L.A.'s Finest (2019) s01e05 Episode Script


1 Previously on "L.
's Finest" We were hoping to find my stash before you got home.
- [Grunts.]
- I want Knox.
Careful what you wish for.
So, what were they looking for? $20 million worth of fentanyl.
You underestimated her, so, Mr.
Knox would prefer I take over the day-to-day.
- Have I made myself clear? - Yes.
Here's why I couldn't pick up with you over my shoulder.
We're having a baby.
Congratulations, man.
- What's your name? - Jen.
I'm glad you came.
I mean, I need your expertise.
- Who are you here to see exactly? - Alice Kensler.
Did you get a chance to see Alice? My contacts in the DEA sent an agent here to assist.
You worked together in Miami.
It's been a while.
[Cellphone ringing.]
Don't even think about it.
I'm sending it to voicemail.
You don't even see it from her side.
Her side is not the issue.
She went to a prison, Nancy, with a fake ID.
She's grieving, Patrick.
It's only been three years.
I know, okay? It doesn't give her excuse to lie to us, you know, to ditch school, and to She could've She could've talked to us.
Right, because teenagers talk to their parents about how they're feeling.
And by the way, grounding her is not gonna work.
All right, what's your bright idea, then? I think we should take her there.
I think we should let her sit in front of Alice and finish whatever it is she went there to do.
Absolutely not.
That'll only make things worse.
For who? For you? The woman killed her mother.
And that is exactly what she needs right now, not a friend.
Oh, you think that's what I am to Izzy, a friend? No.
No Of course not.
It's she needs us both right now, Nance.
Okay? You and me to be her parents, not to indulge ever every impulse that she has.
I got to go.
[Door opens, closes.]
[Siren wails in distance.]
[Engine shuts off.]
WARREN: Nice wheels.
Can I talk to you for a second? Look, I didn't mean for last night to feel like an ambush.
Then you should've told me you were coming.
Allow me to explain.
I'm here because Gabriel Knox has set up shop in Los Angeles, but I know that you know that already.
Get to it.
I'm setting up a Gabriel Knox task force.
It's gonna me a joint op between the DEA and the LAPD, and I want you on the team.
I'm sure you do.
Now, your day-to-day will still be RHD, but just help me run down some leads as they come in.
- Mnh-mnh.
- Come on, Syd.
I never thought I'd have to sell you on hunting down Gabriel Knox.
As long as it's on your terms, right? Thanks, but I'll pass.
Bottle of Pinot says you'll change your mind.
Always your mistake.
BAINES: Faith's sister baptized her kids here.
Michelle's gonna love it.
Ooh, this is so good.
You're not even gonna offer me a bite? Bro, here.
I don't share my food, man.
Faith barely got a chance to taste the wedding cake, and we were in love.
You're out of your mind.
I wasn't the one that told you to go along with the vegan-household thing.
- Your wife did that.
- Yeah, but the doctor approved it, so I'm just going along out of solidarity until, you know, the bean comes.
Humans need meat! I would kill for a piece of salmon.
No, you know what you need? You need the kind of animal that was raised in its own filth, grilled over a hot, open fire with a little mm-mm-mm-mm-mm and a mm-mm.
You know what you need? - Baines-B-Q.
- The Baines-B-Q.
That's right, baby.
Wait, is that what this about? You trying to get me to go to your annual meat-fest? You didn't RSVP.
We're gonna be there.
Don't forget.
This Saturday.
Casa de Baines.
The finest families of LAPD is gonna gather for beef, beer Body.
This is Detective Walker.
I got a confirmed homicide at 728 North Main.
Detective Baines and I discovered that the church had been broken into.
We made our way in and found the body on the altar.
MCKENNA: Okay, before we go in there, I've never missed a soccer game, I'm her emergency contact at school.
I just can't believe he reduces me to just being her friend.
Really? A friend? I think Patrick's just worried about his daughter.
I'm sure he didn't even mean it that way.
Oh, my God.
Are you defending him? I'm trying to vent here.
Okay, uh, I'm sorry.
What I meant to say was, "What?! The nerve.
" Is that more like what you were looking for? You are so annoying.
And I'm sober.
Okay, so answer me this.
Hm? We commit a felony to get the drugs that you stole into police custody all so we can legitimately go after Gabriel Knox.
Now Agent Hendrix comes into town and puts together a pretty badass task force, yet you don't want in.
Was the boning that bad? [Chuckles.]
Who the hell says "boning"? I mean, the quality of said diddle is actually irrelevant.
- Diddle? - Look, I don't need a task force.
I got you, my friend.
I ooh.
Ooh, I know that is a very sore subject.
What I meant to say was, "I don't need a freaking task force.
I've got you, my emergency contact.
" So let's get the hell out of here and solve this case.
You say a Hail Mary for me? You're Catholic? I dabble.
Probably need to go to confession.
BAINES: Unidentified victim.
Stabbed and stripped.
Hair cut.
- Breasts mutilated.
- Responded to a break-in, but clearly they weren't here to steal anything.
So, no eyewitnesses.
SYD: Somebody had to have seen something.
Okay, Baines.
What's the play? Nothing much till we identify the victim.
Let's go canvass the street, - see what we can find.
- [Cellphone chimes.]
Ooh, task force starts tomorrow, and the lead agent specifically requested you and I to be on it.
Calm down.
Everyone in RHD was invited, and it was just to get Syd to sign up.
Did it work? No.
What's the 411 on our Jane Doe? Late 20s.
Dead for less than a day.
I discovered several precise incisions.
Our victim's been under the knife before.
The killer cut open her old surgical scars.
The breasts recent implants, still healing.
Tracheal shave, gluteoplasty, vaginoplasty.
Jane Doe's a transgender woman.
I guess someone wasn't happy about that.
SYD: So our victim is a trans woman.
She had surgery to make herself physically reflect her identity.
And then the killer undoes that.
I mean, it could be someone personal.
Maybe someone from her past? Dumping the body at a church? - It's making a statement.
- [Elevator dings.]
So you think it's a hate crime.
You got to be kidding me.
What? This Knox task force is huge.
Oh, we told them they could use the conference room.
We're not using it.
- Morning.
- Morning.
Look, guys, this is the first briefing.
We got to get in there.
We'll come back to this, okay? I appreciate the solidarity, but you shouldn't miss this opportunity.
No, it's fine.
That sausage fest in there? Are you kidding me? They need you.
You sure? It's cool.
CALLOWAY: For those of you who haven't met, let me introduce Special Agent Warren Hendrix, on loan to us from DEA Miami.
He'll be running point in this operation, so I trust you'll show him the same respect you'd show me.
Thank you, Lieutenant.
Gangs and narcotics, robbery homicides.
All of you have experienced an uptick in caseloads in the last couple of years.
CIs changing their stories or disappearing all together, stash houses uprooting overnight, bodies dropping like it's the end of days.
There's a common thread to all of this Gabriel Knox.
The man declared war on the streets of Miami, and then all of a sudden, he just vanishes without an eyewitness account anywhere.
So how did he do it? Compartmentalization.
The left hand never knows what the right hand is doing.
It's his business model, and it's how he's been able to, up until now, go with no one being able to even come close to ID'ing him.
But we know one thing.
He's in L.
CALLOWAY: This is Kobi Brunson.
He used to oversee Knox's distribution on the East Coast.
This photo was taken a week ago in Hollywood.
He's up to his neck in Knox's money, so there's no way Kobi is setting up shop if Knox isn't close behind.
We're gonna bring him in.
Our surveillance team has eyes on him.
Just remember, this is gonna be a critical takedown.
Yo, she's mad.
Yo, what's going on with your girl and Warren? Mind your business.
You had Kobi in your back pocket and you didn't say anything? I had to get you on the team, Syd.
By the way, I still love Sonoma pinots.
- Just make sure it's a good year, okay? - Okay, let's just Let's just say that you're right, I did come to L.
to look for Knox all on my own, but what the hell makes you think I wanted or needed your help? Fair.
Do you remember that one time we went out, and I had stopped drinking for hours, but you insisted on driving us home? [Sighs.]
I said, "Cool.
Stand on one foot.
" And you did it Right before you fell in the damn bushes.
But you popped right back up, you looked at me square in the eye, and you said, - "You didn't say what foot.
" - "You didn't say what foot.
" Yes, exactly.
Syd, you are the last person in the world that will ever admit you need help.
Jedi mind trick.
Nice try, Warren.
That was I still don't need your help.
The Baines-B-Q.
It's that time of year again already? Sure is, and, hey, Walker's bringing his vegan wife, so you and the DA better bring your appetite.
Oh, and the kids have been asking about Izzy, too.
And, Syd, you can bring you.
- That was good.
- SYD: Okay.
Don't we have a case to solve, guys? Yes.
Looking at these photos, guys, this is a crime of passion.
Or it could've been some nutjob that's looking to crusade against transsexuals.
You mean transgender women.
What did I say? Transsexuals.
Gender isn't sexual.
How's it not sexual? Sexuality is who you're sleeping with, but gender's who you are.
- Are you sure? - Yes.
Okay, thank you for the after-school special, but now can we get back to why the transgender woman's body was left at the church? You said the priest didn't recognize her as a member of his congregation, right? Yeah.
You know what? Actually, wait.
The church rents out its spaces for a bunch of group meetings, including a trans support group.
Walker and I will swing by and do some LGBT-query.
- No, no.
- Mnh-mnh, no.
- That's terrible.
- Absolutely not.
- McKenna and I will go speak to them.
- Yeah.
Whoa, we're we're still the lead on this.
- Yeah.
- Calm down, Black and the Beanstalk.
When did she get funny? You got to be more sensitive.
It's 2019.
And then the car started following me.
I didn't think I can ever run as fast as that car.
MARSHA: We've all witnessed violence or the very threat, but you must stay strong.
He tells us that "he'll wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more.
Neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain.
" She was a sweet girl from Bakersfield.
Charmed everybody.
We knew her as Eve.
Just Eve? We respect people's privacy here.
Can you think of anyone that may have wanted to hurt her? She didn't tell a lot of people she was trans, as far as I know.
Lots of people want to hurt us for who we are.
Everyone's heard about what happened to Eve, and we're all thinking one of us might be next.
It's awful.
Oh, sorry.
I stress-eat and cook.
No judgment, Sam.
Listen, Marsha had mentioned that you all had witnessed violence in some form in your lives.
Did Eve ever mention a violent event from her life or anything like that? Eve had a past.
She did what she had to do to survive, and when she made her transition, she cleaned up, forgot about her old life.
Sometimes your past doesn't want to forget you as easily.
I mean, is there anyone you can think of that may have come around lately from her past? She didn't mention it, but there was this new guy, Karim.
A boyfriend? Did Karim know that she was a trans woman? They were close, but Karim found religion, so they were waiting to get physical.
But I think she was gonna tell him.
- CARLENE: [Chuckles.]
- PATRICK: [Chuckles.]
Well, when you rise through the ranks of the DA's office this quickly, people take notice.
The public believes in you.
I'm just trying to keep it that way.
I hope you don't mind that I pressed for a meeting.
Not at all.
No, my predecessor insisted I sit down with the great Carlene Hart.
I have learned to listen to Dan Howser through the years.
My law firm specializes in crisis management.
If there's anything I can do for you, say the word.
Crisis management.
You're the firm that handled the Stern scandal.
I make all kinds of problems go away.
Howser used to refer to me as a fixer.
Although, that term recently seems to have lost a certain sense of rectitude.
Nonetheless, he was able to rely on me when the need arose.
I hope you'll do the same.
That's very generous.
You can never have too many friends.
By the way, congrats on your weapons case.
This one's been in the works since Howser sat in your chair, and it's finally headed to trial.
Well, thanks.
I'm just continuing his good work.
A District Attorney's first big trial is important.
It sets the tone for your tenure.
Half the women killed are murdered by their partners Just facts.
Well, she had a boyfriend, Karim Delgado.
Prize fighter out of Inglewood bantamweight.
We sent you the address, so after we roust Kobi's ass, pay him a visit.
Bantamweight 112 to 118 pounds.
So that's what we're walking in on.
Yo, dude might look like a microphone stand, but he will still body you.
Glad you decided to join us, Detective Burnett.
Nice to have you on board.
Listen up, people.
Kobi and his security detail rented a private omakase room.
We've cleared out the front of the house, and we're gonna hit from the front and rear entrances.
If we focus on containment, we'll keep civilian exposure to a minimum.
Calm your tits.
It's a delicacy.
This little dude is a fighter.
You can feel him kicking ass all the way down.
[Smoke bomb explodes.]
- LAPD! Get down! - Drop the gun! Hands in the air! - Don't move! - Hands in the air! MAN: Hey! WARREN: I got him.
Drop the weapon.
I said drop the weapon.
[Gun clatters.]
What the hell happened? He drew down.
- Call an ambulance.
- We'll find another way to get to Knox.
I'm fine, by the way, Syd.
He's bleeding out, Warren.
Hurry up.
It was him or me.
[Sirens wailing.]
WARREN: You know, that could've been me bleeding out on that concrete.
He was our only lead to Knox.
After Miami, just consider us even.
If anything, you owe me.
You're the reason I got benched in Miami, and now you show up here dangling Gabriel Knox in my face like like you're doing me a damn favor? It's your fault I'm here in the first place.
Hold on a second.
Don't put that on me.
I was just the messenger.
The agency was never gonna let you stay on that case after what happened.
You have no idea.
Well, why don't you explain it to me? Because when you left that job, you didn't just leave a job.
You also left me.
Because you couldn't stop looking at me the way you're looking at me right now.
Well, how am I looking at you? I don't get it.
Like like I'm some damaged thing you broke.
How was I supposed to get over it if you couldn't? I can't I cannot take your pity anymore.
Listen, you are not broken.
I know that.
You survived.
What you don't understand is that what happened to you broke me.
And that's why I'm here right now, Syd.
[Elevator dings.]
Uh, anybody getting out? 'Cause I have an interview to get to.
[Button clicks.]
18-0, 16 by way of knockout.
You got a hell of a right cross.
My jab ain't bad, either.
What, uh, happened right there? Rope burns.
They look like scratches.
I also heard you did a little bit of time up in CSP for aggravated assault.
That where you worked on that jab? That's behind me now.
I found salvation through prayer.
Yeah, you go to our lady of courage, right? - Yeah.
- Is that where you met Eve? What's she got to do with this? Because that's where we found her, at your church.
What the hell? [Vomits.]
Brutal, right? - Is that real? - Mm-hmm.
- Where were you two nights ago? - Had a fight.
I told you.
Eve is missing for three days, and it doesn't faze you? You don't report it.
You just end up back in the ring? Missing? [Crying.]
I didn't even know she was missing.
Uh, hey, I'm sorry, man.
Just try and help us figure out what happened to her.
Afternoon, Nicky.
I know you? Can't imagine you would.
Normally, someone like you wouldn't be getting advice from me for anything less than six figures, but it's your lucky day.
I'll tell you what I know for free.
I don't have time for this shit.
Your funeral.
What do you know? That you're about to snitch on some very dangerous people.
And I know that those people have been made aware.
I know this because I told them.
Which is why this car isn't safe.
That's bullshit.
I'm willing to offer you a one-time relocation deal right here, right now.
Come with me, and the hit gets called off.
I'll even get you set up in the non-extradition country of your choice.
Why should I trust you? I'd tell you to trust your instincts, but that's what got a bomb planted in your car.
I know you want to do the right thing, which is why I'm giving you the choice.
It'd be a shame for you to die.
You get away from me, lady.
[Car beeps.]
[Cellphone rings.]
What? I saw you peeking, Nicky.
What'd you expect, sticks of dynamite and an alarm clock? This is what they do, Nicky, and I'm giving you one last chance.
What's it gonna be? Aren't you due in court, Reyes? Make it quick.
Minor emergency I can't reach my witness.
He may be stuck in traffic.
Well, get him unstuck.
But if he's a no-show Nicky Friedman is the only one who can connect the ghost guns to the robbery.
I'm doing the best that I can.
This case cannot fall apart.
Okay, just ask the judge for more time.
Find Friedman.
Handle it.
[Speaking malay.]
[Speaking malay.]
I'm Jen.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
So, tell me, is everything acceptable? [Sighs.]
You wore the perfume I asked for.
Uh, forgive my pickiness.
I don't usually do this.
But I've been dealing with a lot of work lately and needed some stress relief.
Of course.
I can help with that.
Well, the room is ready.
Shall we? Yeah.
Why do I have to go? 'Cause you're grounded.
Oh, if I'm grounded, doesn't that mean I have to stay here? Unsupervised? Absolutely not.
You you lost those privileges when you ditched.
- [Cellphone ringing.]
- God.
I got to take this.
Can you back me up here? - [Cellphone beeps.]
- I'll be in the car.
[Door opens, closes.]
Come on, Izzy.
This is, like, the one work event you don't hate, and justice is gonna be there.
Can you stop with the good cop/bad cop? It's annoying.
Okay, fine, yeah, I'll go.
Hey, hey, hey Hey, hey Wanna play a little? Wanna watch? Wanna get a little taste of what I got? Bass knocked in the trunk popped Meanies in bikinis in the sun spot - Ah, ah, you see that? - Yeah.
I'm just showing the boy the art.
Thank you.
[Indistinct conversations.]
Hey! - [Chuckles.]
- Hey.
Look at you.
I'm so glad you guys made it.
Yeah, of course.
Listen, now somebody come get this tofu off my grill and onto their plate.
I was just telling your man here that babies need animal protein.
And I was just telling him that every pregnancy is different and to stay out of other people's business.
Thank you for the support, Faith.
It's the least I can do.
After all, you have seen the inside of my vagina.
[Michelle chuckles.]
[Clears throat.]
I-I didn't look at it.
It was a birth video.
And you have a beautiful - Hey.
- Child.
Child! I asked Ben not to share that birthing video.
- Didn't I? - [Chuckles.]
I did.
I did.
I did.
You knew.
[Music playing in distance.]
[Cellphone clicking.]
Who's hungry? - Not me.
- [Cellphone ringing.]
I got to take this, babe.
[Cellphone beeps.]
Can't Garcia handle it? On your back, bitches.
Listen, I walk it like I talk it, and it is a pleasure doing business with you guys.
I'm almost sad about taking y'all money, but not that sad.
Who up next? Who want to come get this work? Nancy's got a great stash, but my dad does, too.
Nah, this one's next level.
Is that what I think it is? - Postmortem erection.
- Wow.
Isabel, what are you doing? Did I hear you say "postmortem erection"? Where'd you get that beer? She's just, like, so mad at the world, and I wish there was something I could do to help her get through it.
You tried the Nancy McKenna way.
Didn't work.
Why don't you try the Nancy Perez way? What's that supposed to mean? Uh, your childhood wasn't all hopscotch and unicorns.
You lived through some shit, and yet you still magically turned out to be a halfway-decent human being.
Just just halfway.
I mean, why don't you just imagine what you would've responded to at that age and try that? I mean, how much more damage could you do? Yeah.
That's true.
I hate when you're right.
Yeah, that happens.
So, where's your boyfriend? Or the DEA doesn't go to LAPD barbecues, 'cause, you know, that's, like, beneath them? Warren is not my boyfriend.
You guys were definitely more than friends who just diddle.
Don't meddle with my diddle.
Is it that obvious? Yeah.
Not gonna lie, though.
You guys look really good together.
We were.
Was it serious? Wait.
Was Were you with him when Yeah.
The baby was his.
Does he know? No, you're the only person I've told, like Ever.
I'm just saying it wasn't even my idea.
Okay, look here.
In the eyes of the law, she's 15 and the DA's daughter.
You can't do what she does.
I didn't even want to come here.
You made me.
Oh, don't turn this around on me.
You were drinking.
What, are you embarrassed of me? Any public-school girl crazy enough to shave her head is clear and present danger.
What? Oh, Isabel, just stop.
[Cellphone ringing.]
WOMAN: Oh! Oh.
Like I said.
I'm sorry if I'm an inconvenience to you, Mr.
District Attorney.
What happened? I don't know what to do anymore.
I [sighs.]
This case.
I just got to I got a car coming to get me.
- I got to go.
- Okay.
I'll, uh I'll I'll get Izzy, and we'll meet you at home.
Hey, uh, I just got a voicemail from Karim.
- The bantamweight? - Yeah, he sounded real upset.
Let's do it.
See you later, man.
Still on punishment.
[Engine shuts off.]
Come on, Izzy.
Come on.
Let's get out.
Come on.
Out of the car.
Let it out.
Let what out? Whatever you want.
Why did you bring me here? Because you're so angry all of the time, and I don't know.
I think I think this place is why.
So let it out.
Come on.
You can be mad here.
Come on.
Let it out! [Screams.]
[Breathes heavily, crying.]
It was dark, and Alice's car just came out of nowhere! And after she hit us, she didn't even wait around.
She just drove off.
My mom was just lying there, and she was talking to me.
I called 911, but they didn't come fast enough.
I saw her eyes.
I saw her eyes.
By the time I heard the sirens, her eyes were just If she had held on five minutes longer, she'd still be here.
Sh She gave up on me.
No, no, no.
Honey, no.
Your mother was Sweetheart, she was too badly injured to survive.
She didn't give up on you.
She couldn't She couldn't leave until she heard those sirens 'cause she had to make sure you were safe.
She would never give up on you.
SYD: You always did like a heavy pour.
I do.
Mmm, the good stuff.
Only the best for you.
Mmm, mmm.
Tough opponent? Not tougher than me.
So, who's winning? Nobody yet.
But a move has been made.
The guy that took me and tortured me.
Guy that gave the orders.
The king.
Still tracking Knox down piece by piece.
Syd, I owe you an apology.
I mean, I keep going over in my head, over and over again, did I really need to take that kill shot? I mean, had I been able to wing Kobi, then our closest link to Knox might still be alive, but But then I remember the look on his face when you got in that car in Miami, and I'm glad he's dead.
You're not the only one who wants them to pay for what they did.
I'm starting to remember things About what happened to me.
Are you serious? Pieces.
Like flashes, really.
This is big.
Kobi was one of those, and It's like I I remember, like, a like, a room, and, uh shiny metal, bright, blinding light.
- It's stupid.
- No, no, no.
This is important.
It's flashes.
It's nothing to get excited about.
Well, do you want to remember? Yeah.
I know I'm grounded.
No, you're not grounded.
You know that one of your first words was "shoes"? When you learned to walk, your mom and I would find you in her closet, just clomping around in her high heels.
Then you graduated to jewelry pretty fast.
We had to hide things from you to just keep you from losing them.
There was always one thing you managed to find.
I was gonna give this to you when you graduated high school so you'd have something of hers to take to college, but I think you need it now.
Put it on? You never talk about her.
I know.
It's hard for me.
I'm sorry.
Sometimes it feels like everyone else has moved on, like she like she didn't even die, and it all just happened in my head.
I didn't forget, Izzy.
I'll never forget.
You are the most important thing in the world to me.
You know that, right? [Sighs.]
[Knock on door.]
Jen, what'd you take? What'd you what are you on? Arlo he wanted me to tell you something.
[Cork pops.]
SYD: You know, you didn't have to drug Jen to set up a meeting.
ARLO: You came alone.
Gold star for following instructions.
That was fentanyl, right? You could have killed her.
What do you want? It's what Mr.
Knox wants.
You crossed a line, disrupting our business.
Now you're gonna be taught a lesson.
Yeah, you tried that already.
Remember? Didn't work out so well for you.
Apparently, I underestimated you.
I'm not gonna make that mistake again.
Now, this time I'm coming after someone you care about.
That's a pretty short list.
Oh, I think it's longer than you think.
Think of it as a scavenger hunt.
The hell does that mean? Patience, Syd Burnett.
Let's see if you can figure it out.
I'll give you 24 hours.
See you soon.

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