Tricky Business (2012) s01e02 Episode Script

Episode 2

I'm Emma's mum and this is Rick, and we're mercantile agents.
We do a lot of private investigation.
Surveillance, skip tracing.
A bit of process serving, some debt collecting.
And repossessions.
Is Rick pulling his weight? Yep.
Wasn't much use making him a partner if he's not gonna share the load.
He does.
What do you reckon? Will you marry me? No.
What's he doing HERE? Who's there? Rick.
How'd you go yesterday with that credit card girl? Oh, Minnesota Smith.
Yeah, look, small problem - I can't find her.
No, Minnie, wait! Look, wait! What? Excuse me! Matt Sloane.
The mobile merc.
Are you ready to know how it feels to back a winner? You bet.
The government declared it will permanently scrap all plans to build a fast train service between Sydney and Melbourne.
People change their minds, especially politicians.
When I needed the last hundred grand quickly, I went to Mario McGuire.
And you and your little family don't found on one related article - not o Mario, these are the business accounts.
The money's not really mine.
You see, if you look hard enough, it's amazing what you find.
What?! Oh! We've been robbed.
Someone's hacked into our business accounts.
Ma'am, that's impossible.
Don't tell me it's impossible.
Alright? Look, three unauthorised transactions right there.
Do you see it? Look, perhaps someone else or OK, you know what? I need to speak to a manager.
Maybe someone with access to your account.
No, you don't understand.
I keep all the accounts.
Madam, there's no need to shout.
You've had a security breach, I've been robbed and you're doing nothing about it.
If you'll just fill out these forms, then we can proceed formally, and if there've been any fraudulent transactions Kate.
Rick, oh, thank God you're here.
Here, look.
Look what we We've been robbed.
I know.
Someone has taken all our money.
I need to talk to you outside.
I just have to fill out these forms.
No, NOW, Kate.
Fill out the forms.
I made those withdrawals.
What? No, you couldn't have.
I had to, alright? Mario McGuire was gonna gut me like a fish.
What have you done? It was a real-estate deal I put together, alright? The fast train.
It w The property value was supposed to skyrocket.
Hang on, you're a merc, not a property developer.
I was doing it for us.
It was meant to make us a lot of money.
We need to get our money back.
We need that money to survive.
The business needs the cash flow.
The money's gone, Kate.
I was coming here to get a loan.
How do I know any of this is true? Come on, Kate! Real-estate deals, criminals.
How do I know it's true? Liar.
I saw you yesterday with your girlfriend.
What? Brooke Goodman.
Ah You were supposed to be working at Fairy Meadow.
I saw you.
I was watching you.
I asked you where you were and you lied to my face on the phone.
I was giving her a lift.
Her husband's one of the investors.
I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth.
I asked you to marry me.
Because I made you.
No, you didn't.
Yes, I did.
I saw the ring, I made you ask.
It was hardly a romantic proposal.
It was going to be.
How do I even know that that ring was meant for me? You're being ridiculous.
Am I? Where is it? I haven't got it.
Because you gave it to her.
No, I gave it to Mario McGuire.
So, now you're engaged to a gangster.
I will get the money, alright? Somehow.
How? You gonna sell a kidney, Rick? Stay away.
Come on, Kate.
No, I mean it.
I can't forgive this.
You stay away from me, stay away from the business and you stay away from my Emma.
Time to go to work.
So, the shoe's on the other foot.
Debt collectors are in debt.
I do not go into debt.
I'll pay everyone before it comes to that.
Oh, and I haven't forgotten that I owe you for last night.
And I haven't thanked you nearly enough, and I'm so sorry for that.
Chill, girl.
Credit card's not due for the next couple of weeks.
We're cool.
You know you can always hit up Mum and Dad.
Dad would rather you do that than let this place go under.
That's why I'm not.
We're not gonna go under.
Good morning, guys, how are we? Chad, you're getting sand all over the place.
Ah, sorry.
How'd you go with Minnesota Smith? Job done? Can we invoice? Statement of claim came in for her this morning on ANOTHER debt.
So, she's a serial debtor.
How'd you go? I bombed out.
What? Bombed out? Yeah.
You wasted three days without earning a cent.
Well, you said we should go after the hard ones.
Yeah, and win, not stuff up, Chad! Kate! Just Just do better next time, OK? I'm really sorry.
Get started on this.
Melissa Watts.
Workers' comp investigation.
But But this is Rick's case.
Well, now it's yours.
She injured herself dancing.
The medical report says she should have fully recovered months ago.
She's still claiming a benefit.
Surveil her.
If she starts playing tennis, hanging out the washing, doing anything she shouldn't, record it.
Then interview her.
She's expecting someone from our office there at 1:00.
You get there early, OK? Catch her out if she isn't set up.
That's the way.
Yeah, you got it.
I won't let you down, I promise.
OK, good.
No more sand, OK? I know he has to learn, but we can't afford not to get results.
Not now.
Mum and Dad want to see me at the boat.
Do they know? Hey! Gee, that was quick.
You must have dropped everything.
You said it was urgent.
Yeah, Gilligan here's in a bit of a flap.
I am NOT in a flap.
You know what solicitors are like.
Solicitors? What's wrong? Yeah, no, nothing's wrong.
We had an appointment for tomorrow.
They rang and wanted us to come right now.
Most inconvenient.
Hello, darling.
Solicitors? Yeah, but did we tell 'em to take a hike, that our time's just as important as theirs? Oh, no.
They call, we jump.
Well, I thought you'd be pleased.
Get you out of scrubbing the deck.
Yeah, no, it's still gotta be done, darling, before we set sail.
We need you to sign power of attorney, love.
Yeah, in case we come back vegies.
Dad! Let Rick know that he's the executor of the will.
Rick? Yeah.
I thought you'd use a family member.
Our solicitors think it's best if it's not family.
Not that we've got any intention of shuffling off to Buffalo, but none of have a crystal ball, do we? No, we don't.
On a more personal note More personal than wills and powers of attorney? - You knocked back his proposal.
- Oh.
I'll kill Lily.
Now, you know I love you to bits, but you're a single mum with a kid.
What?! Well, not a lot of blokes are gonna sign up for that.
You do love each other.
It's not that simple.
Yes, it is.
That's what's kept your mother and I going through all these years.
I'm not Mum and Rick's not you.
Can we not talk about this? We just want you to be happy.
I am happy, Dad.
I'm I'm delirious, OK? Mwah.
Now, if that's all, I gotta get back to work.
OK, bye.
Did you have to tell them about the marriage proposal? That was before things went pear-shaped.
Doesn't matter.
Kaden Electrics.
Staff suspected of workplace theft.
Rick was supposed to install surveillance cameras today.
Can't Chad do it? He's good at that tech stuff.
No, it's a covert installation.
He doesn't have that sort of field experience.
Then I've got a proposition for you.
Do you have an appointment? This is your car.
Yeah, it's also my office.
You've gotta be kidding.
No, look at the view - a million bucks, rent-free.
I'm not here to discuss the view.
I want to employ you.
And you don't think we should have hired a van? Something with a bit of signage? You know, Apollo Airconditioning.
Look a bit more genuine.
Well, that's how I'd do it.
Well, that's not how I do things.
And I'm running this operation, OK? So, all the tools you need and the cameras are in the back.
Why aren't we doing this after hours, when everyone's gone? Because there's 24/7 security and the security guys are major suspects in the theft.
And I get my full hourly rate? Yes.
Half-day minimum? When I get paid, you get paid.
OK, just call me when you're done so I can check the signal.
What the hell? Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Those guys, they work for Kaden.
They see me in this car with you, they're gonna twig I'm not legit and my cover's blown before we start.
Try that again and I'll break your face.
Well, if we had a van with signage Just install the cameras! You're kidding me.
Was it that bad? She's a cracker.
So, what's your offer? My absolute best price25 grand.
You're not serious.
This is the sports model.
It's worth at least Yeah, I know what it's worth.
But this is a hard market and this is definitely a revhead's car.
This town is full of revheads.
Who aren't cashed up and don't have very good credit ratings.
That doesn't even give me enough to pay off the finance.
I'd still owe two grand and have no wheels.
Can't go any higher.
What? Now I know how it feels.
Thanks for your time.
No worries.
Look, I really don't see the point of this.
There's nothing wrong with our airconditioning.
That's 'cause it's well maintained.
And that's what this is - a maintenance visit.
Alright, be as quick as you can.
What's the problem? Oh, he wants to look at the airconditioner.
What are you doing? Oh, just working on the aircon.
How's it going? Uh, good.
Yeah, no worries.
How long you been doing this? Uh, got here about 20 minutes ago.
No, I meant how long you been doing that job? Oh, uh, couple of years.
Have to go to TAFE? Yep.
Did an apprenticeship.
What's the pay like? Oh, it's OK.
Could be more.
Bet it's better than this place.
I wouldn't know.
So, do you do fridges too? No.
Hot-water heaters? No.
Dishwashers? No, just airconditioners.
Fairly specialised, then.
Hey, this is my boss, so I gotta take this.
Checking up on you.
Hello? What's the hold-up? I'm not getting any picture yet.
Yeah, all good.
If you're going slow to get more money Well, look, these things, they take as long as they take, you know? I know how long it should take and you should have at least one online by now, OK? Hey, why don't you, um, just stick a washer up there? What? See ya.
Hey, my boss is really cracking the whip, so I gotta get stuck into this.
Yeah, yeah, righto.
How about car aircons? You do those? No.
Just buildings? Yep.
He's deliberately going slow to get a bigger fee.
Well, half a day's work is half a day's work.
I don't care how long it takes him.
You tell him, lady.
Yeah, I will.
How you going? OK.
Things are really, really tight.
And the good news is? That IS the good news.
I don't know how you're gonna pull this off without borrowing.
That is not an option.
Hello? Chad, where are you? I'm tailing Melissa Watts.
But, Kate, I'm driving, I can't really talk now.
Have you interviewed her yet? No.
No, no, no.
She's been shopping all morning.
What? She's fit enough to shop? No, she's using one of those buggy things.
But, Kate, I can't really talk right now 'cause I'm driving.
What do you mean, a 'buggy'? Well, you know, like, uh uh like the old people use.
So, where are you? Well, I think she's heading home.
OK, interview her as soon as you can Oh, great.
Got some notices you can serve before Sick.
Gotta go.
Chad? Everything OK? Yeah.
Um, does Chad have a hands-free? I don't think so.
So, I hear you caught up with McGuire last night.
Word travels fast in this town.
Still got your fingers and your toes, so you're OK.
Yes and no.
You haven't got a lazy 100 grand on you, by any chance? Funny man.
I'll leave you boys to talk shop.
Have fun, my dear.
Go easy on the plastic.
I will! Ciao.
She likes you.
She told me.
That's alright.
I haven't met a straight guy yet who isn't envious.
So, you were saying Yeah, I was thinking, right, the best thing for the consortium to do is to cut our losses and sell the land.
We'd take a bath.
No maybe about it.
We paid top dollar.
Without the fast train, that land is nigh-on worthless.
Well, it's not worthless.
We'd come away with something.
You're never gonna convince a majority of stakeholders to sell now.
It's bad business.
So, what do you suggest? Hang onto it.
Who knows? Five or ten years time, the train might be back on.
I need something now.
I wish I could help you, my friend.
I'm in pain 24/7.
My discs rub together.
It's bone grinding on bone.
I mean, the money helps but nothing compensates for what I've lost.
You're still undergoing regular physio? Twice a week.
The doctors' reports stated that they expect you to make a full recovery within six months.
It goes to show that the doctors know nothing.
Are you OK? Would you just? Oh, thank you.
Sorry, are we are we almost done? Yeah.
We ARE done.
Thank you very much for your time, Miss Watts.
Thank you.
I hope you get better soon.
This is getting beyond a joke.
Maybe I should have sent Chad.
Sent Chad where? I told you to stay away.
Kate, please, can we try and work this out? Have you got our money? No, but not through lack of trying.
Then talk to the hand because right now I'm only interested in keeping this business afloat, so you can take your dirty, selfish, cheating Kate! I did NOT cheat on you.
I know what I saw.
Alright, I'll prove it.
Get your hands off! You're coming with me.
No, I'm not.
Oh, yes, you are.
Lily, call the police, tell them I've been kidnapped.
I'll have her back in an hour.
This isn't gonna prove anything.
Will you please give me a chance? Excuse me, I bought an engagement ring here.
Yes! A three-stone claw set.
Two brilliant-cut diamonds and an oval sapphire.
Very beautiful piece.
Then you remember I was here with Mrs Goodman, right? She helped me choose.
Gotta be kidding me.
Of course.
Mrs Goodman's a regular client.
This isn't helping your cause.
Will you please just listen? Was I buying the ring for Mrs Goodman? I don't think Mr Goodman would appreciate that.
No, you said you were buying it for your girlfriend.
You were going to pop the question at a very special dinner.
How do I know you haven't paid him to say that? Are you nuts? Did I pay you to say that? I wish.
I was buying it for you, Kate.
There's never been anybody else.
This doesn't change anything.
What do you mean? It HAS to.
You lied to me.
You went behind my back in some stupid deal For us.
That could wreck the business Dad started from scratch, wreck everything I've worked for Kate, we and worst of all, threaten my daughter's future.
This doesn't change a thing, OK? Stay away.
Does that mean you're taking him back? No.
Why not? Lily! If he wasn't having an affair Because I don't trust him anymore.
This whole secret scheme of his, it's not the man I thought I knew.
I don't get it.
What? You stop loving him just like that? Sloane.
Just letting you know this job's gonna take longer than we thought.
And why is that? Well, I got the first unit in.
What's the problem with the other? Uh, I haven't found the right location yet.
Sloane! And I've got a new best friend who keeps looking over my shoulder.
Only got the first one in when he went to lunch.
Also, I got a feeling there's more going on here.
I'm gonna see what I can find out.
Just get the second camera in and get out of there, understood? Yeah, that's not how I do things, Kate.
OK, so, I'll see you at knock-off.
Sloane! You alright? Yeah.
A problem? Oh! Kate? Yeah.
Um I'm gonna pick up Emma.
I need to give my daughter a hug.
Hop in.
Mum, what are you doing here? Giving you a lift.
I'm happy to catch the bus.
Yeah, I know that, but I'm here now.
I'll drop you at Nan and Pop's.
Hop in.
- See you, guys.
- Bye.
See ya.
I'm gonna need 50 bucks tomorrow.
What? What for? Excursion next week.
Another one? I have to go.
It's for history.
Whales? Mm.
Yeah, Lily gave it to me.
What, she wants us to take a CD of whale songs? I promised her that we would give it a go.
So Yeah, but I figure if we do it when we're moored in a safe harbour somewhere, no chance of being holed-up by a 200-tonne horny humpback.
Good thinking, love.
We'll make a skipper out of you yet.
No, that's your job, darlin'.
I know I call you Gilligan, but we both know who's the boss.
You are very, very sweet about this.
Well, five years in the planning wouldn't want to be sunk by Moby Dick on our first week out, would we? I mean about the whole trip thing.
I know what you mean.
Your dream is my dream, my love.
But you'd rather be on land, wouldn't you? Honestly? Well you know, I did work six days a week for about 100 years and you barely saw me.
Now we're gonna make up for that.
You're gonna be trapped on a tiny vessel for months on end, with only me for company.
Maybe I should wear my loincloth.
Oh, stop it! Only us.
Your mother's being driven wild with desire at thoughts of me in a loincloth.
Eww! Dad, too much information.
Never! We do deal with a few out-and-out crooks but, by and large, it's ordinary, stressed-out people who have just got themselves into a pickle.
Em Emma I've done a rough edit of the interview.
Want to see? Later.
Turn that off.
But I Turn that off now and get ready for training, OK? OK.
I'd better be getting back to work.
You are gonna make time for the game tomorrow, aren't you? Yes, Mum.
It means a lot to Emma.
Yeah, I know.
I'll be there.
I'll see you later.
OK, bye.
Bye, love.
Please select a new destination.
Take a sharp left at uncertainty and head straight for financial disaster.
Please select a new destination.
Nice, quiet street.
Good job.
Get in the car.
You want to go get a drink, debrief.
Get in the car.
OK, look, I know this isn't how you planned it but sometimes, these things don't go according to plan.
It's not what I employed you to do.
You employed me to help you catch the bad guys.
No, I employed you to install two surveillance cameras.
That's all.
Yeah, well, I don't work like that! You'll understand that when you get to know me a bit better.
I have no intention of getting to know you better.
As a matter of fact, I already know you much more than I even want to.
I've got half a mind just to What? What - sack me? Well, the job's half done.
You send someone else in now, it's gonna look suspicious.
You spook these thieves, they're gonna lay low for weeks.
Maybe months.
There goes your result.
He's arrogant and opinionated and he's just a real he's a pain! He is cute.
Lily! Sorry, but you have to admit, he is.
Yuck! I'll admit no such thing.
How are things looking? I think I've got you a little bit of breathing space.
But only if you don't pay yourself.
And you don't have to pay me, of course, and I'm sure Chad will wait.
The only thing is it doesn't leave you anything for rent or little things like food and clothing.
So I was thinking, why don't you give up your place and volunteer to look after Mum and Dad's while they're away? No.
They're going away soon.
It's rent-free and there's a stack of food.
I can't.
Why not? Because I promised myself I'd never be in that position again.
It's not like you're 17 and pregnant this time.
No, it's not.
That's why I'm not asking for help.
They want to look after you.
I'm not a kid anymore.
I'll sort things out on my own.
Minnie? Look, Minnie, wait! Minnie, please? Chad, go away.
Look, you can't keep running forever.
I just want to help you.
No, you don't.
You just want me to end up in court.
No, I don't! Look I don't even have the papers with me.
Let's just talk.
See? No papers.
They might be hidden under your shirt.
They're not.
How do I know? Hmm? OK, I'll prove it.
There, nothing.
Let me in.
Maybe they're down your pants.
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
OK, bye, Chad! No, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
What? Satisfied? Thought you might have been a commando sort of guy.
Oh, ha-ha-ha.
Minnie, can you please let me in before one of your neigh Hey.
You hungry? What? I'm starving.
Dinner time.
Your shout.
How does that feel? OK.
Thank you, love.
This'll help stop any swelling.
What happened? We had a little collision on the court.
Nothing serious.
I'm fine.
Mum, it's only practice.
Why do you let them go so hard? It's OK, Mum.
It's not Nan's fault.
Oh, the girls are all fired up about the finals tomorrow.
It's perfectly understandable.
Will she still be able to play? Of course I will.
I'm fine.
Is Rick with you? Uh no.
No, he's, um he's at work.
I thought we'd have a girls' night tonight, yeah? Yeah, sounds good.
Oh, that'll be good.
You'll get plenty of rest.
I can show you my edit of the interview.
Is that Rick? Uh, no.
Well, OK.
So, how long do you really think you can keep running away? I haven't really thought about it.
Well, you'd better because I don't give up.
Ever? Not ever.
It's my job.
It's how I earn my living.
Like a Mountie.
You always get your man.
Or woman.
Yeah, exactly.
Except this is serious, Minnie.
It's no joke.
Oh, you're kidding me.
What? She's my workers' comp case.
So, you do always get your woman.
Minnie Minnie? Minnie? Whoa! Hey.
Who are you? I'm Megan.
This is my apartment.
Now I get it.
Ah Uh, where's Minnie? For you.
She was only bunking down for a couple of days.
She's gone.
The office manager and a security guard are on together.
It's the perfect combination to engineer a theft.
Are you getting another feeling? Uh, no.
I actually saw them going at it hammer and tongs last night.
Check the video.
See, I do put the hours in.
I'll call you when I've got something.
Just install the second camera, OK? Sloane? Sloane?! Hey, guys.
Aren't they the same clothes? Yes.
What have you been up to? Nothing.
Hey, Kate? Listen, about that workers' comp case.
Yeah, how's it goin'? She's dodgy, hey? You sure? Yeah, she's a belly-dancer.
Even got the photos to prove it.
Well done.
Yeah, it's just What? Well, I was ready to write her up as legit.
I only found her out by accident.
I just I feel like a bit of an idiot.
You're not the first to be taken in by a con artist, OK? These people are good at what they do.
Rick's been fooled dozens of times.
Really? Mm-hm.
The important thing is you've had a win.
Thank you.
What about Minnesota Smith? Ahem! Uh yeah, nothing to report on that front.
Oh, OK.
Keep on her, then.
Oh, he has been.
Shut up.
What are you doing here? G'day.
I was just checking you've got the latest temperature-control software.
But I'm having a bit of trouble logging in.
There is no temperature-control software on this system.
You don't come in here without my permission, understood? Yep.
Saw Jan-arse givin' you a serve.
Don't worry about her.
She's a cow.
Gives everyone a hard time.
Does she spend much time on the floor? Only when she's bangin' Carl.
Everyone knows about it.
You reckon he's suss? Yeah, they both are.
They're the enemy.
The blokes and me, the workers, we're the good guys.
Hey, I got a job for you.
What? Grab your tools.
Mate Come on.
Come with me.
I'll show you.
The aircon in here's never worked.
You can fix it, right? Yeah, well, I'll take a look at it.
But if it's something major, I might not have all the parts with me.
Who's Rick? What? On your tools.
It says 'Rick'.
You got me.
He's my old boss.
You nicked these? Yeah.
Oh, don't tell me nothing ever gets knocked off around here.
Who are you? What? Who are you? Hey, hey, hey, mate I'm the aircon guy.
The look on your face.
Dude! Yeah.
Hey, so, it's Andy? Yeah.
What do you reckon the chances are of, um of scoring something? You know, off the back of a forklift.
Not a problem, mate.
Yeah, they've already started.
Yeah, OK, Dad.
I'm on my way.
Yeah, I know.
I'm I'm leaving now.
Love you.
We got them.
What? Half the workers at Kaden are stealing.
Look, we're gonna have to talk about this later.
They even take orders for birthdays and special occasions.
Got myself this.
An e-reader? Yeah, it's a bit lame, I know.
Apparently, that's all they had in stock.
As evidence.
And, uh, the second camera's up and running.
You seen it? I don't have time to look at it now.
No, no, no, you gotta have a look at this.
Yeah! Send her another one - tell her to get a wriggle on or she's gonna miss the whole thing.
OK, so, this is the recycling bay.
That's where the boys keep their stash.
Now, what happens, a big delivery comes in, a few things go missing, they store the goods here until the heat dies down.
Now, listen, I hate to say, "I told you so" but I Which is not to say we wouldn't have got the same result in half the time if you'd just done as instructed.
Come on, Kate, just admit it.
I kicked a goal.
I don't have time to argue the toss right now, OK? Use that desk, write up the report.
I'll go over it later.
Are you going? Yes, I'm trying to.
I got a feeling this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
No, it couldn't.
What? Not now.
What is he doing here? He's working on a case.
What do you want? Well, I was hoping you'd had a bit of time to calm down and you were a bit more reasonable.
Then you're hoping wrong.
Kate Rick, nothing has changed since yesterday.
If anything, it's worse because it's given me time to realise what a desperate position you've put us in.
That's all I have to say to you.
I'm running late for Emma.
We won.
They've gone to get pizza.
Why didn't you call me and say it was all over? Ah, I just wanted to have a word.
But friendly.
No lectures.
How's your arm, kiddo? Better than yours, Pops.
Was Em very upset? Oh, she didn't, uh she didn't say so but, uh, yeah, you could tell.
She played a great game.
I'm sorry.
I I don't seem to be able to do anything right at the moment.
Yeah, hang on.
Don't be too hard on yourself, darling.
I know what the job's like.
How many of my games did you miss? Too many.
And too many concerts, speech nights and graduations.
Eeeeh! And that is why I can tell you, you don't get this time back, darling.
One day, you will turn around and your little girl will be all grown up.
Shocked the hell out of me.
And when she really doesn't care anymore if you're not there, well that'll break your heart too.
And I don't want that to happen.
Come here.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to upset you, sweetheart.
Everything's a mess, Dad.
I don't understand.
What - she's gonna give up her house? Well, not by choice.
The owners are moving back, so they want her out.
The poor darling was in tears.
I thought it was something really drastic.
But this we can easily fix.
What did you tell him? About the money? Nothing.
You'll move back here, no question.
You can make sure Lily and her mates don't trash the place.
Thank you.
You do know I'm sitting right here.
Well, I suppose it makes sense.
Can I start moving stuff over in the next couple of days? So soon? Well, Em and I could move into my old room before you guys go.
If that's OK.
OK? It's more than OK.
It's wonderful.
It'll be great to have you back, darl.
Thanks, Dad.
Sorry, Mum.
Oh, it's alright.
It's fine.
It'll be fun, though, right? Yeah, of course.
I promise I'll see every game next season.
Mum, it's no big deal.
Yes, it is.
I wanted to be there.
Yeah, I wanted you there too.
Give me a cuddle.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
I love you too.
It doesn't matter how much you owe someone.
Any debt can be squared as long as both parties agree on the deal.
I owe Rick for the happiest year of my life.
So Thank you.
You're welcome.

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