped territory.
- Yeah.
- You got a serious case of dick- brain.
- I'm telling you he knows something.
- He's been waiting for us to come.
- Goddamn.
There he is.
Hey, pal! I want to ask you a question.
- What do you want? SlPOWlCZ: Just want to talk.
What's your name? Dwight.
This is like the Gestapo.
Like a WWll movie.
You phoned that tip in.
And you've been waiting for us to come in.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Listen to me now.
Now, you made that call.
So let's stop kidding each other.
- I don't know anything-- SlPOWlCZ: Just settle down.
You'd think a person who keeps to himself wouldn't get involved.
You are because you made that call.
Tell me what you know and we'll keep your name out of it.
Come on! I wish he would move out.
SlPOWlCZ: Who? Out of where? - Frank Archer.
Out of Delaware Arms.
- On 46th? - Yeah.
Yeah, what? Come on.
He fired a gun in his room and shot a bullet into the wall.
I share that wall.
I have diabetes.
How do you think I felt? - What'd he shoot the gun off for? - Why ask me? I was foolish enough to see if he was all right.
"It works," he says as he walks down the hall.
Drunk as a skunk.
- The night before last? DWIGHT: Yeah.
Last night he walks in here being a big shot on the phone saying how he robbed a liquor store wearing a fake mustache.
He saw me.
He knew, he nearly put me into cardiac failure with that gun.
Do you think he bought a round for me? - How tall is this guy, Dwight? - 6'3".
I was a tenant here, but tonight I'll be speaking as a police officer about things you can do to make yourselves and your building safe.
I have some books which talk about the locks we think are most effective and the precautions you can take entering and exiting the building.
Elevators, stairs, things like that.
In terms of being accosted, most of you know Mr.
Goldstein recently curtailed the career of a perpetrator who had victimized some of the tenants here.
He happened to have a gun on him when the thief attempted to rob him.
He used it.
On that occasion, it worked.
But we don't think it's a good idea.
Our recommendation is give it up.
Whatever they want.
Money, jewelry, give it up.
We'll do our job.
Now having said that, having given you those warnings I want to say, don't live afraid.
Don't hide.
Don't be angry.
And don't look for vengeance on people who break the law.
Those are ways of giving up your freedom the same way you would if you were victimized.
It's easy for me to stand here and tell you how to live your lives tell you not to react to what happens to you and I would never put myself up as an expert on how to not hold on to things.
My dad was shot down on the street, so I tend to be a little bit more careful maybe a little bit overprotective to the point of maybe cramping another person's style.
Anyway, my point is that this is your city.
This is your city, not the bad guy's.
This is your life.
So be free.
Live it as free as you can.
And we'll be there for you.
And we'll try not to get in your way.
Okay? ARCHER: Quit pushing me around.
- I didn't do anything.
- No, you didn't.
We didn't find checks endorsed to that liquor store lying on your floor.
And this isn't a gun, and it doesn't caliber match.
And it stinks from being shot.
But you didn't do anything! And you didn't puke all over my shoes and pants! - You miserable piece of crap! - One second, one second.
Here it comes again.
Get him in there.
- How bad you gonna make me look? - What? I busted the wrong guy.
You got me by the balls.
That's what I'm after.
I want all the credit.
I'm hoping to make chief.
You made a wrong lD, it happens.
Nobody's looking to hurt you.
As far as I'm concerned, picking up this asshole was your idea.
Hit my shoes again, I'll fracture your skull.
SlPOWlCZ: You got him? - Yeah, I got him.
What was that? New suspect in that shooting.
- Note his height, note the weapon.
- Way to go, Andy.
Yeah, anybody asks, it was Walker's collar.
Team player that I am.
- You going to Hanson's racket tonight? - I'll stick my face in.
She wants to make a statement.
I want it on record, it's against counsel's advice.
I did not plan to kill my husband.
We were extremely unhappy together.
We'd been unhappy for a long time.
And I'd-- I'd often, I suppose.
I actually did wish that he would die.
I remember seven times in the past few years that he beat me very badly.
And I did frequently wish that he were dead or that the relationship would be over.
I said I wished he were dead and that if I'd found him dead, I'd have been glad, relieved.
But in no way was I asking Detective Kelly to kill him.
Describe the events of the other night.
I knew he was going to beat me because of the tone of his voice and the look he had in his eyes.
And I was afraid.
The side of my face and ear still ached and rang from where he had hit me the other night.
I got the gun and told him that he had to leave.
Was it in your mind to shoot him? No, it was not.
I wanted him to leave, I just wanted him to leave me alone.
I just didn't want him to hit me anymore.
Then what happened? He started toward me and I said, "Please leave.
I mean it.
" But he never paid any attention to me.
In all the years we were together.
He came forward.
I told him to stop.
And I kept backing up away from him.
And he laughed at me.
And he took a step forward and I shot him.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
KELLY: What's that sound like? COSTAS: Manslaughter 2.
KELLY: What kind of time? COSTAS: That's the judge's decision.
KELLY: What you would recommend.
A guess, 3 years.
- What she might suspend.
- What she might suspend? That's a pretty soulful look, detective.
What'd she do to you? Take a thorn out of your paw? KELLY: Over here.
Here you go.
MAN 1: Hello.
SlPOWlCZ: Hey.
Hold that thought.
SlPOWlCZ: Hey, congratulations.
- You made it.
SlPOWlCZ: Yeah.
- I'm over here.
- Uh, no-- I just stopped in.
Is Hanson gonna make it? I saw him checking bus schedules.
They don't mean anything.
WALKER: Hey, look who's here.
SlPOWlCZ: How are you doing? Fancy gave me the big attaboy for making that new collar.
SlPOWlCZ: Is that right? I gotta hand it to you, you stood up for me.
SlPOWlCZ: No problem.
- When I'm wrong, I say so.
- No problem.
Case closed.
- You don't wanna be a blood brother? I'm getting more ammo.
Have some.
- What'll you have? - Club soda.
Club soda, and another bourbon on the rocks.
- You married? - Not anymore.
I've been married 27 years.
- So you really are off the booze? - Yeah.
I like to have a few after 5.
That's my line in the sand.
Nothing before 5.
That's how I stay on top of it.
- I'm gonna get out of here.
- Yeah.
- What's it like? - What do you mean? You know, getting off booze.
I got shot.
I don't recommend the approach.
- You go to those meetings? - I'm doing it by the seat of my pants.
- I don't feel qualified to give advice.
- I don't need any.
I figure I stick with my line in the sand and I'll probably be okay.
- You want a ride or something? - I don't need any rides.
I always drive twice as careful after I've had a few.
- I'll see you then.
- Yeah, see you.
KELLY: You sticking around? - I'm gonna take off.
- All right.
- Have a good time.
- I'll talk to you later.
- Yeah.
He's okay, your partner.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- It's a free country, right? KELLY: Yeah.
I heard how you went out of your way for that society woman.
I didn't do it because she's a society woman.
All I'm saying is that you knew she didn't plan to do what she did and found it in your heart to understand.
Did she have to confess before you could forgive her? - You've had too much to drink.
- And I'm only on my second one.
I am such an easy date.
I think you better give me my rights.
- I don't know what you're saying.
- I killed Marino.
- I don't wanna-- - I'm confessing.
- You hear me? - I killed them and in time you will forgive me.
WOMAN: Here you go.
BARTENDER: Detective Kelly, you got a phone call.
KELLY: How is he? He's shot.
They're trying to get a room.
What's happening? Mr.
Goldstein was on the train.
Kid's holding up a lady.
He's got this gun and tries to stop the kid.
Kid's got a gun too, pops him twice.
- Catch anybody? - No.
- Two good descriptions.
KELLY: All right.
GOLDSTEIN: Detective Kelly.
Detective Kelly, I got shot.
- Take it easy.
- I'm losing blood.
Just calm down, Mr.
I'm sorry.
He's gone.
LAURA: Poor Josh.
I know.
I'm gonna call his parents.
I don't know their names.
They live outside of Cleveland.
Jack and Frieda Goldstein.
- How do you know? - He told me.
Jack and Frieda Goldstein of Shaker Heights, Ohio.

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