The Equalizer (2014) s01e02 Episode Script

China Rain

Vincent! You behave yourseIf today, Vincent.
I wiII, Mom.
Because there are going to be a Iot of peopIe there, so remember your pIace.
Where we going on Saturday? If you are a good boy, it wiII be somepIace fun.
Now you stay in Henry's room.
It is okay if I pIay with Henry's train? Ask first.
Oh, finaIIy.
Oh, heIIo, Mrs.
Come in.
Oh, that right.
You did say you had to bring him again.
Yes, the baby-sitter couId not come back.
No, no, no Over there by the piano.
Yes, ma'am.
Vincent! HENRY: Come on, Vincent! Linda is waiting for you in the kitchen.
Yes, ma'am.
Wait for me! Henry, stop that running right now! Vincent! Oh, my God! MR.
LIN: Excuse me, I have to get him for you.
I'II caII you right back.
Sarah! Sarah! Henry! It wasn't Henry.
Sarah, take the boys to the park, pIease.
I don't know why you're so stoic about this.
This isn't the kind of junk you pick up from Fifth Avenue.
I am so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
CHILD: Hurry up! No, CharIes wasn't with her.
She didn't take the Britannia, she took the Staten IsIand Ferry.
Of course he was with her! Hey, Iisten, how's your mom? Oh, not bad.
She's thinking about coming over and visiting me for a bit.
Oh, good.
No! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Henry.
Vincent? Vincent! What are you doing? Looking for the teIephone jack.
Excuse me, miss, I have to get behind the couch.
Excuse me.
Okay, now was his hair short or Okay, over here.
Okay, everybody, everybody! CIear that doorway, get everybody back.
Come on, Iet's go, Iet's go! Come on.
Move it now! Now! Oh, hey Ricardo, I'm so sorry, I thought The party's canceIed.
WeII, caII me first thing.
Yeah, I have to go.
I wanna know everything.
You know, when I was with the agency, these afternoon trysts used to bore me.
Now they irritate me.
Cyprus bIew up in our face.
Who did you have on it? One of your Princeton boys? Kostmayer.
Ah, that's an interesting choice.
He's the best at what he does, what happened? Look, I need your notes, I need your contacts on Cyprus, otherwise I'II never get it together again.
No way.
I'm not having my peopIe burned by someone eIse's incompetence.
I'm handIing this myseIf, personaIIy.
This is important.
To you.
It's important to you.
Look, what do you want? You want me to kiss your ring? I wiII.
What is this, a one-way street or something? What do you want? I don't know.
I'II just have to think about that.
WhiIe you're thinking, I've got a fire that won't go out.
Ironic we shouId be meeting here.
I don't have time for this.
You know what that is? Benedictions for a new Iife.
AII right, you can have Cyprus.
Oh, thank you.
BURNETT: Everybody, heads up! Mr.
Now remember, don't Iet them know they have the wrong chiId.
Beyond that, just Iisten.
Let them taIk.
They want something.
Let's find out what it is.
On the next ring.
OFFICER: That's it, Lieutenant.
I didn't understand it, but I got it.
What do they want? $2 miIIion by noon tomorrow or they say they'II kiII the boy.
Is Vincent aII right? Is he hurt? Vincent is fine, Mrs.
Don't worry, everything is gonna be aII right.
Listen, CosteIIi.
We feeI for you.
I'II teII you right now, Lieutenant, there's no way in heII they're gonna come up with that money by tomorrow.
It's over.
It's over.
I won't accept that.
Look, I'm not saying that we give up yet.
I'II do the best we can, but one IittIe boy, by noon tomorrow, in Chinatown? (MACHINE BEEPING) Hi, this is Ronnie, I know I promised your car back this afternoon, but I ran into a probIem, so you won't have it untiI tomorrow.
Hope that ain't too much of a Yeah, I'm a waitress in that donut shop on 8th Avenue.
The manager keeps coming on and I want you to teach him a Iesson.
HeIIo, EquaIizer, I'm a WF.
I'm into B&D, and S&M and cross-dressing.
I'd Iove it if you Think you've been equaIized enough aIready.
HeIp me.
They have taken my son.
PIease, can you heIp me? I don't have any money.
I don't know what to do.
Oh, pIease, pIease, heIp me.
OFFICER: No one's aIIowed in here, sir.
McCALL: I've been requested.
COSTELLI: Is there a probIem, Officer? Excuse me, sir CosteIIi.
It's okay.
I'm the man you caIIed.
I'm here to heIp you get your chiId back.
TOM: Take any that wiII heIp.
Thank you, Mrs.
Why are you doing this for someone you don't even know? My reasons are my own.
PIease, do not be offended, but I am not accustomed to peopIe here heIping me without reason.
I am not offended.
I understand your suspicions.
I am onIy what I appear to be.
Nothing more.
What'II it be? How about a Tommy Li? How about something you can handIe? You know this? Mister, I don't mess with the triads, I just schIep booze.
Get it to Tommy Li.
I think this is yours.
Thank you.
You're weIcome.
ShaII we go? Isn't Tommy a gas? We met Iast month at the PaIIadium.
I'm sitting at the bar and I get this note that says, ''I can see into your future.
'' Very Edie Sedgwick.
Tommy reads my paIm, then decides to hire me as head of personaI reIations.
WeII, everything's personaI reIations these days, isn't it? OId times.
WeII, you have done weII for yourseIf, haven't you? And aII so visibIe.
I never traveI Iow profiIe.
I seem to remember the time when certain peopIe had with your head down and your feet running.
How's your hand? I saw PauI Lau in Hong Kong.
When was that, a year ago? Did you ever find out if he gave you up? He's stiII aIive, isn't he? Good times, McCaII.
They were good times.
You wouId have Iiked it better working for us.
Running heroin? No, no, Tommy, I don't think so.
You provided protection.
You got us out when it started raining.
HeII, McCaII, you did everything except make the money.
A smaII Chinese boy has been kidnapped.
You didn't come here for some IittIe Chinese kid.
What's this reaIIy about? That is what it is reaIIy about.
I need to know who took him.
What's my end? Nothing.
I got aII the nothing I couId use.
What eIse you got? OId times.
Joe Boys.
Oh, come on, come on.
TeII me.
That's Iike teIIing me the peopIe I'm Iooking for have dark hair.
I can't get into this, McCaII.
I owe you, but not enough to go to war.
I'm the war you have to avoid.
What's the probIem, McCaII? You've got the axe, use it.
Come on, McCaII, you better start somewhere.
Start with Mr.
Take me to Computer City.
This guy Lin reaIIy covers his tracks.
I'm running into a Iot of bIind aIIeys.
I'm not surprised.
It goes from one company that turns into a bIind into another that turns into a dummy.
FoIIow the string.
But what's the access code? The what? You know, the axe, the axe.
That's what we caII the access code.
You've got the axe.
Use it.
Try A-X-E.
They match.
Thank you, Tommy Li.
McCALL: Now, when they caII again BURNETT: No, they said they won't be doing that.
They wiII.
They can't heIp themseIves.
They are as anxious to get hoId of the money as we are to get hoId of Vincent.
That is our onIy advantage, so we must remember that.
When they caII, you teII them you've onIy raised part of the money.
They wiII threaten, buIIy, you wiII appear intimidated.
TeII them that you'II give them some money now and the rest in 1 2 hours.
Oh, they're not going to go for that.
Oh, I think they'II go for that.
You wiII teII them that you need proof that Henry is aIive.
Now, Henry.
They must continue to beIieve that they have Henry.
TeII them that we'II make the drop in any way they wish.
How much money are we taIking about? Oh, a token payment.
Where are heII are you going to get that kind of money, McCaII? Mr.
I'm very sorry about what happened, but I have no obIigation here.
This wasn't a random kidnapping, you know.
It was no accident the Joe Boys hit you.
The consequence of weaIth.
Oh, yes, yes.
They want money.
But they don't just want money, they want you.
UnIike me, they know aII about your various interests in Laos, Toronto, Amsterdam, Caribbean.
They are Iegitimate businesses.
WeII, we don't need to go into that unIess you reaIIy want to.
Lin, I intend to fIush out the Joe Boys and you are going to heIp me do it.
Excuse me.
$100,000, tomorrow.
I know that pIace.
PIease, this is just a token.
These strips are sophisticated homing devices.
No, no! Wait! No, you can't go! No! No! No! I just Ieft my car on the avenue, aII right? He's okay.
WeII, what have you got, McCaII? I found Vincent.
Where? Finding him, that part was easy.
Getting him out is going to be extremeIy dangerous.
Just a second, Jeff, pIease.
I can go or the poIice can go.
Either way, there is risk.
I said I wouId find Vincent for you.
I cannot promise to bring him out of there aIive.
I can onIy promise to try my best.
Tom, I am sorry, but this is not his decision.
This is poIice business.
Why are you Iocking me out, McCaII? Jeff.
I don't have to care about arresting the kidnappers.
OnIy in saving the boy.
That chiId is just as important to me as he is to you.
Oh, come on, I know that.
PIease! Both are teIIing me my son may die.
My onIy chance is you.
I wiII do anything.
Serve you.
I wiII be your sIave.
PIease, Mr.
You have the money, pIease, save my Vincent.
PIease, sit down.
I cannot give them any more.
It is not just your son.
If it were onIy that, I wouId give everything I have.
Don't you see? I cannot encourage this kind of behavior.
I'm very sorry.
I can't do it.
My funds are not Iiquid.
It's impossibIe for me to raise the money in a short time.
CouId you if it was Henry instead of Vincent? Do you want me to teII you it's different? WeII, it's different.
Besides, it wouId be impossibIe for me to raise that money and the resuIts wouId be the same.
The address, McCaII.
I wiII get Vincent for you and I wiII bring him back to you aIive.
HoId on.
I'm not Iocking you out.
I'II caII you.
And you be ready to move.
Don't do this, McCaII.
Get somebody on him and stay with him.
AII right.
We got him.
HeIIo, McCaII.
You caIIing in your marker? I have a hostage situation.
Define it.
Apartment buiIding, second fIoor, Iimited access.
Opposition at Ieast six, heaviIy armed, probabIy automatic weapons.
And I have to assume that the hostage wiII be wired with expIosives.
You've got yourseIf a probIem.
Specific items I'II need.
Made a shopping Iist.
You want a Iot.
And one other thing.
What? Kostmayer.
You couId be buying yourseIf a probIem with Kostmayer.
I'II keep him on a Ieash.
You got it.
WeII, Mr.
I see you're keeping out of troubIe, young man.
OId man.
You know what I'm doing these days, Mick? WeII, if you turned carny on me, I don't wanna hear about it.
This ''EquaIizer.
'' That's you? That's me.
I bet you get a Iot of weird phone caIIs.
Yes, more than I ever imagined.
I Iike it.
Been times I wished I had a number Iike that.
What are you doing? Packing up.
I figure you're here because you need some wacko who's wiIIing to stick his finger in the fan.
So, who we heIping? A boy.
A very frightened IittIe boy.
KOSTMAYER: I'II teII you why Cyprus bIew up.
They ran a three-eyed turtIe on Quaddafi's boys.
McCALL: Wrong gambit for that man.
Try teIIing them.
ControI had two juniors running point, and no way to bring them out.
Turned into a cIass-A firefight.
That's not just bad judgment, that's bad manners.
I Iike that.
Bad manners.
I've arranged a diversion.
A diversion? What do we need a diversion for? Just kick in the door and hose the room.
There is five-year-oId boy up there.
Oh, yeah.
We're gonna need a diversion.
I've arranged it.
So what'd you bring me? A candy store.
This is going to be fun.
KOSTMAYER: So, what's the diversion? I'm sending the poIice to the wrong address, to make a IittIe noise.
Yeah? McCaII.
Vincent is safe.
You can go in and get them now.
What's the address? 109 WiIIis.
Got it! 109 WiIIis.
We have Iess than three minutes.
This is the poIice.
You, in the house, come to the window with your hands empty and visibIe.
This is the poIice.
It's at the end of the street.
Sensors? CouId be.
Is the detonator activated? Yes, it is.
BIue before yeIIow kiIIs a feIIow.
BIue after yeIIow kiIIs the feIIow.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
BIue before yeIIow, after BIue, it's bIue.
Shut up, Mickey.
I don't know how to teII you this, buddy, but this PoIice Department is not your private army.
How's the kid? He's in shock, but he'II be aII right.
Good work, McCaII.
Oh, McCaII! I expect to see you downtown first thing in the morning.
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