Inuyasha (2000) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

I meant for you to hide here.
If I don't forget, I'll come back and dig you out.
Are you sure? You must not forget.
Grandpa, is Kagome's story true? 'Course it's true! A ghost appeared from inside the well and kidnapped Kagome! As the legend of our shrine goes There is something in the "bone-devouring well" that takes the corpses of evil spirits and makes them disappear somewhere.
And if this "somewhere"is in the time dimension Well, we must do something.
There! Huh? Sealed? Yes With written oracles to ward off evil spirits and seal off the entry to the netherworld.
The well will never be opened again.
No mistaking the smell of that girl Her clothing Damn! She really did go home In here! Hmmm Home sweet home! It's like it never happened that I was in another age and another time.
You must combine your powers with Inuyasha and gather the fragments of the Sacred Jewel and restore it.
Oh dear The Sacred Jewel is in pieces.
That Yura with the inverted hair I wonder what she was? She must've been after the Jewel, too.
I'll bet Inuyasha would be so angry if he learned that the fragment was stolen from me.
Who cares about you!? I prefer to go it alone! Yes Inuyasha can manage without me.
All right, I'll forget him.
Besides, I can never return to that world again.
Kagome, Yuka is on the phone.
And it's also dinnertime! Okay! Gramps Will the seals on the well ever come off? Never.
Each seal contains powerful words of magic that can't be broken.
No matter what kind of evil spirit, it will be impossible.
It's a hot pot for dinner! - So you can rest assured, Kagome.
- Hot pot! Hot pot! Hot pot! She's not listening.
It's such a glorious age! Let's dig in! Huh Inuyasha? You! Who said you can go home?! You Where'd you come from? The well! Where else? The well? But it's Do not lie! Those oracles have been used of this shrine since ancient times and cannot fail! Oracle? You mean, this flimsy piece of paper? Didn't work! Gramps! Now come with me! Wa wait! I don't want to go! Just a minute! What?! Mom Your ears Are they real? Lemme try, too! Mom, this is no time for that Although I did the same thing.
Inuyasha A strand of hair! Hair? Can't you see it? Huh?! It's moving! Kagome There's blood What happened? This! Only I can see it.
But being able to "see" isn't enough.
Yura's manipulating strand! No! More strands are coming out! That old crone was right.
You have the vision at least.
You brought something awful with you!! Kagome! Sis! Don't enter! Here I must stop it right here! Inuyasha! In front of you! - Open up, Kagome! - Kagome! It gathers together again, even when it's cut.
There's no end to this! Huh?! That's? That's it! The main strand that's controlling everything.
Inuyasha! It's this one! Cut this strand! This? Where? Inuyasha can't see it.
Then There's only one way! I see it! It retreated.
Strange If Yura was after the Sacred Jewel she already accomplished her goal.
Could she actually be after me and Inuyasha? Inuyasha, let's return! Wow That was a quick change of mind.
I don't really want to go.
Huh? But if I stay here, Gramps, Mom and even Sota will be in terrible danger.
Huh? This was woven with the fur of the Fire Rat.
It's much stronger than an ordinary armor.
Th thank you.
Well, 'cuz You look like you have really weird skin.
You're the weird one! Oh well, whatever.
Let's go! Uh-huh! They should be returning soon.
This time, I'll give them a big reception Do you understand, Inuysha? Kagome is my sister Kikyo's reincarnation.
However, she isn't aware yet of the scope of her powers.
She needs your help right now.
Watch out! There's hair all over the well, too! Are you saying that this Yura with the combed Hair is after us Yes.
Look, she took the Sacred Jewel fragment yet she still comes after us! Hold it! Did you say she took it?! I can see several glowing strands of hair there There's the main strand that's been bewitching the others.
That means if we follow the main strand, we'll find Yura! That way! Okay! There's no time to stand around and quarrel! You need Kagome and Kagome needs you! And you must get through this difficulty together! A bonfire Their heads are gone! They're fallen warriors.
They must've gotten tangled in the hair strands.
Such bad luck.
Stop looking so depressed! And don't start whining about wanting to go home.
I thought I'd borrow this! We must destroy Yura quickly or many innocent people will die.
The arrows you shoot probably won't hit their targets.
How rude! If I practice, maybe! Practice? Did you practice? From now on! Just watch me! I'm going to improve! Huh?! This girl She's hopeless, but I gotta admit, she's gutsy.
The main lines are gathering.
She's close! They're coming! From the left! The right, too! Too many! Use your instincts to evade them! Whhaa?! What a useless woman! I thought you came to fight?! There! Before you! The rear, too?! Inuyasha A giant sphere of hair Yura's hiding place? Hmm such a fine prey.
You're Inuyasha, aren't you? So you're Yura? How do you know me? I heard the gossip in the wind.
That a half-demon named Inuyasha is serving the reincarnation of a shrine maiden and helping her to protect for the Sacred Jewel.
What?! Me? Serving that brainless girl? You've gotta be kidding me! I see Well, both of you are brainless.
Turning the Sacred Jewel into this.
That's the Jewel fragment she stole from me! In any case, I'll deal with you two and go look for the other fragments.
Hmm Deal with me? You're the one who'll rue the day you appeared before my eyes! The same tactic over and over again! Damn it! Such pretty hair But you haven't taken care of it, have you? So many split ends.
Inuyasha!! Now, I'll shred you to pieces! Now, I'll shred you to pieces! Release Inuyasha! Because I won't miss this time! The woman who disappeared from the well? Now! Hurry it up! Release Inuyasha, you say? You two must be quite chummy! Fool! Forget me and get away! It's not that pretty, but I think I'll take her hair, too.
What'll I do? "Not that pretty"? I condition my hair everyday! Stop being so rude! Where are you aiming, stupid?! No! All my victims! The heads of those fallen warriors we saw Your head will soon occupy a place there.
All this fine silver-colored hair I can't wait to control it.
Before that, however You there! Woman! You scare me, so die! How do you like my demon fire! You'll feel the heat all the way to your bones! He help! Serves you right! You're being punished for messing with my nest! Aghh That woman she'll be left with no bones.
Why you! Are you sad? Poor thing Well, you'll be joining her in no time, too.
Take this! Blades of Blood! Blades of blood? The strands are loosening! My hand Now you can't control your strands! You You should treat ladies more gently.
People will laugh at you, you know? Playtime's over! Darn! I almost had your head! I wouldn't allow that! You're just a half-demon with half the power.
Damn! Poor little thing You wanted this in order to become a full-fledged demon, huh? The Sacred Jewel Don't move.
I have to sever your head very carefully so that blood won't stain those silver locks.
Quit your joking! Hah! That'll teach you! You're so arrogant.
Thrusting your hand into the breasts of a woman you've only just met.
You you! You didn't feel anything?! You stole my Jewel fragment, didn't you? Now that wasn't nice at all.
Where is it?! Where is Yura's weak spot? That woman You shouldn't have looked away! You are becoming a pain! You didn't bat an eyelid when you were struck or hurt.
Now, you seem awfully upset.
Something worrying you over there? Inuyasha! There's something inside that that red skull! Red Skull?! You're not getting away! My web of hair! Damn! If it hurts you, let go.
I did it! What are you? Why don't you bleed? Now that she mentions it Even when engulfed in flames Is it because of this robe? It's an armor made from the fur of the Fire Rat.
It's much stronger than ordinary metal.
Inuyasha You seem like an ordinary mortal How's this then? Blades of Blood! l Inuyasha Don't you faint on me! I can't be looking after you! Watch out, Inuyasha! Why that! I am immortal, you know! That's it! The strand coming out of this red skull It's connected to Yura's hand! That woman I'll kill her! So that's Yura's true form This red comb? That's the Adornment Comb of the Dead.
It was used to comb the hair of the dead that's how it probably got bewitched.
In this day and age, an enchanted comb or two is nothing to be surprised at.
Inuyasha you're badly hurt.
Because you let me wear your Fire Rat armor.
It's nothing.
But the Sacred Jewel! I found it.
I wonder how long it'll take to accumulate them all? Let's go, Kagome.
Huh? What? It's the first time you said my name.
So what? Maybe you've decided to be a bit nicer to me? Hey! Don't get cheeky! Who'd be chums with a girl like you?! What?! And who was it that just saved you? Look if it hurts, just speak up and say so! Shut up! Inuyasha Join your powers and fight! And hurry up and remember that you buried me! I was saved by the Fire Rat robe thanks to Inuyasha That reminds me of a story of Princess Kaguya from the Tale of Taketori.
She didn't want to get married so she gave away the Fire Rat robe instead.
So that robe was from the demon world.
And now the phantom sword Tetsusaiga?! Battle begins between two brothers for the possession of the sword.
Next time, Inuyasha "Aristocratic Assassin, Sesshomaru" See you soon!
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